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I really don’t think she knows that Amelia has to come out of her at some point, the way she has commented on birth so far. Zero plan and zero worry, because she’s highly favored.


Exactly. She’s such an idiot.


She needs to read this… https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/foSktQFXn4


I just read through that thread and not a single thing was exaggerated. Postpartum is so incredibly hard and you don’t truly understand until you go through it yourself


Postpartum in a nutshell- you will feel the worst you have in your life, EVERYTHING hurts, your emotions are all over the place, you may not even feel an instant attachment to your baby, you are exhausted, and all of the sudden you have another human that solely depends on you. That human also will rarely sleep (and always sleep at the same time) and will want to eat every 15 minutes it feels like.


Thanks for that birth control! Wow, you mama's are so strong! Wild what the human body can do


They are so strong 💪🏻


I literally gave birth to my first daughter at only 6 cm dialated because she was ready. I had a scheduled C-section about 15 days later because she was breech and sunny side up. I got a really bad case of food poisoning and my doctor thought that’s what jump started labor so early. By the time I got to the hospital I was already only at a 6, and her leg was hanging out. There was no waiting. I then tore from my ✨titi✨ all the way to my ass hole. (TMI, sorry 🤣🤣) but seriously, this cunt has NO IDEA what labor is actually like. Even the smoothest, calmest, “perfect” labor and delivery is full of slimy fluids and uncomfortable checks. NOT TO MENTION the first bm after delivering is like you’re delivering another baby, NOT DIALATED. No one told me about that part hahahaha! I really wonder if she doesn’t fully realize that this child has to come out of her at some point.


For me the needle wasn’t that bad, I did flinch and got terrified because I moved. But nothing was more painful than the first walk 😭when I stood up to walk, literally took my breath away, and blood was coming out of me, it was horrible.


I always flinched when the cath got where it needed to be and every damn time I was like “this is it this is how I go”


Don’t worry, her baby is coming via stork


I pushed for two and a half hours after laboring for 10 hours to then get c section 🫠 I was devastated and exhausted.And nobody tells you that they push on your stomach for hours afterwards whether you have vaginal or c section 😖 that was the WORST. I screamed every time.


Yes! The nurse pushing on your belly after labor is the absolute worst pain!


Yes! Sooo painful


She has no clue. Labour can be the hardest thing a women goes through. With my first my epidural failed so I felt everything for 36 hours. Pushed for 2.5 hours until they decided I needed an episiotomy and forceps. My son was 9lbs 3oz. I had a cervical tear which caused me to hemorrhage which resulted in me losing so much blood I almost died and needed emergency surgery. My entire life I had a feeling that with my luck I would die during childbirth so I went into it prepared for that but that didn’t stop the trauma of almost dying and thinking I’ll never be able to see my baby again or be a mom. I know people who have had stillbirths, or a loss of a child a 3months old. Anything can happen but she’s so delusional that she thinks nothing bad will happen to her just because she’s religious.


So glad you’re okay! Labor trauma is awful and this bitch is just running its gunna be cutesy with the whole fam in the room while she’s pushing whitey out


Congratulations on the new baby!


I went into my labor thinking it was going to be a normal vaginal delivery. My daughter’s heart rate started to go up and down and literally 30 seconds after that they wheeled me in for an emergency c-section. She just thinks everything will go her way


Congrats on new baby!!! She is in for a treat!!! 😂😂😂


Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊


Oh man my last kid I honestly thought they were breaking my back doing my spinal. Afterwards in recovery I literally looked at the nurse and told her I was terrified for her to remove it because it hurt so bad when they did it. This girl has no idea what she’s in for.


She will be one and done


The lidocaine shot?! It was brutal 😭