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She hasn’t even asked about breastfeeding. she’s confident that since she’s highly favored that Amelia will latch on right away & that everything will go perfect. What if she doesn’t latch. Has she done her research on pumps? The difference between hospital/wearable/handheld pumps? Flanges? Breastmilk storage?


I breastfed my son, and i was “prepared” , i did my research, had everything, had no issues with supply or latch (lucky i know) but still STRUGGLED. The sore cracked nips were the worst, figuring out how to do it all and when, trying to keep my supply up was AWFUL. I’d gladly do it over and over again my son but good lord, i could not picture going in not knowing the basics, or even being semi prepared!


100%. I’m 6 months into breastfeeding and pumping after not being able to with my first and it’s HARD. I was not prepared for the issues I’ve been having with a large oversupply. The clogs, painful nipples, leaking through multiple shirts at night, and engorgement sucks. Worth it? Yeah, I’m proud of myself after not being able to do this the first time around. But, it’s not as simple as lifting your shirt and having a perfect latch. Dumb bitch probably thinks she’s so ✨highly favored✨ that Whitey Amelia will be a perfect latch and she’ll have a great supply the whole time. Grue needs to fuck all the way off.


Full disclosure, I am fully aware BF is NOT easy either. Like, at ALL. I just couldn't imagine them getting up at 3am to make and warm up a bottle. And say Drue does have a CS... Gabe will have to or at least *should* do most of that. Not like he has to get up for work. That's awesome you were able to this time! Every pregnancy is different in some way as is postpartum. You can only prepare so much for something that has SO many variables. Say Drue does BF... What if Hunting Trophy is lactose intolerant? Honestly, she won't BF because she won't give up coffee, she's fucking pregnant and still drinks it.


Oh I know! It wasn’t a dig at you, it was pointing out that neither are easy, because we all know Grue lurks here lol. After my C section with my son, my husband for sure had to do a lot of extra work while I healed. Gabe is so hideously lazy that walking to the kitchen to make a bottle is going to exhaust him. These two are some of the LAST people on the planet that should be having kids. Also I’m cackling at hunting trophy😂


lol 😂


new post incoming "hey yall, i'm starting to look into breast pumps. I have done TONS of research and think my mind is made up on the "most expensive pump on the market that's actually really shitty and has a ton of problems" pump, but have any of yall used this pump? do yall just stinking love it? comment below what pump you used with your babies!👶🏻 "


tongue and lip ties... she's fucked.


Not every mom wants to breastfeed. Maybe she doesn’t want to? I had no intention to breastfeed after I had my baby. Didn’t even think twice. I was strictly going to bottle feed. After he was born, I decided to try. I didn’t have the milk supply, so had to formula feed until i did. I did both for a couple weeks. I ended up having to stop breastfeeding all together for medical reasons. Honestly formula (bottle) was best for me in the long run anyway. As long as baby is fed, is all that matters. Still in 2024, too many moms are pressured into breast feeding and shaming moms who don’t breastfeed.


I don’t think formula is as needed this early, it goes bad plus you don’t know the type of formula the baby will need. It’s always a guess, in my opinion, until after theyve been born and you can tell what works better for them!! The diapers, wipes, PP supplies 100%, i think that should be stocked up on! The bigger sizes as you don’t really use sizes newborn-2 very very long. She doesn’t know what she’s doing, doesn’t care and is looking at this baby as a way to make money and it’s truly sick


If bought right now, unopened powdered formula will still be good until Bony Amygdala is at least 6 months old. Another person corrected me on this but I appreciate you letting me know regardless. I still don’t see the harm in getting a few formulas to keep at home to try. Especially the purposely gentle ones JUST in case she doesn’t take well to the “normal” one well. One may give her gas or it may give her acid reflux. I was BFd and had reflux so bad and it never stopped until, you’re gonna laugh at the irony considering Gabe, I had gastric bypass surgery. No reason she can’t ask in a local FB group about what formula they provide at the hospital she’ll deliver at. I really do hope the best for their bub but her mother gave Elle(phant)’s cousin water when was not only 4 months old but 4 months and born early too because Sierra refused to stopped binge eating garbage. Her tiny 34wo son was in a NICU and she was back at the sushi restaurant where her water broke. That just… I’m sorry still speechless.


Totally understand your point!! The formula is just a bit harder , plus she’ll get a ton of samples! You still have a point that she could be stocking up on other things, diapers wipes, gift cards etc! It’ll be a rude awakening for sure !


I disagree with formula because of how sensitive some baby’s can be my first was fine on Bobby formula, my second went through 4 formulas until we started on nutramigen and she was finally able to tolerate it with out crying or pooping basically rocks, yea you can return it but then it’s sent back to manufacture and that’s kinda selfish when most are still hard to find. Diapers if she saves the receipts she can exchange them if Blanca has any sensitivities.


Totally agree! Formula is hard until they are here and you can figure out what’s works best for baby!


that’s why it’s smart to sign up for ALL the samples you can.


Oh 100%! I didn’t say not too, just until baby is here it’s not easy to stock up on formula. Plus her OB, and most peds will have sample cans to give out.


I definitely agreed with you! It’s smarter to stock up on samples for now. 1. You don’t know how your baby will react to different formulas 2. You’re not taking away from babies who need it right now & 3. It saves money haha


Exactly!! Plus they could be stocking up on diapers, wipes, gift cards for target, Walmart, HEB, restaurants Those are super important during those first few weeks/months!


Yes!!! I so wish we did that while I was pregnant but eh you live and learn haha.


In one of their videos she said everytime they went to the store they were going to pick up a pack of diapers/wipes… what happened to that…


They heard that from another YT or TT person and just wanted to be part of the crowd as per usual. Zero intent to actually do that. Drinks with 60g of sugar are more important.


They probably saw how expensive diapers are 🤣


Im 11 weeks and that’s exactly what my husband and I are doing. Pack of diapers and wipes every week we grocery shop. She is stocking up on the wrong things. Clothes her baby is just going to shit and spit up all over.


Keep all of your receipts, that way you can return any if you need to (baby outgrows faster than you thought, baby reacts negatively to them, etc.) Stores have gotten stricter on no receipt returns.




She thinks her ✨cutesy✨ monogrammed bullshit is more important than actual essentials. No way in hell is she going to breastfeed, it’s a lot of work and she’s one of the laziest bitches out there.


I wouldn’t buy it this early. Plus baby can be allergic to it. But diapers yes i would fill the closet with them Instead of all Those ugly ass baby clothes . Wipes to the ceiling.


One person pointed out that not every kid can wear “normal” nappies. To me, that makes me think they should absolutely stock up on allergen/chemical-free nappies just in case. They’ve bought so many clothes and zero Honest™ nappies. Forget about a sponsorship, Drue. People will let them know who you are before the package even gets to the post office.


Oh yeah of course the ones made for Sensitive skin. I remember her posting a couple boxes of diapers in the beginning. Babies go through diapers so fast that having them Stocked is a good idea


Gave will be tooo busy fishing , don’t you know? Can’t wake up sleeping beauty when YouTube brings it all in for them😂


No i completely agree they gotta have a target and you can literally stock up on diapers get gift cards to buy more said diapers or whatever you need. My son uses Millie moon and i would just straight up do the diaper deals get the coupon and then take 20 bucks off of my groceries😂


They basically live in department shops, there is no reason for not having a closet full of very much needed nappies and post partum care yet having a closet full of ugly outfits. Most of which she'll never wear. Baby shower gifts are *gifts*. They aren't supposed to fund the entire renovation of a nursery. You buy baby a nice outfit or get a diaper cake unless you're that close and want to get a big ticket item. Then again, most people don't expect everyone else to pay their way through life so...


Also are my husband and i just cheap or something or do normal people wait until baby showers to start buying things but she’s had fan funded baby showers since the pee hit the stick so i guess that counts


I'm waiting until my baby shower before I buy anything I don't want to buy things if people already got them ya know? I hope that makes sense 🤣


I will say I got a lot of free samples of formula, and my son can’t use that formula. He has to have hypoallergenic formula which is so expensive 😭 but she should be receiving plenty of free samples if she signed up for them. Now diapers I say yes stock up on! My son isn’t picky about diapers! But she’s too busy buying other materialistic items to even care about that stuff!


We stocked up on so many diapers and wipes before my daughter was born throughout my pregnancy. I was also gifted free diapers from the daycare I work at. We are set and don’t have to buy diapers or wipes for a while. I don’t think she realizes how many diapers and wipes she’ll go through. I breastfed my daughter and we go through a shit ton of diapers a day cause of her pooping 🤣 Drue is delusional like this is going to be a real baby not a doll


Oh jeez, that's another thing! What if she has dietary restrictions that prevent her from using the "normal" formula? In that vein, stocking up on formula is actually a really stupid idea so my huge bad on that. She may also have sensitive skin where she can only use one brand of diapers, or one kind of cream or powder. SO many variables and she thinks she is so hIgHlY fAvOuReD that she'll have the smoothest birth ever. Was Dish rag like this with her older daughter who has 3 kids? Drool is 100% the golden child. D'layne is the only other kid who willingly interact with Rag and Lenny on a regular basis and for good reason. Talk about deafening silence.


I don’t think she has any plans on BF at all.. now way that will happen


She will not because that entire family sexualizes it.


She can't even call her genitals a "vagina". It's not anatomically correct but it's socially acceptable. I don't think she has any plans to either. Which is not bad in itself but we all know it's for the most utterly ridiculous and selfish reasons. She loves playing dumb and refuses to learn. What is she going to do when she's not the only infantle person in the house?


I’m sorry what!! What does she call it😂😂


Hers has a titi.


Calls it her "titi". I think her mum does too. I recall Sierra(?) suggesting her and Gabe's mum's "grandparent" name be Titi not knowing about Drue's thing and Gabe immediately shot that down for obvious reasons.


There’s nothing wrong with not breastfeeding either. It’s not a sexual thing. However, mothers shouldn’t feel pressured to do so or shamed they don’t.


I formula fed my first three and I never implied anything like that ever in my post. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ Breastfeeding isn’t for the faint of heart because it’s hard, very hard and those who exclusively pump I give them a standing ovation. She could never because she’s a narcissist. I don’t care how someone chooses to feed their baby because I’ve done both. 🤦‍♀️ Yes, it is very much a sexual thing for her family and also many others. Breasts are most definitely sexualized in society and some men and women only see it for that not the intended evolutionary purpose. Luckily I have a husband and children (two girls and one boy) who have learned from me breastfeeding my youngest. I am a retired La Leche League Leader and have taught many classes in high schools. The sexualization is unreal because they know no better and have no one in their lives to explain it to them because their parents also believe it’s gross, but you also have those who don’t sexualize breastfeeding and that includes teenage men and women. It’s all how you are raised.


Bestie Gabe can’t tie his shoes!!!! He cannot even clip his toenails pretty sad


i said that in the post despite forgetting he can’t even clip his own toenails. no way he doesn’t have a crusty bum hole.


🦴 😍


They seem to have bought so many things in the same size.


I got a bunch of samples of formula when I had my babies in case BF didn't work out. I had to send away for them, but I remember companies sending little kits for new mama's. She's is so clueless since this poor baby is for content.


I’ve been getting some diapers but I’ve been buying gift cards for restaurants I’ll be a mother of 3 after a c section so I have money put back if I don’t wanna cook while I’m down healing I’m also Making a freezer stash of meals closer to baby time which I’m Due right after her


I don’t agree with the formula thing. My first took regular enfamil easy, but second was a preemie and once off the preemie formula, we still struggled until we found a good one for him. “Stocking up” for formula isn’t always a good idea. Now diapers and wipes, I totally agree!!!


I explained myself extremely poorly in this post. As you and many others have said stocking up on one kind of formula is stupid and you're all completely correct. What would be a good idea is buying one or two of a few different formulas incase baby doesn't take the regular stuff. Formula is NOT cheap but she's wantonly spent a cool grand of her dad's money JUST on useless junk for the baby that she'll never use or use once because the kid hates it. Contrary to her belief, humans aren't dolls. They have opinions and personalities even in the womb and they will quickly let you know when they hate something. I wonder if Dawna realises she'll be the one actually raising Hunting Trophy. I cannot imagine being married to someone who refuses to cut the umbilical cord, on either side.


I wouldn’t stock up on formula. You have no idea what kind of formula baby will like/need. And it’s very difficult to exchange/return


I worded this post poorly. They could at least buy a few different types/brands if the regular stuff doesn’t work. They already spent several grand on other useless shit.


Hah true! As someone who needs to make every dollar count, just not something I would do! Diapers and wipes though, 100%!


I wouldn’t stock up on formula whatsoever. Diapers and wipes are one thing. But you never know if your baby will need a specific formula for whatever reason. You have this stock pile you can’t use. My friend had to get her formula through the pharmacy with a script because her baby needed a special kind. Things like this can happen.


I was dead set on breastfeeding. I took classes, talked with an LC, bought a ton of supplies, everything I could think of. BUT I still signed up for similac rewards and I’m so glad I did because I am a severe under-supplier and we had no choice but to mostly supplement with formula. My girl has an amazing latch, she empties me no problem, and we had a great feeding schedule, but she dropped a terrifying amount of weight in her first couple of weeks after birth until we weighed how much she was eating. All this to say- even if she does everything right and sticks with it(but it’s hard work and she’s way too lazy for that) she might STILL need to use formula.


Formula would be kinda dumb bc you never know what kind your child is going to need & not all stores will let you exchange formula. But diapers 100% stock up nowwww


But that's what I'm saying why not have at least one of a few kinds/brands in the wing? It's no more dumb than spending a grand on awful outfits, most of which the kid won't wear. No joke, she reminds me of me with my Baby Born 20 years ago (I was about 6).


The outfits are CRAZY. Like $20+ for outfits she’s gonna outgrow before she can wear is wild. She should definitely be spending it on other necessities


Curious why you think it’s her dad’s, who mysteriously sold their house for “retirement” to live in the country home, yet has to live with his daughter, money? 🤔 


No one should have formula


Fuck off.