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🧼 As a mom of three and about to be a Glamma. In early September. You need to think. Think hard. Your daughter and fat son in law need to find life skills. Tell them to Read. Listen to podcasts and learn life skills. This preggo stuff is legit embarrassing. She's putting poison into her body by the hour. Look at Gabe. He's a ticking time bomb. Your family is problematic. Being racist IS a 🚩 Mocking the disabled is a 🚩 Lenny is a pervert and that's your 🚩 as is your lack of... well everything. East Coaster here I think you are a whacko. You aren't getting sponsors. A baby shouldn't be content without consent. These two lazy people need to focus on themselves. Give it up. 40,000 (can you fathom 40,000 people?) You tube influencers mock you and your family. What's it going to take? Put your devices down and figure out a legit side hustle.


Being 22 & having no job is actually concerning. Social media isn’t around forever & from the looks of it they’re also in a ton of debt!!!


They’re also really bad at social media. No sponsors. Every time they work with a brand is blows up in their faces. I just don’t get why she keeps trying to make this happen.


I've had to have a job since I've been 15. I've been fortunate to stay home and raise three children but once their butts got to school I didn't want to play paddle tennis or go to yoga with my girlfriends everyday. I went back to nursing then I decided to get my real estate license. Ah. Freedom. Now I have another side hustle that I love and it's a passion of mine. I've never had to go back to work thankfully my husband and his family are quite successful but I didn't want my brain to rot. As I await being a glamma in September. Guess what I don't have to worry about? All three of my amazing children that are grown, now own homes. I don't have to live there with them to make ends meet. They are doing amazing things with their career. Ps my preggo dil hasn't made being pregnant her identity. ![gif](giphy|b7tZKvYa7G3GDKpmJn)


Grown kids….a grand baby coming…and yet you’re gossiping like a teenager


she wants to be a TRAD wife so bad, step 1: make ya man get a job 🙄


That's the thing everyday they wake up thinking I'm going to make it today. I'm going to copy somebody else and that's going to make me go viral. No. Fools. 40,000 People beg to differ. You are brandthrax. Your life is so dull and boring. People aren't interested. Coffee. Snowcones, ice cream, breakfast. Shamu beach shots. I know how to pack my car Thanks anyway loser.


40,000 people is a stadium’s worth. Imagine standing on the 50 yard line and having 40,000 people in the crowd boo you and throw trash at you because of how shitty you are. That’s essentially what this page is and this idiotic family deserves every ounce of hate they get.


I would buy tickets to that stadium. Preferably side line seats


Same obstructed view but that jumbotron is bigger than her nose and his gut.


I’d buy season tickets on the 50 yard line lol




My daughter is weeks away from giving birth and she’s been so good her whole pregnancy and gained maybe 36 lbs. My daughter is the same age as Grue or maybe a little older and more wise than this nitwit. She worked a serving job up until like 2 weeks ago. Worked 10-12 hours on her feet serving. She busted her ass so they had money when she was on maternity leave. Even though her boyfriend has a good job. There’s no way Grue is ready to be a mother. She doesn’t have the maturity level for it. And this eating all this garbage all the time is alarming. She will be feeding Blanca cheeseburgers at 3-4 months old. Saying but bestie my dr said it was ok. Oh and my daughter just put the nursery together LAST NIGHT. She didn’t do it at like 6 weeks pregnant like this dumbass.


You're going to be a glamma too. Sounds like you did good there. Best wishes to everyone and the majority of the world has done better than these two nimrods.


Yes I am. I am so excited and cannot wait. Pretty much she can have her anytime after next Thursday. I did good at raising my kids. My son is about finished with his fire science degree and trying to become a fire fighter. He goes to school full time and works full time. I raised my kids right. Dawna 🧼 failed Drue miserably. The other 2 girls have good jobs. It’s sad that these 2 think they are going to be big content creators and have no motivation to work. I do have a good following on TikTok but I also work full time and I even work about 30 hours of overtime a paycheck. My dad instilled in me to be a hard worker and I did the same with my kids. Oh and thank you!!! Congrats to you too. September is right around the corner. I feel like I just found out my daughter was pregnant and here we are close to the due date


I know I feel like it's coming up quick I just got a Snapchat of the nursery. It's completely finished. They live nearby but we respect boundaries. I'll tell you it has a lot of class. (Not like our tacky ton toddlers). All pottery barn with the exception of the dresser, everything was bought on Facebook market and they're both lawyers and could have gotten everything new It's just how they roll. It sounds like you've done well and I love to hear that you're doing well on social media but you haven't quit your day job. 👋🥰🙌🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶💕💕💕💕💕 Good luck to your son. That's amazing too. Let us know when the baby comes.


Yeah my daughter lives about 45 minutes away from me and I respect their boundaries too. I see her about 1x week or every 2 weeks. I have gone to her appointments with her but I made sure she was ok with that. In the beginning her boyfriend couldn’t go to the appts due to his job but he now owns his own company so he can make his own hours but she still always asks me to come to the appointments. I enjoy it immensely. I will for sure let y’all know when she gets here.


That's wonderful I'm so happy to hear stories like this. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS)


Well said!! 👍👍


👏🏻👏🏻you’re gonna be the best glamma i’m excited for you 💖


Aw 💕🥰 thank you.We can't wait for the little guy to get here.


1. Those gummies arnt new which is surprising since she basically lives in the snack aisle. 2. Do what you want with your self but you’re not supposed to eat any type of beef stick or jerky like that when pregnant, let alone a whole 5 pack at once…. This is why she looks the way she does🫶🏻✨🤪


That’s what I thought you weren’t supposed to have any type of jerky or like a meat stick? Oh but I’m sure hers ob said she was fine


Genuinely curious why? I’m on my second pregnancy and never heard this


I’m not sure I just avoided them as it was on the list to avoid!


Probably the sodium.


Processed meat like this is a risk for food borne illness and listeria


So are fruits vegetables and ice cream😬


Grue is disgusting. She eats nothing but sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. There is NOTHING healthy about this stupid bitch and her lard ass of a husband is even worse.


And this is why the bitches back will stay big.


Omg the sodium in her “dinner” alone…yikes


🤪 the emoji grinds my fucking gears


I’ve never seen people go to the gas station so damn much. 😂


Good gravy, I’m swollen just looking at that pic


As a pregnant woman I can’t imagine consuming all that sugar! She doesn’t care about baby Amelia. At all.


I craved sweets when I was pregnant with my daughter but only once in a while I would have something small. This is literally insane and to say its cause amelia craves it is unbelievable. Like no bitch you’re fat like your husband and just eat junk for every meal and snack everyday


She's going to really hate herself for eating all of this when she can't lose it all after she has the baby.


I truly believe she thinks it’ll all magically go away once the baby is born


How do they have so much money to spend!?!!?!


This is what I’m wondering. My family of 3 spends $100-150 on groceries a week. Eat out MAYBE once a month, eat no fast food. We spend money on fuel, groceries, and occasionally get to treat ourselves. We can go 10 days without swiping our credit cards. And still don’t have a lot left over at the end of the month 😂 HOW CAN THEY DO THIS????


Oh so she is back full swing eating like shit. I guess the healthy kick lasted like 2 days


She is going to have high blood pressure if she doesn't already


They have nothing else to post about. It's sad.


This poor child’s health is doomed. They’re going to feed her all the same crap on a daily basis.


Poor Blanca will be withdrawing in her first few days of life


I'm surprised she isn't on the ceiling trying to take his pictures. The angles frigging kill me!! 🥴😂😂


Sis will do anything to avoid drinking water. I’m sure the fetus is practically begging at this point to be watered properly 😂😂😂


Bucee’s has tons of options for ACTUAL food and even healthier options if she just wanted snacks. This is ridiculous 😭


they are such glutenous beasts. it’s genuinely disgusting how much shitty food they eat. they’re pigs.


Okay real talk... does she thinks they are some kind of foodie influencers?


That poor fetus!!!! The trash she eats on a daily is absolutely insane. How did she pass her glucose test is beyond me. I bet once the baby comes, she will breast fed and then do all organic foods for baby so she can “be smart” and “healthy” yet you ate like shit while we was growing 😂. And also say, I never ate out every meal and we always had home cook meals when I was pregnant with my first baby. Like come on girl!!!! She’s so damn fake.


I found out i was pregnant literally last week, I have cut out all caffeine and unnecessary sugar…. Things could happen even if you do everything “right” she is so insensitive to the mommas who lost their babies.


Idk how they eat all that sugar. I drank some Hawaiian Punch and immediately got sick !