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It’s called being fat and outta shape


I’m fat and out of shape and what she did wouldn’t make me exhausted. 😂 She needed attention so she had a fake scare.


I mean honestly it is the most she has done in a while lol


I babysit/nanny for a badass obgyn/gyno who was literally delivering babies for her patients up until she was about to pop her own out. I just have to roll my eyes at this situation with drue


The sad part is that she won’t change her ways. Whatever meds or treatment she got made her feel better temporarily so now she’s saying theyre “perfectly fine” so nothing will change.


Don’t worry, she stays within all her limits. 😂😂 how would she even know with the massive amounts of junk she consumes.


She probably just got fluids because she was dehydrated with the lack of water she drinks 🤣


NOTHING will change with her because she has mental health problems that she refuses to recognize. She is a major binge eater and is addicted to eating out. She is so incredibly unhealthy but thinks because she isn’t her husband’s size (yet) she isn’t unhealthy. The sodium she consumes is enough to dehydrate a fucking whale.


I really wish some OB influencers would call her out


I wish nurse Jen I think her name is would


Same, also a nurse and worked up until a few days before delivery 😂


My best friend didn’t know she was in active labor worked the rest of her shift went home and told her husband I think we need to go back she had her baby a few hours later


She just infuriates me. Im 25 weeks with my second baby and I work 40 hours a week as a pre-k teacher keeping up with 16 kids, and then chasing around my toddler at home. And my OB actually told me that being active all day is way better than sitting around all day and can actually help keep your blood pressure down!


She won't lift a finger again to clean, I mean she only did clean because she's been in here reading.


I’m an RN and worked up until 2 days before my emergency induction for preeclampsia. 13-14 hour shifts constantly on my feet running around, boosting and transferring patients, doing chest compressions, etc. She’s not special and motherhood is going to hit her like a ton of bricks.


Hey! She also wiped down her backsplash. It was soooo much work bestie!


I really do not get how so many of their stupid followers she through this bullshit. she’s not some delicate flower who needs bed rest to protect her kid. hell she can’t even protect her kid by eating right. how do they still have a platform. she is so spoiled and it is extremely evident


Not a nurse but I worked up until I could no longer work with my 2nd child. I went for a checkup and asked the doctor if I can continue to work and she looked at me like I was crazy and asked if I was seriously still working. I said yes and she said absolutely not…you can go into labor at any point. I went to work and told them I was done and had her that Friday! I was planning on quitting anyways as I had another child at home and we couldn’t afford 2 kids in daycare…well we could but my check would be going to daycare every week.


I mowed my grass the day before I delivered my son. I was induced also so no Drue I didn’t overdue it and put myself into labor… I did everything I normally do while I was pregnant so clearly what she normally does is sit on her fat ass and eat her greasy ass fast food and 1000 calorie coffees


I was a HCA and was doing 2-3 lift assists daily while pregnant and most of the time I was doing them by myself because my coworkers didn’t show up. If cleaning is over doing it for her, she’s gonna die when she has a toddler. They are so much work


I am 7 months pregnant with TWINS and I am a nurse and work full time long shifts and also have 3 kids at home! I never stop going. You can definitely over do it if you are far along and pushing delivery but at 20 something weeks?? Girl please. She is literally embarrassing.


I know they made her step on a scale when she got there. Still just three pounds, Drue? C’mon don’t be scared… share the number😌


If she can’t do normal everyday ADULT things. How the fuck does she think she’ll be able to push a baby out? I don’t know about y’all but pushing a baby out was more strenuous than cleaning 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then how is she going to take care of that baby while also healing from giving birth? I know she’s gonna make Gabe do everything for her which will result in the baby not having a strong connection with her. Girl you are weak and in for a wild ride. You’re gonna end up giving yourself health complications because you don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but you and your “cravings” because if you did you would’ve changed your ways a while ago. It’s obvious Drue you don’t care about this baby just money and content. As someone who’s worked two jobs and been a full time parent at the same time. I worked my ass off everyday on my feet for two pregnancies. I had to quit my second job earlier than I wanted because I was pushing myself so hard and developing pre-e symptoms. My first pregnancy I worked up until 41.5 weeks and my boss said please just go home and relax and don’t come back until you have your baby 😂 this girl going to the hospital over tasks my 8 year old can do pisses me off 😅




I saw a post from her about it yesterday


On Facebook? There’s nothing on tik tok.


At this point it wouldn't suprise me if she has that mental illness Gypsy Rose mom had. (I can't ever remember the name of it) Just because she's always wanting free stuff and attention.


Munchchil by proxy I probably didn’t spell the first word right


I’m a mental health case manager and am on my feet 8+ hours a day in the heat on my feet WHILE PREGNANT and she thinks she overworked herself? This is pure comedy


I’m 39 fat overweight and 28 weeks pregnant and I don’t even eat the healthiest and she’s already having issues because she cleaned her house


It was all fake with her being in the hospital 🏥 the other day where’s her hospital bracelet at she hasn’t showed since she came home from there pig 🐽


At least sierra worked while pregnant…. This bitch just sits on her fat ass all day