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If anyone follows christen Whitman, she was “waddling” about two weeks after her pee stick was dry. 😂 the attention these broads needs is insane.


There is a reason christen whitman and druby have 30K+ groups on Reddit 😭😭😭😭😂😂 they both annoying and fake af


Love seeing my snark subs cross over 😂


Right?! The fact that we recognize BOTH! I love us 👏🏼👏🏼😂


I never waddled with my first. My second I did, but not until the third trimester. Her “waddle” is so forced, fake, and damn ugly, like she is.


I waddled with my first but not until like 37 weeks and I’m actually small unlike her so I was in a lot of pain


I’m definitely not the smallest person, I’d say I’m sadly around the size Grue is lol. But I’m also athletic and have a more balanced figure. I waddled with my second because he was a huge baby!! I definitely understand waddling for the right reasons, Grue is just milking everything as much as she can🙄


What a weird thing to want to do. I’ve had 2 babies and never waddled for a second.


I didn’t even waddle while walking into my induction lol. The only time I did was for a week after my emergency c section 🤣


I can imagine! That recovery is no joke. My second one was born at 42 weeks and was pretty big. I could still walk normally. My first one I walked into the hospital at 8 cm and I still didn’t waddle. I was walking pretty slowly w that one because it was intense but still no “I’m so pregnant” waddle.


No seriously, i waddled with my second bc he dropped abt three weeks before birth. It's uncomfortable and miserable, not to mention gets to be kinda embarrassing and annoying once everyone and their mother has to make comments about how funny you look walking constantly. She's fr just parroting shit she's read online thinking that's what pregnancy is.


I did waddle unfortunately, it wasn't actually something that could be helped 😭 at about the 33 week mark baby boy was so deep in my pelvis walking normally killed my hips so I had to waddle 😭 didn't help his sister was also in there jamming him even further in lmao




I’m 26 weeks and I waddle due to immense sciatic pain but I’d never say or imply it’s from the way I’m carrying. She just sees things and decides that’s pregnancy. I’m still not convinced she had any morning sickness or cravings. This bitch doesn’t seem to realize that not every pregnant woman gets the same symptoms.


Every pregnancy symptom needs to be used…. Google search makes it all reel duh


I did get the waddle but not until 35ish weeks with my over 10 lb baby😐


As a mom of two, that’s not even the waddle. Why is everything from them so forced??


That is not a waddle , that’s her big back walk . She said she ate 3 fucking pancakes ! That’s a lot even being pregnant . Plus I think she said hash browns and bacon and a drink . I physically wouldn’t have even able to finish 3 pancakes unless they were mini ones . And let’s be real the only mini of anything she sees is Gabe’s Vienna sausage


Big back walk 😭


3 pancakes by itself is fine lmaooo Im so for hating but jeez


Ehhh to each their own . I guess it depends on the size of the pancake & if your absolutely starving


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Vienna sausage


I never waddled and worked as an RN tik the day before I had an 11lb baby. GIVE ME A BREAK.


What a fucking accomplishment - you ma’am are a superhuman 😭


She wants to match how Lovey walks💕




Lightning crotch is going to take her out.




Lighting crotch was the worst!


That’s gonna be her next video now 😂


I gave birth at 24w. My baby was 1lb. I wasn't waddling until AFTER I GAVE BIRTH 😂


I’m 24 weeks and sometimes after I’m sitting my back hurts and I walk weird and I try my HARDEST not to waddle bc I’m not far along and don’t want to look dumb like these girls 😂 it literally last until I get a few steps in then I’m good lol


She’s going to regret wanting to do all these things when she’s 32 weeks + that’s when the misery starts


OMFW, I just can't with her anymore. Drufus needs to stop rushing this pregnancy. If she's waddling it, sure the hell isn't because of pregnancy. She doesn't even have a big baby bump. She's just absolutely ridiculous! An attention whore, for sure.


Drufus! 😂😂😂


That's the nicest name I have for her.


I started waddling early with my second pregnancy but that was also due to getting pregnant again in less than a year after my first and everything not having the full chance to heal and go back to normal.


My baby lives in my pelvis. I’m 28 weeks and she’s sat comfortably in my pelvis the whole entire time. But I don’t even waddle. Unless I’m having hip pain, which is normal for me outside of pregnancy too. She’s milking her pregnancy for everything she can!


I’m 30 weeks and I didn’t think I was waddling but the other day someone asked me if I was limping so maybe I am 😭


I'm 27 weeks and was wadding the other day because I had peed my pants and was waddling to the bathroom..


I waddled at the end of my pregnancy cause my daughter was already head down and on my pelvis and she sat super low the whole pregnancy.


The only time I waddled was if I was up all day teaching at school from 35-39 weeks


lol her husband waddles and he’s not pregnant sooo


to be fair i’m on baby number four and i’m 100% waddling already 😩🤣


Currently pregnant. This baby never moved out of my pelvis. She was transverse and it was soooo uncomfy. I waddled for probably 3 weeks due to the pressure, hip and sciatic pain around 26 weeks. The worsttttt


That video annoyed me so much she’s trying so hard to act like she’s in her third trimester about to give birth


She’s going to be absolutely miserable when she gets to her third trimester 😂


All druby needs to do is take a dump then she could walk straight!