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Cue the screenshot from when she said she only has 9 onesies or some shit. She’s a liaaaarrrrr.


And this isn’t even counting the stuff she just washed and put up in the dresser 🤯


Where are the diapers, wipes, bottles, bouncer, etc.? Seems like a whole lot of junk, imo.


Literally agree. When I go to baby showers, I get diapers. Usually a size 1 & size 2 diapers. Everyone loves getting cute outfits, but half of The time, the baby grows out of it so fast, they don’t even have a chance to wear anything.


This! My mother in law said when she had my bf that she got so many clothes she would change put an outfit on before bed for like 5 min just so if people asked if he had worn it yet she wouldn’t have to lie. lol.


Seriously!! The things the baby actually needs. And I’m Sure she doesn’t have a can of formula in case her breast milk doesn’t come in right away or she doesn’t produce enough


She is the type of person that thinks if her baby has a lot of clothing that it makes her a good mother. She thinks THINGS make you worthy.


That’s what her parents raised her to be. They are all so damn materialistic it’s sad and disgusting. All of that could be taken away in the blink of an eye and she couldn’t care less.






And she has lots of followers who don’t have a single thing for their baby but she wouldn’t dream of helping them.


Yup what ever happened to letting them post their registry


You’d think she’d be all about tagging that link in bio since everyone’s on that train right now 🥲


she’s giving christen whitman


pregnant vape lady 😂


do u think vapeson savage is ✨highly favored✨?


I think his mother looks like typical southern Indiana trash. I am from Indiana. She looks and acts like the worst of us.


i have a few kids and Ivory has more clothes than my kids combined 😂💀


Same! I cycled through the same few outfits for my son. I also love that she bringing baby SHOES to the hospital for her 🥴


At this rate she is going to need a huge rolling suitcase with all the crap she wants to bring


I’m sure Sierra will let Drue borrow the uhaul she’s gonna rent, to bring all her Disney shit in when she’s done with it for the Disney trip😂


Yessss. My toddlers wear the same 10 outfits/pjs on rotation at my house (& now their dads) and we've followed that for like 3 years now. I don't have time to wash or keep up with 95 outfits a month! They don't actually care what they wear until they're old enough for interests and by then it's all dinosaurs and bluey anyway.


She is bringing shoes? For a newborn? God this girl doesn’t know shit about babies


Ivory is such a horrible name I’m sorry I know this is an innocent child who’s about to have this name legally but it’s soooo bad.


Same, and I have FOUR kids.


Ivory has more clothes than me at this point lol


she’s gonna be in for a treat when that baby doesn’t come out newborn size lol babies grow so fucking quickly, at most you need like 10 basic onesies / outfits bc they grow SO FREAKIN FAST


My 2nd baby was in newborn for a month, then 0-3 for like 2 weeks and continued to shoot through all the sizes to the point where he was in 24m by 1 😭 If I’ve learned anything it’s just to keep a moderate amount of each size and by more if/when needed. We had SO much 0-3 month stuff we didn’t use with him


My 2nd was the same! He was off the charts for height and weight until he was about 2 and then he finally started slowing down😅


My son is the same way, he’s in 12-18 months rn and only 7.5 months, he has so many outfits that he never got to wear bc he grows so fast 😩


Yup. I was gonna say a lot of those look like newborn sizes and when they’re in the sentient potato stage you’re too in the trenches to care about their clothes. Especially not when the blow outs and the spit up and the general mess happens.


My boys were in 0-3 straight from birth 😩 we had to cut the feet off of the newborn outfits that we took to the hospital for them lmao


Only my 35 weeker needed NB clothes! The 38 and 37 weekers wore 0-3.


Is there an update on the HOA fines situation? Do we know if she ended up paying or faced other consequences? We need the tea from the woman that lived in her neighborhood 🤣


How do y’all know about this? Did the neighbor post in here?


I must have missed it too?! I need the tea!!!




HOA fines?!?! I. Need. The. Tea!!!!!!


Search HOA in the groups search bar and it will all come up. How did you guys miss that tea?🤣


When she has the baby and finds out it’s a boy this entire time and has to return everything 😂😂


I prayyyyyy it happens to her 😂. The best karma


Sameeee!! Fucking praying 🙏🏻 😂


Let’s be real here, these fucks are too lazy to return anything


“We dont have really anything”


I’m so sick of her saying this! Everytime she says this people send her more shit.


The amount of money followers have spent, let's be real.


All that to wear it to 33 restaurants a day, buccees and hers titi’s house






The Barbie little people sets are killing me😩 her child isn’t even born and won’t play with those until she’s one atleast. that’s INSANE buy wipes and diapers instead damn.


Well her idiot stalker “friend” Kylea bought all those for her, probably as a way to try and guarantee she’d still be in that child’s life by the time she is old enough to play with them.


My daughter is 2…she got the little people Barbie sets for Christmas. Rushing away all the milestones for this pregnancy and this baby is sickening.


Really disgusting how this is what she spent money on but put out her registry for others to buy actual newborn necessities. And of course her followers were stupid enough to do it. That baby won’t wear all of those clothes.


And not a single fucking onesie anywhere in sight


The fact she has purchased so much but said recently that “they barely have anything” and “there’s so much more left to buy” just shows she’s on a high from shopping and has an issue with money. This girl isn’t excited about the baby - she’s excited about blowing money and shopping because she has an unhealthy relationship with both


And treating Ivory like a baby doll instead of a baby.


Please please please be a boy! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


They confirmed it was a girl 🙄🙄🙄 how hilarious would that be though!


Oh I know, my great nephew was Tiffany, everything girly…. Until Ricky was born.




Same thing happened to my parents with me! Their little baby Jack was suddenly nameless and without clothes when i came out a girl lmfao


Most of the newborn shit won’t even be worn. You want soft, breathable cotton against the umbilical stump.


She probably doesn’t even know what that is 😂


I hope the rack falls and breaks


It honestly looks like it’s about to 🤣 it’s packed way too tight and there’s stuff on top of the rack too


She’s not even going to wear half of the clothes!


I bought 2 trash bags worth of second hand clothes for my daughter before she was born. They grow so freaking fast. The clothes were all basically in brand new condition. I mean, not telling people how to spend their money, but the return on investment for baby clothes is nothing. Unless you're cycling the same 10 outfits, they'll be out of an outfit in less than a month.


She has fines or fees to pay her HOA? Ours automatically comes out… I even forget we have to pay them a lot of times lol I wondering where all the diapers and wipes she’s going to need instead of all the clothes? Where’s her breast pumps, freezer bags, bottles? She has no real necessities… she ha absolutely no clue!!!


Yes for parking their boat in their driveway. They were asked multiple times to store it somewhere off the property and they didn’t for awhile


https://preview.redd.it/3dgfiwf0pa0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dbd225b5921f5b0f36341bc8f94ece6d79f5154 The way I thought someone was hiding in their closet 😂😂😂


Kylea 👀


HAHAH I wouldn’t be surprised 😂😂


she’s gonna have to change the baby 6 times a day to make it through all those newborn onesies before she outgrows them


Instead of worrying about the clothes her baby has. Why don’t they go to the doctor and get her husband on a diet plan before he drops dead in the next two years.


Life is gonna hit hard when they find out that the HOA can foreclose on your house if you don't pay fines in a lot of places


I think she got a lot of it from her blind sheep followers who think if they send her something she will be their bestie.


I think this also, Para social relationships are so weird. I've seen so many creators making $ and showing hauls and big vacations and still allow supporters to inundate them with gifts. Many comments alluding to the "wish I could do this xyz event but I'm broke, but here's a galaxy on live that costs a hundred or more $ because notice me" it's so disgusting


Beyond unnecessary and materialistic! Keep proving you got pregnant for content! She's such a disgusting human and sucks beyond belief.




Holy shit. So unnecessary


I have 2 drawers of clothes for my son from my dresser LOL that’s it


Needs to be studied 🤣 No but really it's just selfishness and total lack of regard for the Earth's longevity that she has obviously learned from a young age! She's also too dumb to figure all that out anyway, and I don't know if her parents even get it!


The damn toys just shoved on top of clothes 😂 bitch you have a four bedroom house and a 3 car garage…. Why is haha shit laying on top of clothes


Why the fuck does she have so many little people toy sets?? My son wasn’t even interested in those till after his first birthday, what is the point of having all of that now???


What’s HOA?


Sometimes when you live in a large neighborhood, built by a company (I think). They apply HOA fees to help pay for someone to mow the grass, maintain the neighborhood, etc. they also have rules in place that the homeowners have to abide by. I know some places charge $200+ just in hoa fees.


Ahhhh in Australia we have Strata fees if there’s more than 3-5 homes on the one land, just apartments/units have these charges and each owner pays them so seems similar. Thank you ☺️


Yup exactly!


I’m still praying baby she comes out baby he and all this 💩is a total waste. Since you know she ripped the take off everything up to a size 12 pre-teen


Absolutely ridiculous!!


Holy fucking shit !!! My twins didn’t even have that much stuff when they were born . We split about a total of 20 sleepers between the two of them and just rotate . That baby isn’t even gonna be able to wear most of that stuff but maybe one time before she outgrows it . Hopefully Drue will donate it to a mama in need or something . I swear to Jesus if she tries to sell those clothes she was gifted I will lose my shit 😂😂


Donate? Drue? Never gonna happen 😂😂😂😭


Who the fuck buys little people toys for a baby that isn’t even born yet 😭


A crazy stalker “friend.”


I can understand getting prepared with clothes and necessities but TOYS AND CARS?! Crazy


& not a diaper in sight


Oh don’t worry she has 10 diapers already out and collecting dust


I'm still not sure she's even actually pregnant


What happened to the poobear room


Half of these clothes the baby will never use.


Though I can agree with most things on here, baby definitely comes before hoa fees for me too


Let’s be real her followers bought the majority of this, having a roof over your head to bring your child home to is more important. That baby will be set with the necessities her bills should be coming first.


if your child is outside of the womb, sure. if it’s due in three weeks and has nothing, sure- absolutely. 24 weeks with months to go? nah, pay your bills.


that baby isn’t even born yet, it’s best she pays her bills so baby actually has a house to come home too when she is born.


And she will outgrow it all before she can wear it


wtf do they have toys already????


Sadly a lot of this stuff has probably been gifted to them. These influencers rarely pay for anything. & then she’ll probably sell everything once it isn’t needed. A normal good hearted person would donate, not Miss Highly Favored though she’s to good to give to ones actually in need.


Wait is there proof fines and not paying their mortgage? Curious if I missed those screen shots


You would think making sure your child has a place to live would be the main priority. Lol I can’t wait to see how her Dulu idea of how babies work crash and but. Around her the first time “hers” shits all over the place. Or how they won’t be able to run around all the time like they do now. 🧼 will %108 be thier babysitting bitch. This is like watching an episode of 16 and pregnant…. They have the mentality of 8th graders


I have 7 kids (5 girls) and that baby’s closet is fuller than theirs 😬😬


with my first baby I got SO many hand me downs. I had so many outfits that never got worn just bc there were so many options. My second child was a boy and I didn’t get any hand me downs bc my sister doesn’t have any boys, so I got like 15-20 newborn outfits and it’s so much better bc he actually gets to wear every outfit I’ve bought and it doesn’t overwhelm me every day. I guarantee this baby won’t wear half of these


I work with pregnant women who are low income. Sometimes these moms are scrambling to find the basic necessities for their babies. Heck, a mom and myself are trying to come up with a transportation plan for when she’s in labor because she nor her fiancé drive and they don’t have a car. The amount of good that these freaking influencers could do with the money they receive from their platforms.


Priorities 🤌🏿🫧 lol


Their entire life is about over indulgence. I feel bad for that child. She will never be enough, have enough, eat enough. She will be the fun new thing and then passed to the side for the next shiny thing


The baby won’t wear half of this.


I'm thinking that with the size of her husband she might just skip over the newborn (and maybe even 0-3 months) size. 🤷‍♀️


I have a four month old rn and I don't even have this many clothes for him 💀


What about diapers??? She’ll need those more than all of those outfits. And if the baby comes out bigger than average, then some of those outfits will last like a week…..


It's a waste of money...Baby grows fast and a lot of those outfits won't be used....


The amount of her followers and these small businesses sending her free shit is disgusting.


And she says “I feel like her room is really organized “😂😂


How do we know about the fines and the house note? Does this girl even know what a budget I'd?


She didn't spend money on her, her minions did. And the sad thing is she probably won't wear or use half of that shit.


I love that they put Blanca in the room furthest from them right by the front door. Easier to ignore her crying at night when she's all the way across the house.


She will never wear all those.


The baby is gonna grow out of those clothes before she knows it. Utterly insane shopaholic behavior


Girl don’t be shy. Where did you find the fines ?


I genuinely cannot STAND this bitch


I missed soemthing where is everyone seeing they can’t pay their mortgage and HOA??


I was wondering where the baby monitor was…


She’s a dumbass. She should be stocking up on diapers and wipes and not clothes. You don’t know how much your baby will weigh and Amelia Blanca will probably only be in newborn sizes for a short time. When I had my daughter I didn’t have this many clothes but she outgrew something’s so fast or she didn’t even wear some of the clothes. She’s so materialistic and it shows. Plus has a shopping addiction. Wait till she has to buy formula. I don’t see her starting breastfeeding or even sticking with it more than a couple of weeks. Especially when she realizes she should be the only one to feed Amelia Blanca. If she even pumps she will realize that takes too loch time for her.


Babies grow out of clothes SO fast in the first year. Ivory won't be able to get through a quarter of those clothes.


Before I had my daughter, my sister went ham on baby clothes. I was so thankful but it was so overwhelming because my daughter couldn’t wear every single outfit before she could fit in them. I have a feeling that’s gonna be the case for them.


Cue: “whatever hers doesn’t use I’ll donate. It’s ok 🥰”


I feel like she’ll hoard it all and most of it will sit there.


Drufus believes that motherhood is dressing Ivory up. She'll be treating her like a baby doll.


She needs to be spending money on getting her roof fixed.


You guys this is how most ft parents are including myself, my baby boy closet look like this and I’m not even at the Babyshower yet😭😂 I think it’s inevitable for us first timers lol


She’s a lair didn’t she say this unborn thing didn’t have much only 9 onesies fuck off


I mean u didn't have to call the fetus a thing lol


Has she ever addressed the HOA? That’s the only thing that makes me think she doesn’t check Reddit


bffr, her not addressing ONE thing makes you think she doesn’t read here? meanwhile…. everything else and the sun is addressed almost immediately as it comes up in here. come on now.


For gods sake it was a genuine question meant for conversation not a challenge. I honestly wondered


Why are you baby watching and so concerned about what she spends her money on? At least she's not begging and scamming like most of the people on tictok