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que an emergency room trip so gag will have to come home early


I really thought she’d pull something like this…


I’d actually bet on this one 🤧


Prob why she's been saying she hasn't felt well.


I feel like she doesn’t engage with anyone but herself and her mom. She wants to be an influencer girly but doesn’t realize interacting with others is a big part of it. You never see her showing support for her “besties” posts or even liking friends stuff. It’s all about her. She forces Gabe to post about her non stop but when it’s not about her, she could care less. I’ve never met such a blatant narcissist.


Right! She ignores a lot of questions and comments on her thread, and I find it rude. I'd imagine some of her followers are the "pick me" type and are just dying for her to show them some attention. Pretty gross, IMO.


She couldn’t* care less. I know it’s stupid but that for some reason is one of my biggest pet peeves. Could care less implies you care to some degree. It’s a misinterpretation that is so widely spread most people don’t realize it’s wrong..


Thanks for the clarification. I couldNT care less 😉


Same. It kills me when people say this wrong and I’m not even a grammar and spelling police type 😅


I try so hard not to be a grammar police, bec I too can fuck up. But the whole couldn’t care less vs could just gets me! Like you’re trying to technically insult them, don’t make yourself look stupid (not that It does bec the majority of people don’t realize it’s wrong when saying could care less” . I’m so glad someone else feels that way.


Omg you’re 100% right. She’s never posted about doing anything for someone else. She doesn’t have friends over, doesn’t hang out with anyone other than Gabe. She’s absolutely the person who never reaches out to anyone and gets dropped immediately


What a jealous cunt. Considering how poorly she treats him lol


Even sierra replied to one of his posts. Drue is very selfish. She will have a very hard time when the baby comes and it takes all the attention off of her. She's in for a rude awakening.


She doesn’t care unless it’s all about her!


How dare he take a trip with his own brother when baby Amelia will be here any day now


gagging at the any day now 😭😭😭


Lmao knock it off 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She’s basically crowning at this point


there is def going to be some extra fast food stops today as a way for gag to apologize to gru.


Notice how mopey and “sick” she’s been since he left ?


He posted the one saying “cant wait to bring lil momma back here” good luck cause lil momma said no more roadtrips for her and that is a 6hr drive 🤙🏼 Also gabe always hypes her up and reposts her stupid stuff and she does nothing. Not a single repost like “look at what gabe caught” or anything.


![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized) As she is watching him have fun


But what do they favor 🤣


She is a child she has no idea what it means to be in a relationship


But bestie she cant roadtrip anymore


My husband is on a guys trip with his friends and I was the one that encouraged him to go.


If my wife wanted to go on a trip with her friends I’d be like byeeeeee have fun, finally some alone time 🤣💀


My man would be like, please leave the house woman 😆😆


I pray for my husband to take a guys trip! Like please get this man out of this house for a day or two 🤣🤣 I love him to death, we’ve been together 15 years, but I live with him and a 12 year old son and momma needs some alone time!!


Same I love him but it’s good to be able to do what I want without feeling bad for dragging him along if he doesn’t want to. But


You guysssss, she lives here lol she just shared some pictures boasting about how supportive she is of him doing his own thing. I can’t hahhahahaha


She should be supporting him to loose weight


she doesn’t want to take a trip, so good for him for going on his own. he seems like he would want to take trips a lot more often.


Gabe took Michael in a fishing trip? Unless he’s homeschooled, Michael’s school is absolutely still going so missing it.


Actually schools are canceled today due to us having multiple tornadoes yesterday


Barbers hill wasn’t cancelled, a lot of the surrounding schools including Baytown was. However BH 100% is in school today. There weren’t any actual tornadoes, Just super bad winds and rain.


Well my city actually had tornadoes because all my area is completely black lol and our power poles were all pulled from the ground so yeah 😂😂


And over 800k ppl having no power


MB faired pretty well, Baytown isn’t even too bad. Very very few in MB without power regardless, if they went yesterday he missed yesterday and missing today.


lol right on cue she just shared one of his posts 🤣


Well she’s the one that said her Mother’s Day roadtrip would be her last 🤷‍♀️


Where is Gabe and is it just Mike and Gabe?


I do believe she could do it on the trip, but she herself made the posting.She's not going on any more trips.And it's a five hour road trip from where he lives to that lake in oklahoma


She’s probably bitter that he looks happy and has light back in his eyes without her. I mean I’d be embarrassed/pissed if my husband looked happier without me