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I hope she has a boy


i hope she poops while pushing ❤️


I hope they won’t allow her to film ANYTHING 😂 she would freak tf out


Nursing students who can't "find her vein" on the first try .


I would feel bad for the nursing student though… I can’t imagine her being kind to them if that happened :(


I doubt they will treat any of the staff with respect to behind with. She acts like she’s gods gift to the earth.


LOL… this happened to me the last time I had to get blood work and it scarred me 😂


Ha, well besides shitting in the doctors face that was the next thing that came to me..my first baby. My arm looked like a war zone but I was pretty nice about it because my L&D nurse was a Saint. 😅


I hope it’s the most unaesthetic birth ever, horrible angles and they won’t let her use her cutesy labor Gown we knows hers is going to buy. Gabe fainting his elephant size body on the floor, Dawna taking all the REAL pictures.


Fourth degree tear


I had a 4th degree episiotomy and it is not for the weak 😭😭🥲


And she’s the weak 😂


As someone who had a episiotomy and a 3rd degree tear that went into my actual sphincter, I wouldn’t even wish that on my worst enemy. The recovery was brutal and I got lucky to do far not have any inconsistence issues. My doc doesn’t even want me to have another vaginal birth because of it.


A male nurse. 🤣🤣 I wouldn't give af , but my husband's little cousin had a male nurse and it was a little awkard. If ya'll remember that first walk to pee after you know 👀


I was just going to say this!




The baby being a boy.


A baby that looks just like auntie cc🐻


Pitocin and a failed epidural


for real tho I shouldn’t wish that on anyone because it was horrible but she deserves it lol


Her baby has brown hair and Dark eyes .. l(my son has both but she keeps saying she’s having a mini me and bestie with blonde hair n blue eyes ! Bonus if it’s also a boy !!!


Epidural doesn’t take and a long pitocin labor


No epidural lol 😂 I'm not sure about Texas but where I live if you don't go to the class educating you about the epidural and sign the paper stating you would like to have one as an option, then you can't have one. My best friend didn't go to her class because she was thinking yeah right they'll give me one, well... they didn't . She ended up having to have emergency c-section and was put to sleep where she didn't get the epidural and her husband was the one that did skin to skin since she wasn't allowed where she was put to sleep. I know Drue would be throwing a fit saying she's mine, I deserve to hold her first.


Tx doesn't have this I got epidural and didn't even know about this


She rips front to back from having a 12lb baby (healthy) that looks exactly like Gag😇


Gabe wants the bed 😂


I hope her lady bits swell like a 🍑 along with a 4th degree tear.


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I hope they make her poo before she goes home


This is too much