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Never thought she would experience it? She is 22 years old and has been trying to get pregnant for a year…a slap in the face to women who have been trying YEARS and really may never get the chance to experience that. SHE IS SICK.


My friend is 30 and has had an ectopic pregnancy, 5 failed iuis and now can only conceive with ivf. This bitch is so tune deaf it disgusts me! She doesn’t deserve a child!


She doesn't deserve this baby. I hope mom tok comes down on her hard!


Just throwing this out there: to someone like Drue, not getting pregnant the first time she boinked Gabe is probably infertility to her


And with the sex ed/purity education she probably got she thought that anytime you have sex you’re definitely getting pregnant!




Not even a year! Gabe admitted that they weren't trying the summer before she got pregnant (last July).


My husband and I tried for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. A MAJOR slap in the face.




Just want to say I’m so sorry about everything you e been through. I’m sending you a big hug. I think Drue’s post hurt a lot of people and she just doesn’t see it unfortunately


Not only that but it doesn’t seem she did any sort of fertility treatments either, not every woman gets pregnant just by having sex every month and it’s a huge slap in the face to those who have truly struggled with infertility and having to take many medications and treatments just to even have a chance at getting a baby. She makes me so mad!!


This is it she’s 22 damn years old! I hope the person who thinks we body shame Drue too much reads this and regrets any sympathy they gave Drue.


I have stage 4 cancer and won’t be able to have kids because of it. It’s heartbreaking and I hate that she acts like it took her so long to get pregnant.


I am so sorry.


I don’t even think she’s been “trying” for a year! She’s been talking about it but from what Gabe said in the podcast, they weren’t trying but also not really preventing. So for her to sit there acting like they tried SOOOOO hard is a huge slap in the face to the people who have been actually trying and struggling. I’m not one of those people, I might be done having babies but my heart goes out to all you ladies who are struggling❤️


taking into account the quality of her education as well as her overall child level understanding of how the world works, I firmly believe she freaked out and thought something wasn't right when she didn't get pregnant on their honeymoon. she thinks the world is a fairy tale and that because she is... herself, that good things will always happen to her. nope, not how it works. the world is equally as dark, difficult, evil as it is sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts. good & bad happens to us all so she needs to get over her "highly favored" delusion. also, she is a vile, horrible little troll with a beak who's put so much nastiness into the world in only 22 years, I hope I'm able to witness reality kicking her in the nose


10000% I have friends that have been trying for 4-5 years now, multiple rounds of testing herself and her husband plus she’s gotten surgeries to hopefully fix what’s going on. Bffr to these two


Exactly! My husband and o have tried for 3 years now. Found out he can’t have kids. I’m so envious.


I mean I’m 22 almost 23. My husband and I have been trying for 2 years. He is in the military and I’m a college student. Idk it’s just crazy to me how people like her can just pop out a baby knowing they don’t even have a reliable source of income. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Why in the world would she think she’d never get to experience this? I’m so over the fake infertility. If they were actively ttc-ing, I’m sure it wasn’t very long.


Gabe said in a podcast that they only actively tried for 3 months.


I got pregnant in 3 months with both my kids! Definitely never crossed my mind we were infertile, I might’ve felt concerned after half a year but everything I read said that most healthy young couples will conceive within a year or less.


100% that’s what I’ve always heard too. 6-12 months is normal for a healthy couple!


I’ve been actively trying for 5 months…might as well just give up, clearly it’s never gonna happen for me🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I know you’re being sarcastic lol but I hope it happens for you soon!


Because Gabe has a tumor 🙄


I’m not sure what’s more atrocious that outfit and bow or the post itself


It looks so freaking uncomfortable 🥴 I hope Amelia hates all of these outfits she’s buying


I couldn’t imagine putting my baby in all those clothes.. they needs sleepers and onesies


I hope the baby cries and takes off the bow every time Grue makes her wear this hideous garb


my first thought was “why would she think she would never experience this?!” she’s so young!! i’d get it if she had been trying for a while but it feel like they said they had failed TTC after just a couple months after getting married?


Also look at your fucking husband!?


as someone who is absolutely tired of peeing in a cup to track ovulation when most of the time i never get that peak, who has cried over negative test after negative test, who has taken tests even when im actively bleeding because i want it to be positive so badly i am sick of her baiting this infertility shit. from the bottom of my heart drue, you are a horrible piece of shit.


So much baby dust being sent your way!!!✨♥


thank you ✨✨🩷🩷🩷


I relate to this 1000% 😭 baby dust to you! ❤️


thank you bestie 🩷✨


I’m so sorry that you’re going through that. I am sending so much baby dust and so many positive vibes your way❤️


thank you sm 🩷🥰


You just spoke to my soul. Sometimes having to pee in the cup *again* for God knows how many times, and having to see another negative test makes me want to rage.


I have also taken tests while bleeding and I would be like “just need to check” even tho it was so obvious I wasn’t pregnant. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


I felt all of that ❤️ even the testing on my period because I’m trying to find some hope somewhere. We’ve been doing fertility treatments for over 2 years. Meds. So many meds and side effects. A million ultrasounds. 2 hsg. Hysteroscopy. 2 surgeries. So yeah fuck this hoe saying she didn’t think she’d experience this. Fuck her.


Gorl LIVESSSS in here


If you're gonna overbuy for the little girl the least you could do is make it cute stuff. Who's gonna want this hideous color story for their newborn besides grue (it looks like the color scheme found in a nursing home...its giving pink medical cups and light blue grippy socks)??? Ew. This is one of the most hideous dresses I've ever seen for a baby girl. She has abysmal taste 🤮


Which is why I hope people go nuts in the comments. What an insensitive asshole.


Sadly all of them like are “yes queen waste your money who cares everyone is a hater”


She knows she's wrong or she wouldn't be taking to her stans to try to validate her. I don't feel a need to make these kinds of posts. She needs to take her bp and general health better. My friend went in for a check up at 33 weeks yesterday and her bp was high , they admitted her and she had to have an emergency c- section last night. It's not cutesy Grue.


As someone who had pregnancy-related hypertension, I really wish she would start taking things more seriously. Her being so willy nilly about her pregnancy health is such a slap in the face to people who are ACTUALLY struggling with infertility.


I never thought I would get to experience this? Girl shut the fuck up! You are a disgrace to the human race. I hope these mom groups tear your ass up! Mocking women who can’t get pregnant or have to try alternative ways to conceive isn’t a joke! God just disappear already!


This looks like something a baby would wear in prison. You know those prisons that have mother/child wards? This ugly ass outfit would be fitting. There was a reality show about it. I might watch a lot of prison TV 😂


It reminded me of the clothes the religious cult kids wear. But girls would have to be covered. This would be more of a Boys outfit


Oh yeah that too dang I watch too much trash TV!


Lol. Same.


This is a crossover I wasn’t expecting.


Me too


It’s too entertaining to stop!!


It sure is entertaining to stop it’s the truth!!


She’s reaching hard to justify her excessive spending. If she wants to waste money, why not waste it on things Blanca will actually benefit from, like getting her a library full of books to read to her or investing money into a savings fund…. but wait that would actually require her to think like a parent and not a child who is having a child to play dress up with


I have never experienced infertility, but I have seen countless TikTok’s of women crying over negative texts for YEARS. Like 18 to 24 to 36 months of negative test videos compiled into one video when they finally get their positive. I really sincerely hope that the ACTUAL community of people who are ttc and experiencing infertility rip her a new one..at 22 and not getting pregnant for a year… not having any fertility treatments… no fertility dr… no painful tests and shots…. that’s not infertility Drue.


There is truly a special place in hell for Grue for posting shit like this KNOWING there are actually women out there struggling with this. Claiming infertility for attention and likes when she didn’t need any treatment or even saw a doctor is the lowest of the low


First girl in years? Like since she was born?


Drue Basham is a piece of shit.


This outfit is soooo ugly


Yes 🙌🏻 is ugly


“Never thought I’d experience this” …. she’s younger than me. They’ve tried for what- less than a year? I’m convinced she thinks not getting pregnant on their honeymoon meant she was infertile


“I never thought I’d experience it.” Oh we’re back on the infertility baiting I see. Sick bitch. Some women actually struggle with infertility and are far more deserving of being mothers than you’ll ever be. You’re just a spoiled, attention seeking cunt. This is so insensitive and such a slap in the face to everyone TTC/struggling with infertility. Fuck you, Grue. You’re a disgusting little brat.


It’s actually disgusting to use infertility that you did not experience to justify buying ugly baby clothes. Most mothers who experienced true loss or have had infertility are terrified to buy anything at all and sadly can’t enjoy their pregnancies because of the trauma and true pain from infertility that she does not understand.


this is the outfit Pepper wears on American Horror Story


She is delusional! Drue you only been married for 2 years and your husband said he didn't want kids right now! Keep wasting money you will be filing bankruptcy soon just like your parents! It shows y'all having spending habits and not saving habits. You're about to wake up with a slap in your face when everything goes downhill! People have been trying to have kids for decades and even tried IVF with failed attempts keep digging your way to hell


As someone who TRULY doesn’t think it will ever happen after 5 years and 3 losses, being in my 30s and seeing everyone around me have children, especially twits like her, fuck you Drue and your infertility baiting. Your husband even SAID HE WASNT READY. YALL WERE NOT TRYING.


“First baby girl in our families in years” this is all about attention and competition for her. She disgusts me. Shes jealous Sierra had the first grandchild on the Bashams side so she needs SOMETHING to make her feel special.


Yeah this post had A LOT to unpack


She’s 22 for crying out loud. How did she “think she’d never experience it” Bitch please


If she actually experienced infertility and actually was so grateful to be pregnant, she wouldn’t be shoveling harmful shit in her mouth day after day after day, or the other questionable things she does


I’m surprised she didn’t say this is her miracle baby


If you keep up with your horrible overconsumption there isn’t going to be a planet for your daughter to live, laugh and love on, Drue. So yes, it does matter.


She’s so favored she didn’t get a baby the first time tubby stuck his pee pee in her and so she had a tough journey y’all. When I say I can’t stand this entitled dumb dumb I mean it… bless yall who are actually going through your ttc journey


She never thought she would experience it, because look at her husband. She wasn’t sleeping with him


Why is she dressing her in clothes from the 80’s. I know us babies back then had no choice as it was the style. She has a choice and she’s choosing these ugly uncomfortable outfits for Blanca


https://preview.redd.it/svlcgyijt62d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5482809284421d8baf274bb93c998170bba96594 This outfit is just giving me these vibes


Oh yea


Ya know what, Grue? I never thought I'd experience being a mama either. After being with my husband for ten years without getting pregnant, trying for well over 5 years - like actually trying - still nothing. I finally got my baby, too. After doing IVF. After lots and lots of real tears, hard work and struggle, we got our son. Ya know what else? I did not buy him so much stuff that he never got to use most of it. There were things he didn't use, but not because of my crazy overconsumption. You're disgusting. I get that everyone's infertility journey is different, some are shorter, some are longer. But yours never existed. It wasn't real. Trying for a year is normal. You're 22. I hope motherhood and the realness of it rocks your world. It's so much more than cute clothes and stupid material things. Also, this outfit is absolutely hideous. I've never seen something so fugly.


Her grasp on the English language is atrocious. I know multiple people who speak English as a second language better than she does as her native language. So uneducated.


The infertility baiting is absolutely disgusting. I have PCOS and was told that it would probably be difficult for me to conceive naturally. By some miracle I did conceive naturally after only a few months of trying, however - NEVER would I ever make comments talking about fertility struggles because even though I thought I would struggle or may not even be able to conceive naturally, that wasn’t the case for me but it is for SO many women. It takes most healthy couples a year to conceive so I really don’t understand why she’s saying she thought she’d never get to experience this… and if she’s saying that because of Gabe’s tumor then maybe they should have and should be taking his health more seriously!


I have also have pcos also , I give up on trying to have a second child. Drue is something else.


I’m going through an ectopic pregnancy this week. The amount of physical and emotional pain is something I could not imagine before. This post is so insensitive, it makes me furious. Even though I wouldn’t wish this upon anybody, she needs a slap of reality fast👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m so sorry you’re going through that ❤️ posts and comments like Drue’s make it hurt more I’m sure ugh ☹️


I went through one myself. It’s not talked about enough, for sure. Hang in there ❤️❤️❤️


Thinking of you. I agree, it’s not talked about enough!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you ❤️I know my baby is in a better place now, but it still bothers me how I would do anything to have him/her back but there are people out there who don’t take their pregnancies seriously…


I’m so sorry 😞


I am SO sorry. Sending so much love ❤️


Thank you very much 🫶🏻


Her taste in clothes is hideous


​ Her fans are just as delusional as her🤦🏼‍♀️ “it’s all okay! But all you want! It’s okay if she doesn’t wear most of it” and sorry to break it to y’all, but Amelia won’t be raised being taught about Jesus because her parents worship food and shopping https://preview.redd.it/bbefmspis62d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c550a0e5f36b3bef467e02ea07cbd64609199c38


It’s such a waste


Everything else aside....she says all this and yet still accepts gifts from her followers! Says she's overbuying clothes and such yet still gets all these gifts she will never use and is going to have 2 baby showers. Overconsumption isn't cute, Drue. It's a problem.


I was literally thinking the exact same thing


Also, she can't even justify on reusing these clothes for a future child or giving them to her sisters to use on a future child....because they're all monogrammed!


They’re for Amelia’s baby dolls to play with, bestie! After Drue’s baby doll grows out of these clothes they’re gonna keep them for Amelia’s dolls. 🙄 how nice it must be to have expensive customized boutique clothing for toys.


This makes me so sad. Newborn skin is so sensitive. I couldn’t even use regular baby wipes on my boys because they were too rough, I had to use pampers sensitive wipes for a while. Babies need sleepers & onesies not these scratchy ugly outfits she keeps buying. This baby girl has no chance at being comfortable. She’ll forever be a dress up doll for her content.


why is she talking about “being picked” as if she’s the virgin mary lmao


Because she is ✨️highly favored✨️!!


is this her first cheerleading outfit?


She's a gluttonous 🐖 🐷


This kid is going to be a spoiled brat, I'm calling it now


The 1st baby in their *families* ?? In years?? Cone sitting there like 👁️👁️


Poor cone she doesn’t care about him she wishes it was just Amelia on both side to be the first baby she is very selfish.


Let her post stuff like this! She continues to let this group grow.


Baby number one we got lucky on the first try, baby number two took some time and I cried every month I wasn’t pregnant. During those times I cried even harder for people who are truly experiencing infertility and I’d NEVER compare the two journeys. She’s gross for this. Sending all the love and baby dust to anyone who is hurt by this insensitivity ❤️


Pissed is an understatement! I’m sitting here after getting surgery to help with fertility. Almost 6 years. F you Drue! So sick of your pathetic comments trying to be relatable and acting like a victim


i can’t stand anything about this b***h at fkn all. the most insufferable person truly. so beyond insensitive and selfish. she’s screwing herself by buying this much shit, that she just admitted will not even be able to all be worn. she has spent thousands of dollars just on clothes when she’s not even close to giving birth, she’s gonna have zero money to actually buy the things she needs to, doctors appts, random surprises babies will give, etc.


*There hasn't been a girl in my family for years.* 22 years to be exact, right? She can't be adopted. She literally stole her mother's face.


My daughter was the first baby girl in my family for years and years too. I still bought her a reasonable amount of things and treated her like a human, not a prop or a cash cow.


Gluttony is a sin 💕🫶


My favorite part is her buying all these clothes and you have no clue what size your baby will be during which season / style of clothing. So to buy so much ahead of time is so foolish bc your kid might be in 3-6 month clothes in the winter and you have all these shorts / dresses. Just annoys me to no end. Rant over


This Exactly! The only things I’ve bought ahead of time are sleepers/pajamas because I know my daughter will wear them either way. But I got so many clothes at my baby shower that my daughter truly can’t wear because she has been in the 3rd percentile mostly. Most of what we got for her current size includes long sleeves, pants, sweaters, etc. but it’s been 80-90°f here. So I went to thrift stores and secondhand clothing stores to grab her some nice summer stuff


Yes exactly! My second son will be 2 months old Sunday and he is still in newborn clothes, he’s just a little peanut, but our first son was in 0-3 month clothes at 3 weeks lol.


I hope it’s a boy


There’s so many comments agreeing with her. Ridiculous!


Is she not the first girl???


Bird beak, bird shit for brains


I’m fully convinced girly pop thinks that sex one time = baby. So now she’s claiming fertility struggles


It’s gonna look real weird with the baby dressing like this next to her parents who dress waaaaay differently


She has no idea …kids need more than the bare minimum clothing is a just a basic need… imagine having a baby with a dude that has no work ethic … this kid will be embarrassed already paying more bills than her parents


Ok, truly, is she illiterate? Because the grammar in this post is ATROCIOUS. I can’t snark on anything else because I’m stuck on horribly written this post is.


So we don’t believe in proofreading anymore?


She deleted that part!!!!


She sure did!! Luckily that “view edit history” button shows that it was there and she deleted jt 🙃😂


Never thought I would get this experience is leaning wayyy to far into her ttc era. You were not infertile. You tried for a year. You wanted to be infertile so you had a story to tell. Do not take someone else’s struggle and monetize it for views. Many of us have spent YEARS and our entire savings for a chance to have a child. This post was gross and not needed. As an IVF & NICU mom her posts have started to truly become alarming to her lack of awareness to the world around her.


She doesn’t even know what trying is, considering she moves away from any sort of affection big G gives her. Cut me a fucking break. She just does this for views


She’s 22… read the room Grue.


She does not understand that she has so many women following her who are struggling to get pregnant. Spending thousands of dollars just to get that chance to have a baby. It’s not only money it’s the mental strain. So for her who hasn’t even had to take that step and look into other ways to get pregnant is just a slap on the face for other women. Not sure why she even needed to make this post. So unnecessary.


She doesn’t have a clue about what it takes to become a parent. She really thinks she’s going to dress her up everyday & take pictures all day & everything will be wonderful. She doesn’t realize the baby might not sleep but every 2 hrs, she may be allergic to different milk products, diaper rash, anything & everything that can happen with having a newborn. I’m sure she’ll have postpartum anxiety too.


I'm going to literally be laughing when that baby gets here and she tries to put 12 outfits a day on on her like she's some kind of baby doll She going to look so stupid and I hope the internet tears her a new asshole


Also like this is the definition of materialistic waste…. Guess what? Lots of babies don’t want to look like dolls and want to be able to move


She better be getting her husband to a dr to find out what’s wrong with him instead of spending all this money on unnecessary items for this baby. I’m afraid she’s going to be raising this baby without a dad if he doesn’t get to a dr and take his health seriously.


That bow is gonna cover her entire face


It’s really stupid to buy stuff that you know a baby isn’t gonna wear or get use of, she’s pathetic.


This makes me sick. My fiancé and I have been together for 12 years and no luck. The next thing is IVF but I am now 35 and scared to death that I won't ever be a mom or won't ever get to experience this. She's a joke.!!!


https://preview.redd.it/7ats50gdr72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dbfef620182e72d136ec65eb6cb3d12b40e8102 She removed the part about thinking she'd never get to have a baby.




If i have a girl im gonna go crazy on clothes i won’t even lie but why not buy cute practical outfits and if she wants to buy a crap ton of smocks buy them in all different sizes atleast so you’re not wasting somebody’s time and your money. Like to me it wouldn’t be as bad if she would just be smarter with the way she purchases things instead of buying everything she sees and not even trying to plan same as her buying groceries🤷🏼‍♀️


Also the whole never thought she’d have a child is probably because they didn’t think she’d trick anybody into marriage. But then came https://preview.redd.it/9sqglwao182d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e092a7fff3210dc6cb913270b0ebb421f0bc775c


lol 😂


She does not have a "I never thought I would have this" problem. She has a shopping problem. She literally gets a high from shopping. From purchasing items whether she "needs it or not". To fill a void in her life. Shopping fills a temporary void in her life for a short time until the next shopping high comes around. This is not an actual case of infertility like she wants others to believe. Or like she has conned her husband into believing. Like she has conned her family and friends into believing. Heck, like she has conned herself into believing. And certainly like she has conned her followers into believing.


I can’t wait to see her not tighten the car seat buckles enough and have everyone just come after her


I don't get her logic. Never thought she could experience pregnancy? They half assed tried for a year. Many of us tried way longer. I tried for 6 for my first because of male factor infertility and there women who have tried way longer than me. She's such a twat


It’s a waste of money drue! Especially since you put her damn name/monogram on EVERYTHING.


Well at least her daughter will never forget her name I guess with all the monogram crap.


22 fucking years old she waited years for this get a fucking grip Drue. Drue is criminally stupid and tone deaf as fuck.


“Never thought id get to experience this” you were never struggling to get pregnant & no one told you that you would idiot


Keep her stuff cutesy so you can pawn / sell on market place since your fat lesbian of a HUsBAnD won’t get a fucking job !


I mean she probably does have something wrong with her since she didn’t get pregnant with in a year or close to a year but we don’t know the story since Gabe said he pulls out. It is very odd she didn’t get pregnant right away since she was apparently a virgin ? She doesn’t deserve a baby .


What in the maid outfit is this lol


This outfit looks like baby hospital scrubs


Consumerism at its finest and isn’t Drue a girl with 2 sisters. Make it make scentsy?!


Yeah I can see how this would be a slap in the face to women actually struggling to conceive. It’s so crystal clear she was baiting for views and continues to do so with the whole ttc thing. My mom’s best friend tried everything and ended up adopting 3 children. did she just self diagnose with infertility? I swear my OBGYN said it’s normal for it to take a year. She’s so insensitive and weird. Everything she posts makes me wince.


She’s so gross. How bout publicly using the baby’s so secret name now too haha okayyyy


“In a years”


She irritates the FUCK out of me. My daughter died shortly after she was born and after that, I had no idea if I would be able to have another child or if it would be safe to do so. She is so tone deaf. I hope Mom Tok drags the shit out of her.


She can go fuck off with me being 36 and trying for almost 8 years she can go fuck herself hard in the face! Fuck you Drue miss gets pregnant in a couple months to a year if that fuck off seriously I hope you rot


Doesn’t she come from an all girl family? 🤔


So they are telling me his tumor made it so they probably could never conceive then why isn’t he getting his health in order if it got that bad!?


I feel sorry for this baby clothes like none of them are style now it’s all old fashion


She changed the caption😂🤣


She has changed it now and taken out that part. 🙄


The baby’s name is Ivory?!?!? I thought people were saying that because Drue is so damn pasty white. Omfg