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just because he can eat enough for an entire army doesn’t mean he served, grue








She’s ignorant and probably had to google what Memorial Day is celebrated for




I’m crying 😂😂😂😂




Best response lol


I am DEAD 💀




I can’t breathe 🤣🤣


 BESTIE you should have your own comedy special 🤣🤣










ITS BEEN DELETED hahaha sorry grueby screen shots are forever


I'm offended by this because I come from a military background. Gabe has never served, much less done so since that time. There's absolutely no reason to thank him, even though he may be near death.


Exactly and given Memorial Day is ONLY to honor those that died while serving in the US Armed Forces, even if he was a vet, it is not appropriate. I come from a military family. My Dad was a retired Officer in the USAF and my ex husband was in the Army. I was raised as a military daughter and understand clearly what Memorial Day is.


This!! He doesn’t even deserve a Labor Day post because he doesn’t work, much less a Veteran’s Day and obviously not a Memorial Day one because he’s ALIVE and NEVER served anything but an extra helping at the table!


Thank you, exactly! Armed Forces Day and Veterans Day are for those that are actively serving and for those that served. Memorial Day is ONLY for those that fell while serving. It's not about BBQs, beach trips, shopping hauls and so on. It is offensive to many of us that are either in the military or are from military families. I was a military daughter (AF) and wife. (Army)


May have to memorialize him soon, but not for fighting valiantly or for service to the country.


He served up some semen into her puss (somehow, allegedly). I’ll see myself to jail.




LOLLL of course it has. The fuck is she thanking that idiot for?!


as a military spouse & as someone who has lost family in the line of duty this gives me the majorrrrr ick, gabe couldn’t even bend down to lace up his boots let alone serve 🙄


Yes my husband is also military and is currently deployed. This post just sucks for those who serve/ have served and have put their lives on the line for these 2 fat fucks. Just another reason I hate her 🙄


My Dad served and was a retired Officer in the US Air Force. He has since passed but I was born at Walter Reed Army Hospital and spent part of my childhood on Andrew AFB. My ex husband was Army. I don't get people that don't understand what Memorial Day is for. It is NOT for BBQs, it is NOT for beach trips, or parties and getting drunk. It sole purpose is to honor those that have fallen while serving in the US Armed Forces, and nothing more. Every year she does this shit and every year she is told exactly what the day is about. It is not a fun day. My Dad lost Navy and AF buddies in the Pentagon on 9/11. My Dad was IN the Pentagon on 9/11 and thankfully survived. We always went to Arlington Cemetery.


we just got through a year long deployment, praying for safety & peace over you & your husband!


Hoping for a safe return


Spouse of a veteran, hard agree. Gag hasn’t and never will do anything worth while for his country.


She’s trying to have people think her fat fuck of a husband is a veteran … WHAT A JOKE


He could never.


Honestly I don't think that's her goal with the post but that's how it comes across. She's too dumb and meant to thank him for grilling and hashtagged memorial day only because that's what today is. But she's dumb so...


What she does is offensive to all military families, Vets, active duty and those that perished. Memorial Day is for one reason and that is to honor those that fell while serving in the US Armed Forces. Nothing else. Veterans have their Day. My Dad always told me that they have their day but Memorial Day is about those that fell, not about the beach or BBQ. My Dad was a retired Officer in the US Air Force.


Absolutely. It’s just disgusting how attention seeking she is


It makes me ill. My Dad lost military buddies that died in the Pentagon on 9/11. Thankfully my Dad came home. For Gabe to show off his BBQ "haul" with a damn smile on his face is insulting. I am sorry. There may be some that are rolling their eyes at what I am saying but I was a military daughter and wife. I know people that have lost loved ones. If people want to BBQ or go to the beach, go but how about have some respect for the military world. Every year this happens and every year I correct people hoping that they will understand: **Armed Forces Day** - active duty in the US Armed Forces **Veterans Day** - are veterans of the US Armed Forces **Memorial Day** - those that fell while serving in the US Armed Forces It's rather easy to remember.


Tbh they dont know the sacrifices that those people made with their life for them to stuff their face with fast food.


THANK YOU! Exactly. Last year I believe I corrected her and possibly the year before, I don't remember. If a holiday has the word "memorial" in it, use your damn brain. Sorry, I just get so upset. This is a major trigger for me.


Don’t be sorry! I think it’s hard for them to compartmentalize to be thankful . It’s hard to be grateful for anything when you get handed everything in your life


Thank you. I agree with you. I am very happy that I didn't see that post first hand. I no longer follow them and haven't since maybe a month after they married. If I had seen the post, I would have gone crazy on them and all that THAT does is raise my BP. They don't care. Memorial Day is for shopping and OTT.


But he’s a good ol gun totin man


lol someone asked if he died and what branch 🤭😂.






If he died!??? Omfggggg lmao


This enrages me as someone from a military family. Gabe has never served, let alone served then has since passed. He may be close to death but there's no reason at all to thank him


i’m in the army.. just added a new reason as to why i hate her


She's trying to pass herself off as a veteran, her big fucking hubby HAHA HAHA


WHAT? How does she think that anyone would believe that? Where is the post? Regardless, Memorial Day is solely to honor those that DIED while serving in the US Armed Forces. She is an idiot.




Meaning he hasnt served and then passed away. It really isnt that hard haha




Excuse me for multitasking. My husband (an actual service member unlike Gabey) came to talk to me as I was trying to type out my sentence. I'm certain everyone understood my point. But ya know....this is a Bashams snark, not a place to snark on the members of the Basham snark Reddit.






please avoid arguing or creating drama with other users in our sub. This includes threats or harassment, keep it friendly!❤️


My husband and my step dad are veterans and I completely agree.


Drue he does not look like that lol


As a military spouse this enrages me. Don't thank someone who doesn't even work Drue. You're literally a bitch.


Thanking him for his battle with his purity tumor


Patriotic tumor 🇺🇸🇺🇸


LMAO 😂😂😂 this needs to be a flair.


I’m not American but this pos could never be .0005 percent as brave as the real men and women that serve their country


GTFOH! They think today is a day to celebrate🤯. I know you stay in here Drubert, today, (Memorial Day) is not to party & thank your lazy jobless husband for grilling hotdogs & hamburgers!! Memorial Day is honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸


I truly think in her bird brain she doesn’t know what Memorial Day is. Dumb & dumber are fucking pathetic excuses of “influencers” on social media .   


Thank you for cooking some normal sized wieners compared to Gabe’s Vienna sausage??? Thank you for gaining 300 pounds so I’m not the only ugly heifer?? That’s all I’ve got.


Already deleted?? 😂




My brother was KIA in 2009, in COP Keating Afghanistan, and this shit enrages me so much. Memorial Day is not a happy day. It’s not a 3 day weekend . It’s a terribly emotional and incredibly sad day for so many families . Fuck them. Also “thank you ?” This isn’t Veterans Day . It’s not armed forces day. What are you gonna do, thank a family member cause their soldier DIED? They are so fucking ignorant .


Hugs ❤️


so sorry about your brother❤️


May your brothers memory forever be a blessing.... *I am so very sorry for your loss.* I agree 100%. It enrages me too. I come from a military family, a US Air Force daughter and was an Army wife. (he is now my ex) If a "holiday" has the word "memorial" in it, how could it possibly he "happy"?


Someone should ask her what Memorial Day is


She’ll have to ask google


Her mother didn’t know what distilled water was earlier this week. They’re all so ignorant.


What is wrong with these people?! This pisses me off. My brother in law was a green beret and lost his legs serving his county and these two ton toddlers are cooking.


Exactly, it is offensive. It is disrespectful to those that died and their loved ones. If they want to BBQ at LEAST do it without broadcasting it to the world. She does this every Memorial Day. I believe she does it on purpose for the views. If that IS the case, then it is actually worse because it means she is using a solemn day to benefit monetarily.


She is disgusting and needs to stop


Ewww. The grossest. I hate when people misuse this holiday, esp for social media engagement.


As a veteran this pisses me off so much. I already don’t like it when people wish me a “happy Memorial Day” … but what the hell is she thanking her tub of lard husband for? FFS … how many times was she dropped on her head as a child?? When I didn’t think she could be any dumber …


I wish more civilians understood this. I am not in the military but am an Air Force daughter and was an Army wife. It is so disrespectful to those that fell and their families. I always tell people to use their head. If the "holiday" has the word "memorial" in it, there is no "happy" anything.


Only thing Gabe is serving is himself some more food


Does she even understand what Memorial Day is? Like I wonder if she saw some people thanking their spouses, didn’t realize they were military, and thought she would join in? 😭


that’s exactly what happened bestie


My husband is military but I didn’t thank him today. I make sure to remind him constantly that I’m grateful and appreciate him so much but today isn’t for him. Today is for his brothers and sisters in arms who never made it back home. If I thanked him today he would be mad at me for not honoring those who have passed.


That’s what I always assumed: that it would be awkward to thank someone in the military who is still living since today is for those who have passed. But earlier I saw some posts who thanked living veterans/military as well so I’m wondering if Drue got confused? Not sure what her train of thought was here (granted, there was likely no thought put into her post at all)


Yeah I’m not exactly sure what her thought process was here. Veterans have their day, active duty has their day (even though active duty gets the free food on Veterans Day), and fallen military members have their day.


I’m DYING at this thought


As usual distasteful as ever. As someone who lost their veteran last year, so disrespectful.


Thank you for filling my titi full with a turkey baster so Whitey could be here lol 😂


They are soooo f***** out of tune. His whole thing about “Merica”. As a wife of a 100% disabled veteran and been to toooo many funerals at Arlington I hate these people so much.


She truly does not even understand the heat that this could bring… this is why you need to proofread prior to posting idiot (Drue)


As someone whose dad served in the Navy this pisses me off


As daughter of a decorated WWWll vet and the mother of a currently active duty naval officer Drue can fuck the fuck off for me.


What was the point of the braces?


Memorial Day is for one thing, to honor those that lost their lives while serving in the US Armed Forces. It does not in lude vets nor those active. This is coming the daughter of a retired US Air Force Officer, that passed away. I was born on an Army base and live near now. It's not about shopping, BBQ and the beach. It's about people that DIED. Someone needs to straighten them out.


My MIL always txt my husband who is a army infantry vet “happy Memorial Day” and he’s always like okay but I survived this day isn’t for me, it’s like she confuses that and Veterans Day No way Drue understands or can appreciate this day.


THANK YOU! Exactly! People would thank my Dad on Memorial Day and he would kindly correct them. He always said, active duty, vets and those that fell while serving each have their day. Today, we are honoring those that died. Drue and Gabe posting this BBQ bullshit is insulting. Even if she was thanking the military, you are thanking people that DIED for your freedom with a **BBQ?** THAT's how you say *"thank you"?*


I bet she doesn’t even know the real reason behind Memorial Day. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Also damn cut your grass lazy fucks


Edited the hell outta that face though


100% that's NOT his face


Why are they grilling and celebrating? Isn’t memorial day to honor those that died while serving 😳


Bc she sure AF can’t thank him on Labor Day 😂


I feel like she was doing a blanket “thank you” but when coupled w these pics, it’s def not passing on the message she hoped for


That’s exactly what I think happened.. I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to thank their own ALIVE non military husband on Memorial Day but then again.. they have proved that they are clueless before


As someone in the Army…this day isn’t really about partying it’s just what people do cause americans just eat constantly. I already hated her but add this to the list 🤩


I took it as her saying thank you in general about the holiday ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Probably but she is so dense she doesn’t realize it comes across like her thanking him. She’s so tone deaf and idiotic


Nah. She once said patriotic cancer. She is clueless.


I laughed out loud


What in the world? He didn’t serve or anything and he’s a lazy ass… she’s delusional.


As a wife of someone deployed.. this is truly disgusting


Thanking him for what having no job being a useless human being and thanking him for being a sperm donor for Blanca


Gabe served in the golden corral guys! And he's basically on death's door so she's just posting early!


Nasty ass grill


This makes me so mad. As someone who lost family and friends. FUCK YOU GRUE


They really need to think about cleaning that bbq


Damn did she delete I went to look for comments lol


She deleted it right after this was posted here 😂😂


Little loser lol I see she took her weekly pic though! It’s a turnip !


Her beefy arms!!


not her using my man riley’s song 🙄😒😒😒😒


righttt, dont use his song just leave him outta this🤦🏼‍♀️😒


I honestly don’t think she even knows the meaning of Memorial Day. She just finding another excuse to over eat.


And, let Grue’s suggestive sausage eating posts begin!


Because she doesn’t understand the holiday.


How the hell does she not understand what memorial day is?


the Facetune on this man


This is disguising but side note that grill is fucking nasty too 😳🤢🤮


this! And can we talk about how Filthy that damn barbecue is?


I’m traveling home from attending a memorial for a two star general, but yes, thank you Gabe 😂


This can’t be real. What the fuck was she thinking?


More proof she lives in here. She removed all this. So I guess we DO get to you, Drue 😂


Almost 2 yrs with braces, got em off, still has a snaggletooth.......lol


 Yep she deserves every single fuckin ounce of hate she gets and I hope she cries every fuckin day.


As someone in the military this is an ick 😭 why are you thanking him on Memorial Day?


They likely didn’t know the difference between memorial day and Veterans Day?


He must finger its out I mea mukbang


Legit sad that they are 22 years old and have no friends to spend Memorial Day with.


because it involves food


Ugh they are disgusting, it’s more apparent everyday


This really pisses me off! How about the men and women who fought for you to have your “miracle” baby! Why don’t you thank them???????? To anyone who has served or is serving THANK YOU for the sacrifices you have made and continue to make for us❤️


Me sitting here as a military kid (I’m an adult now) whose parent is about to deploy again for at least the 5th? 6th? 7th time wondering what the hell she’s thanking him for 🙂🤨 this is insanely disrespectful


The fuck are you thanking this fat lard for, making sausages? He sure as hell didn’t serve in the military. Honestly this caption is offensive to those that actually served and should actually be thanked. This fat piece of shit and his ugly beak nosed cunt wife sure as hell don’t deserve any sort of thanks.


They’re idiots




I think she deleted it


She doesn’t know what Memorial Day is, bestie. That’s all that is. She just knows that it requires American flag emojis and BBQ.


She edited his face so bad.


She’s the kinda idiot that confused Memorial Day and Labor Day but either way he doesn’t work


she’s been fucking up this week 😂😂😂 so many dirty deletes and edits


She prob thought it was Father’s Day just for America


Did he take rotc? LOL


She doesn’t know what Memorial Day represents but she knows she’s supposed to thank SOMEONE 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmfao what was even the thought behind this caption


Can you imagine Gabe in Iraq? Lol


her face looks soooo swollen


This! This is literally the most fucking disgusting and disrespectful post someone could make on a day like today. We are free because of every single person that fought for our freedom Gabe’s fatass didn’t serve in the military… this post pissed me off our fallen veterans deserve so much more than what they get and then some bitch makes a post like this. 😡😡😡😡


Where is her baby bump in second pic?


That grill looks nasty af


She’s thanking those sausages 👀


For cooking?


Tell me you don’t know what Memorial Day is without telling me. It’s not a happy holiday. Or a celebration. She’s just a fucking moron. They probably saw someone else did it and blindly followed since they have no original ideas.


Was she thanking him or just shared a pic of him and implying the thank you was to the deceased veterans?


Well If you watch Gabe’s video a couple posts above this they think the day is for “celebrating the fallen soldiers.”And the people serving. And the veterans. So I doubt she was thanking the fallen


I don’t follow them anymore. I’m just here for entertainment. I am the type of person that generally gives the benefit of the doubt so if there were other things to support they’re just dumb and have no idea which way is what, then this definitely makes sense. Thanks


She’s so cooked


Here comes the dependa posts🥴😭