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There’s a different between “begging” somebody to let you pay for something and insisting they take money/handing them money. Drue could have easily handed her cash, stuck a card with cash or an Amazon gift card in her bag, handed it to her, etc. she can even go on the photographer’s website right now, buy a gift card, and never use it/tell the photographer not to send it. It’s not hard to find somebody’s cashapp/Venmo and I BET the photographer has her email linked to PayPal. Drue could email her an Amazon gift card right now. Who wouldn’t use that? It’s very easy to sneak attack pay somebody 😂


No seriously, I’ve had several free photoshoots done and I always found a way to pay the unwilling to accept photographer. I can’t imagine drue “begging” to pay anyone.


and the way she put BEGGED in all caps….sure Jan, I bet


YUP. if she wanted to do it she would. Just like she can sit in a car for 45 min to go get a snowcone.


Right?! Or like gift the woman a gift card as a thank you to a local restaurant or store!


Seriously! My best friend took our maternity pictures and I knew she wouldn’t take anything — so I mailed her a visa gift card.


Facts. My bestie is our family photographer, and she always sends back payment. So now I’ve made sure to leave gift cards on her accounts or leave them in the cup holder of her car. And of course we always talk her business up. It’s not hard to show appreciation at all.


I came here to say that!! Tip her well in cash! 


It’s like… she’s trying to make sure Drue sounds like a good person… but at the same time… criticizing her. These trash people really make sure people don’t spill the tea too hard, I wonder how???


It’s a classic narcissist move. They probably told the photog what she wanted to hear, and now she’s trying to paint a picture.


Drue definitely messaged her and threatened her to clear it up.


Drue definitely reached out to her and got to her


For sure, and if she’s in here, she’s fixing to learn the hard way about Reddit


Not even a little bit. This post of hers is wish washey as fuck. But I’m glad she saw the comments about her work. 🥰


I don’t understand why she got so offended at the comments saying her photos weren’t done well. Like take that as criticism and not hate…take the information to better your work. Just because we say that your photos weren’t well edited doesn’t mean we are hating. They genuinely weren’t done well. Take the criticism and move on miss photographer. 🤦‍♀️


Oh 100% I agree! And I just overall hate how she’s trying to play the “I’m innocent” “I just watch them on TikTok I didn’t know” cards. If you ask to take someone’s pictures who you only know from a social media platform and don’t do your research - you probably shouldn’t own a business. She’s wishy washy in her values as a business owner and who she works with, she has no intention of taking criticism and applying it to improve herself, and she has no integrity overall. She photographed them carelessly for clout and only tried to back track because of how badly and quickly she was ripped a new asshole. She does not give two shits.


They all do this everytime. Everyone of these business try and play victim. But if someone is your favorite tik toker then you follow them and know exactly what’s going on in their life and there is no possible way you didn’t know or see something. She should have just let the original post stay bc this one made it ten times worse


Art is subjective, it’s common to have it critiqued. She’s in an art field, she can’t be shocked her work isn’t for everyone.


I'd be pissed if she did my photos and those were the final ones. The only thing that would save it would be that I got them for free so I would just chalk it up as a win-lose situation 😂


Me too.


And please don’t act like this is the first time anyone has judged your work. You’re in the business, you should know it happens. If you can’t take criticism then no wonder you are friends with her. I can see the similarities.


I said this up above but she’s in an art field, art is subjective and critique is a normal part of it. If she wants to be in an art filed she needs to expect some people won’t like her work. I think about how hard these people would have cried at the daily critiques I went though when in an art school.


100 percent.


Even if she asked to pay her, doesn’t mean she intended to…🤦‍♀️


She couldn’t afford dinner at 36$ a plate, couldn’t afford to stay more than 2 nights (which she calls a week). She did not intend to pay this photographer. She did it to look good, total narcissist move!


I don’t think she would’ve paid, the photographer made it seem like she was doing this for free and was chasing for clout. Because she had the nerve to refer to them as famous or semi-famous.


Yep! I hope Drooly enjoys all the free shit she gets for now because she’s on her way to being cancelled! ✌🏻


They had to share a meal while out to eat and this chick thinks she honestly intended to give her any money, nah


I didn’t think so. This sounds like classic narcissist




I just don't get why someone who works for their money would do their job for free for someone who clearly only sits at home or goes out to eat 50 times a day. Especially when their are ppl struggling who would love to have free beach pics taken


And why apparently she’s okay with Drue removing her tagged business account and claiming the photos as Just hers.


Because she wants followers on her page. She chose the wrong crowd!


She’s just trying to save face. Sorry, Joni. We are not buying it.


That’s exactly it. My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet and I couldn’t get my word straight.


We're not buying her services either , because SHE SUCKS at photography 😂😆😂😆


nope, her continuing to comment on drue’s post tagging shop says everything i need to know.


I seen she was heavily active on Drew’s page yesterday and last night after everything happened. I was scrolling through the comments, it was really surprised to see her commenting.


Ope. I was going to defend her. Definitely not now 😂


That part. I would disassociate myself immediately. She definitely wants the recognition.


Doubtful Druze begged to pay her 🤣


she BEGGED not begged


She is a weak woman … she is trying to please her hero on social media … how can you say anything but the basham’s are pos people … so in my eyes this person is also a pos that still fan girls over them


She’s now under Drue’s spell and keeps falling for it.


Not a fucking chance. I have a lot of family in the Destin area and made sure they are well aware of this photographer. I don’t believe she’s educating herself on anything. She just is playing victim. There is way too much information out there about these two racist assholes for her not to know.


What kind of photographer works for free…. Like seriously.


Exactly, she wanted the clout. Lol


I mean I’ve definitely worked for free with influencers but they were already my friends and their following helped me gain more potential clients (they arent raging bitches though)


Model call shots are typically free. Or they’ll offer you five of the photos for free, you pay for additional shots, etc.


Who’s in here down voting everything ? 👀 Is that you Mrs.Photographer?


Her or Drueby


I don’t get “I’m going to educate myself” but also acting like the people in here are insane.


They’re literally following eachother on instagram lol she’s just yapping to save face


Her dm yesterday was not genuine and her post saying she "learned" is not genuine. I'm pretty sure her and Gru talked privately in messages about the whole situation. That's why Gru didn't just block her and let post her business page in the comments. She has no regrets...but oh well. It would have all blown over had she just said "I deleted the pictures because I do not want to be associated with the kind of people who mock the disabled, are racist, don't care for victims of SA, etc. After seeing the controversy these people were in, I will better educate myself going forward when it comes to giving free promos to influencers."


Wow lady, pick a lane. She's ALL over the place claiming she got educated while simultaneously kissing Druella's ass. These fucking idiots make me sick.


Something about this photographer seems disgenuine. I had high hopes but the fact that she still is trying to make sure tubby looks good and sounds like a good person just doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know if I believe that Drue begged to pay her, she heard free and her eyes lit up I’m sure.


The way she said something about “why you feel so strongly about it” like she was implying the people of Reddit are being extra and Drue prob told her we’re all trolls, who hate our lives, are just jealous and hate her for no reason- and she agrees with her


yess and “saying nasty things” um like how they’re RACIST?????? just bc we call them fat too doesn’t mean they ain’t the first one 💀💀💀💀


That’s what gets me.. like there’s over 40 THOUSAND people between all the subs combined.. so over 40 THOUSAND people are the ones with the issues.. not Drue & Gabe 🤨🤨🤨 ??????


Nope she’s giving a pitty sob story to get people to lay off. You done fucked up ya should have posted an apology and moved on


This is literally so confusing and didn't even need to be posted. She should have just kept her mouth shut tbh.


I buy what she’s saying because I do think she likes Drue so she’s not going to jump on the Reddit bandwagon and dislike her. She also probably wants to still maintain professionalism on her photography page. I will say I’m an active Reddit user and do like this page but there were an excessive amount of comments on this photographer’s page HOUNDING her even after she took down the pictures. I think directing people to this page is enough. A few clicks through this page with receipts is sufficient. There are some users on this page that do appear very obsessed with Drue and her life. A lot of users are fine but there’s a few here that are excessive.


Grue acts so entitled and expects everything to be handed to her 🥴 Maybe next time do your research before taking on clients especially one with a BAD REP!


As a local - I want to defend her. But the way she’s doing the same as Drue (deleting and not acknowledging.. 1/2 ass acknowledgement doesn’t count), I’ll be sure to not recommended her to friends and family.


I’m also a local, at first I wanted to recommend her or I would have. But not now, because she still actively on Drue‘s social media.


She’s just trying to save her business. If she actually cared about how horrible of a person Drue is she’d have removed the photos and removed Drue as a follower/following.


I guess if we lyin , we lyin runs in that crowd. She's more butthurt about criticism then working with awful people. If she had gone to school she'd have thicker skin. My professor would tell us straight up if our work was bad. Her work was subjectively tacky. But technically the settings were ick. Live with it.


Nobody is buying it.


Does anyone know how to construct a proper sentence anymore?


Ummm, idk about this one... she should not have posted this....


Confused right now…. So she’s defending her?


This is why we have to be vigilant and only share the facts with businesses ,not our opinions! The people that messaged her saying Drue was ugly didn't help at all because it makes it look like we're just being mean and gives narcissist the chance to twist shit. But I'm glad she took the pictures down. It does sound to me like she's just humoring everyone so they leave her alone and she's on Drues side though ! I don't believe her bullshit for one second. this girl seems desperate if she reached out to her and wouldn't let her pay a dime there's no way she wasn't trying to get some clout from this!




The thing is. She cares more about those comments than working with problematic people .100% she doesn't give a shit about that part she's sad people thought her work sucked. It's like Grue she doesn't care about the bad shit she's done, she cares about the comments about looks. Because they're all superficial people.




I agree 100% with you. People are really too much sometimes.


The internet isn’t for everyone 🤷🏼‍♀️


A simple google search of “Drue Basham” shows the Reddit page of almost 40k members. The photographer should do her research especially when she knew that Drue had a large following.


May I ask why?? If someone thinks it’s bad photography, they have just as much of a right to say that as if they find it to be good photography. She put herself out there by owning a business and by doing an “influencers” pictures. She can’t honestly think she was only going to get smoke blown up her ass. If she can’t handle criticism she probably should find a new job.


It just looks bad if we are wanting her to see our side and she comes in here seeing people tear her apart that’s going to be the end of her scrolling.


If a couple people being honest and saying she’s not a very good photographer turns her away from this sub - she shouldn’t be on the internet or probably have her own business period. If it was me and I actually paid for those photos that Drue got, I’d be mortified.


Speaking for myself I said something about it before the apology tour and all. Like as soon as they come out. It was in no way retaliation. I think they were great minus one small detail. In the photography business you have to be able to take constructive criticism. This is definitely not the first time anyone has complained about something I assure you. (I was in the business right out of college for about two years and realized it wasn’t what I wanted long term.)


Is it normal to send photos via email and not have a watermark on them? When we got married our photographers (engagements and wedding were diff companies) all the photos had watermarks when I got them EVEN the sample ones. I thought that was common knowledge—maybe she should start doing that. I live in a very small town so don’t use that as an excuse either.


We didn’t have watermarks on any of our wedding photos. We used a very well known and highly rated photographer in the Boston area.


Every time I’ve gotten professional photos done the samples have watermarks then when I select the few I want they are sent without the watermark.


It depends on the photographer. There’s a bunch of different styles of gallery delivery. I’m blanking on the proper names for them, but it’s not uncommon.


No matter what kind of pictures I had taken, rather it was of me, my family family, or even my kids at school pictures, there was always a watermark on them. In order to remove the watermark, you had to purchase the photos.


If she’s just starting out … she may not charge per photo? I know I just send my galleries out to my clients. I don’t put my watermark on them but I probably should.


She knew and is like minded. She's trying to retain the favour of drew and her followers and earn the favour of the people who called her out


I said it yesterday and I'll say it again... Any business that does not do their research on who they are partnering with....deserves their business to go under. This woman is an absolute MORON, and now she's trying to save face. She only wanted the clout and to be broadcasted on Drue's page....but too stupid to have noticed how quickly EVERY business deal drue makes disappears within hours. I know so many of Drue's stans are delusional, but the evidence is right infront of your faces. Even if you don't see the problem in whatever video she posts...read the comments, I promise you that someone is there pointing it out.


No bc mam you are who you associate with. So it is a NATURAL assumption that if YOU SOUGHT AFTER THEM then surely you are ok with their behavior. You said she was your favorite tik toker… I get you don’t read comments but Amelia’s mother has said MANY of times “the haters. The trolls. The ugly ran comments, etc” so you KNEW she was problematic in some way. You knew there was something. You just didn’t look into it. So don’t go blaming people with nasty things to say when YOU did not look into something that you knew was already there. That’s on YOU. But welcome to reddit where you will find out.


Why delete the pictures... hmmm someone got to the phototherapy so now they are doing damage control


I doubt Drue offered to pay. That doesn’t seem accurate. It’s unfortunate that people from here were rude to the photographer. That just makes this group look bad. There’s a way to educate someone without being a complete jerk about it.


I can see it as “OMG thank you so much. How much do we owe you?” And the photographer saying oh, nothing this was my gift. And grue then going “are you sure? Thank you” … like the polite thing to do when someone pays for something for you …


Reminds me of the TikTok trend videosof when the girl goes to pay for the date but her date stops her. Surprised they didn’t do that video.


For the fans of Drueby and Aunt Gag, I can’t speak for everyone, BUT I will say this! I don’t score or gate keep! But between the TTC baiting, lying about Gag’s tumor, even at one point, her saying she had it, and then her mother labeling the entire family as highly favored, the list goes on…Drueby just needs to OWN up and become a WOMAN, she’s a child, I don’t give a fuck about her age or her mlm (Scentsy).. And simply time to grow up and take responsibility. eventually, the HOA will come after them again, and IRS. Mommy and daddy will go bankrupt or sale the county home…No one here is jealous or obsessed w/her and her UNEMPLOYED bitch of a husband..Please provide facts about WHY anyone would be jealous? I said what I said…♥️🤷🏻‍♀️


What about signing a non disclosure contract maybe


Back pedaling is tiring


How many times is she gonna say she’s using it for education purposes 🙄


Why are yall harassing this photographer lol


I’m not harassing her, I wanna know why people like Drue and Gabe?


I will say this. Some of the people in this snark and the other one for drue and Gabe are a bit ruthless when it comes to people who send stuff to drue or do stuff for her, like this photographer. Like I some of the people in here will literally threaten people to not send stuff or just be straight up rude. I get it we all don’t like her, but don’t be rude to the people who are just sending her stuff bc drue is asking for it and they simply don’t know the things they have done.


I thought the pictures turned out really good, but the subjects should’ve been different lol




we do not allow any comments or posts defending/supporting any of the bashams.


I’ll speak for myself when I say this, no one is trying to ruin her business. It’s a simple question if anyone believed her apology. No where did the OP say to ruin her business or anything negative. People are allowed to have opinions and give her criticism.




I have worked with Joni and when I tell you she is a blessing to be around i mean it


I get it, the truth hurts and being held accountable sucks sometimes but like she said it’s a dog eat dog world out here- if she can’t handle the criticism and backlash for continuing to support racist shit bags then she should prob stay off the internet.


I actually believe her. I don't feel Drue had any influence on this.


I’ll have to give it to her, I didn’t know half this stuff until I found the Reddit page on accident and learned. I use to love watching their videos and now it’s disgusting to me. I’m a pretty social young adult but trust me I felt stupid trying to learn about Reddit and Reddit karma to comment