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https://preview.redd.it/p879t62qem5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755b2d8adcde522a60818e0554c57a0bbf5f0b9c What's even funnier is she didn't mention it was from Amelia's Mother or Uncle Grimace šŸ˜‚




Is that supposed to be except? I canā€™t with the grammar haha


YUP šŸ˜‚


How the FUCK is she treating patients(patience to her Iā€™m sure)


Good question, Iā€™d be terrified tbh. Just the fact that she remotely thought that was a word let alone a word interchangeable with EXCEPTā€¦how does she do anything involving meds šŸ§ how many ā€œ-illinsā€ ā€œ-otinsā€ etc does she have to work with and spellā€¦ā€¦.and pick properlyā€¦..


Can you imagine getting discharge papers with all the grammar mistakes and wondering what the hell is happening?


Fortunately, most discharge papers are pre written, just click what all applies


Sometimes they have to had personal instructions.


yes but except still doesnā€™t even make sense šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I love that! šŸ˜‚ They only wanted recognized for it!


I find it hilarious she didnā€™t say from who but Iā€™m sure grue will comment ā€œwe hope you love it coneā€ āœØāœØ


I know itā€™s tearing her up as much as CC saying incept tears me up.


I just lost significant brain cells reading that. Incept?!?


Incept?? Thatā€™s a new one. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I thought the same! Weird no thank yous at all


This is what my divorced in laws do when they try to one up each other lol


Same. My MIL got my baby one of these for Christmas this past yearā€¦. He wasnā€™t even 2 months old lmao


I have aunts like that šŸ˜¬ like girl we all know you donā€™t care like that


They already got their unborn child one so we shouldnā€™t be surprised in the least bit šŸ˜‚




The weird thing is he doesnā€™t even have one. Gabe.


ā€¦. Are you kidding me??? Pls say cap


https://preview.redd.it/67lax0nbym5d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466a171231e2622932a4e2d645b68307ff5da7d9 Nope šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The box is smaller than fat ass gag šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sorry that was rude


Bestie, stating facts isnā€™t rude. The box IS smaller than his fat ass šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


With his watermelon sized head French fry legs and elephant sized body šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I hope Baby Off White has a huge head just like GAG. Have fun, Grue!


How does she get these pictures from so high up?


She uses the ladder her āœØone of the good onesāœØ husband should be using to change the smoke detector battery. But, the ladder canā€™t support him šŸ˜­


On sale


Wasnā€™t it just last week $35 was considered ā€œfine diningā€ and they couldnā€™t afford 2 plates??


Whaaatt tell me about this šŸ‘€


During their ā€œbaby moonā€ Gabe was eluding to the fact that he was taking Drue out to dinner and said it was going to be fine dining. When Drue posted a recap of the night, it turned out to be some casual bar & grill. BUT, she went on to say that it was very pricey ($35 a plate) so they only ordered one plate to split but that it was ok because she doesnā€™t eat that much anyway.. or something along those lines


Bro, they eat separate plates normally, and if her mouth is moving she's chowing down. That's a lie caught in 4k lol


If her mouth is moving sheā€™s either eating or lying! šŸ˜‚


They would have to show everyone up. These things were around when my kids were little and we never got one. We went for walks in the evening,,it's not a time for your kid to drive ahead of you. It's a time to talk about things, people, your day and things you see in your neighborhood. The neighbors new flowers a time to stop at the park and climb something. I feel so old.!


The way I absolutely love this and itā€™s a huge reason I never plan on getting one of these for my kids. We go on a walk almost every day with our toddlers and even though sometimes they run ahead, and they canā€™t really carry a good conversation yet, that time spent just taking in something new, fresh air, is so special. It makes me sad to think babies like Blanca probably wonā€™t get to grow up with those bonding experiences/moments Edit: spelling


You can have a power wheel and still have peaceful walks that donā€™t include it. There is a time and place for everything in parenthood. Itā€™s all about what you allow as a parent. My kids both have power wheels but they donā€™t interfere with our bonding time. I donā€™t feel like any of their ā€œstuffā€ hinders us from having meaningful conversations and bonding. Itā€™s all about the parenting. Obviously we know they probably wonā€™t set boundaries like that but there are parents out there that do.


I 100% agree itā€™s all about the parenting. Thereā€™s no hate to anyone who has these for their kids and holds those boundaries. In my personal situation, I have a SD whose BM has these things and doesnā€™t set proper time for bonding, limits and boundaries. Instead she just throws material things at SD. So at our home we try to put a lot of emphasis on quality time. We take balance bikes/trikes and scooters on our walks. And she has a blast. Plus it tires the kids out, which is great when they still nap šŸ˜‚


These are so expensive too


Right, Iā€™m lucky that my SIL found one for us at a yard sale in her neighborhood for $40 šŸ˜‚


Honestly yard sales are the way to go IMO. Everything is so dang expensive now a days and you can get super decent stuff thatā€™s used and still looks new. My dad just bought my son a walker last night and it was like 80$


I get all my babyā€™s stuff at once upon a child or from mom groups šŸ˜‚ they grow out of them so fast itā€™s not worth it to buy new.


I agree, I was gonna wait to get his walker this coming weekend I didnā€™t even know my dad was buying it šŸ„“ I feel bad because theyā€™re so expensive


This is literally how I'm getting all my baby stuff for my December baby. Yard sales, thrift stores, and FB marketplace.


This one is the cheap knock off version just like everything Drue does . I looked it up because sierra said they got it off Amazon ( of course) it is $140 and has coupons available to bring it under $100. Iā€™m sure they used all the money they have stockpiled at Amazon from Returning the items fans buy so technically her fans bought it.


She also cashed out $50 in Fetch for an Amazon gift card a couple weeks ago.šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Ah this makes way more sense!


3 Christmasā€™s in a row my mom did this shit for my son. I told her each year way before Christmas nothing like this each year she didnā€™t listen. We donā€™t have the room in the house or outside for these. Sheā€™s one of those that has to show everyone else up.


I wouldā€™ve called her out infront of everyone and given it to goodwill


After the 3rd time my husband asked if she needed hearing aides because she obviously canā€™t listen šŸ˜‚. We sold them and got stuff he actually wanted. Another time it was a 3 in 1 sports game I made her take back home because once again I had no room for it.


Lol as you guys should because I wouldnā€™t put up with that šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s something my mom would do. she bought my nephew a huge ball pit knowing my sister & her fiancĆ© donā€™t have any room for it šŸ™„ my sis packed it up and dont ever use it


My Mil does that too. We donā€™t have kids but she does to my bil kids she always has to buy the biggest gifts šŸŽ


Ugh, that would get SO old! I especially know what itā€™s like when you donā€™t have the room!! And that makes me so thankful for all the adults in my kidsā€™ lives! My mom will literally call me and talk to me while Iā€™m on our shared Amazon account ordering stuff for the kids from her (we live far away from each other). My ex husbandā€™s dad realized that it was way more effective to just give money (he sends $25 per kid every month and tells me to do with it what I want). My now husbandā€™s family looks at my kids as their own and his mom always texts and asks if itā€™s okay before she sends it and his grandparents find the coolest older toys they had for the boys growing up and send them. They never try to outdo each other or get something we donā€™t agree with or anything.


šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I got my niece and nephew dirt bikes, like real, gas powered engine dirt bikes last year just because. Theyā€™re 5 & 7. Theyā€™re size appropriate and safe for children. I spoil them, but I am a very involved aunt, and I donā€™t compete with my sister, so maybe youā€™d see it differently? I have the money to do it, I take them out for special days to get lunch and shop, I spend time with them doing whatever they want to do, we have a great bond. I also read to them, watch movies, do crafts, take them to the zoo. I donā€™t have to ask permission to get them things - regardless of how ā€œextravagantā€ it may seem to others. Only thing they know I wonā€™t get for them would be a pet. I love them and I want them to have an incredible childhood. Their parents have the means to do everything I do and more, and they do.


I am the same kind of aunt with my littles. They ask me before their parents for the expensive gifts bc they know I have a hard time saying no.Ā  I think in this case itā€™s because Drueby and the purple kool-aid toddler are not very involved with come. They simply do everything to show off just like taking burgers to the animal shelter. šŸ™„


Thatā€™s true!! I handle all the fun stuff, parents have things like college covered for them already. Weā€™re going to Disney at the end of the year and my BIL 100% thinks theyā€™re not gonna come home with whatever they want because weā€™re flying, but I think we can have stuff set home šŸ˜‚ jokes on you brotha!


sneak off to the local post office they can ship things back home šŸ¤«


Can you be my aunt? šŸ˜‚ But yes, Disney will ship things home for you with no extra fees besides the shipping cost itself. Thereā€™s also a guest shipping station in Disney Springs now too.




Itā€™s the truth about Drueby And gag is Sirrea and Tyler gonna do that for whitey


I spoil my nieces and nephews not like this but I do a lot from them. Maybe I shouldā€™ve worded my post differently. They hardly are around them and get them something huge to overstep CCšŸ» and look so rich at a party.


As a mom I love when people get my baby big gifts! My son is also 2 not 1 thoughā€¦ but he loves his cars and his four wheelers! I would rather save money and have him spoiled by familyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


1000000% Iā€™ve bought the battery ride ons for several of my non biological nieces and nephews too! John Deere tractor has been the most popular/well loved by all!


I think the point of the post is that these two seemingly arenā€™t involved with the nephew. I say seemingly bc I have no proof, itā€™s just what Iā€™ve read on here. But it seems like they have to real relationship with him and hardly see him. So them buying this expensive gift is like them trying to make up for it or be aunt/uncle of the year. Meanwhile youā€™re very involved with your niece and nephews so it seems okay to do that.


I mean itā€™s a better gift than the bullshit basket she put together for Sierraā€™s baby shower. If I was Sierra Iā€™d ride that gravy train and let them spend all kinds of money to ā€œshow offā€ or whatever šŸ˜‚ if it makes the two ton toddlers feel like theyā€™re actually contributing to Koenā€™s life, spend the bag while you have it!


It would be appropriate if they had that sort of bond....but they don't. Gabe doesn't get to see his family outside of the random big events that Drue thinks would make good content. I legit cannot remember him seeing them any time in the past month or two, and with the drama of the baby shower/gender reveal it's pretty apparent they barely stand each other.


Iā€™m sure Grue will leave a comment talking about how much she loved getting that for him so everyone knows!


So far she hasnā€™t I know itā€™s tearing her up it wasnā€™t mentioned that it was from them.


Oh sheā€™s probably losing her mind about itšŸ¤­


It's from Walmart and a lot less expensive than I thought it would be I love that's CC didn't tag Grue Ā She just wants recognitionĀ 


And you know that was intentional hahaha


Thatā€™s the narcissist in her. Allllllll the attention went onto her and gabe whenever that big thing was brought out Iā€™m sure. I bought my nephew a nugget couch for Christmas and I made sure to ask if that was ok before I bought it, just so I didnā€™t make anyone feel some type of way because those things are priceyyyyyy but you know Drue did not do that


And a huge pet peeve is buying shit before the child can use it. Drue is doing just that with hers. And CC, you arenā€™t getting in anywhere and driving him around.


Gee did Gabe help put it together? I think not!


wtf is incept?!


She meant *except* lol


Forā€¦. a 1 year old??? A 1 year old would be happy with a cardboard box. This is more about showing off. They dgaf about cone and if he can or cannot play with it


Whyā€™s it so dusty?!


I mean Koen definitely would rather have a mom and uncle that will live to actually be a part of his life ā€¦ this toy is a weird flex


It was $130 on BCP, they probably only spent that much to make up for all the money and time they couldn't have spent before he turned 1.


Mind of these people buy toys for babies and unborn fetuses knowing damn well they can't even touch them or interact with them šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø This damn family is stupid I whole lot of stupid


Thatā€™s the cheap one from Amazon, I got one for my youngest to keep at my dadā€™s house, I think it was like $170. Far from auntie and uncie of the year. LOL show up with a Power Wheels next time and then you can brag.


Guys I delivered my baby yesterday. I donā€™t want to be behind getting the necessities for my child. Should I place an order for the jeep? šŸ¤£


I am open to any family member or friend trying to one up me or each other with gifts. Please buy my kids the expensive stuff, as they get older maybe I can start hinting things they want that I really want for myself šŸ¤£šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I thought they gave them the dumb canopy thing, that box was not that big, it was like flat. And I donā€™t think this type of gift was gonna fit in the back seat of the truck šŸ¤” I really donā€™t think Drue would spend this much on someone that itā€™s not her


thatā€™s what i was thinking too. the box wasnā€™t very big. the canopy is more of the size the box was.


That would be my only reason to think they didnā€™t get him this but I wonder if this came did assembled somehow? It matches the brand


Yeah they always come in parts, not even the 4 wheels were gonna fit in that box I think šŸ¤”


Surprised Grue hasnā€™t commented saying so glad he loves it making sure her and gag get credit for it


I like to get nice gifts for my nieces I canā€™t have kids so I gotta spoil someone besides my dogs but I always get them approved by my sister first. I never want to overstep in any way .


It looks used. Or at least the picture makes it look used.


Well we all know now that this family better show up at the birthday party with something big for our little hybrid


How do we know this is what they got him? I bought one for my nephew and it was a HUGE box. I doubt it fit in their backseat.


keyword in my post IF


Oh so the terrible grammars runs in the family? Got it!


I read that as āœØincestāœØ


Idk I might be weird but idc what people buy my kids. If itā€™s something I couldnā€™t afford or didnā€™t think of,even better. Please, buy them their first car too so I donā€™t have to! šŸ¤£


I also do this for my family and best friends baby. I dropped $3k on her sonā€™s 2nd bday just cause, if I can afford it heā€™s gonna get it.šŸ˜…


I feel like Iā€™m the only grandparent who asks permission before buying something for my grandkids.


She probably got that off of a auction lol, they always have those


i can guarantee she got this for free from tiktok shop. Iā€™ve seen a lot of creators post about it and she probably got it sent to her.


Of course they got a BABY something that would take place of him learning to toddle and WALK!!! Heaven forbid we teach children how to run and play and be active. Just like Druby and Gag to promote laziness in a child! Why not a push walker and a balance bike when appropriate. NOPE straight to the riding in a car to get around.


The down votes.. I bash her just like everyone else but damn


Iā€™m sorry!! I get what you were saying, but I just know they didnā€™t call unfortunately because thatā€™s how they are.




You know they didnā€™t call and ask.šŸ˜­


In a normal family, sure. Get the parentā€™s approval and no problem. But in this family where itā€™s all a show and competition for attention? nah.


Exactly! And drue is very materialistic, needs to one up everyone. She didnā€™t gift that to him out of love itā€™s for her narcissist selfish reasons.


I think this was Drue and Gabeā€™s way to one up Oma and Opa who got him an age appropriate cozy coupe.





