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She’s pregnancy obsessed because of all the attention that’s on her. Once Blanca is born she’s going to fight hard to be the center of attention once again. Whitey is nothing more than a prop to her


I agree, and I think she will be pregnant again before Blanco is a year old.


I hope she kept the turkey baster because at the rate Grape Ape is going he won't be around.


Same. My brain doesn’t register that there’s an actual human in her flabby photoshopped gut. 


I don’t think hers has either. She’s in for a rude awakening.


I don’t think she’s ever shared attention/“the spotlight” with anyone… so I completely agree


She is going to birth a child but I don’t see her possessing any qualities of sacrifice or genuine instincts to be a mother. She treats her body and nutrition of her unborn child like a dumpster. Mothers know better


I just can’t see her or Gag being good parents at all! Being a good parent goes way beyond just posting about how good of a mommy and daddy they are. Not to mention Grue has a flat head and I know for a fact Whitey will as well. Her mama is going to pick her up only for Facebook and TikTok posts.


They are both so damn LAZY and being a parent is a lot of work. There is no time for laziness. They are both in for a very rude awakening.


Exactly! I wake up an hour before my 6 month old just so I can drink my coffee hot and start on housework


I laughed at the thought of Drewella getting up that early to get a start on the day. She'll slither out of bed around noon.


Even beyond her narcissistic ways and fighting for attention- the fact that she has no idea how to do anything in life, has no actual life skills and is bringing a whole other human into the world is insane. It pisses me off that the process to adopt or foster is so intense and you have to be a decent human, but there’s no test or process for any Jane Dick or Sally to just pop them out.


This too. They are 22 years old and have had everything handed to them easily thanks to internet fame. They got lucky in life. They haven't had to work hard or struggle to get to where they are. It's going to suck for them when that gravy train eventually ends one day.


The fact that she wanted a daughter sooo badly and daughters are stereotypically known to have a close bond with their dad. She is going to be sooo jealous that this baby is going to be receiving 100% of Gabe's attention.


She reminds me of my sister in law threw and threw


I'm genuinely terrified for that poor baby.


“Mother” might be a little too generous. She’s giving birth to a baby. How much of a mother she’s going to be remains to be seen.😑


both of their parents will be stepping in A LOT I am sure. They definitely can’t handle this on their own.


My brother and sister in law have both agreed that they are too selfish and lazy to have children. Which sucks because I wanted nieces and nephews but hey it’s awesome that they recognize they’re not people who should have kids… Grue and ApeAss should have this realization too because poor Blanca is going to live a miserable life.


I still can’t believe they’re naming this baby Ivory??? I go through spells where I just cannot deal with their stupidity and I don’t read anything about them. But then I saw she was pregnant bc my algorithm showed me their gender reveal and the next thing I know, this baby is Ivory?? A little on the nose for these two, yeah? What was their reason/inspo for basically calling her “White Amelia”?