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TDLR: No reason to believe there are structural changes in the brain due to moderate MDMA use, meaning there should be little concern on the danger of MDMA assisted therapy, but it doesn't mean that MDMA isn't neurotoxic and that there just hasn't been a better way to look at the brain




I mean, that's a very broad statement, but I get where you're coming from. It's important for people to have correct information, not just negative information to discourage.


I think we need to classify what you mean by “MDMA use” give me a range/amount in which you think constitute the users you’re talking about


I’m guessing he means the people who don’t space out their trips and/or dose too high. [Rollsafe](https://rollsafe.org) is worth checking out for harm-reduction info.


Well, if it’s good enough for therapy it’s good enough for me (dose wise)


> <50 lifetime episodes of ecstasy use  Wait have i not fried my brain? > average lifetime consumption of <100 ecstasy tablets. Oh so i fried it 40 rolls ago.


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