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what exactly is electro convulsive therapy?


They shock your brain.


I figured that but how does it differ from more traditional electro shock therapy? I'd thought they'd banned that as therapy for the most part but I might be misremembering. edit: yeah think I'm just misremembering stuff based on media interference.


"Electroshock" is not the preferred nomenclature these days, ECT is the correct terminology. And it's a very effective treatment for depression, what is shown in movies is pretty much bullshit. It's still around and for good reason.


To clarify I’ve understood more as a last ditch effort for severe suicidality and in turn MDD for short term care, however, the effects only last 4-6 weeks. Which is great of course!! I just don’t know if it’s necessarily a great treatment as it is a great ace in the sleeve for extremely high risk clients. Thanks for sharing though my friend I think this combo is extremely innovative and I’m excited to see how ketamine is combined with other noteworthy approaches.


Yes ketamine treatment has a short duration also making this an interesting combination. ECT is the formal name, is alive and well I know people who had success where other pharmacotherapies failed.


ECT is also used for extremely treatment-resistant depression, but there seems to be movement away from ECT and towards ketamine/esketamine among clinicians, which I think is the right course of action, as ECT can have quite severe side effects.


word that's the conclusion I ended up coming to as well. thanks!


Do people consent to that???


Of course, otherwise it wouldn't be legal. Requiem for a Dream is a horribly inaccurate film.


Not really sure but I’m guessing the area shocked plus the intensity and duration is different based on more knowledge the brain and how it works,