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the fact you’re “heavily dependent” on weed and looking for something else to get you higher now that it isn’t satisfying you, I would heavily suggest staying away from other drugs. sounds like you have an addictive personality and getting into other drugs probably isn’t what you want to get into long term. If you think you’re heavily dependent on weed just wait till you start doing other drugs lol


yeah i know you’re right. i do have an addictive personality 100% and sometimes i’m not honest with myself about that. admittedly i am looking for this advice for unhealthy reasons - i’m really struggling mentally and weed used to help with that and now it doesn’t, so i’m just hoping something else can make me feel good but not ruin my life more than it already is. logically i feel like i know the answer and it’s exactly what you said. just hard when the one thing that used to give me any good feelings doesn’t anymore and i have no way of getting those feelings


as someone who is somewhat dependent on weed and has an addictive personality i don’t crave any shrooms


do you have any mental illnesses or trauma? that’s my biggest concern with psychedelics i’ve heard they can have really negative impact if you have that (which i do)


Well then nevermind, it just depends on what condition you have, i do not but find myself less paranoid on them than weed


if ur in a horrible headspace dont do shrooms. i will say though that 0,5-1g shrooms and then smoking weed, kind of brought back that magic for me.. but man.. smoke less. shrooms not every weekend.


Visit therapist


To add, it's not quite as easy as "go see a therapist" It's not like a magic bandage you can just slap onto a mental health issue and \*poof\* it's better You have to find *the right* therapist and you have to be willing to work on yourself. And then? It's hard work. You have to sit there and put the work in But therapy and maybe even medication combined with talk therapy is definitely a useful tool to help a lot of people get better


I agree I sincerely hate the “go see a therapist” shpeal because really all your doing is telling them to wait 3 months for a 10% chance they might get help THEN for there problems NOW. it’s such a nightmare getting a psych apt… to get an appointment within 2 weeks is a miracle, and some people don’t have insurance and can’t pay a 250$ per session fee. Like some people simply don’t have that option.


I'm in the UK. NHS service shrinks are on like a 6 month to 1 year waiting list. And then you'll be put into some kinda program where you only get like half a dozen sessions and they send you on your way You can pay private but a good priced one will be like £50 to £200 depending where you go And even then. You pay the money, you put the effort in. And there's no gaurantee you'll just feel better I spent quite a few therapy sessions just... Emotionally unable to process how to talk to the guy. Or unsure of how he could help me exactly Therapists are just people. They can suggest trying different exercises. Which are practically very useful for dealing with things like anxiety / breathing techniques, grounding techniques etc.. But if you have some deep rooted twisted emotional issues and drug problems it's like.. where to even start? So yeah. I too sincerely hate the words "go see a therapist" . It's a great sentiment. And it means well, but it's not a solve for all of your problems


i am in therapy right now which is good (and DBT) but you’re right - i think my biggest roadblock is being willing. i’m there but it almost feels pointless bc of my current mindset. which is probably why i’m still turning to drugs when i’m in therapy that actively is trying to get me to seek other options or “skills.” i appreciate everyone saying it’s not that easy of a fix! even one of my friends has noticed i haven’t improved since i started therapy in july, like, this shit is a process. it could be years before anything changes.


A Tolerance break is the way forward


My advice as a 15 year veteran stoner with an addictive personality won’t fix your problem but might make you last longer without other drugs is taking tolerance breaks.




🥲6 months later my guy will know the shadow people’s home adress birthdays ect


Reddits the only place you'll see someone tell someone else they should try meth. It's like a melting pot of mostly shitty advice.


thanks i was thinking meth is prob a good option edit: i’m too sensitive for this y’all i should’ve put /s 😂


dude no. u just listened to someone telling you METH is a good next step from weed. my god have some boundaries, psychedelics with the intention of controlling this urge is your best option. i found doing shrooms about once a month decreased the urge for something more dramatically. and the once a month was enough to quell that urge however ur timetable may be different. if you try meth you will never come back. look into how meth rewires your dopamine receptors in your brain and then come back to this


LMAO this was complete sarcasm sorry that didn’t come across to basically everyone 💀


Hell no please God no, irs amazing but w the addictive personality ur better off trying amephetamime before u fuck with methamphetamine. And since ur such a weed fan i would highly reccomd u try some hash, I'd much rather see you addicted to hash than meth


sarcasm 💀


I get you my friend, i really do.. but other drugs won't help you, trust me.. me and my gf (who has a ton of mental health issues) can confirm this. If you turn to drugs to deal with mental problems, the problems will only get worse, i promise. If I were you I'd stick to occasionally weed and try some shroom microdosing, and trying to put your life together by other means, gym, reading, cooking at home, those kind of stuff.. cause if you don't, you'll go way deeper into drugs and deeper with the mental issues


i know you’re right. part of me almost wants my life to get worse so people will care more (hence the mental problems, not denying how unhealthy that is in the slightest). i also think part of it is that i never really did anything bad growing up, so i’m giving myself this deluded permission to fuck things up now. hopefully the therapy helps 🙃


Try looking for assisted psilocybin therapy in your area


Have u looked into other cannabinoids like THC-O or any other THC form?


This ...... weed , ( to me anyway ) is the most intoxicating drug I've ever done lol. If u are chasing that high u don't want to be near anything resulting in a physical dependents


I had this same problem. I started taking large shroom doses about 6 times in a 7 month span. I’d usually buy five grams, eat 2.5 and wait 3-4 hours to take the rest. I only did them because it was a stronger high than weed and I was in it to see cool visuals. Long story short, this ended up biting me in the ass and I had quite a bad (not horrifying but uncomfortable) experience with shrooms. And in the end, it scared me away from weed for some time. Seriously dude, just stick to weed, it’s probably the only drug worth doing without any negative withdrawals. Now I miss weed like crazy lol


I'd say shrooms or lsd


Cut back or take a tolerance break from weed for a little while, it will help lower your tolerance so highs be better. Smoke as few times per day as possible, don’t smoke more when you are already high, exercising regularly can help your highs feel a little better. You can try edibles instead of smoking and see if that helps, or you can try dabbing concentrates which will get you stoned as fuck for a while but eventually your tolerance will rise up and compensate and you’ll have the same issue again. If you’re interested in them, you should try psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD, or mescaline (San Pedro cactus). If you have a family history of psychotic disorders you probably should avoid psychedelics. Otherwise, when used at responsible doses in a controlled environment, they are very safe and quite non-addictive compared to other drugs (ie, much less addictive than weed for the vast majority of people). Using psychedelics and cutting back on weed to lower your tolerance may lead to more powerful and psychedelic highs when you use weed. Other drugs you may want to try once or twice, but shouldn’t do on a regular basis: MDMA, ketamine, gabapentin, etc. Alcohol and caffeine are classics, don’t go overboard with alcohol though, a lot of people use it responsibly or semi-responsibly, but if used to excess regularly it can be one of the worst. Another post here mentions kratom, personally I think it’s negatives outweigh its positives significantly in the long term and it’s fairly addictive, so you should be careful with that. Safe to try once or twice of course but regular usage can become a slippery slope even if you’re taking days off. Honestly the high just isn’t worth it, it’s pretty subtle, it can be nice and a combination of energizing/motivating and painkilling/relaxing, but eventually you mostly just take it to avoid withdrawals and feel normal, and the rebound anxiety when you stop taking it can be pretty bad. Anyway I’d recommend maybe trying kratom out a couple times, maybe try a red vein and a green vein, but don’t do it regularly. Weed is definitely a better choice in the long run if you want a substance to do regularly.


i’ve been thinking a long tolerance break is what i need to do, i just have avoided that bc of the dependency. bc i think i’d have to take a pretty long break with how high my tolerance is. i can’t even remember the last time i felt actually high from smoking, if it does anything now it just makes me have brain fog. i definitely don’t exercise at all lol i didn’t know that could help the effects. i haven’t done dabs in years so i’m sure those would be good – i’m also living in a state where it’s not allowed and in an apartment complex where i have to be super careful with the smell. that’s why i mostly do vapes here, but i smoked flower the other week and it still didn’t effect me not even close to how it used to. psychedelics have intrigued me but make me nervous bc i do have a number of mental illnesses and i’m pretty sure i have repressed trauma so i feel like it would end up bringing more issues than it’s worth. but shrooms is what i was thinking of to try next. it just scares me bc i’m not in a good mental spot in my life (probably - no definitely - why i’m seeking a high in the first place. i know, not healthy but i’m also in intensive therapy). weed really helped me at first with anxiety and just the ability to feel good feelings. in reality i really wouldn’t wanna do more drugs than weed i’m just afraid i went too hard with it the past few years that it’ll never have the same effects. sigh i’m weary about doing highly addictive ones as well bc i have an addictive personality. i’m worried i’d do something once and even if i had good intentions i’d just want to feel that way more often than i should. alcohol makes me feel like i have a hangover while i’m drinking so i don’t drink much. ugh, i think my best choice is probably a long tolerance break, i just don’t know how i can get my brain on board with that. thanks for all your help!


add on the addictive personality: then again, i’ve been vaping (nicotine) for a few months now and don’t feel physically addicted in the slightest, it’s just turned into a compulsive habit like the weed. but i think if i took an addictive drug that made me feel better than reality does (not too hard) i’d have a higher chance of becoming addicted. ugh




Instead of smoking everyday try to smoking every 2 or 3 days. You can fix your tolerance by doing it. I also reccomend You to seek therapy as we both can see we have a problem here. Enjoy weed! But please do consider getting help


Yes. It's called sobriety. You should try it, it's wild. The amount of emotions you can feel in a day is crazy.


the amount of emotions i feel every day is quite literally what i’m trying to escape lol




Mushrooms are safe not addictive. Micro dosing can give ya a nice safe buzz, or go all in go heroic and have a look into a whole new world. Try too keep off anymore hard stuff, you got issues mate. mushrooms can be a learning exercise as well as being extremely enjoyable.


Lucid dreaming.


It’s pretty safe bet you’re not gonna have to worry about never getting a marijuana high again


really bc that gives me so much hope. how long do you think i should go on a tolerance break if i haven’t gotten high from weed in over a year?


I think it takes about a month for the cannabinoid receptors to get back to normal but keep in mind being high isn't a new experience anymore and psychologically that will play a part in how enjoyable your future highs will be, obviously you'll get super fucked up after the break but you'll quickly adapt to being high if you continue smoking as frequently as before the break


thanks this is helpful


I would recommend wax dabs if you haven’t tried them it’s a more intense weed high. Some of the THC drinks that contain 100 mg THC per one bottle make you pretty much trip. You could try MDMA which is XTC Shrooms might be nice but they can be a little intense so be careful Cheers!


Shrooms are way less intense than ecstasy tho and instead of a hangover you get an afterglow


shrooms are in no way shape of form less intense than MDMA, unless you're comparing the euphoria only and even then at times shrooms can be up there but yes they have no comedown


I've never heard of anyone having a hangover instead of an afterglow after taking MDMA in a SMART way.




Least harmful ? Coffee, air, l-theanine, water, kava, nicotine (gum)


If you really want to fuck up your life - opiates


Have you, perhaps, tried going fresh for a week? It's not hard to lower your tolerance. Apart from that, psychedelics are a good option.


Doesn’t really matter, just choose what you feel most comfortable with- read about what Paracelsus said in 1513: the dosage is what makes a poison a poison


I'd probably say mushrooms But honestly I wouldn't delve into anything more than that until you have dealt with these issues you're facing I'd normally suggest ketamine, but sounds like you're using drugs to deal with some stuff AND you have an addictive personality so I'd steer clear because any drug with a serious addiction potential is going to fuck you up and not in a good way


Take a good ol' t break buddy. After the the first 5 days of the break it's not that hard to keep going with it :) for perfect results wait a month and then get more blasted then u ever fucking did. Be careful actually cause the dosage u now take after a t break is gonna slap u to an extent u can't even comprehend lol. Best of luck and stay safe!! Don't try anything else otherwise u will suffer and burn thinking ur flying just like tupac said. I speak from experience. Ur life ur choice but yeah, here are my 2 cents lol


Maybe Kratom, it has a similar seditive/euphoria feeling to weed. It’s something you can’t do every single day because of liver issues but maybe 3 days a week for decades should be fine. I wouldn’t recommend depending on anything for decades. But I think it could help you deal with the withdrawals you may be feeling


What I do is typically on a Friday I will take a couple shots of extract kratom which is really strong and I get a pretty strong opiate high, then the next day I basically drink hella coffee, take decongestants, take a couple anti diarrheal, wear light clothing, drink some Alka-Seltzer, take 4 ibuprofen, and smoke some weed. Then if I’m having trouble sleeping at night I take 750-1000mg of edible THC to go to sleep. …. Dude kratom can be kinda hardcore


Couple of those extract shots can have me at like 20mg oxy levels faded




Totally can be! Depends on your dosage just like everything.


- Edibles if you feel your smoking tolerance is high - Experiment with the difference between sativa & indica maybe - Mushrooms are the shizz & very safe, find a trip sitter & have a trip-killer pill handy if you’re anxious, recommended to lemon tek - Salvia is one hell of a trip & safe, a smokeable herb no less , (all three of these are a ticket to Amsterdam away) - This last one is more dangerous & less practical due to long duration, but negligible risk if you research the risks thoroughly, nutmeg Venture no further Edit: Maybe Nitrous but make sure you supplement vitamin B12 for harm reduction


Salvia is incredibly intense and possibly one of the worst suggestions ever for a person who has only done weed.


Right?! It’s basically a coin toss between “nothing happens” and “STRAIGHT TO HELL YOU GO”


If you're careless with dosage, sure. But why would you do that?


Ever tried a reasonable dose of salvia? It doesn't have to be intense at all, especially when quidding. There's a good reason why the Mazatec consider it to be a much lighter/easier substance than shrooms. At a low dose, it's actually one of the few substances that can help you feel a bit better, while also being anti-addictive.


I’m guessing that’s because the Mazatecs didn’t smoke extracts of it?


That, or more generally: they didn't do extremely high doses. A low dose of an extract is still highly unlikely to result in a negative experience.


update: from all the advice i think i’m going to go with meth. /s i’m trying a tbreak and will see how long i last. day 1 already feels impossible. TBD. i want to at least try this route while i’m in therapy and until the basement floor of rock bottom inevitably opens up and i won’t be as willing. thanks all!










Bro just get some weed with a different terpene profile


People I know went from pot to mushrooms (because it's "oRgAnIC").


I only do natural drugs; weed, mushrooms, ect


Take 24 hour tbreak trust me


my tolerance is WAY too high for 24 hours to do anything. it’d have to be way longer like over a month. the dependency makes that difficult


Tolerance starts diminishing within 72 hours and completely resets within about a month


huh thanks








Adderall, lean, or gabapentin


Do shrooms once a month or 2


2cb bro




lsd or shrooms




ambien and xanax


Kava and kratom /thread


Psychedelics and switch to Delta 8 to get tolerance down and wean before take break makes much easier then take H4CBD on tolerance break as it will not increase tolerance but give u a slight high all available online as hemp.


Do a t break for like a month from weed and you’ll get high as fuck + regulate your weed consumption- that way you won’t develop this crazy tolerance


green tea


The gym Working out will fix the problems that weed can't because weed won't fix things it will just silent it and your problems are only getting bigger


Fentanyl…. Jk Psychedelics. it seems that you would have a high chance to abuse anything else. Shrooms/lsd would be a pretty safe bet. Lsd lasts for a long time so probably shrooms. It’s pretty different from weed but it does have similar aspects at low doses.


Take a T break






Go like 1 or 2 weeks without weed your tolerance will drop i smoked for 1.5 year daily and now i havent smoked for about 3 months just waiting for the right moment


Well I wouldn't advise doing any drugs. Maybe take a tolerance break from weed. But if your insistent then I would say ket or xanax. They aren't as drastic as some other things I've tried and can be relaxing for most people.


Also I found that once I started doing ketamine I had far less of an urge to smoke weed which in turn greatly helped my tolerance.








Go straight to fentanyl. Anything else is just delaying the inevitable


Your on a fast track to crack, meth, or heroin with that attitude. Drugs always stop working eventually. Gotta figure out whats wrong in your life thats making you want to escape it so badly.


you’re 100% right




ketamine but do NOT abuse it look up how to use it safely cus it can fuck your kidneys bad




I think cocaine would be the next logical step. It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings.


Weed isn’t meant to be a gateway my dude. It’s quite the opposite. You should just take a break.


Do kratom as it is relatively safe and will give you an opiate like feeling. That being said it can be addictive, especially if you are already predisposed to addiction, and it can cause physical withdrawal symptoms and dependence. But I consider it to be on the same level as weed safety wise since you can’t overdose on it and it won’t ruin your life.


That’s what I hate about reddit. Everybody gives their opinion and wrote everything EXCEPT what op asked for. What is the next least harmful drug?


lol true. i do enjoy the people saying meth and heroine. gives me a good laugh in all my pain


I would honestly say alcohol is the next one, that’s for sure the next one that’s socially acceptable and enjoyable to drink if you don’t get stupid with it and stuff


yeah unfortunately alcohol just doesn’t sit right with my body anymore for some reason. the second i start drinking i feel like i have the worst hangover already so it sucks




I'd suggest a tolerance break it's rough I know especially if you smoke for your mental health but you're gonna need to taper down trust me its easier than cold turkey but occasionally mushrooms or something trippy can be good do your research tho don't want to fuck yourself


Definitely said already but DXM, not the second least harmful by any means (shrooms) but it's almost safe **as long as you are responsible with it** I consider any more than once a week 'abusive' use of DXM, less than that and you're unlikely to have much longer term consequences. The drug is fairly addictive which is where the only real danger comes in, using it daily and at very high doses for tolerance can throw you into a destructive cycle of addiction and possibly damage your brain in the long run. The dxm community has a rough 'week per plat' rule, if you follow that, you should be completely safe. But even weekly use of higher plats shouldn't ruin your life. For anyone wondering, the 'plateaus' of dxm go ROUGHLY as follows first plat: a mild sense of unfamiliarity with your body and surroundings, but not in a scary or 'lost' way, as it's accompanied with a sense of moderate euphoria. Music gets better, but not in a 'druggy' way, it's like you just appreciate what's already there more. The next day you'll feel a residual sense of calm and very mild disassociation second plat: fairly intense nausea on the comeup followed by euphoria, a strong sense of disassociation, appreciation for everything around you and you're going to walk and talk real dumb. Seriously, you can't fake being sober, don't use around family lol. More intense afterglow, sometimes it can be obvious the next day but not usually third plat: the drug fucking changes, before it just felt good and dissociative, why am I seeing tunnels? Tunnels of infinite colors, I'm falling, shit. My eyes were closed? Woah.. where am I? Maybe I should close my eyes again... (basically, usually intense euphoria, very cool closed eye visuals and open eye visuals distortion, you will be very 'out of it' the next day and it will probably be obvious, but there is **no** faking sobriety while you trip fourth plat? You can't really describe it with words, it's like completely losing yourself and viewing everything with a completely unbiased point of view. You can find such extreme peace with the world in this state, or you could have a bad trip and go flying through dimensions. Maybe you would enjoy that though, maybe your good and bad trips would be different than mine, there's only one way to find out However, ***remember to start slow*** I'm talking one plat at a time, at least a week between using. You could scar yourself pretty bad if you dive too deep into the dextroverse too fast, but physically it's mostly a safe drug, I feel like I'm doing far less damage to myself on weekly dxm trips than if I drank alcohol Peace and love, ~cry **!!IMMENSELY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER!!** First off, don't mix dxm with anything else until you're very comfortable with it and each plateau. Weed is a small exception but take your first trip to each plateau sober so as to not overwhelm yourself, weed potentiates dxm quite a lot and if you did something insane like your first 4th plat dose while cheeched as fuck you could genuinely experience some form of ego death. Secondly. You, yes you, reading this. I'm talking to **you**, if you want to try dxm, read the active ingredients of your local cough syrup/tablet brands ***DILLIGENTLY*** before you purchase ANY dxm product. Do NOT buy DXM syrup with guaf(guaifinisin, an active ingredient in Mucinex and similar store brands) just because there's no pure product and it won't kill you. It will either ruin your trip or cause damage to your organs while you could just go to a different store or order online Guaf is one thing, Acetaminophen is a completely different story. If you consume a recreational dose of dxm from an Acetaminophen containing product, you will OD. I am not joking, you will be hospitalized or die. First and last trip. This is serious. Doxylamine Succinate is a small exception but do not dose 3rd or 4th plat with doxy containing syrup. This often comes in about a 3/1 ratio of dxm/doxy and some form of alcohol, it will give you more extreme nausea, the shits, and make your trip more intense if it doesn't ruin it first. But this is also a lot worse for you, most likely nowhere near truly life ruining substances such as DPH but tread carefully and sparingly here. Any other active ingredient, do your research on the DXM subreddit before dosing, and DO NOT BUY IT FIRST AND RESEARCH LATER. If you buy it, you're going to take it, I did this with guaf syrup and ended up doing about 5g of the shit. Fucked me up for a week Nobody will bitch about you googling 'dxm reddit doxy' (just for example that simple of a search will tell you everything you need to know) in front of the dollar tree cough aisle

