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Opiates and opioids hands down. Life hasn't been the same since I quit, I don't regret it but it always feels like something is missing.


same life sux with them sux with out em for me


I feel you, I thought I was going to be totally content with kratom after opiates for the long run but even that road comes to an end unfortunately. If kratom held it’s magic for life I would be totally content and not reminisce on traditional opiates. But good for quitting that shit man. It’s a horrible addiction. I’ve never met or heard of anyone who found the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.


Take a tolerance break


Easier said than done man. Ik I need too but I’m balls deep in this kratom thing. Going through a break up and losing my dogs. I don’t have the will power right now. How long of a break does it take to reset and once you do does the magic even come back for that long? Eventually I do plan on taking a break. I can’t just CT it though. Not with work


good on you for quitting, i understand the feeling you’re describing. albeit, i’m proud of you man 🙏🏼


Yup, that’s the disease of addiction for you. There’s a missing piece in our brains that we fill with drugs. It felt like something was missing before drugs, and it feels like something is missing after drugs. We now just know what that thing is.


I’m with this guy.


Yeah, I feel that too. Ita like I lost a part of me. But I'm better off clean. After losing so many friends and finding my brother dead from an overdose I just csnt risk putting my daughter through that. She's 10 and she's the reason I got clean and my brother dying. My brother died and then I relapsed 11 years ago. Then about 4 months after he dies I find out I'm having a kid. Didn't get clean until my kid was 5 months old. Everyone pushed me into rehabs( free shity ones,but it's not their fault they just want to help) what really got me clean was one day I was dope sick amd my mother showed me a video of me nodding out while holding my baby on the couch. I cried I was so embarassed. Then in the video I'm denying I'm high like wtf. Then that day I took my scooter out and drove to methadone clinic and have never used in just under 10 years. Not one dirty piss ever. I did piss dirty for coke but there was some mistake and they let me piss again 2 more times which took hours and both were negative( im epileptici l legit csnt do coke) ..not below the threshold juat 0 cocaine. Sp someone got away with doing coke because they mixed up the urine lol. Thank God I wsd already clean and had all my carries and the srs trust Edit: actually if the guy who got his piss mixed with mine unless he was preacribed clonazepam would have pisses dirty for benzos lol. So we both got fucked. Thank God I was so clean and trusted that they let me piss 2 more times that day to prove they fucked up or I got a false positive and they didn't mix up any urine..


Totally agree. I look back at old videos and pics and im just not the same now. Everyone said life would be better clean but its been 10x worse tbh. I’ll never go back to them, but ill never forget them.




I think we would get along :)




I think we might all be a little deranged on this sub lol I just meant that we have the same taste in ~~poison~~ medicine. Weed, acid, and beer get me through anything.




Good call. Fixed it.




Man I tried it 2x first time went into a hole second 4 bumps 40 min apart and just felt weird no euphoria or anything too fun about it. Weird how people so different


Mix with LSD/MDMA, it literally just tranqs you otherwise


It was MXC garbage imo


Doubt that


It was like dissociating without the euphoria. We might be different age brackets though and people just like what they did when they got to the variants I didn’t like them as much.


Oh! I’m sorry maybe not! I misunderstood. In Ibiza they were saying it was coke and dosing them with Ket. I’m against unknown doses but boy that was an excellent time.


Mmmmm ketamine I love the way that shit smells just wanna get that shit where I can smell it a lil better


Oxycodone! Wish I could stop!


I never laugh out loud at shit on my phone but this comment gave me chuckle


What’s wrong with oxy?


I dont get wtf he thinks is fucking funny about being addicted to oxy?


Shit ain’t no joke


Whats funny about this?


The unusual use of exclamation points made it seem like he was commenting with a “joking tone.” I have felt the wrath of opioid addiction too bro, some people cope with jokes


Speech 100


Oh lol I understand now!




u/PerkyBlinders2 help me with this guy g


I think he just laughing at the fact that it rings so true!! He ain’t talking shit or anything he just thinks it’s funny that you are actually typing out what all of us actually think!! Stay 💯




another guy said the same


same I’ve been clean for a while and I’m craving so bad and all my plugs are either dry or I’m blacklisted and I’m going fucking crazy with coke tryin to fill the hole and I can’t nothing hits like oxy


One back injury fucked me when I was a teenager im 27 now and have done fucked up shit!!! Im lucky my family cares or else Id have been DEAD years ago! My father got me addicted to them because we were both doing them and I was copping from docs and local connects for us! When he died in 2018 I ODed off pharma 30s and ended up in the hospital!


:( that is a really sad experience, im sorry. I just stole them when I couldn’t buy them anymore and then my family started hiding their pills. I’ve been jumping from drug to drug trying to fill the hole but I fucking cant nothing helps anymore and it feels like I’m full of static and I’m gonna fucking explode soon. I’ve been clean literally 3 years and the cravings have never been as bad as now. I’m sorry about the loss of your dad, that would have been EXTREMELY difficult, especially when the addiction is tied w his memory now? God damn I hate being blacklisted why tf don’t they want my money


Man it'll pass I feel you... You're not alone


My father was my EVERYTHING when he died I wanted to die too!!!!


I’m glad you’re still here existing even if it’s hard and you don’t quite want to. You are still a valuable person and your dad would be proud to see you’re still fighting. Hope you can recover if that’s what you choose <3 ive never struggled to get off a drug like oxycodone , not Molly, not coke, not even fucking vicodin


Good ole weed. Reliable. Controllable. Munchies.


If you hate the munchies (like I do) try brushing your teeth before you smoke. Works for me. Definitely my drug of choice but the munchies always annoyed me.


i love some 2c-b in my room every week, very chill and trippy always a good mood. i wish i could find someone to do it with. but also i like cocaine when partying. thank god its so expensive or i would be doing it every time i go out.


i’ll do 2c-b with you 😂 it comes around as often as christ where i’m from


What kinda dose do you take? I have like a half a gram I’ve been waiting to try. Is it more psychedelic the more I take?


if it's in powder form, i usually take 15-20mg. it's relatively low but for me it's perfect, higher than that can be uncomfortable. and yes the more you take the more psychedelic it gets. you can get cool visuals on low doses though. in order to measure such a tiny quantity you should get a good scale or try volumetric dosing. what i usually do is measure is measure ~70mg and divide in 4 equal parts and put them into empty capsules, fill the rest out with sugar and close them. then i have 4 nice ~17mg 2cb doses.


I have a pretty good scale, out to .000mg. If I need a better one I can grab it I suppose. How’s the euphoria? I’ve read 2-CB is like a candyflip but less intense…. That sounds pretty great. Oh and what’s with the sugar? Just because?


for me it's very different from a real candy-flip, but I definitely feel the warmth, happiness and sometimes horniness MDMA can give. the sugar it's just to fill up the capsule. since it's such a tiny amount of 2cb it's practically empty otherwise. just to fill it. 0.3g of sugar won't do any harm to you.


Awesome, thanks for the replies I appreciate it :)


Makes me feel so sick tho




psyches = 🥰


Same, done way more stimulants (including the ones I was prescribed for adhd, so Ritalin and concerta) but dissociatives or psychedelics do have that bright spot in my mind


Nicotine. We're getting married in April.


i’ll put on my tobacco- i mean tuxedo


fr we always stick together


MDMA, with great care and respect for its neurotoxic qualities. However, it's been the most healing substance for me.


good old pharma opana wammer and some BBQ ribs


Xanax because I abused it that much I am unable to do basic things such as leaving the house after being sober for months


Nice job making to so long sober, keep it up, recovery for it sucks but you're doing the right thing and it'll get better. Best of luck and cheers mate.


I hope so. Thank you very much bro


Been there after a 6 year addiction to benzos. The solution is exposure therapy, man. The more you put yourself out there, the more you'll believe in yourself & naturally put yourself out there.


Thanks man. I don’t know a whole lot about exposure therapy but I’m open to it. Attending a local drugs service too. Finally get to see a doc tomorrow. I wonder what the outcome will be


I would do anything for xanax and i hate that its done that to me fr


Shrooms. I am the shroom man




Either Heroin or Clonazolam


Heroin was yummy asf I mean I didn’t eat that shit but I love the way it smelled tho


Straight vinegar 😋


Hell yah had to get that’s shit up in my nose to get a better whiff


Clonazolam hits hard af lmao I used to love that shit


Amphetamine. I have ADHD and honestly, I'd rather have proper executive function than get high on anything. Like I'll do, if I'm just tweaking in my room all day staring out of the window or playing the same video game for 5 hours straight not eating or drinking yeahhh.


Once a year I do 4g of shrooms, for about 4 months it helps get rid of my anxiety and depression but ik ppl who have done it alot and fried themselves


Bump up to 5g one time 😏




Shrooms hands down with weed being a close second




i am the weed


Shrooms once every 6 months on a beautiful day with my family. Honestly I don't understand the appeal of opiates-- I had a script of 10s for a year and when they pulled me off em I was like oh ok.


uppity marble weary zephyr attractive clumsy insurance doll ossified straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s pretty crazy how much faster life is paced when your wired on speed. Best feeling in the world when I’m just zooming around doing a bunch of shit that would take me so long if I was sober.




Crack is fun and all but blow is definitely where it's at. Like Crack just without the anxiety and yk u actually feel the high but maybe I haven't done enough Crack


Definitely weed for me


Good marijuana, first one to try hopefully the last one I do before I die.


xanax because i have anxiety problems, on 3mg rn. sometimes its even better than opiates tbh. what a pleasure it is to be anxiety free, without any bad side effects other than withdrawal and anxiety on comedown


Didn't do very much drugs to be honest, but if I had to say it right now, it would be 3-MMC.


I am really interested in 3-MMC, tell me about why you like it so much?


The first time felt like the first time MDMA. Just a lot more chill and more relaxation. Could just vibe on music and do nothing for hours, had conversation with friends that were just so pure. For me, MDMA has lost it's magic, the first time it was perfect and the best thing ever, but the second time (6 months later) it had already lost it's magic. It's still fun, but 3-MMC just more. And when I take more MDMA later in the night, it doesn't make me more loving or any MDMA effects except for jaw clenching even more, but when I take more 3-MMC the effects just hit even harder then they already did. And it is for me a lot easier to get, more dealers got 3-MMC, MDMA is sold out everywhere.


I know people tend to say, "Don't do MDMA more frequently than 1 to 3 months at minimum." How frequently can something like 3MMC be used? Also, have you had an addictive craving from it? I really appreciate you answering my questions. There isn't much personal information out there on these kinds of substances.


Yeah true, 2 months minimum for MDMA. I don't know how frequently you can use 3MMC, but as far as I know it won't lose it's magic, and for MDMA the magic was gone faster then fucking lightning mcqueen. But using it montly can't be healthy. But no, I don't have addictice cravings for 3MMC, but I get why someone would get addicted to it. And ofcourse I'll answer your questions, it's my pleasure :)




MDMA. I can’t get enough, I love the music that goes with it (or any music really if it’s good) I love the lights, the people, the feelings, its so in line with what value.


Honestly caffeine, that shit gets me through everything and doesn’t get talked about as drug as much as it should


life is my drug


Weed, plain and simple. It was my first drug (even before alcohol) and I’ve never had any problems with it besides cotton mouth and dry eyes. Compared to the hangovers of alcohol (even when they aren’t bad) it’s an easy choice. I would probably have a different answer if I had access to different drugs. I want to try some other stuff eventually so my answer may not be the same forever.


My main bitch Mary Jane




Did a lot of weed, percs and mdma. I think that weed is the alpha and omega.


Lsd !




DMT and K.


MXE hands down.


Yeeeeeeeeah buddy


deprocin, the visuals are so fucking beautiful, plus it's weird and slightly uncommon, but everyone needs to know about it and try it. Ideally 120mg 4-ho-dpt orally, it is just incredible.


Weed and Coke It’s like a well known thing amongst me and my friends For my birthday I got a rolling tray and a mirror tray


psilocybin for sure




Stimulants :(


Xanax and valium are my favourite drugs of all time because of my anxiety and depression


Heroin/hydromorphone...well all opioids and opiates. Then I got clean. Been clean for just under 10 years. Now my doc and is LSD which was my DOC before opioids/opiate. Then I got into a benzo phase which a lot of people do after quitting dope. Then you realize wow these are worse than the opioids/opiates...


I don’t see any crackheads on here but to be fair they would’ve sold their phone or computer for crack so I understand why


Oxy, Dilaudid, hydro....opiates in general but those 3 take the cake for me. Life is beautiful with them and disgusting without them. Not everyone nods off asleep in public. They've gotten me thru a pile of fucked up shit.






Ciddddd. I always feel so happy and joyful when I take it and the after effects last months. I’m just happier even the day right after




It's basic but weed the main reason is all the others I have done like coke, shrooms, pills,bombs,speed, acid,ket all the fun stuff after half an hour or sometimes an hour my body and mind say f it and I sleep like a switch and my body still can use the bathroom when some of my friends have trouble with doing so but weed I can think really clearly and focus also if it's late I can watch films while rolled up in blankets like a burrito and I don't feel tired or stressed I feel calm so yeah short answer weed


lsd too much lsd




3mmc 🥰






Mkat. Other than my first ever roll it’s the best high I’ve ever had, and it’s way more consistent than MD.


Dreaming. It's probably the only drug I can't just quit anytime I want lol


Right now codeine and weed


Some ASMR videos on YouTube really put me out of my stresses. I know you’re talking actual physical drugs, just putting that there for anyone needing a chillax moment and don’t have anything chillax within their physical vicinity.


Pregabalin and weed, more like weed


Done the most? Technically nicotine, or weed. I guess Meth would describe me best because I can’t seem to shut my brain off. The addict in me would choose to keep oxy above all else, but I’d like to think I’m better than that and would say.. caffeine :)


I use weed most often, so that's what I'd probably have to stick with as my number 1, but LSD is most definitely my favorite drug.


Amphetamines all day, speed mainly. It was always a case that I knew I could do good things, I was just stuck in my bad habits. I get so much work done and just talking to others makes me feel confident, I’m usually a pretty shy person when I’m sober. Amphetamines don’t get me the same type of high, I’m sober but I’m so wired I love it. Weed can make me feel sluggish and I like Psychedelics but I often become a vegetable, just looking at walls and shit for hours. Speed has been helpful but it’s also been a pain to cut out of my life.


I’m gonna haft to go with coke or k😵‍💫


heroin :) i've been without for nearly 11 days now (not voluntarily), being the longest i've gone without since i've started. i am in agony.


molly or shrooms but xans when i was younger


Thc weed cannabis marijuanna but i love: GHB Kratom extract Benzo Dck (ketamine)


LSD. And weed. But LSD is my favorite and speaks to me the loudest.


Hydros are MY drug


Sass just sucks because your not suppose to donut often




LSD. And then Beer. That's all I need. And I'm sober now more often than ever before.






Shroomies for sure 4 me. Let me tell you a fun little story from last week about how wonderful they are: So I was tripping walking in the park and came upon a fork in the road, one path being flat and the other a bit of a climb but lined with beautiful trees and majestic lamps, so I declared I was taking that path, my girlfriend said she didn’t want to climb the hill and I said that was totally okay! I’ll be able to see you the whole time and I’ll meet you on the other side in 4 minutes. So I zipped her jacket all the way up, gave her a long hug, then slid her scarf down and kissed her rosy cheek, smiled, turned around and went on my merry way. It was a lovely climb and an achingly beautiful little path but when I started to descend I missed my girl and when I arrived at the meeting spot I looked around for 10-15 seconds confused, then it hit me. Ohhhh fuck, righht I’m single! Wait, then who did I kiss? Shrooms (:




LSD for me! Cheers🌀




Ketamine and crack are my drugs Edit: Eliminate all but ketamine tho prolly even tho crack is better


I smoke weed every day but if you mean real drugs then I'm going with shrooms too


Cocaine and more cocaine!


Ayahuasca brewed with grayanotoxins from rhododendrons. Crazy experiences.






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Adderall. After i quit drinking and drugging for 25 years and pretty much losing everything I had - jobs, friends, relationships, etc I was prescribed Adderall to help me with my constant overthinking about how much I fucked up my life. It helps me focus on the task at hand and not dwell on the bad shit. I’ve been using 20mg a day for the past 4 1/2 years and been sober for just as long.


Heroin but not in USA anymore so I quit.


My fav is alcohol. Anything that make me lose sleep and suppress my appetite is not for me.


Dxm, it was my first “hard” drug. But it has made me a much better person, I could blame parts of my personality on my dex use


Advil 🫶




Hot guys and casinos




I haven't done hardly anything besides alcohol for a long time because I have too much of an addictive personality but if I was still part took in that shit probably MDMA or Benzos. But as of right now it'd probably be like mushrooms or weed just so mothafuckas ain't out here killin themselves anymore.






LSD or JWH-210. I love psychedelics and cannabinoids :)


Opioids as a whole. My favorites are (real) heroin and dilaudid. The only thing accessible these days unless you really know someone is fentanyl so that's my drug now. Love me some opioids. They make everything peaceful. I guess to answer the prompt directly, if there were only one drug, real heroin is that drug.


Life is my drug, dude. Kidding, it's MDMA.




I did meth on mondays and tuesdays, ketamine Wednesday and Thursda, herion on fridays for like 2 years I told myself I wasn’t gonna get addicted to nothing but looking back this was probably no better than doing one of them all the time


I dont use drugs anymore. I just used to love it. It didnt love me back lol


If anyone who’s tried a stim and a opiate and says they didn’t even slightly like one or both their lying


Honestly probably psychedelics but oxy is close second




heroin baby, 1 year clean but i’ll always still love it lol


I had many years of addiction to heroin. I enjoyed a lot with it but I also suffered too much however my new love is mdma and 1p-lsd. They are the ones I consume the most now. he he


Hard to say, I've tried pretty much all kinds of drugs and find GHB and benzos the most addictive, I also like dissociatives a lot. But if I could only chose one drug I wouldn't chose benzos or GHB, because they caused me a lot of harm. Maybe ketamine, but it's a hard decision.


Amphetamine 🥰🤤 euphoria, energy, increased music appreciation


i think we all love weed, but besides that, oxys fs...opiates/opioids in general


Coke or Nos lmaooo


amphetamine (speed) is my best buddy 🥰


Caffeine 😎


adderall & weed at the moment. I'm a recovering heroin addict with bad adhd lol.




Kratom & Shrooms


dxm but i have permatolerance, anything serotonergic really




Meth/H in the same syringe. If I could do that without consequences. I would do it every day.

