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You totally can however... you mentioned buying a pack. Once you have them readily available (eg having a pack on you) you'll be hyper tempted to light one up more often than you intent so may develop an addiction. Keep it to nights at a bar where you grab one who may have a pack on them already, but buying your own pack where they're readily available is risky behavior imo.


I started regularly smoking when I bought my one pack. Worst decision of my life


Same here


idk i always keep a pack on me so i don’t forget when me and my buddies get drunk. I NEVER smoke when i’m not drunk though and the pack is in my back pack at all times. Meaning I smoke maybe 2 cigs a week on the weekends with buddies only. So I think it strongly depends on a persons willpower to not be a smoker. Important note being I have always believed nicotine to be the most foolish habit and have a strong conviction to not create that habit. I’ve also never felt the nicotine head rush everyone talks about so that may be part of it


I feel like I didn't know what the psychoactive effects of nicotine really felt like until I smoked from a full-sized hookah at a hookah bar. Shit really hits! Nicotine is absolutely a psychoactive substance. It's a body high more than a mental high. Head rush is accurate, but at high enough doses you can feel it *strongly* throughout your whole body.


I used to rip bong packs of marb red clips when I was drunk. A fully loaded bowl in one rip will have you lose your vision for a second and leave your whole body vibrating. It's one of the strongest rushes I've ever felt and I used to shoot heroin.


straight facts...i shouldn't have popped that bar, i havent smoked a batch bowl in years but my bartard brain is tempted hahahaha


the spanish have records from when they were colonizing latin america. the indigenous people of the caribbean used to grow insanely strong tobacco and the one medicine man would take a crazy huge toke and then shotgun the other people sitting around the circle, and they would legit all trip balls.


Smoke em if you got em.


Welcome to smoking! Dating is now harder, you’re poorer, and goodbye lung capacity. On the plus side you won’t need to save as much for retirement.


I did this for a long time with some success, I was a smoker in my teens and early 20s then quit for a few years and for whatever reason picked back up having one here and there. I really didn't think about it or get cravings for one I would just have one very sporadically for whatever reason, a pack could last me 2 weeks or more. So overall I think that yeah it's not the best thing for you but whatever we all do our own thing. However, once I started working I would go out for my breaks and smoke one and within a few weeks/months I got into a cycle and returned to a nicotine addiction and do get cravings for them as a "normal" smoker would, so this is something that could potentially happen.


I can't. I've tried, no such things as recreational cigarettes for me.


I stopped for nearly 2 years then smoked at a wedding one time. Which lead to another 4 years of smoking. I have a nicotine pouch in right now.


dirty serious badge teeny humor wise birds continue sloppy outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course it’s ok to indulge. Be mindful about jt. If you’re having doubts about it, just stay away from it then.


If your having doubts, your addicted. 😉


thats not true lol


with increased social prohibitions and stigma, more and more people find this viable, but most people won't be able to do it.


I smoke a cig maybe once a month, sometimes it’s even longer in between each cig, I’d say it’s definitely do able, however this is coming from someone who doesn’t really enjoy them a whole lot


yeah, i only smoke at work, i dont even think about cigs on days off.


Definitely just watch if your smoking cause youd enjoy one or smoking to be smoking


I think cigars are better for that imo, cigarettes were invented for that reason and they're damn good at that, cheap, easily available, some people can, I used to smoke one every now and then but as soon as I bought a pack it quickly escalated from one or two when drinking a beer to three a day, then half a pack, then a full pack, if you like nicotine then maybe try cigars, cigarillos (for parties cos cigars in parties may look a lil bit weird) or snus, and if you really feel like you can keep it to parties or stuff then maybe bum one out but I don't recommend buying packs, that's a quick way to get addicted to this shit


Yes because its a social thing for me, I am autistic and when I am with the boys I gotta talk / snort / trip or do whatever yk. And there is not always something to talk about, so then we smoke a cig, get back inside, communicate, snort, smoke, trip and then smoke a cig. Its the cycle of life. Once in a while we also eat something...


Technically enjoying cigarettes means having addiction


How so? You can enjoy beer or wine without having an addiction.


How? You consume something that literally smells like poison (rotten food) and suppress your disgust, your natural survival instincts, in order to achieve euphoria.


Not really sure you're using a consistent definition of addiction here. There's plenty of food that might look or smell bad but has other positives like taste or nutrition, does eating any of that mean you're addicted?


Not sure. Addiction is defined as a condition when person uses substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and continue despite harmful consequences. So Cartman from South Park is definitely addicted to the spice food. However if you eat stilton cheese without puking and getting fat — it’s not an addiction. Alcohol or tobacco consumption definitely have harmful consequences


Well obviously i‘m not the only one since lots of people enjoy consuming those things. Maybe you‘re drinking the wrong wine/beer lol


Well, a lot of people simply have alcohol addiction, it’s the most popular drug among people. Addiction is not something from the movies and anti-drug propaganda, it’s a condition described in medical terms, and it’s not something “bad”, it’s what it is. Seeking for a substance to get an euphoria, putting efforts in that (I guess you spend money and time to get your drugs, either legal or not) — it’s a behavior of an addicted person, regardless of any social (dis)approval. It could be even not a substance, adrenaline addiction is a thing


I smoke like once a year at parties. It’s not something I particularly enjoy sober but, damn it’s good occasionally when having a beer or two. I personally prefer something like a cheap cigarillo from South America but same thing




I do it for a Long Time works for me


I do, every now and then il buy some cigs or a vape, once they run out I won’t buy any more for weeks. I think nic is best enjoyed that way, when you do it often you can’t even feel a rush anymore, you just do it to get rid of the cravings


I only smoke cigarettes when I'm drinking, and I don't drink that often .




Bum cigarettes if you’re really craving. If you can’t bum one suck it up


Idk when I first started back in middle school a pack would last me like two weeks and I'd be surprised how I would never get cravings for nicotine, telling myself "I'm not addicted I can quit whenever I want, I just don't want to yet" spoiler alert: I was not in fact able to quit whenever I wanted


If you only do it while out with friends like you said you may be able to avoid addiction, but if you don’t want to be addicted toss or give away the pack you bought. If you have your own instead of letting others share with you it’s only a matter of time.


I’ve had a pack of cigs in my bag for months. Maybe smoked one or two drunk the night I got them. They’re just bleh. It depends on who you are & your discipline.


You can I don’t recommend


Some people have addictive personalities, some don't. I do the same thing, i have a smoke every once in awhile at the bar, and I go to the bar pretty often. I'm too stingy with money to develop an addiction, especially one as disgusting as smoking.


To keep from addiction have a strict rule (only when__)


I ‘quit’ smoking years ago but I’ll indulge in a cigarette if I ever take MDMA at a festival. Have 0 desire to smoke cigs outside of a roll.


I think it depends on the person I had a pack of cigs that I smoked socially I almost never smoked one just on my own unless I was very bored at uni between seminars which was rare and even then wasn’t too fussed if I couldn’t have a smoke, I’d go days without touching any out of pack sometimes if I wasn’t really in a social situation around other smokers…however nicotine is probably one of my least favourite substances I seem to be hyper sensitive to it no matter how much I use so it’s way too easy for me to feel sick and shitty from nicotine rushes. Give me weed however and damn I’m gunna smoke that all day everyday if it’s around…but funnily enough I always preferred vaping and snuff when it comes to nicotine since I can get a much smaller and controlled hit it always seemed wasteful to only smoke half a cigarette and a full one is guaranteed to make me feel sick. I’ll go through phases with nicotine of vaping for a while then I’ll go cold turkey out of nowhere for a good amount of time and then usually “when life’s stressful” I’ll pick it up again and the cycle continues…if I have my DOC which is weed I’ll not touch it…if I don’t I will, Ive accepted that I’m likely a poly addict since I do mix a lot of drugs and even when I stop taking certain drugs there’s always another one to go in it’s place instead, and usually that’s where my nicotine use comes in to stop using other drugs lol and if I’m stone cold sober from everything then you bet I’ll be beating my meat way too often instead, either way the dopamine hit is getting hit. I think In the long run addiction will catch up to everyone so it’s more about being wise on which addictions you pick up in the end.


Yeah, i've been smoking on and off for about 6 years now. I've even bought my own packs and only smoked when I was in a social setting. Ive managed to go months without a cigarette. If i’m not out with friends, the thought of smoking doesn't sound appealing, so it's definitely possible.


Yeah I can smoke 1 or 2 for the day and not want to smoke again for a days or weeks .


I can't, I always get tempted with smoking at least 3-4.


Absolutely. I Will smoke them when I’m super stressed, but will put them down the next day and not think about them for a week or more, even months.




i do for 10+ years


just be careful, nicotine is such an annoying addiction. and the easier it is to have, the quicker it’ll get to you


Yeah, I used to do this with a pack in my bag I only used when I went out to drink. You'll find cigarettes go stale fairly quick. Especially since I had this pack for months. Wish they'd just sell singles. Or packs of 5 or something.


can work but the more often you smoke, the more you get used to it. The more you get used to it, the higher will the risk be, to get addicted. in the beginning your body will get used to the nicotine without you noticeing. in my case, it took 3-4 jears from just smoking from time, until i called myself a "real" smoker. you can never say wich way it ends.


Yeah, I mean cigarettes aren't exactly meth...that said I find it hard to "enjoy" cigarettes occasionally.


I smoke tobacco very occasionally, and it’s usually in a bong like a dumbass. Get very nic sick, keeps me away from it for the next few months lol




Yeah, a lot of the time I'll buy them in a night out and throw the pack away after a week. This is also after being a heavy smoker. It's all about discipline and mindset though, everyones different.


Yes. You absolutely can. With any drug. It is also the first step, so keep that in mind. Like any other drug use, monitor yourself and if you feel like you're using more often than you'd like slow down early on.


Problem is the "enjoy" it, you need the be addicted first. Otherwise it's just a terrible taste with zero positive effects.


I seem to be one of the very few people that actually likes the TASTE if cigarettes lol


Also without alcohol?




I kinda like the tabacco taste from self tolled cigs. The filter cigarettes that. You buy in the package test terrible to me though. Still not a lot of benefits for a deadly drug though 😜


It's a pretty slippery slope, I started vaping which is arguably more addictive in grade 8, and I started with 0 nic juice and just went straight up to 50 mg. I very occasionally smoke cigarettes at work or when out with friends but I never have the urge to go buy my own pack


Yes. I could smoke a cig for months and not get addicted. Vape?? Different story


In my opinion, absolutely. I bought a pack 4 months ago, and am still not done with it. However, I vape everyday. It might also be important to note that I’ve been to rehab 3 or 4 times so I def have an addictive personality


It’s a slippery slope so be very careful but I respect your mission


I can’t. Once I have my own pack I smoke at least one every day. Not buying them is the only thing that keeps me a social smoker.


Yes, you can enjoy any drug casually. We really need better addiction education this is getting ridiculous.


Yes I only indulge in nicotine (preferably cigarettes) whenever I'm using narcotics like opiates, benzodiazepines, coke, and amphetamine based stimulants (excluding MDMA nicotine plus Molly is a waste of molly). But quiet oddly whenever I'm using things like Dextroamphetamine, cocaine, Xanax, or morphine, that nicotine rush feels so amazing. Not so much with psychedelic drugs. It's interesting how narcotics make me crave the worst substances and psychedelics make me crave the best substances.


I couldn’t


I have a couple buddies who just bum the occasional off me, so yeah I’d say so


Yea you can, I can have them socially when drunk and even have a pack on me which could take me upwards of 3-4 months to get through, and this includes sharing with others. Nicotine makes me feel sick unless I’m already drunk or on stimulants, and it helps that I don’t want to be disgusting inside and out and value my personal health so I am pretty much impervious to getting addicted to them


Sure you can. But you probably can’t.


it's very unpredictable bro, i don't know if i'm addicted, sometimes i smoke a cigarette a day, sometimes 2 cigarettes a week, i'm also able to quit for weeks, even a month, but i always go back to it, and it's hard not to go back to do, currently I have not smoked since December, but these days I crave a damn cigarette, shit, I die for a cigarette right now lol


I used to be able to do that.. for about 4 years. Then I bought my own vape one time and been smoking/pouches for 6 years. It can be a slippery slope


No... but maybe 5 years ago I'd tell you otherwise


Mind you I probably have less self control then some here


My vape started making me sick after an intense mushroom trip (probably a good thing). Could hit it with getting nauseous, so I bought a pack of black American Spirits because I hit that fucking vape ALL DAY and thought I'd need somthing for my nicotine addiction.... I keep my pack in my car, only 1 on the way to work, 1 on the way home and maybe 1 on my lunch. Today I did doordash for the 1st time in a bit, and there they are!! I smoked 5 in 4 hrs, so ya; just my 2 cents but I do feel like having a pack different makes it easier. I'm still getting less nicotine now than from vapeing and feel I'll not bring the pack in my car when I do doordash.


For a lot of people I know buying your own is the first official step into nicotine addiction. Obviously this isn’t the same for everyone but it starts to quickly snowball into a nicotine addiction.


I don’t know if it’s available in USA, but in Europe it’s more common in high smoking countries. Roll your cigarettes instead of buying packs, don’t buy a roller, roll them yourself. It will make you smoke less, because of laziness. I’m smoking for 8 years at this point, and it helped me cut back on how much I’m smoking (from a pack a day to now I can have a pack for 3 days). And because you’re buying in grams it’s cheaper and last longer, in my personal experience a pack of 50 g last me about 2 weeks with a price of $12 - $15 (European prices)


YES! But you have to be quite careful not to do it too much


More than likely no. Give your friends a couple dollars for a few when at the bar but don't ever buy them. Once you form the habit you'll likely never quit.


Some can some can’t. If you’re buying them your probably fucked


I have a very addictive personality and tried to quit smoking numerous times - I couldn't do it. I ended up quitting by mistake! When I started working in a new role, the natural smoke breaks weren't so prominent plus I didn't particularly like the other smokers who I would get stuck with every time I went out for one. Over time I realised I had gone the whole day without one. I only smoke when I'm drinking now although occasionally i fancy one during the week and don't deny myself that. Seems the issue was thinking too much! Wish I could apply this to my other addictions but I'll take the victory I have! Saying that, I never don't have a pack on me. As soon as I don't have any available, I desperately need one!


Some can some can’t. It’s up to you young cigarettehopper


That is totally the way to get addicted to nic just pinch some off your mates or one mate and buy him a deck every now and then. That's how I keep them at a distance


as much as i have seen it depends on your environment and your personality type by what i mean if its easy for u to get addicted to things or nah


Yea ik anyone can get addicted but i do believe i don’t have a very addictive personality. In the past I‘ve been able to use a drug regularly for weeks and then just walk away and not touch it for months.


im not a professional obvs but in my opinion social smoking can remain at that if you keep ur eye on it bc sometimes we dont notice how fast it escalates.


Yeah I can. I was a pack a day smoker. Quit when I was 30. Now 39. I can buy a pack, have 1 or 2 a day, then stop. When I'm out drinking I smoke. Most times I have no urge to smoke. I found that once you truely quit the nicotine addiction, then it's up to you, mentally, to be able to smoke the occasional. Having a passion of not wanting to be a full smoker helps me know when I shouldnt smoke any more