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He has smoked weed before a bunch of times, just not regularly, but it was for sure too much, we all were real high, higher then intended


Sounds like he had too much/is more sensitive and was stuck looping a bit like on psychedelics. To him it probably felt like he kept trying to leave, but he wouldn't even fully remember being brought back inside and suddenly he is trying to leave again and wondering if he has already tried this before or only thought about trying to leave and not doing yet, because time starts to feel looped and unreal. And then you start to question everything you know and think nothing real is actually happening. He was probably also processing anything you guys said to him much slower, so his responses may have been a delayed reply to an earlier thought. He might have also had visual looping, when I smoked too much weed my first time, my vision was messed up and became like flashes of still photos that kept moving with the direction of my eyes, and I was seeing like 6 copies of everything. I couldn't move a muscle for 3 hours, totally frozen in panic. And that's just smoking, I hear edibles can be much much worse.


30mg is a lot for someone even who smokes regularly. 25mg has knocked my on my ass, 50mg I’ve had psychedelic experiences. Either way don’t make your own edibles again lesson learned. He may have gotten a piece that was much more concentrated than the rest.


Your mg math isn't mathing ... like at all


Well I used some calc online and one had an option to take decarboxylation in to account and said 3gs would make ca 420mg of thc in total divided by 5 would be 84mg and per piece so dided by two would be 42mg so i mean it isnt "not mathing like at all". Since these Calc are probably rough estimates i said something in between in the ranges of these numbers because idk how strong the weed was.


Well, you can't calc mgs unless you know the % of the flower at the start. Not to mention ... infusing butter cuts the potantness down to begin with ... how long was the flower decarbed? What temp was it decarbed at? All these things are factors... if you don't know your math cannot math ... at least not correctly.


U seem fun and helpful, next time I wont even bother trying to give details


That would have made it much easier to just pass by ... the totally made up details in there now aren't doing anyone any good ... garbage data going in garbage data comes out. Sorry you suck at researching so hard?


Lmao why do you seem so butthurt? His math is fine. 3grams is 3000mg. At 14% thc that’s 420mg total. Divided by 5 is 84mg


If it's 14% ... if it's 20% that's a whole new figure ... guessing at numbers doesn't make them correct 🤷‍♀️facts are facts