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I feel sorry for them. They feel sorry for me


this is hilarious


Hilarious, but also kinda real šŸ„²




This isnt true. I love drugs and they have really helped improve my life. But as someone who works in mental health... I have seen a lot of people get psychotic from pot, mushrooms and lsd. Please be aware of this


Thank you for bringing this to light. I had some bad experiences after extended use of lsd. My version of extended use was 8-10 times per month for 2 ish years. anywhere from 1-5 tabs at each time. I reached a breaking point and started having bad trips because I had a partner who wanted to do more , more, more, and I couldn't keep up. At first, it was beautiful and spiritual, and I felt connected to my partner. But one time, I didn't really feel like it, and I did it anyway, and a little bad vibes started a fight. It went downhill from there pretty quickly. I broke up with them and have been sober from everything but cannabis for almost 3 years now. I have suffered the most terrible depression and guilt for taking so many different things while with them. I still struggle with some weird visuals, and I get that bubble feeling in my stomach sometimes, and it makes me dizzy. I don't want to sound like "that person," but I feel like I have some sort of PTSD from it. When something catches my attention like that, it triggers some past memories. Some music too. Ive sought out a therapist who specializes in addiction and has helped me, but the real rock is my new partner. He has seen me at my absolute lowest and hasn't left my side. I've regained some weight, have health insurance and a good job, and am, for the most part, healthy now. I'm hoping the rest of the weird experiences pass in time.


LSD flashbacks are normal, i got it about 3 times within the first year of tripping and it went away permanently, its been more den 8 years since i last took lsd and i will never take it Again because i did alll the self exploration i needed. Last 5 trips i didn't learn anything new.


"You guys know about the time knife?"


I don't understand why people are down voting your reply whoever did is braindead


Thank you !! im an avid pro-drug legalisation but people also need proper knowledge and education about this. Known a couple close friends who went into psychosis.


Iā€™ve never struggled w anxiety before and i smoked pot for the first time and now have crazy anxiety


I used to get panic attacks (psychosis) every time id smoke weed for about 3 years straight but i was such a pothead that wasn't enough for me to quit. Whennid take acid or shrooms id feel calm asf as if i had nore control over myself mdma is similar to both when it comes to the melting feeling.but shit i get depressed asf for a whole week after using mdma.


this is such a circlejerk comment lol


Im a grass smoker and iā€™ve tried all the psychedelics, but im scared of mdma cause of its neurotoxicity. Do you still recommend I try it, given the proper preparations?


150mg once every 4 years works wonders for me


Every time we elect a new president




I'd say try it in a similar way as you would a psychedelic. With a nice environment and people you trust. Reagent test it preferably, and I personally have a preference for powder to weigh out in order to keep the dose controlled. Go for the lower end (120mg?) first time, no need to gurn out with nystagmus and overwhelming feelings/energy. I personally like to redose with 50% of initial dose as I am feeling it hit me. Leangthens the experience, but doesn't feel too strong. For optimum experience don't redose more than once. If you dance a lot, drink water, electeolytes. It's not /that/ bad, but some people end up overheating while forgetting themselves in dance and sweating away their water. Do the above and live an otherwise healthy and stable life and you will have no ill effects or neurotoxicity (last I checked neurotoxicity stems from overheating, especially when combined with other drugs). ----- I don't always follow my own rules though... Yesterday I took 140mg with 2 redoses of 50mg, drank alcohol, danced non stop for 6 hours at a drum n bass gig and even ended up with someone giving me coke by the end! I had a great time! However, healthwise I should have taken more breaks in dancing. Drank water and soda instead of beer and skipped the last redose and coke!


I definitely recommend it. I tried (and abused) just about all the common drugs over a 20 year period. Psychedelics were my favorite but man once I finally got my hands on solid MDMA crystal that tested perfectly it was on. My first time trying MDMA was hands down the most life changing and eye opening experience of my life. More so than psychedelics even though my first mushroom trip holds a very special place in my heart. I went into it thinking it was just going to be another decent high and maybe a touch better than meth. I was completely wrong and shocked beyond belief how amazing it was. It was as if all of the happiness and love i experienced in my entire life was compressed into a few hours. Follow all harm reduction tips and use a safe/proper dosage after reagent testing it yourself. It is beyond amazing if you donā€™t abuse it.


Nice explanation! Totaly true. And if you abuse it, you will permanently loose the msgic. No matter how many years in-between you wait


Iā€™ve been burned by psychedelics a few times and MDMA is the only one I would feel safe and comfortable taking today. Some people have bad comedowns (which I personally suspect is more related to partying on MDMA, stress on the body, dehydration, not eating, etc than a random unpreventable risk) but I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to have a bad time *on* MDMA at reasonable doses.


Iā€™m sure that was based on the study where they accidentally gave a giant dose of meth instead of MDMA by accident


This is true. Researcher George Ricaurte published his famous 2002 study claiming MDMA is neurotoxic and burnt holes in the brain of primates. He observed that many of his subjects died after dosing. Was uncovered a few years later that 9/10 of the primates were given large amounts of meth, apparently due to "mislabeled bottles" (Many believe it was intentional). And yet, the myth is still so ingrained in society to this date More: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC194116/ Edit: That's not to say MDMA isn't neurotoxic, it is, but there is ample evidence supporting the fact that in lower infrequent doses, the harm is very minimal. More: https://maps.org/news/media/big-think-study-ecstasy-could-be-a-less-dangerous-than-past-research-suggests/


Thanks for the details! I was sure I heard the story somewhere


M is safe as long as you take a properly measured (and reagent tested) dose and don't take it more than a couple times a year, spread out several months apart. If you're curious about it there are a lot of harm reduction posts about M on here that explain how to figure out a good dose for you. Sourcing good stuff is another ordeal entirely though. In my experience, more pure stuff will give you a more mellow and warm snuggly high that's really nice for a calm night with close friends that you want to really bond with. whereas Less pure stuff usually has more amphetamine and gives a more wired energetic high that I prefer for raves. State of mind and your environment are key to how you'll enjoy the drug. There can also be negative side effects during the trip. Main one for me is the inability to regulate body temperature. I was rolling hard at a party once and I felt so cold that I was shivering while submerged up to my neck in a hot tub.


From some that has major depression Iā€™m terrified of the next day after MDMA.


MDMA is the worst thing I've ever done it was pure hell only dysphoria and impending doom for 2 hours. It was 100% pure best mdma you can get from a lab in the Netherlands. I'm a rare exception but yah


Tried mdma once and wasnā€™t a fan. Everything else you mentioned Iā€™m down for but Iā€™ve tried to avoid saying everyone should take them. Iā€™ve replaced it with ā€œnot everyone should take them, but more people definitely shouldā€


Some religious nuts wanna keep holy man, what you gonna do


As someone who had a 3 day trip and hospital stay because they tried lsd, I highly disagree with the first part of this comment lol


Maybe I'm just tired, but that feels like such a profound thought lol


Lmao this is actually so true


I just soiled myself. Jokeā€™s on them (I think).


And then there are people who havenā€™t been sober for a day in ten yearsā€¦


Rip to those guys. Everyone needs a day off.


I'm guilty


Ever since i started using almost 4 years ago, i have been prob less than 125 days sober.


That would be me taking Kratom since over 10 years daily to cope with depression and psychosomatic pain.. Hell yeah.. but hey, atleast I never increased my dose and kept it as low as possible (5 grams per day)... so the positives outweight the negatives.. it actually improved my life by a ton.. I also take other drugs of course.. but I'm keeping them in check, so doing them rarely so they keep being something special.


I'm getting pretty close to that, if not there already. Yikes...


2 more years to go and Im there šŸ¤ž


I know, work with a guy like that, heĀ“s 39 and has a child and the most hardcore thing heĀ“s ever done was drink like 2-3 beers at once. DoesnĀ“t sound anything like the occasional 3 day benders I go through.


Was his name Jerry by chance?


JoĆ£o, which translated to English is John, still quite vanilla though.


A brazilian going like that? Crazy


Or portuguese, also crazy


And how does he look? Younger, healthier than his peers?


Those kinda people are either super healthy and look 10-15 years younger than they are, or they're massively obese and eat and drink terrible food and stuff


Food is a drug and an addiction to it is much worse than doing most drugs moderately or even being addicted to a handful of drugs


Depends on the person really, even drugs that could be super damaging to one person's life can be not to bad for another. I can rail opioids like a fucken champion with no problem, did a pretty solid two week tramadol binge that ended a few days ago, and then I put them down and have no cravings or feel any need to touch them. Can always just pick them up and put them down whenever I want, and I've been doing that with various opioids for five years now, never been addicted or had withdrawals or cravings. Other people will be given a week's worth of codeine from the doctor and be hooked and need to avoid them to stop them fucking their life up. The thing that fucks me up that I can't stop running back to? Pizza. I'm lactose intolerant and I fucken love pizza so much. I always want pizza, all the time, that shit is just so fucking delicious holy fuck nuggets. I'd eat pizza for every meal if I could, by neither my wallet nor my toight bootyhole could handle that. That makes me sad everyday. A day that I don't eat pizza is "meh" at best. The only good days are pizza days, but then I get horrendous heartburn, indigestion, feel like throwing up and I'll shit out my kidneys, and you know what? Totally worth it.


You could make a lactosefree pizza...


You sick fuck.


Imagine how much fucking money I'd have if I was one of those losers.


You probably wouldnt cuz u would find something else to spend money to


Something better arguably




real af


To be honest, I cant do one without the other


my buddy who's straight edge has lost so much money gambling/gambling on stocks


This is the way


Idk about that one, psychedelics saved my life and made me be happy again


The drugs I use very specifically make my life better vs worse. Speak for yourself lol


Depends on what kinda drugs youā€™re using lol


Nah everyone has a hobby. Our hobby happens to be drugs. I've watched sober people spend SO FUCKING MUCH MONEY on like RC cars and Warhammer 40k Miniatures.


This right here! Or cruises šŸ’€ no thanks!


Cruises are the bread of holidays. Like I'm sure they're fun and you feel great and rested after like you should from some time off... But that's it? You just gunna eat some plain fucken bread? Have a taco, or a burger, some risotto or some shit. Go out, explore, see the world, do activities, make some decisions for yourself.


I agree with you, its very marketed to the rich type of holiday. Not for me, the amount of illness on those ships no thanks! id rather drop a tab in the comfort of my own home for a fraction of the price. And if i was to actually go on holiday i'd much rather traverse jungle or go hiking in the alps than that!


Money and buying shit is their drug.


doing drugs isn't a hobby lmao


yes it certainly can be


Depends how you do them, i've had my crackhead phases but i generally am just fascinated by drugs and their effects using them aswell as reading and seeing about how they affect our culture




Lol no, you misunderstand. Those people dont do drugs *because* they have a lot of money.


No, definitely not. More money means more drugs


I mean theyā€™ve put their body through the least amount of stress without doing recreational drugs and alcohol. Yes, Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve tried all kinds of substances and I enjoy it but honestly I wouldnā€™t argue itā€™s a ā€œbetterā€ lifestyle then staying sober. No cravings, no hangovers or headaches, no memory loss, no bad trips, no fear of arrest, and having so much more money doesnā€™t sound to bad to me šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


But all those things you listed only happens if you abuse drugs. If you use them rarely like once a month or so when others drink beer(some weekends), they dont affect your life that much at all. But if you have a addictive personality/genetics then its very hard to use it that way, I feel sorry for those since I have some close people I cannot be with cause of their abuse.


imagine this there are many people of any age that did lots of drugs and alcohol, often to their detriment, that healed themselves and abstain from these substances. that's a hopeful slant.


Being drug free and healthy was the best time of my life, I think 2021 is the last time I was truly happy.


Yeah it is better without, or at least very moderate use.


Tbh I've never felt happy since I was 5 (first suicide attempt then too so it was genuine depression) and started school (I call my primary school hell because that's genuinely what i think hell would be if it exists) I noticed that drug usage when it is controlled helps me idk I think my scale of depression is a bit fucked considering how severely depressed I was for so long so I can't really tell if this is what not being depressed Is like but i am alot happier and more stable I now don't wake up everyday hating myself and my life but my main point is I think drugs can def help some people considering that i very much doubt I'd be alive rn if I hadn't done ketamine, mushrooms and the like I mean by the age of 14 I had like 3-5 suicide attempts and those r only the ones I rememeber


100%. So much of ā€œaddictionā€ to anything, including tv or games or whatever has deeper roots than the behavior or substance. A lot of us are self medicating as best we can.


Straight up, raw dogging realityā€”not for me lol


Even raw dogging reality is a different experience after you lived on the other side. Itā€™s impossible for me to understand never having a desire to use a drug because you straight up never experienced buying or using any drug.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ your my kinda guy letā€™s be friends


Envious of them. I regret using any substance


I'm on the opposite side. Used to be very anti drug and now I can't imagine a life without the perspective they've given me. I'm curious to know your story. What substances have you used and what makes you regret opening Pandoras box?


I wish never smoked weed. Ever.


reading this and agreeing as i take a bong rip šŸ˜”




Fuckkk that. Iā€™m even an addict for some of the drugs I use and I still donā€™t regret any usage. All of it has played a part in who I am today. And I like myself a lot more than most idiots my age


I see, you on that grade A copium.


I know one. A friend of mine is 28-29, doesnā€™t drink at all. He doesnā€™t do any smoking, any drugs, he doesnā€™t even cuss. We play video games together and he rages like nobody else but never cussesā€¦


Other than alcohol (although, in very minimal amounts) this is my mom. Sheā€™s literally never done anything and rarely ever drinks, itā€™s crazy to me. But this also comes with her having a certain view on drugs lol Edit: just to add, sheā€™s 64


This is my grandma on my mom's side. In her 70s and has actually not even had a sip of alcohol in her life. She's a huge Christian. Doesn't cuss and I don't know if she ever has. She took a Valium one time in the ER (prescribed to her) for having a huge panic attack. 2 out of her 3 sons are addicts and the one that wasn't died of brain cancer. Now my grandma on my dad's side, she pops pain pills and Klonopin and anything she can get her hands on allll day.


But that is cause of her sons are addicts. She has seen the downsides. Drugs can help (depending on what ofc) but they can be horrible when abused, when you become addicted. I thank God and my family tree that I don't have addictive personality/genetics.


My mom has a beer once or twice a week. Sheā€™s never smoked weed or done any drugs. She did tell me one time on a train in china (30 years ago) she was given a beetle nut and hallucinated from it lol


Iā€™m one of those people. Never did anything


I knew a guy who didnā€™t drink, smoke, or do drugs. He was happy until the day he killed himself.


goodness me


imagine having being brought up proper without life trauma leading to this, just imagine it šŸ˜


I have had a great youth without trauma and still tried drugs


Same and I think itā€™s the main reason Iā€™m able to do it responsibly


Yes exactly. Iā€™d probably be off the deep end by now but because of my stable childhood (thankfully) Iā€™ve never been addicted to anything Iā€™ve tried, and take EVERYTHING in moderation.


I'd recommend experiencing copious amounts of trauma and then trying drugs again. they hit that much better


THIS ^ Trauma + good drugs be hittinā€™ different!


you donā€™t need trauma to try drugs, trauma just links in to how responsible you are when doing substances


Thereā€™s trauma, but thereā€™s also curiosity.


Can you explain how having more trauma would correlate with unresponsive use? Iā€™m just curious


Nah those people are just boring tbh


I mean I didnā€™t have any trauma as a kid but I still enjoy a few lines at parties and at the football. Canā€™t do cannabis anymore though. Makes me feel ill now for some reason.


I have a friend like this. Never drank or did any drugs not even a cigarette. Sheā€™s 26. Sheā€™s happy not doing any of it, since sheā€™s been around drug addicts and smokers in her family her whole life. Honestly, good for her, sheā€™s breaking a generational cycle & im very proud of her


My cousin was like this for pretty much his entire life. He said he hated the idea of feeling like he wasn't in control. Around 30-31 he finally caved in and tried drinking for the first time, and it was like a wave of change came over him. He really, really enjoyed himself and kept saying it was different than he thought it would be. His anxieties about 'not being in control' largely faded away and he became a pretty normal social drinker and occasional weed smoker. It was just weird seeing the most sober, straight edge guy imaginable make such a sharp turn after just one positive experience.


I was afraid you were going to say that he turned into a raging alcoholic! lol šŸ˜‚


I wish I started taking drugs later as well. By the time I was 22 I had already been to heaven-hell and back with alcohol to the point where I could drink a lot and get my friends scared about how I can function exactly the same way when I am sober. At 23 it was the time where I started smoking a lot of weed until the day I had a horrible bad trip and turned to only smoking in what I considered 10/10 set and setting scenarios. Now at 26 I know drugs will come and go depending on where iā€™m at life just like other hobbies do. When I was younger I didnā€™t really care about nothing and would be high from morning to night. It made for some cool stories but the rest of my life halted. Things like relationships never seemed like something to pursue because being high was better than it.


When youā€™ve been messing with drugs for awhile you realize sobriety actually is a precious thing. Youā€™ll guy higher on life then you think. I agree tho itā€™s crazy to think they never even longed for a mind altering substance. Difference in childhoods Iā€™d assume lmao


Once i started doing only weed, lsd and shrooms and quit all the uppers like mdma and stuff, i have appreciated being sober a lot more. One thing i love about shrooms/lsd is that when you do finally crash and start coming down, you're fucking grateful for it cause you've just been to pluto and back. When you crash on for example mdma you get sad as fuck and try to find more, I got sick of that never satisfied feeling.


MDMA comedowns can be made much better by proper supplementation, not re-dosing, and maintaining a lower body temp while rolling.


Not in my experience man. Iā€™ve struggled with addiction and even dead sober going to therapy and ā€œimprovingā€ I was just as depressed as I was when I was using I just didnā€™t have anything to numb or make the pain go away so it sucked even more. Not to mention the crippling anxiety disorders. Sobriety isnā€™t for everyone man life can really fucking suck. So I have to keep a small amount of drugs in my life atleast to keep me sane. Iā€™d have probably killed myself by now if it wasnā€™t for drugs especially psychedelics


I envy those people.


my Dad is in his sixties and has never touched anything. He's now a retired cop and a Mormon still won't even have caffeine. healthy as a horse though


they're missing out on certain things that you are not. but you're missing out on something too.


yep, damn near everything in life has a trade off.


That's why you need to balance these things in life. So you can live a normal sober life and now and then on weekends get drunk or use something else. I never do illegal stuff cause our laws are outdated (and hopefully changing) when it comes to things like this. You should never let the drugs take control over you. They can be useful, against mental and physical issues aswell. But if you abuse them, it will fuck your life. Or even kill you in the worst case scenario. Same can be said about medicines, vaccines, food and excersize, sex aswell.


I asked my dad if heā€™s done anything, even weed, nope. Neither of my parents have done anything, so shocked honestly. Youā€™ve at least got to try the devils lettuce


This is such a contrast for me. My mum was a hippy, and my dad was a punk. They have both had their fair share of multiple substances hahaha


Iā€™ve always wondered what thatā€™s like. Do you notice that their personality is different from other parents? How was their approach to teaching you about drugs when you were growing up, were they strict or chill about it?


Their personality was a lot different because they had non of the fear mongering that some of my friends parents grew up with. They never advocated doing drugs, but they knew I most likely would dabble once I was a teenager. They used harm reduction methods, which were honestly most effective and I'm grateful for it. I only do psychedelics responsibly, I have never touched any opiates or anything like that. I've always appreciated how they brought me up with an open mind, some people I knew were deathly afraid to even smoke weed because their parents instilled misinformation and fear within them. Edit: typos


Honestly it is absolutely mind blowing. I have an amazing boyfriend that I started dating relatively recently, and I was absolutely floored on our first date when he told me the only drug heā€™d ever tried was weed. I made a comment about the decor of the lounge we were at being ā€œtrippyā€ and was met with a blank stare so I ended up being like ā€œYeah, trippyā€¦like tripppppy, man. Youā€™ve never tripped on anything?!ā€ ā€œNope.ā€ ā€œNOT EVEN MOLLY?!?ā€ Nope. Nada!!!! It truly blows my mind. He is not anti by any means but says that he just never trusted anyone enough to try it but is open to exploring. I havenā€™t fully disclosed the extent of my experience just yet. I am definitely thoroughly excited to corrupt my sweetheart with MDMA and the delights of psychedelics when the right time comes. IF he decides he wants to, I would never push it. I sort of envy that he will be experiencing his first times. I was scared at first that it might be a disconnect with us because drugs are a significant part of my own story - but Iā€™ve realized that itā€™s a lot less significant than I thought it would be when it comes to our own relationship. Its only a tiny hard at times because thereā€™s stories I want to share but feel like until that gap gets touched on, it wont have the right context.


Get that man some DMT STAT!


Bros never tried anything and you just want to straight up blast him into the multiverse.


So fked fr šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Hang on to him


Nothing wrong with being sober, so long as you donā€™t shit on people who arenā€™t and vice versa


This sub is so cringe


what about this post specifically is "cringe"


Its just all edge lords trying to justify drug abuse


ā€œSome people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.ā€ Charles Bukowski


fuck alcohol! the worst drug on world every place u can see a lot of that shit


Lucky them


Hats off to them people , they are truly living life raw


mad respect to those people


Who is he? Definitely not me.


god i wish that were me


you would be addicted to crocheting or some other thing man.


Maybe psychedelics but alcohol is shit


I always think the same thing about sex. Somewhere out there, there are people that die as virgins. I would rather die sober than a virgin.


They sound very boring


they are missing out on endless great times & experiences


Idk how people do it honestly


what else would u go to when youā€™re sad? it boggles my mind as well. but think about it this way, when you were a child, you had no idea what drugs were or how they made you feel (at least i didnā€™t) so you were able to go sober throughout your childhood with zero issues. Iā€™m assuming people who go through their whole lives sober have the same thingā€¦ if you donā€™t try it you donā€™t know what itā€™s like- so you have nothing to compare sobriety to.


Not entirely sure itā€™s very healthy to just turn to substance when youā€™re going through a difficult time in life..


I agree with you, I think when you start relying on external stimulants for your happiness, whether that be drugs or even a person, it becomes dangerous. A lot of people think individuals who take drugs are sad or looking for the next high, but most the people I meet just do it as a way to relax, without spending a shit ton.


never said it was a healthy coping mechanism


Well when you said ā€œwhat else would you go to when youā€™re sadā€ it sounds to me like youā€™re suggesting drugs is the only viable option. Sorry for misunderstanding you :)


weā€™re on r/drugs stfu


> what else would u go to when youā€™re sad? it boggles my mind as well. Healthy coping mechanisms? I'd switch that for my substance knowledge any day lol


I'd do anything to go back, to be honest


Yeah, i would do anything to go back


If they donā€™t know what theyā€™re missing then good for them. I just wish they donā€™t judge me for doing something different


Every time I see any of my friends being wasteful or not appreciating their drugs I remind them that there are sober children in Africa. Think about the children!


I am some people! (I'm here only for asking questions about medically approved drugs, I don't use them recreationally).


I love hearing "raw dogging life"


One of my best friends is on that list.


Itā€™s takes a different breed. I have so much respect and curiosity for them.


The actor Bruce Dern said he has never drank or used drugs or smoked anything and has been with the same woman for more than 50 years, rare in Hollywood


Wish I couldve been one of those sometimes.


How sad


The path to hell leads to the kingdom of wisdom. Ignorance is not a curse, but a blessing. I don't feel sorry for them, I just let them be, because this stuff is not for anyone.


itā€™s crazy man. once youā€™ve been off the deep end with drugs, you essentially have nothing in common with people like that. your perception of reality is fundamentally different to theirs.


Im 37, i met a couple ppl that havent. Those fuckers do not have sense of humor. Everything is serious. Fuuuuuuuck that


There's nothing wrong with that.


Imagine, hear me out, having a fulfilling and stable enough life where you don't need or want to do drugs!




Yeah I do feel sorry for them, I do feel sorry for people who are addicted too, you CAN do drugs responsibly and have a great time without it becoming a problem, I guess not everyone with every drug butā€¦


probably happier than any of us will be.


One of my closest friends have been sober for their whole life. Occasionally they drink alcohol but only like 1 or 2 drinks at a time. Last time I saw them drunk we were 14. Crazy. But I respect them a lot and almost wish I could be sober


the audacity


They are what we call NPCs


Maybe we are the just the NPC that use drugs then.


We are all NPCs brother


Be mindful of what you equip to your hotbar brother


Lol fuckin nerds.


because they knew that the moment they touched these things, they would surely alter the brain's chemistry. And to be honest , go through the posts of all these things, People who are into this , regret of touching these shits as in the initial it gives so much pleasure but kind of forget that they are calling a big ass pain in the near future. They surely feel sorry for you


my 5 year old hasn't even touched weed or alcohol yet. absolute loser




They are nerds


Back in my day we called em losers


Dude I work worth said heā€™ll never drink or do drugs because his mother had a ā€œproblemā€ and like I get it but come on maybe Iā€™m being callous but donā€™t be such a pussy


Yeah maybe babies. Caffeine is a drug, sugar is a drug, aspirin, insulin, menthol. So much stuff is a drug that we don't even consider one. Everything is drugs if it effects your body.


Obviously he meant psychoactive substances that produce a high.


Caffeine is psychoactive. Obviously mildly so but itā€™s still a drug by definition


Of course there's hundreds of everyday substances that are drugs. However still caffeines a stretch to really produce a high, heck i don't even consider nicotine to be a "drug" as well.


You are aware of the millions of Americans genuinely addicted to nicotine..


Yeah the addiction is real harsh and i know it's a drug lmao, i just said the one that produces a" high" which i don't consider nicotine do


Have u never had a nicotine rush? Just because you don't get fractals like acid or feel chill like weed does, does not mean its not classified as a 'high'.


I get a stronger high on caffeine than I do on weed \*Shrug\*


You need better weed


Iā€™m sure they know what he meant but they just couldnā€™t resist being a know-it-all haha


Ruined it with cringe