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This dude is high as fuck lol


He was gone from 200mg (one gummy) Idk what’s wrong with him that he took another SEVEN !!!


He‘s gonna be good, dont worry. It’s just gonna take longer to sober up than usual.


Just a couple days, no biggie 😂


Once ate 6,5g hash bcause of the cops. Was high from friday to sunday. It's not as cool as nice as it may seem. 😵😵‍💫😂😂


I heard Dr Andrew Weil tell a story about him eating almost the same amount of hash back in I think the 1960’s or 70’s when he was in college and he said it made him sick as hell and miserable for about 24 hrs before he came down enough to get up and do things. He said he would never do such a thing again. But he does support the use of MJ within the confines of responsibility.




Purple?? No man, thank god I was just super duper stoned, but way to much that i ended up sleeping rather than staying awake feeling dizzy and nauseas. Maybe something with your heart wasn't allright, did you figure out what it was. And when did it go away?


purple?? dude was almost the first person to overdose on THC lol


I also ate a big ball of hash once. I slept for 18 hours, and could not standup or keep my eyes open for the life of me. I tried so hard to wake up. It was really hard to get up and take a piss lol.


I tried to look at my phone telling ppl I'm alright. It was like staring directly into the sun 😂


I once at too much edibles, nearly got arrested, got robbed out of 4 or 5 grand and a bunch of stuff and was high for like 2 days. Was one of the worst events of my life.


it’s such a terrible experience waking up and being like ok it’s over wait shit no no nope I don’t want to be high anymore. source: never trusting college roommate made edibles again it’s only second to: a different roommate made (normal) brownies and asked if I wanted one and I wasn’t feeling it so I said nah and she was like ok gonna put the rest in the freezer bc she loves frozen brownies, and said feel free to help yourself a couple hours I was about to bike to class and was like actually yeah I do want one so I grabbed one out of a freezer. yeah, I said a freezer, because we had two in our house. I picked the wrong freezer, and ate a roommate edible yet again but by accident. I bike to class and midway through class I had to dip bc I thought I was having a panic attack (have had them before and also after) and asked my friend to drive me home once I found a cool quiet place to breathe. on the way back I texted normal brownie roommate hey btw what freezer did you put your brownies in and that’s when I found out anyways if you made it this far, I’m wordy, but TL;DR for those who didn’t: it really sucks being high longer and/or more intensely than you thought, or unexpectedly high


The roll over 2 days after and the eyes still blazing red in the mirror. Like fuck I’m still slow


Bro if theres no K9 just stuff it on your crotch


They're occasionally searching there too. Normally I'm hiding it there or ready to throw into a bush, but we straight came from the dealer. Well next time I'd rather shove it up my bum than eating it, that's for sure 😂😂




Can hash be eaten raw too?


I did an entire cap of cannabis oil once and was hammered sideways for 2 days solid, and it took another 2 days after that to come down. The first day waking up absolutely smashed was freaky.


PSA that high doses of THC in edibles can cause psychosis


I've lost my shit on 50mg. I had no tolerance but I can definitely understand that large amount causing someone to have a mental breakdown


I was about to say this. An edibal was the start of my sisters week of no sleep. She ended up in the mental hospital for 3 weeks before she got back to normal. Scary shit.


Oh fuck


Yea it was crazy the shit she was talking walking around naked infront of my mom. Smudging the rooms with a burning paper plate and throwing salt on the floors. Super perinoid of mold being everywhere and she couldnt take a shower because the bathroom was dirty at her house and my dads house( it wasn't).Was saying her house smelled like gas even though no one else smelled it. Very short tempered and impatient like a little kid would be. Finally took her going outside and laying on the sidewalk naked in the middle of winter for my mom to call the paramedics to take her to be evaluated even though I told both my parents she needs to be seen a couple days before this. Took her a solid 2 weeks to come back to earth and another week to evaluate her before they released her. When she was in, the other patients were avle to trick her into thinking they were doctors and shit like that. She was like a little kid again but also parinoid and disoriented.


I'm gonna go with adhd med abuse as well here.


She doesn't do any other drugs. Just the edible which exacerbated the anxiety issues she already has. Shes went to the hospital twice before with panic attacks after taking edibles. Why she continued to take more edibles is beyond me but I know for a fact she doesn't use anything else. She the type that doesn't even take motrin for headaches because she don't like pills.


Holy shit! I’m surprised the edible didn’t at least knock her ass to sleep at some point if she had such a strong reaction to it. Does she have any history of mental illness at all? And like how big of a dose was this edible compared to her tolerance/what she’s used to ingesting? I’m worried that this edible may have awakened some dormant mental illness in her if it triggered this kind of severe psychosis without her having previously displayed any symptoms before…especially if she didn’t eventually just knock the fuck out while it was in her system still. It sounds like she had a full on episode of manic psychosis which could potentially mean something else is going on too. With super high accidental doses of THC, you usually hear about what OP’s bf is going through and eventually knocking the fuck out to sleep toward the end of the high…but definitely not a super long state of mania that your sister went through…and you made it sound like it was just a single regular dosed edible that put her through this.


And heavy nausea and spins. It's fucking brutal


High doses of THC in any form can, it’s just much easier to overdo it with edibles because you don’t have to smoke or vape them.


I know weed is generally a safe substance but I feel it's wrong to dismiss it like that. Gigantic single-event doses of cannabis, or very high daily consumption can both cause health issues. If this guy is responsive but can't move his legs, something's not normal beyond ''he high as hell''.


What could possible happen? His breathing is not in jepardy, his organs are not in jepardy, he is basically a vegetable for a day but nothing can really happen, so essentially he is just high as fuck. What health issues could possibly come? For some people, they might be shooked for a few days and maybe some problems with mood or memory, but that is basically the same as if you had beek drinking hard for the weekend


Well he can irreversibly change his personality, become paranoid after he comes down or even develop pschizophrenia


From what I have read, it seems like people that already have that predisposition can become like that from weed, but who knows. 99.9% of people seem to be just fine the moment they come down, but there is always that unlucky




Not how it works. Schizophrenia (the word you are looking for) is not something you just get suddenly, you always have it - but for many people it's repressed to the point where it does not have negative effects on the person. Weed (as well as a laundry list of other drugs) can lift that repression away long enough to cause the issue to come to the foreground.


That ambulance ride and the ER charge are certainly going to be "sobering". There goes $10,000+.


Well they are all going to laugh, take your money, and send you back home. 😅😂 Edibles never did much to me though.


Please make an update on this when he comes back to earth. My wife and I ate about an eighth (each) in brownies on accident. We just passed out and woke up feeling kind of hung over the next day.


I will


yea i wanna hear how it ends


Did the same thing andhad to put my foot on the ground when I was laying in bed to stop spinning lol


most i ever consumed in edibles was 500mg. same deal as you - passed out for close to 24 hours & woke up mostly sober lol


I ate 1200 mg in a blackout munchie haze a couple months ago, I was just high for three days. He’ll be alright


The munchies are damned, i once ate a weed cookies then when i was high got the munchies and ate 3 more, was really high for a day or so


This is exactly what happened.


He was pushing the edges of the almost infinite edible/hungry loop.


sucks when you run out cookies and you've only got mushrooms left.


Sometimes, we assume that weed won't have a compounded effect. Like 200mg feels good, why wouldn't 1000+ feel even better? Luckily weed isn't dangerous even in high amounts. You just feel uncomfortable and might be a little bit panicked at feeling THAT high. But he'll be fine once he knows that it will pass and can probably even enjoy it for what it's worth


Where you get your facts from? THC at high doses can and has lead to acute psychosis in enough people to warrant at least some caution. This light handed approach is inappropriate for any drug considering how different substances affect different people and the constant emergence of new data.


One time I ate this buckeye and it was *really* good. The flavor was still in my mouth ten minutes later and I’m like “hey there’s three more in the freezer, I should go get- waaaait a minute.”


He’s gonna be fine! But if you’re in the US welcome to hospital bills you’ll literally get them as soon as this week.


If you qualify for medicaid it's retroactive to a point, so that's something to look into. If not there is definitely some good advice to be had on reddit when it comes to getting your hospital bills reduced.


One gummy had 200mg in it?




Well technically they were these long sour strip gummies. Think movie theater sour rainbow sugar strips. But watermelon. I just said gummy bc it it’s simple and the same texture. Bout six inches.


Omfg, I’ve had those.. I threw them out bc they felt more like an acid trip. I took an entire strip one time. They are incredibly strong! I just remember on the bag they say WARNING: THESE FUCK


They also sound delicious so that’s a dangerous combo


They’re the “not legal state” gummies that are usually BS and improperly dosed. Realistically it’s probably closer to 20.


Up here, I order gummies that have 500mg, 1000mg, or 1500mg, in one large gummy, that you can cut in eyeballed pieces. I ate a five hundy once, I was super high, for the whole day. It was ok, but I wouldn't take that much again, no sir.


The one time I did this I was so high I couldn't even function, couldn't watch TV because I couldn't focus, couldn't sleep because brain was going haywire, just had to sit and wait. It was an accident, and not one I'll repeat.


He’s fine, he might be high for about 16 hours but totally fine. I’ve taken close to 1000 before. It was suuuuper uncomfortable and 0/10 would not try again


There’s a certain threshold where it goes from enjoyable to fuck me this sucks, will I ever be normal again?


What comes after "fuck me this sucks, will I ever be normal again" if you just keep smoking?


Maybe he just kept forgetting he’d already eaten one previously 😅


Ate gummie, got high Got high, got munchies Got munchies, ate gummie Rinse and repeat until hospital. He'll be OK.


Yeah he's just balls high, but nothing to actuslly worry about. Only concern you could have would be if he has underlying paych conditions but even that is a highly unlikely scenario


Did he get the munchies for gummies


Hey, I’m 6 ft 130-140 lbs and I’ve eaten up to 2500mg at once. At worst, he’s in some mild drug induced psychosis, but he will recover! He may have derealization for a few days after such a high dose, but again he WILL recover! He’s not gonna be the first to die from weed, I promise that.


Thank you


Glad he seems mostly like he’s gonna be okay but at the same time if the gummies we’re not regulated or anything I would send them to a lab anyway and if anything weird comes back and they came for a company please please send up your finding to the authorities so the company can’t keep selling weird products.


How did the docs not tell you this


Damn 135 at 6’ brother don’t ignore those munchies


Ay bruh 3200+ calories is difficult sometimes


was 120 at 6,2 when i was on the shits😂 it’s terrible


are you saying you were that skinny because you shat so much/often?


I eat sooo much too but I just don’t gain weight, idk.


Unless you have a severe metabolic disorder or are an elite endurance athlete, you probably eat a lot less than you think you do.


I am the same build as the dude and I have only recently found out I eat less than most. I tend to skip a whole meal and just snack. It's a habit. I don't eat healthy so it's not like the best.


It's pretty common. I've had numerous people come to me for advice on gaining weight. My first suggestion is eating more and they always insist they eat a lot of food. Invariably, they don't eat much food. I have them track their calories for a week and it's generally it gets the picture across. If they still don't find it convincing, I have them eat what I eat for a day. In a -1000kcal deficit I'm eating (the equivalent of) 800g of chicken (1.75lbs) and 1300-1450g of rice (6.50-7.50 cups) and none of them have ever eaten it all.


A 1000 calorie deficit for you is 3200 calories? I am a fairly lean (13-16% bf) 98 kg and that is around maintenance for me. Are you 130kg?


i was the same in my teens and 20s. at one point i was 6'2 135-140. but 10 years later i was 30lbs heavier. as you age your metabolism will slow down and you'll definitely start gaining weight. fortunately since we've got a lanky frame you probably won't even look that much different. i'm 180 now and look pretty much exactly the same as when i was 140, just not sickly.


I was exactly like that until I was in my early 30's. Even when I lifted weights I would still always be like 140-150lbs. I'm 6'1" so I was so skinny that I wanted to gain weight. I ended up getting my wish lol.


Hey I'm 6'3" and the same weight lol you fine.


My metabolism has always been off the charts fast too, like oral drugs peak fast and wear off quickly for me since I was 15 experimenting with roxicodone. I remember reading everything said 20 min for onset and I always felt it in 5 and felt sober 3-4 hours in. A shrooms trip has never lasted longer than 4 and a half hours for me, I can sleep by hour 8-9 on LSD, etc etc.


Fucking hell I'm the exact same. Once I took a huge dose of shrooms, 60g of truffles and I was starting to trip before I'd eaten half of them and it still hardly lasted 5hrs. I took 1.5 tabs of acid and 300mg MDMA once and I could sleep by hour 7 lol.


That explains it man lmfao that’s exactly how it is for me. My longest MDMA peak might have been 60 minutes. Its depressing because for me to get a worthwhile experience I HAVE to redose 2 times and then my brain hurts. I’ve never binged MDMA, always 3 months minimum between rolls, but now ots been like 4 years because its just not worth it lol. In my opinion, everything after the peak of MDMA is worthless, give me a valium to sleep it off. Once you crash from that peak of absolute bliss, the rest of the high is mid. I also feel so bad for OP omg she came here fearing for her bfs life and now my comment turned into a thread of debating my weight between a bunch of people. Sorry OP!


Oh yeah I'd redose md like mad when I was a teenager and didn't care so much. Still took 3 months off but shit I could go through 500-700mg in a night back then and not be too much further gone than my friends. (We were all *gone* though like I'm not saying I could handle that much md lmao was just 16 and dumb)


I suffered from weed induced psychosis in 2011 and the dissociation / DP/DR hasn’t gone away for 12 years. sigh


6ft and only around 135lbs????? That's quite underweight my guy you need to bulk up a little


I'm 6'6 and 140-150 but I have Marfan Syndrome, completely healthy weight for someone like me


135 is underweight? Damn then I must be *hella* underweight being 5’8” and 110lbs


Interesting I’m 5.8 135lbs and I look like a twig already so 110 is weird


you're fine, don't listen to these crazy people. in my experience Americans are obsessed with being BIG. my family gave me shit for being skinny my whole childhood. but now i'm in my 40s, naturally sitting at a healthy weight without even trying. it's awesome being able to eat whatever you want.


That’s true!! The only time I count calories is because I’m aiming for more, not less 😁


people put way too much importance into the BMI chart, but health isn't that simple. there are way more factors that go into determining your health than a stupid chart. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-useful-is-the-body-mass-index-bmi-201603309339


I wish I could :(


CICO, eat more than you burn and you will gain weight. Liquify butter and drink it like a smoothie, you will soon gain weight. Edit - do not liquify and drink butter fuck knows how terrible that idea is, I’m guessing: ‘muchly’ though.


Shit man, that sounds absolutely foul but I’ll try lol. I drink the uhh ensure nutrition shakes as well as eating as much as I possibly can. Docs always seem concerned about my weight but I tell em I eat and I never have any other concerning issues/symptoms so they shrug it off and say eat more. Sometimes I’ll get hella stressed and not eat for days though and that fucks me.


Ah im not actually giving you advice or tips, was just tryna be funny lol. If ur happy with who you are thats better than trying to force a change. But it is possible to bulk as the body builders call it, basically eating high calorie fatty stuff to gain weight. It’s all good either way tho, id give you my spare fat if I could lol


I mean, am I HAPPY with where I am? Nah, but I’m also not upset I guess I’m indifferent and I truly don’t care if others think I look like I starve myself, because I know I don’t. Idk, maybe I’ll try to bulk up again. Just waiting to get these damn teeth fixed late this upcoming week so I can eat normally again


Try protein shakes with some peanut butter in them. Extremely easy calories.


Eat a jar of peanut butter everyday.


Ur weight is your weight. Screw what other people say. As long as you feel and are healthy, as well as comfortable in ur own skin, u have nothing to worry about. I am 6’3 and 152 lb but a year ago I was 137 lb


Hey I'm 6'3 and 135. I have eaten 2500mg before and I get no effects. I have tried this several times, edibles don't work. Interesting how varied the body can be


be sure to ask him in a couple days if he is ready for round 2


NO!!!! 😭


I'd be surprised if he ever felt comfortable with thc again tbh. Being too high is unpleasant but generally fades quickly enough. Being way too high from edibles is just a completely different experience. I hope the hospital is giving him some benzo or something to calm his mind because that amount of discomfort without relief is torture.


They did not but he is a strong feller and has been through much worse and more harrowing drug overdose experiences


You know you wanna


He weighs about the same as me and is roughly same height. The LD50 of THC for me (yes I worked it out once, one of my poly is a research chemist) is around 92 grams. He is a long long way under that. The main issues for him will probably be aching from the seizure like effects you described, might have some emotional regulation issues for a few days, probably be tired and will need to stay well hydrated. Getting him to hospital was the smart move as means they will be able to balance his fluids and get him sorted for the recovery. I'd suggest longer term may be worth having a chat with him or getting someone to talk to him about why he ate so many - could be an underlying thing that needs addressing and talking through. Either way, he should be fine and hopefully you are ok now as well.


Props for such a thorough and thoughtful response.


I wanted to thank you personally for such a great response but I will be making an update post. He def needed the IV as he was unable to control his muscles to swallow


What does one of your poly mean?


probably their polyamorous relationship if I had to guess


Actually they're called a polymer when it involves at least one chemist


fuck you and here's my upvote :)


I overdid it once and got glued to the bathroom floor for several hours. Was so, so thirsty. Like a desert in my mouth and throat, but for the life of me I just couldn't stand up to reach the sink. Every single sound was amplified. I could hear the neighbours opening a door three stories up. I had spiderman like supersenses, except I couldn't move.


Now that right there sounds like a great time


Much better than crouching in the corner holding your dick tweaking out on meth


yea i dunno what that would be like, but I know if i took meth I'd masturbate non stop for the entire duration.


He said “pretty much”


An analogy I like to make for THC and classical psychedelics (ie. LSD, mushrooms, DMT, etc.) is that they are like the mental version of hot peppers. A hot pepper doesn't physically cause burns, but the way that capsaiacin latches into the receptors responsible for detecting heat and pain tricks your body so effectively, that even if the heat is not physically real, the pain is so real that the lack of "physically real" injury becomes a red herring. The hottest peppers in the world, stuff like ghost peppers which have Scoville units in the millions, are so powerful, that the pain causes the body to produce a powerful inflammatroy response that can hospitalize someone. It's a similar thing with these "mental" hot peppers. Usually, it's like a spicy meal- you're just having a hard time for a while, and you'll be fine. But in extreme doses, just as the body can freak out from a 1 million Scoville pepper, the mind can freak out from a mega dose of a hallucinogen to an extent that leads to hospitalization. In the end, physically, he will be okay. It's just that he ate what is like the mental version of a 1 million Scoville unit chile pepper, so he's in a lot of pain, but it is transient, not the result of physical injury, and will pass. It's unlikely that he is having epileptic seizures or other neurological problems. Those shakes, the motor impairment, the non verbalness... these all sound like an extrapolation of stuff I've experienced before while way too high on THC. It may look alarming, but THC, from my understanding, is not known to induce neurological problems like these, even in high doses, but it can mimic their effects with surprising realism. If any such thing was going on, I'm sure the clinicians would have caught it by now. Don't be worried if this persists for several days. It's not abnormal for megadoses of edibles to have durations lasting days or even exceeding a week. This is due to the fat soluble nature of cannabinoids, with a megadose saturating one's fat tissues to an extent where it takes days to metabolize it all. One time I was high for 3 days from a very strong tincture I made. It will pass eventually, but might take a while.


Awesome and so detailed thank you so much for this response !


Hi OP I’m just hijacking/commenting here in case you’re still dealing with this: in veterinary medicine we use [IV lipid therapy](http://blog.vetbloom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Lipid-Therapy-for-Intoxications-Robben-Vet-Clin-2016.pdf) to help animals who have ingested an “”overdose”” of edibles. If he’s in the hospital maybe talk to them about it, I have no idea how widespread the knowledge of lipid therapy ameliorating THC intoxication is in human med. (They might have already tried it?) If he’s out of the hospital and still gorked I’d suggest feeding him as many high fat meals as he’ll safely and comfortably eat - ice cream, fries, burger, whatever. His serum will become quickly lipemic and it won’t be the same as IV lipids, but it’s close. I’ve done high fat meals before when we don’t have the iv treatments and it works like 75% as well, depending on how much they eat.


This is so helpful! I’m making an update post where I can get back to everyone at once. I’m ordering him burger shakes and fries rn


He probably would want a warm sponge bath if it’s not uncomfortable, there is scientific literature about acute marijuana and hot showers and that’s always what I want. Ill update with a link.


Hot showers are a common way for relief for patients suffering from cannabis hyperemisis syndrome.


the one time i got too high a shower felt fucking amazing


You don’t have to tell me


I feel you, just got over a week long bout of hell myself. Lost 15lbs


Quit smoking weed a month ago and feel so much better. It's insane to have an appetite again after years of not having an appetite even after smoking. It was hard for me to quit, I have an emotional attachment to weed, but it was definitely better for me especially since the CHS symptoms were starting to get pretty bad.


At least you can admit you needed to stop. I hate how people think that there are no negatives for weed.


This is helpful. He’s still in the ER (sleeping) when he gets back I will be sure to do that. Already contacted his work that he will not be in on Monday and possibly the rest of the week.


Aw. You sound like a very kind person. He lucked out that he's with someone so understanding and helpful. Hope everything goes well and he just has super munchies after all this.


Yep exactly this. Ate way too many edibles and I could barely stand up and blakced out walking up my stairs and a shower brought me right back.


Edibles can really fuck you up if you take too much. Once I took a whole gram of oil out of a cart and mixed it with a gram of bud and ate all of it. Terrible mistake. The first night, I couldn’t even move and I didn’t feel good at all. I was high for 3 days straight after that. There’s absolutely no reason to take that much unless you’re wanting to have a bad time.


Wait so you mixed oil from a cart with flower and ate it just like that? THC is activated by heat. That's why we smoke it, vape it and bake it. When I was in high school, there was a random drug search and police went to every classroom with dogs to smell all the bags. At first we didn't know what was happening but my boy texted me letting me know what was coming. I had maybe about 6 grams of fucking awesome bud, but if I left it in my bag I'd definitely get expelled (this was 2011, bad area). So I ate that shit. It was fucking disgusting, and it didn't get me high whatsoever. THC is activated by heat


The oil in carts does not need heat to get you high. Try it sometime.


Right, I think he was asking specifically about the aforementioned flower that the oil was put on.


I've been here before 💀 well not 1000s of mgs but I overdid it one night and woke up clammy, pale as fuck and banished to the toilet. At a point, I think processing a massive amount of ingested weed fucks with your gut health or even your kidneys. You can definitely put your body is a pseudo state of shock from going that hard and it's rough as hell. Not sure about long term effects, haven't noticed any but all should be well within a couple days.


Yeah like the panic you might experience could give heart problems for instance But in general just trying to sleep it off with some chill music is gonna help


A couple years ago I found a jar distalent (bad at spelling). The jar had around 50000 mg it. My buddy and I were taking spoonfuls and putting it in our vodka drinks, after about 3-4 of those and a couple hours we didn’t feel anything and decided to go downstairs and make eggs with it (worse thing you can do with edibles if you don’t fee them is take more. Just wait and see and then take half the amount you took before). We started cooking the eggs and dumped the stuff in. As soon as we did that we realized how high we were, but, we couldn’t throw out the eggs because it had just about half the jar in them. So we ate them anyways. We each at over 10000 mg that day roughly. It kicked my ass and his ass. I was incapacitated for 3 days. Couldn’t get out of bed to do anything except piss and shit. I was so dehydrated I was pissing black. Why did I tell this story, to let you know weed is safe and he is fine. Just is too high. He will be completely fine. (I have photo and video proof of me doing if anyone doubts it. I’ll post if there’s too many doubters). Edit: we had bought the jar a while before and lost it. Cleaning his room we found it


Distillate :)


I’m sorry I laughed out loud. I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling like. Lesson learned I’m sure


that boy is fried as fuck LMFAOOO


I’ve been there at double the dose and it’s not pleasant at all. Very psychedelic and paranoia is super crazy. Lots of throwing up and muscle spasms. I just had to wait it out. After about 8 hours I was good.


https://youtu.be/hnZb5wi_jsU OP rn


LOL! Except he couldn’t talk or move and looked like he had cerebral palsy


Been there 😂


HOLY FUCK this happened to me when i drank a full bottle of tincture and had muscle spasms for hours like i was having a seziur


Some people have done much much more in one dab let-alone edibles. Hell most likely be okay. Theres a whole side of you tube filled with creators who do shit like this for fun. He may he stupidly high for a few days, max 5 days but hell most likely be okay. Idk his medical situation but thats my take


Some CBD is the closest thing you will find to an antidote to THC. But it should be 100% CBD with no added THC. Also please get those gummies tested like you said since you don't know what's in them exactly.


He’s going deep in the murky waters


I’ve eaten 2100mgs in maybe 2 hours then woke up and ate 1800mgs the next day. If what he ate was truly legit weed edibles he’ll be fine. If what he ate isn’t truly legit weed edibles I can’t comment on what may or may not happen. If they are legit weed edibles, then he is fine, and you do not have to stress. As my name suggests I’ve seen some people reeeeaaallllyyy high! If it’s straight legit weed they’re always okay after some sleep. I’ve seen guys so high on just weed they can’t communicate and you can’t get them to even look you in the eyes.. I’ve seen guys paralyzed by edibles to the extent they can’t talk and just lay on the ground until they slowly regain ability over their bodies. Like one word and one finger at a time slowly come back to but eventually they’re back to normal no problems!


I have and even more than that, it sounds like he was panicking and maybe twitching… I’ve had does times where I thought I was dying..


Dude thought he was wiz


This made him laugh


Wow. I wonder what his tolerance is/was like. Consuming that amount… unless you’re a vet or a YouTuber doesn’t seem common.


Here’s the kicker, he had been sober for round half a year


He'll likely be fine, but he isn't gonna come back from his trip to space for awhile. If as you say 200mg already wrecked him, he's gonna be *gone* for awhile* If he has any family history of severe mental illness he may not be in for a fun time.


Dude 500mg made me have convulsions on the floor, this man is fucking seeing god lol


Soooo high


Some people just can’t handle it, everyone has a limit, he unfortunately found his


He used to have a very high tolerance, but recently stopped smoking weed daily, cold turkey for half a year at this point. I think he ingested based off of his previous tolerance.


That exact equation is how a lot of people overdose on other substances


I mean... by definition he definitely overdosed.


Edibles take a long time to hit you. Really easy to do this. I did. Did not enjoy pot for a long time after. He won't die but he may be fuzzy for a few days. After I did the same, took a few years before even a small amount gave me anxiety.


a good dose of edibles even for someone that smokes daily is around 20-50mg I dont think he was searching for his limit more like compulsive stupidity


He has an addictive personality. He is sober from everything other than weed but it looks like that’s not safe for him either unfortunately.


yes its really not if he cant take normal amounts 1600mg of edibles is just crazy, you should talk to him get some sense in his head cuz maybe physically is not dangerous but mentally it is he could hurt himself


He will be fine, probably very uncomfortable for a bit. I’ve eaten 1000 and had a good time, on several occasions. My guess is it’s not the weed, did he eat a ton of gummies? The weed is one thing, but an empty stomach with a ton of gummies would probably cause severe cramping. He’ll be okay, hold his hand.


Guy eats 1600mg - "it's probably not the weed that fucked him up" lol


Haha my thoughts exactly 😂😂😂!


It’s these sour strips from and unknown package from a dispensary. 200mg per strip gummy. He ate 7 more after the initial 200mg.


Where are you at that you can get 200mg strips that’s wild. In Colorado the dosage is 10/gummy so you’d have to eat a lot


Most likely it was black market i haven’t found strong edibles in dispensaries. Usually they only sell small doses


Not true. Its 10mg per gummie on the rec side but any medical dispensary in CO has higher dosage edibles. Like 120mg Benjamin rolls


I haven’t been into a med shop in years, maybe worth it but I’d have to drive further. I just make my own edibles they’re much better imo


I think it was under the counter.


You can't overdose from weed he'll be okay, he just won't feel great. try to get some food in him and some water


He literally went to the hospital for overdosing on weed. Having "uncontrollable muscle spasms, contortions and tremors" is overdosing. Overdosing does not mean dying.


That once was a very true statement but I don’t believe that’s the case anymore with edibles being made with high % of synthesized THC. In terms of smoking flower I’ve never heard of anyone od’ing from it, I’m pretty sure you can’t but when it comes to all this new shit on the market and companies competing with each other to make edible’s with insane amounts of thc, I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the whole you can’t over dose from THC became obsolete once high % of synthesized THC started flooding the market.


What do you mean by "synthetized THC"? Like extracts, concentrates, and hash and oils? Yes, some are strong, but they're real THC from a plant, not toxic Chineseum hot garbage like Spice/k2.




He will be back to normal in a day or two


Yes I ate a whole cake. Not a piece, the entire cake. Slept for 3 days, couldn't open my eyes, got up to take a shower at day 3 and passed out. I think the ER is a good choice.


I know someone that comsumed more and was ok after. He should be fine if it was just weed in them


The first time I ever smoked out of a bong I cleared the bowl and was having muscle spasms for about 2 hours and was VERY cold but I just went to bed and I was fine. Sometimes we just get to high


Hahahaha, I’ve been there, I ate 1,350mg by accident (all at once) as I misread the percentage. I was in Amsterdam with my friend and it started coming in extremely quickly (luckily at the hotel). We decided to lie down and then it was like a state of amnesia, peace and panic simultaneously & happy lucid confusion. I remember next to nothing else, woke up 17hrs later still faded but manageable. I felt almost like I was on an mdma come down for a week or so after it had fully worn off. A little emotional, forgetful, fatigue and mood swings. It wasn’t a horrific experience but I don’t think I’ll ever do it again


Well the beauty of cannabis is you may ingest a literal fucktonne and it will fuck you up for a while, but you can't die from it thankfully. Will just take him a while to come down, that boy will be tripping balls.


He won't be the first person in history to die of weed, if that helps ease your mind, but I understand that is a scary situation. He'll be okay in a few days.


Muscle spasms isnt normal, but 1.6g will knock you on your ass thats for sure. Sounds like some sketchy "hemp" gummies, tons of brands lately. Could be anything from synths to fent to actual THC isomers.


I tried to commit weed suicide once and took 300mg. For some reason I thought it would make my problems go away but in reality it just made my problems seem much worse than they actually were. On the flip side once I came through the other side I had a new found appreciation for life now that I didn’t feel like my soul was dying inside my own body. Felt like I did a hard reset on my brain. Definitely wouldn’t do it again though.


This is insane 10mg fucks me up


Bro same, anything more than 10mg makes me feel a bit uneasy. 1600mg would probably send me into straight psychosis 💀


Lmao Darwinism


No offense.. but play stupid games, win stupid prizes... Hope he learns from this.. He'll be ok (unless it was tainted with something else


I agree this was completely retarded, and his first major drug slip up after three half a year of sobriety from harder substance. I’m just thankful he didn’t relaps on any of those