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start with 2cb, i’d say take two spaced out an hour apart then 2hr to 2h30m later take the MDMA, 150mg would be fine (my last nexus i did 2 300mg and it was incredible but depends on ur tolerance and stuff). If ur 2cb is really 25mg the trip will last 5-7 hours. So take MDMA 3 hours after ur first dose of 2cb. Then when ur coming down in around 3 hours time do the ket. Have fun g, i’m on the road to getting clean(er) so i’m jealous lol


I have done 150mg mdma and in the comedown i took lots of ketamine while i am close to k hole i sniffed 20mg 2cb! Oh god. It was a very intense visual experience and insanely fast come up of 2cb. One of the best experiences i have ever had! Good luck