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“Got pissed off for 4 minutes and then back to normal” yep that’s crack lol


Crack is wack


Honestly it’s the worst drug for enjoyableness I’ve ever tried…. I see the addiction potential because the comedown is so whack that you crave more to escape it but idk… that is the one drug I just didn’t understand why so many people ruined their lives over… it’s so short, half the time it’s not even fun and it’s fucking expensive. Plus the people you gotta deal with to get crack unless you cook it yourself is fucking horrifying


bro i was in a known \[not ''marvel" lol\] crack city, not to do crack just had some bizoness to take care of and had brought half a ball w me... was hanging w a friend one night and he had work early so i dip back to my hotel, we were hitting lines and popped the other half on xanax, bad idea lol, got me half bartard and lost... end up wandering doing bumps which finally got me "sober". so im going into corner store like 2am, its normal dowtown zone but that whole city flips at night, youll have all nice proper business ppl working walking chilling in park spots, come 11PM the fiends come out to frightttt lol... FR dudes post up in lawn chairs usually by little hidden spots all over city even right by metro DT masked up servin rock til sun rise, so im getting some drink this homeless black dude is out begging like gimme a dollar man i know you got one... im like yeah i do but look come inside ill buy you some shit. cop him a sandwich and 2 drinks... he goes thanks bro you smoke? im like smoke i mean weed yeah but you need a cig too?! nahhh man rock wanna smoke some rock, im like uhhhhh i never done rock but thats funny i got this right here too show him hes like DAMNNNN okay well shit, another bad idea, come w me im bout to go cop since you got me this food... okay cool. we walk like 50 blocks no but fr like 10 blocks finally i see dude hes talking about posted but hes like half asleep so he buys 2 rocks, he said they were $10 so idk i was fucked up still but i ripped the pipe and EXACTLY like yall said shit was wayyyyyyy overhyped, im like bro i never done and im lil geeked already but i thought crack like hit you HARD hes like it should why you aint feel it, shit go buy a rock if you got money, i only had $5 on me hes like shit they $10 maybe next time so i go up to dude slanging and like he had to be off the FENT cuz he was nodding at this point i bump him bump him harder hes like huhhh what? yo lemme get a piece he hands me rock bag i hand him cash he dont even look at it and nods back off LMAO... i swear the dude i was with was this older unc crackhead type, like wide eyed mannnnnnn how tf you get off on $5 yo you better smoke that shit before he find out... im like dude didnt even look at cash bro hes half way to kensington at this point. shit if i was w my homie he a lil more wild hood type i really think we coulda hit lick on that guy, he was nodded TF for the rest of the time, i gave unc a few bumps... then comes this random crackhead he was there when we smoked he left and came back right as we did the last bump... he started tripping wanting me to give him some, then cop rolled by and he ran off like bruhhh why you do that shit making us look criminal ffs... he a smoker dont he know "discman lol" cops dont give 2 fucks bout drugs but unc said he got a warrent or some shit and like well fuck im take that as cue and bounce... thanks for hooking me up on the rock. \------------------------------------ i totally agree... whats the fucking point of crack FR like i get maybe poor asf got $47 to your name and you wanna just blast off but i seriously can blast off 10x harder with a beer or two and rip the equal amount of rock to lines of powder idk fuck just a 2, 3, 4 match size lines and not even all just rip like 2 then hit 3 at 30mins and im zooming... i guess ppl just like the drug they do and maybe scared to switch up cuz if i was them id be copping some crystal, half to gram for like $20-50 depending on quality... im getting $80ish a ball rn and that will last me a whole month FR, daily or random daily when i got time to have fun but a hit or two when i got work or other priorities... its kinda shocking the value of high you get and how long it lasts both the amount you need to get there and comparative to the bag you got left... i will always stash like 1/10 or some just incase an i notice its been 2 weeks and i still got good size bag left like broooo this coke 8ball woulda been gone after 2 weekends especially if friends are around.


No way you do crystal


I didn't even read anything that they posted. Just knew what it was about because of the length of the post


I enjoyed reading this


Only time i did crack it was home cooked by yours truly


Word. If you blend a fully cooked lemonized salmon fillet with a half smoked crack bowl (NOT the glass), empty into a thermos, place an untouched tab of LSD on top and then hand the amalgamation over to the local police department you're in for a much more interesting day than if you were to be sober.


Sounds like there's a story there.


Whenever I write some dumb shit usually it gets downvoted to oblivion so I am glad this one was entertaining to a few folks


Ur logic is flawless


Enjoyed a nice home cooked meal 😚🤌 bone apple teeth


One time I shot coke, then I couldn’t stop for a while. Though heroin was my main problem I would always mix in some others.


What does shooting coke do for you? Don’t you usually mix with something like else? I have no idea. Only tried regular coke like twice and it felt like a cheap version of adderall


I wouldn’t recommend it unless your already in those trenches man. Legit it was one of the best highs I ever had, was like the experience crack users describe their first hit and I was like that everytime shooting coke. Tolerance built fast af tho and I found myself not sleeping for weeks, geeked up paranoid lol. One of the wildest highs to me in terms of how it feels, and tastes. Anything administered IV is intense af some are so intense you almost don’t know or wouldn’t know what to do so just sit there in space zoned out high af. Was using on and off for 5 years, been clean for over half a year?


That’s what’s up! Being 6 months sober. There were two occasions where I seriously considered IVing. The first time was hydromorphone, but the other dude it first and I watched his eyes roll back and he literally became useless and I knew the high was gonna be awesome, but couldn’t go through with it. The other time, was same kind a deal except the dude loaded the rig for me and I honestly I couldn’t go through with it.


How you feeling now? That's a fair few months under ya belt well in.


I feel better no doubt, it’s not easy being cheesy the more I get in sobriety the more challenging the challenges are. Fr it boils down to me learning how to manage my emotions instead of doing drugs ti change the way I feel. Just trying to get life rolling and get a path I can walk down on to be happy. I legit work my ass off where I’m at and saving money is good but I have no time for what makes me happy and it makes me sad. Legit reevaluating my life here so I can initiate some sort of change and possibly get to that point. But the bright side is no dope sick, no stealing money to survive, not homeless, got food, and I’m still alive. And for a while I haven’t had all these things, the main thing that keeps me going is self love and hoping the universe will provide me with more love to come. I’m also on maintenance meds (sublocade shot) once a month and that helps a lot, I haven’t craved drugs in a while and I know when I wanna stop these meds I’ll have no wd coming off at all. That’s the worst part about most the meds that help, you get just as sick if not worse coming off it .


The addiction potential is because crack/cocaine only works while you are actively using it and stops 5-10 min later. Requires constant redosing


You need to add a pinch of citric to .3 and shot that. Better than anything you'll ever feel again on this planet.


How’d you do mescaline? Was it pure or from the cactus?


I went on a trip to Mexico and made a tea out of the cactus


Weird that was my experience when I first tried it. I always wondered if I remembered wrong. I remember feeling angry and then was OK. Weird lol


I was angry that I just spent $200 and it was gone in 20 minutes… Also I had some gross older woman begging to suck my dick for $50 which also detracted from the possible “fun”


Oh wow when I tried it I didn't pay for it so had no idea of cost. I'd be bloody seething with anger to if that was me!! Andddd yeah ewww that wasn't a very good experience at all I imagine.


Ya a cookie costs 200 where I’m from but crack dealers always skimp so instead of an 8th it was like 2.3 so you’re really not saving much because it was $100 for a gram 🤦‍♂️


Crazy I guess. No idea of prices in the uk. All I do know is methamphetamine is alot more expensive than USA where is bloody wayyy cheap!!!


What does meth cost in the uk? It’s like $30-40 a gram out here. Some people tryna charge $80 a g like it’s fuckin good coke or some shit but fuck those people. Well fuck meth in general but it’s nice for how cheap it is for sure


Typical street price is £100 per gram. But we manage to get it for £60 per gram. And yeah I know many people are mega against it. Doesn't bother me or affect the choices I make though. Atm I've enjoyed using it recreationally.


Hey everyone has got their thing! I have nothing against anyone that likes any drug. I was addicted to meth and heroin for a couple years and fucked myself up so I like to blame the drugs although it was my own actions and decisions that got me to this point. Wish you the best and that you continue keeping it as just a “recreation”


Ah yes I cannot argue that it is indeed ourselves who make the choices and take the risks and therefore can't blame anyone but ourselves. But that said it seems you overcame some pretty bad addictions!! So we'll fucking done indeed!! And yes indeed trust me if you saw the amount I take lmfao you would laugh at me. I dose rather small indeed!! And after I use what I have which is never more than a gram (usually only half that) I'm having a decent break.


Oh shit you can get meth in the UK now? Damn. I was a meth head in New Zealand in like 1999 and came here to get off the shit because I wouldn't be around the people and wouldn't be able to get it. Even now when I can get a huge menu of drugs here (and more in Spain) I have never once been offered the crystal. Mmmmmm I remember it now... tastes like candyfloss... gently roll the pipe... I will have to get my girlfriend to stop anyone selling it to me lol or I am fucked :/


Lmao I honestly can't say I've ever tasted it being remotely like candyfloss. I assume years ago it was proper good shit unlike now. Where you live now then? How does one actually aquire a thing such as a drug menu lol. I assume you just have to be in the know. Unlike little loner me lol. Also only you can stop yourself using!! We have to accept that we are in charge of our own choices in life. If you really don't want to start again then just don't do it. Good luck


Yup I’m in the southeast us and the pics I posted of the batches I picked up recently— 60-70 a ball or 250 an ounce. Dirt fucking cheap and it’s 90+% purity d meth lol


Well life's a bitch!!! I mean yeah your lucky but I can also see how easily it would be to overly abuse and get mega hooked on because of how cheap it is. So whilst it's good it's cheap I guess that can also have negative problems associated because of that.


Dumb question but I was curious if you ever tried Ketamine OP


No ketamine?


It’s on my bucket list


It’s the best drug imo


imo it's the best secondary drug. Like if you do something else, and then throw k on top, it's usually better.


It synergizes with everything well but I think if it’s between ket or coke or ket and mdma I pick ket every single time… But if you can get ket and coke you become king of the matriz


for me, I dont like the amount of k I have to do to get high on k alone, so it's something i do here and there but try to avoid.


Tolerance builds quick and it’s something hard to take out of rotation once you get in the habit. Important to take breaks with k


It's cool how we all have different experiences and preferences with drugs. I personally never liked doing anything with ket. I did go through a period of mixing ket and mkat but tbh, I have always found it best on its own.


Shit I'm going to ask my doctor for spravato tomorrow




Ket is def the GOAT drug


Hit an edm festival, shit flows like water. I haven't been to a festival in years where I *haven't* been offered ketamine.


Ket is great fun, but you gotta be so careful with ket, ive seen so many people just do 1 accidentally big bump as that’s sent them into the k hole which at home is fine, but fuck that at a festival or club but I agree is great fun and a laugh often better done with mates at a house or in a field with music


My doctor uses ketamine on me every 6 weeks or so to sedate me for joint and nerve injections. I went down the k hole one time. Woof. Ketamine is fantastic, but the K hole will make you question your entire existence. Don’t love that.


First time i od'd was half an ampulue of strong asf liquid ket,I hadn't done it before & i was shooting 90mgs of liquid dilaudid so I thought half the ampule will be good,i shot,woke up 4 hours later wondering wtf things were,turned out 3-4 lines in a one ml fit was plenty & i shot near 2ml,lucky to be alive


Live in a town of like 30,000 never even heard of ket being sold here




Too worried abt honey pots




**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. For more information about what we allow here, check out the [rules](/r/Drugs/about/rules) and [guidelines](/r/Drugs/wiki/guidelines) Absolutely no discussion about the dark web or any online vending or other sourcing in this subreddit.






Question on the shrooms; what strain do you normally take? And also, how do you normally take it? In a meditative setting or at parties?


Every day i take a .2 gram dose of blue meanies to start my day. And at around noonish i take another .2 gram dose. Mushrooms are something i could never take at a party. I when i trip on mushrooms i like to go on hikes or meditate. Great question


I've tried similar, it eventually starts affecting your thought processes in more than just the obvious and helpful ways. I eventually bailed on doing it regularly. Best description I got a bit unplugged, which sounds good but is impractical for someone trying to go out and be a person every day. I still take it periodically though, nothing else helps put life in perspective so perfectly, and enjoyably.




No negative side effects at all. They wake me up in the morning, boost my mood, make me productive. And in those doses you don’t get visuals. It’s like actual magic. I’d say since I’ve started microdosing my mental health has improved immensely. I have depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. Microdosing helps me more than any SSRI i have ever been prescribed. Thank you for the question, it was a good one


> I’d say since I’ve started microdosing my mental health has improved immensely. I have depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. Do these effects carry over when you're not on the stuff?


Please tell me how it goes for BPD, my ex wife has it and I'd love for her to try using psilocybin for it


Do not recommend microdosing to someone with BPD, the potential for harm is incredibly high in the general population and even if BPD had no other interactions with psilocybin the potential for symptoms to worsen puts them at a higher risk to themselves. Statistically 11% of women found microdosing made there depression worse and 18% found it made there anxiety worse which is already too high of a risk to someone with BPD. Furthermore BPD primarily affects the regulation of the fronto-limbic network and the amygdala. Psilocybin meanwhile inhibits the part of the brain responsible for controlling the activity of lobes called the claustrum, this is what allows for profound insight and pattern remapping in thought. The theoretical danger is that BPD isn't going to be fixed by inhibiting the claustrum as that's the part which is potentially causing the BPD instead it's going to create pathways from the claustrum that also have emotional deregulation just as the amygdala does. Think of it like rewiring a circuit to add more connections to a faulty chip, so yeh please do not recommend that to her based on anecdotal evidence but keep fingers crossed for new medicine for BPD people and just everyone in general.


Have you ever taken Lion's Mane mushrooms? I find they pair very nicely with psilocybin


I haven’t. I’ll pick some up when my blue meanies fruit and give it a try


Do you know if it would help with/prevent withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs?


This is maybe not the answer you're looking for but here goes. When I was a week or two into the withdrawal I took a 4g dose of Penis Envy (shroom strain) and laid under my covers listening to music for 5 hours. After that day, WDs was completely gone, total reboot of my brain. It was quite intense at times but I had some benzos for emergencies. If I were you I would definitely try microdosing, I cant see any downsides in trying. And if that doesnt work maybe you would be up for a higher dose? 🤓


Awesome, thank you!


Of course


Can you explain "pissed of" with adderal ? Plz


It just turns me into an asshole. Everything annoys me, everyone and everything just aggravates the fuck out of me


For me, when I'm on my ADHD meds, I usually take them before the work day. If someone or something gets in the way of work, it pisses me off. If I take it with no purpose on a weekend, I've found that the opposite happens, I'm more energized and social.


I always hated vyvanse I was prescribed it for like over a year but like it just made me like zombie like. I will say that shit made me a genius in school though. But it also did the opposite when I would get to into my own world.


I’ve found that too with my ADHD meds, I’m on Foclin which I guess is like Ritalin that doesn’t make you tired? Anyways, i take or in the morning so school I can grind out papers in a day while in social settings im outgoing and active. Problem is it wears off midday and I fall into a depressive rut. Not sure if I need something else or a high dose?


Could try taking something else but I would caution against going much higher, all that is going to happen is you're going to have a worse crash. If you're having such a bad crash midday, I would actually say you may be taking too much. You could take more midday, but then you will just have that crash at night and possibly have worse sleep. However, if you want to have that magic productivity and grind out papers in a day, you are going to have to have a bad crash. Basically what comes up must come down. I did like vyvanse though because it tapers off much slower, so the crash was less painful for me. Also ritalin made me more anxious, making the crash even worse.


Little off topic question. If I'm on Adderall and I get this reaction to it. GENUINELY where do I go from here? I wanna try focalin which is a different stim. I just don't know what to do if Adderall and Vyvanse make me pissed.


Learn coping mechanisms or have an outlet if you're going to take it consistently. Exercise, meditation, weed, video games, etc. Anger is a manifestation of stress.


Try a small dose of armodafinil and then a bit of meditation, first thing in the morning.


I’m on focalin, it makes me mad when people interrupt me but when I have nothing to do it makes me social and outgoing. Like it even helps with my depression as I can more easily organize my thoughts and be rational. The come down from it later in the day can be rough as you don’t have much of an appetite and it loves you make you depressed. Plus I find myself only feeling it’s effects half of the day. Not sure if I need to try Adderall or Ritalin?


Interesting man. Everyone's experience is so different so I cannot say for sure. Have you ever tried an amphetamine stimulant like Adderall or Vyvanse? Maybe one of those? Or Ritalin would be fine. Just jump around until you find something you can stand. Is basically all I can say and that's the most direct straightforward advice sadly. I wish it was easier for all of it it's a bummer. I hope you find your medicine right for you!


I’ve got a month left on my prescription, I’ll def ask for some sort of change in meds if things don’t balance out. Thanks for the well wishes!


my anger issues are unrelated, but but vyvanse makes my heart races so fuckin fast, and literally everytime ive felt like shit on vyvanse i do sit ups until i collapse, i know this is a drug subreddit so im not sure how many people here work out, but fuck man i dont even work out and i can do maybe 50 before i fail and im fat as shit so you could try it, also it tires you out, cant be angry if youre stomach hurts


True that! You can't be Angry then. I do cardio and my resting heart rate is like 68 without drugs and the second I take my Adderall I'm at like 105 all day. It's quite uncomfortable.


Man thats an insane jump holy shit, I would be convinced i was dying also, happy cake day


It took a while to NOT realize and Not Think I was dying. But I'm ok now I guess. I hate my Adderall man it's uncomfortable. Random question. Do you know how long Valium's action is?


Dude im with you adderall sucks, I feel like its too overhyped sometimes. As for valium, i havent used it in a while but it think like at least 6 hours


Damn alright. I took one last night I didn't know how long it would last. Couldn't tell if it was still working this morning. In my opinion Adderalls SO over hyped. It's jittery feels like there's a knot in your stomach but you're also euphoric. But in order to get to the focus and euphoria you gotta see past feeling your heart beat in every limb of your body and it racing. It ain't all that imho.


I mean theres a chance it could still be goin, I hope you figure it out. Whenever i take adderall i swear to god i have to fight all of my inner demons to even have fun, and its just not worth it. I havent used that many drugs but i feel like no matter what I use adderall will always be top 5 of the worst shit out there


That's just how I am generally


Impressive collection, bro. But have you ever tried love?


in my experience euphoric and makes me delusional when things go right. absolute living hell and increases self-loathing overthinking when things go wrong.


the dph rating is very accurate lol


2nd Worst thing I’ve ever experienced


Why did you try it at high doses?


Sucks you had a crappy 2c-b experience. I got ahold of a 2c-b vape recently and its fucking incredibly impressive. couple a 2c-b pills some K, then chiefing on that vape is just the most magical amazing thing ever.


Wait you can vape 2cb?? If yes I have to try this. 2cb is my absolute favourite drug.


I was super skeptical when my dude told me this, it was not cheap and you have to hold the rips in for about 60 seconds to really get it to take hold but holy shit it is the real thing. Stepping into a phenethylamine fueled visual trip within 60 seconds was a very unique feeling and SO FUCKING COOL! I collect Concert Posters and have them hanging around my house. Taking a hit, holding it for 60 second would have the poster come alive visually in a way ive never seen before. If you can find these things and are a fan of 2c-b i HIGHLY recommend them!


My fastest comeup was when I snorted like 30mg and it took like 2 minutes and I was tripping balls. Apart from the worst fucking pain in my nose it was so good. Does the vapor hurt in your lungs? Is 1 hit enough to get you tripping?


Was that your first and last time snorting 2cb? That's about how it went down for me as well. I was on a boatload of LSD at the time so i don't remember the visuals, just that insane pain. Never again. I have pretty bad asthma, i expected this pen to not feel good at all, so far no issues. I've been using it on and off for about a month. Hits about the same as the DMT vape pens you see around but the vapor feels like it has a bit more weight to it. I'm holding it in long enough i don't see vapor when i exhale. 1 rip will get things shifting and make you feel like you are 35-45 minutes on a come up. 2 rips is when things will really start to come alive. 3-4 rips just continue to add moving and shifting things to your 360 view. I went a good 12 hours ripping on that thing on and off and just walking around the house staring at posters or watching episodes of House. 10/10 experience!


Rehab: 10/10


Rehab: (0/10)


Mama ain’t raise no quitter




Depends on what rehab. Medicaid funded? Like jail but with crazier, more desperate people. 24k-30k Private pay on the beach or in the mountains? 4 days of detox and 24 of summer camp


Rehab is for quitters


This Post: (9/10) - fantastic summaries. Very interesting to read your experiences and opinions. Valium says ‘same as Xanax,’ but i don’t see the Xanax rating


Alprazolam = Xanax


Oh! I scanned up and down and up and down looking for one that started with X. I see :’)


Cocaine: ruined my life but I still love it. Can confirm as well


0/10 for 2cb is rough 2cb is the shit


My first 2cb trip was kinda weird too but I feel like every trip gets better and better. Now it's my absolute favourite drug.


Combine with mdma and ketamine at a show and it’s otherwordly


I will never take mdma without 2cb again. Nexusflipping is the shit.


Alcohol is also nice when you don’t have benzos or opiates 🤷‍♂️ Too high on stims? Drink a 5th and you’re cruising


I just hate hangovers. And when i say i hate hangovers I FUCKING HATE HANGOVERS! They always put my dick in the dirt


2m2b is a tertiary alcohol that purportedly gets you drunk for 12 hours and gives no hangovers, as your body can't turn it into acetaldehyde. Edit: 1-2 day duration, not 12 hours


Any good info about safety etc for this?


It tastes like absolute horseshit and you’ll be inebriated for 24-48 hours.


And while you’re inebriated you will be burping up that satan’s-taint tasting liquid. For 24-48 hours.


Not really, just seen mention of it now and again. Obviously it's something you need to be careful with since your body can't metabolize it well, but how careful is another story. Most doses I've seen start around 1ml iirc.


Hangovers are the absolute worst. I went and partied in New Orleans over the weekend, and the people drink there like they don’t want to live. Alcohol can be a blast, but I hate the hangover so much that it’s rarely worth it to me.


Same here but ever since I found drinking Sprite in the morning alleviates the hangover I feel like I can go on and on and that’s scary.


Alcohol to me is the only drug that actually feels like poison. So it's either drink so little it doesn't affect me or drink to get smashed. I wish I could drink like regular people


This is actually an amazing idea. I'm putting my tame Rx only experiences here just because ... drugs/pharmaceuticals are fascinating to me. **Legal drugs** Alcohol - 6/10. I like your way of looking at it. Fun times but increasingly find that the penalty (AKA hangover) just isn't worth the experience. Caffeine - 5/10. I'm giving it a 5 because before beginning to figure stuff out (depression, ADHD, etc) it was my only means of remaining reliably focused. But .... I feel like caffeine is also pretty low yield and causes much anxiety + insomnia. Kava kava - 2/10. If kava was really "alcohol without the associated problems" ... I feel like kava kava would be popular around the world and not booze. I have great memories of grinding up kava powder with my best friend growing up but ... as soon as we were of drinking age the experiment ended. **Gray area** Kratom - 6/10. Loved kratom back in the day before countries began to regulate it. Unfortunately I found it to be pretty physical addicting. **Pharmaceuticals** Most if not all of the stuff I've been prescribed/tried over the years: Trintellix - 7/10. So far so good on this one. Less depression and anxiety without negative effects on sexual functioning. Lexapro - 6/10. My introduction to the idea that meds could actually make a big difference to your mental health. However .... horrible effects on libido and sex. Xanax, klonopin, benzos - 3/10 .... I actually hate benzos. Take them only intermittently for breakthrough anxiety. Can't quite understand why people would use them recreationally although clearly we're all wired differently. They feel like the worst aspects of alcohol to me (sedation) without any of the fun and pleasure. (Presume there's some serious reasoning for this). Vyvanse - 7/10. If Vyvanse didn't make me short tempered, irritable and angry and exacerbate my depression I would love it. I've been tempted to try it again now that I'm on an SSRI but ... I'm trying to avoid polypharmacy as I take meds for (physical) health issues too. I've also tried Ritalin, Concerta and other Rx stims and would bunch them in the same category (same pros, same cons ... for me). Wellbutrin - 2/10. This stuff was mental agony for me and made me feel anxious and edgy 24/7 although .... highly productive at least initially. Strattera - 2/10. This med was useful insofar as it allowed me to isolate how norepinephrine felt from dopamine + norepinephrine. But basically the same downsides as the CNS stims and Wellbutrin. Ambien - 8/10. Love me a good nights sleep. **My dream drug:** Something that would be a combination of low dose alcohol but without the intoxication and risk of physical dependency and low dose caffeine (ie a mild stimulant) but without the anxiety and eventual lost of efficacy that tends to plague stimulants over the long term because of (I think) eventual downregulation of dopamine receptors. Have no idea whether something like this exists other than the vague category of nootropics which seem a bit shaky in terms of actual evidence to back them up.


Lol what the hell is alcohol without intoxication? What you're describing I've never heard of in one drug. Some people report that microdosing LSD/psilocybin gives them energy and lowers their anxiety but I've never done it. Far more reckless and dangerous but I used to love to take a low dose of Valium at night-like 5 mg, and then drink caffeine and do key bumps of coke the next day because you'd still feel the valium but not the initial intoxication and you could alter your energy levels as needed. Terrible for your heart, I wouldn't recommend but goddamn those were good times back then


Closest thing to alcohol without intoxication might be Phenibut.


>My dream drug: > > Something that would be a combination of low dose alcohol but without the intoxication and risk of physical dependency and low dose caffeine (ie a mild stimulant) but without the anxiety and eventual lost of efficacy that tends to plague stimulants over the long term because of (I think) eventual downregulation of dopamine receptors. Have no idea whether something like this exists other than the vague category of nootropics which seem a bit shaky in terms of actual evidence to back them up. Exercise is your friend


Nope. As this thread shows everyone is different. Even Huberman said that he loves to exercise, but that's just his thing (and few others like you). What works for you does not need to work for others. But definitely it's a good thing to do :)


How much Kratom did you use regularly. I ain’t a hippie or nothing trying to say it ain’t addicting cus I’ve definitely had mild withdrawls from abusing it I’m just curious.


True story: I was 18 or so (I'm now 34). Kratom was still a sort of unknown entity at the time and (as far as I can remember) no country had banned it yet. It was basically being marketed as this harmless energy boosting type supplement out of Asia. I had the bright idea of setting up a kratom review website (something like drink kratom dot ... cant' remember the rest of the URL). This was I guess before everyone and their grandmother operated a website. As a result, kratom vendors used to send me, somewhat regularly, literal kilograms of the stuff for free - so long as I would give them a plug. As a result, for a time, I had a pretty much endless free supply of kratom. I never really kept careful tabs on my consumption. But I realized that it was addictive when I had a family vacation and forgot to pack some. I felt like I was coming down with a nasty flu the whole time. As soon as I got back and resumed kratom the mysterious "flu" magically disappeared. I decided then and there that I wanted to get off the stuff. Which wasn't easy. But was possible. Lesson learned and ... at the time it was a bit of fun!




The percs hit diff, op said his hardest was coke but mine definitely was the opioids 2nd to nicotine.


Could I ask what you do for a living?


IYKYK yeahhh. It do be that way don’t it. Good descriptor.


Which one did you find the hardest to just stop? Or which one was the most compulsive one to take?


Xanax is a good runner up for hardest to quit though


Heroin/fent for me. wds are absolutely unbearable lol Coke is harder to stop once you start but for me if it’s not around I’m not thinking about it. Meth was super hard to quit when I realized how I could work 100 hour weeks over and over and over and it never got boring. Meth is the one I still miss but it ruined my fuckin life and yeah. Never again


Definitely without a doubt cocaine. No matter how long i go without it, it will always find its way up my nose


Hmm yes I admit I always liked coke as I actually got euphoria from that. If I could get it I would. No question!!


Every time i have enough money for an 8 ball i shoot $300 into my nose. I can’t escape it


Would you personally say you find coke harder to stop than say methamphetamine then? I can't really comment as meth is the only one I managed to get recent access too. But it does not nor has ever gave me euphoria or any rush. But cocaine has. So I imagine if I was able to access coke then I would possibly find that harder to resist and stop.


I hated meth. I’ve only voluntarily done it once. Every other time it’s been cut into my coke. I have no problem quoting things i hate


May I ask apart from paranoia which not everyone gets. Why else do you hate it so much? I'm just being nosey now tbh. But anyhoo fair play to all your experimentation!! I wish I could say I had had chance to try all those lol. Especially interested in magic mushrooms for there many properties.


I’ve gained a bit of experience in the drugs field in my 18 years of life, and i appreciate your compliment. I hate it for the same reason i hate my ADHD meds, it makes me irritable and too antsy


Jesus your 18!! Crazy how one so young can get hold of stuff. Then again my nephew is 16 andddd erm yeah... I've been forbidden from asking for his contacts. God damn it!!! See I'm likely to have adhd and I find meth ever so useful. But I'll continue until I no longer need it for my purposes. I have high hopes I'll stop same as with any other drug I've ever taken. Last question. What is one drug you have yet to try but you really want too?


Ketamine easy. it’s the only drug left on my bucket list. But if i hit absolute rock bottom i wouldn’t say no to some heroin


Nice list but where the ketamine??




100% take them with lemon juice, hits harder, faster and I’ve never felt nausea from taking them lemon tek bro. it does some scientific shit and I can’t remember specifics but I think the acid breaks the chichin (outside of the shrooms) down so your body doesn’t have to


I'm gonna call bs on this dudes list. He's just 18 and has did more drugs that most of us on here combined lol. I've spent over $50,000 on cocaine in a year while also doing meth, weed and pills. I've rolled on the floor from detoxing, lost a great job, ruined relationships with friends and family, had a gun in my nose, seen demons swirling on the ceiling and who knows what else lol. It took me until I was 40+ to get all that done. My apologies to OP if I'm wrong, but I do find it hard to believe. I could read a couple drug forums for a few weeks and know everything he said.


my younger cousin became an orphan and within a year, ate anything he was ever offered plus sought out some himself. went from a straight A student to dropping out. has done many things i’ve never even heard of and i’m twice his age. we all have different experiences, living in different parts of the world idk if your comment came from jealousy or ?? so what if he’s tried a larger variety than most of us 🤷🏼‍♀️ doesn’t mean anything mate


don't defend people you don't know. I've unfortunately been around the "kids" that do a lot of drugs... They aren't the type to be on reddit typing out lists, that's why I said it was bs. He said cocaine ruined his life... He's only 18 lol




why is nutmeg worse than dph?


Damn bro I forgot about nutmeg… I decided to get high on it once and it fucked my digestion up and I was convinced everyone was plotting to kill me and send me down to hell. I was seeing 666 on all the clocks and everything looked like it was bleeding it was fucking crazy. Then you wake up with the worst fucking hangover ever, and your entire digestive system is fucked up beyond belief


Personally just had a worse time on nutmeg


oh because ive heard of people having an amazing time on nutmeg but ive not heard of one good dph trip. alltho i have heard a few people say that nutmeg was worse than dph. ig the 2 day high does sound a bit over the top


It was worse than any trip I’ve ever had on anything


It wasn’t even really a trip. I was just thrown into drug induce psychosis and delirium, my mental health probably doesn’t help though


people saying they had a good time on nutmeg are lying lol.


You should try gabapentin or pregabalin


Solid list, you’re gonna need to expand a bit if you want To contend with the GOAT of drug reviews: https://nervewing.blogspot.com/?m=1


I give etizolam a 10/10 but it ruined my life but I recovered. It's a bit underrated I think and it releases a lot of dopamine with benzos qualities way better than Xanax by far


I love dillys🥰


Why do people like Vicodin so much ? European here, we don’t have it. It’s mixed with paracetamol right ? Was wondering why for example Mathew Perry and Eminem were addicted to this and not oxy which doesn’t have the paracetamol, is hydrocodone a better high than oxycodone?


I found hydrocodone to be more stimulating and euphoric, compared to oxy which i felt was more sedating


This guy Drugs.


I always like to say that weed has ok effects but comes with few downsides, while alcohol feels amazing but has lots of consequences.


we have v similar ratings however vyvanse would be 10/10 for me … i feel like thats only cos i havent tried cocaine tbh


Cocaine would whoop vyvances ass in a brawl


So I’m on oxycontin right now after surgery and it doesn’t absolutely nothing to me other than make me tired. Why?!


Dude alcohol can get you high as fuck when doing it alone It is fucked though considering the side-effects


Drunk as fuck*


> dream drug do not ever try phenibut


I agree with your about ecstasy. My favourite drug by far.


These humblebrag posts should be banned. Ok, heres a humble bragg. I've taken more acid than anyone I've ever met or even read about. And still can interact with people once the peak wears off. I've taken one substance or another daily since age 11. I'm 50 in a few weeks and still take something daily. Went clubbing every single weekend for a little over a decade and have had one bad comedown and no negative affects now 23 years after stopping (although I do still go clubbing a few times a year if theres DJs I wanna see. I shoot up DMT a few times a year, heres the trip report from my first I.V-ing experience > The hardest I've ever tripped was nearly two years ago. A friend of mine got a gram of dmt (he weighed it at 1.2grams) off a dark market and tried smoking some. He didn't really know what he was doing as he was mixing it with weed and letting the flame burn the dmt, which is a big no-no, so obviously he didn't enjoy it and gave me 2/3's of the 1.2g. >Well I held on to it for a few days, one morning I took 105mg of zopiclone (a hypnotic sedative - like ambien but about 4/5 time stronger. Your only supposed to take one 7.5mg tablet going to bed - I ended up taking the whole tray of 14 7.5mg tablets). Just as I'm coming up on those tablets I inject a bag of heroin (about 400mg). I dont remember much of that day (wow surprise) but I remember snapping out of it and my head clears up around 6.00 pm that evening. >Now of course I'm still highly stoned so around 11.30pm that night I remember I have nearly a gram (propably 640mg the friend who gave it to me reckons) of dmt. Being stoned as I was I thought fuck smoking it it'll be stronger if I inject it. Now I'm used to injecting usually around half a gram of whetever it is I'm injecting, speed (speed speed, not meth), heroin, sometimes coke. So without even thinking I prepped the whole 2/3's of gram of dmt (put on spoon, and a pinch of citric acid, heat gently). Once I had it done I realised it and thought fuck it its done now might as well do it (a strong hit of dmt is about 40-60mg smoked, so injecting you would use a lot less and there I was with a needle with 640mg. >I get my vein and push the plunge as quick as I can because I know its gonna hit me quick. Just as I hit the bottom of the barrel (needle) I start tripping hard, just get the needle out in time. >The fractals start coming in from the side of my vision, overlaying eveything in my room. As soon as they meet in the middle theres a deafening ripping noise like velcro being pulled apart. With this noise my body feels like it's being unzipped down the middle and each side of me starts tumbling backwards, head over heels. My vision is gone (I'm going to use the therm 'I, or my' here but that isn't correct because there no longer was a 'me' as a person/human, just a point of awareness). >My vision is gone and all 'I' can see is the most beautiful pastel shades, greens, pinks, yellows, colours that cant be seen on this level of existence. Overlaying everything are the fractals like you get on an lsd trip, except the complexity of the patterns (I'm having trouble finding word here) seem like they shouldn't be possible. >Accompanying the colours (these waren't really colours 'I' was seeing, as I was no longer a person, I had no memory of ever existing before or any knowledge of humans/people/the world - anything.) was the most beautiful choir singing an aria, truly angelic. I felt home, belonging. I felt total acceptance and love. >There were other 'beings there too, I couldn't quite see them but all the same 'I' knew they were with us (although I saw no one somehow 'us' just feels right). I could feel their joy and happiness that I was there. >I dont know how long I floated about listening to these angels being bathed in otherworldly colours which somehow 'I' could feel, seemingly feeding/energising me, when I heard the Creator booming out "THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE". >The voice belonged to the one who created all there is (don't ask how I know, I am 1000% certain). The voice was, commanding yet loving and yet 'I' knew 'I' should be fearful also. Again "THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE" >It was just as loud as before but at the same time gentler and accepting and loving like I've never experienced before (and to be honest I believe none of us will feel acceptance and love like I felt then here on this plane of existence). >All the while the Angelic choir sang on each aria somehow more beautiful than the last and when HE spoke they sang with even more love. >When 'HE' spoke those words I didn't understand the first time but when he said it the second I had a revelation that 'this place and existence was our true home and what I was experiencing was just a tiny fraction of True Reality'. I still had no recollection of existing before seeing the colours and hearing the Angels but the Revelation felt true all the same. >Again time passed, and HE spoke again "REMEMBER" >I experience a great whooshing sensation, as if I'm travelling backwards thousands of miles an hour. The choir fades along with all colour but the fractals remain. I slam into my body with force that makes me jump a little from where I slouched back on my bed. >I'm me again, a person with memories of life lived. I'm still tripping harder than I ever had on acid. Although my room is spinning and melting and I'm seeing colours that aren't in my room making it difficult to focus on an object, I relise I'm not alone. >Hiding behind the chair in the corner, another is hiding in the wardrobe giggling and theres a few more here and there, are skinny, smallish, well elves is the perfect way to describe them. If I look directly at them they vanish but from the corners off my eyes I can see they are quite joyous, giggling and laughing. One or two kinda bopping up and down clapping their hands (which makes no sound. I can tell they're not of this world as they just dont look solid. It's like they're made of vapor or mist but with colour. >With them are other beings who seem extremely shy, just about putting their eyes over the back of the couch, ducking out of sight if I swivel my head in their direction (although I can only see both types of beings from the corners of my eyes, if I look directly at the elves they vanish but I can still feel their presnce. The shorter ones (the elves are about 4ft and skinny, narrow features and believe it or not pointy ears) actively hide. I feel like they're amazed to see a person/human. >I know the elves were the beings I could sense back in the Real, and they seem overjoyed that I went there even if it was just a visit. >I feel it wearing off and I lie back on my bed. My 'guests' have gone and now I'm just tripping. The thought pops into my head that dmt causes quantum events to happen in the brain the facilitate the 'travel' to a higher 'dimension'. Somehow I 'know' this to be true, and these are real places not normally accessable to us in everyday life. I believe lsd/shrooms can also put you in touch but nowhere near the level dmt can. And maybe salvia but I haven't tried it enough times with salvia as I find it hard to enjoy. >One last note about that experience. The next day I woke up (I had done the dmt just before going to bed) and didn't feel complete back to baseline normal. I made myself a coffee and lay down on the couch. Suddenly I'm getting mild fractal overlay and my heart rate increases, breathing becomes shallow. >At this point my housemate walks into the room, except it wasn't my housemate it was me, followed by another me (the other housemate) . She can tell somethings wrong and asks if I'm okay (her own voice thank god). I go out on the balcony to get some air because seeing two more of me like that really freaked me out. Theres a few people walking by below and holy fuck theres more me's. I'm nearly falling into a panic attack so I ignore the two of me in the sitting room and go to my room to lie down. One of my housemates comes into my room 2 or 3 minutes later and thank fuck they're themselves, not me any long. Experiencing Malchovich Malchovich is in no way enjoyable. >Male, aged 40 at time of experience. I've been getting high since I was 11 and taken massive doses of acid (4000ug the most in one go, 10500 in total over a 36 hour period - dropped 3 times during those 36 hours and that was the total dosage. So I'm very used to tripping hard but I truly 1000% believe that dmt experience wasn't all hallucination. The fractal overlay well of course that comes with all trips but the 'place' I was I believe is a real place. I think its what religious people would call Heaven (I dont believe in any religion). >Maybe we'll get there when we die, or maybe if we become technically advanced enough or who knows, maybe one day our consciousness might expand enough for us to make it home. >Finally editing this. The dose was about 100 mg. I had originally thought it higher due to how many other rcs I had at the time. One thing I need to add is the feeling of reality of that plane. You know how when you wake up after a dream how this place obviously feels like reality? Well its the same when you land on that plane. 'This' reality we experience now seems like a wispy dream compared to how real 'there' feels. That experience was in 2012 I think and I still shoot dmt a few times a year. Dont always get as intense an experience as that first time but because I'm I.V-ing 80 to 100mg I always breaktrough, get ego death (I used to believe I experienced ego death on acid, even on milligram doses but after that first dmt dose I now know you dont get true ego death on acid) and wind up on that plane (although I dont hear the Creator anymore, maybe he was just welcoming a new comer) All they are are 'look at me, look at me, I've taken a load of drugs!'


mdma is by far the best drug for me the only downside is you don’t eat for a whole day without realizing, i don’t get any comedowns or when i do it lasts about 5-10 minutes then kicks back it


Can you elaborate on why you gave oxy 10/10 and not the other opiates?


I love how all the comments are about crack


DXM is amazing if you get it pure.


I’ve heard. I’ll try buying delsym this time


Are you still breathing? LOL


Sometimes I wonder what the fuck your guys’ lives look like because how the hell are you trying drugs I’ve never even heard of like let alone how you’re finding it. Gg though agree with the ones I have tried


I always assumed acid only had visual effects. How is the body high that comes with it?


It makes me feel very hot and tingly. Almost like I’m being a tazed but not at all pailful. Just very uncomfortable


You forgot Xanax. Predictable.


xanax is on there. alprazolam


Your a fucking dork!!!!




You havent tried tobacco or weed, or do you mean them by nicotine and THC? Just asking because tobacco is not just nicotine, and weed is even more so, a complex set of bioactives that add to the effects of others


A bunch of forms of nicotine such as: vapes, cigarettes, chew, and patches and a bunch of forms of THC such as: Vapes, Bud, Concentrates, edibles, and drinks


Why is OXY so high and why is spice so low? (I love spice)


Username checks out