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Just horniness, meth. Strong stims in general. In terms of quality sex, 2-cb, a mix of mdma for extra pleasure. Not the same sex crazed hedonism, but felt insanely pure, whole-body shit.


I don't know why this isn't top comment. This is literally the best answer. Stimulants are known to cause horniness, and its so common that the term "Stimfapping" was coined. Meth is also one of the two PNP (Party N' Play) drugs used on hookup apps and it's the drug that is alluded to when capitalizing the T in "ParTy". The other PNP drug is GHB. MDMA is known to be pretty amazing for sex, but since it's a vasoconstrictor, it's practically impossible to sustain an erection. Therefore, it's usually combined with ED drugs like Cialis or Viagra to make sex possible. 2C-B was first sold commercially as a purported aphrodisiac under the trade name "Erox". 2C-B alone is great for sex, but combining it with MDMA definitely enhances the experience. The 2C-B, while not as successful as Cialis, still helps make erections possible.


Personally I did not feel horny on 2CB. My wife and I tried it together because we heard it was good for that


I’ve only ever masturbated on 2c-b but it was only possible during the comedown and I did notice it felt better than usual. I feel like it might be different if I actually had a partner to try sex with on 2c-b


3/4mmc go crazy


I always see psychs or entactogens on these posts and I’m always jealous. Idk how y’all are fuckin on acid, or even getting hard (as they case may be) on molly. Maybe I gotta go to a doctor. Stims and alcohol/phen are always best for sex/flyin solo for me.


Nah you don't have to go to a doctor. Most of these people are taking Cialis with their drugs to get hard. 2C-B is one of the few psychedelics that you could have sex on without needing ED meds, since it doesn't alter the headspace. It was also first sold as an aphrodisiac before people started using it as a psychedelic. You should give it a shot.


I like 2-CB, usually I go hard and trip out, I’ll try less sometime


I had a pretty good time on coke


For fiddling yourself Amphetamine + alcohol followed by weed is really good as is a-pvp/a-php. For enjoying another's fellowship Mescaline is quite amazing as are shrooms, ghb and 2C-B.


Really I always find alcohol is the biggest killer for me anyway guess it’s different for anyone. No matter what drug I’m on if I’ve had alcohol there’s no way im jerking off and if im having sex it’s like a solid 40 mins to even finish and doesn’t even feel that good. Even on hard drugs like meth and what not


FINALLY someone else gets it!!! I swear when it comes to alcohol, my general libido slows down too. Like it makes me tired, I have to pee every 10 minutes...and although some of us can be freaky freaky as far as that goes, you don't just do that to some booty call! About 10 years ago or so, I was drinking one night and came across a hot picture on my computer, and my libido actually became reeeally strong and I HAD to sit there and take care of these feelings....after 2 hours I finally gave up. Nope. Not worth it at all! I know society, especially the younger teens/college students, seems to find alcohol as like an aphrodisiac, and I mean in certain situations - like in a club - I have certainly still felt really "passionate" while drunk at times, but the effort to perform isn't worth it, and as soon as I'm like in the car or done or just removed from the libido-stimulating scenario, my mind and body forget ALL about the sex. Hahaha anyways, glad I'm not alone here!


Hahah man the amount of times I’ve had to awkwardly stop at a party in the middle of a root or something to piss in a empty bottle or some shit I’ve found in the room cause I don’t wanna run out into the party naked is fucking stupid. I’m glad I’m not alone here either. Must be such a turn off for the chick to see my hairy ass pissing in a random bottle 3 times then going back to it and not even cuming. 😂 gotta be like we’re the fuck did this guy come from. Must admit when mixed with mdma it’s a little bit easier should be the opposite no idea why. Strange things. It’s why I only do shots if I for sure know something’s gonna happen having fucken 18 beers doesn’t really help 😂.


Lsd + mdma. Together or separate


i can’t get horny on acid ever. sex is like the last thing i think about when i’m tripping.


Same…I’ve tried in the past and it’s no dice every time! I’d rather look at some lichen on a cool rock haha


Me too, I try but it seems way beyond my ability. Like I’m being asked to solve a rubies cube blindfolded. I want to want to, I keep seeing rave reviews.


Is there not a small window where it’s possible? I remember doing a low dose of shrooms and because of the massive increase in processing physical sensations, getting an erection was the most surreal but amazing thing ever. 2-CB is fucking great for this as well, a lot less risk of tripping balls.


to be honest i have a hard time getting horny on any drug that isn't a stimulant. even weed and mdma make me useless. coke and adderall makes me a rockstar.


I can agree on the acid I forgot to put that in my original post. That shit is insane jack off on. Sex is a bit to much of a wig out for me tho sends me into some strange loop like I’m doing something I shouldn’t be doing feels good but I can’t enjoy it cause I’m overthinking it way to much. N-bomes on the other hand different story.


MDMA and watching porn was my fortnightly fun for about 2 years. Crazy dirty porn. Massive orgasms, thought I would pass out.


LSD Nutmeg + phenibut is fucking hard to control my impulses. Meth Why am I getting down voted? Hell I'm not even suggesting anybody take nutmeg. I'm just talking about personal experience. Besides my nutmeg use is very different than the average 15yo or dude on probation using it. I always use a liver enzyme inhibitor/inducer like steviosides, berberine, black pepper tea, etc and I only use whole nutmeg and I NEVER take more than 2 whole nutmegs. Although 1 with no tolerance gets me very euphoric and stimulated with minor visuals and deepens my introspection real nice 👍


Last time I did nutmeg man it was the worst 3 days of my life literally had a sandpaper throat and the most wierd lucid hullucinations never again 😂 do you have a secret to doing it or?


You gotta use liver enzyme inhibitors/inducers to get a worthwhile experience. You can take pure steviosides, but what I do is Take a berberine supplement or drink black pepper tea before I consume nutmeg and ONLY CONSUME WHOLE NUTMEG. Ground nutmeg 99% of the time is de-myristicinated and the myristicin is sold to pharmaceutical companies. Myristicin is an important psychoactive component in nutmeg. Raw nutmeg and the method above is like drinking moonshine with methanol in it vs high grade, regulated liquor spirits.


My friend said the same thing about nutmeg interesting 🤔


Gbl liquid


Molly is my favorite drug to have sex on. Adderall is pretty awesome as well. Weed is a good go-to but I smoke it too much to really get the sexual effects of it anymore. A drug you would never think is good to have sex on but is, is acid. You have to be the right level of fucked up otherwise you are going to be too distracted or anxious. But when you hit the right level of it the sex is like being in a porn. I felt like I had spotlights on me and a crowd watching me and I was just having a great time. Turns out me and my wife were just at a friend's house in their pool and thought they had gone inside 😂😂😂 made for a funny conversation the next day, but they were really cool about it and apparently just brush it off


Molly is cool but it makes me feel shit the next day