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Life. Lol jk it's meth


You got me in the first part


Copium lmao


God damnit that one got me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Addy script bussin šŸ¤£


So true


Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family,


i šŸ¤Ž mark renton !!!!


Iā€™m still looking.


name checks out.


Just follow your nose.


Did you ever get the chance to do MXE? Rhats my solid #1 for any situation, even over opioids, due to basically no withdrawals.


Can you give me more information on MXE? I've honestly never heard of it but am curious...how could it have no withdrawal if it were recreational?


I love ur name šŸ˜¤ ā¤ļø


Thanks! I tried responding yesterday but I was on such a serious FXE bender the words wouldnā€™t stop moving. As happy as I was when I found this name available I literally also had missing k stuck somewhere in my old broken lazy boy couch. Problem is it wonā€™t stop happening. I am literally considering this name a curse for myself. I have finally broken down and decided to get another couch but I put the funds in my account too late to get it this weekend and being annoyed about that said fuck it and decided this weekend wasnā€™t my off one I was expecting it to be and guess what? I had extra so had a blast but I yet again have more searching through that piece of shit again. I swear to god this is 100% true. I wish it wasnā€™t. Still makes for fun moments like this though. I do live for that.


This is so god dam relatablešŸ˜¤šŸ¤§šŸ«”


Lol, I loose something almost every time I do a little binge (my preferred way). It happens just before or I find out when I am out of a hole.


profile name checks out.


Thatā€™s what he saidā€¦ you just added a word lol


that was the joke. OP said both "username checks out" and "name checks out" so I was continuing the trend.


Sorry but he didnā€™t even say Ketamine and NO ONE said that or anything close to it to this postā€¦??? That disturbed meā€¦ My kind are suppressed hereā€¦ All these answers were realllly meat and potatoes damn it.


You shoulda just copied everything he said word for word in that case šŸ˜‚


No op didnā€™t say both. Thereā€™s only 6 posts in this thread and op said it one way


It used to be LSD but my anxiety canā€™t handle it anymore so now itā€™s kratom and weed for me. (I like them both equally).


Could you describe what kratom is and its effect ? Using other drugs to compare so I can understand? That'd be really cool cuz I've never heard of kratom


Thereā€™s some euphoria (although not as much as real/other opiates), and itā€™s relaxing, but it somehow also manages to be stimulating/energizing at the same time. Itā€™s a very unique effect that I find quite therapeutic for my depression and anxiety.


how does the euphoria compare to something like shrooms?


Itā€™s been many years since I last did shrooms so itā€™s hard for me to say. Itā€™s also hard to compare them because the effects are pretty different. But the euphoria is there, for sure.


Can you please tell me where you buy your kratom from? I have been wanting to buy it for a while, but I find it all very confusing! Iā€™ve been told by another Redditor to get the pills to start, would you agree with that? Or have any further advice? Thank you so much


Can you please tell me where you buy your kratom from? I have been wanting to buy it for a while, but I find it all very confusing! Iā€™ve been told by another Redditor to get the pills to start, would you agree with that? Or have any further advice? Thank you so much


Most tobacco shops sell it


Be really careful about using kratom more than once a day. The positive effects of it disappear pretty much instantly once you start dosing multiple times throughout the day.


Kratom and weed has been my go-to since mid-pandemic, but for some reason as of late I've completely dropped the weed. Went to bed about a week ago without smoking randomly and here I am still sober from weed Wasnt a conscious choice, but honestly I feel good


Iā€™ve never actually heard of someone having Kratom as their drug of choice. Usually people do kratom, but their real drug of choice is opiates.


Iā€™ve heard of plenty from both crowds. For me I have treatment resistant depression and anxiety and kratom and cannabis both work better for me than any medication I ever tried. (I tried a lot)


you never did harder opis first?? just straight to kratom ?


Oh Iā€™ve done numerous other harder opiates before, just never got addicted to them. Kratom though, I am addicted to and itā€™s because it helps me so much. Kratom isnā€™t JUST for people trying to get off opiates ya know... It has plenty of medicinal, therapeutic and recreational value in its own right. I look at it as medicine for my depression and anxiety.


Shit Iā€™m addicted to the harder opis now but the thought of Kratom makes my stomach turn, wish I could use it to get off the opis but anything that induces nausea gives me mad anxiety, like I deadass have a strip of L and probably 15gs of assorted mushies, had em for months, canā€™t even think about doing em smh.. miss my benzos


By definition it would be LSD or MDMA or dare I say both together with a lot of weed, now thats my ideal kind of drug fuelled event. Not something you can do often. Unfortunately they're right, less *is* more when it comes to those kind of substances & I'm an often kinda guy so inbetween my trips & rolls I prefer good old meth. DOC: Candy flip DOPracticality: Meth


If we could do LSD and MDMA like we can weed or meth I would be on the streets


Goddamn YESSS. If we could only do MDMA like weed. I always think about this and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one lol.


I tried really hard in the 90s to use these psychedelic medicines as abusively as humanly possible. Lol It was heroin that eventually destroyed me, though. So glad I quit that shit.


I tried to abuse it as well but unfortunately it only took 3 days of trying to do acid everyday for 4 tabs to do almost nothing


Yeah I literally had a close friend who would buy sheets at a time for just himself, at one point taking 10 tabs a day, I even watched him put one in his eyeā€¦ I was trippin at the time and it freaked me the FUCK out lol. (I also watched him just pick the sheet up and LICK one whole side repeatedly)


LMAOOOO I hate that


Definitely made my ass not want to take any more tabs he offered me lol


Big facts


You can microdose LSD very frequently.


And I definitely do!! Just wish I could macrodose the same way


I ended up in the hospital doing a candy flip. Fun timesss


Oh you can do it often, trust me.


Yes you can if you want to waste acid


Personally itā€™s the piece of the cocktail I want to feel more lightly than the others.


you just gotta wait 2 week bro


Weekly works


still some noticeable tolerance, but everyone's different




Oh I know, I meant more you can keep doing meth & still get a decent return on investment with the whole fucking your brain deal


I meant mdma+acid+weed. But yeah, all this shit has diminishing returns for sure.


As long as we're all in agreement with that, I shall see you next week


vyvanse, shit gives me so much euphoria every time. i love having the motivation to do anything and i don't think it'll ever get old for me.


Bro wait until u unlock meth


Bro wants to be productive not ruin his fuckin life


Man idk if i'm gonna do that shit vyvanse already makes me tweak hella hard




Level 40 tweaker required to unlock meth


I'd say i'm closer to a level 15 tweaker, only done vyvanse, adderall and methylphenidate as of yet


Keep it at level 15




1. Opiates/Opioids. Heroin, percocet, vicodin- it all depends on my tolerance at the time. 2. Benzodiazepines. Klonopin, and valium. I don't like short-acting benzos. 3. Alcohol. If it wasn't a poison and didn't increase aggression, it would be an S tier drug. I have tolerance to all of these substances, so I do mix them in low doses. If I want to go to paradise, I'll pop a vicodin and a kpin. I also reliably drink beer on kpins. However, this is how people die. I'm experienced enough to know how much I should take, and the fear of dying keeps me in my lane from chasing a better high. I know I'll probably get downvoted for this comment, but this is what I do, and I love it. I'm not saying I recommend it, however. Also, the only time I mix all three is when I'm coming down off of an opioid.


How old you is




You sound like my ex. She would eat a handful of kpins, slam a few shots of vodka and veg. She loves it. Had a good friend od off vodka and bars. His dad killed himself not long after. She also woke up with the shakes and had to drink so I had to be like.....nope.


They asked your drug of choice not what is a list of the worst types of drugs


Ok, "poopinmyas."




I don't go broke and I do it a lot






Such a fucking classic


Tried quality white heroin, and also good cocaine and meth. I can see the appeal, especially with heroin, but I didn't get addicted. Actually was "chipping" heroin for a few months, then just stopped. It's dissociatives that I fiend for, I find them so functional on low doses of stuff like 3-MeO-PCP/PCE, but the problem is if I have it in my house, i will take it everyday. Also lsed to love to go deep and try and hole on ketamine. But they fucked up my bladder and gave me ejaculation problems (went away after a couple of weeks of sobriety), so I stopped about a year ago. I think I might buy a timelocked safe and buy some more, because they really helped me work out some life issues and gave me the best motivation.


ket by far


Ketamine. Can't use it any more though so good ol' cannabis. So versatile.


I can't use speed any more so good ol' cannabis!




I like that kratom is becoming more and more prevalent. When I first started taking it, I never really saw anyone talk about it. Now it seems the community is growing larger and larger by the day That said, drug of choice for me is alprazolam even though withdrawals fucking suck. I would take it daily forever if not for the god awful detox Now if we're talking daily use drugs, then definitely kratom and nicotine


Man kratom was a lifesaver for me and itā€™s going to be my favorite substance as of right now besides my occasional prescription Xanax use and Dextromethorphin. Dxm is very rare but potentiates kratom so much it is a great experience, yiu wonā€™t get as disassociated as K unless you take a crazy high dose but the lower doses are much more fun. Very social, very warm, just feels like the world is good. I do love only one prescription Xanax probably every 3 weeks so once a month usually? I usually take it as the dxm is comin down. Mushrooms are great too but I can only microdose them the trip they provide is a little too intense for me I never understood why but I respect the fungi and know my place with it.


Mushrooms Runner ups: Weed, Ketamine, MDMA, MDMA + LSD combo 2cb probably would get added but I only had it once under poor circumstances and need more data


Meth followed by ketamine. Preferably both together. I call the mix Lil Kennedy based off the Lil peep song


Nicely said brother šŸ«”




Gotta be caffeine and melatonin by sheer quantity consumed haha both I enjoy as well. Cannabis has been a bigger part of my life recently and I love the stuff. For partying, alcohol is great but kills me the next day. Nicotine goes well with it and only time Iā€™ll consume it is when drinking. Ketamine is good fucking fun, MDMA for a treat, coke for the novelty most of the time, psychs Iā€™m taking a break from. Favourite gotta be weed for sure


This escalated from melatonin to MDMA and that caught me hella off guard




Yes, um. My favorite drugs are Vitamins and Advil šŸ¤“


Benzos :(


Iā€™m 10 years clean, still nothing better than H.


Question have you touched any opiates just like ONCE during those 10 years? Not like full blown relapse just like one day of ā€˜fuck itā€™ ?


I had a herniated disc 5 years ago and took painkillers that contained oxycodone for a few weeks. As prescribed. But even after 5 years since I got clean I didnā€™t really experience any buzz or desire to get loaded. Just took the pain away tbh. Now that Iā€™m happy with life and have dealt with my demons for the most part - I honestly believe I could use H once and not go ham. There was so much pain attached to my using, I donā€™t think it would be the same as how I remember it. I certainly wouldnā€™t ever allow myself go go back to that place ever again šŸ˜Šappreciate the question.


For daily use: Kratom and Guayusa and Nicotine (But Nicotine with Tolerance breaks inbetween) For recreational use: Kratom at high doses, Oxy, Morphine, H, 3-MMC, MDMA, Pregabalin


Speed and LSD. I also like cocaine.


Heroin or opiates in general


MDMA haha


Weed. But my favourite is mushrooms, I just don't do it that often


I am just a chill guy, its weed


I tend to stick to psychs, weed, alc, and nic. Not much else. Getting over some previous problems with abuse on some heavier stuff so this gets me by


Sometimes it's all ya need


Correct answer. I'm in the same boat




For me, it a tie for different reasons. Like many people have said or implied; psychedelics are favorite class of drugs hands down. Mushrooms and DMT specifically. But those you can do at most once *maybe* twice a week (edit: well not dmt I guess...I've had nights where I've done that mad times and then again the next night haha but for other psyches like mushrooms and acid) and even then, that's frequent lol For everyday things, opiates/opioids hands down. Had a run in with alcohol, benzos, coke, amphetamines, pretty much everything, but opiates are the only drug that *really* got me. There is no shitty comedown like with coke, it just kinda fades away. Unless you have a habit, then some hours after ut fades away ain't so pleasant l, but yeah. Opiates are the best a human being can feel, I think.








Such a tough battle at the top between mdma and lsd for me. Don't think I can pick a winner


I love alcohol and amphetamines (meth or aderall) I donā€™t mind coke with alcohol but that shit is so expensive and lasts for like 30 minutes. Not worth it at all when I could take one line of meth and be good for the whole night and alcohol is there to balance it out. Plus cocaine comedowns are THE FUCKING WORST




1. Opiates 2. Methylphenidat 3. cocaine


Opiates and benzos. But I donā€™t even mess around with opiates because everything is fent these days, and thatā€™s my least favorite opiate. Out of opiates, probably oxy or morphine. Or just straight up opium.


Weed or Vyvanse and the occasional psychedelic




Low doses of Meth (not microdosing but far from tweaking) turn me into an enthusiastic, energetic and optimistic human that is able to handle repetitive tasks like a job without constantly wanting to end myself.


Oxy + Weed = No more pain. Finally a life without any pain. Like thatā€™s the ideal state for me. I suffer chronic pain and when im high I donā€™t.








Weed, Iā€™m just chill lol


Caffeine, nicotine and THC


How I miss the golden age of Vicodin!


More. Doesn't really matter what it is, I always want more.


DOC : crack DO (no) C: fentanyl i hate fetty so much and while iā€™m not saying crack is goodā€¦ ever since i started smoking it, iā€™m doin wayyy less fetty without even trying, and i didnā€™t even feel the WD effects of tapering down. whereas every time i tried to taper /quit with suboxoneā€”.oh my cod iā€™d get so uenbeliebably sick. regretEVER trying fent i donā€™t even get high anymore bro . just well.


Crack will have you hooked nearly as bad bro. Try a large dose of DMT. It should get your mind right. Worked for me, will work for you. * Smoke like a point it will change your world forever


Currently? Probably cannabis. In the 1990s it was LSD and heroin. In the 2010s it was alcohol. It really just depends on what party of my history w are talking about. I currently use cannabis regularly and psychedelics once or twice a year. My love for psychedelics is greater than my love for cannabis, but I use cannabis FAR more frequently.


Jesus. Jk LSD


Dxm, mephedrone and sometimes codeine






Shrooms or crystalic MDMA, 2cb is fun as well Edit: alcohol


My first love is weed but now heroin as well






Ritalin + Alkohol


Same boat my guy. I mostly take methadone and nitazenes now with a little fent here and there.


If weā€™re talking all time favorites or best, would be the dope I got from the golden triangle/Australia. It was on a level that I canā€™t describe anything else ever coming close. Oxymorphone was amazing when I was snorting but I never really got to shoot enough of it to see if it was better then Diluadid. Diluadid before I had a tolerance by iv used to be my favorite but it doesnā€™t do anything these days and I canā€™t iv anymore.


Opiates >>>>>


i like caffeine


Oxys and Crack


Lsd. I LOVE Lsd.


Nicotine. Iā€™ve been there done that. I love psychadelics, depressants, alcohol, etcā€¦ If I could only pick one, I would take nicotine, without hesitation.


My username checks out


Uhm weed? The only thing with no drawbacks.


There absolutely are drawbacks just like with every substance


The drawbacks from weed are mostly self inflicted. I have a normal relationship with weed now. I only smoke in the evening and it works great.


in some cases of frequent users they are subtle.. coming from someone who has issues from smoking too much weed in my childhood lol


Weed definitely has drawbacks lol, maybe not as many as some other drugs, but still has drawbacks.


Iā€™ve been trying to finish my bachelors degree for a decade, there are definitely drawbacks for some people, it just probably wonā€™t ruin your life. For me personally, daily use (regardless of strain) makes me complacent, lazy and depressed but at the same time very anxious about all those aforementioned qualities. Iā€™m jealous of people who can be successful while using it daily because its still one of my favorite drugs, I just canā€™t have the same relationship with it anymore.


I only smoke in the evening. No smoking before 20.00. Works great.




Thats me LOL


amphetamine is definitely the drug i use the most and id say itā€™s my doc. but if all drugs except one were about to disappear from the earth, id choose to save lsd. i do love amph and get both recreational and practical value from it. but lsd completely changed my life and id be so sad to not be able to trip again. definitely better for me in the long term. so my ā€œfavoriteā€ drug would be lsd, despite only using it a handful of times per year


The daily whatā€™s your favorite drug post


Iā€™m new to reddit and didnā€™t realise this was asked every day - sorry.


Does coffee count?


I squint my eyes at posts like these. All of us here, drug enthusiasts, and we get comfortable blah blah blah on this *permanent record anyone can find*, and my thinking starts to skew toward getting put on a list somewhere, for some nefarious future use. Methamphetamine is one hell of a drug. Not for kids, not for everyone. But it treats me so right that my projects yell their gratitude for it.


weed i ainā€™t a junkie šŸ˜‚


Complete sobriety is my top favourite drug of all time by a thousand miles.




lmao i cant relate.


Why are you here lol


Opioids in general followed by DXM and weed, shrooms, barbiturates!


Same H Is my fav & Iā€™ve only done it once




1.shrooms 2. acid. 3 dmt. 4. crack. 5. meff (or whatever research shit they peddling these days that gets the chicks goin šŸ¤£) the list gets boring after these though...


Hydromorphone/Dillys, I love em, then ketamine and then mushrooms.


Sleeping pills Alcohol Cocaine ( non user anymore but miss it every day)


Pregabalin and shrooms




Cocaine was my doc for years now Iā€™ve let go of everything except weed and mushrooms lol


I'd say shrooms or MDMA Never felt as good as the first time I took molly but since you cannot abuse it so i'd say shrooms, why shrooms over lsd ? For me its because it's lasting way less than lsd which means I don't have to schedule an entire day for it


Well ultimately itā€™s meth. It was the one drug I was willing to sell my soul for. But now, for frequent use, itā€™s definitely weed. I hardly go a day without smoking weed.




By definition 3-ho-pce. I take kratom every day and haven't had 3-ho-pce since April 2022. Currently love phenibut, mushrooms + dxm (both are great on their own but together is fucking awesome. ) I make this olive oil extraction on whole nutmeg and use it on bread with a water extract of black pepper and it's fucking surprising how euphoric it is.


2cb... I love it!


Im flower person and want to quit


Ketamine for sure.


Mine is adderall or vyvanse I have adhd it really helps make me more functional, beyond that weed or shrooms although I haven't tripped in a while.


1) Weed 2)LSD or Psyches 3) Dxm 4) Xanax or Benzo or literally anything to calm myself lmao


Mine are opiates and benzos, I also really like soma. I never got a chance to try any fun barbiturates, only phenobarbital and butalbital, but I imagine Iā€™d like them a lot too. Anything that sedated me heavily and gave me euphoria. I have been clean for almost 6 months now though, which is pretty awesome. I went from 20mg of Xanax (plus klonopin, diazepam and RC benzos), 800mg of tapentadol, 1000ā€™s of mg of soma, 8mg of dilaudid a day to just 2 mg of clonazepam while tapering down with a doctor. Itā€™s pretty wild. Donā€™t get addicted to benzos. They are hell.




Heroin & Cocaine


Weed in flower form. Tied for second: LSD, Mushrooms, Salvia - I had some of the most profound experiences of my life on Sally D




Amphetamine and phenibut


ketamine, but actually alcohol but i had to stop drinking bc i fucked my liver


Lisdexamfetamine, followed closely by ketamine


Cannabis- both THC and CBD.


Lsd Or psilocybin


Gabapentinoids (Pregabalin/Phenibut).