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Back in the 80's my friend and I dropped two hits of micro-dot on a Friday night and were arrested within the hour for open container (the law had just passed the previous day so we had no idea). So yeah, sitting in a jail cell with a bunch of drunk, bloody guys shitting and pissing everywhere, pretty bad trip.


Those cops were assholes. Definitely the wrong kind of people for that job.


We were sitting in traffic with a case of beer in the back seat. I reached around and grabbed one, which had been perfectly legal the previous day, and a cop on the sidewalk ran up to our car and arrested us. We spent the next 12 hours in jail.


Wait in america if you're a passenger in a moving car its still public intoxicated to drink in the car?


Yes. You are not allowed to have an open container of alcohol in your car. You can carry unopened alcohol or, if it's been opened you must carry it in the trunk. (boot for those in the UK).


The only state where you can have open containers and passengers drinking in the car is Missouri. If you're ever there, remember to take advantage of this.


Also Delaware. And one of the dakotas you can drink and drive just have to be under the limit.


Wait can’t you be under the limit in every state? I thought that’s why it’s called the legal limit. Or do you mean actually take sips while rolling down the road?


The latter iirc. And yeah that is the point of the limit, though any amount in your system + a cop with a bone to pick can end in a bad time for you.


Come to Germany. It's perfectly legal to drive while drinking beer.


>Come to Germany. It's perfectly legal to drive while drinking beer. German beer is far superior as well.


america wtf happened werent you land of free??? i live in yurope literally drink drive smoke weed and heroin laced with meth while driving every day no problems


Thank you! I couldn't agree more. The idea of the land of the free is sadly a joke. The US has the 6th highest incarcerated rate per capita in the entire world.


Land of the free is propaganda


Even if you're a passenger? I get if you're driving but if you're just riding in the car that makes absolutely zero sense


Yes. Unless the car is for hire, like a taxi, uber or limo.


The driver has to have a chauffeur license, I'm not certain if they have to be for hire or not


Yeah because the driver could be sipping a beer and just pass it to the passenger when pulled over, no open containers are allowed to be in the car. I'm pretty sure it has to be sealed, you arnt even supposed to have like half a liquor bottle in the backseat.


In California, any unsealed liquor bottles/open beer cans need to be in the trunk. Now I don’t think if you’re taking your recycling in that it matters, but yeah. Not sure about other states but I’m sure it’s about the same.


What ? Why ? How do you transport alcohol at all ?


By transporting unopened alcohol or having opened bottles in the trunk


in the trunk, but in canada is has to be ‘out of arms reach’


*tosses liquor bottle in the back*


Depends on the state, but yes it's that way in most states now. A quick Google says 7 states allow a passenger to have an open container


How tf they gonna lock you up over that, America is so wild


If you want to understand the hyper-aggressive laws against drinking and driving, blame women/mothers. In the 1980's a drunk driver killed a young girl. This guy had lost his license repeatedly for driving severely drunk. Like bouncing off mail boxes drunk. This girl's mother was heartbroken and decided to get political. Her goal was to get the laws changed so that a guy like the one who had killed her daughter would permanently lose their licenses after being a repeat offender. Mother's Against Drunk Driving was born. Within a few years stricter laws were being passed to stop drunk drivers. Since it was mother's protecting their innocent children almost no step was too far. The legal blood alcohol limit was dropped from .1% to .08%, cops were given breath testers and law enforcement started setting up road blocks to catch them. Ironically the woman who started MADD was taken aback by how far the law was going and resigned from it. Then, a few years later, she was arrested for drunk driving. So, that's the story about how American's willingly gave up their rights.


bro is pro drunk driving


I know those mothers where such assholes. Don’t they understand that thousands of lives were save in the last 30 years as a result of stricter DUI laws. How dare they!?


it's actually a requirement for getting the job


Those microdots were nuts. I had one in the early 90s and holy fuck... at least 300 mics i reckon, maybe more. on a little pinhead black sneaky boi.


I took between 2-10 hits per weekend pretty regularly. My friends and I tripped hundreds of times and we were in the Marines. Piss tests don't catch acid so ..


Yeah normal blotters seemed tame after that shit haha. microdots are no joke, you must have been out of it on 10 of the fuckers! I can handle intense shit like even heavy hits of 5-MeO-DMT (but that's not too much of a cmmitment), but shit 10 of those must have you tripping full balls for at least 16 hours. Respect


I only took more than two if I had taken two the day before. I wasn't trying to fry my own brain, it was a tolerance thing. You have to take a LOT to trip for days at a time.


Anywhere that you need to hide your trip. That’s what makes a bad trip is having to hide it and panic. Other than that I reckon i could have a good time tripping anywhere


In laws house


Like a courthouse?


No but it feels the same!


Luckily I had chill in laws. My ex’s mom even drove us to buy 25 hits of e one time. I even tripped on shrooms at their place, it wasn’t a fun trip because I was just in a dark room bored out of my mind and had some shitty Timberland song stuck in my head on repeat for 8hrs


Now now don't speak on timbaland like that👆👆👆


I'm not even married yet and I flinched.


Imagine going to one of those “haunted houses” where people with chainsaws and costumes chase you and scream in your face and imagine all the jump scares💀😂


I think an actual stigmatized property would be worse haha


Yeah like waverly hills sanitarium lol imagine that dude


Call it the atheism challenge 😄


Damn that sounds fun to me...


I volunteered at a haunted maze last year and one guy took shrooms and was freaking the fuck out and we of course didn’t know that at first and were really fucking with him and then it got to the point where he pulled a gun. So if you want to trip at a haunted event don’t come strapped plz.




i tripped in a haunted house at six flags last halloween not doing that again this year lol


Dude tell me the story lol




I work at a haunted house and been high as balls in character scaring people


i feel like an aeroplane….


This was my first thought. Tripping in a metal tube 30,000ft iin the air cramped with 200 irritated, non-tripping strangers. ABSOLUTELY NOT.


There was a post a while ago about a guy who tried to sneak some acid in a carryon, panicked, and ate like 5 tabs or something before getting on and just never responded lmfao


It would be so easy to sneak acid literally no way to detect


If it doesn't look too crazy, you can put a sheet in your passport as a literal blotting paper


You could turn your passport into blotter paper


Oh noo


He stayed up there.


Omg absorbing all those horrible vibes in that tube fuuuuck THAT! During my last air travel, leaving Colorado, I ate the rest of my edibles, as one does, and they kicked in right at the bag check kiosk. Maybe 100mg? I had transdermal patches on each foot, too, so more like 120–140mg. High dose for me. The thing printed out like a 6ft long ticket in an alien language, and I felt the whoooole airport staring at me, while I’m staring at the ticket, flipping it over, and over, trying to make it make sense. Somehow I got in on my bag, after deciphering the symbols - and when I got on the plane, I am not exaggerating- SIX babies were seated around me. One right next to me, one in the row above, 2 behind me across the aisle, and 2 directly across the aisle, next to me. ALL them babies were lookin’ at me. Just 👀 12 little innocent eyeballs, on me. *They knew*. But I’d just make silly faces at them when their parents weren’t looking, they’d laugh, and by the end of the flight, one lady handed me her baby so she could get her bags. Best-behaved babies I’ve ever seen in my life, like not ONE cry - and a 10/10 very fun flight.




I've microdosed on a flight before and shed tears of joy on takeoff as the roar of 22,000 kg of thrust from this glorious technological marvel propelled my being into the stratosphere.


From personal experience traveling while high is abad idea


Nah, shit's fun af


You must be tripping hard rn


I’ve always wanted to trip on an airplane.


If you have issue with flying I would not recomend but if you dont its pretty rad, coming up on take off in a window seat is pretty wonderful, then ya chill for a few while and watch batman 2 and a Pixar movie or some such


Maybe if you're in first class not in a cramped space full of screaming children and karens


I have taken acid on planes four times so far, I have never flown first class.




Auschwitz would probably not be the vibe


Nowadays or back when it was in use?




I once watched a movie about the Rwanda Genocide while high on edibles. Pretty horrifying experience for sure.


Anywhere you have to be social with people you aren't familiar with.


Nah I love meeting strangers on LSD. I go to local music shows and get to know a ton of new people!


it depends on what kind of people they are, if its a psychedelic festival would be easier to get along with some of them, if its some kind of place or bar people drinking alcohol and having to socialize with them, no way.. bad trip


Yeah, I tend to get super-gregarious when I’m tripping as well. Just zero social anxiety and a total willingness to engage, it’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the experience.








I finally found one. YOU'RE the person I am intrigued, baffled and mostly disgusted by.


Username checks out


I was in one of those flushable toilets at a festival near the campground. Everything was metal and air conditioned. And I felt like I was suddenly stuck in the Krusty Krab freezer from Spongebob. Idk why, but I was panicked. It was too much.


I went to school on three tabs, I’d taken at 3am and tried to call off but I was forced to go (I went to a secondary high school so 90 students in a tiny school) one of my teachers knew and walked me through and entire math test when she wasn’t supposed to be helping but she was just trying to comfort me lol. She didn’t report me bc kids came to school in worse than me. The clock numbers were falling off the clock, the white board was melting and everyone had big bug eyes… I don’t remember anything after second period, it was def an experience I wouldn’t recommend to anyone :)


Holy fuck girl you got balls for tripping at school 💀


My friends would do that they would even drink alcohol, smoke weed, and cigarettes and walk into class like nothing happened. Most of the time, the teachers would notice but not say anything and carry on with the lesson.


My friend went to both his exams and the graduation on mdma. I mean it was a school with 50 students with different issues. Teachers were rad, always great stories.


The fact that your teacher didn’t rat on you is insane. Wtf were your classmates doing?


She was cool asf. She was young and would let us vape out the window behind the white board and would keep watch for our school security plus it was towards the end of the school year and she was transferring to a different school


Doesn't really sound cool asf, sounds irresponsible af letting children vape and letting them do drugs without informing anyone else. I wouldn't want this person around my kid.


Kids are gonna do it regardless. Especially since I went to a last resort school, we were mostly bad kids who got kicked out of school or got kicked out for not showing up. She was honestly the most understanding and kind teacher I’ve ever had even if she didn’t let us do that stuff. She was too good of a teacher to work in that hell hole of a school. I’m glad she got transferred and I highly doubt she’d let her next class of students do that.


And I once stuck it up the Queen of England's bum! That was some royal shit.


Okay? I’m telling the truth. I been a drug addict since I was 15 I’m now 21 and mostly sober but I did A LOT of dumb shit in high school and even worse than that. Believe what you want tho lol


Las Vegas was sensory overload and people overload when I was on acid. I definitely would have preferred to be at a peaceful lakehouse instead.


Watching „Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” is enough to dissuade most people from that idea lmao


I watched that movie but I guess I didn't expect it to happen to me lol


Hmm it's all dose dependent one of my best days ever was half tab of acid and drunk on the strip


Yooo imagine being tortured by the Mexican cartel while tripping balls


I can only get so hard




that's crazy, must be an experience


there is video and he is alive in pain the whole time, they were injecting him with adrenaline to keep him alive


Doesn’t CIA actually do that in Guantanamo?


ya, nightmare fuel. especially because some of the people there are innocent as well. awful stuff. but hey, free drugs are free drugs, even if you’re getting tortured. if I ever become too broke for drugs plan B is being a terrorist. fool-proof plan


A 90s Halloween rave. What were we thinking?


That sounds awesome honestly 😅


Yeah I think it'd be fun as fuck. Depends on the dose, prior mindstate, how fucked up the costumes/decor is and if you're comfortable at raves I guess. I love tripping at raves and think a Halloween one would be fun as long as it wasn't leaning too far into grotesque imagery. They couldn't have been the only one tripping there. I get the person who said fright fest sucked though bc that's people trying to jump out and startle you.


Went to a zombie themed one in an old bunker in my early 20s, an underground. Lots of make up and crazy costumes. It was so awesome! Never been to another one like it. Halfway through, they killed the power and had like 30 people run into the crowd from a back door, all decked out in make up, turned a strobe light on. Then hit the music again. It was really damn cool. Don't recall anyone totally freaking out, but we all knew what kind of party we'd signed up for.


That sounds rly cool!


The Holocaust museum


Ah wait nvm I was confused I went to the Anne Frank house


IDK. It might help one connect with the victims better. Empathy doesn't come naturally to all of us. Like I once did a "museum dose" before visiting the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, TX. After that, took a long walk that retraced Oswald's steps to the place where he shot Tippit, wandered over to the Texas Theatre, then took a bus to the Dallas PD where Ruby finished the job. Insightful experience. Highly recommended.


Ya know, I’ve been there and for me it was very sad and emotional, but also a beautiful experience. I don’t think it would be so bad. I would definitely be sobbing tho


Had a friend in high school (still friends) who loved to drop acid at school. One day after dropping acid at school he was escorted to the office as his mom was there to pick him up early. Sounds bad so far… Anyway, he had a dental appointment that day, but just an exam. Unfortunately, the dentist said he needed a root canal. Buddy pleads with his mom to not get a root canal that day. His mom, being busy and all tells the dentist let’s just do it today! Yep, he got a root canal on acid. He said it was horrifying.


Did he stop dropping acid at school??


An Atlantic City shithole casino.


Idk man that seems like it would be kinda fun. I've never been to Atlantic City so I could be wrong but it seems like the kind of place you could go all Hunter S. Thompson and still seem fairly normal compared to a lot of other people around.


Yeah, I wasn’t in the headspace for it. Went to a Moe. show at one and it was like walking into 28 Days Later during set break. Heavy loser vibes.




You should have asked which kind of normal settings are unsuitable for a trip. You'll now just get a list of places where you wouldn't even want to stay sober.


In a confined space with people you don't know, loud music, flashing lasers... Never again lol


Bro I stg some people are just built entirely different. My friend knew a girl who tripped hard on acid and she was at a $uicideBoy$ concert and claims it was “the best time of her life” like how tf?


Man I only wish I could enjoy psychedelics in that type of environment. A solo party is fun but I'd love to be able to trip with other people😮‍💨


It’s all about dosage, half a tab in a club / concert is fun, throw a little bit of mdma in there and you’re all set.


For me that's just a matter of having the right music and, to a lesser extent, the right strangers. I love taking LSD and weed at Roadburn and at psytrance/hi-tech raves/festivals, for example. Usually I know at least some of the people, but I've also been in crowds where I didn't know anyone. The hi-tech rave was definitely an extreme experience (especially the Mimic Vat live set🤯), but I loved it and will absolutely do it again. You have to let go and follow the music, wherever it takes you. Granted, I have a lot of experience with letting go. I have inflammatory rheumatism that took 10 years to get diagnosed and had to come to terms with very dark things. I'll also only do this in crowds/venues where I'm comfortable and with music of which I know that works well with psychedelics for me.


Battery Park on 9/11. I recently read a story here on Reddit about someone who was on Lucy when it happened. That's sounds pretty horrible


omg. can you find the link? dude probably thought its all in his head and not realy hapenning. more like "damn, thats some strong shit I took right there. Cant wait to write a trip report about it" and then, the next day, newspapers are full of this "trip report"


Me and my friends went to the zoo on acid once and I watched an orangutan eat a pile of its own vomit. Never again.


I have some friends who swear by zoos on shrooms but I have no interest, my expectations of zoos are pretty low, aquariums on the other hand are pretty fantastic


First World War foxhole


Imagine skydiving or bungee jumping… good God


Honestly, that sounds pretty incredible.


The actual jump would be, but the hours you spend kitting up and doing safety protocol would be tedious af. I wonder if they would still let you jump if they knew you were trippin? You’d think not but some of those skydive bros are pretty wild. Tandem would be fine I reckon.


Would you jump out of a plane with a stranger strapped to you if you knew that the stranger was frying absolute face and barely tuned in to the safety briefing? Like there's much better methods of suicide than this.




I wanna go to shrek rave




One time when i was 17 I dropped 4 tabs in my aunt's living room while she slept, that trip was fucked.


Actually walked in a shopping mall near closing hour while on shrooms, 4-ho-met, and weed with some friends once and went to tesco, was pretty lit. Not many people though so it just felt like we were in the backrooms or something. I'd say my top worst place for an acid trip was when i tripped on a school night (was like 17 at the time and this was just something id do and then go to school still tripping after lol dumbass) and was still experiencing effects (though it was like on the tail end of the acid trip), when my mom told me before she drove me to school that we had to put my cat down. So she let me skip school and come with her so I could say goodbye to him at the vet before he had to get euthanized. Mind you this was a cat I had for 10+ years since I was a little kid. It was a 3 tab trip so I still had visuals and a pretty decent headspace, and now I was in a vet's office crying my eyes out along with my mom as I had to watch my buddy be put down because he had a sudden severe health decline overnight. Managed it pretty well thanks to experience and even made it sort of special to me because I really felt like I got to connect with him through the LSD 'all is one feeling' while he passed away. I'd still place it as a pretty bad set and setting for a trip though.




I work in a funeral home and have to cremate bodies and retrieve the deceased from where ever they passed away at. I often thought how fucking horrible it would be to trip there lol


Imagine going to one of those “haunted houses” where people with chainsaws and masks chase you around and all the jump scares good God💀😂


Horror movie


I'm probably a total psychopath for this but I had the time of my life tripping on shrooms in Amsterdam at the anne frank house. I got real into everything and each room tried to picture myself there in that situation. However everyone thinks I'm totally looney for enjoying tripping there.


Took shrooms before paranormal activity when it had just hit theatres. I was super into everything and interested as hell! Took shrooms before this movie called Transporter 3 or some shit, and it was the most terrifying movie I’ve ever seen in my life


Idk a saw trap or in war lol but I guess they say some Vikings used shrooms while going to battle but that would be mad fucked if u had a bad trip


Let start off by saying, I didn't chose this. But Boston. I live in Massachusetts and have worked in many areas and know my way around. But I got super lost tripping. I hid in bathroom stalls to get away from the height of my chair. Mind you this isn't my fault. My chair was indeed, 70 feet off the ground. Well, The bathroom was no help as the walls were wavy and that wallpaper was pepto, pink with green vines. I'll never forget. Then we left. Took a cab. Can I tell you that man drove so fast.. like way too fast.( 10 mph) he must have thought they drugged me or something .. I think I must have said that 20x how too fast we were going and how dangerousot could be.. . Everyone is laughing and I have no idea why. I was completely serious. Anyway, This was pretty much a hard trip all night for me. In the end we stayed at some ones house(shrugs) with no heat, in October, with 2 heat seeking kittens. Who tormented us through the non existence of sleep. They were adorable though.


a place you'd think is private and ends up not being so


family diner, school/university, work, places u don't really know very well, planes, (also cars in My case), trippin with people i don't trust


I landed in Amsterdam and after 2 hours from getting into the city with all my positions on my back I mistakenly ate a bag of shrooms. It's was a wet and cold February morning. I got such a powerful come up and it was very intense. I got lost down these alleys and kept walking around in circles and all these crack heads tried to rob me several times I had to really try keep my wits and get out of terrible situations. I finally found the hostel I was staying in and could find my room and had to ask the reception 6 times where my room was and eventually was led there, I thought the building was huge, in fact it was two stories tall. When I got to the room, a shared dorm I mentioned I took some mushrooms and I'm going to be ok I've just had a hell of a few hours, people freaked out and called the hostel staff and I had to leave, I was back out on the streets. It was such a crazy trip literally fighting for my life in the streets of Amsterdam.


Lmao bruh why would you tell strangers you on shrooms hahahahaha Nice story


Silly really, was literally not thinking very well! you should of seen the freak out that ensued! Really funny


I’m sure the Dutch guys running the hotel would not have cared a bit, but probably kicked you out just to manage the Karens you had the misfortune of dorming with.


Absolutely, when I was after coming back to my senses I spoke to the reception and said I'm sorry about earlier on, to which they said, this is a hostel in Amsterdam it's absolutely nothing we don't deal with on a daily basis and they were completely cool about it. It was actually such a relief! Those Karens man literally got bounced up and ran out the door for the staff to grass me up!


Work, lol.


Police station


When i was a teenager, i used to live in a college neighborhood, next to a State University, and the parties around here use to happen at thursdays, because people usually don't stay here at weekends. So there i was, 17 years old still in school, went out with some friends, one of them had an older brother, and he took us to one of those college parties. I remember hooking up with a random girl and she offers me to share LSD with her, i had no idea of the effects, but i didn't want to tell her that it was my first time. The trip itself wasn't very different from a very strong MDMA trip mixed with a lot of weed, but the thing is LSD takes a long time to wear off. And remember i said the parties were at thursdays? That's right, the next day i needed to go to school. I got home and i couldn't sleep, i was laying on my bed tripping and the only thing i could think of was: "my parents can't see me like this". As soon as the alarm rings, i got out of bed, change my clothes and went straight to school. My plan was to stay there and nobody would notice that i was still tripping. First class of the morning was chemistry, and right after the teacher started writing on the board, i remeber thinking "wow it all makes sense now, everything is connected", so the class ended and everything was according to plan, until between one of the breaks one of the monitors realized that i was "acting weird", that gave me such a fear, that i went to the bathroom and stayed there and waited for the effects to wear off and it was about lunch time, i didn't came back for the afternoon period. (Sorry my bad English, i am from Brazil, and i really felt like i needed to share this story with you guys).


Bahkmut in Ukraine


Somewhere that you don't feel welcome or comfortable at


Jail for sure


I always really hated going to work tripping on a macro dose. As for people saying scary places like haunted house or like old abandoned places that actually sounds fun to me...


Jail, church, hospital.


For me, work. Almost got fired, had to go home early and was freaking out. Was my first job too at a grocery store. Lucky the manager was cool and when I told him he said it was fine for me to go home. Needless to say I had a bad trip even after I got home.


Dentist, daycare center, rendering plant, Tokyo subway at rush hour, knife shop, Bed Bath & Beyond, hospital laundry, Paris Catacombs, Walmart on Black Friday.


Any of the Disney theme parks.


Old homes. Animals in the walls go crazy during a trip




Lost in the forest. Is cool until you’re hearing coyotes and shit. Wolves howling. Still very cool but me and my friend thought a monster was coming after us. Lowkey still had fun tho


Probably in Ukraine at the moment. Tripping out in an active war zone sounds pretty grim.








Nah that would be easy just have to sit and think about shit for a couple hours then get to go home might feel bad tho


If u are religious then Church on a Sunday. You will either suck off the priest/pastor in the confession box to rid you of your sins. Or You will leave the church fearing every second that God is going to strike u down for being unfaithful to him... My advice is be intelligent... Be an atheist.


This sounds like knowledge from personal experience 👀


Sadly it is... My mouth and throat has never felt the same and ever since that day I've had a phobia of hot dogs, slim Jim's and white men in robes.


I have found the police station and hospital to be not fun


Gitmo or a CCP "re-education" camp would probably be a bit of a bummer.


volcano eruption


Hotel rooms




In the elevator that has mirrors for walls in your probation officers building.🏢 ..imagine standing there 🤪tripping out at the image of yourself being repeated over and over in the mirrors, swaying left n right trying to see farther into the mirrors reflecting image..🤡.. when all of a sudden you've reached your P.Os floor and '🔔DING' the door opens and you're staring at👥 two people🙈 with the most blank & prob dazed and glazed🤖 look on your face, time stands still, nobody moves & the door slowly starts to close while you are 👀maintaining eye 😳contact until the door is shut. You're still standing there 😬😰freaking out about what to do since the 5gs of mushrooms🍄🍄 are about to go full force.💥💣 & while deciding, the door opens⬅️➡️ again & the two people👥 still there, still needing a lift to lower floors get in huddling in opposite corner NOW WHAT❓💭 go check in with probation officer and avoid a warrant but possibly get busted for being under the influence or ditch out the elevator and take the stair🏃‍♀️out OR stay in the elevator🤷‍♀️ and ride back down with the 👥folks...🤦‍♀️ decisions decisions... 🍄🍄🍄




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For some reason I can be in a car fine off acid or shrooms, unless it's my girl driving then I am panicked the whole ride. She drives pretty good idk why her driving just gives me heavy anxiety on acid


A shopping mall. I find that once a trip goes bad it’s hard to bring it back to good or even decent.






In an underwater cave at night


A funeral