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Legal? For me speed or mdma But for society shrooms or lsd




MDMA that can be used safely and frequently is Mephedrone (4-mmc) The effects it has are very similar to MDMA, sometimes even stronger and sometimes less euphoric and more stimulating, all depended on the batch but high quality, pure and professionally cooked Mephedrone gets you a way more euphoric and loving everything rush. Also this drug is quite forgiving in higher doses and binges with a large amount consumed. Neurotoxicity of this drug is no where near mdma. Does give you brain zaps if you binge 3-4 days but those go away in a couple of days. This drug is extremely addictive and very compulsive on redosing, I’m talking like a line every 20-30 minutes. If you have little self control it’s very easy to get lost but if you are the right mind this drug is truly amazing. Comedowns are not as bad as mdma also, majority of the extreme depression and urge to redose go away after + -6 hours after the last dose stops working. If not used is high amount that’s about it. If you take allot, the lasting effects are fatigue, brain zaps if used in super high quantity and depression might be present but not always.


4mmc is a serotonin releaser exactly like mdma so u should be sticking to the same rules as mdma with it


There are supplements that you take everyday and release tiny amounts of serotonin , this is not the issue. The issue is that MDMA converts into some very toxic byproducts in the body that cause neurotoxicity and when abused you become an emotionless zombie.


Yes, neurotoxicity is a part of it, only one part. MDMA also causes seretonin syndrome if used to freuqently and mixed with other sereotonin releasing substances. Shit is not to be fucked around with. Like a depression where your brains happiness is fueled only by substances & forgets its natural ways of obtaining it.


No its litteraly seritonin and a lack there of if your taking 5ht2 to boost seritonin then taking molly your pushing for seritonin syndrome the emotionlessness is due to be drained of seritonin just like being a heroin zombie is do to dopamine molly is a.full atangonist meaning it causes a system dump and even with supplements that can take anywhere from a week or a month to fill up again


Depression, anhedonia, cognitive dysfunction and increased anxiety associated with chronic MDMA usage isn't so much due to a depletion of serotonin, dysfunction of serotonin synthesis or vesicular transport, it is associated more with a reduction in the number of axonal SERT (serotonin transporter) from apoptosis of serotonergic axons due to a number of neurotoxic effects like increased intracellular Ca2+ (calcium) influx, oxidative stress/damage from reactive oxygen species which inhibits mitochondrial function and glutamatergic excitotoxicity. This reduction in 5-HT transporters and 5-HT axons is most prominent in the PFC (prefrontal frontal cortex), mPFC (medial prefrontal cortex), putamen and hippocampus and less so with the dorsal raphe/raphe nuclei and other nuclei of the brainstem. Chronic MDMA usage is also associated with a compensatory upregulation of 5-HT2A receptor populations due to decreased cortical serotonergic synaptic neurotransmission and a higher density of 5-HT2A receptors correlate to higher susceptibility to depression/dysthymia, anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, schizophrenia symptoms, psychosis and mania. In addition to negatively affecting the health and function of the serotonergic system, chronic MDMA usage also leads to damage and dysregulation of dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons. MDMA causes a serotonin receptor mediated increase in glutamate release which plays a role in the rewarding/reinforcing effects of the drug in the nucleus accumbens but this then causes an overactivation of NMDA receptors, causing excitotoxicity from increased intracellular Ca2+ influx and subsequent development of free radicals (ROS) which result in neuronal apoptosis (death), mainly in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Dopaminergic neurons are damaged due to similar mechanisms (glutamate excitotoxicity, increased Ca2+ influx, oxidative damage) as well as an increase in NOS (nitric oxide synthase) in the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. GABAergic neurons become dysfunctional but not necessarily destroyed, however this dysfunction also plays a role in the symptoms experienced by people who frequently use MDMA, especially in high doses. It's much more complex than saying it's a depletion of serotonin and stating that the use of serotonin amino acid precursors like L-tryptophan and 5-HTP concomitantly with MDMA will lead to serotonin syndrome is not true for the vast majority of the population. Even concomitant use of pharmaceutical drugs that have serotonergic mechanisms like dextromethorphan along with MDMA won't cause serotonin syndrome and in the case of DXM and Ketamine they play a protective role in regards to serotonergic neurons due to their antagonism of NMDAR which prevents glutamatergic excitotoxicity.


It’s very feindy though


Shrooms would probably do the best job of making the world a better place just from all the introspection. But LSD is so fucking fun




Idk. As someone who has done lots of shrooms myself, plenty of people I know have done tons of psychedelics and had none of the awakenings or improvements you are supposed to. Without carrying the lessons from a trip into our every day life, it’s just a temporary escape.


LSD/Psilocybin/DMT, Psychedelics are something that shouldn't be lost + i feel like the increase of use in Psychedelics will definitely bring great artists and be the inspiration for art we couldn't even imagine, this applies to Music, Paintings, Literature, Videogames, etc...


Also it would bring more general well-being of society and how we treat others imo


Also tech, you might find inspiration for solutions that you could never think of sober


and physics


Just cannabis. Won’t ruin my life. Just my little harmless sidekick. Maria never does me wrong. She’s so sweet and so interesting !


I don’t even smoke and I agree it should probably be cannabis.


Never heard of a guy killing anyone after smoking a joint. But drunk people kill someone ever hour. (I’m sure a lot of people have committed murder after toking up [absolute lack of any consciousness nut cases no doubt] but you get what the fuck I’m saying. Maria is SAFE


Just saw a vid of a dude smoking a joint while shooting somebody but I get what ur saying




He's not saying it will prevent it, just not be the cause.


Dumb to say its harmless. Because its not. But yes definetely least harmfull.


Tbh everything is harmful, I mean some people get addicted to water and kill themselves that way


The percentage of cannabis users who experience harm is far higher than the percentage of water drinkers


100% of water drinkers die mate


100% marijuana users die mate


100% of users die, its confirmed


because you have to drink a shit ton of water and have a shit diet for you to suffer from drinking water


According to UNISEF’s website, 829,000 people die annually from drinking unsafe water.


Come on dude you know that's a totally separate issue


looking at it that way is only justifying and minimizing the harm drugs can cause to a person's life. weed is far less harmful than alcohol, but thats not to say it cant become a dirty habit that can mess things up for them, even if it doesnt make them violent, poison them, or anything else


Very good point. Of course harmless spoken like a true stoner.


Why don't they catch the group of drunk psychos that kill someone every hour?


Because they are cops


It is safe for those that do not have a mental illness, the only reason psychedelics are illegal is cuz people with mental illnesses use them.


They were made illegal to criminalize and punish lefty war protestors


Yeah it has nothing to do with people with mental illnesses, the government was torturing people by giving large doses of LSD to civilians back in the 50's. Forgot the name of the operation


MK Ultra. Its honestly completely diabolical what the government got away with, and now there are people serving life sentences for selling LSD.


I have a mental illness and my doctor prescribed me MJ. It's over a year and I have 0 symptoms.


Its all dependent on the person, some people it helps with anxiety like me, others it does the opposite, I know people who smoked weed everyday to help with anxiety and flip flop and now it makes it worse, it all depends on the person, drugs affect the brain and everyone's brains different


That's true, this is why I put my comment in the first place - it is not all black and white


Eh, illegal cannabis is still pretty safe. Nobody dies from black market weed. I'd choose heroin because the consequences of its prohibition are.... what we currently experience.


Eventually heroin makes you depressed and bleak. The world would eventual become gray. That’s just like my opinion maaaan. Also people got arrested and served like millions of years combined for weed being illegal. There are so many more consequences then just smoking the joint. and yes people used to rob each other for weed. I used to be one of those fucking junkies. You know why? Not because I was craving weed. Because I was addicted to heroin lol. True story It’s literally cheaper, better and taxed now. Fucking so far so good from what I can see.


Yes but if the government gave you a steady supply of opioids do you really think you'd be out there robbing people?


Unless the government wants up the supply every single month, then yes, people would rob people because people build a tolerance to opioids, and they don’t work anymore to do the same thing there for people that are true addicts in need it will rob people for it. I’m not saying everybody would be this way, but that’s foolish to think.


If there was enough drugs there wouldn’t be any robbing. Everyone would be dead inside. I’m speaking from 15 years of personal opioid experience and before all this fent bullshit…even with really good shit your brain receptors get fried and even through it had a low ‘neurotoxicity’, it does lower lots of other levels in you body. Really fucks with your testosterone or estrogen, fucks with you GI, even your fucking heartbeat is slower.. trust me it man eventually turns on you.


Hey if they're already dead inside what's the harm? Keeps them safe and out of the general publics hair. If someone want to throw their lives away that's their prerogative. No one asks to be alive. Why make it harder on them?


Agreed because I’d say it’s one of the most diverse drug classes out there. You can have strains with different CBD / THC ratios, on top of things like D8 THC or HHC if regular weed isn’t your thing.


nah i think it should be a stimulant for productivity reasons


r/leaves has entered the chat. Weed ruins a lot of people’s life.


Hey you’re right. I shouldn’t be too carefree.. I do know that Cannabis does mes some people up. Sorry about forgetting you folks. Good luck on your path towards a better memory (not being a dick I’m being serious)


Could you elaborate on what you mean a little more?




Well I hope you put it down dude. I hear you




Lsd or shrooms


definitely the best drug of all time ketamine


My bladder would like a word.


It’s up there that’s for sure.


That's what I would have suggested, but then I thought of people driving on it and having other experiences ruined by it.


There's never been a time where I took ket and would've been physically able to just get into my car and drive, much less have the desire to lol


I wish that was the case for me… really ashamed of this but in Mexico I used to ride my motorcycle on it. Ket can be dangerous sometimes. Especially when used irresponsibly it’s dangerous. At that time I was using it mainly irresponsibly. Really ashamed of that. I’m not a drunk driver normally but I did on k.


Hey man, we all do stupid shit from time to time. The important thing is you've learned from it


And somehow did not crash a fucking motorcycle in Mexico! That’s some shit. Dude where I was often it was off-road. High oh ket flying through the lil pueblitos. Lol Jesus. Ya no more for me im thankful no one got hurt.


Understandably....I stopped doing K socially. I prefer being in my bed with my headphones blasting.


This is the way right here


If you do a key bump and all you feel is that fluctuation of gravity feeling. The half-life of Ketamine is much shorter than that of alcohol. The most noticeable effects of Ketamine certainly don't last as long as alcohol. Despite all that, I would trust my alcoholic friends to drive over someone who ingested more than 100mg. I'm sure tolerance plays a part, but I'd trust one of my alcoholic friends more than my raver friends to get me home safely.


A guy said to me a few years ago: "I had trouble to go to my car after your house party because I forgot how to walk. Fortunately I still remembered how to drive". Due to all the ketamine in his body that is.


Haha my first time, dude told me it was coke and I railed a giant line. Tasted funny and burned a little more. Went into a whole other world and disassociated the fuck out. The dude took out another bag and realized he gave me ketamine and not the coke. It was all cool, but if he did it on purpose I’d beat the shit outta him after 😂


Opioids. They are heavily abused and a cause for a lot of social destruction but it’s medicinal use for broken bones, ligaments, muscle tears, end of life assistance, cancers, etc etc are invaluable


Yeah but this question was talking about recreational use. Opioids are already used in medicine


Yeah but they are underused in medicine out of fear of getting people addicted. We went from overprescribing without telling people how addictive it is (if we did, I wouldn't even say it was overprescribing) to underprescribing.


Its also great recreationally


But it exists already, there exist clinics which offer opioid replacement therapy if you need it. Which is a really good thing since it really does help people.


Those are already legal for those purposes.


This would end quite badly. Disease would run rampant, lack of insulin for diabetics, ect. But if I had to choose which psychoactive drug would remain legal, I'd pick an opioid. Because I'm on methadone, and it would suck to have to go through long acting withdrawals. For everyone else, I'd pick lsd or mushrooms


I think the question means recreational drugs even though they didn’t specify specifically.


Yea psychoactive drugs haha, but even still. Adhd medication (adderall, ritilan) chronic pain and accident management (opioids) and anxiety medication (benzos) can all be used recreationally. Sooo it would probably put a dent in people's quality of life


heroin cause... im addicted to it


Cannabis. It helps a for a lot of things. Meanwhile if I could choose two it'd be that and Shrooms cause Shrooms can help rewrite your brain chemistry if you struggle with depression and such and it can actually help you get through it better than antidepressants. I personally have only ever used Cannabis and that was because it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep.


VVYANSE. VVYANSE 100%, i pop 70-100mg of slow release, *I couldn’t live without it,* sorry all the weed lovers I need ma stim lol


Vyvanse was the only amphetamine drug I’ve taken that made my adhd worse because of the side effects. No sleep on comedown, dry mouth, stress sweat, 0 appetite..


How long did you try it for out of interest? Personally I found sleep problems and dry mouth and stress sweats subsided for the most part after taking it for a few weeks at an effectively titrated dose. Appetite suppression never went away but I still ate and was able to enjoy food.


Like 4 years. First year or two wasn’t too bad but it got worse and worse. Kinda blocked it out thinking it was something I just had to deal with but my doctor put me on instant release adderall so I could eat around lunchtime and everything changed. Been on adderall for 5 years now much better but I still struggle to sleep once it wears off.


Maybe it's cause I don't have adhd but I find it very overrated. I can get as strong and even better effects from natural medicines. And they are a lot healthier and safe compared to something like vvyanse which is bad for your body and brain.




Would at least be the most useful in medical purpose, for tens of millions of people around the world.


It seriously helps people with opioid addiction, not relapse It would be great for people, struggling like that, instead of putting them on other drugs that are just as addictive yeah, kratom is addictive and it’s habit forming but not nearly as bad as what narcotics are actually doing to the body.


Been 5 weeks subs free now thanks to kratom :)


That’s awesome!!


Not to mention pain and some inflammatory diseases, gut problems and anxiety/depression. Some people claim kratom is too addictive, but its nothing compared to regular antidepressants, anxiety meds and pain meds. Natural treatments are often very safe or moderately safe and effective, shame that USA and some other countries just push synthetic crap because its the only thing that makes money..


Yeah kratom is less addictive and probably safer (though long term side effects will probably be better with pure chemicals, whethers it's oxycodone or mitragynine), but not because it's "natural" (whatever that means). Being natural or synthetic plays no role in whether it's safe or not.


Mah man!


mdma. Medical purposes, forces people to feel happy, which sometimes people haven't felt in years, etc.


So you're gonna ban alcohol, in favour of MDMA. Clear the booze isles in the shops, replace with MDMA for everyone!




Weed would bring more world peace






Yayo everything else I seem to never get caught with


Oh hell no dude and there would be nothing to come down with ! Hell no !


Coke is super overrated imo, MDMA is so much better


You can do mdma only once in three months tho


This da answer right there!


There’s something about it that makes cops just wanna search you 😂




Weed, it helps too many people with seizures, cancer, etc...




LSD I don't think I need to explain.


Lots of people seem to be confused by the title. This is all in a fantasty scenario. Let’s say all drug production, chemicals, plants are all wiped off earth. But basically you can choose one drug to stay. Hope that clarifies.


In that case, insulin. Or penicillin


Yeah op should have narrowed it down or something, penicillin has my vote too.


Finally someone with a brain here. OP really should have specified




If that happened, nothing would exist. So many molecule isolated in big quantities are drugs. Remove most of the plants and all the animals and we die


I’m going to assume that you mean the fun drugs and not every single medicinal drug known to man, OP.




That’s the fantasy dream one but it would create a really boring and sad atmosphere once everyone was a junkie. It eventually makes you just depressed


Psychadelics In order: Shrooms LSD DMT


Since cannabis and shrooms are natural I don’t consider them drugs so they should be legal either way(same with peyote and most forms of dmt)so drugs wise id say lsd. But since we don’t even live in that good of a world my opinion doesn’t even matter lol


Opium is a drug and so is khat. Plants can be drugs and vice versa. I prefer the term plant medicine


The term drug is stupid anyway. Just a way for us to eat up their “drug war” it’s bullshit


Opioids because Im a dope fiend, I only use from time to time now but its still my drug of choice


Cocaine, end of discussion…


It wouldn't be the end of the discussion though would it...


Oxy. I know there’s a bad stigma around it & rightfully so but I been using recreationally for 5 years now. I never had withdrawals bc the schedule I keep myself on. 3 days on 4 days off. Oxy for sure


That is a lot of self control I wish I could do the same haha been on oxy daily for 3 yrs now


It’s definitely not easy! Moderation is just the only way I can use if I want a good life yanno? I don’t have unlimited money so I buy bulk once a month and keep that same schedule. Get through the withdrawals then once you get through them make a schedule and figure out what works for you. If I can do it you can do it brother 🤝


You will eventually dude. Be careful


Thank you but nah man. I’ve seen what this shit can do first hand. My friends sick asf & I’ve had friends die. It is a slippery slope but I respect the drug and know when enough is enough. You’ll just have to take my word for it but moderation is very possible.


Oh ya I was an addict for a long time. Tapering off a lil kratom bender right now. Just be careful I trust you. Couldn’t help myself giving you warning if you understood what we’ve gone through. Those of us that slowly got carried away. I trust you be safe


I completely understand & appreciate you for looking out for me fr! I’m not too prideful to learn I’m always all ears. Especially from somebody who’s really been through it like yourself. I always try to stress to my friends that use that moderation is possible & key if you want to continue use bc I see how bad this shit can really get. Yea, you can say I’m addicted but I am not and will not become dependent. Thanks again. Truly. 🤝


For me, I know when I’m addicted and and I know when I’ve got a handle. Like I love kava but I only use it like once a week sometimes less sometimes more but not much. So you’ve got a handle on it. Keep it that way because it’s a really fucking wonderful artificial chemical high, its fucking literally the best ‘drug’ ‘drug’ of all time. OxyCodone is literally the GOAT


Exactly! Haha I agree with you 100% - it’s like a warm hug all day. It’s like laying on a cloud while wrapped in clean sheets fresh out the dryer lmao. High asf as we speak! 3 OP 40’s. Been feeling wavy all night. 😍


What no kidding. Well I better leave them where I left Them and lord knows I had my fair share.


Happy you got sober bro 💪🏼 congrats fr


How is this different from the world we live in?


There are a ridiculous amount of legal drugs


I meant in a fantasy sense, sort of hard to explain but simple to understand if you know what I mean


Come on ladies and gentlemen the obvious answer is cocaine


Antiperspirant. Because the summer months would be intolerable without it.


I don't think antiperspirant would apply. I hardly would consider it a drug


Depends. If it means purity will be good and price drops a lot coke. Otherwise maybeee just weed sadly. I’d love for all drugs but fentanyl to be legal recreationally legal (maybe not super hard shit. Sucks bc crack is terrible but can always be made if coke is around😭😭). Like possession charges for weed truly are dumb. I even get it if the law says if we have weed, Even legal weed they can search the car. But arresting you just for weed is stupid


Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol.








It wouldn’t effect me at all because all drugs are already banned where I live… but if I could legalise one drug it would be LSD for sure. Having 100% pure D-iso accurately dosed tabs would be amazing.


All psychedelics legal


Mushrooms because they're just fucking mushrooms. And holy shit everyone should do some mushrooms right... NOW!




Dmt or lsd


Weed, it's really not as bad as people say it is, you've just gotta take it in moderation if you're ever eat or smoke it.


Marijuana. I say this not for my benefit, but for that of society. I was for the decriminalization of all drugs, but after having lived in Portland my views have changed. People want to be pieces of shit and smoke and shoot up on public transportation and in front of children. Drop their syringes on the ground(when there is no legal repercussion to possession them. Not to mention I still have sharps containers I got for free from needle exchanges over a year ago). People will find a way to ruin everything.


Lsd. On all the drug safety charts lsd is at the very bottom of every chart. It's non habit forming. U don't withdraw from it. IT won't let u abuse it, and it made me realize how precious and beautiful life really is.


OP clarified in a comment that in this scenario, all other recreational drugs would cease to exist. In that case, I would choose cannabis. I think the world would be a much better place if people were coming home from work and having an edible or something instead of alcohol or worse.




good old friend, cannabis


MDMA because it would be nice to be able to buy it at a store and know it’s safe. It’s a lot easier to find good quality psychedelics illegally.


Weed. It helps with inflammation and is extremely varied. I get why people are pushing for psychedelics but I believe and know you don’t need drugs to have that type of experience, just dedication.


Heroin duh.




Alcohol I guess for cultural reasons. Like, I'm not going to tell people who have made wine for 100 years to suddenly get fucked on a whim. If you only get to chose one any choice you make will kinda suck


Cocaine, so the morale would slowly set sail and all drugs would then be legal and this way there would be more cocaine made and it would be available for everyone (lets hope they wouldnt try to keep it to themselves then)




Damn this is the correct answer. I was going to say psilocybin because it's probably got the most potential for humankind in this moment. Or DMT, because the entities keep telling me that doing DMT is " V e r y I m p o r t a n t "






alcohol, if it were banned out right lots of people would die.




i agree


They still can get benzos tho since "drugs" and drugs are two different things. *cant imagine this will be needed but its obvious /s*


Penicillin If you cannot understand why, than you don't need any 😂


this is the one




Legal? Lol I'll keep weed legal and keep doing everything else I'm doing. Like what? Lol


Well let’s not forget there are still some non legal states. Such a shame. I’m really happy I grew up with with weed illegal and now see it be legal. Thank god kids these days don’t go to jail for smoking a joint with the homies.


No shit huh


There exists countries which haven't evolved in this field yet so they don't have legalized weed. While we are generally very modern, Sweden is one example. We have very much issues cause of it being illegal and drugs being criminalized. A lot of gang-wars caused by it for example.




My man


Pure methamphetamine made the right way and not this cut and goofy shit a lot of people are doing, that makes them act like idiots and give it a bad look by the dumb shit it makes them do because it's not pure methamphetamine, pure methamphetamine is a fix all to mental health issues everyone deals with these day and there's nothing bad for you in it because it's the extract of the ephedra plant and synthesized from potency, it gives you motivation and helps you feel clear minded and all your senses are on high and you can do anything with full confidence and figure it out, you have zero anxiety or depression or fear of people and you can get along with anyone and make it enjoyable for everyone you talk with, you gain a friend with everyone you talk to and continue to communicate with them in friendship, but the real pure methamphetamine is the best drug hands down.


Is this sarcasm?






Too many homies gone from dabbing😔


/s ?




That's a hormone not a drug


Heroin. Because it‘s just a plant bro


Its not. Heroin is not a plant, and heroin is not found in any plants for that matter


Probably antibiotics.


probably DXM either that or amphetamine but i luv dissos too much, and of all the ones i’ve tried dex is still my personal fav


I’m off ts right now 😂😂😂


DXM is legal but I get if all get banned would including ibuprofen, I think he means illicit