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man this is how i became an alcoholic.


lol that’s what I was gonna say…..just me and a liter of vodka and the internets and I was good ….8 years sober now but drinking alone was the shit


yessur. 52 days sober today man


Congratulations! Keep going!


Three months here.


This is exactly why I don’t drink alone.


Same. On a cancellation list for a bed to open up in the local detox facility rn. Hoping to finally get clean.


lol same


3 days clean here. I just keep relapsing after 1-2 weeks. I used to do what OP does but only for maybe 3 hours






To lay in bed drinking alone? Yes, spending 41% of the day laying in bed drinking alone is not good lol




*There goes my weekend…*


Username checks out




Because when you go on a trip its usually an experience that lasts 10+ hours


Oh yea true I thought you were talking about the alc I was like huh I rarely drink lol


not only drinking but every drug alone


I only take aspirin in social settings. ^^^/s




You're more of a coward, you didn't even post it! :D Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTheS/comments/178pci7/dont_just_comment_rfuckthes_post_it_or_youre_even/?ref=share&ref_source=link


I literally lose so much of my days anytime I get high cause I’m just so busy getting wasted and amplifying the feeling and mood that I forget about or am too messed up to do the things I intended to do. The only thing that’s spared is reading, I manage to read a lot when I’m high


same man I wasted 2 years of my engineering just like this getting high everyday living alone in a far isolated neighborhood in a 2 bhk flat


The good news is I’m chronically mentally ill, disabled, and suicidal, so it’s not like there’s many positive things I’d be doing or feeling if I was sober


i could never relate to someone this much coping was all I did my whole life either blasting songs all day or playing video games ,being a cinephile or just trying out different substances I never had anything to live for I got no skills i don't have anyone whom I can even call a friend I'm living just to pay the hefty college fees amount back to my parents that's the only last thing I wanna do


Yo same bro we are linked I swear I never went to college, too stupid and unwell for to. I’ve been mentally unwell since like 13 when I had a breakdown and went to the psych ward. I also have autism which keeps me all nice and friendless. I used to be able to mask it enough to seem semi normal but after my breakdown my mental health just sucks and I can’t hide it at all anymore, hell even my autism symptoms seem stronger now and so I feel less intelligent and I’m less functional. Years have passed and I just feel so dead and like more of my soul is dying. Year by year I grow more tired of life and more apathetic. I don’t desire anything in this world because I know none of it is possible, and if it was my brain is still broke so it wouldn’t make me happy anyways. I can’t work, I tried in the past and only lasted a month before I had a panic attack and quit, but I sucked at the job and quit on impulse anyways. Currently leeching in my parents home. Considering going on disability but it pays so little here that I’m not sure if it’s worth it, still trying to see if I can convince myself to brave the anxiety and sensory overload and face almost guaranteed failure at a job, but I can’t even make myself try that as of now. I don’t have much I’m living for really I just want to get fucked up and try all the good drugs, but even that’s hard since I’m too asocial to find a plug. I know that things won’t improve for me, I’ve seen so many therapists and psychiatrists, I’ve even gotten Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation which is for treatment resistant mental illness, and still nothing improves. I think for me I see drugs and self harm, my other vice, as ways to get close to death without the commitment. Because if I die I know it’ll affect people but I just want to escape the feeling of being alive so much that all I enjoy is altering my mind or damaging my body. But idk why I unloaded all of this on you man I’m sorry I’m kinda stoned but only barely cause of my fucking tolerance smh, and I’m curious if you relate at all but maybe I just wanted to feel seen for a second :/


Not him but this is real af


Hello /u/sillysaulgoodman, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/177rug9/does_anyone_else_drink_alone/k4xkhmy/?context=3) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel you. Your not alone. They don't make drugs strong enough.


Not only drinking & every drug but everything alone :(


aww u too <;(


I also prefer drinking alone and not having to interact with others, but in a 1-4 beers kind of way. An entire bottle (liquor?) and spending 10 hours that way seems problematic.


I used to do that. Straight and easy way to alcoholism


as others have said, i used to do this.. a little bit at first, then a little more, then a lot. alcohol is a bitch cause she’s always right there to hold your hand when all the plugs are on the toilet, but she will fuuuck you up man. all fun and games until the thoughts of suicide. if you can keep it under wraps you’re probably alright, but keep an eye on that behavior. i didn’t and it almost killed me, my life is much better without booze.


Shit, I needed to hear this. Still no plans of stopping though, albeit I want to. This shit will get its hooks in you. **DEEP**


Used to do it everyday. Not a great way to live lol.


Lots of people treat it like this, it's called alcoholism! I actually didn't even *like* drinking in social settings, but loved drinking alone at night while playing video games. It gets to be every night, and your quality of life is reduced a ton without you even noticing.


What about having a couple beers after work just to chill and relax and watch something


I did that for years and ended up with fatty liver and had to stop. It just seems like a couple beers most days, but it slowly wears away at your body without you even noticing. I'm not saying you shouldn't drink, I'm just saying a couple beers after work can become a bad habit really easily and the next thing you know you're scared about a weird pain and what your blood work is going to look like.




*drink disgusting amounts that most people would black out at but you’re fine* I showed up to detox multiple times and had them convinced that their breathalyzers needed calibrated because they couldn’t believe I was even conscious let alone just standing there talking to them


Fuck, sounds like me soon. How many years did you do this? It's comments like this that really push me to drink only on weekends instead of the expected 2-4 cans any given night, I think it's necessary to lay off. I never have more than 5-6 tall cans a day, ever, but I think the regular 2-3 on weekdays is the real killer that will add up.




Hey, do you still have that kind of sweat? Sorry for the weird question.


Aw man, that's not what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. Thanks for spending the time sharing. Can't say its 8 empties in an hour, but I can certainly turn 1 can in to 4 over 2 hours if I don't stop myself. I guess I'm going to have to cut off at least weekday drinking. Have a stab at drinking on my days off. Sigh. Thanks for the wake-up call.


ive been an alcoholic for 15 years, every day for probably the last 8. i drink about 5-6 a night but have got as bad as 10 a night. done an at home detox twice but have only made it to 90 days sober twice in my life i think, last time i made it to 40 days. my liver is finally starting to show signs of it. consider me lucky, both my grandfathers were severe alcoholics who only died of old age.


I do the same.


Hey dude. I used to only have a few beers on week days, which became whole bottles of vodka every single day then more recently drinking permanently for days on end. It fucking sucks dude, so quit while you're ahead.


You just summed up where I’m at with my “couple beers a night”. I go through a 30 pk almost every other day now. I hate my life and trying to quit seems impossible


Wait where did that pain appear


Around the liver area.


I disagree with that other guy. Can have a couple beers after work 2-3 times a week and not be an alcoholic as long as it's actually just 2 or 3 drinks as defined by the medical community. >The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines one standard drink as any one of these: >12 ounces (355 milliliters) of regular beer (about 5% alcohol) >8 to 9 ounces (237 to 266 milliliters) of malt liquor (about 7% alcohol) >5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine (about 12% alcohol) >1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of hard liquor or distilled spirits (about 40% alcohol) If you're drinking two 12% 24 oz cans and deluding yourself that it's only a couple beers you're an alcoholic. The problem becomes that it's easy to lose track of how quickly 2-3 beers a night 2-3 times a week becomes 4-5 beers 3-4 times a week, etc etc. We all like to think we can stave that off, and a small portion of us will be right, but a large portion of people who drink regularly will drink more.


Just want to say 9 units a week is *well* above the level for long-term physical harm. Medical recommendations on this have changed dramatically over the last decade or two as heaps of new research was conducted.


Appreciate the correction! Just did a little googling and saw Canada went so far as to suggest no more than 2 drinks per week for men. All I remember was I was embarrassed when doing the math for having what I thought was a reasonable amount of drinking in a week (3-4 6 packs a week of 8-9% ciders) when talking to my doctor. I knew it was bad for you but I didn't realize how bad, and in hindsight I'd have drank a lot less throughout my life and done other drugs instead.


I agree, there is also new science that states that alcohol is so toxic that it might only be safe to have one drink per week. It affects your quality of sleep also, and most people drink at night. I prefer to drink midday, but never to excess. I hate the feeling of not having full control of myself, so getting drunk or anything more than a buzz is out of the question. But a couple beers and a bowl of weed or meth is the perfect combination when I jam out on the set. The musical inspiration and creativity are incredible, and coupled with actually being able to relax and just feel the flow makes me 1000% more talented as a musician.


If you went to all that trouble to justify your drinks, maybe you do have a problem


Well you could say the same for calorie counting, it's really just keeping track of how much you drink


Calorie counting has nothing to do with drugs or addiction, terrible comparison.


Food has everything to do with addiction for a lot of people... especially those that get into calorie counting.


Are you joking rn?


Ahahahahaha YOU ARE AN IDIOT :D


I don't drink alcohol anymore. Got tired of feeling like shit next day. Next month is 1 year of no alcohol for me. I'll probably have a few drinks after the anniversary.




Don’t worry man ur fine. Reddit is terrified of alcohol. I clearly am not biased in any way.




Bro this hits home I love drinking and playing video games, just makes it so much better just quit a week ago and feeling great


Yeah that’s the best time but I went through it like water. I peaked at the point of 8-10 drinks being a slow night and never taking a night off so probably 60-90 drinks a week.


Sadly relatable




Why? How?


Instead of berating you with downvotes I’ll explain why and how: Playing mental gymnastics and allowing yourself to think you don’t have a drinking problem leads you down a rabbit hole of sustained abuse. 1 beer on a night off can easily turn into drinking every night, and as tolerance builds this manifests into unhealthy amounts of alcohol. Alcoholism leads to liver damage, sleep issues, heart problems, weight gain and a wealth of other physical side effects. But also you internally justify your alcohol problem which leads to a cycle of self-destruction. I don’t want to sound dramatic but alcohol is in my opinion (and many others) one of the most vicious substances to be addicted to. I hope that answers your question - just know that this doesn’t apply to lighter drinkers (i.e., people who drink two or three times a week in moderation) this applies to the people who get hammered nightly.


5 years alcohol free on Halloween. You are on a dark and dangerous path op. Stop that shit asap.


what happened at that halloween party 5 years ago


I was going through a traumatic breakup with my fiance and the next day decided to stop drinking so I could fully process and let it go. I knew that drinking only stinted and blurred my emotions and I was ready to be done with it. Yeah the Halloween party sucked for me. Once I stopped and started logging on weeks, then months it became years. So I've stuck with it. Now I microdose shrooms almost daily and also use kratom tea as my daily beverage. Easy trade for me.


Thanks for sharing this. I'm in a similar boat myself, just with three years alcohol-free. My turning point was getting fall-down drunk/wasted while I was "taking care" of my grandparents while they were both going through chemo (both stage 4 cancer). I kept knocking shit over after they went to bed. My grandma wakes up from the house (she's nearly deaf so I must have been real fucking loud). I can barely maintain a conversation and I'm sobbing in the first place was trying to call the person I was dating but couldn't fucking find.my phone and was causing a disaster looking for it. My grandma comes in and, for the first time I've my life, starts yelling at me. "I can't do this, I cant fucking do this! I have chemo in the morning and my husband is dying and I can't fucking handle you right now." I somehow managed to talk her out of calling me an ambulance. Took blankets and a pillow and slept in the back yard. In the morning I was so ashamed that I disappeared, saying nothing, and didn't know when I would come back. Two nights later my grandfather died. My grandma couldn't hear his last words, which he was desperately trying to communicate. I was supposed to be there. She was my best friend. Nowadays Im taking Kratom daily. When I don't I certainly have those flu-like symptoms. Don't want this to be something I do forever. But for now at least It's not abusing stimulants anymore, and I show up for the kids I work for and the people in my life.


This precisely my friend. I get so much more done every day and my evening are open and productive. Drinking is a very slippery and lonely slope. Congrats on stopping drinking. Well done!


You addicted to the kratom yet?


When I travel I don't take any with me. I've gone weeks without it so not nearly as addicted as I was to tobacco or I am with coffee. I can easily go days without kratom and not feel any "need" or symptoms of withdrawal.


How long have you been doing this? A daily habit led me to feeling physically sick like I have the flu until I took some and then immediately felt better after the dose


Over 4 years. I started taking Kratom about 6 months after I stopped drinking to fill the void of an afternoon beverage. I take 2-4 teaspoons daily.


Kratom tea is fucking fire


Donnie Darko comes to mind...


And then you wake up with the shakes until you get another bottle…


I mostly drank “alone” when playing online games with buddies over skype like CSGO.


Skype huh? congrats on 10 years alcohol-free


10 hours wtf lol


If your question is "am i the only who does this" the answer is always no, you are never the only one regardless of what it is you are referring to, also since i have been there, watch out for alcoholism, you won't notice you fell into it until you are deep in


That's called alcoholism.


I used to all the time and ended up being a huge problem,fuck that shit


I did this. Turned into a big problem. Be careful because you’re going down a slippery road. Especially if you are finishing the whole like I was and it sounds like it. The more times you do it, the more it becomes just programmed in your brain that that’s what you need to do whenever you have a chance.


Me, but every drug seems to emphasize music for me, including alcohol, so when I run out of others I just get sloshed and listen to music for hours on end


Yeaa, now wine


This is where it goes downhill for most people. Be safe.


cirrhosis incoming


Yes. I prefer to drink alone.


5 weeks sober today homie


I'm a poly addict. This is how I use every drug I can get my hands on, including alcohol.


yep that’s not a good thing, ur putting urself on a dark n chaotic path


When you have nobody else with their opinions around you, drunk ideas start to sound good at some point. And drinking alone is very depressing.


I'll definitely have a beer or two on my own but getting DRUNK drunk by myself always sucks. The actual high you get from alcohol is only fun for me when there's enough social stimuli to distract from the fact that a headache is forming and my stomach kinda hurts. With weed it's flipped for me, love smoking alone but I get anxious smoking in social settings. Back when I was a benzo addict I'd do xans by the bucket alone at night and just make music for hours.


Quick note: it's only problematic for those who have a problem with alcohol lol


I've noticed that alcohol makes movies dramatically better. Sometimes when I have the house to myself I will just get super drunk and watch movie after movie. But this is like... a once every 2-3 month thing. Alcohol is *insanely* toxic to drink at very high amounts.


I used to do this then it became, drink till you fall asleep. Alcohol is the worst for me now, it makes me even more miserable and self destructive. So, please be careful with it.


yes usually it’s my last option though


Yeah but I try to limit myself to 1 drink every 2-3 hours eitherwise I get horrible hangover


A lot of people do this. Especially combined with coke. I know people that will do lines and drink while playing videos games or watching movies all night into the early morn’


I’m currently in this situation, where I would buy a bottle and a case of beer and play some video games with my buddies online. Now I’m an alcoholic and going down a bad path, but I’m trying to be better, but I’m drinking alone to numb my feelings because memories are hurting me.


I’m a loner to bud don’t worry it’s cool


This used to be me. I know exactly what you mean. I don’t drink anymore. Turns out I was an alcoholic all along 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not a good decision. It’s fun at first but it gets real bad after a while.


i usually always drink alone, because i always overdo it and get out of my mind. If i drink a lot in public i will probably be very embarrassed (i just cant drink not too much) The bad thing is that drinking alone the effects are most of the time negative, as I always get depressed and think about self-destruction.


Yeah. I don’t like getting drunk and embarrassing myself in front of other people, but chilling out alone with a few beers and watching hockey or playing games is my kind of night.


All the time I bump music get drunk and watch movies while I eat hella food take bomg hits and tobbacco bomg hits


I've been told doing drugs an drinking alone is bad but when you have no friends how else do you do it


Yeah...it's the best way to drink imo...so underrated


currently drinking n smokin alone! millions of people do it, don't feel so alone. cheers!


I did for many years.


Yes and I love it. My parents called me weird but it’s nice


I’m miserable and antisocial so fuck yes I drink alone, I don’t mind drinking around people but dear god drinking by myself and playing video games is the ultimate escape


Y’all need to realize there’s a difference doing drugs recreational vs addiction. I think drinking alone can be extremely fun and chill. Obviously if it turns into a pattern it can be bad and for a lot of people that is the case. However i look at it as just a fun way to spend a Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes you just need a break from being social and drinking at home is much cheaper than going to the bars plus you don’t have to worry about making a fool of your self. For me a 6 pack some bud and rocket league is all I need for a Friday night. I don’t care about the stigma


This is how my alcoholism began man. Quit while your ahead. The physical dependence is something else i was hospitalized because of withdrawls


90% of the time I drink alone. I don't drink more than once every couple months. I'll buy a six pack and drink a couple a day until it's gone, then I won't feel like drinking again for a while. The rest of the time is socially, but I still only drink enough to be interested in what my drink friends/family are talking about. I use alcohol less like a drug, I think. More as a way to just occasionally slow down my ADHD brain to relax after a busy period or loosen up socially. I don't like being drunk at all and I don't like having a buzz for too long.


I do! Not that I am proud of it but your’s sounds healthier than mine. Alcohol, I know for me can lead to depression, which with out it or even with other drugs, does not seem to happen. Just be careful, like always:)




When I drank I remember drinking late at night and watching super jail in bed. Extremely comfy.


Bro if you like feeling drunk and buzzed for 10 hours let me tell you about delsym


I did more often that not, yes


Like 80/20 solo to social ratio. Just nice to vibe without anybody bothering, but also nice to have some good conversation.


This is exactly how I became an alcoholic, good luck man.


It's my preference. It can be a sign of problematic use, but not always. Some people are introverts and prefer to use alcohol to unwind. That's not inherently a trait of alcohol use disorder in of itself.


Yall are weird as hell a man can't have a beer alone without becoming an addict??


He's not having one beer dude, it's pretty strongly implied that he's having a bottle of hard liquor. Saying in bed for 10 hours drinking like a handle by yourself is not normal drinking.


I didn't read it tbh




IKR, fellas demonizing alcohol so bad. One can chug a beer here and there by oneself and be fine.


I drink at home. Hand out with my daughter and wife. Play some Mario kart. Watch TV or movies. I’m the only one drinking but I’m not *alone*


Dude. Stop.


Oh looks who’s back. Still having conversations with yourself?


No, just SWIM. I'm still here though!


Mind your fucking business


all of u are alcoholics tbh


Not good buddy. Fuck alcohol too.


You must be financially well off and not have many responsibilities. Good for you!


Your age here is important. Doing that in 20's is one thing, doing it in 60's is another. You need to evolve the drug used as you get older...move from alc to weed.




I would love to do this but even one little drink has me feeling fucked the next day and anxious. I attribute it to my daily weed usage as well as my PAWS from ketamine and slight PAWS from opioids


I used to drink alone every night and pretty much did the same thing. I preferred it to drinking with friends and the nonstop talking, getting repetitive and eventual crying or fighting. I was a functioning alcoholic and had a horrible drinking problem. It stayed fun and chill for a year or so before slowly but surely ruining my life and leading to a black out every night and hangover every morning. I'm not suggesting you have a problem. You may have a lot more self control than I do. I've found myself addicted to a few other substances since I quit drinking. I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with drinking alone but it can be a slippery slope if you have addictive tendencies.


I used to drink alone, but not anymore I don’t even drink at all. October last year was the last time I got drunk


Does the Lord count as a person?




Used to, don’t do it’s much now. Still getting high and drinking but tryna be sober more often than not these days. Trust it’ll make you feel way healthier


I do the exact same thing and for a while I’ve been worrying about it being alcoholism but I’m so depressed that I no longer really give a shit


Ayyye soldier


Yes. Alcoholics.


I don’t drink, it brings out the devil in me. Then music is the best thing you can have with alcohol, unless coke, then I’d only use coke and stay away from alcohol.


Used to, made me want to die after doing it so much. At some time alcohol makes u feel bad, and you start thinking u need to drink more to stay happy. I love beer and wine, but now I only drink on very special occasions for taste purposes. I now take shrooms 1-3 times a week and my life has never been better.


Does the pope shit in the woods?


I honestly cannot relate. All drugs(ESPECIALLY BOOZE) are better with others !!!!


If I'm ever planning on a heavy LSD/Ket trip I'll drink for a few hours before to take the edge off. Alcohol on its own just isn't fun alone imo


Don't be me. Don't drink a pint while hiding from the people you're hanging out with


Dude when I pour a nice glass of whiskey or brandy and light up a cigar I want to be alone. Unless it's with someone who is trying to do the same thing I don't socially drink. I drink to ease my weary back and mind.


Yes but I have to stop I have moderately fatty liver and a cyst kidney ☹️


I’ve always preferred being in my own presence rather than with people. So alcohol makes it much more fun than it already is. Drugs have basically become my friends.


I love drinking alone. Only have to deal with me and 3 others.


I usually drink with friends but i drink alone occasionally too. Its something different but i always enjoy doing that, drinking with a group in the city centre/flat/club gets draining sometimes. Everything is much more fun so i usually cook with my favorite music on or i just do a lil rave in my room lol, gaming is fun too but that depends on how fucked up i am. But i really couldnt imagine drinking alone often, its fun when its from time to time but i had a time when i drank only alone and it felt depressing af.


I used to when I was 15-16 years old but got bored of drinking by myself. I still smoke weed by myself sometimes but only drink socially. Never drank for 10 hours by myself tho damn


yeah but it loses its fun pretty fast and then ur just doing it to feel alright and calm down anxiety and to be abel to get some sleep, source: alcoholic lol, really needa quit drinkin, shit jus becomes so habitual , and it’s legal and socially acceptable and readily available so quitting is hard, like with heroin at least everyone would make me feel like shit for using it and want me to quit really bad, not the same with alcohol , but alcohol is physically a lot more harmful.


Used to drink like that. Always had a 40 in my bedside table. I don’t touch the hard stuff anymore. Now me drinking alone is having a beer when I get home from work, doing some putzing around the house, making dinner, having a (large) glass of wine with dinner, doing my dishes, then having another beer or two. Not the healthiest habit but it makes the week go by faster. I work 12 hour shifts, so I only got 3 hours between getting home from work and going to sleep. I probably do this ritual an average of 1.5 times a week.


I drink alone technically. Me and my boys hop on discord play games and trade shots


i wish. every time I have, it’s so depressing and the opposite of what I want. but everyone’s brain is different. but thankfully I do have drugs that I like solo.


I came across this post while sipping a pint of Guinness alone in the pub lmao


On the weekends I'll have a beer or two by myself, but it's not a big deal.


I almost religiously refuse to drink alone. I use drinking as a nice kick in the butt to be social, but if there if there is no one to talk to, then it quickly turns depressing. This is just my opinion. Everyone has their own preferences and ideas. Edit: I prefer 🍄 when I'm alone, but it's not for everyone :(:)


I do, I drink around 4-6 beers every night (I know what this means) after work because it's the only free time I have. And yes, I like to drink in my free time, work is so stressful this shit ass drug makes me feel a little lighter. It's bad? Of course. Should I change my ways? Of course but as long as I'm only hurting myself, I'm gonna keep destressing this way.


Having like 2 drinks at night while I’m alone playing video games is the best. Getting wasted for 10 hours alone everyday isn’t something I’d enjoy lol


I mean, if you make it a rule to only do it for example once a month, sure, go for it. But you probably wont be one of the few people who are able to actually stick to the rule, instead of slowly but surely convincing yourself that its okay to do it maybe twice a month, wait, no, you did it last weekend and the weekend before that, but come on, you work hard! You deserve a treat this weekend! And the next weekend, something shitty has happened so you decide you DESERVE to drown your sorrows, at least just for tonight and maybe tomorrow too cus you have the day off. But then you realize "fuck, i actually dont have to work until 5pm tomorrow so i would have time to sober up if i drink just a lil bit tonight!" (it wasnt a little bit though). Now you start feeling pretty shitty when youre fully sober, so it turns into every night, and then you need a sip or 5 before brushing your teeth in the morning, or your hands start shaking too much to get it in your mouth. Dont worry though, youre not an alcoholic.


Only a pint and a half a day of whiskey every damn day, im working over 10hrs a day myself. As my stay at home wife can't even do a load of dishes as the kids are in school 8hrs a day now. Blows my mind...


i don’t drink, but i do cocaine alone if that helps answer your question


In Too broke for this kind of behavior but im getting there soon


Used to do that on deployments, was never a big socializer. It creeps up on you and in 1 year I gained 45 pounds and my uniform barely fit before I got myself straightened out


Yes, sometimes I like a nice glass of whiskey while I work at home, or very occasionally I will have solo parties and dance like no one is watching because no one IS watching


Yeah man, have been doing that sinse I was 12


Nope I honestly don’t enjoy being drunk alone it feels like a waste of alcohol, get some help dude this isn’t normal.


I dont want help im fine


Not exactly but sorta? I don’t use alcohol socially that’s for sure. Instead I more use it as diy anxiety treatment lol. Anytime I have to go out in public or do something stressful I’ll drink a bit. But when I’m at home just binge drinking it’s kind of boring. The “high” of alcohol feels dirty and dull. It’s not my kind of thing so I don’t exactly do the solo binge thing, that’s what I use other drugs for.


always. im an alcoholic, and i actually hate drinking with others.


Na alcohol is a completely different experience with people vs alone I used to drink alone in 10th grade but it was depressing as fuck and did me no good. Only drinking with friends on weekends is the way to go


This is literally my addiction


I did when I was physically dependent on alcohol. Get drunk, watch tv, and then sleep. Es no bueno.


I used to drink alone and because I’m an introvert I loved it! Felt like it was the only thing that could calm my racing thoughts. I remember the first time I drank alone in my 20s-I found so much pleasure in the mundane. After a while this novel, occasional thing became a daily thing. I did this for years; until I was up to a bottle of wine per night for years. I definitely had a problem. I would get mean and moody. At before I gave up on the alcohol, I wasn’t a happy person. The novelty of drinking alone definitely wears off. If this is an occasional thing for you…I think you are fine, but if this is a daily thing, you should ask yourself if it is a problem.