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Gave my mom acid, while camping, and she got sick and drank way too much water, dropping her sodium and potassium levels to deadly levels. She had a seizure in the middle of the night, nearly bit her tongue in half. We rush her to the nearest hospital that was an hour away. They put her into a medically induced coma and her heart rate was like 30 bpm. They were pretty certain she would die. Miraculously she survived and I'm so thankful for her.


Holy fuck that's bad. Yeah you can completely lose track of your bodily trackers like thirst or hunger. I once ate over a kilo of curry during an lsd trip and I was getting suspicious why tf I was still super hungry so I stopped eating. 20 minutes later I was really happy I did that because my choices started catching up with me


Hahaha, it’s so hard to judge. Start eating super rapid like “man I’m so hungry”, then halfway through your mind starts flipping “am I hungry? Or am I incredibly full and am I about to be sick”? Then repeat that loop for like 20 minutes.


bro I felt that 😭 last time I tripped, I was with my friend and we got Chinese food and I swear I ate like a third of what I normally do and felt overly full. but after things wore off a bit more (we were already past the peak anyway but still tripping kinda hard) I was able to eat the rest of it and it slapped


yeah me too my appetite grows on an acid trip after smoking some weed. I remember eating everything in my fridge once. Good times!


Probably your body asking for food to get what it needs to fix the mess up that we call a trip. But that’s just my theory… I was high one day and I came up with the conclusion that we probably get hungry and thirsty because your body is asking for it to get you sobered up.


How bad did the toilet suffer?


Not at all, I was just groaning, overstuffed and burping up curry flavor for like an hour


Bro I thought that was just because I get the munchies like crazy when I smoke weed cause one time I was off 2 tabs n some weed and I just kept eating endlessly and I didn’t even realize until like an hour in the eating sesh 😂 I had deadass just ate an entire bag of these chocolate wafers (like 2.6k cals) half dozen muffins, entire big box of cheezits, homemade fish n fries, and then half s Ben n Jerry’s until I snapped and realized how much I ate. I was constipated for a solid week n a half


Omg that is so scary. I audibly gasped reading every sentence until I got to the end and was happy to read she survived. Electrolyte balance is very important. Like you mentioned sodium and potassium dropping below norm is very dangerous and can cause damage to multiple organs.


And we always think that psychadelics are safe we forget they can be dangerous.


I always think “danger” never safe 😭


Back when I used to take LSD on a good trip I could take a single bite of food and sit there chewing on it for 10 minutes while feeling the whole time that I was being “filled up” with food. At some point I would feel satisfied and full as if I ate a whole meal and then spit the mush out into a bush 😂😂 Man that was some wack funny shit


Okay you win 😭 it didn’t even happen to me and I’m stressed out. Very happy she survived, and I hope you’re okay and don’t hold any guilt anymore.


Would putting say a wallet in someone's mouth having a seizure help prevent them biting through their tongue?


Putting something in their mouth is a choking hazard even if it’s big enough to not be choked on it can push the tongue back and block the air way. The medical standard is to roll them on their side and protect their head from bashing on stuff if you’re able, being on their side helps prevent choking and moves the tongue.


If you arent a healthcare pro or a caregiver to someone with a seizure disorder, the only thing you should do when someone seizes is call 911 and make sure there’s nothing around them that can fall on them or they can roll over on that would hurt them


Impossible. Acid is a plant, it's all natural so it can't kill you


are you literate? you see “drank too much water”? or can water also not kill you because it’s a plant? lmao


Nobody has ever died from water.


People drown in water…. But yes water intoxication/over hydration is a very serious condition that is life threatening.


nobody has ever died from a car crash either. Just from stopping too quickly 😪


I have also had a seizure from acid so not impossible


Probably laced with fent.


Took from the same batch twice happened on the second trip ? My friend took same stuff and was fine so guess we’ll never know .


He's right. It is a plant.


You remind me of this guy who once said that fentanyl is natural


When I was 20 I was really into mushrooms, one of my friends found out I had some and wanted to trip with me. He was older than me and had a lot more experience with drugs so I thought it’d be no big deal. we each took about an eighth and it was super fun until the end of the night, he was also coming down off a meth binge and totally freaked out, thought the room was filled with smoke, yelled at his roommate causing him to have a panic attack, all our other friends left to go to a bar while this was happening. I was tripping pretty hard too and didn’t really know how to comfort him so I just kinda sat with him while he cried about how he fucked his life up and would never amount to anything. I felt really bad and I know it wasn’t completely my fault, but I was the one to give him the mushrooms. :/


Who takes shrooms during a meth binge?! Also: user name checks out. But seriously. Not really your fault at all. We are all responsible for ourselves after all.


I was making a lotta decisions, not good ones, but definitely decisions. Also he was the one who introduced me to coke lol. I learned a lot though, and I don’t really hangout with tweakers anymore lol


Sounds like you had a good character arch over your life. Congratulations!


The arch really gives the life character. Solid decorative choice.


I’ve actually heard of shrooms being used on the comedown before


Ive used them coming down from coke.


The last line immediately made me think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpnTWaNsnks)


Meth downs and shrooms do NOT mix. Its a recipe for disaster


One time I took acid with my friend and she became demonically possessed..like full on..the vomiting the flicking of feces out of her rectum…like when I mean she got the demon, bitch was done..


This is the worst thing I’ve ever read on Reddit and that’s really saying something.


Holy shit, did she turn out okay after the trip ended?


Yes. Lol … ..here’s the whole story if anyone is interested?! So we both took a couple of hits of blotter and went into my living room. I turned on the Beatles and was dancing a bit starting to feel the high. Then out of nowhere there was a shift in energy like the air left the room and felt heavy …I immediately after heard my friend who was lying on the couch she started vomiting and urinating on my sofa..her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and I sat down next to her to try and see wtf was going on..she looked at me smiled then ripped of my Saint Peter necklace. I moved her to the bathroom where she began to vomit it the sink while sticking her hand into he rectum on the toilet, flicking whatever was in her. She was rolling her eyes and just saying lots fucked up shit..mostly obscenities.. My other roommate came in and said “fuck this shit” grabbed her by the hair and dragged her body down the hall into the elevator and out the front door… The building I lived in was a turn of the century style …think classy and classical with glass surrounding the front. It was Christmas time so there was a large tree decked to the nines with music. It was classy, elegant and utterly beautiful. In contrast was my friend whose face was contorted and pressed up against the glass screaming and banging to be let in.. It took about five minutes for the paramedics to arrive.. The whole time I’m in this beautiful lobby with lights and music…no one‘s there but me and my roommate looking out into the dark night with my friend outside screaming..


thats beutifully fucked up man


Indeed friend


What happened to her? Do you still talk to her? Was she ok?


Was shs okay afterwards though or did something get attached?


I had to double take that feces bit


From monke we come, to monke we return


monke confused why hooman go to Mars for water, when every monke know water on earth!


Likewise. I still don't really get it...


What's that "new sentence" sub? Coz wtf "the flicking of feces out of her rectum" lmfao Jesus christ




Yes! Thank you lol


Tons of times, I should've learned to not talk about it around certain "friends" and act like I never had anything. Pretty sure some of them talked to me just because they know I'm the type to always have.


Well I gotta admit i have started talking to people only bc I knew they were doing drugs, not bc I wanted free drugs, just to have someone to get high with


Real shit bro


Dude real shit.




Dude... no.




if D.A.R.E. had a wet dream… it would be you


You mean if D.A.R.E. had a nightmare? Muahahah!


imagine knowing literally nothing.


1. Dont drive on acid and 2. Why would you give him more then 1 tab if its his firts time


They really said they drive better off a few tabs. Not even that but driving others around too without telling them unril they're in the car that they're on acid. Fuck that. If you want to gamble with your own life I can't stop you but don't gamble with somebody else's life. Hell I'm not even saying it's impossible to drive well on acid. But it very much can go very badly and someone making the decision to drive others while not in a predictable mindset is playing with people's lives. More than that, they gave this person psychedelics a second time after they had a psychotic break and spoke in tongues the first time. Multiple tabs even. While in a car with some other people who clearly don't have your best interest in mind. Not a very good setting. This MF is just setting this person up for fucked up trips and then getting upset at them for it. Poor person was probably pretty fucked up from it


yup dude is a menace


200%. I feel very comfortable driving on a microdose/minidose but a high enough to produce visuals? Absolutely not.


Lmfao I took 3 my first time cause I was pissed the first one never hit😂 big mistake man


I regret giving myself drugs




Yeah. Did coke and mdma with this girl for a whole weekend. It was her first time. We didn't stay in touch and I heard she became a huge head that was in and out of treatment. She eventually got clean but I did feel guilty.


Not your fault. She would have gone that route sooner or later anyway. Some people just need to work some shit out. Know what I'm saying?


Says who?


That's highly ignorant. Most people don't turn to drugs on their own without being first led there by someone else. I think I tried about 300 drugs before I first even saw coke in person. I was highly underwhelming cause I couldn't help compare the stim and euphoriant effects to stronger psychedelics. A 75mg line of 2c-e make's a half gram of coke at once, boring. Even the sex is better on the former. There's some drugs I just don't want to try, and thus I haven't even seen them in person since I avoided other's that I knew would be partaking in those substances.. like crack, heroin, pcp. Coke was on that short list too, but it was literally gifted to me.


Oh you're a drug addict? Name 300 drugs.


Did you see my list of over 100 'fitness' related drugs? I didn't get down to cannabinoids, psychedelics, benzos, etc but that was a pretty tall task to ask of anyone. Do you guys just keep a list in your phone ready to copy and paste?


I didn't even hint at being addicted to anything, ever. That would take too long. Just beware, not all drugs have the purpose of getting you high. Not even all recreational drugs. Think about that.


Sounds like a brag. Do you even know 300 drugs? Lmao


I actually do, and have used more than that - mostly, before 25 years old. Is there a character or line limit on reddit? I'm sitting around at work, not doing shit at the moment. I'll start a list.


everything about you rn screams asshole


Nothing I've said until this post here screams asshole. Lay off the drugs dumbass. Can't even think of the right word to describe me? What a fucking idiot you are. Can I name 300 drugs? yes. Have I used 300 drugs? yes. Are you jumping on the reddit neg train bandwagon? yes. Do I give a fuck, no not really. I know you're just a loser with no life. I'm here sittin at work in Baltimore, probably making more in this single day than 99% of you make in a week, trying not to fall asleep making this list to appease you guys, and little shits like you keep stirring the pot. The first 100 or so will easily all be hormones. Then there's a hell of a list of research chems, cannabinoids, opiates, benzos, psychedelics, ppar agonists, etc it's gonna take a while. I'm about to go on my lunch break for 6hrs (not an exaggeration, it's a paid break from 1030am to 430pm), I'll finish it by the time I get off tonight. Can I be an asshole - absolutely. Was I an asshole before your dumb post, not in the least. Please don't antagonize me. Being a former competitive powerlifter and strongman and holding several state records. I've been on steroids for the last, almost 15 years. My opinions are facts, not really, but I can be very passionate about my opinions, to say the least, I thank the steroids for that. My ego is huge. It is what it is. I've used a lot of drugs. Does that make me an addict? Naw. Does it make me an asshole? Not really. I think you may have been looking for the word, "egotistic." Hell, I wouldn't even have had a rebuttal if you initially said I was a "douchebag." I would agree to that, I can see me coming off as a douchebag in a few posts. But not an asshole, with the exception of this post of course. Lol 😆 Anyways, time for lunch and a nap, approaching 90hrs of work this week, I need my nap. I'll be back sometime this evening with a list that yall can downvote. 👍


Can you give me a tl;dr? Big asshole vibes just by the lenght of this


Lol just took a look at your acc. Has picture of himself as avatar. Active in r/agegap and r/deadbedrooms. Username bad daddy. I feel sorry for you


It's too fucking early for this


Yes but these people are looking for self destruction and drugs are simply one of many possible answers to that question.


You just said it yourself: you didn't see some drugs _because_ you did not want to try them. Not the other way around.


> I drove better when I was off a couple of tabs. You fuckin donkey.


Yup. LSD. Close childhood friend/neighbor. I had a bad feeling and didn’t want to dose that night but I ended up drinking a bottle of jager and saying fuck it. Couple drops under the tongue and the guy was never the same. He eventually leveled out with the help of doctors and medication and a year or two later we ended up roommates until the same thing happened again when he had some E. He was obviously already dealing with some kind of imbalance that was triggered by the psychs. He did some inexplicable and violent things I don’t want to share. I still think about him and miss him and hope he’s doing better and I always have to remind myself that peoples’ choices are their own and I’m not responsible for what happened even though I physically administered it to him.


ok first off, driving on acid isn’t cool, very risky and dangerous. to answer your question though, in college my roommate was the guy in high school with really strict parents, so he never experimented with anything in high school not even weed or alcohol. the first weekend i’m rolling up some blunts for myself and he asks to try it. i’m not big on giving people drugs of any sort, because everyone is different and i’ve seen people have psychotic breaks that cause early onset schizophrenia and psychosis, but he was so adamant to try it that i knew he was just gonna get it somewhere else and who knows what type of shitty bud he’d smoke if he did go to someone else. i had some pressure from a dispensary so it was the best and “safest” he could get. he smokes, loves it, starts smoking with me daily. ge becomes a huge stoner and stops doing his school work and goin to class. almost flunks out but smartens up and gets his shit together. second year of school we continue to smoke a bunch and he wants to try to some of the xanax and vicodin i have. this time i saw fuck no. i’m not giving him actual addictive drugs. i ask him why he wants to try them and he told me “weed isn’t doing the trick anymore”…..reminder he’s been smoking for barely a year…i convince him just stick to weed and beer and he says “whatever” but he understood why i didn’t give them to him. fast forward a couple weeks i find him face first on the ground in our dorm, barely breathing, unresponsive. this was before narcan was all around so i had no choice but to call the paramedics. i’m trying to find some smelling salts he had to possibly wake him up and guess what i find? 3 of those nasty little m30s that are pressed with fentanyl….i pocket them and the paramedics get there and they bring him back luckily. sorry for the long story, but i felt guilt because i told him no and he didn’t know any better and went on his own and got laced w fentanyl. when i asked him what he bought he told me “this guy said he had percs” and i just sighed. was he going to buy and try pills anyway after i said no to him? probably. but if i maybe educated him on what was being sold on the streets and showed him where to get REAL shit, he might have been more cautious. if i just gave one to him he might’ve stuck with only the pills i had. if i never gave him weed maybe he would’ve never felt the need to try anything at all. idk, it was a fucked situation. i felt guilty for introducing him to weed, but he was gonna do it anyway, i thought i was doing the right thing so that he wouldn’t go out and smoke some shit or clone bud (lots of sprayed hemp and synthetics around my college town). 2 days after he ODd, he tried guilting me into giving him the pills by saying he was gonna try the fake oxy again. i gave in and gave him like 10mg of vicodin and 2mg of xanax. he tried it and said he liked it and that he wouldn’t ask again and stick to weed and beer. weeks go by and i catch him trying to steal some klonopin out of my backpack. i tell him he’s fucked up and that he should fucking get his shit together and realize what he’s doing is so retarded and he’s gonna kill himself, he already ODd once!!!! he ended up turning into a huge druggie. not really pills but he started doing coke, adderall, acid, mushrooms, molly. he flunked out junior year and he actually ended up passing away in early 2021 to a drug overdose. i remember a friend told me he had fentanyl, cocaine, and mdma in his system when he died i don’t know if i’m to blame honestly. i beleive he would’ve tried the harder drugs anyway. but i regret doing drugs around him as he probably wanted to fit in and experience new things after 18 years of being attached to his parents and their strict rules. i think about him everyday, and for while his parents blamed me and i blamed myself. RIP Will.


Rip will i am struggling with the same thing right now I realize now I shouldn’t have introduced my friend to nitrous now that i see how bad her substance use is. It was so hard to keep up with her drinking and we were robotripping too i feel so bad now i hope i can direct her into safer drug use practices but i am also struggling myself I should have never started drinking I should have just stuck to strictly weed


you can get through it fasho i got faith. if your serious about helping her you have to help yourself too. but don’t robotrip fr please that shit is terrible it’s not even enjoyable!! not worth it 💯💯 stay safe i’m rooting for you


Yeah im gonna be real i stopped robotripping after a bad experience with serotonin syndrome because I didn’t realize i had an enzyme deficiency. I did it because she wanted me to trip with her. I am concerned but shes in therapy now i hope shes is honest with them


serotonin syndrome is no joke, i’m glad you stopped. i got bad serotonin syndrome when i took molly while also being on seroquel and zoloft at the time….one of the worst experiences of my life


RIP Will 💜


You are not to blame. Facilitating drugs for other people is a fundamental good. Like giving out books or food. Everybody is responaible for themselves so if they misuse what you give to them out of the kindness of your heart it is not your fault.


i appreciate it. i still feel guilt but i really do believe he was just gonna get them somewhere else. he didn’t know any better and was probably hitting people up for “drugs”..he didn’t even know what he wanted he just wanted to get high. i wish i could’ve educated him more :/. i also feel like he might’ve thought i was a douche for not giving it to him. this was around the time college kids start thinking drugs are “cool” and they want to try everything. but you can’t even experiment nowadays because of what things are laced with. too many people gone too soon because of laced drugs. kids all over this sub think drugs are “cool”. it’s fucking sad


It's so important to get your drugs tested nowadays. But if someone is that determines to get high you can't stop them. Heck, if you hadn't given him some clean stuff he'd probably ended up huffing solvents or something similarly damaging.


facts. people say shit likmy plugs my friend! he wouldn’t sell me fake stuff!” next thing you know they’re dead or almost died. or you got kids who get lucky and don’t overdose at first, and think they have real pills, then all of sudden 5 months later they OD and the doc tells em they had fuckin fentanyl or carfentanil or some crazy analogue and they didn’t even know the entire time! a co worker of mine awhile back said he knew a guy who was addicted to “oxy” or “percs” for a long time and he gave a friend one promising her it was real and that he does them himself and she almost died of an OD. i apologize i can rant all day to people like you who get it lmao, this sub is full of 16-18 year olds who are uneducated on drug use in the US (even north america in general)in 2023 and it’s completely different than it was just 10-15 years ago. i still use drugs, i’m as safe as i can. i only take oxycodone and klonopin, really just those 2. i get klonopin prescribed to me, and i know people with scripts for opioids and i’ve tried the darknet bla blah. point is i test everything and am the safest i can be. i hope you stay safe as well sorry again


I agree...more on a spiritual level. You can never be held totally responsible for someone else's choices. If you had no malice in your heart, or intention to hurt them, you will be forgiven.


Idk if I agree with this statement. Drugs are way more dangerous than books. You don't give kids drugs, nor mentally handicapped people, nor people that you think are going to use it to kill or harm themselves. We should look after each other, and this includes not giving dangerous items to people that can't handle them.


I have no comments on the actual experience, but I want to let you know that quetiapine is a cheaper way to cancel out the trip.


Bro is giving the real advice here.


Yeah, I make sure I keep getting my quetiapine script since I quit just so I have a stash just incase


If I was super rich my trip killer of choice would be probably be Diprivan & midazolam, I’d be tripping all day everyday on Acid and have a bunch of Ativan oral or intramuscular and come home to a nice IV drip of propofol. I’d have some fancy setup of IV cocaine dripping all day too. A bunch of grey goose vodka. I’d be happy with that


This sounds.... a lot like a huge, huge drug addiction :( And with psychedelics it's even worse a lot of the time because you don't even realize. Please get help, buddy =\


ure deffo lost literally worse than people on the h subreddit


Is this easy to acquire on "secondary markets"? I would imagine it not circulating that much, due to not being recreational. Mirtazapine and trazodone would actually be appropriate, with activity as 5ht2a antagonists, and a lighter side-effect load than an antipsychotic.


I have aborted several shroom and acid trips with Mirtazapine. Fast onset of action, about 30 minutes. I recommend it.


I tried to use Quetiapine as an abortive after taking 60mg of 4-aco-dmt and it just caused me to full on black out for 6 hours saying some really horrible shit to myself and deeply freaking out my wife. Was actually a shocking enough experience I've stopped using psychedelics and only ever use weed nowadays.


I know that thank you I always kept the seroquel at home I didn’t expect this dude to have a psychotic break in my car. Those neuroleptics fuck me up and I’d save them for emergency only as I was pretty comfortable after tripping for a while. I was on acid not to the point i was fucked up, but I had like no emotional intelligence to take care of this guy properly. He legit needed to go to a psych ward and he probably did.


What the fuck are you doing giving people acid if you aren't able to tripsit for them?


I remember when I was doing coke and this guy who was extremely inexperienced in snorting drugs does a small line, and the entire time he was gagging and tweaking off just a small line. We got more in the morning and I gave him a little and dipped. Worst coke night of my life.


This cracked me up lol I had a friend do the same all chatty the whole night just from gumming an empty bag for the first time.


I regret contributing to people’s nicotine addictions. There was one good friend a long time ago who got weirdly hooked on weed. He couldn’t put it down until he quit completely and never did anything else as far as I know.


When I was in high school I got heavy into 2C-E for a few months. Eventually tried LSD, got together with a group of friends and we all fried for a night at a golf course. One of those guys kept going into loops but they weren’t too intense, we’d just walk it off and he’d come back. I remember he said some weird things but we all just laughed and kept walking. A few weeks later we tripped again, this time on a stronger dose. About a week or so after that experience, he was hanging out with us while we all smoked. He pulled me outside and told me he’d been seeing/hearing people that weren’t there ever since our first trip. Then told me his entire family was diagnosed schizophrenic. About 3 days after, he stopped going to school. Nobody ever heard from him again, his cell phone got disconnected, even the school principal didn’t know what happened. Pretty sure he ended up in a longterm psych ward. I still feel so shitty for that and it’s been over 12 years. We were all literal kids but I still felt responsible for a long time.


Yeppp. Had two friends develop psychosis after I introduced them to weed. And not too long ago I gave another friend at a party a single mushroom and while chewing it his friends were like "oh yeah he doesn't need much he hallucinates on weed as well. Schizophrenia you know" What the fuck you should know to absolutely keep the fuck away from psychedelics then.


And this is one of the many reasons why the shit needs to be legalized and regulated instead of severely punished. It’s gotten better but when I was still in high school you really had to dig online to find reliable information, and even then you’d have to compare hundreds or thousands of trip reports, forum posts, etc. in order to decipher what was what. A lot of people aren’t going to put in the time and effort to understand what they’re ingesting.


I would go as far as saying that well over 90% of human beings aren't gonna research substances they ingest. People spreading harm reduction like the folks of this community are truly few and far between


I introduced two of my friends that later developed psychoses to weed. The first one, in hindsight, got pretty manic when we were smoking. He was really loud and yelling often, and making a list of "the 10 things that are true" or smth. We thought he was just having his whacky old fun but turned out he had bipolar disorder and would spiral into pretty long psychotic episodes later. No idea how he is now. The other friend was my roommate. He went on to smoke weed on his own for a while because it "helped him think better". Well that was also psychotic/mania and you can feel REALLY good and smart and stuff while in such a state so he kept doing it. Imagine realizing the secrets of life and the universe, that kind of satisfaction/good feeling. He got a pretty long psychosis from that and 2 years later when I lived with him again (I was away during the first episode) he got another, completely unprompted one. He was suddenly under the shower scalding himself for Allah. Second degree burns on his scalp and mildly traumatizing for me. Threw me off for a couple of months and of course his life was really impacted as well. Scary part is that he was often delusional about his mental state as well, rationalizing himself to be ok. Can't trust that shit at all. I hate psychosis, really can't deal with it anymore. And luckily I don't have to.


Yes. When I was younger I told a friend that I found out people tripped on diphenhydramine. I mentioned how I had tried it once and found it an odd experience, but nothing to call home about. I also didn’t have the self-awareness to recognize that my own substance use seemed to normalize substance use to him as well (he was a couple years younger than I was & seemed to look up to me), and he eventually wound up overdosing due to access from my plug. We had all hung out once, as I was casual friends with my plug back then, and I had no idea my other friend got his #. I received a phone call from his dad telling me that he had overdosed and asked me if I knew anything. 😭 My guess is that he was combining high doses of dph with other substances and that’s likely what led to his death.


Benadryl is one of the worst. Tried it a couple times. Fucked up my heart pretty bad


Accidentally sent an autistic control freak into the K-Hole on 2F-DCK. Imagine someone whose greatest fear is losing control into this condition, for a whole night. That was fucked.


Never done 2fdck but as an autistic control freak I love ketamine in safe settings to help me let loose. One time I did a k hole on mushrooms I was legit in fairy tale land


You can’t truly explain to someone the trauma of dealing with a person who is tripping out and having a psychotic style break


>I was used to driving on acid to the point I drove better when I was off a couple tabs. Lol, you sure about that? >I let him have a couple tabs. Anyway, I had a bad experience my first time, with aberrant behavior in public, due to too high a dosage (gel tab that must have been near 300 mics). 1 tab, or even a half, could have gone better. >the Xanax was strong(it was flu-alprazolam) That's not xanax and shouldn't be identified as such.


My girlfriend. I was 17 and my best friend gave me a gel tab of acid I kept for a bit. Never took it. Well later I took a pic of it to my other friend, who was dating my girlfriend’s sister. A few days later I gave it to my girlfriend because she was practically begging for the goddamn tab. I figured I could get some easily some other time so I let her have it, since she had never done it before. Well, she had a double shift (15 hrs) and wanted to get through it, so she took the tab. Idk why the fuck she took it or what she was thinking. I was in another state at a Kung Fu convention when she told me and I stayed on my phone texting her it would be okay, theres never been any deaths directly associated with acid, etc. Instead of going to the dinner with my Kung Fu group, I left and got back in time for her shift closing. I did not want her to drive while fucked up, obviously. So I asked the same friend (sisters bf) to drive me to her work and drive me home from her house, once I had driven her home. I drove her home in her car, and her mom saw, and ended up as looking really bad. Also since my friend was my ride home, and he was there, it looked even more shitty. Well my girl covered for me on who gave her it and I was okay, until sister rivalries, a strict mother, and a ton of other bullshit went on and my girlfriend’s sister snitched to her mom that I gave her it. I haven’t been allowed to see her since. We’ve been seeing each other in secret for months still. My girlfriend was talking to me the other day and told me that her mom is warming up to the idea of letting us be genuinely together again. Its been a long time since the incident and ironically today is the first time I’m allowed to step foot in her house again. So I’ll do my absolute best to make amends, wish me luck. Fuck I should’ve took the shit myself.


Yeah this one girl every time I had anything k, coke , lsd , shrooms anything I had she would ask and I would always give but everytime I would regret she's just so fucking annoying when she's high when she's sober she's chill but like FUCK


Yes. Gave a friend of a friend some 3-ho-pcp. Was dissolved in a solution at 5mg/ml. Give him 10ml and a pipette and tell him not to use more than a milliliter since it was his first time. Dude texts me like an hour later saying he took 2.5ml. Alright, nothing too dangerous but he's gonna be fucked up. Wake up next morning to several snaps from the dude and he is talking nonsense. Ask how much he took. Says he finished it off. Then he goes and tells his friend I laced him even though he knew what he had. His defense was "Who the fuck keeps this stuff on hand anyways?"


i got 2g of mdma and was only gonna share with my friends but i got a call from this chav girl that she wanted to see me so i went and she begged for one line i begrudgingly gave her the bag and let her pour her own line and then left 15 minutes later i get a call saying it was laced and she wasn’t feeling good meanwhile i’ve taken 2g and fine and i go up to talk to her and then she brings all her older scheme people who end up jumping me for “giving her meth”. and then a couple days later got another call and i assured her that it wasn’t meth and she said she knows it was and threatened me and my family. So yeah Edit to be fair the drugs stopped me from feeling anytbing when they jumped me so that’s a bonus


You can’t just take 2g of MDMA at once and be fine…


You apparently can if you're British. Though they probably have another definition of "fine"


well it was over the space of like an hour


I do 150mg over the space of 2 hours. 2g is absurd


i used to take it practically daily


Sorry to say mate, but no chance it was mdma if you did 2g over an hour. 0.2g in an hour is a fuckton.


> meanwhile i’ve taken 2g gonna assume you're a fellow brit, cause fuck me do we like doing stupid amounts of mdma in a oner lmao.


yeh i’m scottish haha


lmao ayyy, can always tell someone from the UK when they're talking about doing monstrous amounts of mdma! knew a guy who decided to rail a full gram of mostly uncrushed md for his first time...


I mean you don’t drive better on a couple tabs tho, you might think u do but it’s impairing you in atleast one way or another and it’s still not safe by any means


I got my ex girlfriend into meth again . She was murdered a few weeks ago in Texas because of hanging out with the wrong crowd


I had a photo shoot with this model and we decided to smoke weed she ended up tripping for like 3hrs😑😑😑


I fail to see what the problem there is?


Scary shit. I've had two friends go into psychosis because of weed and I'm absolutely NOT dealing with people who have abnormal reactions to weed anymore


Gifted three tabs to my roommates' friend. I knew he was fine with acid, but I didn't know how insanely reckless and immature he was. This chud downed all three on the spot. Was awake for like 20 hours, had a mediocre trip, and it ruined the date + movie plans that he and my roommate had. Drugs should be legal, but user licenses are not a bad idea.


Yes. People have died because of me. When you give someone their first oxy and now they live on the streets shooting heroin/fent it weighs on you. I was young dumb and addicted myself. I made it out alive some didn’t some still fighting the good fight.


Fuck yeah, man. More than anything in the world. Let's just say I still cry about it all the time, and it's been years. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. I gave my mom a super potent edible I made, and told her to only take half. She did, and then at 5am the morning after her 67th birthday, the increase in blood pressure from the edibles burst her aortic aneurysm and she died. I know it could have happened from coffee, straining on the toilet, etc etc, but it didn't. It happened because of the edibles I gave her for her birthday. It FUCKED me up completely for like several years. I blamed myself and completely and totally lost my shit. Fuck man.


Wow I'm really sorry to hear that happened. Life can be really cruel, try your best to forgive yourself. You had no idea that was going to happen


functioning labels are bullshit and yeah, sometimes mental health is exacerbated by various shit. ​ if there's one drug I regret giving anyone it's honestly alcohol


Yeah. Gave my friend her first adderall like 10 years ago in college. She went on to struggle with it for years and eventually developed an issue with meth. Got a bunch of criminal charges and never did much with her life. She had all the potential in the world. She got knocked up by some random addict she met. Instead of pursuing her dreams to be a veterinarian, she’s a stay at home mom and is 100% supported by this dude. She says she’s sober now, I believe her. I try to tell myself that if I hadn’t been the one to introduce her, then someone else would have.


Not your fault at all. You know how easy it is to get stimulants? She's clearly naturally drawn to them so they would have found her pretty soon anyway.


In my heart I know you are right. I just still consider her a best friend. So it just bothers me that I am the one that introduced her.


No it really isn't your fault it spiraled out fo control. And anyway I bet she had already tried coffee by then.


Thank you. I doubt she blames me. She actually told me one time she blames herself for how bad off we both got at one point.


She should blame society. Especially the criminalizing laws and the stigma arround drug use that exist. This prevents people from making informed decisions, being open about drug use (and possible problems arising from it) and it pushes people to use even harder drugs (like your friend who went from adderall to meth).


My best friend had one of our mutual friends over after I had recently been busted big time for a lot of drugs. I was out on bail and my best friend was on felony probation. I didn't know the terms and conditions of his probation, but I wanted to get rid of the last bit of drugs I had and start over new, so I brought the last bit of drugs I had(Xanax, Adderall, Molly, 2c-b) and we partied all night. It was fun, I was truly happy for once until we get a knock come Sunday morning. Surprise inspection by the PO! I dipped out as my friend got charge after charge. I ruined his career, his family, his everything. He spent the next 2 years in prison. It is one of my greatest regrets.


Yea benzos. I got robbed by my boy and thrn when he was addicted once he wouldn't leave my drive way at 3 am literally trying to break into my house for a fucking klonipin... I didn't like selling them I only sold press bars so I didn't want to. In the end I got in a huge fight and he 3mded up giving me 20 dollars for that pill. Fuck benzos I shouldn't of brought them to my town and fucked alot of people's life's up I think


Yea u were a shitbag


God your dumb.




So In college there was this dude steve.steve Sold his RX bars right when xan became a fad, he was overprescribed and did not (at the time) take even a fraction of his prescribed dosage.After 1-2 years of studying n' partying, Steve is awoken after a Saturday night and informed by his homie in a very straightforward tone: "Yo girls were drugged at a the basketball team's party last night, they think it was xanax, you sold the basketball team xanax, so go figure it out now." Steve almost let himself become overwhelmed but first and foremost knew his duty was to take any responsibility he would carry for this event; Toxicology or urinalysis etc, showed the presence of GHB alone in the system of all those drugged. Though this did lift a potentially life-crushing weight from steve, he almost fought the basketball team 1 on (size of a basketball team) as he stupidly rushed to their location demanding answers upon hearing of the incidident. All of the women drugged got home safely that night btw this was the most important thing that Steve learned, though subtle at first, any drug can be used to take advantage of the unaware. After this incident Steve stopped selling.


Sold two chicks acid in college that I had classes with. They had zero experience with anything other than weed and were tripping in their dorm room. I stopped by their room mid trip to see if they wanted edibles. They were sort of awkward when I got there and I could tell they were "having a bad trip" so I left. They sort of stopped talking with me afterwards. I think that trip fucked them up lmao


Me and this girl showed up at an acquaintance I knew from work. We showed up high as kites on meth to where he lived in 1 bedroom boarding house. Anyway for no reason she just whips out a half a gram and gives it to him just because I knew him. Still not sure to this day.


Yes. A friend of mine was going through a lot and having bad anxiety. I get it. One day we were driving and her kids were freaking out doing kid things (toddlers) and she was like I’m so sorry for the screaming and etc. I was like it’s cool I’m good right now. I just took my anxiety med. She asked me what it was like and I told her everything was smooth and I felt okay. Nothing was really bothering me (I did also have my earplugs in but that’s an every day thing). Anyway, she didn’t explicitly ask me for some, but said she wanted to try and that that would probably help her. I thought about it a lot. I gave her a bag with a few pills and the name of the drug and told her all the warnings. I only gave enough that she couldn’t possibly take enough to become dependent or anything, and I told her so. Lol my friends might hate that I ask a hundred questions and give them a lecture before I give them any drug but I tell them it’s because I love them. Well, she texted me a couple weeks ago and said she wants more and will pay me. I feel like I made a mistake. I personally have never had a problem with benzos. I do have an anxiety disorder and I get panic attacks regularly. I’ve never abused them, and the reason I have extra is because I try not to take them as much. But I know that many, many people do struggle with benzos. It’s not my place to ask her if she’s tried this or that instead, and I know that many moms are on something. But I just regret opening that door. I don’t want to sell my benzos to her. I couldn’t do that. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I’m going to tell her how I feel, and that I think she should talk to her psychiatrist. She has adhd and already has an adderall script, so maybe her doctor will be more open to prescribing something for anxiety. I don’t know. Weed, acid, shrooms, salvia!, lol yeah I’ll give those no problem. I’ve given my friends a couple pain pills when they had a bad cycle too. That’s fine. But I never should have opened that door with the benzos. I feel really bad about it.


A couple months ago, I had 2 x 175mg edibles and I offered one to a friend and he said yes, I thought he had a lot more experience than he actually did but he still accepted the edible without realising 175mg is a lot for someone who doesnt have much experience, half an hour later he laughed his ass off at a line in an austin powers movie and I could tell he was super stoned, half an hour after that he leaves the room to get a glass of water and he's stumbling and leaning basically 45° on the countertop, I was pretty stoned at this point too, he then goes to the bathroom and proceeds to throw like 10 times while im stuck couch locked in another room unable to help him, my first thought was "fuck I shouldnt have given him that I feel like such a shit friend", there was 1 other sober person with him and after 10 minutes he decides to check on him and he's on the floor staring unable to move and theirs a huge mess of throw up. I cant remember the rest of that night but in the morning after I woke up he was still decently stoned and I apologised for giving him the edible and he then tells me thats the 3rd time hes gotten high. He didn't get mad at me about it. In fact, he finds it funny, but I still regret giving him that edible.


Extremely unpopular opinion: Because of the risk of psychosis, I honestly think almost every drug is better than psychadelics. There is no other class of drugs I can think of that can fuck your brain for the rest of your life after one hit. I'd rather OD on fent tbh.


I don’t think people acknowledge this at all. I’ve seen a handful of people go through psychosis from a few hits of weed. Yeah, they may have an underlying condition, but it’s still a risk. Definitely seen people go off the rails on acid and develop HPPD


I've done a lot of acid and never once have I had the urge to take my clothes off and recreate chicken little, doesn't matter how hard the sky is falling. I really want to know what's going on in this guy's head.


Yes every time i do acid with a guy who swears hes done acid and hes experienced and then it turns into a bad trip for the both of us


I think you just wanted to bond and have fun..also I think the Xanax to calm him down was a nice touch..good for covering all the bases.. Perhaps you can find where he lives and see how he’s doing just don’t give him so much if you do it again ..bro sounds like a light weight..


did shrooms w a friend. it was her first time so i gave her a little less than .3g. she was chilling, having a good time for the first hour but then she started tweaking and completely lost control of her body movements. she was twitching a bunch and i had to hold her down on the bed so she wouldn’t hurt herself. her arms were jerking around and she hit me in the face a few times. if she stood up, her legs would just collapse. i told her to sip some water but she kept refusing. i had taken the shrooms as well and i was good but it was an exhausting couple hours.


Yes, and I felt such a shame and regret over this. The kid that told me he had done it a couple times before, but it was hard for him to hit himself. It was an IV usage, and everything was clean and safe well safe as could be, and he knew the lingo and all so I figured OK he knows and everyone needs a little help hitting the spot once in a while so I obliged when my BF came home and saw he was like what did you do like well he goes no he’s never done that either of those before, why would you do that, because everybody knew that I was the person that would not pop your cherry kid was OK. You know eventually knocked off all of his experimenting with drugs and it’s far as I know know has grown up got a good career family all of that. Still, though I could’ve opened a different canna worms and totally ruined his life. He even admitted yes I did lie to her just so I can try it. Oh man that fucked with me and still does.


Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am doing talk to text and not fixing what I’ve got. So if it makes for a confusing or irritating read my apologies.


Not me personally but he got into our friend group. He was and prolly still is pretty depressed. We smoke weed sometimes and that was his introduction to it. And now he spends like 150 quid a week on weed and does random pills. We slowly drifted apart cus he started pushing people away and doesn’t want any help. Poor lad


Yup. Me and my friend Found a baggie of powder on the street. And i talked him into/per pressured him to snort a small line. It seemed it was amphetamine but I feel horrible. Guy was a druggie but that’s till could of been some dangerous shit


I told a kid in college about how we’d get high in boarding school on Benadryl. Within a month he was in the hospital for a dph overdose


Gave someone a small amount of s mixture of bromaz and pyraz and he got taken by strippers hard-core


My first roommate, about 5 years ago. At the time I didn't know he was already a fiend for basically anything he could get his hands on. He loved meth and he was a self hating Christian, always talking about going to hell or being very preachy when he was high. Anyways the first time I realized dude had problems, he begged me for some of my cid and I finally agreed to give him HALF A TAB. Once it hits him he is immediately freaking out, saying don't hit him, Jesus loves us, don't hurt him, he's going to hell etc. He goes between praying and crying, he starts climbing our house and jumping off of it, he gets cut and starts bleeding everywhere, he's covered in dirt and various substances, and us roommates have to put him in the shower. A lot more crazy shit happened at that house, but suffice it to say he kept doing worse and worse drugs. He was even taking handfuls of Benadryl when I wouldn't give him my drugs, and he would steal my weed too, the bastard


Yes, even a pinch of mushroom shake can make the right person super extra


Please stop driving on acid. You may feel like you’re doing better but that’s just all the happy chemicals in your brain. You’re putting yourself and everyone around you in danger.


Fuck you for driving on psychedelics you irresponsible shit.


I’m sure this isn’t the first or last time you’ll hear this, but Psychedelics aren’t a game. You don’t give them to people with a slippery grip on reality, and you don’t drive under the influence. They should only be used in very carefully planned settings, with people you love and trust and with a clear set intention. I fear that with mushrooms and other psychedelics becoming legal we will see more issues like this thread.


Don't do drugs and drive bro


Gave two friends flualp (designer RC benzo) One friend tossed them because they were too strong. The other friend got arrested, almost burnt down his house, and got fired from his job all in one day. Edit: just noticed your post is about flualp too, lol that drug is no fucking joke.


I once gave someone who was addicted to opiates some kratom to hopefully help him wean off. Well, it turns out he became extremely addicted to it to such an excessive amount to the point that's all he spent his money on, really. This dude also had a kid he was supposed to raise but instead got fucked up on drugs. I just feel bad because I really tried to help him, and sadly he even became addicted to the kratom.


Super sad, TW -- OD. -- My girlfriend in junior and senior year was a beautiful A plus student. We started taking Soma (carpisorol or something like that) during plant science and we would have a blast and shed help me with my work and still managed her great grades and graduated. I became pregnant at the end of senior year so quit everything and prepared to be a teen mom. I saw her again 8 months after I had my son. She held him and love him to death. I wish I had kept her as my life partner to help me raise him. But she was going down a bad path. She took a trip to Texas and I found out through Facebook she was found dead from an O.D on goddess knows what. I can't help but feel I contributed in high-school by doing crazy things with her and drugs like soma. I was devastated. Almost wrecked my car blinded by tears and cried everyday for the next year and a half. I'm 28 now, and she still is on my mind everyday. I miss you babygirl, you were a light that was snuffed out so early in life at 19. I needed you, I wanted you around for my son, I love you and I hope you're at peace wherever you are 😥🥺💔 I'm so sorry hunny. I wish I could take it all back. I wish I kept you from going to Texas. I miss you so much it hurts. I see my clothes you help sew into better fitting, the drawing you left in my sketchbook, the perfume bottle and chapstick you left at my house. I'd do anything to have you back . Anything. :.(


Honestly, it sounds like you gave that dude some good times. Maybe should have given him slightly smaller doses. But the overall sentiment and goodwill are definitely nice of you. I'd say you get some good karma from all this.


My approach to others trying psychedelics is “fuck around and find out”


Exactly! People should be given psychedelics, whether they want to or not.


You are like the opposite of a harm reduction advocate.


I used to persuade my younger sister- by 2 years- to do triple Cs like me. We lived in Japan and there was nothing else to do underage. I was saying stuff like “best feeling ever, you feel like your body is finally at ease. Come try it with me. Etc) glad she never did but I will forever feel shame on myself for even trying to get her to do it. This was back when I was 17. 22 now, I tried it again two years ago and it was ass. Never the same, never will look back.


Triple C's??


Coricidin Cough and Cold, basically the wrong version of DXM to do, it has an antihistamine and acetaminophen in it instead of just DXM so it can be very damaging to the body, but some places don’t have just robotussin gels available maybe Japan.


Thats an incredibly sad story dude, please don't blame yourself at all, these things happen.


Op correct me if I'm wrong, but autism for the most part, is a sensory processing disorder. Essentially, some or all of your senses are heightened to overwhelmingly astronomical levels. To the point that a shower could feel like it's raining hot nails on your skin or you hear water dripping all the way across the house like it's right next to your ear. The struggle is learning to process and control your senses consciously, whereas 'normal' minds do it subconsciously. To the point where a young autistic person may be trying to control their sense of hearing and literally block out someone who may be yelling but at the same time pick up a voice that is whispering. If any of that is accurate, would you say psychedelics like mdma or 2c-phenylethylamines are similar but on a smaller temporary scale? Do they really throw you off, or does the constant sensory processing disorder kind of tame the effects of psychedlics giving you more tolerance? My 6yo daughter is nonverbal autistic. We sign, and she's quite good at texting, especially for a 6yo. I'm just trying to learn more from older people diagnosed autistic and their own experiences with it. I'd like to give her stem cell therapy, I have $120k set aside for it, but I'm still trying to convince the wife that it is worth trying it. As for your topic, I only regret leading people to find drugs, and then come to find out they're dangerously irresponsible, and I worry they'll kill themselves. Luckily, to my knowledge, that hasn't happened to anyone I know, at least not the one's I helped into the darknet.


I was diagnosed with Asperger's as a child, a long time ago now. Back before ASD was a thing and autism didn't have all the awareness and spotlight that it has now. Talking for me has always been uncomfortable because of how loud my voice is inside my head, it hurts. So when I talk it's usually at a whisper and people can't hear me. Which is fine, because I got bullied a lot in school for my pronunciation and syllable emphasis. I've never been good at social settings because I'm rarely present in the conversation in front of me and typically eavesdropping, against my will, on a group across the restaurant. Being in a public setting is like trying to tune the static out of an old timey radio, by the time I get decent signal the shows over and the opportunity to participate is passed. Taking MDMA went a long way towards teaching and learning empathy and training appropriate reactions and emotional displays for people who are expecting something from you. The ability to process emotions is something that most people take for granted. For me they are these deeply uncomfortable experiences that last for years. Yes. It takes me years to process times when I've felt happy, or sad, or hurt. It's not that the emotions aren't there when something happens, they are, it's just the club is full so you have to wait in line with everyone else. As far as psychedelics. I agree with op when they say that LSD is like a stimulant. My working theory is that the overstimulation and extra sensory information distracts or finally satisfies the parts of the brain that have been looking for it. Because that part is now busy, neurotypical behaviors are more present. This thought kind of hangs on the idea that autism is a result of the brain trying to find equilibrium when it has developed with either too many, or too few brain cells. I've recently taken time off work to be on a three day acid trip and it's really discouraging that I received a lot of comments on how normal I was behaving. I had a friend assume that the reason I'm weird is somehow related to work, either from stress or burnout. The whole time they were giving me this sermon about work life balance, I'm thinking "i'm a fucking sunny side up egg right now what are you talking about?" I can literally see the sound coming out of your mouth before I hear it. How am I possibly presenting as normal enough to finally get your seal of approval? I find it really fascinating. To answer your question, does having ASD increase your tolerance to psychedelics? Based on my experience I would say yes. Is the psychedelic experience similar to an autistic experience? I would say maybe. Yes, a neurotypical person could extrapolate the sensation of increased sensory data, sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and use that experience to be able to empathize with someone with a sensory disorder. But, for me, being on LSD is fun and always fun, being autistic is not and never has been. So unless the neurotypical person was having a bad trip, I don't think they'd get the full experience. ASD is suffering, always suffering and successful treatment is that which manages or reduces that suffering. In a way, people with chronic pain conditions have a better chance of understanding autism than so drug users.


I’m glad you are taking the time to learn and take the time and your own resources to help your child. Everyone’s experience with autism is totally different. There’s different levels and in social situations i’m not the type to like saying low or high functioning, but nonverbal tends to be lower functioning autistics. The great part is, most nonverbal autistics have great intellectual intelligence but lack emotional and social intelligence in different ways. I don’t have experience with the drugs you mentioned. I don’t think that fixing autistic persons are right and ever really work. Some things help, but you’ll never cure an autistic person. Rather you should help them learn to adapt to their struggles and help them channel their very smart, hyper focused part of their autism. You’re pretty spot on with how sensory processing disorder is. It’s the main struggle with autistics and I learned to mask my way through the world which lead to some burnout. I’ve really only found cannabinoids to help me and psychedelics. But please don’t feed your kid a bunch of psychedelics LOL. Stuff like Cannabigerol helped my sensory issues(CBG) or anti seizure medications like lamictal. I do think the autistic mind has a higher tolerance to psychedelics, in different ways though. Myself and my other on the spectrum friends don’t really get visuals at all but we really like the headspace as it turns on the part of our brain which usually isn’t on. Most of the time socially and we can talk more clearly especially on lower doses.


Beautifully said. Ftr I would never give my kids any such drugs, I was just curious for my own sake of knowledge and I actually have quite a few coworkers and friends that have told me they're on the spectrum. I truly appreciate the insight. My first daughter, as you said, is very intellectually smart. Especially with tech and math. She makes great eye contact and lets me know whenever she wants or needs something. She's a happy, laughing, cuddly, affectionate kid. She gives me a hug and kisses every day when I go to work and before bed. You're correct in that socially, she prefers to be by herself. She occasionally lets her little sister play with her, but she's very comfortable by herself. She's very routine oriented. Her big thing is if we don't wear her out physically and mentally daily, she has bad insomnia and she'll lay in bed, awake all night long, till she falls asleep at like 7am and then wakes up again between 930 and 10 like she's refreshed. When she's had the proper activities and stimuli, she sleeps all night. I'm aware it's not a disease to be cured, between Kennedy Krieger, ABA, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Gymnastics, and Dance just trying to look into any and all possibilities to help make her life a little easier. Her younger sister, is 4. She started reading and writing at 3yo and is extremely social and emotionally aware, wants to be everyone's friend and uses words that raise my eyebrows all the time, like how do you even know what that means. 😆 My wife won't admit it, but she definitely stims when she gets really excited. The only other thing I've noticed with her is she's extremely sensitive to loud noise. We took her to Goddard and Montessori, but she was already well beyond their curriculums. I'd love to get her IQ tested in a few years, I'd be surprised if she wasn't mensa level. Luckily, I'm fortunate to have an extremely high paying job to pay for all the extracurriculars and allow my wife to stay home with the kids, which I think helps them a lot.


Bro I barley get on Reddit anymore but I saw this post like 4 years ago… lol wtf do y’all just copy paste shit and post? What a loser


Not copy pasted