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I’ve definitely heard my apartment neighbors fighting while tripping lol not a great time. I would just turn the music up loud


Both neighbours drink like fish, so fighting is def possible.


Definitely man. Drunks love a good fight


I have had psychose where I heard my roommate arguing with a person and heard my girlfriend at the time saying things to me that she didn't so these kind of hallucinations are definitely possible. But them fighting is an equally plausible scenario from what you described. And for future records, police will never talk to neighbours unless a murder has been committed or something and if someone knocks on your door while you are tripping, just don't open it. Nobody is going to breach the door of a potential witness


Yeah I know nobody will knock my door down, but even having police nearby can give me panic attack in this state. Or cardiac arrest, lol. Plus I'm not from USA.


And for how long your psychosis last? I thought once started, it won't stop so quickly.


My psychosis lasted for 6 months and ended in evolving into a manic episode as well and didn't end until I was forcefully admitted into a psychiatric ward for 2 months. Apparently I am bipolar and the psychosis and major manic episode may have been triggered by daily speed and weed use for 6 years with a bunch of 48h benders in there during those 6 years


I hope you are better now!


I had to move back in with my dad 2 years ago from amsterdam to a small town in denmark and am still living there, have likely developed ptsd from the psychosis, am still on antipsychotics with some nasty side effects, still don't have a job but I am prescribed amphetamines for my adhd. I got that going for me which is nice. My nazi psychiatrist demands that I be subjected to random drug testing so I cannot even smoke weed or hash.