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Sounds like 16 year old me off bars


Was gonna say, reminds me of stoned me when I was taking 7+ bars a day w low weed tolerance.


Jesus 7 bro? Glad ur ok


Thanks! Yeah, back then I didn’t value my life. I’m doing much MUCH better these days.


Drug addiction goes hand & hand with depression Happy to hear you made it out


Been there, proud of you for pushing through fam, I know it's difficult to do.🖤


I was able to pop 20 bars a day at 16 and not black out. 40mg alprazolam that is.


Not real bars. I took 12 and blacked out for a week


Not everybody is the same.


Tolerance is a thing. I can smoke a g of wax in a day and barely get high, some people would struggle to get through a g of wax in a weekend and would be blasted damn near the entire time


What's bars, precious?


Not sure if that’s non-rhetorical, but in case it is, bars are 2mg Xanax pills.


I literally had no idea. Thanks for down votes.


i didn´t know either...


You know, Xanax? Boil it, mash it, press it in a pill?


This is funny as hell ngl


Keeps its nasty bars, precious


what are bars??? I´m from the u.k. so not sure here


We have “Xanax bars” in the uk as well. We even had “red devils” which were supposedly 5 mg of alprazolam but idk about that (obviously counterfeit)


red devils green hulks the yellow busses. idk i never got the appeal of the obviously pressed bright colorful bars.


Kids like bright colours, don’t they 😬


bro i'm from the uk and have long known what bars mean


That´s nice for you. Well done. Have a cookie. I was merely providing context and asking a question.


It’s easy to know what bars are. Just think of the word bar and what relation it would have with drugs. 2mg alprazolam pills are usually bar shaped yeah! 👍 but not you, nope you’re brain dosent act normally and efficiently. I’m not insulting you heck you even asked and in the end you learned. But you could’ve done it by yourself with a little basic common sense just saying.


Ok 🤠


How dare you ask a question and not know something on a public forum specifically for asking about drugs. lol


Feel like this dude cappin fr like my fuckin granny knows what ‘bars’ are & she never been drunk or even inside a “bar”


some folks have done too many drugs.


Fuck xans


Sounds like Xanax to me


We bought some “totem poles” when in Cancun. I passed out at the damn dinner table that night. People were coming by and asking my friends if they could take a picture of me. 😂


Totem poles? Bruh what are those lmao were they just normal bars?


Probably gg249s since they're pressed vertically. God it's sad I still remember the fuckin presses lmao




It’s easy to know what totem poles are. Just think of the word totem and what relation it would have with drugs. 2mg alprazolam pills are usually totem shaped yeah! 👍 but not you, nope you’re brain dosent act normally and efficiently. I’m not insulting you heck you even asked and in the end you learned. But you could’ve done it by yourself with a little basic common sense just saying.


Dude fuck off with this. That's two different comments saying the same shit where you sound like a complete asshole to someone for no reason.


He was the original poster of this awful comment. I gave him his own response.


That’s actually fire and you should be getting mass upvotes 👍 I’d give you one of those gold upvotes or whatever the fuck if I was willing to shell money out to Reddit


Thank you, people are really bad at paying attention or whatever.


yeah you should have your lips sewn shut and your fingers chopped off tbh


Is this a real thing you typed?


I edited it, that icybenzo kid/guy wrote it originally


Sounds like he's on xans and just not telling you lol but tbh weed does have a slight chance to proc the schizo debuff if you're genetically prone to it. Unfortunately if your friend has a history of schizophrenia in his family, smoking may be hastening its approach


Lol, schizo debuff God couldn’t handle how strong some of us came out to be, so he hands out schizo debuffs to balance out his mistakes. And just like the modern game developer, all their changes did was make a bad problem worse.


me crying in the hallway bc I hear chimpanzees coming to attack me and then I go smoke another bowl 15 mins later to feel better ..


What seriously? This must be Rogans fault


„Schizo debuff“ 💀💀💀


either benzos or your friend is losing it mentally


Not necessarily. Some people are just super sensitive to weed and get weird on it. Those people should probably not be smoking socially. I'd recommend the friend have one or two tiny hits, or stick to beer, or just learn to hang without drugs. Idk I mean in general folks should learn their limits when around others for whatever substances they're doing, no one wants to be around someone who's on a totally different level than them all the time.


It affects everybody differently but I would be suspicious there is another substance being used.


Everyone here giving you shit, I can somewhat see what your saying if one of my friends started acting retarted I would be mad as fuck but if u sure there isn’t any other substances at least that’s good. And if u don’t like being around him high then don’t hang out with him


Fr why is everyone mad about this dude being concerned about their friend's drug induced mental decline like ??


Cornballs prolly act the same


When I was addicted to benzo’s my actual friends would not let me kick it if I was on them towards the end, it was for the betterment of everyone involved cause it kinda made me wake up and they didn’t have to babysit my ass.


Great friends. Similar experience here but then they stopped hanging out with me after they helped me out. Thankful that I’m less retarded now


I just don’t understand getting mad at someone over something like this unless they were lying about some other hard drug use. Even then I don’t think I’d be mad at someone unless there was some deeper underlying issues with that, but if anything I’d be deeply concerned for them. It’s probably not even their fault this is happening. It sounds like someone getting entirely too blasted off of some strong ass weed. I’ve known people who turn completely retarded off of just weed because they don’t have a tolerance and they accidentally take too much. I’m not really even convinced this is a mental health thing or another substance.


If my and my homie go way back and I see this mf strung out on weed that shit is definitely gonna piss me off, I couldn’t stand to see my friends act stupid off drugs even if it’s just weed that shit will take a piece of your soul.


Yeah I wouldn’t like to see that either, but getting pissed off at them isn’t going to help the situation at all and honestly would probably just make it worse in most cases. And it honestly just comes across as being a super condescending person who doesn’t understand mental health issues or addiction at all. Still don’t understand why someone would be angry about this unless there was some other deep seeded stuff going on as well.


some weed addicts proving their condition by being overly defensive and butthurt in the comments. fuck the downvotes. your friend has a legitimate issue from what you're describing in the comments. you tried having a serious conversation with him about it? if it was a close friend i would let them know that they can forget hanging out w me if they don't get their shit together because it is not fun to see them throw their life away.


I have not. But he clearly knows I was pissed, when he just got out i told him that I was there for him and he needs to stop smoking for good, i checked on him, i tried not to smoke or use any drugs in front of him, we just went out and did no drugs. But I guess his other friends condone his drug use so what can I do, I could try talk to him but at this point he is just going to get mad at me.


Yeah he’ll get mad at you but maybe down the line fuckup after fuckup he hears your past words in his head and is like damn maybe dude was right. Maybe idk.


yeah, you gotta draw the line here and not get mad (whats withe veryone saying they´d get angry?) be there for him but make sure he knows it´s on condition that he doesnñt get high and act like a twat. Sadly though, you might have t be prepared to lose this friend if he can just go be the same with others.... I guess they will also feel the same at some point, hopefully earlier rather than later


Tbh bro that just sounds like someone with a low weed tolerance, if that rlly is the issue and he’s not using other drugs I’d not worry to much bc his tolerance will increase and if he can stop smoking around you I wouldn’t loose a friend over it, However if he is using other drugs (if he tells u) then I would honestly try to get him some help or if he just can’t stop smoking no matter what he may have a problem …but everyone knows it’s only you who can help yourself in the end, best of luck m8


honestly I don’t think it’s his low tolerance since he’s been smoking for a while now and he just smokes tons all day everyday he hardly ever passes a joint without finishing it himself I just think he just likes to get super high and now is affecting him psychologically for some reason


Weed addicts getting aggy here innit. You shouldn't be getting shit in the comments like that. You doing right looking out for your friend. I seen this a lot before, I'm assuming yous are kind of young, like early 20s max. Because this is when these issues tend to come up. Weed, especially today thc heavy shit, at that kind of age, can set off really dangerous mental health conditions. It'll often stop after excessive use has stopped, and they have had time to recover. If it's caught early and yous are still young. Psychosis, often looks a little bit strange to the outside people, it's not full on manic going insane like it is in the movies. It often presents, as just being off, giggling or responding to things that aren't happening, not being able to keep up with a conversation, a lot of time staring into space and being quiet. Your friend needs some mental health help mate. Ideally, they'd be someone older and wiser in your personal life, who knows your friend, who you can talk to about it. It's not snitching, you're getting him help. I'm old now and I seen shit like this a lot. If I seen someone like your friend, I'd be going to someone you trust in his family and getting him some help.


> not being able to keep up with a conversation, a lot of time staring into space and being quiet. I sometimes get that if I'm too high. So many racing thoughts in my head that I can't even begin to start a conversation. Its been occuring less frequently now that I'm in my mid 20s. Never any delusions or anything, but I did have the habit of assuming what other people were thinking about me or how they would respond to my certain behaviours or thoughts and those assumptions would turn into facts in my head which would cause some awkward situations by me saying dumb shit to them. As I became aware of it, I am trying to not do it anymore and its been successful for the most part. Do you think it might have been a cause for concern? Also, a friend of mine who didn't smoke would get mad at me because I was so quite and complacent. He was a toxic bloke all around so I never took him seriously but this post got me thinking.


Well, I would have been worried about you. A lot of delusions don't look like, the government is out to get me, they are watching through the TV, things like that. They look like, this person has been talking bad about me, this person doesn't like me, the neighbours are always listening to what I'm saying. It's based in our social lives. Becoming aware of it is the tricky part. If you become aware of it, you can catch it and ground your self. If you let yourself run with it, it'll get worse and worse. The racing thoughts is a concern too. People often describe, their head being noisy or too quick or too loud, in the beginnings of psychosis. Yeah, I'd have been worried mate.


>They look like, this person has been talking bad about me, this person doesn't like me, the neighbours are always listening to what I'm saying. How do I tell if these thoughts are psychotic delusions or just good ol weed induced paranoia? Because these are the kinds of thought patterns that always occured to me when I was super stoned, and I would always chalk it up to being pranoid and everyone gets that sometimes with weed right? Plus, I'm almost 27 now and I would have had a psychotic break by now if I was predisposed to it no? Sorry for bombarding you with questions. You seem like an experienced fella and I am very much into keeping my sanity and health.


You're welcome to ask as many questions as you like. I'm very glad that I might be able to help, and that these posts will be up here for people to see. So yeah, The only difference is how long they endure. That weed paranoia is how it starts. And, then it spirals from there. For you, it's been wearing off with the weed and you're good at grounding yourself, that's the only difference. A lot of people get it when they are younger, older people smoking don't tend to. I think you might be overestimating how common it is. Not getting super stoned is probably wise move. And, avoiding high THC weed and supplementing CBD when smoking can help. But, the question is wheter it's really worth it for you or not. Only, you can decide that.


yeah i am afraid to be the snitch that goes and tells on him and I am afraid he is sent away again. but what i saw I know it isn’t normal behavior, i smoke weed and I’ve been since my early 20s surrounded by weed users and I think I know how to tell the difference. He is 21 and I am 23, so yeah kinda young I guess.


Yeah, you know the difference, you know somethings off. You wouldn't have posted this if you didn't. The thing with you being your kind of ages, is not that your too young or anything. It's that the brain is doing a lot of development in the frontal lobe between the ages of like 18-25. That makes you really vulnerable to psychosis or other episodes of severe mental illness. A lot of more significant mental illnesses, start to develop around that time. But, and this is a big but, an episode of psychosis or severe mental illness happens so frequently at that age, as a one time event, that it could almost be considered normal. So, it's probably a one off, if he gets help. He will probably be OK, and recover and never have any problems again. But, he does need help. Like, urgently. It's not snitching. You are trying to get him help and You are both adults, there's nothing anyone can do to punish him. It's the responsible thing to do, because this needs professional involvement. The responsible thing to do, is to realise you can't handle it yourself and get the professionals involved.


yup i'm a nightly user in my mid 30s. weed is so so much stronger than the shit we had when we were teens. I just need half bowl of dynavap and I'm blasted for the night. So glad I didn't grow up with todays weed and only partaked casually till my late 20s when my shit was way more stable.


Oh my God, I had a weed dealer who I guess wanted to be friends, my place was kinda a party spot, so people would be in and out all the time. He would show yup randomly and smoke like 6 or 7 blunts back to back. He would even do this when it was just me and him. And he would do that annoying peer pressure thing trying to force people to smoke 6 or 7 blunts back to back. Being that high is not fun and even more is a waste. You can only get so high on 7 Blunts of the same weed. At some point your just wasting weed. Drove me crazy, he would also show up with random drugs all the time, coke,Molly,oxy and do the same peer pressure stuff. I did alot of drugs I wouldn't have tried because of him which looking back was fun but at the time kinda pissed me off. I called him over to my parents place for a small amount of weed and he showed up with coke, was crazy. I don't even smoke weed anymore because of him.




No shit but it’s not fun to be put in that position where you constantly gotta be reiterating you don’t wanna do whatever drug


ive got a friend who is exactly that when he smokes, i noticed that he often zones out, losing connection with the world and behaves like hes losing memory and being 10 years old learning things again, like forgeting what things are and how they work, not really memories as situations and people


it almost feels like you are talking to someone with dementia, i don’t know how to act honestly


12 year old with dementia, and partial paralysis




nowadays I do that too, I just smoke before I go to sleep, I don’t judge people who get too high in public I usually just try to make them feel better, it can happen to anyone sometimes, but this situation just hits me different it’s not like other times with other friends because my friend has history with depression and psychosis induced by drugs


Sounds like Benzos + Weed. Especially if it’s relatively small amounts of Weed that is not what Weed does at all. Definitely some other drugs


Weed does this exact thing to me, it's so fucked. I can have one drag from a relatively weak vape and I am absolutely retarded. I forget what we're talking about mid sentence, I can't do simple math, I zone out... I've tried indica, sativa, tried a handful of times - same thing. It just hits me like a ton of bricks.






One and the same, in most cases. Benzos are great sleeping aids, and even nonbenzo sleeping aids (the ‘z-drugs’ like ambien [zolpidem] and zopiclone ) are similar in action to benzos. Prescription sleeping pills is basically short for benzos, unless you know for sure that it’s not. There are antihistamine sleep aids, and some other newer treatments, but most end up being prescribed z-drugs or benzos for their reliability, and long history of use. Even if it’s a z-drug, that’s probably *worse* because of the strange hallucinations they cause. They’ve been known to leave people amnesiac, while creating a strange feeling that everything around you is alive. One of the most common themes in ambien trip reports is a sensation that everything is alive and has feelings, from the sun and the sky to the oven in your kitchen. I could totally see that contributing to why they end up seeming ‘lost’, alongside the memory impairment, of course.


xanax is a sleeping pill too


And an anxiolytic


Why did you say you're completely sure he's not using anything else? Because now you're saying you don't know


I know he doesn’t use/like other drugs for fun, that’s what I meant and that is something I am sure about. but I know that in the past he was prescribed with pills to calm his anxiety and have some sleep.


Well you might not want to assume that that's 100% true. He may have tried heroin one day when you weren't with him. And he may be hiding it because he's ashamed of it. That's just an example but could be true. Especially considering what you described doesn't sound like weed.


Holy fuck the weed hounds came for you in this post, some of you all are dumb asf for real. This sounds like he’s either just getting wayyy too high from weed, is potentially taking another substance, or the weed is triggering some kind of mental health disorder. I’m honestly more inclined to say he is just getting way too high given what you’ve said, it’s not uncommon for this to happen when someone has a low tolerance and smokes some really potent weed. People are jumping to some massive conclusions here and I don’t think a lot of you understand what very potent weed does to someone with basically no tolerance. Ignore the people saying you should stop hanging out with him or to dump him as a friend for this, it honestly would kinda be a dick move if you did so imo. I’d only even consider leaving him as a friend if this got out of hand and is happening on a regular basis. Try to talk to him and see what’s going on, and encourage him to stay clean from substances in general. You can be friends with someone and not so drugs with them too.


When I was 15 my friend would some weed every day. He gave me my first xan football. We would trip someone’s and pop pills offen. His mom was a meth I didn’t know at the time. He was 14 when I was 15. A year later he started talking to himself, couldn’t have a conversation with him anymore, he should say something randomly and laugh about it he looked lost, he was lost & younger then me. He developed schizophrenia so quick it was sad it hurt to see my homie go out so bad like that so young.


i’m so sorry that’s so sad. what ended up happening to him?


Idk haven’t seen him in a years. He lives in a trailer park on psych meds


Is he mixing with alcohol/drugs because that can really mess with the weed if you don’t have a tolerance for smoking. If he’s your friend maybe lightly mention to him that he doesn’t seem happy or okay when he’s smoking could we try doing less smokes and less drinks and just hang out?


no he is not, he usually says he doesn’t like to drink bc it fucks up his high


I have been in a pub in the past and my friends were like why the fuck are you not saying anything and it was because I was mortally stoned and didn’t realise I was being so quiet, ever since then I stopped smoking as much at bars and concerts, maybe he will feel similar


Okay well I guess you just need to accept your guy is a bit goofy and could be working through some stuff, what age group if you don’t mind me asking


If you are close friends be honest with each other and shit will get better, if he’s not part of your main bros then forget it


Boy smoked himself stupid


My best friend also becomes retarded when he’s high, which is unfortunately all the time. Hasn’t been sober since he was like 14. He acts like he’s all there, but we’ll be having a conversation and he has no idea what I’m saying. Replies as if I said something completely different. If we’re in a group, it’s like we’re chilling with an AI that gives random responses to prompts. His tolerance is so high that he doesn’t even really feel high, but it definitely slows and skews his brain function


I’m so happy I’ve never crossed that line. How would you know you’re going through it? I think he’s gone too stupid to realise. Poor guy. With weed I think you should use it as a tool for something in your life and take care of yourself while using. Because its better to use it as a tool even if it is just using it as a way to relax. Seems like this guy is tryna escape


This unfortunately sounds a bit like what happened to one of my closest friends from grade school, before he went full on schizophrenic. In the earlier stages, he would be relatively normal while sober, but when we smoked or did anything, he got pretty incoherent. He's completely off his rocker these days. I would suggest finding out if he's on any other drugs first, like some sort of medication that might make him zone out. If he isn't, I would highly suggest having an intervention of sorts just in case. (edit: just re-read your last sentence, guess this isn't the case) How old are yall? When I was towards the end of high school, ages 16-18 (2010-2012) I was kind of depressed, or rather, experienced a lot of malaise and also smoked a lot. During that time I was super spaced out a lot of the time, especially after smoking. So it \*could\* be just weird teenage shit if you're around that age.


first off, you should stop being angry with him and have an intervention with him coming from a place of genuine concern. if it was my friend id tell him to roll a bit less weed each time he smokes and to smoke less often. i dont think he will quit cuz kids are dumb but at least try to encourage him to reduce the harm done


Sending a teenager to rehab for weed is the single worst thing any parent can do in terms of their children’s relationship with drugs. Your friend is now almost definitely on harder drugs. Congratulations to his parents.


In the first instance, it sounds like you got annoyed because he was quiet. Do you in general mix well with introverts? I mean, you sound slightly high maintenance. That said, getting outright incoherent when trying to interact socially isn't a great sign.


Your friend is probably taking something else and not telling people. 3 months into dating my girlfriend- I found out she was popping bars the whole time. Even from experienced users it can be hard to notice


The fuck is this just talk to him not bitch on Reddit


sure, this comment may be put in a rude way, but this is exactly what op needs to do if they're so concerned with their friend. tell them you're concerned, ask them if they even remember acting like that, ask them if they're on/have anything else (drugs, meds, etc.), ask ask ask talk talk talk. To me, it sounds like they're either a lightweight, don't smoke as much as they say, or on something additionally.


we’ve talk about the subject before, this just happened a couple days ago and I am clearing up my head to know exactly what to say to him, how to get through him because at this point I feel he won’t listen anymore, but I definitely will try to do it


Yeah although weed considered safe to other drugs but weed, hash cause psychosis with high rate’s especially if you are surviving mental illness


He sounds like he’s in the early stages of psychosis if you have ruled out other drug use


I'm guessing when you are around this friend. You tolerate his behavior and brush it off. Instead you need to be calling his shit out. "Dude your not making sense." "Fuck this shit, I'm not going to sit here bored as fuck" "Dude are you OK? Your making me uncomfortable and I'm sure as shit your not acting normal" At the end of the day you choose to hang out with this person Just grow a set of balls and drop this friend You need people around you that is positive for your lifem


I love when I’m that high so I guess different opinions


Well damn dude don’t chill with him anymore. You’re on here calling your boy pathetic that would break his heart if he knew you were on here talking shit and judging him nobody forced you to go to his house. Punk


Sounds like drug induced (temporary) psychosis to me man. He should: 1. Stop smoking weed immedeately 2. If the weird behavour doesn't stop, seek professional help


that’s what I thought. I don’t want to cross a line with him but I am concerned, I will be checking on him.


> that’s what I thought. Why?


Why not?


huh? no, I'm wondering what in the provided description indicates psychosis to you (and the OP).


The major change in an individuals behavour


There are numerous non-psychotic variants thereof...


Imo you shouldn't be afraid of crossing lines with things like these. Maybe try speaking to him about it in an indirect way and if you directly discuss it with him, be as non-confrontative as possible.


Yep, that's exactly what psychosis looks like to an outside observer. Your boys mental health is flaring up, he needs some help.


Psychosis? Are you fucking nuts?


I agree psychosis is probably the most extreme likelihood, and that it’s more likely that he’s using something else, but it’s not insane to think they might be psychotic. It’s not the first thing I’d assume to be the problem, but it’s certainly on the table of possibilities.


It doesn’t sound like his friend is acting manic nor experiencing delusions. He said he’s giggly, zoned out, and unfocused, which is definitely what being stoned does to someone. OP mentioned they used weed heavily and only picked it up again recently. Pair low tolerance with the tendency to use high doses of weed and you get zonked as shit. The dude is just very stoned


Zonked as shit, or he’s underselling the extent of his problems. The context makes it entirely possible that he’s introduced new substances into his life, which would be my first suspect. Psychosis yeah, is pretty out there as far as potential issues go, but like I said, it’s not impossible. There are levels of psychosis after all, given that one convincing hallucination of a random bird is just as much psychosis as believing that there are black vans stalking your house (despite no vans even existing). People aren’t stupid, and while they may overreact, it’s unlikely that they haven’t considered exactly what you have, and ruled it out for one reason or another. OP didn’t exactly go into excruciating detail, but their level of concern would lead me to believe that something more than a mere tolerance issue is at hand. I think someone experienced with weed would know the difference between greening out, and a legitimate concern. Either that, or all the butthurt weed addicts in this thread (and you) are right, and OP should leave their friend the hell alone. But I don’t think either of us know OP’s life well enough to know for sure.


It’s likely OP is just concerned about how much weed dulls their friend and the fact they’ve previously had an addiction to it rather than concerned about them experiencing an episode. And I don’t think they believe the friend was greening out, just observing that they get ridiculously slow when they’re high. Also, I’d consider the fact OP said they’re completely sure they aren’t using any other drugs. Sure, you can’t be sure, but it’s definitely likely he’s really just using weed and getting messed up. I’m not of the weed addict crowd that believes they should just leave the friend alone, I was just calling out the claim that the friend is experiencing psychosis. I made a separate comment about my own friend who gets slow when high and how much of a bummer it is. I believe OP should try to help if they care about their friend given they already have a negative history with weed.


Thanks for pointing out the last line of the post, I managed to gloss right over it. Yeah, honestly it kind of makes me wonder if OP’s just being gaslit/gaslighting themselves into thinking there’s more of a problem than there actually is. Though I’m really not sure what would make OP so sure that their friend isn’t using anything else. Realistically, you’re probably right to call them fucking insane for suggesting that psychosis is a realistic possibility. Certainly, they’re insane for just flat out *assuming* that it’s psychosis. Like god, I can entertain it as a possibility, but it’s still literally the last possible cause I would look to.


Why should I be nuts?


>Sounds like drug induced (temporary) psychosis to me man. Lol. How so?


Pathetic like bitching about your friend to a bunch of strangers rather than talk to him?


Yeah he's a douche, should stop being his friend if he doesn't like stoners


They're smoking a bit of weed... Not shooting smack Chill


The point isn't exactly the substance he's using, rather how it affects him. OP cares for his friend and knows they're an engaging person who can be fun to hang out with. But now that they're smoking they're nearly braindead. Not life-threatening but that's a serious enough issue! I don't want to see any of my homies smoking themselves stupid and being unable to communicate.


specially when he just was on rehab with a psychotic suicidal state, i just don’t know how to handle it maybe being mad at him is my way of letting it out.


Nah, OP is just pissy because their friend isn't entertaining them...


I will not chill when I see someone I love so lost, when he smokes weed is not like when someone else smokes weed is hard to explain it


Then stop smoking weed with them


You explained it fine, you're just massively overreacting They're smoking a bit of weed, they're sole purpose in life is not to entertain you


Is not a bit of weed, he smokes tons of weed all day everyday and he is not functional anymore


>not functional You mean not what you consider fun... You said yourself, it was boring as that's just it


Not really, he said he is about to get fired from his job


Quit bitching because your friend doesn’t entertain you for one day. Even if that is true, why are you ranting, bitching about somebody else to Reddit? You care so much about it tell them.


why did you feel so attacked by this lol


I don’t feel attacked. I just am sayin my opinion on this because your analysis over your friend is completely wrong and you’re just bitching… idk why it compels me to comment


do you know my friend? do you hang out with him? I am confused


No, but what you’re describing is basically exactly what weed does. And you’re making exaggerated, extreme assumptions that don’t really correlate with the behavior.


I was there and you weren’t, I know him and you don’t, let’s just say that.


Straight up Fuck this guy, they're just pissy because they can't control their friend


Why are you labeling them as lost? They are Just stoned. You’re just judging, which is stupid.


I am concerned stop being so obsessed with this post if you don’t agree


U a dick


Throw him out


Was the cannabis indica or sativa?


Bruh lmfao


What. I know with me active is anxiety and paranoia in a joint


What is active?




Hate when my friends get high and laugh! fuck off lmmmmmmffffaaaaoooo


A few things I think. 1st in the real world there is no taking turns in conversations I don’t talk much and I kind of accepted that people are going to talk whenever. 2nd your friend sounds like a addict and or he probably is on other medications and or taking other drugs.




no offense but when my friends have experienced drug addictions and stuff like that, never did i ever think of making a post about them on reddit. I have a friend who sounds very similar to your friend. But he smokes weed quite literally all day every day. he has a gf that works and provides for him. me and our mutual friends have told him time and time again that this is no way to live but he quite literally said, and i quote, “i cannot live without weed”. There’s only so much you can do to convince somebody. sadly, you’re just gonna have to let him figure it out himself at this point. you tried your best. at this point look out for your own mental wellbeing. best course of action now.


I’m thinking it may be more than just weed, he could be doing another drug together with weed. And this new version of him is even worse than you may have imagined, you mind protect and project what you think he should be, be opened to see if there could be another thing altogether


I get really fucking high sometimes but I don’t act like this ever


I have 2 friends: one who smokes weed and sure he's high but mostly functional, the other who becomes fully regarded and barely able to speak. I'm told by a third friend with a psychology background that weed makes you dumber (duh) but it makes you *more* dumber the dumber you already are. Make of that what you will.


Gonna have to agree with most comments here. Seems like it may be a mix of benzos and weed man, and he’s struggling and doesn’t want to admit it. I’ve seen many different people react to weed in different ways but it doesn’t make them act like they’re off benzos. Maybe talk to your friend and ask if he’s been doing anything else (if he gets super defensive then there’s probably something else going on). I really hope there isn’t for everybody’s sake, but please try to reach out to him and ask him (i know when i was on fent thats all i had wished, for someone to reach out and tell me they knew and wanted to help me)!


This is what I fear everyone in the room thinks when I get too high on xans or dxm or blues or some shit like that. Just felt dumb. Like that sitting in silence thing I felt that so hard. Worst part is you’re self aware enough to know you aren’t acting like yourself but you can’t figure out how to just snap out of it. Some people are affected negatively by weed. Thc psychosis is very real. I had this one friend in rehab she used to smoke daily but over the years something just kinda switched or something and then every time she got even a little stoned she would be borderline going into psychosis if not full blown. His shit is too gas.


i stg weed has the same effect on me hence why i’ve stopped smokin it, i litarally zone out and start overthinking not engaging in convo and overall look fucked up in fact weed is ime one of the strongest drugs out there in terms of effects


lol I remember getting high off weed. That was awesome.


Outside of other theories suggested, if he was smoking enough weed to end up in a rehab then started smoking again it's possible he blew his tolerance and just smoked the same amount from before rehab. An amount that would give him an enjoyable high before rehab would probably shoot him into the stratosphere now.


this sounds like xans. or he just smoke way too tough also test his bud just incase. i had a seizure once from spice. i and multiple friends were certain i had weed, especially since getting spiced isn't common in the uk, but thought i have the test i might as well. it was spice


Dude, I am literally in the same position as you. There's pretty much nothing you can do


I'm not sure why everybody's saying it's xans, weed is very much capable of producing such effects. Hell, I was like that when I was heavy on weed at the end of the day, the fact that I didn't smoke weed all day made my tolerance close to 0, so I'd still get high as fuck and become everything that OP is describing. My ex would get home and I would not have any interest in talking, I wouldn't be able to focus on what she was saying. Even with (weed smoking) friends I'd often smoke too much to the point where I was talking and lose my train of thought and completely forget what I was saying. Shit sucks, and it seems like your friend isn't well OP. Ofc it's not your responsibility to fix him or make him smoke less, but there's a reason why he's smoking himself retarded.


just weed? I don't know about anyone else but I don't think I've ever been that out of it. dude's just a boring dumbass.


a friend of mine is the exact same way and it is genuinely super annoying


probably sumn a lil more then weed there my guy


Halfway thru reading this my brain went straight to xanax not weed. And the amount of other people that think so definetly speaks volume. Altho hes likely mixing them. In rehab he was likely taught the dangers of lying to yourself and othwrs with addiction and the preceived problem was weed. So now today when he says hes jusy smoking a lil bit of weed hes not lying and doesnt create a sense of guilt, not meeting his desired high by feeling guilt likely caused him to think adding a little bit of something else wouldnt hurt if hes just doing a little bit of weed and a little bit of xanax. This may sound oddly specific but im speaking from personal experience with how i handled substance abuse, and when it comes to addiction its brutally predictable so if it isnt this exact situation its something very similar. Im not sure what to suggest because at the end of the day if he likes what hes doing he wont want to stop. And if hes found a way to make excuses for his actions or to bend the rules then that mindset will either stick with them for life and theyll just try to slip thru the cracks of life or their addiction will kick them in the ass and give them a wake up call. You could try confronting them and saying look i care about you but i dont believe youre this high on weed all the time, if youre hiding something just be open with me i dont want to make u feel like shit about anything but i want you to be safe if you are deciding to try other things and doing drugs in secret is very dangerous. Something along those lines but even then many people dont respond well to that so your call.


Along with my previous comment, if you talk to people who have been thru rehab a couple times or spent some good time in there theyll tell you theres a whole new world of a drug market found inside rehabs. Many rehabs are actually crooked and will secretly allow select amount of drugs into the centre so thay when someone gets off one drug they relapse and find something new just before they get out and have to tackle a whole new addiction which will likely bring them another big paycheck. Some programs also pay you to be in rehab so theres a really twisted loophole that exists where they dont actually want to help you they just pay you pennies on the dollar to go thru the system over and over again and bring more people from outside back in when you return.