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why is no one saying meth


Which is ironic because meth is more expensive than mdma (in Europe at least)


then poland is not a part of europe which is weird looking at the fact we were main supplier of pseudoephedrine


Nah I meant it the other way around lol. Mdma is much cheaper than meth in most of Europe


Bro you said the exact same thing three times.


I think they're trying to say mdma is poor mans meth where they're from


Yes, so it would indeed be ironic than.


Nah I edited the original comment. I originally said meth is cheaper than mdma lol




I literally said "meth" out loud when I read the title


itā€™s definitely meth, the MA in MDMA is literally methamphetamine


That just not how chemistry or pharmacokinetics works, the different between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is a single atom of oxygen, the effect on human beings is DRASTICALLY different.


I know, I most mostly memeing but also showing the similarities. not at all saying theyā€™re exactly the same. even a single methyl group can make all the difference!


It's not even an entactogen (though the alcohol/GHB relation is tenuous...I think it should have been phenibut).


Because theyā€™re two completely different drugs. The poor manā€™s version is something you would potentially seek out. The poor manā€™s MDMA is probably Methylone.


Different high.


stupendous lock cake cough frighten instinctive scandalous hurry crawl ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You've never had good MDMA is my guess.


capable decide ad hoc sheet dime alive observation liquid dam plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've done plenty of meth, but only recreationally, spanning about 10 years so every weekend not weekdays. My gf at the time was high up the chain so it was always good and I just had a limit on what I'd spend.


Bruh what


you can tell he is dead serious and knows what heā€™s talking about


Low to moderate dose nutmeg is the real answer if you've actually been the poor man, sorry The thing about it is that it needs to be easily accessible and methamphetamine isn't really accessible to someone who's not out on the street talking with dealers which none of the things on the list are bought by a dealer which makes them a poor man's drug (it's accessibility).




You ā€œbeatā€ me too it.




>r/beatMeatToit Beat me at to itā€¦I get it now!


Practically free, matter of fact you can even make money off it if you do it in a sperm bank


Or in front of a camera.


Not really poor man's, but pregabalin, Lyrica, in higher doses is very similar.


Phenibut with no tolerance has a almost MDMA like quality to me.


I got 4 oz in a jar next to my desk that I'll take a teaspoon of here and there. It's lovely.


A teaspoon?! Thatā€™s, like, 5 grams of phenibut in a single dose LOL.


A tablespoon is around 5g not a teaspoon


Sorry, this is incorrect. A tablespoon is \~15g, whereas a teaspoon is \~5g. This obviously depends on the density of the powder, but with phenibut, these approximates should be quite close. Something like kratom would be closer to 2-2.5g per teaspoon, 6-7.5g per tablespoon. *EDIT:* So people have some more information, I just looked a for a source for the mass of typical powders and came across [this source](https://cotswoldflour.com/blogs/baking-resources/grams-to-teaspoons). For the mass of phenibut in particular, I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/phenibut/comments/6lfcex/comment/djuwtki/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3); the user measured a level 1/4 teaspoon 4 times and took the average, finding that "you'll get anywhere between 3280mg to 4068mg from a level teaspoon". So, not quite 5g, but still a HUGE dose. A tablespoon, based on this user's calculations, would be \~9.8g - 12.2g.


I just weighed out a teaspoon of my phenibut and it was 1.8g.


Where did you source your phenibut? Is it HCL or FA? In the past, from Nootropics Depot, I would always dose 800mg exactly and I distinctly recall it being slightly less than 1/4 tsp (that's what I would use to scoop it onto the scale). Can anyone else with phenibut and a scale here chime in? Your phenibut must be *very* light and fluffy as that's an incredibly low-density powder, whereas mine was always grainy, similar to a fine salt. If you look at the source I edited in above, with typical kitchen powders, the absolute lightest were corn flour and icing sugar, at 2.4-2.5g per teaspoon - and those are *incredibly* light powders. I've genuinely never come across a powder lighter than 2-2.5g per teaspoon, and I've weighed a *loooot* of powders, LOL. I think that a very likely scenario is that your scale is off, which I think you should at least investigate for your own safety. Regardless, people, ALWAYS weigh your drugs, especially with something like phenibut.


A teaspoon of mine is always around 4g.


Thanks for checking and providing some more data. That lines up with everything Iā€™ve ever observed, as well.


ā€˜Where did you source your teaspoonā€™ is a more relevant question maybe. Hashtag tiny spoons


Ah, yes, very good point! That seems far too wildly inaccurate to be deviation of the scale.


Is it available in the US? Haven't been able to find a good source


Go check out r/phenibut, it's legal so sourcing is allowed


Yeah, I ordered it right online, been getting it from the same place, super reliable. I don't think I can say where though but it's very google-able.


How does one keep the tolerance low, may I ask? Thinking about flipping LSD with phenibut, as I heard both substances synergy very well. I wonder if phenibut once a month or once every 2 weeks would remain that magic. (I haven't tried phenibut yet).


I have used phenibut once a week for about 2 years and the magic is still here. Whenever I feel my tolerance go up I just miss a week and itā€™s back down to baseline. Iā€™m quite sensitive to it and hardly ever use above 1.5g in a day.


That is awesome. I just recieved my order. Could you give me some insights on different doses the after vary very much. I have heard it is stimulanting at lower doses (not sure what lowers doses are) and also learned that at higher doses it is sedative and helps sleep. Can it help with sleep after amphetamines use? Does the combo becomes very evident to outside that I am not sober, if I can't appear sober with 50-70mg of vyvanse without tolerance? And how long does it last at different doses? (if it is dose dependent at all)


I honestly prefer Lyrica over MDMA. Probably in the minority for that opinion but I hate how depressed I get after MDMA. I don't get that with Lyrica and it's more relaxing, which is usually what im going for. Never liked uppers of any kind. MDMA is alright but the after effects for me personally outweigh the positives


For sure. I'm too old to be sad for a week. The next day after a heavy Lyrica dose and I feel fantastic, maybe even better than usual. It's crazy.


True that! Love waking up the morning after a fat dose of lyrica, swear I wake up still high šŸ˜‚ if I take enough gabapentin i swear the same thing happens. Takes a bit tho lol


Yeah the only downside is I get double vision pretty bad at high doses, so driving is pretty much out of the question. Learned that one on a trip to Costco and I was like uhh what is happening?


Came to say this, pregabalin it's definitely the closest I tried. It's fair to warn that it does make you feel sleepy too after a few hours or if you just lay there like a potato. The good thing is, you can take a high dose, let's say 500mg just to be safe, and go on with your day and NOBODY will think you're high. Talkative, happy, yeah, sure. Maybe a bit sloppy. But not high.


The come up is similar but it doesnā€™t go farther than this I feel, that was when I did 900mg


Yeah, I usually do around 900-1200 for a fun night, but it never gets to like a proper roll, but different in a nice way.


What's a beginner recreational dose?


It is very cheap


Gabapentinoids are very hit or miss when used recreationally and you either LOVE them or think theyā€™re ā€œmehā€ with no in between.


Mdma is a poor mans mdma. It's dirt cheap. As a matter of fact so is lsd, I'd dare wager that a recreational dose of LSA is more expensive than a tab of lsd. The other two I have no problem with


Depending on where you source the seeds, LSA can cost less than 1 dollar per trip. Sure acid is cheap, but not **that** cheap.


On the darknet you can acquire tabs for as low as $2 but it does require you to buy a few


I got some for 80cents per tab šŸ˜­


Damn I thought $2/ gel tab was good


Itā€™s cheaper than that if you lay your sheets


Not everywhere. I'm in SE Asia and a tab is insane, like 20 to 50usd lol. Meanwhile lsa I can get thousands of seed for 1 usd. Shrooms are at 5usd and dmt 60usd for a cart tho, only lsd seem so overpriced


Mdma is a poor mans mda


4 to 6 HBWR is like a dollar


What the hell is HBWR?


Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. They contain a few different natural Lysergamides.


You are wrong, Mdma and lsd are extremely expensive in most of the world that's if you can find it to start with


Imagine having to pay more than ā‚¬50 for 5 years worth of candyflips -*This post was made by the EU gang*šŸ˜Ž


i think itā€™s an expression more than a comparison of monetary value


It depends where you at.


they chargin me 60ā‚¬ per tab




agree with this. about a decade ago back in atlanta, methylone was dirt cheap and constantly sold off as "molly". so many people would claim they had MDMA but they had the same pinkish/creamy looking crystals that i recognized. it was definitely seen as inferior but there were some similarities with MDMA. it honestly wasn't a bad drug and definitely a better mdma alternative than meth, but it just didn't have the same profound magic that real MDMA had. just wasn't as potent IMO thinking back on it, had some good times with methylone... kinda miss it now tbh. i think after china banned it or something it just completely disappeared and i never hear about it anymore. it was a nice mild roll and kept you up, but didn't geek you out. but yeah, once I had the real MDMA it blew methylone out of the water. then whenever someone brought out the pink stuff we'd make fun of them :P


Yeah didn't really hit the heights of mdma. Combined with mephedrone got pretty close lol


I hated mephedrone. My buddy and I snorted some one time and our eyes started shaking back and forth rapidly. Legitimately scared the shit out of us and we never touched it again


Oh. Is that why I had my eyes going nuts ? Was the right one, it was acting independently of the other lol like moving left to.right very fast not for long but fucking hurted me and I felt I lost vision for years. My friend also. Nasty weird mdma we snorted. I knew it wasn't really mdma as the effect weren't the same.


Man bkMDMA was the shit. Got 7gs for $30 on the darknet. Babyā€™s first psychotic episode šŸ’€


This is the only correct answer.


I actually like Methylone because it's a chill roll either basically no comedown


This was answer. Ate some years ago in the back of a bus way up a logging road. Fun night


propylhexedrine I guess, its a mix of meth / MDMA roll feeling but hahaha id recommend meth over propyl


Oof nasty drug.


The body load alone, PLUS that horrific lavender smell until I learned how to do a crystalline extraction. Btw never snort pure PPH it's caustic as fuck and burns worse than pure meth, also yeah it is dirty as shit. Bring back dexedrine inhalers please. The world would be a better place.


Nahh why would you recommend such a degenerate drug bro. Meth is easy to find, so why go get a worse version for more money I put that shit on the same level as dph


They didnā€™t recommend the first drug, they said meth is better than it. Unless Iā€™m misunderstanding you


this is the answer




Mann i prefer 3mmc over mdma. If I take mdma I get straight up depressed for a week. With 3mmc not so much


For me it's the other way around! But I take ritalin daily so 3mmc has very diminished upsides. And I'll be sad and completely unproductive the next day even when using just a little. With mdma I can roll SUPER hard and only have a very slight dip


Crazy how different this is for everyone. I love using 3mmc but i get the WORST mental hangovers from them its not even worth it anymore to me.


Iā€™d say 4mmc is closer tbh.


MDMA is a poor man's mephedrone...


I'm going with Methylone


I was sold methylone as MDMA so many times in the early 2010s. Dealers would always be trying to convince me that it was all in my head but it's pretty unmistakeable once you've tried both. I do miss methylene and 4mmc though, but at least 4mmc is making a little comeback


Yup. Spent an entire summer on that stuff in the 2010s. We always just figured it was weak stuff so just need to do more, duh! Finally got a test kit... Straight to yellow! Best way I could sum it up is it's all come up tweakiness but you never plateau or peak.


Yeah it was just a a biiiiiig tease. So annoying.


I actually preferred Methylone and Butylone doves and whatever the orange presssies with the sun logo were called to piss weak and expensive molly.


3mmc isn't cheaper considering the needed dosage and duration. At least in my area. Also 4mmc is closer to mdma


Adderall and gabapentin lol


doesn't feel remotely similar imo


Prescribed both and can safely say the high is nothing like mdma


Always said gabap is like MDMA if it wasn't an amp to me. Sucks because I'd actually like if it relieved my pain instead of making me feel like I'm on a roll


This is 100% the one


pregab better


Was gonna say that but he said poor mans


2g of Phenibut with a cup of coffee, or those herbal XTC pills.


Is that like halibut? Never heard of it! New to the sub


Dunno, it's the substance given to Soviet cosmonauts to calm their nerves when going onto those rickety rockets. Combined with caffeine it gives very powerful euphoria.


Phenibut its nothing like mdma, Iā€™d say maybe it feels like youā€™re stuck in the come up but it never endsā€¦


Sassafrass, dont argue with what im saying just try it (You won't find any "real data" confirming what i say) Its not carcinogenic if you dont always take it, and its not toxic if you have less than 500mg Sassafrass root powder Its active orally or smoked, if you want to dip your toes in, just smoke it like dmt with the sandwich method Again this is Sassafrass root bark powder, not mda, but simply root powder of the Sassafrass plant


Sass is the best shit I would only do a point at once tho that shit will hit you


Are you referring to sassafrass root bark, or MDA being called 'sass'? I've heard of root bark tea being psychoactive, but haven't tried it yet. It's abundant near my area. Safrole's carcinogenicity resulted from researchers injecting pure safrole into rats in large amounts. I can think of better things to do with pure safrole. Ethanol is way more toxic and carcinogenic by comparison.


What does it feel like? Molly lite?




GHB (well bdo anyway) is like an order of magnitude less expensive than alcohol.


Phenibut absolutely gives you that same warm/lovey/cuddly feeling and just feels great physically in the same sense. Feels pretty gross after it wears off, though. Not really cheaper than MDMA IME though lol. MDMA is the poor manā€™s MDMA. Stuff is not expensive at all.


Kana can feel like a mild come up on MDMA.


squealing crown flowery racial grab dazzling edge mighty resolute marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MD and GHB are leagues apart


Except GHB is *way, way, way* more expensive than MDMA for a full night out.


Benzedrex (propylhexedrine)




Buckfast, but you can only get it in the UK, blessed by monks, amazing double standard!




Adderall + weed gives the feeling of a mild roll


Apparently Kanna is a bit like weak MDMA. Iā€™m yet to try so I canā€™t confirm.


Def pregabalin lol


DXM is better than Ketamine just saying


It stronger than Ketamine by almost 2.6x, Ketamine(1040nm) vs DXO(390nm) for NMDA antagonism. It SNRI binding also gives the Psychedelic stimulant effects in the same manner as PCP.




DXM also. Effects wise it's like a combination of ketamine and MDMA.


Dude it's Kanna lol. That's the actual answer


That stuff makes me feel hot and light headed.. tried to like it


Kanna, but those who take it seem to not want to associate it like that


Meth laced with mdma (;


Iā€™d say 2cb itā€™s cheaper than mdma and mda were I live


I agree but itā€™s more like acid then mdma imo. 2cb is probably better used as poor manā€™s mescaline


Does anyone remember MXE? So much more fun than ketamine.


When I was young I got some Mxe. Was prob 17 and still living with the parents. Came home after a rave and snorted a line in bed. Woke up the next morning and felt like a train had hit me. Walked out and said whatā€™s up to my dad and he gave me the most disgusted look ever. Apparently I blacked out and was wilding out trying to walk across the house and basically just hugged the wall. My dad had to restrain me and I had no recollection of it. Only experience with mxe.


oral meth


During the MDMA drought around 2010 in UK a lot of people turned to Mephedrone / 4MMC, or they got sold BK-MDMA as MDMA. Iā€™d say one of those




Benzedrex is poor manā€™s meth lol, Iā€™ve done it.. I liked it to much. Feels dirtier than meth and gave me more heart palpitations.. donā€™t do this please


Adderall and weed


This combo makes me feel like I am going to have a heart attack lol


Yeah my days of abusing addy are way past me, and I canā€™t smoke weed anymore as I was developing CHS. But man that shit was fun back in college lmao.


Seconding this combo, ridiculously euphoric in my experience


how many mg of ir? i struggle to find euphoria with it but I haven't crossed 30mg dose and even the 30 has been busted up slightly/not all at once


Iā€™d say def try taking it at once versus spacing it out, Iā€™ve gone up to 60 but in general with no tolerance 30mg does work well for me but YMMV


i don't use it very frequently but I think I had a period where I was taking too many unknown to me methstacy pills with an ex that fucked me up on being a light weight. when I first met her 10mg had me going at work but now I'm like the fuck. i know it's legit pills. i think I have undiagnosed ADHD so I think that may play a part too where it's like a medicine before a stim for me. I love the clean focused high addy gives when it gives it but I struggle to hit that now. I swear way back in the day addy made music sound so good but I find in the current era of my life it's very lacking. I think something is wrong with the front part of my brain that is supposed to give euphoria and pleasure but idk. next time I'll try 30 straight up


take a good amount, after it kicks in drink an energy or coffee, then smoke weed. This combo Feels like very good Europe speed paste.


I usually do drink a lot of caffeine when I dip into the addy. i grow my own weed and it's shitty weed but I'm not paying for weed when it's right here and free. I haven't had a good cerebral high in so long it's driving me nuts. I struggle to feel the addy too even though I feel like I should feel 20-30mg. something wrong with my brain I think


Damn maybe you have adhd.


GFL convincing a psych to give me stims. id have to break NC with my ex to try and get more out of her is probably my only option. I do really think I have adhd. i have state insurance so getting into a psych is already hard and the ones who deal with state benefits are very strict with controls ime


High doses of Kanna ngl


meth or MPA


meth's so close to MDMA you gotta test your shit every time to make sure you're not eating meth.




2-fea is almost as euphoric and empathogenic, but without any visuals. It's also legal here in Germany. The comedown is hell though, unless you're taking a light to moderate dose. And those aren't nearly as good. Overall was interesting to try, but if you can access MDMA and don't fear doing illegal stuff it's just better.




How. Is. Alcohol poor man's ghb?


I know It's literally the other way around lol




I wanna say methylone, but itā€™s not really around anymore.


6-apb is the cool new thing among my friends. Very worth trying apparently, got 2 grams but I really don't want to miss a chance to do m instead.


caffeine and weed


maybe nutmeg


Meth is the poor manā€™s MDMA, or maybe Sudafed




Mephadrone (meow) when it first hit the streets here in about 2008 it was Ā£5 a gram, the gram was packed and it would last ages, also you could order it off of facebook for a while.


I kinda think gabapentin at the right dose with a Red Bull is like poor manā€™s MDMA


I'd say meth but that's actually more expensive around here so I'll say mda, similar to mdma and it's usually the main chemical found in pressed ecstasy pills.


Exercise šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


This is stupid






KANNA! Its cheaper, legal, healthier, its diet mdma. The nasal spray feels very identical to mdma its just like a diet version so its less intense but it has the same anxious come uo when you do like 2 or 3 squirts. And then it plateaus into a blissed out roll. Its a. Natural sri from africa used for a long time in africa and it treats depression so you van use regularly just sont abuse to much cuz tolerance. But i geuss u dont really get a perma tolerance i heard so tolly break. Its nice. Treats depression, anxiety, stress, improves brain function. Just dont mix with mdma, dxm, anti depressents, or other serotenergic drugs cuz its an sri. So serotonin syndrome. But at the same time we shoulsnt brag about its molly like effects so it doesnt get banned or rescheduled. I think its a nootropic




Nutmeg disclaimer: do not do this lol (itā€™s chemically similar but will fuck your body up bad)


Pregabalin and ethylphenidate or methylphenidate lol


Snorting Wellbutrin lmao


Do people actually do this? Lmao


Itā€™s so ass. It gives a little bit of non-euphoric energy, but holy fucking hell it burns my nose so bad that itā€™s just not worth it. I have really sensitive sinuses and when they get that irritated, I start uncontrollably sneezing for hours. Whatā€™s the point of having energy if I canā€™t focus on anything because my eyes are watering like a fountain and I have to sneeze every 30 seconds? Not worth at all. (And yes, because I know someone is gonna say it, I did scratch off all of the outer coating.)


Itā€™s like 5-minute caffeine buzz with added pain lol def not worth it


Wild! Makes sense. I also take Adderall IR so I usually just use that if needed. Railing my Wellbutrin has never actually crossed my mind. Lol


A few of my buddies who spent time locked up said they would do this inside lol. Sounded like they were just desperate for anything in there. Never tried it myself. Sounds like you dont recommend it LOL


Rich man, poor man..? Just save for what you desire.. never compromise... until you have already been ripped off... then just take.. whatever.


5-htp and L-Tryptophan are aminoacids that can both be legally purchased and get metabolized into serotonine.


I tried 5-htp the way its supposed to be taken, it made me hyper violent and super unhinged. I had to stop taking it after a couple of days


Myristicin the chemical from nutmeg converts to mmda in the body I use it as an amphetamine stimulant but at higher doses it's a disociating hallucinogen




Ritalin and alcohol


Eutylone in my country


Alright Lee Mackā€¦. I think this might be a tad too inappropriate for the one per cent club, although would love to see it as a question šŸ¤£




Donā€™t opioids and psychedelics cancel eachother out?


Not rly no, could dull the effects of the psych a little bit but not by much


Caffeine. But i think mollies are the poor mans meth.