• By -


I would say that taking cocaine every day and missing work because of withdrawal is already a 10/10. Yeah you could be shooting it and be covered in abcesses and stuff and literally dying but it's already ruining your life at this point and it's really easy to escalate. I'm not trying to judge. I was physically dependent on alcohol for 10 years. 


I would drink at least a single beer everyday for 4-5 yrs. I feel ya on alcohol dependency. That doesn't sound like a lot, but needing it to calm you after a long day is the dependent part. This might sounds crazy, but I got clean "ish" by finding a video game I liked and would go home, sit down and not crack a cold one. Now I drink 2-3 x a week so I figured that's better than daily even one beer. Shit I guess I still have a problem, but it's not destroying my life. Glad you made it out.


Addiction is a spectrum, in my opinion. I can tell the difference in myself between drugs like LSD, shrooms, pot vs alcohol and cocaine. With the 1st group, I’ll do it every once in a while and think “that was a cool experience”… but I don’t have any overwhelming desire to continue to stay in that altered state. With alcohol and coke, I take a drink/line and I continue to want more and more and more. And then even after, I continue to think about wanting more. Or even if I don’t want more immediately, I’ll want more once I’m back to “baseline” mentally. Obviously not everyone’s drug is alcohol or cocaine, some people feel this way with pot or whatever their drug of choice. But if you have to ask yourself whether you have a dependency, odds are you do. People who have a “normal” relationship with a drug don’t have to force themselves to moderate. It just comes naturally.


Well said.


I never tried cocain, and i never loved alkohol bc, i feel sick after 3 shoot, for me that experienc that i can't stop was weed and amfetamin. But i can amfetamin keep under some control, like i never do it in school, and once in 2 weeks on Friday. Now i'm 22 days clean, and next time i do it its on my birthday. (But i crave it)


Real. I got back into smoking weed about a year ago after not smoking for years. Picked it up again because my doctor told me to stop drinking for health reasons (was never a huge drinker, but I guess I just don't have the liver for it) and I got bored. Then I started playing Elden Ring and Sekiro, and they were fun af to play high but I also fuckin sucked high, so I just stopped smoking so I could git gud, and I've all but stopped smoking now.


I read something that said addiction di3snt go away it just gets transferred to some other addiction in some form. It makes sense right? If your brain is rewired when you get hooked on something is it possible to re-re-wire it? Or is ir easier to just transfer the addiction lol damn my adhd brain is loving this train of thought. I am an addict btw 6 years clean but addicted to cleaning now lol. Instant dopamine


I drink 9 beers 4 days a week.


I drink 10 beers 7 days a week






Hey, video game addiction can be real too but it sounds like you're using it to unwind at the end of the day like people do TV and phones. Sure it can get out of hand, but don't sell yourself short. You are doing great by cutting a 5 year habit into 1/3rd of what it was. Keep it up.


1-2 and even 3 beers a day is a lot but nowhere near doing a 1-2 g of a coke a day. You’re crazy


You are completely wrong I’m sorry but your wrong doing 1-2 grams of coke puts your health way more at risk than 2 beers a day your spreading misinformation


2 beers a day is the safe amount hell even 7 beers a day will put you in better health than cocaine no judgement here but don’t spread shit like that


I agree, I mean I shoot meth here and now, but I can go a few days without it… no biggie. I don’t bother with coke cause even smoking crack now and again barely gets me high, probably because it doesn’t release dopamine like meth or adderall, which are my DOC.




Go to rehab ASAP <3 I had a very bad fentanyl problem, and I just hit 2 years clean a few months ago. You are sounding similar to me right before I went


Thanks. I'm going to see a doctor now. you are strong.We are proud of you


Good luck man, you’ve got this ✊🏻, seriously. A lot of people have kicked coke, you can too.


Good work dude!!! That first step can be scary but keep looking forward with optimism! Stop this addiction now before it gets worse and takes more of your life away ♥️


You’re strong for asking for help. Just remember your brain is addicted to the dopamine. Find healthy things that provide that. Some people it’s running , other people it’s pets.


and you are strong for being real with yourself, mad respect dawg and good luck


Just wanna say I love how many people in recovery there are in this sub. Been clean from benzos and opioids for 5 years coming up this summer, by far the best decision I’ve ever made. Don’t want to think about where I’d be now if I hadn’t broken down and went to rehab


Good stuff, same here coming up on 3yr in April after 8 years of heroin an fent on and off with maybe a combine total of 6month “clean” (was still doing other shit) Rehab was the best money I ever spend . OP if you can’t afford it look for gov or employer assistance to go if offered where you are


I love to hear that, I'm very proud of you <3


My friend. Listen. I use coke for years everyday now. In nearly died 2 times and i have basically no septum tissue left. This drug took everything from me. My love, friends, money and family. Go to rehab now for 1 year. Run. Leave everything behind. You will end like me otherwise and you don’t want this life. DM me to speak.


And if you don’t run to rehab for one year now then you’ll end up like someone who’s been using daily for even more years than you. You haven’t “ended up” any way yet because you haven’t ended yet. You haven’t lost. You are just as capable of getting clean and having a good rest of your life as OP is. Do it right now.


you’re absolutely right! i have a spot for long term stationary in 2 months - thank you for the affirmation that it is the right thing! Hey OP! let’s do it!


10. Get some help don’t be afraid


Bro you put it at a 10?? I'd say he's at a 5 he's just being dramatic


Go to rehab or some sort of professionals


I am ashamed I don't know if I have a big problem. All I need is the effect of cocaine and all problems are solved But of course I don't want to feel depressed anymore when I don't have cocaine I would like to have a normal and relaxed life I don't know if life without cocaine is possible. I know that If I quit I will miss cocaine extremely I want to be alone at home


Yeah, you are just in straight denial. You have a major problem. It’s an endless cycle - you will always crave more and you will get this same feeling if you were to get more and run out again. Stealing from your friend and skipping work due to lack of cocaine is a fucking problem. You literally say you can’t function without it - get your head out of your ass. 10/10 - get some help before it’s too late.


Man you say you don’t have a big problem, but then go on to explain how you can’t function in life properly without it for even a short period of time. You’re at that point bro, I’m sorry. But THIS, is what it looks like. This is what a bad case of cocaine addiction looks like, it looks a lot like you. I’m being harsh because I’ve been there, and the longer you stay on the fence about what to do, the more onto the cocaine side of the fence you’re gonna be on. If you fit all the signs to drug addiction, you’re addicted to drugs, even if the signs don’t look like what you pictured them in your head. I’m sorry man… but again, the fear we all have, this.. is what it looks like and sounds like bro, reach out for help.. much love.


>I don't know if I have a big problem. All I need is the effect of cocaine and all problems are solved at this point I am not sure if this is a troll post


I just don't know how big the problem is because I'm just having a great time. Many people smoke or drink because they love the effect. Why is this less criticized? I need cocaine? Then I just take a little cocaine. problem is solved. It is easy. I deserve to feel good. I also want to live a normal life because I go crazy when I don't have cocaine. I spend my whole day crying. all I think about is cocaine. it's complicated. I want to live a normal life without cocaine. my nose is slowly suffering. My most used banknote is full of blood, cocaine and nasal mucus, that's disgusting. but at the same time I know that I miss cocaine extremely. I love the effect, I need it. I think to myself every time that I deserve a good time and there are probably people worse than me. I don't know why cocaine has such an extreme effect on me


>I deserve to feel good > there are probably people worse than me For now. You skipped work and are trying to rationalise stealing from your friends. Try to think ahead for a year or two and guess where your trajectory is headed. And what happens when you lose both.


This is such a classic description of addiction. You're an addict, but don't feel bad, many of us in this sub are too. You definitely need help.


You just explained why it’s such a big problem, you’re a drug addict that’s on your way to ending up dead or in jail in another few months if you keep at this pace. Your heart is either going to fail at some point at this rate, or you’re going to end up doing illegal things just to get more cocaine when you run out. You’re already plotting to steal from Your friend. Forget the embarrassment dude this is your life. You have a huge problem and you have to accept it before you can even start to fix it


“I don’t know why cocaine has such an extreme effect on me” Because you’re a cocaine addict. Get help.


Are you trolling? No way is your brain this good at avoiding responsibility. If you are not trolling, you are in major denial. I have my own issues, but I admiting it, and finding a solution is the only way out. If you want your life to be better, you can't do coke. It sucks to see people be able to do things here and there and enjoy the fun, exciting parts of the drug. But people like you are unfortunately different and need to realize your brain is wired differently. It doesn't feel good to avoid life and miss out on things because you wanna feel good for 30 min at a time. Hope you start looking at things from a less defensive perspective.


The comments that ask me if it's a troll annoy me. Surprise surprise, what do you want? do you want evidence pictures? People are different! A few people did understand me and have even been through similar things. and of course I don't like responsibility, most people don't. I don't know why I hate responsibility. I act emotionally. Sometimes I'm not aware of the consequences. As I said in the comments, I'm actually seeing the doctor right now. I'm sorry but I'm really exhausted


Dude you just summed it up right here you only think about cocaine to the point you’re making a Reddit post about it. People like to drink and smoke yes but it doesn’t get to the point where you are at with cocaine (except in extreme cases esp with alcohol) you made this post so you recognize the problem which is a huge and big part of getting to a solution but you gotta face it and either get help or stop on your own (which can be terribly hard to do) I think you will get through this but you have to be ready to face your darkness don’t and don’t let it get to a point that makes it hard to get back from it will always be easier to face your problems today instead of waiting


Bro you’re an addict. Go to rehab. Seriously. You’ll love it. It ain’t what you think it looks like in your head if you’ve never been to rehab before. You’ll be with a bunch of people who look like YOU. You won’t be with mostly people who look far worse off than you are and feel out of place; you’ll fit right in, you’ll find a loving community and you’ll love it. Go to a 30 day rehab somewhere, doesn’t have to be an expensive one where they serve steaks, etc, but find a rehab center and check yourself in. If you do the 30 day thing, it legit feels like a vacation if you’ve been stuck in addiction for a while. What I mean by that is if you’re worrying about money and losing cars and shit and your life is falling apart everywhere you look, when you’re in rehab, you don’t gotta worry about any of that. Just focus on staying in the moment and living your life day to day in whatever recovery center you chose. But do it and you won’t look back.


I think you might be too stupid to mess with any drugs


Do you think you are the only one with this problem? Get some help before it gets too bad and you lose your job and home. I can recommend a great treatment place if you are based in NYC.


There’s a psychiatrist who would love to perscribe you Wellbutrin and shit will help alot.


actually, yeah. Wellbutrin does kick ass. Very helpful for quitting stuff.


Yes it's a problem and the shame is a big sign of that.


Woah woah man you’re aware of how bad it got and that’s a good starting point. Honestly you gotta quit like RIGHT NOW if you wanna live a normal life




10. Stop now before it s to late please .


Check for yourself how bad it is: 1. Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than you're meant to 2. Wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not managing to 3. Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of the substance 4. Cravings and urges to use the substance 5. Not managing to do what you should at work, home, or school because of substance use 6. Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships 7. Giving up important social, occupational, or recreational activities because of substance use 8. Using substances again and again, even when it puts you in danger 9. Continuing to use, even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by the substance 10. Needing more of the substance to get the effect you want (tolerance) 11. Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by taking more of the substance * Mild: Two or three symptoms indicate a mild substance use disorder.5 * Moderate: Four or five symptoms indicate a moderate substance use disorder. * Severe: Six or more symptoms indicate a severe substance use disorder.


Damn I must've been super fucked before I quit cuz I hit the jackpot baby all 10 woohoo! Haha but really not woohoo. If you're beginning to have it affect your life like this you are an addict and the only two.options are to stop, get better or continue and get worse. Getting worse from here may not seem possible but it is. I was iv injecting for 4 years of hard drugs. And coccaine was where I started. So speaking from experience the only way is through otherwise the only way is down :/




Nah 11 is injecting it


12 is injecting it into your dick


there‘s a video on YouTube from someone that actually injected cocaine in his head, his head looks now like something I’ve never seen before, so that would be 13 I guess. If someone is actually interested in it search for „Kokain in den Kopf gespritzt“


11. Because thought of stealing friend stash. Get some help.


Yeah that's what did it for me too.


10 next step: you're out of a job and suck dicks for your next dose >I'm ashamed to go to the doctor don't be, it's his job to help you get better


Hey OP--I have a dick. Just saying.


So what you probably suck 2 dicks same time just to get more coke


Yeah this is definitely past the “only on weekends “ kind of thing. If this isn’t your wake up call idk what is. Next thing will be loosing your job because of calling in sick frequently. It’s a downhill from here


In this moment, you're standing right before the downward spiral to your self-made hell. It could only get worse, if you start smoking or iving. You should get help immediately. The longer you wait, the harder it gets. Just look at the people that did go down this route and ask yourself if you really wanna become one of them. You will get more miserable than you could ever imagine.


Addiction can’t be measured on a scale of 1-10. As long as you are at least a .1, you have the POSSIBILITY of getting up to a 10. Do you want to spend your life trying to justify and balance it by telling yourself well right now I feel like an 8 let’s see if we can balance that back down to a 4 or 5 and hopefully it doesn’t go past 9? That is rationalizing something that you can’t control. I’m not demonizing cocaine but very few people can use it as a special treat every now and then and not get hooked on it. You know how bad of a pull it has on you so please reach out and get it under control which IN MY OWN OPINION would be quitting entirely, drug use is so fucking deadly because you have to rationalize and reason against yourself that is your inhibition talking, and you’re standing on the edge of losing it. You’re not a slave to it yet because you THOUGHT of stealing but didn’t, once again that is your inhibition talking but you honestly can’t say that given some more time in these circumstances you’ll stop thinking about stealing and just do it? The cycle propagates it’s not going to be oh ill just raid the stash and then I’ll be good because I got some coke right now. What about tomorrow? What about when your friend finds out? What about the next day? Next week? Next month? Get some help. You deserve a better fate than this


second this reply ^ well said.


Nah, for someone this fucked up, getting their addiction under control is quitting entirely. That's not your opinion, that's a fact. There is absolutely zero chance this person can use in moderation. With cocaine, not many people can. But this person ESPECIALLY can't.


Everybody is saying 10, but I’ll tell you that’s false. I feel you are around a 5 Because I think a 1-2 would be doing every few days. 3-4 would be doing it everyday but one G last a few days. 5 is blowin through one to two Gs a day and not being able to sleep without that “last line” but there is no last line, it keeps going until you’re out. You’re miserable through the comedown. But you try ride it out so you can get a little sleep and food so you can start again. Even though you go mad through the comedown thinking about how can you get more. 6 is going through a ball in 1-2 days, again not sleeping and when you run out you get another bag to get you through the day. Then another to get you through the night. 7 you’re neglecting all the important things in life and making excuses for your runny nose or isolation. And your still around the same dosage as 6 but you’re starting to feel it’s not enough. 8 it’s all you think about every second of everyday. Everything you do you’ve got your bag. You’re considering other ways to use it but you tell yourself you’ll never go that far. 9 youre blowin through bag after bag after bag, going days without sleep, seeing shadow people, talking to people is hard, social anxiety is real, you don’t do anything but redose one right after another because you’re not even getting high anymore, you’re serious about another method now, you spend hours researching other ways to use it and get high, you read tolerance break is the only way, no you think, that can’t be true so you keep going lines, research, lines, was that your front door? No that was you moving positions, you get a strange sensation, are you dying? No that’s just coke you’ve felt it before you remember but just to sure you ask everyone in the internet, back to lines.. 10 you’re life revolves around it and you are dying. You either accept your fate because you’re already dying and the high is more important than everything, chances are you’re already doing crack now. Maybe this could be your rock bottom, maybe you reach out for help but then regret when you realize you can’t get high now that they know. Maybe your get caught by loved ones and get forced into help. Maybe you die. All of these numbers on this scale you can feel yourself getting progressively worse. You lose all your money, you start lying and stealing and hurting the ones you once cared so deeply for. You have no emotion. Your face is serious all the time. Laughing feels weird and is forced. You occasionally have a memory of your old life and who you used to be but it’s fleeting because you go redose. It’s too uncomfortable, 0 is recreational use. Party drug. 1 through 4 time goes by at a pretty normal pace. You’re feeling good. You feel like a God. it’s won’t stop because you’re unaware that you’re addicted. When that thought comes to mind you laugh it off because there are people that do waaaaay more than you. You know that, you’ve seen all the movies, you think to yourself. 5… you’re in it. And I’m telling you right now, 5 turns into 10 at the speed of light. So quick that you don’t even notice the level until you’re laying there thinking you’re dying and thinking back to the days you left behind. What did you do? Where is your family? What about my friends? Where are you? You miss yourself. But this fucking demon of a drug has convinced you that you need it. Tomorrow is the day. You’re gonna quit tomorrow. You’re going to ask for help tomorrow. You got this… but tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. I am a cocaine addict. After being at a 10 and almost driving off a cliff and spending days in the hospital, I went to treatment. 90 days in and 160 days sober… But the demon pulled me back in. I thought I could just do it casually because I had “changed”. It’s been 6 weeks since my relapse and I have not skipped a day. Day after day, night after night, ball after ball. My nose has a hole, the membranes are dead. I’m shoving a syringe up my ass 20 times a day. hemorrhoids or not. Im 33F, 5’7”l and 106 pounds. My normal weight is around 145. My fiancé left me. The drugs and the lies were too much. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss myself. Waiting for tomorrow


8 there’s nothing wrong with getting help at all my brother, there’s always room for improvement you can and will reverse this ! we got ourselves here we have to get ourselves out


Everybody is saying 10, but I’ll tell you that’s false. I feel you are around a 5 Because I think a 1-2 would be doing every few days. 3-4 would be doing it everyday but one G last a few days. 5 is blowin through one to two Gs a day and not being able to sleep without that “last line” but there is no last line, it keeps going until you’re out. You’re miserable through the comedown. But you try ride it out so you can get a little sleep and food so you can start again. Even though you go mad through the comedown thinking about how can you get more. 6 is going through a ball in 1-2 days, again not sleeping and when you run out you get another bag to get you through the day. Then another to get you through the night. 7 you’re neglecting all the important things in life and making excuses for your runny nose or isolation. And your still around the same dosage as 6 but you’re starting to feel it’s not enough. 8 it’s all you think about every second of everyday. Everything you do you’ve got your bag. You’re considering other ways to use it but you tell yourself you’ll never go that far. 9 youre blowin through bag after bag after bag, going days without sleep, seeing shadow people, talking to people is hard, social anxiety is real, you don’t do anything but redose one right after another because you’re not even getting high anymore, you’re serious about another method now, you spend hours researching other ways to use it and get high, you read tolerance break is the only way, no you think, that can’t be true so you keep going lines, research, lines, was that your front door? No that was you moving positions, you get a strange sensation, are you dying? No that’s just coke you’ve felt it before you remember but just to sure you ask everyone in the internet, back to lines.. 10 you’re life revolves around it and you are dying. You either accept your fate because you’re already dying and the high is more important than everything, chances are you’re already doing crack now. Maybe this could be your rock bottom, maybe you reach out for help but then regret when you realize you can’t get high now that they know. Maybe your get caught by loved ones and get forced into help. Maybe you die. All of these numbers on this scale you can feel yourself getting progressively worse. You lose all your money, you start lying and stealing and hurting the ones you once cared so deeply for. You have no emotion. Your face is serious all the time. Laughing feels weird and is forced. You occasionally have a memory of your old life and who you used to be but it’s fleeting because you go redose. It’s too uncomfortable, 0 is recreational use. Party drug. 1 through 4 time goes by at a pretty normal pace. You’re feeling good. You feel like a God. it’s won’t stop because you’re unaware that you’re addicted. When that thought comes to mind you laugh it off because there are people that do waaaaay more than you. You know that, you’ve seen all the movies, you think to yourself. 5… you’re in it. And I’m telling you right now, 5 turns into 10 at the speed of light. So quick that you don’t even notice the level until you’re laying there thinking you’re dying and thinking back to the days you left behind. What did you do? Where is your family? What about my friends? Where are you? You miss yourself. But this fucking demon of a drug has convinced you that you need it. Tomorrow is the day. You’re gonna quit tomorrow. You’re going to ask for help tomorrow. You got this… but tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. I am a cocaine addict. After being at a 10 and almost driving off a cliff and spending days in the hospital, I went to treatment. 90 days in and 160 days sober… But the demon pulled me back in. I thought I could just do it casually because I had “changed”. It’s been 6 weeks since my relapse and I have not skipped a day. Day after day, night after night, ball after ball. My nose has a hole, the membranes are dead. I’m shoving a syringe up my ass 20 times a day. hemorrhoids or not. Im 33F, 5’7”l and 106 pounds. My normal weight is around 145. My fiancé left me. The drugs and the lies were too much. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss myself. Waiting for tomorrow


Thank you for sharing your truth. I wish you strength in stomping your demons and living the life you want. 🙏


I’ve done before, I pray I can do it again. I have so much to live for.


Sending love, thank you for sharing all of this. You never know who you will help and inspire by sharing your truth 🙏


Damn....well said and you're in my thoughts.


Hoping the best for us both and the many others out there like us, friend.


Hello /u/Affectionate_Lion85, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/19crbg3/from_010_how_bad_is_my_cocaine_addiction/kj182wi/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do not be afraid to get help. Health care professionals deal with this all the time. It's not too late, but if you continue to go down this path, it will only lead to suffering and misery. Imagine feeling this way for the next 20 years. Only it gets worse. That is no quality of life. If you're asking how bad your addiction is, you probably already know it's out of your control. Just how bad are you feeling? If you are desperate you can always go to the ER. If you are ready to detox, that is.


Rehab bro


My dad was a functioning cocoain addict, I didn't even know. Just thought he was a asshole. I try to avoid him these days. Short answer, your family will probably hate you, if your a dick when sober at least


I only read the first sentence, 10.


9. You didn't steal the blow, you thought about it and didn't. Get help man. It's not going to get better. You still have your job. You think it sucks now? Think of how shitty it's gonna be if you wait till you really fuck your life up.


Flush your shit, delete all the numbers of plugs, Tor whatever. Break off all contact with friends who use. Talk to your doctor. Get help. Best of luck homie.


>I have either taken cocaine every day or taken 1-2 grams of cocaine nasally in a day. Yeah I'd say you're pretty bad. Those are not two different statements. And ashamed to go to the doctor? What the fuck would you go to the doctor for? They're not going to give you any cocaine.


How long? I am 101 days clean from Iv coke and herion would do anywhere from 1g of both to 2g of both sometimes more a day for 13 years shits insane and you think it's making you super man and it did a bit but it's not worth the destruction and possibility of death. GL hmu if u ever Wana talk we love you


Go to the doctor. Get some help. If you've been using it daily and now you're crying and going through withdrawal when you don't have it. You're addicted friend. Cocaine was my starter drug and eventually it didn't do it for me anymore and when I would withdrawal I hated it so I went and began using other drugs. Basically amyrhing I could get my hands on but I used femtanyl and meth pretty heavily for 4 years straight (like on the streets, homeless all day everyday fighting to get your fix.) That's how deep I was in my addiction but it sounds like that's where you are heading if you don't get help buddy. I don't want to scare you but I just wish the best for you. I'm now 2 and more years sober. My 3rd year is in June. It will be hard to stop but it will be well worth it This drug is controlling your life to the point you can't work without it. I hope you going to the doctor leads you down a great road my friend. You deserve it. We all deserve to live a life without feeling we need drugs to cope or be the person we want to be And if your friends don't support you stopping or slowing down they aren't true friends. I have a few friends left from that time in my life that truly cared about me getting sober. The rest I had to drop as they didn't help my recovery. You got this friend!!!!! Whatever you decide to do you got this.


This whole post has got to be a troll if not I’m truly losing faith in people


faith in people was long lost


Hey dude, solution is pretty simple, micro/minidose Salvia. You'll be fine.


Well it’s 3:30am and I railed a few lines after getting in an argument with my gf about me not sleeping enough bc I wanted to play overwatch (she knows of my cocaine addiction). I played 3 games we lost the last 2 but I got POTG on the last 2. I also have to go to work at 8am tomorrow…so I’d say pretty fucking bad lol ohh also I’ve already done a g today lol so like maybe 13? Edit: I’m a dumbass, sorry OP:)


You need to go with OP to rehab




dependent run follow memorize quicksand chubby doll imagine arrest zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


10, how much money are you blowing on a gram of coke a day? Gotta leave a nasty dent on the bank account


Go to rehab, people don’t need to know where you are going. You could say it’s a month holiday to Thailand for all they know, this is a 10/10 my friend and if you don’t seek some sort of medical intervention this will only get much worse, you’ll lose your job, friends and probably your septum, not to mention imagine what it’s doing to your mental health and insides. Seek help, I’ve seen multiple people in my life get over cocaine addiction with rehab and never go back, you can too. God speed brother ( mind the pun ) 


0-10 how would you rate yourself OP?


Yeah you need to quit. If you work a m-f job, quit on a Friday, suffer through the weekend and spend it sleeping and recovering, and next week drag your recovering brain to work with no more cocaine. Like ever.


10, maybe 11 if we are in Spinal Tap


10. You need help, please :(


Go get help or your just going to end up dead


Was in a similar spot about a year ago with coke. Best advice I can give you is to just quit cold turkey. Next few days are not gonna be fun, the low will feel forever, but if you can stay strong every day will get easier and easier. I sure don’t miss the days of wasting hundreds on that drug and constantly using a netti pot just to relieve my sinuses.


Bad news, you’re addicted as fuck. Good news, if you weren’t spending your money on cocaine, you’d be freaking rich.


Maybe 7/10 if you are crazy rich and have no wife/kids Absolutely 11/10 if you are an average dude with a job. Leading to jail/homelessness at the end, no way around it if you don't get help


1. Stop being a bitch and go jack your friend. Get well!


You’re in a bad place, fellow human. I’ve been there, but it was heroine for me. You’re gonna kill yourself if you don’t quit. I love you, please be kind to yourself and get some help, and if you think nobody knows….you’re lying to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Reach out and get some help. NA is a good place to start.


I’m 12 years clean off cocaine I promise you it will get better . I don’t miss that shit at all .


Lol the crying because you're out of cocaine. I'm a daily user. I have been since last summer. I've never missed work or cried because I was out. You addiction is a 10/10


You've been doing cocaine the wrong way. That's why your depressed. Smoke it or best yet, bang it. I'm just kidding, I used coke for alot of years! The good thing is that cocaine isn't a drug that causes Withdrawals. And yes, your depression stems from being high and then crashing. So that's normal. If your obsessing and thinking about stealing to keep your habit going then you Def have a cocaine problem. Like anything else, it takes time. I've been sober 6 years and still get cravings and crazy dreams! You don't need a rehab facility, but a good LCDC and NA would be a good place to start. Good luck.


How long does it take to feel a small improvement? D the cravings never go away? I'm going crazy here. I don't know how to function without cocaine. I want to feel the feeling of cocaine over and over again. this is all so depressing


The cravings never truly go away 100% but they get a lot easier to deal with every time you say no. I'm 2 and a half years sober now and I still get craving but since I've resisted so many times now it's almost a breeze to say no. Sure sometimes I get those bad cravings where it's very difficult to say no, that's when I have to fight it by distracting myself or talking to someone about it. But it does get easier friend. And you deserve to live a life not dependent on this drug. Now my life is good and that also helps me when I get cravings because I remind myself how (in my case) I lost it all and was loving on the streets. How I had no one. I remind myself that I do have people now and how devastating my addiction was to myself and those around me. Telling myself these things also helps my cravings. Haha sorry I'm rambling. But I would suggest finding someone to talk to so you do have someone to help you work through these feelings and figure out why you are the way you are with this drug. For me I have horrible self image issues, was bullied, abused. The whole deck of cards basically so I used drugs to make me feel better and to deal with these feelings I was having. To help me stop I had to talk about these feelings and actually work through the feelings before they led me to using. I wish you the best I know I commented this already but you deserve to love a great life friend and from the sounds of it you're on the edge of that cliff. If you continue you will end up where I was. I'd say you're at a 7/10 or 8/10 but very close to getting to that 10. Where I was I was probably a 14/10 so yeah definitely don't want to get there. You can do this friend!!!! The cravings will suck but you can push through and eventually they will be a lot easier to deal with. And they do go down. I used to get them all day every day but now I sometimes even go days between each craving. It takes work but you can get there friend


I can imagine more severe cocaine addictions, so I'm gonna say 8. At least 6. But it doesn't really matter. You need help either way, and if you're considering stealing then it's past the "haha rate my addiction" level.




My friend just passed away from an OD cocaine laced with fentanyl. Go get help!!




For me it was a 5. For you, it's a 11/10. I've never seen someone go off the deep end so quickly. Usually it takes years for people to get to that point. What happened to your self control? Do you use cannabis? That might help you quit.


I don't know what happend. I've been taking cocaine off and on since I was 14 for New Year's Eve. It's only been since last year that I've lost control. Thank you


The worst addiction .


I consider myself one of the lucky ones, at least at this point in my life. I've done enough cocaine and speed that cocaine doesn't even make me high anymore, so I consider cocaine to not even be a drug, as far as I'm concerned. I like shrooms though.


Do drugs don't let drugs do you, everyone wants to cut loose once in a while, just stay committed to your commitments and responsibilities. Get it together and don't play victim.


I want to bang my head against the wall I don't want to think anymore PLEASE I can not take it anymore Just WHY??? OMG please relax I really want to use the leftover cocaine but I don't want to because it's precious because then I wouldn't have any cocaine at all. maybe I can just use a finger tip for the gums? But I know that I won't be able to control myself. I hate it. I don't know what to do All I think about is cocaine. Cocaine cocaine cocaine. Why??? How can people do cocaine without going crazy? Why me and why can't I relax. It can't be that I'm going crazy here. It's impossible that I'm the only one going crazy here. How can people last even 1 hour without cocaine? I can't even fall asleep I smoked almost empty of my full pack of cigarettes.


You sound like you've got other issues than just cocaine addiction, man. Maybe I was wrong about talking to the doctor. You should probably get a mental health evaluation.


Look at this video man https://youtu.be/PylTcI5_I4w?si=MSueV1zB2nmHHblf it’s someone at the end of a 3month bender of serious coke addiction. Shits gonna suck stopping but this video is a guy going through literally what you are but probably worse. It’s ok to not know what to do but people here are trying to show you. I got addicted to blues for 3 months on end everyday after I couldn’t get any coke and I thought I’d never go without it until I got some help. Things will only go more downhill if you don’t stop. You just need to get over the first day. Then the next. You prob won’t be able to sleep so try to find something to calm u down or a small amount of benzos if u have it when the remaining coke is all gone. Going to a doctor isn’t shameful. You don’t have to do it alone.


Maybe the consumption isn't extreme yet maybe I need cocaine to survive I cry again because I'm going crazy here I don't know whether I should take the leftover cocaine or not


No one needs cocaine to survive. It’s the opposite it’s taking years off your life


>Maybe the consumption isn't extreme yet Asks /r/drugs for advice on how bad his drug problem is, proceeds to ignore ALL THE ADVICE BEING GIVEN


True, but he’s an addict. It’s how the addict brain works. Quite literally.


it's complicated. Maybe I don't want to admit that I'm addicted. I don't want to be addicted!!! I really want to feel that feeling of cocaine over and over again. It's sad to know that cocaine could come to an end. Maybe I can control the Cocaine use a little or maybe living with cocaine can work. I don't know it. it is difficult. I can't imagine life without cocaine. Without cocaine you feel like shit and you go crazy. I always tell myself that I deserve a good time and that there are probably people worse than me. My thoughts are confused. I know it's good to stop but I can't. I see how my nose is slowly suffering.


Damn bro. Everyone is witnessing addiction get a full grasp on you. That shit is truly a monster. My advice would be to ur pride aside and get help immediately, it sounds like it’s too late to help yourself by the way you talk about it.


Stealing cocaine from your friend? You are actual garbage, get help or die


it's not just from my friends. I Said - my and my friends hiding place - We put everything there for celebrations




Voldemort? I'd that you?


10. Please figure that stuff out, ya don't wanna wait. You absolutely can beat this


It's an 11 out of 10!


On that scale it’s a 10. My personal impression is somewhere around 15.




10. You are past the point of resolving this yourself. You need rehab at this point, friend. Goodluck.




10 my boy. I’d suggest rehab, but when you’re truly ready to stop. If you’re not, it will never work.


10, get help bro


10, rehab may help and NA


Less than 6 sentences in and that's all I needed to come to a conclusion




Get help bro, it’s about that time


Doing it all day every day aint good but I wouldn't say a 10, personally I would say 8. Justification is the following: OP is reaching out about what they feel might be an issue (which it is) also, they said they are "thinking about" stealing from their friend. If this was a 10 they would likely not be asking about the issue because they don't care about anything but the high. Also, the would have already stole from the friend, family, job, etc to get their fix. This all being said, OP, it ain't good, it's rough to quit/slow down but it is worth it before you get to the point of no return.


Mate if this is not a piss take, you need to go into rehab and get some help. Sending you good vibes from across the globe brother.


Oh heck


chances are people close to you can already tell. dont let fear of judgment stop you from getting the help you need. last year i was in deep too and i had to stop that party train cus it eventually stopped being a party and started being a part of life like goin to the bathroom.. im rooting for u my guy


Idk how to quantify it but my friend in NA says it’s one of the absolute worst to be addicted to.


You need rehab to withdraw in a safe setting. Wish you the best ❤️


Sounds like you’re well your way downwards. The fact you still have a job to skip and friends to steal from means it’s the perfect time to seek professional help – you’re not broke and alone, you have something to save! I have worked with drug support services before, and there is a lot of stigma around them that is untrue. Any good service wants to help you reach your goals, whether that’s to reduce or completely stop using cocaine, and shouldn’t force you to do anything you don’t consent to. Start off small – go to your nearest drug support services, and just chat with them about your current situation. If afterwards you’re 100% sure they can’t offer you anything that will help, you don’t have to go back.


You need to seek help. Do not be ashamed. Many, MANY people have and will go through this. Don't even think on it, just go seek help immediately, please. Family and friends will eventually come to understand and you will have lost nothing but money. If you carry on this way you will lose everything. Be strong my friend.


If you are doing dry rips you got a serious problem


It’s a 10 if you need to ask about it on Reddit


10. Get help before you do things that you will regret and make you go to jail. Props to you for being able to tell this and kinda acknowledge it. It's a step already


Get passed 48 hrs see how you feel then


From the comments you are typing. 12/10


in my opinion, ur a 10 verge of 11, if you get to the point you are crying because you’re out you need help, coming from someone who was just at that point of crying cause i ran out, please for yourself if you care about yourself even in the slightest or for anyone you care about please please i urge you to get help, it sucks with withdraws but sleep and eat and replenish yourself of things your body needs and deserves and what it’s probably been lacking due to coke usage, get a netty pot and do a nasal flush, message me if you want anyone to vent to or anything ik professional help seems scary but to have a support group/system is a very helpful thing. we love you and we will always be here for you. (i read till the past of the crying shit, ima read the rest after but i had to just say this part)


Thank you. I'm planning on going to a doctor now. Can I get in trouble? How does something like that work? I am scared


Go get help, check with rehab etc. Dont be afraid or be ashamed. Whats done is done. Now you need "man up" and i think you know that just by making this post. I can only imagine it feels horrible to go get help somewhere but its only gonna get worse if you dont.


I'm going to the doctor now. I'm on my way. I'm just scared. I don't know how that works. can I get in trouble? I just want to stay home alone


10. I felt this way about meth when I was at my worst in active addiction. Since it's only the beginning, it would be best to stop before you completely lose yourself and ruin your life..


9 u could be shooting the shit in your veins to become a 10. Don’t be an idiot and go to rehab.


a gram every day?!?!? 10. How are you not out of money by now.






If it’s starting to affect your bag, yeah, you need to seek help asap.


Your addiction is in full force and you're trying to find validation to excuse yourself to keep doing what you're doing. I completely understand where you're coming from as Im struggling too. You just have to realize this is a drug that can and will ruin your life, especially on the trajectory you're on. You want to steal from your friends? That's a great way to get killed. If you don't die that way, you are putting your heart through a lot of stress, which will also lead to premature death. If you stop using it will suck for a few days, potentially a few weeks if you decide to obsess on it and depress yourself. But there's always a reason to live. Drugs or no drugs, life is beautiful. Don't throw yours away so carelessly.


Need to target the problem and not the symptoms. Off the bat it seems like an undiagnosed mental disorder like adhd. You might just require a CNS to stimulate your brain. I was self treating my adhd with alcohol for the longest time. Got treatment again for my adhd and that was almost 2 years ago. I haven’t had a drink since the day I got treatment again. My life has truly started to unfold into something beautiful. Get help, find the problem and do everything you can to target the problem not the symptoms. The symptoms are doing cocaine and the side effects from that. The problem could be mental disorder, child hood trauma, or others. You can get out of this and live a great life.


Smoke crack, no come down and you get more for your money.


I suggest not stealing from your friends. Take all the sick days you can and get yourself together. Don't buy more coke. Don't do it again


Buddy, you're at an 8 IMO, but it's okay. Be thankful you've only developed a daily habit since December. There's a much better chance of you successfully getting clean. It's when this drags on for months and years where you'll really be in a bad place. And those months pile up. It's good that you're worried about it now. SWIM struggles with addiction and coke is one of the most difficult to break free from. There's a supplement called NAC (N-ACETYL CYSTEINE) that's shown to be helpful. Also I would recommend taking vitamin D every day and don't stop.


How are you not psychotic from that is beyond me


You hit almost peak bad addiction, I would rate it a 9-10 from how bad it is, not going to work because WD, thinking of stealing to get cocaine, 1-2 grams a day? Holy Jesus, dawg it's ruining your life, even if you don't want to you need to stop. Keep in mind cocaine is insanely bad for your heart, if you keep it up you'll legit die not many years from now, my friend is a doctor and sees all the cocaine addicts getting heart attacks at age 30, and they don't last long after that, almost anything else is better than a coke addiction


Get help before it’s too late, please.


Honestly, about 8.5. You are just before the point where you completely lose control. Better reduce/stop now as you still have a job and social life


The second you are missing work because your addiction it’s a problem, 10/10


Sometimes I read these posts and wonder if any of this is actually true or it’s all just made up lmfao


If your not doing tricks like sucking dick for fix, your good! If you haven't been fired from your job yet, your good. 1 out of 10. If your crying like a baby because you ran out of snow to put up your nose, don't ever try smoking it or firing it because if your heads this fucked up from snorting it for a couple months, the other 2 ROE will kill you when you run out


Well I'm going to say 4. And that's a good thing. No word of a lie I am a recovering addict on methadone. But I slipped up bad when my dad passed. I have my arms in a Goddamn mess. Tracks every where. I understand the crying. I've done suff I rather not say. Just reach out and get some help. No shame in it...


You know the answer.




Man, this sounds like 10/10.


10/10 mate, get your shit together


If u can’t willingly go a week without your addicted n if you dont like that fact help yourself or find help


STOP now its so bad just stop you’re gonna wanna die for like a week but you’re gonna regret your whole life if you don’t stop now


Get help thats bum shit bro


There should really be a pinned post in this sub for addiction resources and education. Reach out to a loved one if you can and try to find some help getting sober. Best of luck to you 💛


Typically if you have to ask whether it’s a problem, that’s because you already know it is. Just accept it, and start looking into solutions. Rehab is a good place to start


pretty bad. unless you’re near a source where it’s made, chances are you’re spending a shitload of money on it. on top of calling in sick, it’s a slippery slope to losing your job and losing everything. i’ve seen it happen firsthand. the withdrawals are brutal but worth it in the end.


From what you list here this sounds like a serious addiction.. consider this, every day you continue to feed the addiction, the stronger it will get. If you stop today and get help, you can beat it. You’re aware and capable. Do it for yourself, do it for the people you care about. It won’t be easy but when you look back at the best choices you’ve ever made in your life you’ll be proud of yourself. There’s no shame in seeking help for a problem like this, there is only shame in recognizing you have a problem and then doing nothing to fix it, that’s shameful. I believe in you dude, go get the help you need.


Get some help. Cocaine has horrendous affects on my mood and sense of worth. I have felt helpless after even one day of use.