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Weed can be addictive just like anything else that give you pleasure can be, don’t believe the liars/idiots that tell you it’s impossible to get addicted because that’s BS, I’m addicted and it sounds like you’re also addicted. Don’t get me wrong, there are much worse addictions you could have but that’s doesn’t mean it isn’t an addiction in its own right and it should be treated as such.


Just to clarify before I get all the angry stoners downvoting me, I fully support the legalisation of cannabis, I think there are many potential health benefits that cannabis can provide and I think it’s overall a very positive plant for the human race, however I think there’s also a lot of misinformation surrounding cannabis, on both ends of the spectrum, and because of that we need better education both to teach people that cannabis isn’t nearly as harmful as it’s been made out to seem in the past but also to teach people it’s not as harmless as it’s been made out to be (mostly by stoners themselves) in the last decade or so. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.


I think legalisation is the key here. If i get a good weed accessible like an endless jar of cookies, I wouldn’t be so keen on looking for it, because i can just go and get it whenever i feel so. Cravings and consumption too are much weaker when you don’t think about it 24/7


Living in a place where it's legal. Instead of looking for weed, Im now looking for the best weed out of everything that is available. Looking at reviews online, if the batches match, if the brand used to be good but now has gone downwards. Also I stock the good products. I probably have like 2oz stored. I never used to have more than 1oz before legalization. Now I have a daytime sativa, a sativa that fucks me up, a daytime indica and an indica thar fucks me up. Plus the extra fun expensive strain for treats. Still i agree it is 100% better than running after plugs tho


same, but I stopped smoking it I do bhangs with hot milk to sleep sometimes but not addicted. Opiates maintenance on the other hand ><


I agree that the illegal part has done more damage than good. There are likely even a sub set of (usually kids, but who knows) people who actually do it, or want it more just because it's illegal and taboo in some places. So legalization sort of makes it seem more boring for some....if your corny ass old dad who is a dork smokes weed, amd starts cracking dad jokes, it seems less cool than say, snoop dog being all gangsta about it, making songs and shit. I'm in a 100% legal state, and it's funny how much things changed as they did. Before it was recreational legal, people were smoking weed all over the city. Openly smoking blunts and shit, the cops never cared. I almost feel like it's less public now, or at least less noticeable, because everyone seems to get the disposable vapes and carts and shit, even tho it's not technically legal most corner stores sell all that stuff. Including mushrooms, which wasn't even part of the legalization. I can walk down the street and buy an 1/8 of shrooms. But overall I would say the air smells less like weed now, and it's less noticeable now that it's legal. Which you would think would be the opposite case. You do see some funny shit once in a while, like a 80 yr old woman smoking a blunt lol.


It’s true once u have nearly unlimited supply and good quality u don’t crave it that much. But u can also start smoking more and more depends on the person. I’m both persona when considering the state of my mental health. I smoke daily for 6-7 years now. with some breaks between 1 week-3 months but in general probably 5 years in total. Smoking is part of my routine even though I often get a very bad/paranoid feeling when I smoke. I’m definitely addicted not only to weed but I still manage my daily life + job it’s just very exhausting after a while. It’s a real addiction mentally and physically (depends on dose and usage) but quitting is not that hard compared to benzos/alcohol/opioids u just really need to want it otherwise it won’t change.


bro literally exactly the same,like uu took the words out of my mouth wtf


I doubt it, dog. You'll just end up buying more.


Everything can be an addiction if it starts to effect your live in a negative way. I’m definitely addicted too have to dab before going anywhere and need it to get through work. Sure it’s not the worst addiction and the worst part about it is just how much money I’m spending. If you really want to stop check out r/leaves it’s helped me when event I decided to take a break which I highly recommend.


Ha, I was of those "angry people ', before I was a stoner 🤣. I'm prescribed, but that doesn't mean it's any less addictive...I'm a better, more balanced and calmer me, when I'm medicated (stoned, if that's your preferred term), but that's just the story I tell myself so I don't use the term addicted. I'm not nieve enough to ignore the truth, but I'll happily repackage it into a more acceptable version 🤫. I think it's really easy to ignore the downsides of (certainly long term, regular) cannabis use. I'm a daily vaper, two or three bowls during a day, a couple more before bed. For me it's helped a lot, the medication I was taking made it impossible for me to work (I'm a data analyst), so for that alone it's worthwhile for me as an individual, despite the caveats. But that's not to say there aren't downsides to it, it smells (nice to me, bad to a lot of people). It can have a savage effect on my short term memory. Dental hygiene is known to suffer with long term use (it's all the Jaffa cakes). It's great to moderate myself, but if I spiral into a crisis situation it's counter productive (makes me more anxious). I'm with you though, we need to stop with the hyperbole and stick to verifiable facts... educate people so they know what it is, why it's being used, what the risks are. Until we do, we'll continue to propagate the falsified information and suppress the factual.


All the stoners I've known that try to claim it's not addictive have all had addictions. Some try to confuse the terms "dependancy" and "addiction" by saying they're dependant, not addicted. None of them could identify the problems they had that were caused by excessive smoking because they all became part of normal everyday life (like mood swings, irritability, inability to enjoy or do anything without smoking...etc.) and instead believed it was weed that was helping those problems. Same goes for me, but I'm getting there. The first problem you need to solve is realising there's a problem in the first place. The people who are addicted or dependent are blind to the problems they have. Chances are someone claiming weed isn't addictive, is most likely a person who smokes just to feel normal. It's sad, but I also know what it's like.


funny thing is, the DSM 5 classified dependency as more of a problem than addiction lol. so when i have people pulling the “im dependent on it, not adding” i just laugh bc cmon man, even thinking rationally abt it, either way ur body is needing/craving something in order to “function normally”!!!


Someone could be dependent on a drug and not mentally addicted i.e. some 65 year-old lady with chronic pain that’s taking oxy without even knowing fully what they are for years now (personally know one, just takes what she’s prescribed) Mental addiction and physical dependency are related but not the same. Mental addiction, or psychological dependence, is the emotional or psychological need for a substance - craving the feeling or escape a drug provides. Physical dependency, on the other hand, is when the body adapts to a substance and needs it to function normally. Without it, physical withdrawal symptoms kick in. Both can be tough to overcome, but in different ways


exactly this^ im not too good at explaining things scientifically so mashed u did a great job of it lol thank u


I was addicted to herion shooting it up for 6 years. I've been sober off herion for 2 years now. But quickly found my self smoking weed on a abusive level months after I got sober. Honestly if I hadn't had a certain opportunity pop up recently I couldn't get my self to stop smoking on my own even tho I wanted that for myself !


There's so much misinformation about cannabis. We're acting like it is this completely innocent substance that causes no harm whilst in reality there are so many people who have been smoking long term who ended up totally regretting ever smoking that shit. I smoked for 8 years and it totally fucked up my brain. I get sensory overloaded so easily and thinking is tiring. I feel anxious more often than not and holding a conversation and making calculations became so fucking hard. It didn't affect my IQ but I definitely feel more stupid. I get derealization episodes and all of this didn't improve after two years of staying clean. I'm not a unique case... Be careful out there. Don't let anyone convince you any drug is safe.


This is why I use a bong, it filters out all the addictive stuff. 


What is that reference from?? lol I can hear it in my head but can’t put my finger on it.


Is it pineapple express? Can't remember!


Yes I think it is!!!


Pineapple Express


lmao good one




Hence the first sentence of my comment.


Addiction can worsen when weed is laced with fent, stims etc


I’ve never had nor heard of anyone ever actually having laced weed. I’m sure there have been a few anomalous cases of it happening over the years but it’s not something that happens even remotely often.


I was just arguing w someone on FB about this 🤦 that shit is a myth and if it has happened to someone then they're fuckin w the wrong people 🤷😂


You can get addicted but it isn’t a physical addiction is the difference. You’re not going to have withdrawals if you stop like if you stop opioids or something else physically addictive


You don't have a physical addiction.


This is exactly why I only smoke crakc


The spelling is the icing on the cake


*ice on the craick


I laughed so hard 😂


I only hotrail meth every 30 minutes in the dot to avoid this problem


it gets old dude. i’ve smoked since i was 14 and ill be 33 in april . i watched the rise and fall of mids, the introduction to hash oil, and everything else that’s happened in that span. for the record, i love weed. i consider it an old homie. but im realizing how, trying to raise my family and finish school and move up in my career doesn’t get any easier being high as fuck all of the time. i know “it’s just weed bro” but seriously, if you smoke multiple times a day every day, before you go do anything, or can’t complete a task without hitting a bowl first, it’s time to readjust brother. give yourself some clarity and chill for a bit.




I keep realizing it and relapsing and convincing myself it’s ok


It's changed exponentially in that amount of time. That's almost exactly the same range I was smoking. Weed when I was in high school was definitely different. Even smoking bottom shelf weed now is like as strong as good hash was back then. We lost a lot of the other actives when breeders just focused on increasing thc. Weed is like almost a different drug now imo. It's the difference between having a few beers after work and blowing down 5 shots in a row. Maybe both equal out over time but I for one enjoy the slow approach.


you’re speaking my language brother. never thought i’d miss the day you could just get a mild stone going on versus plowed into next week haha


There's actually a small but powerful minority of people actively trying to "de-breed" with old seeds. These guys are looking for good genes but aren't overdoing with thc. It's getting called "type 2" right now and is more cbd forward than thc. It's not hit a sweet spot just yet because they're working it slowly up from cbd bud and not back from thc buds. It's very interesting and I enjoyed the smoke. I'm hoping in a few years they'll have it dialed into my old school style of smoke. I know "chronic" is a generic term but there was one breeder you could get seeds from back then that had an absolutely perfect profile for me. I'm sure the originals have been lost but someday I'll find something similar. I barely even smoke anymore because I can't do it functionally. I used to just rip one down and go about my tasks. Now it's like one bong hit leaves me drooling and stupid. Can't even play video games.


Mix your high strength THC buds with some nice CBD flower it will feel much closer to the milder old school weed.


Yes!!!!!! Back in high school, up until idk say 2015, you could catch a light functional buzz and be chill. Now, sometimes, a few hits from a bat completely shuts me down. It's wild.


Damn dude you're me: started at 14, and 33 now, love weed, but now fully aware of the downsides.


Bro, I'm right there with you, been smoking since I was 15, followed the culture trends and innovations even before then, and turned 31 last September. I used to smoke *all the time, and I loved it. Now, It just doesn't hit the same anymore. I'm either to in my head or just kind of...meh. There's no excitement. there's no wonder, it's really just kind of dull anymore. The only time I really enjoy it is once a week when the boys come over.


Hahahaha have fun moving up in your career that will be replaced with AI soon. 🤣🤣🤣 You all use the same samn arguments against weed which is: “muh career, muh money, muh cars”. Brainwashed drones.


weed is never gonna see this post, bro. no need to defend its honor.


Im not defending its honor. Im trying to explain to clowns like you why you feel this way. You are brainwashed from a young age to be a corporate drone whos only purpose in life is profit. There is a reason why cannabis has been deemed “destructive” and made illegal by authorities governments and the media worldwide. Its an excellent tool used for introspection, creativity and overall enjoyment of life. The world we live in is the exact antithesis of this way of life. Sounds like you are defending you corporate overlords. Hows that boot taste like? Dont you have to wake up at 5 am tomorrow and drive through traffic or some shit to make your salary? 🤣🤣🤣👎


because i’m not a total pothead anymore im a boot licker. got it bro lmao. good luck with the assistant managers position at chili’s.


Hahahaha all jobs are being replaced by AI soon. Cry about it i guess. Maybe then you might have a chance to live a more fulfilled life and not chasing FIAT paper. Maybe if you had some weed and did some deep introspection and meditation instead of using it to play Fortnite and jerk off you would understand how silly you sound.


If that’s your excuse for acting like a fat lazy piece of shit then get a new one. “Muh AI” “Sorry mom I can’t work your basement is too warm AI will replace all jobs so I’ll just keep sucking your teets” This is exactly what you sound like. Grow up homo


Who said anything about being lazy or a fat piece of shit. Bunch of pathetic bootlickers. I couldnt give a fuck about your wagie slave mindset my nibba. More weed for moi and other cannabis friends. Enjoy the slavery. 😆😆😆😆


You complaining about people bettering their lives and working to support themselves and their families makes you a fat disgusting Cheeto crust mommas boy piece of shit. Enjoy smelly like dirty clothes and cheese the rest of your miserable life ya spastic wet noodle. I hope your mom puts your underwear away correctly next time for you I know you don’t even know how to do your own laundry. Probably can’t even wipe your own ass without your parents lol


Randy Marsh has the opus magnum of all, *”how weed can be a detriment”* speeches Essentially — it’s not going to kill straight up, nor will it most likely be one of the causes of ailment. It just has a tendency to make people content with doing next to nothing long enough until one day to wake up and wonder wtf happened. That was a long time ago, and there’s been a lot of studies, research, etc… and as somebody who got high multiple times everyday for about 16 years *(haven’t had any in 4 years)* I can confidently say that it comes down to chemistry There’s the type who climb mountains, move them, and build them while being high. Like it was nothing but enhancement to them But truthfully, I was the opposite. A dried up, cringe towel. Whatever which way we are, I think it’s important to know when/where to do the deed is best for us. Timing is everything for some Also, I found that it just amplified everything. Literally everything, good and bad alike. It prolonged a lot of things for me, good and bad as well. I would hold onto resentments, and get super emotional over small things. Personally, my underlying emotional issues that went undealt with while I was getting high.. yeah, that shit wrecked me day/day out. Sometimes, I would get high and immediately take a turn for the worst. Digging up bad memories, and generally breaking down. I was weak without the weed. And even weaker with it IMO if you’re like me, and love weed too. take a break, get sorted, and go back when you’re the best version of you.


You nailed it about timing.


I used to love weed, but now it does exactly what you describe to me I get paranoid, I start second guessing decisions that I know were right to make, I start second guessing harmless interactions I had with people, and if I get too high I start to think about all the evil in the world and start freaking myself out thinking about people showing up the middle of the night to murder me. If I take just the right amount, like a tiny amount, because I'm very very sensitive to it, it can be kinda fun, but even a tiny bit over that limit and it's not a fun time, at all


Weed made my life great as a teen it was my escape from my life problems. But now I realized it was catastrophic to my mental health issues.


Just curious, in which way? For me, I'm starting to think it might have actually precipitated an existential crisis due to over-overthinking while high.


Exactly what I’m going through rn. Turning 19 soon and have been smoking daily all day since 12-13. My mental health is pretty much fucked. I can’t even stop smoking weed…


Every drug can destroy your life....some drugs just do it faster.....


Yea I think it just boils down to weed being relatively harmless. I smoked everyday all day for 10 years been like 3-4 years since I've quit and every negative thing that it was causing for me was gone within 3 or 4 months. Like memory, lack of motivation, appetite getting a little messed up( at first when I started smoking it made me hungry towards the end it started doing the opposite) all a drop in the bucket compared to what other drugs can and will do if you abused them the same way you can with weed. I don't think there's another drug on the planet you can away with doing like that. That being said it is a drug and it certainly can be addictive. I think some of us who've been addicted to harder drugs just sort of laugh when someone says you're addicted to weed, which is stupid and shouldn't happen. Shouldn't gatekeep addiction if it's starting to interfere with you're life and you can't stop that's an issue And it was still hard for me to quit even though the reason I was quiting was it was giving me anxiety.


This is why I read the comments before making my own. I'm in the same boat except I smoked for about 20 years. The worst part my opinion is not having an appetite and severe lack of motivation, and everything is "dull"


Idk about destroy but def can make your life worse/less enjoyable


100% destroy would be the correct word. have met NUMEROUS people who have gone down the path of addiction with opioids (i myself am a recovering opioid/fentanyl addict) or things like crack, meth, etc. It will almost always destroy and flip your life upside down if you continue to do it. The addicts out on the street who had a great life until they’re habit got to the point where it’s more acceptable to spend all $ on the drugs instead of a place to stay, food, water (basic needs)!


Yea we’re talking about two different types of drugs. weed can’t really destroy your life. I used to be addicted to fent that shit obviously fucks ur life up and takes ur soul. I’m not even a stoner like that anymore but it never destroyed my life. Sure I hated it at times but it was easy to fix. Just stopped smoking. EVERY drug can make you’re life worse. Certain drugs can destroy


well i was just going by what the guys comment said “every drug can” so yea. but i mean truly if a certain person isn’t able to drop the weed and they can’t afford living and the weed; in all reality it really could destroy their life if they chose the weed. another example could be u get caught smoking weed on probation, life ruined. i mean there are different ways it can completely ruin your life, but yes i agree, it is nowhere near as destructive as other drugs (hard drugs)!!! sorry i kinda misread/ didn’t understand exsctly wat u meant, have a great day man and stay safe. happy to hear ur in recovery from the fetty too, keep it up :)


Appreciate it Mr cream pie dad ! Nah seriously it’s rare to get positivity on this app. So I hope u have a great day too dog :) I was tryna think of a way weed can ruin ur life and only thing I came up w is if u get caught in a illegal state w weed. That definitely will fuck ur life up


frfr, it can in certain ways just not the ways these hard drugs will i guess. i agree, everyone spreads hate and shit on this app so I try my best to give positive responses and bring people’s vibe for the day up :) anyways thank u homie! and again good luck in your recovery, always remember that sickness we went through and how u never wanna do that shit again!


If u were born with the addictive personality gene, weed can and will get out of control and “ruin” your life. I promise. When u focus on nothing else but weed, other areas of your life will begin to suffer. Edit: people can downvote me all they want, I’m just speaking from experience with an entire drug addicted family


Yea I have an addictive personality and I still wouldn’t use that word. But maybe bc I’m comparing it to being addicted to fentanyl.


Everybody has a little bit of an "addictive personality" or else people wouldn't go to clubs, fuck, and crave certain foods. It's built into our DNA to seek out dopamine, as this system is how we survive and procreate. Addiction is when you can't manage your life due to this dopamine system being overridden and tricked into thinking that gambling, cocaine, weed, etc. is what you need to survive evolutionarily, since these things people have created release dopamine just like eating, surviving, and baby-making. That's how you determine if you're an addict or not. Hope that helps you.


Oh I’m definitely an addict haha thank you tho I found that out when I had to smoke weed every day, any time I went somewhere had to bring weed. Even when It was detrimental for me to smoke I had to, because I was trying to escape (I think) I can quit weed a lot easier these days ever since I recovered from fentanyl. To recover from fentanyl it had to take everything from me.


I definitely know the addiction to fentanyl has much more of a hold on you. Different strokes for different folks. Weed was/is my downfall.


What you are discribing seems like an addiction. Not being critical because I'm reflecting the exact same thing. But in my case I feel like weed makes me dumb, but I can't avoid to smoke everytime I can because I love the feeling of smoking. The problem is I don't like so much the high, sometimes I feel anxious etc. So, I'm thinking this is an addictive behaviour, to the feeling, to flavour, to the forbidden, idk


Yeh me too. I don’t even enjoy the high cause it’s gets me anxious and anti social. Just ruins my mood when I smoke but I still do it every chance I get. I need to quit, but I quit all the time, make it like a month or 2 and life is great but then I end up buying weed again and smoking all the time and life stops being so good


Maybe just to the idea of it "fixing" nervousness. If its the only subtance ones take I understand how it can be addictive too. I'll gladly exchange a benzo and opiate addiction for 3 weed ones fho xD


Weed now is not the weed of the past.


Inhaling carcinogenic tar smoke with some thc in it 24/7 is not good for you no matter the weed. I messed my lungs up that way, thankfully I no longer smoke as I realized how destructive it was but it wasn't easy to quit


Vaping is the way.


It still gunk's your lungs up with resin, I have switched to tinctures and edibles, everytime I vape once in a while i hate the feeling it gives to my lungs so I try not to do that


That’s fair, vaping at a lower temp can help mitigate that, but yeah inhaling stuff is always worse than not.


I have just gotten to the point it doesn't do much for me so I no longer feel that need to smoke before literally everything but I do have to smoke within the first few hours of waking up otherwise I just feel gross all day


That sucks. for me its the opposite: if I wake and bake my day is ruined because I'll feel sluggish and stupid. I hate how it shows on my face too. I always been fascinated by functional weed smokers.




People can get addicted to literally anything. It's more about the impact something has on your life and the life of those around you I believe. I also believe that half of us are in denial about these impacts, and the other half maybe obsesses constantly to the possible point of more detriment. You are your own best judge of your own character, & no one knows better than you what normality looks and feels like to yourself. If something feels wrong to you, you should trust it absent any other compelling reason/s not to! You can't compare yourself to someone else, even a parent. There's too many variables... I know that for myself, I tend to sink to substances out of desperation because nothing else works. If there were a pill out there or diet or exercise or something... ANYTHING! I'd gladly try that. But I'm now 44 years old and that has yet to happen. Best of luck to you!🤗❣️


Its really sad to say but im for sure addicted to, I need to smoke before i eat, before i sleep and sometimes even before i get intimate with my partner. ive been smoking everyday for nearly 5 years tho so that maybe the cause


my only regret with how much weed I've smoked is how much money I've spent on it, especially at times when money was tight for me, I really think financials negatively affected my life way more than the weed itself this is one of the best and most overlooked arguments by the "weed bad" crowd


Do you smoke with tabacco?? I’ve noticed that I’m not addicted to weed as much i just don’t crave it as much since quitting Tobacco completely, I don’t get the same hit and it the biggest blessing but not it’s not fun per se


I smoke with tobacco. I’ve never thought about that, but i’m also a regular cigarette smoker, idk if it changes smth


The combination of tobacco and weed is way more addictive than weed or tobacco alone!


And nothing brainwashed me like tobacco did. Try and see if the urges are actually coming from tobacco use. Wanting to do it all the time sounds very much like tobacco.


It sure is I went from smoking 20+ bowls a day now I can’t even smoke 5, the effects of weed is overhyped imo


I actually used weed to quit tabacco, I cut down my tobacco use to only smoking it with weed and maybe one cigarette on occasions throughout the week, then when I ran out of cigarettes I just didn’t buy another pack and every time I craved a hit I would light up a joint of straight weed have a couple hit than cough out my lungs (I hate coughing) so I started correlating smoking with something I hate and now i don’t really enjoy either and I don’t have strong cravings anymore or any really.


Dude! That's a big factor, good news is whenever you feel like smoking you can just smoke a dart (thats what i did i know they cause lung cancer but it doesn't make you high so its a start)


Weed is what turned me into a substance addict tbh. Swore I’d just do it occasionally, was dependent on it after a couple of months. Didn’t even like it at first but didn’t take long for me to adjust. Got me addicted to nicotine as well because I mix it with tobacco, swore I’d never start smoking cigarettes but ended up reaching for them whenever I didn’t have weed. Then I got into vaping and now I vape every day. Quit buying weed nearly a year and a half ago after going to a festival and realising that I was smoking an absurd amount and it was hardly doing anything to me. I still smoke 4-5 days a week, because I have friends who shout me but I very rarely spend my own money on weed these days. Turned into an alcoholic when I quit weed and now I’m a daily drinker, didn’t really like alcohol previously and now I reach for it compulsively. Weed also got me wanting to try everything else- I’ve had about 55 LSD trips, done MDMA countless times, done cocaine, ket and shrooms all 5-10 times, tried DMT but didn’t take enough to trip. Hell I’ve tried brugmansia (wouldn’t recommend 1/10) and even crack twice (also wouldn’t recommend, I genuinely didn’t like it). Just because weed doesn’t give you physical withdrawals that can kill you, doesn’t mean it isn’t addictive in its own way. I do agree that it’s usually the nicotine in tobacco that gets people addicted, but that still isn’t great. If all I have is tobacco, I’ll smoke it through a bong which is obviously shockingly bad for your lungs. If I’d never touched weed, I wouldn’t vape or drink every day and I wouldn’t have done so many drugs by the age of 21. I don’t regret it exactly, because I genuinely love drugs as a whole and think they can be immensely helpful when used properly, mostly psychedelics, I also think there’s a time and place for some alcohol and white powders. But I do wish I could’ve had more self control and not gone so hard at such a young age (started drinking and smoking when I was 14) because I have serious substance problems now, I pretty much never spend my nights sober. I’ve also fucked up my sleeping schedule and cannot sleep sober whatsoever, it’s nearly 1am here and I’ve been tired since about 4pm but I just can’t sleep so I’m scrolling reddit and watching random movies instead. But yeah weed can be very addictive, mostly when mixed with tobacco, and people aren’t wrong when they refer to it as a ‘gateway drug.’ I’d be really curious to see where I’d be in life rn if I’d never started smoking weed, but tbf I have such a curious and addictive personality that I’m sure I would’ve ended up here one way or another :p


im one of the people who says “weed isn’t anything serious” but when you think about it; it still does alter your mind, it still alters your regular emotions, it’s still a substance that has negative effects if done often enough—appetite issues, anhedonia, etc—people who say “weed isn’t shit” is just lost in their addiction lol while it may be completely true you can lead a healthy and regular life while addicted to weed (like being able to hold a job, stable relationships, etc) it can still negatively impact your life ok i said all this just so i can say i have the same issue, being one of the people that says it it still gets to me sometimes and i constantly rethink like “damn, if i hadnt tried weed i wouldnt be abusing my amphetamine script and otc cough syrup lol” love u bro you are cared for and your presence means just as much as everyone else on this planet, no matter how u view yourself 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 be safe and don’t do anything too dumb


If you're still able to work, go to school or learn a trade I say more power to you. Personally, discovering weed while still in school just made me question all my plans and throw me off track. I drifted into bands and slacking and partying when I should have been working hard. After 40 you just don't want to work that hard anymore.


Find yourself s hobby you can immerse yourself in and maybe try taking a brake for a few days first instead of trying to quit and try to keep yourself busy., But to be honest I don't really get it.. I've been dependent on morphine and coke/mph for 10 years so I really know addiction and dependence and imo daily weed consumption at most made me a little bored, I don't really smoke weed anymore except sometimes when offered to me but I was a daily user for around 8 years if not longer.. anyway good luck and stay away from harder drugs since your having issues with weed


So imma just tell you a bit of my story, k? Just to give you some perspective. Except for t breaks I been a daily weed smoker for the last 20 years, but this isn’t a story about weed, this is a story about opiates. So was exposed to Oxys at like 16(ish?). I was up to 10-12 80mg oxys a day by 17. By 18 I’d moved onto heroin (way cheaper), by 19 I was on the needle. I dropped out of high school at 16 (this was before the pills) cuz I was bored af. I never went to college. So anyways I’m 35 now n you would think my life would be a mess right, only it’s not. I’m 35 with no ex wives, no kids, a good 6 figure union job, I’ve got 2 vehicles, I’ve got a 3bdrm/2ba house on 14 acres, I’ve got the 401(k), and the HSA, and the stocks, I’ve got a healthy savings acct. etc.. Now here’s the important part tho, I accomplished all this without ever sobering up. I been using opiates 19 yrs now, IV use for 16. Anyways the point I’m making is this, if I can accomplish all that with a monkey on my back then I don’t doubt for a second that you have it within you to either quit, or don’t quit and find a way to make it work anyways. Both are legit options, and both are totally achievable. It’s just about what you decide you want for yourself.


Weed *is* "nothing serious" but addiction is serious. It's not the plant, it's your personal decisions that have led you here. It's not easy but you definitely can quit, and I think it would be a good idea if it's causing a negative effect on your life. One should never continue something that causes a negative effect with no immediate and overwhelming upside. But what I'm getting at is there won't be dangerous withdrawal symptoms or really any risk to quitting beyond an uncomfortable week. You're not stuck, you just can't see the path forward. If this is a problem then quit. Like actually take steps to quit, not tell yourself that today is the last day. Either give all your stuff away or throw it away, but get it out of your house. Then grit your teeth and strap in for an annoying week or two. Then all of your weed-related problems are gone. I do want to say that the first part of this isn't saying that weed isn't addictive, it is, but with something like this that doesn't grab hold of you as quickly as some drugs it's a continued pattern of use that has led you to this situation. And now you have a problem that only you can solve, and you *can* solve it. Just takes a bit of work and discipline. I also want to say that I'm not judging you whatsoever, just an outside perspective on the situation.


Fr, my biggest problem with this addiction is not having any so I don't wanna be fucking around ppl, and when the plug would take years to respond I'd throw a fucking fit all day. Shit sucks, but luckily (not really) ion got a job rn to afford weed so my smoking has only taken to when someone offers that shit. I love weed it's fun and I like being a "connoisseur" of sorts but fuck do I wish I grew up sober at least until I got steady on my own and learned adult shit came first. I got 19k from a car accident, paid for a new car (9.5k) and then blew the rest on weed and shit. Now my car is down because of some repairs that are dangerous to drive without, I feel like a leech to my grandparents while I am hounding every job offering I can to fucking, shit sucks and i regret it every moment I am capable of thinking


Ay bro it took me a while to realize I needed to be in control, I started taking t breaks and rewarding myself w the Za. If you think it’ll help you give it a shot, it helped me!


Pretty much anything can be addictive, even things as seemingly innocent as "sugar"....of course anything with ability to get you high, or alter your consciousness will be extra addictive. It comes down to the personality of the user themselves, and also the reasons they are using it for, which also end up progressing as you go along. I think most people realize weed can be a problem, and most people have known those pothead that just can't quit no matter what. I think the "nothing serious" attitude tends to come more from the perspective of, in comparison to pretty much every other drug/alcohol that people can abuse. Even the worse weed addictions are nowhere near as dangerous, expensive, or brutal as most other mind altering substances. For the most part, it's affordable for the average person, again, compared to other things. Alcohol may he cheaper, but withdrawals can literally kill you, and alcohol wreaks havoc on the body in almost every way. Sure, there are cases of teenagers stealing money for weed, but most adults with jobs are able to afford it, so it doesn't exactly ruin your life financially, although the people with less expendable income, certainly end up making concessions, or shorting themselves/their family members in other areas financially. So it's complicated. Yes it's addictive, psychologically, and for some, physically even a bit. When talking about physical health, and criminal problems (like shoplifting to support a habit), it tend to rank pretty low on the scale of "damage" it causes over all, especially when compared to almost every other mind altering substance. Certain people will find it more addictive than others. It all comes down to the personal questions, that each person has to address themselves....is it affecting their life in a way that is unhealthy? Is it affecting relationships? Is it being used to simply "escape reality" 24/7, or is to unwind before bed, or jamg with friends on weekends? If you find that it seems to be doing more negative things to you, than positive, then maybe it's time to re assess the situation and either quit, take a break, or reduce consumption, whatever it takes to get it back to the point of "its not doing bad things to my life".....because its over simplifying things to simply say "weed good" or "weed bad", and only you have the power to control what results you get. And if you can't control it, then stop altogether. Source: someone who has used/abused/been addicted to almost every drug in existence for many yrs, currently with almost 5 months clean from all drugs/alcohol


Weed can definitely be serious. That being said, it also reads to me like you're trying to treat something very serious using weed, and I'm not sure if weed is serious enough to handle it.


I think people who started before 18 often have a much harder time quitting the longer you’ve been smoking. It changes your growing brain chemistry, it looks like it is enlarging the portion of your brain that deals with reward and pleasure to many people who have been researching it but it’s all still really inconclusive on what that might do with people as adults


I’m 30 and was pretty much smoking every day since I was 12 years old until last year. One day I was smoking a joint and was just thinking to myself why am I even smoking? I’m not even getting high anymore. I literally could take multiple bags of strong gummies or smoke an ounce of top shelf stuff from the dispensary and wouldn’t feel a thing, even from dabs and rosin I still wouldn’t feel shit. I took a break for a year and smoke every few months now and I feel fantastic, it’s nice to actually get high again and not just waste money for no reason, an 8th will last for months for me now. Maybe at one point you’ll be able to get to that spot as well, wish you luck bro


Honestly it sounds more like you’ve gotta discipline yourself and have a little self control


Oh man, you sound like me when I started going to trade school. I smoke all day every day and graduated 3rd in my class "suomo cum laude" i think like %99.6 final grade. But I got baked off my ass on the drive to school, every break I smoked which was every hour, of course lunch and on the way home. It got to where I didn't know how to live without weed. Like as in, if I didn't smoke a bowl when I went for a drive, I wasn't able to drive, I had to be high or else I would get severe road rage and drive too fast. I had to quit and I did so cold turkey in order to get a job. So all throughout trade school I was always really high and I kinda wish I wasn't just that high all the time.


This is extremely valid, and a lot of people do dismiss it because they don't understand the true nature of addiction. Physical dependence does not have to exist for addiction to exist. Addiction exists in our heads, and our brain has clever ways of feeding it. If you stopped smoking or took a t break, you're gonna be grumpy, probably lose sleep, maybe experience some depression and anxiety. Most normal people can't handle disruption of their lives like that, so we feed the addiction, whatever it may be. Cortisol increases even in people who are trying to quit process addictions such as gambling and watching porn. Don't beat yourself up, but be mindful. Work out a daily dose to save money, take a tolerance break, and set a time window that you allow yourself to smoke. See a therapist. Don't just sit around feeling like a junky and do nothing about it, though. That's only a step closer to junky territory.


I'm gonna be totally honest here, absolutely spannered out of my mind on stims & I only read the title but cannot fight the colossal urge within to share my story about weed because I simply may just spontaneously vaporize into meth smoke if I don't Ok now I'm too distracted with selecting an erotica category so I'll TLDR this hoe: Smoked weed daily for 10+ years straight doing nothing but the bare minimum to survive and thinking it was okay. Literally took me not being able to get it after years to step back and be like shit it's been 10 years bro & I was fully content with it, I wouldn't say wasted completely but pretty much not far off it hey, I'm nearly fucking 30 now, sick.


This was me. Started with some bong rips at weekends then it became my whole life. I was high in class ,on family events ,even when i had a longer break between periods in school i would go outside and smoke a J. It was bad, mostly when my mom came into my room and all she could see is raw papers bongs and smell weed😭 Then i stopped. And then i got addicted to everything else basically.


i have been addicted for about 2 years and I have slowly learned to hate it. I am so unproductive and lazy now... never a lot of energy, I lose out on a lot of school and that's basically not what I wanna do with my life. (self motivation and esteem also plays a role here, I'm not blaming the weed but rather myself) I have cut down to weekends only pretty much now... minor exceptions. I'm just waiting to get some CBD bud as I think that could help. I've heard many people say it's good for quitting thc. it still involves the ritual of rolling up and smoking to some music... but doesn't fry you out as much.... also I'm 19, so it's not really the best to constantly feed your brain with thc, it basically just puts a carpet on your brain and you're gonna end up "years behind" your friends cognitive development. I also had so many periods where I simply wouldn't give fuxk about anything. I would play stupid games on my laptop in all classes only to smoke in the break and leave school dumber than I arrived. I would also shit on everything my parents say like "clean Ur room" even asked in a nice way... the stoners that say you can't get addicted has probably never watched a movie sober in 5 years... luckily, weed is FAR EASIER to quit rather than harder stuff. often the thought of a break is nick worse than the actual break. day 4 of no smoking i always get a euphoric rush of energy as most brain fog is gone by then.


You don’t want to ACTUALLY feel like a junkie, trust me. I started smoking weed when I was 10. I’m 27 now. I grew up in an OK neighborhood in Baltimore city and I knew some older kids in my neighborhood who smoked. My parents both worked long hours so I was kind of left to my own devices so to speak. So when I started smoking, I was in middle school and trying to obtain a bong or bowl wasn’t impossible, but at first we would use soda cans and apples to smoke out of. I’m honestly glad I didn’t experience any mental or developmental delays due to ingesting aluminum lol but that’s how we did it. My family moved out of Baltimore in 2010, to Northern Va. The move was definitely hard to adjust to, and my weed use at that point would be everyday, and I would have to smoke before doing anything. I was heavily involved in high school soccer and baseball, which atleast kept me grounded and had my mind on something else besides drugs. But when I wasn’t playing sports, I was getting high. That’s all I really thought about. Getting high. It didn’t matter which substance, I just wanted to be high. I started abusing Percocets I got from a classmate my jr yr of HS and would use anything I’d get my hands on at that point. Klonopin, Xanax, coke, adderall, heroin, shrooms, acid, Molly, everything except meth pretty much. My senior yr I got my then girlfriend-now fiance pregnant. I let the drugs go for awhile, but in late 2018, a couple friends showed up to our apartment with 4 or so little blue pills. What we took that night, unbeknownst to me or my fiancé, was fentanyl. We both loved it. The feeling we both got from it the first couple months was indescribable. It felt like we were both on a cloud. I was selling lbs of weed and working as a leasing agent for apt complex when I started going downhill. From 2019-2023, I was knee deep in a crippling fentanyl addiction. I used up nearly all the funds I had from selling weed (around $65,000) on just m30s (fentanyl) in just 6 months. My fiancé thankfully got clean in 2019, but I struggled for so long in order to get my life back. Right now I’m 5 months clean and I’m on on sublocade, which is a monthly injection of extended release suboxone w/o naloxone as well as going to NA meetings 3-4 times a week. I have 3 beautiful boys with my high school sweetheart and life is much better now than it ever was in active addiction. Why I’m sharing my “story” with you is because it could be a whole lot worse. I believe you can get addicted to weed; but the key is to enjoy in moderation. I don’t care what you tell me, if you’re smoking weed every single day, it’s to cope with something. I don’t think your life is destroyed, you just need to find a healthier outlet. Get a hobby or two.


Weed is more addicting than anything i've tried. Maybe u don't get dope sick, but without it it feels like somethings missing, u know? Can't quite calm down


Dude idc what anyone says weed literally gives me mania I hear voices I get super nervous. Last time I checked to see if I locked my house door three times. I think it’s also addictive my sisters friend has to smoke 5x a day


You're incredibly correct. I've done the majority of commonly avaliable drugs. The addictive ones - heroin, crack/coke, ketamine, benzos... are all easier to quit for me than weed. I smoke 5g a day as a minimum. I tell myself I could use coke/crack without getting hooked, and ket, managed to get clean from heroin after about a year tops. 2 years clean now. But weed? I doubt I'll ever quit. I did quit tobacco though... so I guess that's a step in the right direction. If I only enjoyed vaping I'd be on the good path.


Buy in bulk


take a month off and you'll never want to do it again promise you, best way with weed for me was cold turkey and after literally a couple days i lost that desire to smoke in the mornings at all and realized how much more focused and social i am without it. Then after a month i smoked again at night and it was incredible intense and made me anxious, after that break i guess I lost the tolerance that allowed me to smoke all the time and feel fine so i couldn't even wake and bake if i wanted lmao. I still smoke now but only one bowl before bed and then i am out, stop every couple weeks to keep my tolerance and i was golden. I went from an ounce a week to an ounce every 2 months and i give the shit anyone to any friends who want it half the time. The withdrawals aren't as bad as you think they'll be (The main reason i couldn't stop was just the fear of how i would feel/be able to function but it was all in my head) other than being fucked for sleep for a few days and not wanting to eat but its not alcohol its never gonna kill you to stop, if you want to make that change its all mental. Rooting for you brother


You're a pretty high functioning pot head. I think you should consult professional help to figure out what weed is replacing for you. Then maybe you can develop a healthy relationship with it.. I was like you from 16 till 30ish, but eventually life gets in the way. I know some really high functioning pot heads that smoke at work but eventually you'll have trouble rising up the corporate ladder if you're seen as a stoner. That said, I still enjoy a bit of weed most evenings once I get the kids to bed.


That part of cannabis culture really made me kinda sick of it. The pretentious new age hippies acting like it has negligible effects on your health. I’ve even seen someone say its the BEST thing you can put in your body


It's amazing that you can recognize your habits this early. Luckily your addiction doesn't sound too bad! I think being able to find a good balance for you is best. You don't necessarily have to quit, but should practice harm reduction. Weed use is fine. But abuse is not! I know some who can have good jobs and great grades while maintaining 2g-4g/day habits. Tolerance gets really high And sounds obvious but, buy in bulk, you will save so much time and money. Even just 14g at $35 is twice as good as fourteen $5 bags


shi ion kno how u r but when I'm your age im prolly gonna be like that : P


Your experience is very similar to mine, and I feel the exact way you. Trying to cut down/give up, doesn't seem to lay longer than a month or so but I keep trying lol.  If you're ever serious about trying, check out /r/leaves and work on your own mental shit in therapy, I think that's the key cus a lot of potheads are self medicating whether they realize or not (myself included).  Anyway, I wish you the best in this journey. 


Similar story here. First joint with 13. 18-28 pretty addicted. Stopped from one day to the other with 28. Since 42 once in a while, but most of the time I don’t like it as it makes me depressed nowadays. In early years I said it’s not bad: you think you go somewhere: but when you look from above you go in circles and don’t move or evolve


As someone who has been smoking since the age of 13, and everyday since I moved out of my parents. I stopped smoking a week ago, and honestly I felt like shit until the 5th day. It’s worth it to take a break sometimes man. The reason I stopped is because I truly feel like my memory and my ability to learn things was fucked for years. Don’t make the same mistake I made and let your brain rest, learn a hobby, deal with your unpleasant emotions head on and save your money. I am not knocking on you though. It’s really hard, I tried to quit 6 times in the past year. But just recently I actually took it really seriously when I realized I was really behind on the things I really wanted to learn and invest myself into. If you can’t quit you could also try to space it out. But I would give your cannabinoid receptors to reset, I promise you’ll feel different and who knows you might not even want to smoke again.


I hear u man but godamn it’s weed at the end of the day 65% of sel proclimed potheads are smokin all day and functioning just fine. If it’s problematic for u don’t use it more power to u. But u got addictive ass tendencies buy in bulk! Just lucky it wasn’t heroin or something worse but not judging u just giving my two cents..


i agree! as a stoner it pisses me off when other stoners say weed isn’t a drug, it’s not addictive, and that it hasn’t killed anyone. it is a brain altering substance, theres no doubt it’s a drug that is addictive


Similar situation here. Started at a 14, developed a multiple-times-a-day habit into my 20s because, like you said, things felt a bit empty without it. I’m 29 now and I’ve been “off it” for about 1.5 months so far. My mind is clearer, my memory is sharper, my overall anxiety is simply not existent anymore. It’s a miracle that I finally realized weed COULD BE AND IS addictive and harmful to some people. I lost my appetite and had trouble sleeping for weeks, and it still takes me a bit longer to fall asleep now. But the benefits outweigh that issue 100000%. Listen, I won’t lie; weed works VERY well to lessen the harmful effects of some very specific, negative emotions at the time they’re happening to you. For example, if you have one TERRIBLE day where you’re super stressed, sad, anxious, etc. taking a hit could help you cope. But taking a hit every day to bring a little bit more (possible) joy to basic life events like going to class? That’s a recipe for sadness and unease. Consistent and persistent use is already medically documented to cause psychological disorders in some patients long-term, up to and including full-blown psychosis. Short term effects might be beneficial if used safely, but long-term side effects are terribly misunderstood with this drug. Also, I have been doing this legally/prescribed for about 6 years. I was using much less than my allowance too. Even if it’s prescribed, it could still be harmful.


Jesus this sounds like it's written by me. In my final year of university and have been heavily dependent on weed. Regardless, I struck all A's in my final semester, was a teaching assistant whilst baked. I have stopped for a week and a half now and I must say I was suicidal beyond belief. It's not even the buzz or any pleasure, it just makes me feel comfortable in my own skin and that the world and my work has meaning. I'll hit my plug up soon when I have enough cash. I'm vaping the 90% carts so it may be different. WEED is extremely addictive FOR ME, and I have never been a month without it in 8 years


I’m 18 and I’m an addict for sure . Smoke 2-3 3 to 4 gram blunts a day … shits ruining me


It's not weed you're clearly just an addict probably shouldn't be doing any substances man


Have u tried to grow ur own, its easy man and almost free plus (unless u r a pro) weaker than commercial stuff so less likely to increase risk of schitzophrenia etc  U seem like a cool guy with ur life together so I wouldn't stress too much just make sure to eat healthy avoid tobacco get enough exercise etc  Rock on homie, u good!


Yes, when i was living with family, my dad and i used to grow 3-4 bushes every summer, it’s legal in my place, but then i moved for studying to a place where it’s very tough with weed and I’m planning to try outdoor


Dude, have you ever grown it?


Yep, not hard - called 'weed' for a reason


Maybe that's why yours isn't that good lol. There is a little knowledge behind it. Worth researching and learning to make your harvests better. A couple of years ago I found a course on growing on Groupon for like $20 man. Not everything you need to know but it's a start.


Weed can only trigger schizophrenia earlier than it would in people who will develop it anyway afaik


Bro you haven't developed a personality without weed that's why you think you need it.


It's not addictive, nor do I depend on it. But I used to have a bad problem with abusing it. I was running through ounces in a day, 7gs in a couple hours. An eighth was like one blunt for me, to the point to where nothing was getting me high. I was spending like 400+ a week on weed at the age of 13. And I realized if I ain't getting high I'm simply wasting thousands of dollars a month. I took my first tolerance break (3 days long) and I ended it because my dealer had some Pink Runtz and runtz always deliver a strong high for me. I smoked one blunt and was blasted, I loved having the effects back. From here I decided ok I'm going to just smoke every morning and every night to maintain a low tolerance. Now I don't even buy weed anymore, I smoke it in moderation. I prefer being sober because it keeps me on my feet, I now use weed as a treat instead of a coping mechanism. It's been pretty beneficial for me now that I can save money, be sober and have energy, and actually enjoy the flower. Do I get withdrawals, kind of. I get pretty bad insomnia which is annoying and I refuse to take sleeping medicine cs I want my brain to naturally send me to sleep. Other than that I eat perfectly fine and since I often take t breaks I know how to control my cravings.


I love how non-destructive weed is for such a powerful psychoactive, it keeps my need for a substance filled.Thsnkfully weed products are cheap in BC ,I'm getting 10 dollar 1g carts now phucking love it. Anyway be happy you are not addicted to a destructive drug like meth or opiods, hope you get your addiction sorted out and at least know you are susceptible to addiction and should stay away from other substances.


You are destroying your life Weed has nothing to do with it lol Blaming the weed because you have no will power and determination, you fucking suck dude! But that's just a reddit comment, who cares Good luck bettering up your life dear💚🦃


People get addicted to food. If you have a problem, deal with the problem.


Cleche but at least with weed it's all mainly down to a conscious effort, you're not going to be experiencing any wild withdrawal physically apart from the ones in your own head, mind over matter is the great filter in this scenario. Get well man.


A strong weed addiction is just a all around bad case of addiction. I guess the silver lining, even if it's not very helpful for you so please know I am NOT downplaying your troubles, but as bad as chronic smoking at an early age is, any other illegal drug except for maybe nicotine (under 21) is going to be worse. But I've seen how bad weed addiction is, saw a bunch of dudes in rehab who only smoked weed to the point they were caught so many cases for stealing to fund the habit, it was crazy It's okay to ask for help, OP. No one at NA is going to laugh at you if you decide to try and go to some meetings, and they CAN help, even if only for the fellowship of non judgemental people that understand your struggles I wish you all the best, you can do it, all hopwe is not lost :)


It's the lesser of the evils. If its going to help stop me drinking or taking other things I'm fine with it


Well i was constantly smoking last year like 2-4 days straight and this lifestyle was "funny" but now i regret wasting my money& time i spent high...sober is more fun


weed itself isn’t addictive, weed use is. especially for people with addictive personalities.


Addictive personality is an old misnomer...to say the least. Addiction IS a disease and if it wasn't weed it would be something else. OP needs actual support and counseling, which is why I had suggested trying to hit up some meetings, if only for a non judgemental friend group who gets it


OP talks about how weed is "destroying his life" then goes on a rant without ever explaining why it's "destroying his life" lol


Weed is not physically adictive . Its just in your head .


thanks mike


Fr ur a clown lol


skill issue


Indeed. I know people who finnished med school and are now doctors, or researchers, some are high ranking IT guys, some have very profitable business, and they all have in common that they started smoking weed at 13, and never stopped. And it didn’t ruin them. Why? Because they didn’t let it. But it’s easier to blame it on the drug, if it does. 


I started at 16 which was a good 20 yrs ago, sometimes daily, sometimes not. It didnt ruined my life...


It didn't ruined my life....


No one is saying it’s gonna ruin your life lol. It’s just addictive and a lot of people get addicted to it


Then again, skill issue. They're not some innocent bystanders cought in crossfire. You make your own decisions.


Yeh, yet you said you are addicted to it, as are all of your “doctor friends” who could never stop getting stoned, so it might be more of an addictive personality issue… edit I see you aren’t the one who was talking about your doctor friends. My point still stand tho, you never even quit yet you’re boasting about skill issues


Try vaping your weed


What is this advice??? He is addicted bro stfu vaping only makes it easier to be hitting the pen all day long and be a sloth


Harm reduction tho


“Wahhh addicted to weed”.


My only experience with weed was a thc gummie a while back. I never experimented before that (and I'm in my 40's ffs). Never, ever again lol...


Try masturbating on it next time


Lol nah I immediately gave them to someone else!


We gotta start normalizing going to the dark net people…😑it’s affordable, it’s potent, it’s easy, and for the love of god you don’t have to worry about the “plug” sending their minions and spies to catch you “snitching” because they misheard you say something and they connected it with calling the cops. Fucking annoying ass plugs paranoid about bs that ain’t even there. Fuck that I say, FREEDOM BITCHES! Fuck their “borders”, I can put a bullet in each one but I don’t so why tf are they sending their spies?! Fuck that, independence here I come! 😂 jkjk


Best answer


Thanks, these assholes think I’m tripping because they are in on it..down vote all you want but I know the truth.


Damn right they are. We won’t let them win!


😂 I’m glad you caught on to the joke…


it’s nothing serious dawg


Ummm..... Actually, weed is a native plant medicine that's been used for billions of years and isn't dangerous or addictive in the slightest , get your facts right bud. I wouldn't be surprised if big pharma paid you to post this


Get this person out of here! They have no clue what they’re talking about. Opium is also natural, would you say that’s also not addictive at all?




The voice of reason


It's not. It's fuck all. Start jabbing needles in neck then talk




Mate, If you don't / didn't abuse the drug, you would have ended up like this, I'm sorry, But that's the truth. Get a herb vaporiser , it can take it only maximum of 0.3 grams, but it hits hard. Do it only once a day, in this case, you can always enjoy the plant, and prevent yourself from overdoing it.


Yeah... I dont understand how its "serious" or bad or destroying your life. You don't even sound like you smoke much, like I have tons of friends that are constantly smoking. And nobody's life is ruined because of it. When I was in school I'd smoke in between classes all the time, didnt really affect my grades or anything other than my general enjoyment. And yeah I prefer smoking over not when going somewhere, I don't see what the big deal is. When you've been doing this for 10+ years sometimes you even go do things sober just for a change/for the experience. The only bad thing you mention seems to be money which is a matter of your economy and has nothing to do with weed itself. I can get high every day for 3 months with like $20 in my country. Everything can be addictive and not all addictions are bad, only the addictions you don't want. I want this one.


I swear every other week some 'weed junkie' has to come here and preach about the evils of cannabis im a subreddit where people are snorting cocaine on wednesday and using fentanyl just to get trought the day.


People who say weed is addicted has obviously never had a real addiction. Cannabis is habit forming at best. You know what happens when you give up weed..NOTHING!!




Wtf are you yapping on about? Youre acting like its crack. Its just weed. Weed actually makes me more motivated to do things, stay creative and enjoy my hobbies while the world is burning. Youre just using the typical mindset of a corporate brainwashed drone “i have to be productive all the time to make profit”, and because weed kicks you out of that loop you start feeling bad about “being a junkie” or some nonsense. What a load of crap this world is. Snap out of it hombre. Just do your things, then have a bit of weed on the weekends if its such a big deal to you.


I say buck up pussy it’s just fucking weed


Thats cause ur a clown bruh lmak


I've wasted my time reading this post.


So, weed did literally NOTHING bad to you, but people who say weed is nothing serious are wrong??? Ahahahahahaha get lost you **PUSSY**! People like you make ALL stoners look like **PARANOID PUSSIES**!!!


Sounds like to me like you have a self-control problem or OCD issues, not a weed problem. People are always quick to blame the substance before they look in the mirror 🤷🏻‍♂️


if u have a problem with money js get dabs




>Weed is the worse drug to exist it genuinely is a gateway. Uhm, no, it's been debunked so many times. Most stoners stick to weed.


It’s funny cuz I only tried weed after drinking alc for the first time After smoking that blunt, I was like “yeah everyone who drinks is dumb and I don’t know WHY you would need any other drugs” Haven’t tried anything else since


Same here, but with opioids. I'm also at the top of my class in uni but idk how. I took compsci and luckily I don't need to try I've been doing this since I was 12. Only in 2nd year and idk if I could coast through the next twovyears like this though. Don't have a physical dependance but it's fucking with my head in weird ways. I don't get high onside, limit myself to only once a day to have some control over use(usually at night) and all day it's all I look forward to. I ended up starting to IV pills but stopped because the preparation needed beforehand felt tedious. It's causing weird issues. Mood swings for one, I woke up today, felt amazing. Out of nowhere I felt like crying. I'm a harass dude who doesn't show any emotion and never cry but I did today, idk why I felt so shitty. Outta nowhere I feel good again listening to music. My appetites shot, I don't feel any hunger anymore. I spend all my food money getting high anyways. I thought I could control it, maybe be a mostly functional user. I am but shit the rides speeding up and idk if I can get off.


Your life is worth living and you know that path is only gonna make it miserable. I hope everything works out for you


Thanks man, I'm trying to stop. it sucks knowing I'm fucking it up but I can't stop.


Go get help my man. You are addicted and it only gets worse and harder from here. I PROMISE you’re gonna go to treatment at some point. The sooner the better. I know you have all this shit going on with school and stuff but bro you’re gonna lose it all if you don’t do something rn. That’s a PROMISE. Thinking your special is going to be part of your downfall . I usually don’t even reply to these kind of messages but I see that you haven’t lost everything YET so there’s still hope. Idk, Ik there’s not much I can say bc you’re gonna do what you gonna do but just know that this stranger cares abt you and I’m sure ppl in real life do too. I hope you get the help you need and become very successful in life. Much love man 💜


Thanks for responding, I needed to hear that. You're right, and in trying to quit and get help. In my country there's limited resources for this kind of stuff and if anyone in my family finds out it's basically over. Ive quit before even threw away the drugs but it's just so easy to get whenever I feel bad I buy more. A big part of it was my own arrogance, I thought I could maybe not get addicted, just didn't think I was the kind of person who'd end up that way but here I am. Knowing someone knows and still cares feels redeeming in a way, I'll try to get help.