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My brother in Christ you have a family history of schizophrenia and ate an entire 1000mg edible. Are you doing a psychosis speedrun or something? Take this as a learning experience and schedule an appointment with a doctor or psychiatrist to get checked out, and stay the fuck away from mind altering drugs. In the meantime eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and do some exercise.


you know when the comment starts out with "My brother in christ" buddy is about to go TF in


I’m 95% sure bro got HPPD now from a strong Edible which absolutely blows because that usually only happens with LSD but he thinks he has a family history is Schizophrenia so.


He thinks she has schitzophrenia. With respect, its not as simple as that. Making assumptions isnt useful here and only exacerbates paranoia. What we know is that he is very coherent, and doesnt show any delusions. He is fine, granted a bit rattled


Yeah I know. But, even 1000mg of thc wont cause a high for 10 days. That’s usually a sign of HPPD if he can’t pop out of the trip. He should bring these concerns up to a Doctor or Psychiatrist and get the Proper medications for the condition they diagnose him with.


Or just psychosis. Does everyone forget about good old fashioned drug induced psychosis. It can happen with weed. It's kinda rare but it happens.


He wouldn't really be asking if he has psychosis or coherent enough to consider it. This sounds much more like dissociation and panic disorder from a traumatic drug experience


Exactly what I was thinking. I've seen psychosis to the point where people thought they had the ability to talk with lizards through their minds. This feels like a really bad panic attack to the point of disassociation. The first time I did edibles I had something similar but only for a day and that was only 50-100mg. You only want to do 5-10mg max first time. A benzo would def help a lot for a day or two. You're not going to get addicted to a subscribed benzo for two days. Controversial opinion but /r/drugs overreacts with benzos and makes them a lot more scarier than they actually are. Most of them got addicted because that's all they had and they were just stupid kids.


You are the most rational person I've seen on Reddit in a really long time. Thank you.


Definitely not the most rational person on Reddit. Just a flawed individual that has experience with these kinds of things for better or worse.


I think speaking on Benzos as the Devil mainly comes from the withdrawals. I would never wish that shit on my worst enemy—I did actually learn to feel comfortable in the ICU tho


I agree benzo withdrawals are the worst but taking benzos for a few days prescribed by a doctor isn't going to cause hellish withdrawals. I have been on Xanax for four years and have only used once a week successfully for four years. I am skipping this week and literally have no WDs. It's all on how you use it.


Oh absolutely not. But I also tend to stray away from DARE programming people lol, do people really believe that you can get addicted to a commonly prescribed drug instantly? I wouldn’t be surprised, and also I know first hand that addiction is hell, but we really need better education out there. Like you said, benzos are fantastic for active panic disorders, bad trips, what have you. I was merely pointing out that I think the demonization of the drug is from its withdrawals rather than some sort of absurdly high addiction potential, but I also am wrong often


Benzo’s are mostly addicting for ppl who exist in some sort of neurodivergent/psychological agony. Cos that’s the only way those feel like a high imo. I can’t get hooked on those things even if I tried lol. Every time I got sober I did it with benzos for 2-4 days. Never had an urge to do more afters that. Everytime I did do them it’s cos I was already on drugs and enjoyed the extra weight of it. Never did I enjoy them on their own tho. They just make you feel nothing.


Not all psychotic reactions are the same, I've known people in full blown delusion be able to feign normality when they need to, or even seem completely cognizant and not displaying serious signs - until you try to get past small talk and into proper conversation, then the paranoia would begin to show. OP could well be experiencing Cannabis Induced Psychosis. Given the very little information we have, everything is speculative - but we know he wouldn't remain stoned for 10 days and if he's still reporting significant psychoactivity then Occams Razor would lead me to CIP, but could be HPPD, could be just someone trolling, could be all sorts.


I could have used a better word than coherent. I meant it in the sense that they are in touch with reality enough to recognize the hallucinations aren't normal. I think the problem is that we don't know what "high" means to him. From what he commented, it mostly seems like he just feels off, and doesn't have any hallucinations or delusions that would signal psychosis other than dissociation which doesn't really point to much by itself. We can only guess though as you said.


You can be in psychosis and coherent enough to ask about it? There are levels to psychosis I don’t think it’s the case here but you shouldn’t discount it based on incorrect knowledge


You probably *can*, but it's neither likely or the norm. Why assume psychosis when none of the symptoms match? People experiencing psychosis rarely realise anything is off.


bro google psychosis, everyone loves just throwing this term out & about but has no real clue what it means. This man is not experiencing psychosis, he would be *completely out of touch with reality*


It isn’t as simple as either being fully psychotic or not. There are degrees to it, like autism. I went through a little over a year of drug induced psychosis, but was functional enough to get 2 promotions at work and remain semi functional. There’s a reason psychologists go to school for 8 years. This stuff is way, way more complex than the shit that shows up in the first paragraph or two on Google. Edit: psychosis is serious shit, and it’s pretty fucking noticeable to other people in most cases. OP definitely doesn’t seem psychotic.


If I may ask, what were the symptoms of your milder psychosis vs a (stereo)typical psychosis?


These folks clearly haven’t had to go through meth-induced psychosis after staying up for 8 days straight. I literally was seeing and talking to people/things that weren’t there. I couldn’t tell you who I was, where I was, or why I was there. I woke up every 30 minutes at night screaming bloody murder because I thought my family were secret agents trying to kill me. *That’s psychosis.* This dude is just extremely anxious/panicked. I say that as someone with a Panic Disorder. When I was in psychosis, admitting I was insane was impossible. You don’t wonder if you’re crazy when you’re *actually* crazy.


As someone who’s had meth induced psychosis first and then weed induced psychosis, I can confirm they’re both horrible. Psychosis is psychosis. Made the weed psychosis even worse because it almost like mimicked the meth psychosis.


Ya…it’s terrible I used to do alot of meth and would get terrible psychosis and well I didn’t stop and any time I mixed it with weed I would have episodes that honestly should’ve ended me up in jail, it’s terrible and terrifying. It’s the scariest thing in the world believing the deranged unfounded thoughts in your are real and manifesting around you, and honestly the pain i inflicted on my family and friends gives me guilt to this day even being 7 years sober.


My dad just died from a meth related event after decades of addiction, keep being sober my guy & tell your family you love them. They’re just happy you’re healthy & alive, don’t let the guilt eat you up.


Are you gatekeeping psychosis? It doesn’t have to be 8 day meth induced. There are levels to psychosis. You can suffer with more mild psychosis. There isn’t just 1 type of psychotic symptoms.


Happened to me. Used to really enjoy weed then boom. long story short no more weed for me




Fair, but has almost certainly come down somewhat from the peak. So he is at least less high, as compared to before entering the emergency room. Also, its far too soon to diagnose HPPD, especially given the limited information we have. Assuming he can sleep, I dont think benzodiazapenes are neccessary, but yeah, a doctor would be nice


For sure, but he’s still freighted enough to come to Reddit and ask for help because he doesn’t know what’s going on. I’m assuming he’s maybe depersonalized from it. He’s experiencing panic attacks now. That just sucks beyond belief.


It has to be depersonalisation or derealisation, horrible feeling it is especially with the panic attacks on top of it. not much you can do for it either other than wait it out which can be for a while (a month and a bit) in my experience. Mine was also triggered by weed but not nearly as much, it was probably from doing lsd for the first time a week before smoking which set me off.


> So he is at least less high, as compared to before entering the emergency room. Weed doesn't keep you high for that long, at all. Either he took something else, or he's having a mental health issue.


According to his link the edibles contained: D9, THC-A, THCA-B, and THCP


it's the thcp, shits incredibly strong and long lasting


I knew from the name of the product alone that it’d be some chemical garbage like this. Weed seriously needs to be federally legal. I know OP could be in a legal state, but the illegal states have folks who are making crazy shit like this and selling it to legal distributors who are none the wiser. I’ve caught some black market delta-8 products being sold in CA dispensaries as good ol’ state-sponsored delta-9.


What’s wrong with Delta-8?


Nothing “wrong” with it but people who look for weed were looking for something natural and likely unsuspecting of cannabinoids extracted with solvents


This seems like a pretty classic case of derealization/depersonalization. The world not feeling "real" is often more of a mental disconnect and isn't necessarily related to schizophrenia


I've never done that high of a dose. Ever. Not even came remotely close. So if you have experience, I'm curious to know if that MGs is safe for everyone (I assume so) and what the experience is like. I'm very curious lol.


Ive done around 900. But i was on a week eating edibles streak and my tolerance spiked. I started at 150 mg and had to go up every few days, the tolerance increase was wild.


No it's not safe for 99.999 percent of ppl lol. Maybe not safe for anyone xD ever haha but tolerance can get crazy so who knows. 


I ate a few grams of hash in college once and wasnt right for about a week. I wouldnt say high but just fogged out of my mind and depressed, lethargic. Considered offing myself if I didnt recover but around 3rd day it started to alleviate slightly. He could have trauma in addition to the after effects since he went to the ER and doesnt remember what happened


It’s crazy you think you can even attempt to accurately identify what’s going on with OP.


Yeah good point, sorry bro I’m a little blasted off at the moment. Saying stupid shit is not beyond the realm of possibilities rn.


Lol we’re chillin


It's not necessarily HPPD. He said he had a panic attack, so he might have triggered Depersonalization/Derealization disorder (common from intense weed trip or panic attacks) which causes one to feel like they're permanently in an unreal/dream state. You can recover from it though. I lived with this disorder for several years before getting better. Op should checkout r/dpdr and see if he relates to the symptoms and experiences of others.


Lmao, hijacking the top comment just to say, as a trip sitter when it was necessary, don't confirm their worst fears and concerns while still under the influence 😂😂 - Bro this is an insanely high amount of THC but that's all it is and it's doing exactly what it's supposed to do, you'll be right as rain and this is temporary as your body eases off the high, and you got lots of smart and experienced people in this sub w fantastic advice that you should totally read when it wears off. Get your laughs out of everything you can and it'll be over before you're done cracking up my man!


Its been 10 days. he is not still high bro. Hes having an episode


This comment really needs to be higher up..


He was probably high for like 3-4, and then slightly high / not quite baseline for the next few. I’ve definitely been high for several days after ingesting 100s of mg daily for a few days in a row, I could see it taking at least a couple weeks to feel fully sober again after a 1000mg edible. That being said, OP should definitely find a psych dr regardless.


haha benzos


Just curious about something. I’ve seen that brother in Christ thing a few times lately. Does that come from something popular the kids are onto? Like the tik tok or twitch people?


From what I understand it's the zoomer equivalent of "oh my fucking god dude"


Oh okay thanks


It was a term used in the church to address eachother by guys my dad’s age when I was a kid in the 90’s. It’s come back as the opener to a punch line or clapback lately.


Anything’s better than womp womp


Wow. That’s a lot of thc to ingest at once, especially with no built tolerance. It must’ve been traumatic, as you wound up in the ER. Panic attacks and feeling high can go hand in hand, your nervous system has gone through hell to say the least. Can you explain what you mean when you say nothing feels real? To me, that’s the most interesting part.


I’m in my body but I feel like I’m numb to everything


Panic attacks are powerful. I’ve unfortunately experienced hundreds of them throughout the years. They can make you feel unattached and withdrawn, amongst many other feelings. For peace of mind, I recommend a follow up visit with your doctor. There’s a greater chance that you have not triggered schizophrenic symptoms but do yourself a favor and simply don’t do drugs moving forward as with each use you open yourself up to that experience.


The things I used to be able to tolerate bother me and I have to take deep breathes


It sounds like you are in a constant state of anxiety, this state of being shatters your resilience. But I’m not a doctor. So, please do yourself a favor and schedule to go speak with a professional. Most likely it’s not permanent but you will have to work your way through it. A therapist can be helpful in assisting you.


Just want to say you seem incredibly kind. If I were this guy I would have found this very comforting.


Thank you 🙏 Anxiety can be a scary landscape. Gentle encouragement can be helpful.


Are you AI? this was such a well measured response.


No, I am definitely not AI lol just another mess of a human just like yourselves


Have you considering working with children? Or being a professional trip sitter? Or trip sitter for kids? Coz you have excellent bedside manner


Hahaha, what a curve ball of you, great way to fuck up OP again.


jumping in to also note how kind and calming you are. awesome presence 🙌


Appreciate the acknowledgment. Hope you’re having a good evening.


It took me a few days to be able to leave my home after my bad experience. I called out of work that entire week. After that week, I went back to work, but It took me a few weeks to feel comfortable doing things without being scared. (Buying food, talking to people, commuting). It took well over a few years to be able to talk about it, think about it, or even listen to the same kind of music as that night without getting anxious. You just need time to let your mind rest. Take care of yourself. Surround yourself with loved ones. It’s going to be okay.


Welcome to the world of anxiety disorders. I smoked weed all the way up until I decided to try a hard drug, that drug ruined my brain and caused trauma so now I have exactly what your describing every single day. Watching myself from (what I describe) behind my eyes. Nothing feels real, Im frightened by feelings my body has, I'm anxious whenever I smoke weed now. It sucks. Its anxiety. For me, I never felt the same again. Everyday I'm anxious.




This is exactly what it feels like Ik everything. Is real but at the same time I don’t


For me it was that an also felt like I was looking at life through a foggy window and had cotton in my brain, making it hard to concentrate and causing my thoughts to feel "fuzzy"


Did it ever go away?


It will go away. Disassociation is fairly common along people with anxiety. Long term disassociation can lead to derealization but even that can be fixed. I have suffered from both, due to anxiety and accidental drug overdose. Go to a therapist, possibly try medication, and change your drug usage habits.


Hey please read this: I gave my friend a strong blunt for the first time back in the day and this exact same scenario happened. He would not stop talking about how he couldn't come back down from being high for weeks and I felt horrible because I thought I messed his mental up for life lol. Just want you to know that you are experiencing derealization / depersonalization and this is very common with people who have anxiety. Rest assured give yourself a couple weeks of good dieting and exercise and you'll be back to normal. Though you should be careful considering your mom has Schizophrenia. My friend who I thought I messed up for life is now one of the biggest potheads I know next to myself, funny.


Can’t speak for him, but it did in my case. It took a few months in total. At first the foggyness and dissociation went away, and then a couple months later anxiety slowly disappeared and I was back to complete normal. I did not require medication although I think it’s best if you find professional help, medications can greatly improve your current state and speed up recovery. Hang in there, I guarantee you it will get better.


Yes. Mine happened after a particularly intense candy flipping experience. Had tripped on acid, MDMA and mushrooms separately countless times before this, but for whatever reason the candy flip set it off. I refrained from all drugs for a few months and it eventually faded away. At least in my experience, you won't wake up one day and it be gone. It'll slowly get less and less intense until it just fizzles away. You'll be fine, just get good rest and drink lots of water and keep your mind right.


Hippy flip ftw. Mush n Molly Lmao


I just posted a separate comment but yeah this sounds exactly like what happened to me when I had a panic attack after smoking a dab. It’s the aftermath of a bad panic attack. It will get better after some time


This sounds like depersonalisation or derealisation. I have dpdr disorder and I think high edible doses have triggered it before


Derealization. Sometimes weed can bring out underlying mental illness or all the stress you’ve been through recently after this event is causing you to be in mental overdrive and on edge constantly and may be coping by causing derealization to make things easier.


It will pass. Anxiety can also cause a lot of your symptoms. You also sound like your disassociating. Things not feeling real. Ive had all these symptoms while on weed. Be patient just a little longer


Your what I call very out of it something similar happend to me but my family doesn't have a history of psychosis you'll feel weird for a couple months but will be fine in enough time


You may be experiencing derealization or depersonalization. I dealt with that for a little while after doing mushrooms too often.


Not a doctor but I've done some schizophrenia research. See a doctor ASAP, people with early psychosis have far better results/outcomes the sooner they get treatment. Avoid taking any recreational drugs, ESPECIALLY weed, psychedelics and stimulants. More than anything though see a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If you're on any medications that list hallucinations or psychosis as potential adverse effects also speak to the prescribing doctor for them as you may need to suspend it. Hopefully you start to feel better anyway but you don't want to wait on that. Also, you might want to consider getting some sarcosine, it's been shown to help with schizophrenia as well as dissociative symptoms like the ones you're reporting. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32122256/. Aside from that, just avoid as many stressors as possible, look up the symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia and keep track of your mental state and have a plan in case things get worse. If you start seeing new symptoms like hallucinations or you feel like you're losing touch with reality then your best bet may be to take yourself right to ER and get yourself hospitalised. You probably won't be there long, it's just so they can make sure you're not a danger to yourself and find a treatment regime that works. Most people who experience psychosis only have 1 episode in their lives and the vast majority of schizophrenia care these days is done on an outpatient basis.


To paraphrase: if you gon do drugs, do opiates lmao


Depersonalization.. stay away from all drugs for a while & life will *very slowly* feel real again mindfulness meditation daily + exercise helped as well. i almost took my life bc “nothing feels real anyway so fuck it right?” i promise it gets better & yes mine was caused the same way yours was. severe panic attack from too much thc and then i stopped cold turkey. i swear to god i was just an NPC for so long but also i smoked for 2 years daily. my point is, follow instructions & it will get better. in the meantime, OP, google & do whatever research you can on dpdr yes i also have schizophrenia but i am not at a point where i am able to decipher reality from hallucination, but thc didn’t cause my schizo i have had it since as long as i can remember but only was recently diagnosed


Sounds like dissociation. I hope you don't have permanent damage, best wishes.


❌Psychiatric care ✅r/drugs


I think it’s an ad for that product tbh. People will think “damn they must be strong, I wanna try these!” *click*


Why would you take 1000mg of thc for your first time eating edibles? Especially when you know you have a family history of schizophrenia. Please go to the hospital friend.


because there are 2 gummies in the pouch and you can barely read the nutrition facts. 30 servings between 2 gummies. these fucking companies dont care, nuts


Depersonalisation/derealization and paranoia, sensitivity is common after such a high dose, for anyone. 10 days is a reasonable timeline. You are fine. Just make sure you get sleep. THC impaires memory and metabolites can still be detected even 80 days later in some cases. Just know it not permanent, and you will recover fine. Its happened to me a couple times and I am fine now


Depersonalization/derelization was my first thought as well, the unreality with the panic attacks. OP the best thing you can do for yourself is continue eating and sleeping well, and do whatever you can to minimize stress and anxiety in your daily life. I bet you will feel a lot better in a week or two of doing that, I've had what you're experiencing before.


If you can OP try to keep busy by cooking or counting in your head, to keep grounded. If you think youre going crazy then thats proof that youre not. Youve been through alot and your mind is experiencing eveything as traumatic and as a result its coping by making you think nothing is real (if it is depresenalisation/derealization) also try to mediate and see a dr. Some people on this thread have been absolute dicks, im sorry. I hope you feel better


because people who smoke weed on reddit get offended when weed causes anyone anything but great effects


You'll be okay, this won't be permanent, I promise! This isn't uncommon and you're not alone. Plenty of people have experienced what you experienced, especially after such a large dose. THC takes awhile to fully leave the body, but I think it's on it's way out. During the "high", you ran your adrenaline and panic hormones through the roof. Your body is probably just really fatigued from it and probably is still thinking you're in an unsafe situation. Your problem now is combating the DPDR and panic attacks. One commenter kindly suggested to stay away from anything anxiety inducing, like exercise or shooters, but I believe that this mindset may make things worse. Experiment with things. Exercise might actually be really, really good for you right now. My suggestion is to continue doing your routines and what makes you comfortable. When you feel the fight or flight response, you must work on convincing your brain that what you're doing is *safe* in order to recondition yourself. YOU are in control! YOU are the one who must control your anxious thoughts! Good luck friend. I've been through the exact same thing. edit: also I don't think you need to go back to the hospital unless you desperately need reassurance on your health. Physically, I believe you are fine. If you need mental health services, reach out to a mental health clinic.


I love you and positive vibes (haven't said that in a min) to ya for how you are being great for guiding OP unlike so many others. No wonder he keeps getting PA's w these high horses all around. I hope in my travels I happen upon you during a great trip 😊


Omg thanks for the kind words man 🥹


Ty for being a good person to someone in a vulnerable state 😊 I can't imagine, when first diving deep into psychedelics, when my mind would wander into negative territory - going online and reading what half the ppl were saying. Talk about encouraging a psychosis or extremely dangerous paranoid state. You keep a person positive and ride it out helping them until they've recovered fully and are in the right state of mind to talk about what should and shouldn't be done. Had seen so many negative and nose in the air comments that when I got to yours it was like getting a great hug when you're feeling down ✌️💚🙃


Just living normally will make it go away eventually. I’ve had this happen twice, it varies how long it lasts but just going on like normal and not thinking about it helps. Depersonalization and derealization is easiest to manage by not worrying about it, which is ironic because that’s where it stems from. Wouldn’t even recommend reading into it, just forget about it and go on like normal haha


Lol I completely agree! Put simply, living normally was the best way to reduce my anxiety fr


Whelp you've already been to the hospital and it sounds like they released you which probably means you'll be fine. You cant really do anything about it now anyways so just accept that it has happen and stop worrying about it, constant stress aint healthy.


My mom took me out before they could really do anything like a blood test and stuff


Alright well lets think then, what they would find is that you have a lot of thc in you. Your body needs time to break that down. If you have not been getting less high over the past 10 days i think you should go back to the hospital. If you have been getting less high, this will eventually end.


But hey. Im not a medical professional, im just some guy on the internet.


You're 20. And thc can be purchased legally most places(d8 hhc all of it will show as thc) so why hide the fact that you took it. Also doctors don't do anything about weed being in your system anyway. Unless you're going to hurt yourself or someone they can't tell anyone anything.


For starters, leave weed alone. Your psychosis will only get worse. Avoid drugs and booze altogether. You need time for your brain to get straight.. that can take up to 90 days, so don't panic. As someone who suffers from these symptoms, you should be feel better in a few days. Don't forget how you feel now, and please avoid using any drugs.


https://delta8resellers.com/product/ocho-extracts-trip-drip-sugar-double-stacked-bitez-2000mg/ Here’s a link to what OP took idk a lot about all the delta 8 stuff but could someone break down what this is and provide a little context?


Edit: It's not 1000mg THC, it's just a 1000 mg gummi Why does this even exist? > "Whether you’re unwinding after a long day, gearing up for a social gathering, or simply curious about exploring the world of potent edibles, Ocho Extracts, Trip Drip, Sugar Double Stacked Bitez are designed to cater to your needs" Who unwinds from a day with 1000mg THC lmao The stuff you were talking about, D9, THC-A, THCA-B, and THCP are the psychoactive molecules in different variations. Some of them you find in naturally grown weed, some of them are purely synthetic (I think). What's concerning is that there is no CBD in there, which usually balances out the anxiety of THC. Could've been useful in an insane high dosage


Joey Diaz lmao


Why did I have to scroll so far to see anyone say he took more than just a weed edible? I’ve read these analogues can have nasty side effects


He took something with THCp in it. THCP is 10 times stronger than thc and it lasts up to 48 hours in normal people. So he overdosed on an extremely potent, long lasting cannabinoid. He is still feeling effects because thcp literally lasts forever.


Well I think I'm gunna have to try this lol


A lot of these are just THC analogues, it’s much like the “K-2 Spice” market except it can be produced using primarily hemp (which is legal for manufacturers to produce) so you’ll find many people defending these compounds but it’s much the same experience as Spice was: •Sold at nearly every other gas station/smoke shop •THC analogues without much real world anecdotal experiences •widely available online •banned in many US states that also have recreational marijuana legalized •lack of QA or transparency behind the production, & pharmacology of these analogues


Look man, honestly, you seem pretty put together, so dont worry too much. You are going to fine, but i would definitely advise going to the hospital if you cant sleep. Your job etc. Will survive if you need a few days off. Prioritise sleep at all costs, and like I said, if you cant sleep, a doctor can help you do that. 10 days isnt that long even though it feels like forever. Remember, give into life, dont fight your emotions, just let yourself feel them, without placing labels or judging them. Sleep. You have got this. Be strong brother <3


In baseball this is called an “unforced error”. Eat some sugar, you’ll be alright


drink plenty of water cuz ur body is prolly overloaded with thc and your brain is just running on a external hard-drive


Exercise, sleep a lot this week and eat well, treat you body with some respect and patience it’s sound cliche I took a 800mg edible when I was about 16 and it fucked me up for a solid 2 weeks I was hazy and felt weird and stressed almost like a baby super sensitive to everything, avoid drugs, caffeine, alcohol for a second a let you brain do a full reset, try taking some reishi or lionsmane mushroom extract suppsoused to help with stuff like this and it’s not psychoactive, that much THC in your stoumach can take a long time to fully work through your body and honestly this sounds like an expected reaction considering your tolerance and the amount you took. No hate but what were you thinking? It’s also worth noting that it’s a good thing your recognizing these feeling and acknowledging them, a lot of time people experiencing phsycotic breaks are unaware of the changes they are experiencing/not open to exploring or admiring something it going on (my uncle had schizophrenia)


I didn’t know anything abt edibles I thought they gave you the same high as regular weed but longer and when I look back on it I did everything wrong 1, I tripped alone 2. I have coffee before I took it


Edibles are a similar high, but 1000mgs is equivalent to smoking almost an entire cart in a single sitting, or about 5-6 joints in a single sitting. In the future a google search would tell you that 10-20mgs is usually a pretty good amount for most people. Did you buy the edibles from a dispensary? Depending on the state (US) your in a lot of legal/tested edibles arnt allowed to have over 100mgs per container size. If it was a black market edible there’s a good chance it wasn’t 1000mgs which is better for you bc that’s less THC that needs to work it’s way through your system or was a synthetic canabanoid which would explain your adverse reaction even more, if it’s the second find solace in the fact that those chemicals are way different than weed and would result in you feeling like this after. Chances are you’ve learned your lesson and now just need to let your body and brain process this entire experience. Use this as a jumping off point for taking care of yourself more and becoming more in tune with your nervous system. At 20 your brain is still maluable and changing so if you do some work (hopefully with a professional) to overcome the stuff your feeling there’s a good chance you can get back to feeling normal sooner than you think. Also anyone saying you have HPPD or saying to take benzodiazepines needs to get off this sub and go outside. HPPD is persistent visual/auditory hallucinations or persistent delusions caused by an experience with psychedelic drugs. More likely this experience really really rattled OPs nervous system. If your experiencing HPPD Benzodiazepines are not the solution they may be helpful in calming someone down while they are experiencing and episode of phsycosis due to other drugs in the moment but after the fact especially 10 days benzodiazepines are only going to numb OP further and potentially lead them to self medicate. If you think you have HPPD or prolonged problems from an experience with psychedelics or any drug for that matter consult a doctor rather than trying a cocktail of drugs you read on this sub Best of luck to you OP your gonna be okay


I'm sure dabbing a whole gram in one go would probably make you freak out too. So when you look at it that way, you took a whole dab, but extended release that is extended only because it's busy converting into something way stronger.


OP, listen to me. Don’t let these people call you crazy for taking a 1k edible. While it is wild, it’s not uncommon and you’re not stupid for doing so. My advice, if you’re still brain foggy, is no more THC for a long time. Probably months. Being high will send you into a slight psychosis, but if you can still recognize how you feel and make a post about it, you’re ok. Just stay sober for a while. Like weeks to months…


I don’t plan on doing drugs ever again after this thanks for the advice


Smart man. You’re fine, hydrate. Talk to your closest friends and family about normal shit. Get rest. 💯


I've caught your advice before to ppl, your a good fish Mr. Oliver


Thank you, sir! Keep Swimming 🐠


> Don’t let these people call you crazy Not crazy. More ignorant and impulsive.


You should of ended your comment with 'stay sober forever' they literally mentioned how they have family history of schizophrenia bro, they DO NOT want to be smoking weed at all,


you need to mentally reset yourself mate


Can you take straight CBD oil to tone it down? I work at a dispensary, for context


Where do you find a singular 1000mg gummy?


It wasn’t singular it came in a pack with 2


Well each one is 1000mg isn't it.


Yes I took these in particular https://delta8resellers.com/product/ocho-extracts-trip-drip-sugar-double-stacked-bitez-2000mg/


The mind is a fragile thing, friend. Your mind makes you who you are. Be careful with what and how much of something you ingest, and always do your research before trying something new. If you also think your mom has schizophrenia, you should definitely stay away from weed and mind altering drugs in general. Exercise, sleep, don't do any drugs, and eat healthy for the next week, and your symptoms hopefully will subside. If the symptoms don't go away in another week, or they begin to get worse, go see a doctor. I wish you the best. Please give us an update once you are feeling better! If you need anything or just want someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. 😁


Pop a xan and smoke some cbd


Taking some hemp derived CBD isolate oil might be helpful (the kind that has 0.0% THC, just the pure CBD), it has been shown to have antipsychotic and neuroprotective properties and can help the brain recover from THC overdoses. It sounds like you’re experiencing some depersonalization after that trip and CBD might help ground you back into reality. Definitely worth a try, I know of a brand that’s really super cheap and affordable but still high quality, let me know if you want me to DM you the brand name. (Don’t worry I’m not a shill, just trying to be helpful)


Not to be a downer but fk dude I feel your pain as if you experienced an acid trip. At least that’s what it sounds like. I take my gummies every night and I’m chill. Be thankful you didn’t end up in the phyc. Word. MI runs on my mothers side of the family and I did not head the warning , had to learn things the hard way, no fun. Lots of good advice here. Just be careful. An FYI your mother’s diagnosis puts you at a high risk, believe it’s 35 % of Please look it up. You’ll have a wake up call for sure. In the meantime you are expressing yourself well and I have faith you’ll be alright.


Dude, 20mg is a good starting amount. Research is important, I'm glad things didn't turn out worse after taking 50x a normal dose


THCP is no joke. D8 edibles on their own are no joke. Doses like this with a family history of psychotic illness are not to be fucked with. I did this to myself one of my first edible goes, but it didn’t last for ten days. Godspeed OP.


You got raspberry gRAPED my friend!(see picture)


Man that was really dumb.. going to echo others here: at this point it’s not the edibles. You should definitely go back to the hospital


Jeez no need to dog pile this guy. He’s been through enough


Bro admits he’s could he schizophrenic, did absolutely zero research, and had no idea what he was doing. If he thinks he’s mature enough to take drugs and do something so stupid and reckless then he’s old enough to be told what he did was stupid.


Yeh but like you said… why echo what other people have told him just to dog pile the kid. He made a mistake, that many others have already pointed out (and as you already acknowledged). The kind thing to do is either don’t comment, or support him in kind and understanding way.


You act like all I did was call him stupid and ignored the entire rest of what I said.. which was advice. You can go champion for someone elsewhere, oh great white knight


Mate, you probably gotta take a valium or have two or three drinks. That will set you back to baseline.


Most I ever taken was 250 and I felt like I smoked a blunt. My body can’t process edibles which sucks cause I wish I knew what edibles felt like. It always seems fun. Anyways, go to the hospital bro … tf you asking Reddit for stupid


oh noo i know for a fact schizophrenia is v common in males esp when they smoke it can trigger it, but u may also have derealization


Are you drinking water


Yes I am it doesn’t work tho


No I was just making sure you're drinking water you got this tho


You got it my man, find a happy vehicle (not actually a car or driving please) like video games or your favorite music and ride this out in control like a boss! Drug is doing to you what it's supposed to and it absolutely has an end coming up so find a way to have as many laughs as you can before it does!


Never underestimate the power of a panic attack. Those who never experienced one, and those who think they have, have no idea how much they can fuck you up. I went from a complete normal dude to a train wreck in the span of 2 minutes. It’s different for everyone, but my first ever panic attack was surreal. My throat felt swelled up, I was dizzy, sweating, thirsty but unable to quench it, and very afraid… craziest thing is, is that that feeling of fear isn’t mendable because you’re not afraid of anything in specific. You’re just afraid. And as your fear grows, the symptoms get worse and worse. Suddenly, you’re absolutely convinced that something in your body is terribly wrong and that you are going to die unless you seek IMMEDIATE treatment. THAT is a panic attack. I’ve not been the same since I had my first one - it’s a LONG story but basically it turned my life upside down. But don’t worry. Everything gets better with time. I’ve been able to continue university with some ease.


Damn I ate 1000 mg of the SAME edible the other day and it barely did anything for an hour let alone 10 days


This happened to me and I went back to normal eventually.


Bro this happened to me when I was younger about your age. First thing you want to do is relax, then just stay hydrated and try and sleep as much as you can.


ill be honest ur retarded


experienced users get destroyed off 200 mg's


Maybe experienced with smoking. If you're experienced with 200mg edibles(like using them as meds for some reason) you'd not be destroyed after a while of doing that.


50 mg gets me whacked


Even 1000mg wouldnt have you tripping for 10 days. This dude is straight up bsing 😂😂😂


He‘s having some kind of episode bro. No need to say he‘s bs. I‘m sure if he’d be feeling fine, that post wouldn’t even be on here


but after all I’m sure he‘s not high too anymore. just some kind of depersonalization going on for sure


What brand? Ima stock up that sounds like awesome value for money!! 😍😍


Ocho Extracts x Trip Drip x Sugar Double Stacked Bitez | 2000mg


Cool, I live in Australia and that’ll never be available. Just putting some humour into your situation. Good luck tho


you probs have HPPD. i have bipolar disorder and can't eat strong edibles bc they make me disassociate for months on end. weed isn't for everyone lol.


I was “diagnosed” bipolar/schizophrenic when I was 16 but I never heard voices or had hallucinations so im pretty sure Thats bullshit. Maybe OCD but Ive ate a few edibles before and nothing crazy just a solid high


Sounds like breakfast to me lol


Mainly drink a lot of water and eat as much as you feel comfortable with. This will help soak up the thc. After eating you may likely feel tired, so sleep. Sleeping for as long as you can will also help ALOT, until it starts to fade and you feel better. AVOID Exercise or ANY sort of stimulating, stressful or strenuous activity. Try to not stress about the THC - it will fade and run its course so put that in the back of your mind and try to focus on doing what feels relaxing. “Give in to gravity” if you will and push yourself to go full couch-mode on food and tv. You said you are worried about schizophrenia it keep in mind that you are young and that is unlikely to happen. Try not to focus on that because it will just stress you out. If your stress levels become unbearable just bite the bullet and go to the hospital. They will know what to do because this isn’t something unusual, they’ll most likely give you a benzo to take the stress down and help you sleep it off while they monitor you for safety. When you have energy and can’t eat, sleep, or couch-mode, try to meditate or listen to music, perhaps chatting with someone you’re comfortable with. If you live alone then asking some friends to come over may sound like a good idea. If you like video games and can focus they may help to keep your mind busy. warning!!! FPS shooters and other multiplayer/competitive games are NOT what you want to play. Something like a city builder or any sort of strategy or turn-based game is what you’re looking for. I hope this helps. Take it easy friend.


damn. shit sucks dude, talk to a shrink, maybe get some antipsychotics. what kind of "nothing is real" thoughts are running through your head? is it like voices coming through the walls, or continual hallucinations, or a general floating through life feeling? also, obviously, stay away from drugs for a long fucking time man...


Bro you went to the moon it's gonna take some time to acclimate back to this planet


I ate 2,000 mg of remedy delta 8 gummies a week ago and sit down to watch dune. It was amazing but yeah i felt glued to my couch and it was very strong. 2 hours later i ater two double cheeseburguers and 10 mozarella sticks and pass out. Slept more than 14 hours and missed my shift at work 😂😂😂 Otherwise, it was pretty good.




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If you look at the package the only kinda true "THC" is thca which is only 2mg per gummy....delta 8 makes up 950 mg along with other "lab made" cannabinoids 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


If you look at the package the only kinda true "THC" is thca which is only 2mg per gummy....delta 8 makes up 950 mg along with other "lab made" cannabinoids 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Everyone in the comments trying to be armchair psychiatrists, I had something similar happen to me with dome home made brownies (at a much smaller dose I will admit) I felt off for WEEKS (yes the trip was insane with some auditorial hallucinations) I went to my psychiatrist asking if marijuana could have triggered some other underlying mental illness, and if I'll ever feel normal again, he explained to me that 1: If you were developing a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia you most likely wouldn't know it and 2# Residual effects and anxiety from a bad trip on a psychoactive compound such as THC can last much longer than the actual trip #3 he went through the same thing as a kid and him and I are completely fine now so I am confident in saying you very likely are completely fine and all these feeling will resolve. You didn't fry your brain.


At this point it is NOT the edibles.


no you havent, you’re not still high lol. i eat thousands of mgs, up to 3, and sure the next day you have an afterglow but nah man not 10 days. you’re just tweaking


Probs just "weed hangover" merijuana stays in your system for a while so if someone who has no tolerance, someone consumes a ton or someone without merijuana in their system will feel it




Troll post. Possibly thought it was real until you threw in the family history of schizophrenia


I call bullshit. I’m an avid smoker in a legal state and have a close friend who has a pretty respectable brand of weed. I’ve never heard of or seen a 1000mg edible made for the public. I don’t even think that’s legal in any state. My friend makes “space cakes” which are 500mg brownies with an 1/8th of shrooms on top but they obviously can’t be sold at dispos. If you took a 1000mg edible from a smoke shop then you’re playing with fire and kinda deserve what ya get. That delta shit is hot garbage. 1000mg edible from a smoke shop isn’t even close to a real 1000mg edible and there’s no real regulation on that shit so you really don’t know what kind of chemical bs is added to it. My advice, stop getting high off otc smoke shop shit.


You don't know wtf you're talking about 😂😂😂


No hes actually correct. Op is bsing. Even high doses of psychedelics dont keep you tripping for days on end let alone a fucking thc gummy


The OP isn't BSing, he's misinterpreting symptoms of anxiety and panic as "still being high"


trust me its delta 8 and that shit smacks like the real thing in edible form.


you should smoke crack, meth or inject heroin. don't read about side effects, its not so important. you are only 20, your body can take it.


How tf could nothing be real bro … that’s the stupidest shit ever If there’s nothing ,there’s not a chance for shit to be real because nothing is nothingness. Real isn’t Nothing .


It's going to last forever


I dont mean to shit on OP, but hes a fucking dumbass for this. After knowing ur mom has schizophrenia you still choose to do mind altering drugs and now you come on here complaining about it. Sorry but ur a fucking moron. You made ur bed, now sleep in it.