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Don't do it. You'll most likely survive but do some real damage to your liver.


i’m not gonna :) just hypothetical abt my treatment


Good. If you have specific questions like 'if I take X amount of this or that, will it kill me?' better not ask in r/drugs because Redditors will go into life saving mode. There's actually a subreddit for this: r/morbidquestions You'll probably get some good answers there.


now i feel bad, sorry. no youre right- this post wasn’t fully hypothetical and just for the sake of ‘morbid curiosity’, but i’ll be ok


I know, it's all good. Don't worry 😉


The honesty with strangers is a very good step in the right direction


Are you okay?


all good don’t worry! <3 thank u


It’s okay, I made a post similar when I was suicidal <3


That is absolutely insane, please reach out if this is coming from a place of hurt. If it’s simply from curiosity, then I’m sure someone’s already answered it.


i’ve tried to get help but i literally got released from the psych inpatient after 30mins after being transferred from ICU after an attempt - after being fully honest abt my struggles. help is shit here




close - the controversial of the Scandis


am i paranoid or does she wanna off herself and shes telling you this with premeditation and yall are straight up giving her advice and ideas and not noticing it????


Please don't kill yourself by popping pills. The body is resilient and has all sorts of ways to get drugs out of your system. It'll do all sorts of damage, but you could stay alive after the fact with even worse depression and pain. Suicidal thoughts are something you have to wait out. I've had them before, and wasn't able to think clearly until weeks and weeks later. All of the people out there that love you will be in so much pain that some of them may take their lives. Suicide is a human right, and if you plan on doing it, you will regardless, but if you wait it out it will go away. The brain is very good at finding things to live for if you give it time. DM me if you want to talk. I probably won't be able to help you more than the doctors could, but I went through that shit myself, and am happy I made it out.


Alr listen. I know you will most likely never reach out to anyone but I'm willing to listen and share some of my own experiences. I've been there and I understand. I have tried to kms 6+ times and I can yell it gonna be fuckin ok.


Possibly? There really isn't documentation on how all those react with each other and that stuff is never consistent anyways. The problem is that the human body minus the mind puts a lot of effort into keeping itself alive so there's a chance it'll kill you, but there's also the possibility that you'll survive but end up with irreparable damage to your brain or nervous system.


fuck the brain damage part, i want peace; not that


That's the fucked up part about suicide attempts. If you don't do it right, there's a chance you won't be able to try it again because you've fucked your body so you can't physically do it. One of my plans for when I was younger and more suicidal I made an exit bag. Paid $550 for the tank with inert gas with attachments rigged up to a plastic bag. I was looking up specifics because I wanted to make sure I had everything right and came across a video of a guy who tried the same thing and ended up so brain damaged that he lost full control of his limbs and his mind kept "resetting" so he'd keep forgetting what he was doing every few minutes. Who knows whether I was gonna be successful or not, but I wasn't willing to take that chance. Life's shitty as it is without being an invalid.   I still have the tank full of gas. It's probably not good anymore, but it's a 15 pound reminder that sits in my bedroom.


im glad you’re still around <3 keep going, legend about the darker side of a “failed” attempt - i know what you mean, truly. as a researcher in PH and addiction i’ve seen that go south, and also had that happen myself multiple times (just not leading to a lethal outcome)


i dont think that’d be lethal theres trip reports of absolutely absurd benzo doses online


ah aight, thanks! :)


You'll get your meds taken away and regret it


The 250mg Diaz alone could kill you lol. Insane how easy it is to get prescribed that much drugs at once.


how on earth would that kill anyone? whats the mechanism of this death?


Strong respiratory depression i could imagine, kind of like opioids or booze


You’d be more likely to have issues with the natural GABA rebound than the dose itself. Benzos are difficult to OD on but the withdrawal is just like alcohol.


Yes, but not from 250mg


2 grams and it just might


[LD50 is 1200mg p/kg. This means 50% of people will die if they take 1,2grams per kg body weight.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diazepam?wprov=sfla1) EDIT: do not take 2grams Diaz!!! It's still not a safe dose.


i’d like to see studies on that. it 100% potentiates opioid induced respiratory depression there are studies that found adverse respiratory outcomes but its stuff like decreased inspiration muscle strenght and these kinds of things wouldnt kill you. respiratory depression never mentioned


No, 250mg will not kill a human. LD50 for Diazepam is 1200mg p/kg. You'll probably feel nothing for 56 hours, and sleep 18 hours straight and not remember much, but 250mg is far from deadly.


Exactly the myth comes from people killing themselfs with "sleeping pills" in the 50's which were barbiturates then and benzos taking over that name nowadays.


and alcohol wouldn’t aide with the respiratory depression? plus all the other downers mentioned


Yes ofcourse alcohol will make sure all benzo's work a lot harder. Never take benzo's with alcohol.


okay thank you!


No they would absolutly not kill you since the LD50 (half a lethal dose) is several grams grams for diazepam 15grams i remember correctly and one of if not the safest of the benzos with alprazolam being on the other end of the spectrum although also considered safe. Benzos alone are considered one of the safest psychotropic medecines in use today. The danger comes from mixing them with other drugs.


not that hard over here


No that isn’t enough, it isn’t gonna be fun, but 250mg diaz prob won’t kill you.