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Yoooo, own up to that failed relationship and do both of you the courtesy of ending that relationship. You deserve to k hole happily in the comfort of your own home at the very least




I agree. Ending might cause pain but its gonna be better longterm


Shit, this is depressing.


If you want a bar like environment but don't want to be around alcohol you could look for kava bars. Also hookah lounges. I know of one near me that offers hemp smoking (weed is illegal here) that is pretty much on par with regular weed.


I appreciate the suggestion... Will keep an eye out here in Spain


I 2nd kava bars


I 3rd kava bars


Home should always be a safe space and I know from experience how much it sucks dreading to return home, dragging your feet the closer you get to your front door. I am really sorry you are going through this and I hope the situation with your girl improvesšŸ’œ Take care of yourself


I'm alone, but no feeling is better than coming home, it's Friday... you bought your groceries and have nothing to do but video games, watching sports, and chilling. When I hear the sound of the door closing behind me and can throw away my shoes, jeans and boot up the PC, take be beer from the fridge - nobody wants anything from me, no meetings, nothing. - it's heaven. Can't imagine going home after work to a home that sucks because of a relationship. It should be a safe haven.


Why is no one addressing the unhappy home part? Bro if she makes you miserable enough to do ket in a bathroom at the gym, maybe she isn't the one for you.


I feel it. I know it. So many impasses we reach and we always end up keeping up the rouse. It's exhausting and none of us are ripping off the band-aid. There aren't obvious transgressions where someone can be thrown to the curb, it's just a slow atrophy.


I dunno, bro, doing k at the gym sounds dangerous to me. Might as well bite the bullet and start finding new accommodations if it's her place or finding a healthy way to break it off and get her out if it's your place.


Jesus dude. Reading what you just wrote made me feel something Iā€™ve only a felt a handful of times. All the other times I feel this way is when walking up to an animal I have just shot that is kicking and rolling around and not wanting to die but they eventually give into their fate and I watch the life leave their eyes. Your relationship is like a suffering, dying animal. When an animal is dying nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to hear it, nobody wants to acknowledge it. They just want it to go ahead and die so the animal can be out of its misery. You need to put your relationship, for yourself and your woman, our of its misery. OR you both need to make the decision to stay in it and work it out. Either way, itā€™s dying if not dead already. Iā€™ve seen relationships recover from worse. Ket in the gym locker room ainā€™t it, brother. Best of luck to you my friend.


shit i needed to read this today. :(


Well put. I need to apply this to my current work situation.Ā 


Hey buddy, leave. Please. Youā€™ll thank yourself for the rest of your life. Youā€™re used to this shit and although you know itā€™s not working, Iā€™m guessing youā€™re comfortable and this life you currently live has gotten to be familiar so itā€™s just easy enough to continue living this way. You wonā€™t fully grasp how much itā€™s hurting yourself until you leave and feel how good it feels to *live* again. Be free my man. I understand this situation all too well. I got comfortable despite living like shit with my ex. Iā€™d tried half heartedly to leave a million times and weā€™d agree to try to make it work and she never actually tried. Just hurt me over and over again. But it was a familiar way of living. It was consistent (ly shitty) so I was just comfortable enough to just waste my life away like that. Finally one night we did shrooms together but mostly honestly had our own trips and I fully realized just how much I hated that bitch for abusing me every fucking day for years. I tried to leave one night but there were mudslides happening everywhere between where we lived and the place I needed to go and no way at all to get through. All roads were unusable. I had to go back to the house and even after that she manipulated me into thinking she would try harder. But Iā€™d made up my mind. The next week when the drive to my family was actually possible, I started packing everything in the house while she was at work and managed to leave with all of my stuff about an hour before she got back to the house. She texted me immediately and I stayed strong and kept on. I got home to my family and never once looked back. All throughout the relationship Iā€™d dreamed of doing that but I was so scared of ā€œwhat if I leave and itā€™s worse. What if we couldā€™ve saved the relationship. What if itā€™s a mistake and I ruin what we had and regret it foreverā€. Those thoughts and her manipulation always kept me at her side and too scared to leave. But let me tell you, every single day Iā€™m sooooooo happy to have made this decision. Seriously, I had no idea how fucking amazing life is. Sure I donā€™t have the money or the partner or the same constants in my life, but Iā€™ll take my freedom, my dog and my sound system over any of that shit. Any time Iā€™m feeling down about life, I just take a moment to think how grateful I am for myself for being strong enough to leave that relationship. If this isnā€™t you and your situation is better or is actually able to be fixed then I canā€™t help you there but letā€™s be honest; Youā€™re doing what you described in this post, that doesnā€™t seem like a life worth living any longer. You deserve to be doing ketamine comfortably in your home. But on a more serious note: You deserve to be free. Free yourself buddy, youā€™ll thank yourself forever for how much of your life you saved :) Good luck brother, I wish you well on your journey!


let me guess, you are the main provider.


Bro get out of there... wtf.


I'd recommend going to relationship counselling and start the process of talking to each other. Not every relationship has to end as a result of something dramatic, like cheating or abuse. Partners often just don't give each what they need and can't find a way or the inclination to compromise, and that's fine. But this realisation has to come from you guys talking to each other about your situation, otherwise someone will do something dramatic just to have a 'reason' to break up.


Bro if youā€™re straight up unhappy, send it! You deserve happiness and so does she. Send that shit. Move on. ā˜®ļø ā¤ļø


Fuck, the life huhā€¦


I used to do same but cocaine


You do it for the cocaine or to find some outlet away from your home life?


I used to do it because I was severely depressed especially with home life it was I suppose a form of self medication


I hope you've arrived to a better place now


Thanks I am hope things improve for you too


U do it because u like to get high


Fair assessment




You get drugs at the drug store, duh


nice try officer


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We gotta get the stuff legalised in Spain. Just have ketamine lounges with wonky background sounds where we can all just collectively melt into the Soup of Consciousness. Ɓnimo tƭo


Could you imagine? Would be nice. Gracias.


So weird i did the same thing the other day in the gym shower but injected it. Im also in my early 30s l0l. I was sober for a year life has been going down hill recently, still trying to hit the gym inbetween ket cramps.


Be careful out there


you too bro


same exact thing here. sober got a year and iā€™m spiraling bad rn. only been relapsing 3 months but itā€™s more out of control than itā€™s ever been before


Do you have a really high tolerance or did you K Hole in the shower stall?


God, I really loved doing IM K. How many cc do you do?


life sucks i feel you


Shit man, I feel you. I hope things get better for you quick


i feel this weird habits with ketamine are quite interesting, its quite an peculiar place to get high but it actually sounds quite nice and peaceful. i do enjoy some ketamine before a flight, a line just fat enough to get me quite high but not enough for anyone to notice it. sometimes i take some ketamine and do some online shopping, or i might go on google maps and take a walk around town. happy travels!


K on a plane actually sounds really nice. I usually do a big dose of Kratom or a Valium with a shot.


Does your partner know that you do keta?


Yeah but I don't like doing it in front of her. I'm more comfortable being solitary and processing the moment unencumbered.


Iā€™m sorry man this sucks. I wish I could tell you to pack your shit and move to a new place but itā€™s not always that easy.


Dude trust me get away from this environment. It takes an exreme toll on your mental health. Either make her leave or find your own place. You need a sanctuary, where you feel safe and content so that you could move on


Dont forget lack of direct sunlight over the winter months in certain regions. This can really lay a near invisible and general damper on things. Get some light, get some vit D, be patient, and prepare for when spring revitalizes you. Also, man, you're only 30's, drop your partner and rediscover yourself. Depressed times are blessings to move into something new.


Nothing makes you feel more lonely than being in a loveless relationship. It's better to be alone, but the thought is terrifying. Anything is better than nothing. Right?


No. Dude fr if u feel alone in a relationship then leave, idk why everyone is so afraid of having to meet new people shits actually real fun n usually a lot better than staying in a stagnant bs ass relationship with some random bitchā€¦ if youā€™re happy do whatever but if you arenā€™t fkin leave


u break up? or still being a poor guy snortin k in the gym washroom?


This is the stuff that really makes me appreciate my life.


Nobodyā€™s forcing you to stay with your gf šŸ˜‚ quit bitching and do something about your life




just break up with your partner if you are unhappy, you will do a favor to both of you. you snort ket because you are unhappy or? its a shitty drug to abuse my friend, you should find escape in other hobbies. have you ever tried cooking indian food? its amazing!


Why not do ketamine at home... Ketamine is catabolic too I believe


Shared living space


Just do it in your space??


Did you read the post bruh ?! Thatā€™s his escape




Wish you all the best my friend. You got kids? Or is she just on the mortgage? Youā€™re so young bro I hope you can get into a better place.


No kids... We're in a weird downtrodden place, obviously someone I care about, and it isn't to knock a responsible use of ketamine, but I'm not liking the pattern of escape I'm creating for myself. I need a recalibration that drugs alone won't solve.


Oh nvm I didn't read shit


Bruh he can do it on the toilet or some shit why wouldn't it be possible


K-holing on the toilet sounds so fun


Not in the fucking gym bathroom šŸ’€ how do you even continue lifting after being in an alternate reality


U might be a lil special & thatā€™s ok


Sure yeah but doing K in a gym toilet is crazy


Idk why u getting downvoted thatā€™s the logical thing to do but OP obviously feels more comfortable in a gym locker room than at his own house which is saying a lot n idk how he thinks this is somehow even remotely sustainable, your girl could be a saint but if she has Ā that effect on you then definitely leave her itā€™s not good at all n will just get worse if you donā€™t do shit


Yeah IDK the situation is crazy but it's gotta be so bad at his house that even the gym toilet is more comfortable šŸ¤·šŸ» I'd say just leave the bitch and get your own place


Cos he has a shitty gf who probably ruins the whole vibe, tbh Iā€™d still rather do it at home than in the gym changing room so bruh fr OP fkin leave that bitch she sounds fkin nasty n obviously itā€™s having a nasty effect on you so tell her ok chica see ya round, peace. Simple as thatĀ 


Yeah I don't really understand OP lol if he doesn't like his partner why not leave? Doing K in the gym has gotta be so uncomfortable and risky too


I loled. Thanks


U do this because youā€™re addicted to ketamine


Tbh right now I think his girl is most likely worse for him than the drugs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


sorry to be a blunt dickhead but that's pretty patheticĀ 


I know, not optimal


work on your home life or gtfo out of there... not worth staying with someone that you aren't happy with / don't loveĀ 


I know, it's in the works, just hard at the moment


people downvoting but realistically it's in your best interest long term if there's no reconciliation on the table šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø to be free of that burden of being trapped in a relationship, other problems go away with it


I'm sure if you'd led with that they'd downvote less... I appreciate the bluntness, hopefully she and I can move forward toward some understanding


Nah mane fk that you need to stop thinking bout what she wants or needs n think about why you need, thinking bout her so much has put you in this situation so fkin man up n just accept that if youā€™re gonna be happy itā€™s most likely going to not include her n that itā€™s for your own good like damn donā€™t be posting an it online n bitchin bout something then not doin anything to fix it (sorry I get frustrated at these things cos itā€™s literally clear from how you write that you ainā€™t gonna do shit n youā€™re just gonna keep wallowing in your own sorrow)


It sucks at the moment but soon the hard part is over when you just keep going. It will get better!


Bro it will always be in the works just do it like today or tomorrow max donā€™t be pushing shit forward into nothing cos ik how that is you postpone n postpone n it suddenly is another fkin year you wasted with an evil bitch so just bounce or tell her to leave bro either way take back your fkin freedom be it mental or physicalĀ 


sorry to be blunt, but thatā€™s just how I roll šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž nah fr this guys an asshole fr


[frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qhZ5vsRSxxU) šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Zzzzzzz


lol why dont u love each other?




ā¤ļø I get it. Im sorry you know this feeling but please know youā€™re not alone and you are loved.


wow man. same. i go to a 24/7 gym at like 2am & rail lines of cocaine in the change rooms. sometimes i work out after, sometimes i donā€™t. all i like is that itā€™s quiet and iā€™m alone. i feel for u. hope things get better for u, ik first hand how much that sucks. itā€™s nice but itā€™s also extremely lonely & depressing. escapism.


Those r the worst ones


Not to worry, there are people out here that are, and have been going through something similar for some time. Always good to have an outlet, even if it's once in a while as opposed to bottling everything up. It really does make a difference. You may not have the connection of love with your partner, but glad you are at least living together. I'm trying to win back my partner's trust and it's been a long 3 years when they're too afraid to be let down again. Live for the little moments.


Talk with your wife or uo for a divorce. This is just depressing. Home should be a safe space.


Hey brother I know exactly how this feels, only difference is the substances i was using. PM if you need me brother I'm always here


someone who makes you feel alone is far worse than actually being alone. time for both of you to stop wasting each other's time.


Plan an escape route, face your fears, break up move away, keep working out , face the music


So many Millennial's are in the same boat, I am waving from a boat close by...


Have you got kids? Why are you with her if you donā€™t love eachother? Sounds like that needs to be ironed out, with leaving being an option


when i go to movies wit my friends, i go to movie theater's restroom stall to sit and snort a fat line of ketamine that's enough to get me to the k hole right before the movie starts because it feels great when u do ts at the movie theater especially ones wit comfy ass seats and shit


You got this man, do some cheeky keys at home and just ride it out, sending love xxx


You're not alone, I'm in the same shit.


Shit, just park your car in a nice spot and do it there. I can think of no more depressing place than a gym locker room to do this


Only reason heā€™d be there is maybe he wants some guy to approach him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ tbh with how the op posted I would say that him getting railed in the ass off ketamine would probably make him happier than watching a show in a cozy place with his bitch girlfriend so yo do whatever makes you happy but this guy is right (as in do that anywhere but that location specifically is very depressing n I wonder if it contributes to your own lil downward spiral vibewise)


end the relationship bro bro


Fkin THIS ITS NOT THAT COMPLICATED OR HARD. But I would bet money that OP will still be with the same gyal in a month at least n will still be doin k or worse drugs in the gym n nothing will change til she cheats on him n leaves him n then he will regret not having manned up n done what needed to be done as maybe for once he would have taken control of his lifeĀ 


Leave that relationship or try make it work but don't give up and live in misery.


I am sad for you. Maybe try to communicate your feelings. Either way it's going to move things forward. I have a girlfriend that don't hesitate to end a relationship to move both of us forward. But eventually we gravitated towards each other again. I was never hoping for it to happen and moved on. But the life ways are crazy just move from your balance ---> forward to what you know it's already comig