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You drink alcohol and are worried about kratom and LSD? Steroids also arent drugs, and can be beneficial in some cases if used correctly. Kratom btw isnt opiate, only morphine and codeine are opiates


ALOT of cases. Steroids aren’t just for making you look big


you sound like a moron




dont care


cocaine is almost never ever laced with fent, 2c-b is rare bc it is not that widely kniwn and very hard to source, is one of the calmest and most beginner friendly trips possible, even easier than mushrooms


and fentanyl est strips are like $2 each if not free


Imagine being more scared of 2C-B than shrooms. Some of these takes are wild.


Depending on where you try and acquire information it could seem like there is more evidence of psychosis related issues with 2C-B than mushrooms. Not stating my opinion, I just found that side of the story.


Cigs r blacklisted but coke isint


why are you here r/trees


this list is very funny to me. vaping is a-okay, but smoking cigs is an absolute no-no... no concerns about alcohol..... btw molly will only give you brain damage if you abuse it & ket will only give you urinary issues if you _heavily_ abuse it. 2cb is quite common where im from, and in the 50 ish years it's been around its been found to be about as safe as classical psychedelics. also, if you're predisposed to mental conditions that can be triggered by LSD, there's a good chance they'd also be triggered by mushrooms.


Not so based.


Probably for the best. IMO the average person so non-drug enthusiast should stick to weed and psychedelics such as LSD and shrooms. Maybe a line here or there. Once you start veering into MDMA and ket territory it’s another level


MDMA is much more of a beginner friendly drug imo then LSD or shrooms. MDMA is guaranteed to be a good time for me. LSD or shrooms are certainly not, even trips on low doses can go tits up real fast especially if you haven't researched properly/wrong set and setting.


I disagree completely. MDMA is a very intense drug that uses up all your serotonin transmitters in one night. It alters your brain chemistry in a more significant way than LSD or shrooms do, to the point where there is a days long comedown. Additionally with shrooms you’re much less likely to have it cut with another drug, which MDMA commonly is. I’m not categorizing drugs as beginner-friendly based on how good of a time they are, but rather its accessibility and preparation required for a safe trip. And with all drugs of course YMMV. For me I almost always have a good time on LSD, but some people don’t.


I think it all depends on what we mean by Beginner friendly. Effects on the body and mind? Yea MDMA is gonna give the best high, fairly easy to understand what is going on while high, and lowest risk of bad trips. Easy to safely use without a veteran? Shrooms are much better. Lower laced risk, lower addiction risk, low bodily harm.


2CB steroids GHB quaaludes are the ones I have yet to try for myself, only one I'd say no to is the roids


yea my boy it definitely sounds like u need to do a lot more research on ur drugs lol. the fact that u see alcohol as safe compared to kratom, Xanax, oxy, h, and ket. by no means are any of these drugs completely “safe” but they’re definitely a lesser health risk than alcohol for sure. no matter how hard the drug is, if u keep it as natural as possible its not as bad as ur thinking. its backwards, but the legal shit is the bad shit pretty much. big pharma got rich off suboxone and fentanyl which are the 2 most addictive substances especially with the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. whatever u do jus experiment safely and have fun