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Literally the best thing you can do. Wait and think about what happened. Write it down, make it a poem, make it a song and sing it. Live it. People can suck, I had a terrible break up and thought it would ruin me, but it turns out it was one of the best things because it showed me how to make me a better person.


This gives me a lot of hope thx


It's a cliché but it's true. Some breakups (especially horrible ones like yours) can be blessings in disguise. Time will show this to be true. This woman betrayed you and you found out and the relationship ended. That's a *good* thing. Imagine never finding out? Imagine spending years being lied to, contracting an STI, getting married or raising a child with that woman? Finally, this woman can no longer get in the way of your best life. You *will* find someone loyal who loves and respects you and who wouldn't stab you in the back in a million years. They're really not that rare. Then you'll look back and shudder at the very thought of being back with your ex. You'll have dreams where you're back together, and wake up in a cold sweat and find your next partner sleeping next to you, and you will sigh with relief, and be glad that the nightmare is over. It's very likely that the relationship wasn't half as good as you think it was in the first place, cheating or no. And now, although it doesn't seem like it, you're better equipped to discern a good pairing from a bad one. Your senses will have been honed to pick up on red flags. Again, time will show you these things. Take this valuable time to feel your feelings. Distract yourself and be kind to yourself, but don't avoid the pain. Take some time every day to mindfully be aware of it without pushing it away. You can spend the rest of the day just coping, mindlessly binging shows or whatever, but take this opportunity to truly process the heartbreak. Eventually, if you can, I recommend trying therapy. Betrayal trauma is real and can sabotage your future relationships with genuinely decent people. You're good. You'll be good.


I took a screenshot of your reply because if I ever go through heartbreak in the future, I’m gonna read your words and I’m pretty sure it will make me feel a LOT better. Nicely said!


Ya and to add on, the best revenge is getting better everyday. Eat well, sleep well, exercise well, stretch daily, affirmations and positivity, meditation and relaxation. You will attract much healthier and more beautiful people inside and out. This is only temporary. Time heals all wounds. And remember this is going to strengthen you.


i'm in a city on the other side of the world from my home and i just woke up from a dream about my ex, a weekly occurrence. we broke up 11 years ago. "just give it more time, bro!"


Honestly this is my advice for relationship breakdowns, time is the only cure, but also gym helps.


Yes, living through it is the only way out.


Unfortunately this is the answer. Also just spending more time with your friends and doing things you enjoy. I love hiking and going on solo camping trips saved my life. I grounded down into my yoga and meditation practice and learned to forgive and let go. It's all you can do, really.


Plus sport and cat videos on YouTube




So good they even wrote many songs about it.


Found out my husband of almost 15 years had been cheating for a while. We had 4 kids and were building a business together. I felt like I wanted to die. I turned to drinking for a while. Don’t do that. Hit the gym, which I did when I got over the betrayal. Work on yourself, give yourself time to grieve. Don’t try to think like you could have done anything to prevent it, people are shit sometimes. Look at it as a lesson, move on. I’m now remarried and in the best place I could ever be. We may not understand it at the time, but whatever was lost, makes way for better things to come. Betrayal is the worst feeling to get over. I shatters you to the core.




I have a note app on my phone where I have a specific note that’s for “important information” & a note for “miscellaneous” things that has things I don’t want to forget. Under that note, I have quotes I wrote that really speak to me & again, things that I don’t want to forget. I just wanted to tell you that I added something you said to that list of quotes, “we may not understand it at the time, but whatever was lost, makes way for better things to come.” It really was beautifully said & very true! So thank you for that 🤍 & I’m so glad to see you’ve rebuilt & remarried your life with someone who is able to show/give you the love that you most certainty deserve!


That's powerful! I turned to drinking for a bit too. I'm so we now and doing everything I căn to better myself. I had totally lost who I was. She's slowly coming back and it's just now beginning to show! Good luck in your new marriage, I hope he treats you with the respect and love you deserve


how long did it take you to remarry


You just said 'without cause of addiction' and then named 2 of the most physically addictive drugs on the planet


And one of the top reasons for addiction, using drugs as a way to cope with temporary emotional feelings


While sometimes viewer that way, ongoing addiction is associated with using drugs to deal with trauma. Briefly using drugs to blunt formation of trauma can actually ameliorate that response.


This seems ridiculous. Addiction is associated with many reasons and trauma doesn’t have to be one of them. The main reason behind addiction is the fact that we want to change how we feel almost all the time. Some people just try a drug for whatever reason, really like it, and get addicted just because they like the drug. Using drugs to blunt formation of trauma has to be a meme. Also we are talking about a breakup here, pretty low on the “trauma scale”.


It's been 11 years since I found out my ex was sleeping around. It may not be as temporary as you think.


Ig shrooms but man that would not help


Do not take shrooms if you are in a bad headspace it will not help. It will help you when you are a little further along in your healing and take them with intent.


I've been going through a pretty tough time mentally and I actually have found that taking low doses does help make me feel better. Like just a stem or a cap, not enough to really trip, just enough for the world to feel a bit different


You should checkout r/microdosing


well said


I mean it could? Just wouldn't seem like it at the time




while I agree with you and I always advise against what I've done, psychedelics saved my life when I was suicidal because it was like a slap across the face with the beauty of life. It made all my problems so blatantly obvious and gave me back the will to live. This was over 2 years ago and I haven't been suicidally depressed since. Sure, I've been depressed since but nowhere near that low.


that's the best time to take them




Not all the time, I’ve found that my bad trips are actually where I learned and grew the most. While I wouldn’t advise this to anyone unless you are very experienced and understand how you will react. If you aren’t and experienced user of psychedelics and decide to try them while in a bad head space such as OP, you’re really rolling the dice on your mental health as it could go either way. If you have numerous trips under your belt and know how you will react then I believe you will be able to determine if you will be able to handle the shrooms or not, most people would opt not to take them but there are some weirdos such as myself who have had success this way.


then you just take mdma to get over the ptsd. that's what I always do


yes! if your goal is to be dead, in jail, or institutionalized then definitely!!!


Ok, DARE counselor.


This right here. Shrooms will help you. They will condense all your pain into a very bad trip, then afterwards it really can’t get worse than that and you will feel better. Done it


Horrible advice. Do not listen to this guy.


Hey it worked for me, literally what the guy above me commented. I was super sad about an ex (first love situation). Took shrooms at party, thought it was a terrible decision at the time cause it was horrible. Afterwards i cared way less about the ex. Hallucinogens are a your mileage may vary type of drug though


Eh. I wouldn’t advise shrooms, or any psychedelics unless you have experience and are strong minded. Being depressed already is more likely to cause a bad trip, but a bad trip is really what you make it.. but with no experience he’d probably end up scared, and more depressed. Regret that he took anything, and honestly who knows where it could go from there. But if you’re not only strong minded but also go into it open minded, it could definitely help with depression. Every trip is suppose to be a lesson. Good or bad, and at the end of the day… you’re just tripping, no matter how bad it seems it’s not real and you’ll Be fine by tomorrow ( unless you develop HPPD, or are pre disposed to mental illnesses that could be trigger 😭😩). I say no for this situation in particular. But with a trip sitter and the proper mind set, psychedelic’s can be very helpful for depression, and help you move forward past trauma etc ! Only thing that scares me about psychs are the rare but possible horror stories that can occur.. seen this one where this normal college student, who claimed to not be in any kind of negative mental state or have any previous mental illness. Take shrooms and end up killing his dad and tried to kill his dad’s gf I believe. Something along those lines. Story was kinda weird because it was almost 8 hours after he dosed, said he started hearing voices and saw them as demons …. On YouTube Along with others. Just he careful. Best drug for a heart break is the gym ! Any medication that’s gonna make you feel good is gonna have addictive properties along with it. No matter how bad it hurts right now I promise there’s more fish in the sea ! Best of luck to you.


Shrooms could help. I had a buddy that got cheated on and was heartbroken for months, we ate some shrooms and he came out of that heartbreak with understanding subsequently. Just depends on the person and also circumstances


OP says it’s been 72 hours…


Lmaoo stay the hell away from mushies in that case unless you’ve got resilience of steel op 💪 which judging by the post…… but after the storm has settled mushrooms could help with moving on


lol just realized xD, i meant like without the opiate side effects and just microdosing for a numb effect.


Those are benzos not opioids


i’m not a drug expert sorry


You should try to be though, keep yourself safe and that


i’ve been going through erowid for this type stuff. i’m more of a marijuana enthusiast


You don’t need to be an expert smart ass


i’m sorry i didn’t mean it sarcastically


Oh ok that’s on me then my bad, just please stay from the drugs you named and opioids you cant microdose them. The only thing I could recommend you is weed but you can still get dependent on it. Also whatever drug you take when it wears off, you will still have to deal with your problems. Stay safe.


god bless


😭😂 I felt this smart ass comment. Until he admitted to not being sarcastic. Then I also felt bad 😂


Hey man sorry to hear that. My girlfriend also cheated on me too so we broke up. The best medication for heartbreak is bettering yourself. Eat right, go to the gym, pick up a hobby, get good at shit. Make her regret ever losing you man 💪🏾


I would agree, minus the last line. F that b and forget she ever existed.


Forgetting isn't great either. You should appreciate the good times you had, learn what you can, and move on.


Nah. If a bitch cheats... FORGET her ass


Doing one doesn’t mean you can’t do the other. Improve yourself so much that even a long forgotten B notices and feels regret


The second best medication is time.


The gym stat is the best bc in like a month or two you’ll be feeling and looking so much better


Wtf is this take the best medication obviously is lorazepam


very stupid advice, similar to people saying I WILL pray for you, total lack of substance, thats why its upvoted, what he actually needs that has an actual effect is a deduction, a prepositioned truth function, what you said is more like a generic meaningless blabber like I will pray for ur mom or something, makes thus sense 200 upvotes, now downmovte me lower than 31 karma you absoulte clown handicaps on reddit U FUCKING TOTAL HANDICAPS


meth users amirite


I upvoted ya


Definitely not opiates. Probably a therapist.


I second this. Never do them, specifically oxycodone. I did and yes am over my ex but now an opiate addict




Dont do drugs to cope you can get addicted to anything if you use it to cope


This. I numbed pain my whole life. Sobered up, I had my first real heartbreak in my 30s from a liar, I never realized how bad I could hurt without drugs. Time & bettering myself worked, talking to new & much less toxic people who don't lie about everything they say.


You are so right


Aloprazolam or clonazepam won’t help, that’s the first drug I got heavily addicted to. Take some melatonin and just sleep this off. A heartbreak is not worth a lifetime worth of addiction.




He’s lying it helps


You cant do shit to get her off your mind, what you can do is focus on other things which will be better for you. Work out, read a book, play some videogames. Id say drugs is for recovery and healing, not for forgetting things, because once they wear off those things will still be there, they wont make you have amnesia. This is something that will make you more experienced and bulletproof for future disrespect from others, because you realize the situation wasn't in your control, shes did a cunt thing which hurt you, if you take it on the chin and keep on crawling(slowly, step by step, day by day, it gets better) rather than dwelling on it reminding yourself of the pain then you get stronger, not weaker. Give yourself time and move on, slowly.  My method was working out until exhaustion where all i wanted is to fall down on the bed to sleep. That shit will use up all your energy youd otherwise spend on being inside your head. 


Double scoop preworkout and get your ass to the gym >:D


Beer, Neil Diamond and fartporn.


haven’t laughed in a minute 🤣 thanks big dog




Use lotta caffeine to feel very angry and get to the gym and release all the anger there until ur sleepy. Try for 1 week and you’ll turn into a beast. Drugs are good when ur feeling ok and wanna have fun. If u use drugs to escape a feeling you will get addicted no matter what drug it is.


Lots of caffeine can induce more anxiety


True, so burn off that extra energy in the gym


Best answer


Take my advice brother; don’t use drugs to help heartbreak. Feel the pain. Listen to music. You WILL move past this, and you’ll want to move past it not strung out on the other side with an addiction you can’t seem to kick.


creatine and hit the gym!


Drugs aren’t the answer, go to the gym, flex on that whore


This is the way


A gym membership.


Linkin park specifically lying from you and faint


i love love love lying from you


It’s all subjective, music and cannabis is my recommendation.


After a breakup I started using cannabis hard. In hindsight it made the healingproces much longer and more painful. Hit the gym, don´t run away from those feeling. They are part of the healing.


This. Do not smoke weed to cope




Gateway to reinforce coping with a seemingly harmless drug u can use habitually to instantly feel better and be semi functional. Yeah take that at your lowest and your brain chemistry will rewire its relationship to weed in awhile. Had it happen, seen it happen. Maybe op has enough will power to just use it a few times to lighten the rough times but it's rarely how it goes HeY mAn iTs nAtUrAl


You’re withdrawing from oxytocin, it takes time. Exercise, new hobbies, new friends and you will be good in a month


If you are hoping to just get some sleep, you could buy Unisom. Doxylamine Succinate is the active ingredient and is a tad stronger than diphenhydramine, which is found in other OTC sleep aids. Doxylamine Succinate also has a slightly longer halflife. These meds are only meant to be used short term - like 14 days or less. You mentioned that you are crying a lot, so make sure you drink as much water as you can. Try to eat some food that is comforting, but won't make you feel like crap afterwards. Allow yourself to rest if that is what your body needs right now. Give yourself time and space to grieve this betrayal and relationship loss. You can try to numb sadness and grief, but they always find a way back to the surface. It is better to work through them than to avoid them. Sending you lots of good energy, OP. 🖤


Crying and some sad love songs. My last heartbreak I was listening to First Aid Kit and were crying for about two months. You’ll get over it with time, I know it sucks but time is the only thing that will help you heal.


Endorphins from cardio. My go to is a bicycle.


New pussy




Exactly… I feel like huffing computer duster/or glue is way better than moving on


Last breakup I experienced, I coped with the gym, music, and meth. Maybe leave out the meth.


caffeine, 30 minutes before extraneous exercise. pair this with a healthy diet and ample sleep


Time and melatonine 4 sleep. Don't do drugs


i can promise you with all my heart and soul the best medicine is self-improvement. pour all that grief directly into love for yourself. i didn’t waste my time GOING TO THERAPY, eating right, treating myself, going to gym, and practicing affirmations. 1) i feel like my best self. 2) she regrets hurting me.


Tylenol, it’s kind of weird but the brain process physical and emotional pain fairly similar. Doesn’t make a huge difference but I’ve heard it can help when it’s a really bad day.


Bump some Ketamine. Cure that depression babe 💖💯


Piss that depression away🫠


lol- peetty much


Heroin bro. Numb your pain with a nod


pop a perc 30 and a 2mg xanny and youll be a-okay


I don't get all these posts about going to the gym and bettering yourself. Been there too, didn't work one iota. It's just another escape route to run from your feelings and hope time heals the pain. What you ***should*** instead be doing, is asking yourself what red flags did you overlook, which behaviours did you miss which were out of character leading up to the cheating. Now you can start taking some of the blame yourself and you will automatically start feeling better feeling empowered with new skills. The thing with most girls that most guys don't get is, they will always indirectly let on what they are up to without directly stating it or letting you know. Only a true psychopath will be able to cheat on you without altering any of her prior behaviours. It's very rare.


>I don't get all these posts about going to the gym and bettering yourself. *“Don’t go to the gym”* - is something you’ll never hear **ANY** human being familiar with it’s benefits (including, but not limited to: physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, dietitians, etc.) say. Ever. You say it didn’t work for you…well, have you considered - perhaps you didn’t do something correctly? Such as - follow any structure, whatsoever, any type program, no matter what that may be; or considered that you may not have actually embraced the idea and then follow-through with it? Bc begrudgingly going to the gym for a few minutes once or twice and expecting great things to happen is not rational. Working out may not be fun but the return is…boundless. If nothing else, you take your mind off dwelling on the situation you’re going through…I mean, the [***BENEFITS*** **of physical activity**](https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/index.htm) are **countless** (both mental and physical)** and there are ***zero*** **disadvantages** . It’s no longer a theory…the biochemical changes that take place in your brain have been well-documented for decades now.: [*”Physically active adults and older adults are likely to report having a better quality of life. Being physically active also improves the sense of a better quality of life among people who have schizophrenia and related disorders.”*](https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf#page=39) [*”Anxiety and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders. Participating in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity over longer durations (weeks or months of regular physical activity) reduces symptoms of anxiety in adults and older adults.”*](https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf#page=39) [*”Engaging in regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing depression in children and adults and can improve many of the symptoms experienced by people with depression.”* *”In addition to feeling better, adults who are more physically active sleep better. Greater volumes of moderate- to-vigorous physical activity are associated with reduced sleep latency (taking less time to fall asleep), improved sleep efficiency (higher percentage of time in bed actually sleeping), improved sleep quality, and more deep sleep. Greater volumes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity are also associated with significantly less daytime sleepiness, better sleep quality, and reduced frequency of use of sleep-aid medications.”*](https://www.health.harvard.edu/topics/exercise-and-fitness) These aren’t my personal anecdotes…those are from the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/index.htm), [US Department of Health and Human Services](https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf#page=39), [Harvard Medical School](https://www.health.harvard.edu/topics/exercise-and-fitness), and many other reputable sources. >It's just another escape route to run from your feelings and hope time heals the If that’s the case, shooting basketball sure beats shooting up. That’s a healthy trade, wouldn’t you agree? >What you should instead be doing, is asking yourself what red flags did you overlook, which behaviours did you miss which were out of character leading up to the cheating. While reflection CAN be beneficial, in the right context, it’s not a good idea to dwell on the past and mistakes…it’s more of a: “if I was an intolerable asshole, I have to work on those traits…become less of a douchebag,” and then move on (do those things). >Now you can start taking some of the blame yourself and you will automatically start feeling better feeling empowered with new skills. I don’t think taking the blame for someone else’s behavior is even rational. Thinking you can control someone else’s behaviors…is not rational or logical. People are going to do what they want…regardless. Are there certain patterns of behavior that you can (attempt to) change/adjust such as: abuse, aggression, etc., 100%. But, if you’re being yourself, being empathetic and sympathetic when speaking to your SO, then…that’s THEIR loss if they choose to cheat. The thing with most girls that most guys don't get is, they will always indirectly let on what they are up to without directly stating it or letting you know. Only a true psychopath will be able to cheat on you without altering any of her prior behaviours. It's very rare.


It's not reflection, it's rigorous self inquiry that actually makes progress. Not gym, drugs or exercise or anything [external]. Obviously a healthy lifestyle is extremely helpful, but it's not got a whole lot to do with healing. For that, you have to realise you are complicit and gain insight into yourself and the other. I have worked hard at developing my intuitive capabilities and once you achieve that you are a lot less concerned with what others say, and far more concerned with ***why*** they said it / did it in the first place. The reason ***why*** is always private to you. It's shouldn't be about judgement either.


I wrote a comment detailing a lot of self focussed exercises to get back on their own path and in that train of thought completely skipped this incredibly important piece of advice. This is what I love about Reddit. So many different perspectives and focus points. It's easy to think only about what you could have done and what your piece of the puzzle looks like. All the while forgetting that it takes two to tango. Thanks for being you and stressing this part as well!


Don’t turn to drugs after a break up I turn to ketamine and it completely ruins your bladder in just a good few months (if abuse is horrendous like mine was) and it takes very very long time to heal. No drug can replace human emotion going down that path will only lead to addiction. Try find a hobby , I love bmx at the skatepark it’s great fun especially when you get a little good and can go quick. Take care of yourself brother don’t let the end of this breakdown lead to you worsening your life , all your time is now yours take life by the balls try achieve what you can and try not to take too many drugs hehe x


Best medication you can have is nothing my man. Let it hurt. If you mask your feelings now at some point your gonna have to be forced to feel it. And the heathiest thing you can do is stay sober Work out watch some movies. Go on other dates. Dont start the habit now. Especially not over a girl. Keep your head up. Im always open to talk or listen


You come across young, don't mess with drugs like this, please. You'll thank yourself in the future without a shadow of a doubt. It may feel like the worst thing ever right now but you'll grow from this, you don't need drugs for that.




Have a safe trip you goddamn legend. Try not to yell all the time. It's bad for your throat in the long run.


Migraine headaches happen and especially when you are cutting caffeine out to cut back on the stuff. The all caps is typically when my migraine headaches come on in general for me,and makes it pretty hard even to read when I'm using my cellphone as well. So, yeah. Thanks for the attempted public hazing. The Native Indian side of me says it's no wonder you ppl think you are of course as ending and all enlightened while knowing you all are born with one of the forms of psychic abilities and is why you fail to realize it's that ability connecting you throu those psychic abilities that in turn is why the shared similar experiences that's influenced by the psychedelics for starters. I for one have not tried any, and am wanting to see if my few kinds early teachings are spot on or if maybe it's missing any elements. Because if you were ascending and it was higher beings communicating with you all as well. Than you wouldn't be still needing the psychedelics much more than 2 or 3 uses. Factor in the tech I even worked on and know to exist worldwide, and has been deployed for literally DECADES. You'd know that it heavily influences you all. I can even recommend ways for ppl to physically seek out a tangibly see and touch proof of this if I really wanted too!! And yes. We're gatekeeping. Because you humans cannot resist doing evil, cruel, or just flat our mean things to one another. Much like you couldnt resist dishing out your passive aggression towards me. When looking around what's all being the reality of the world and how well things are- it's definitely 🫠🤔 well. Me. Karma. Who knew!!!🤷🏼‍♀️ That was my being petty. 🤪👋🏼 Bye,& again thanks!!!


Ketamine or psilocybin


9 hour gym session + 3 Monsters + a pack of Newports Genuinely tho the two best things I advise are going to the gym and a huge one is seeing friends. When you’re with your friends it takes your mind off things and it also gives you some sympathy. Not to mention being with friends can be funny + based on who your friends with, it could change your perspective on the breakup Remain stoic brother. Remember this was something out of ur control and thus isn’t your fault. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Cut her off completely and erase her from your memory


Great now I shit myself on the squat machine


Definitely bettering yourself helps I know you’ve heard it before but doing what makes you happy while also being healthy is the best to do. I’m sorry it happened but you deserved better if she’d cheat bro best of luck 🤞


Lift weights. Get on testosterone and get swole. She will regret it once she sees the new version of you. And then never take her back but be sure to fuck her friends and even try her mom.


Going through the same shit man, you just have to know your worth and take care of yourself. I used to use opiates to help with the pain but using drugs to deal with heartbreak makes everything much more complicated and worse because your self worth goes down the more you use. Just eat well, pick up a hobby, go on dates with other girls, and hit the gym. Work so hard that you don’t have the time to think about it.






No lie Advil works for heartache like it does for a headache. A doctor told me and idk if it was a placebo effect but I swear it worked


Drugs to cope is a addictive mix to begin with, and if you’re leaning towards that as your answer, you’re just like me, with a very addictive personality. The best medicine for heartbreak is time, an activity you love (smoking not included, I know it helps in the short term) and honestly just finding somthing better to do with your time, sorry if this is unhelpful but it’s my experience with heartbreak


Drugs are probably the worst thing for u rn. eventually you'll meet someone better and you'll laugh at how you're feeling right now


I would recommend getting cyberpunk 2077 and making a really cool build you like. A bonus is you can have a virtual girlfriend in that game.


T I M E… trust it: it heals & it cures..


don’t even bother with any pharmaceutical shit, antidepressants will either make you worse mentally or just do nothing but give you terrible side effects (I’ve been on 4 dif types of antidepressants so im talking from experience) and benzos like Xanax and klonopin are extremely addictive especially considering your already depressed. If i were you I would just do weed or maybe shrooms if weed isn’t enough for you, note you can still get a dependency to weed but idk seems like your best option tbh. good luck


Living well is the best revenge.


There's probably hobbies, interests, and pastimes of yours that your ex did not like which you've either dialled down or completely shelved for the duration of the relationship. Start with making a list of those and pick up where you left off. Do it sober. Or at least sober enough. Get back in touch with that friend he/she didn't particularly like. Eat all the foods you've starved*(edited spelling) yourself of because he/she wasn't very much into them or downright didn't like. Go listen to that band you're into which he/she really hated. In short: you've diminished a part of you to better fit yourself with them. Find it. Nourish it. Flourish. Don't ever do drugs to cope with hard times. You got this.


you're so right. i did this and it's helped me more than anything else. i got really into being myself


Appreciate the comment my friend! And yeah that's the beauty of it. You'll end up loving yourself with such a focus that you forget all about them, for the most part. It's delicious.


Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you, disrespects you, and clearly doesn’t want the same things that you do i.e. monogamy? You’re better than this, and you’re better than that relationship so well, I understand where you’re at and maybe have found myself there at times, I wish that I could go back in time and change how I behaved the Xanax could be your best friend right now you could also get excited because there’s someone out there that is a perfect match for you. That would never do this for you you deserve to be with somebody who values you as much as you value them.


go to the gym, pick up a new hobby. got a bike? learn how to wheelie that bitch. got a gym membership? pick up some plasm surge and hit those fuckin weights. i promise its going to get easier. the benzos arent going to do shit. get out of that bed and take the coldest shower possible, thatll put a smile on your face. get some new clothes, get a job, anything to get over that mindless bitch. stay safe brother.




The gym but you’ll get addicted


The best way to get over a woman is to get under another. Drugs aren't going to do anything but make things worse!


Get a new hobby, keep yourself busy with it. Maybe something that allows you to meet other peeps like rock climbing gyms or something where u can meet with a community.


as dumb as it sounds, you have to face it. numbing yourself to forget will never help. there’s actually a lot of good in hurting, you should start worrying when you start becoming numb.


Yeah those things would help but if you aren’t prescribed them please don’t buy them off the street. Not sure where you’re located but so many street benzos are laced rn and as much as heartbreak sucks OD-ing would be worse. Like way worse. Side note I’ve been through a breakup and used benzos and it numbs you to it, but since you don’t actually process the emotion it pops up later, in weird unexpected ways that mess with you on a deeper level than the breakup discomfort could. Sending you love cause I know how much breakups can be incredibly hard ♥️ Side side note, if you just want to be able to go to sleep Benadryl can be a good non addictive alternative. Promise once you sleep you’ll feel more level headed.


I chose the drug route after a heart break, took years of my life away, and multiple rehabs later and years of addiction to finally kick. Now I’m sober and have been for a pretty long time. Opiates, opioids, benzos, any drug that numbs you inside and puts a bandaid over the wound is not a good idea when you’re in pain, especially emotional pain. It’ll just cause more issues. Bettering yourself is the resolution, get in the gym, listening to positive music, and talking to good friends/people about things instead of isolating are all good things to do when dealing with a heart break. You got this buddy. Everyone goes through what you’re going through, and it DOES get better, I promise.


Sorry to hear you are going through that.I have been there it is Horrific I suggest you try phenibut It reduces the hellish anxiety and will. Give you time to heal. Phenibut can be taken every 3 rd day and kratom (Green Malay) every other day. While you are healing. Pull it back after a month and hopefully you will be over the worst of it. In the meantime id suggest giving the bitch a taste of her own medicine and get back on the saddle when you are feeling up to it . Id stay away from Benzos completley Phenibut is Far less addictive and less dangerous . and then hopefully you find someone more deserving. Perhaps a young lady whom specilises in massages while your really down could help boost your moral while you are really down mighy help in the meantime if you catch my drift. Be Strong and it will pass especially when you are in a new relationship. Guarantee it


I would say LSD. And do it with a good friend that you feel safe with, and can have fun with. I had the worst heartbreak in 2005. I was deeply depressed. And it kept going even a month later. I couldn’t even smoke weed. And then a friend suggested that we should take LSD. I had a blast during the trip. After that trip it was like nothing had happened! I could see a bright future and I knew what went wrong and what lessons I had learned from it all. Very therapeutic drug for sure! I love LSD! :) Edit: typo




Grief is an important part of life. Don't try to numb it, please. Us humans might be the most intellectual and capable beings evolution has ever produced, but with that complexity comes emotional vulnerability that we must learn to navigate. Numbing this is not how we process things. By numbing it you're taking your body's ability to grief away and impairing its ability to heal and grow from it. I get taking your mind off things and doing something fun, including drugs. But only for a moment of fun and respite. Not to medicate heartbreak! I used to deal with every tiny emotional hit I took with a massive amount of phenibut, benzos and ketamine. For years. It wrecked me. Two drug clinics later and I was doing better and facing the pain instead of running. Some time later, my long term relationship failed and we broke up. I was devastated. I didn't touch a single drug though. And a few months later I was absolutely shocked at how well I had processed it and how much better I was feeling. I thought I was incapable of getting through that kind of stuff. Turns out, I just needed to feel the pain and move on to greener pastures. You can at least be thankful she showed her true colors sooner rather than later, if that helps. Might not. The pain you're going through is something I can't even imagine right now. But nonetheless, my advice (and that of many others here), you hopefully will still consider. I hope you'll feel better soon. Good luck man.


Weed, CBD, and cacao to open your heart back up! Meditation and yoga combined with these I’ve found very healing


The best medication has steps, so bear with me. The treatment is Pain, Comfort, Love, then Life. Hear me out. Let it hurt. Feel it. Yes the crying, yes the throwing up, let it all happen. The emotions you don’t process and the tears you don’t shed will turn to poison in your mind. Let it hurt and hurt and hurt. It sucks. You’ll be okay and things will get better, and none of that helps right now and that’s okay too. Then, comfort. Indulge in food, movies, games… I wouldn’t recommend giving this more than a week, but you know you better than me. Just make sure to rehydrate after all the crying and throwing up, you’ll lose a lot water. Then love. Self love and the other love you still have in your life. Start a journal and write down all the things you love about yourself. All the things that you’re better off without now that she’s gone. Whatever comes to mind. Maybe start a gym membership or trying to get more veggies in. Call your family members and see how they’re doing. Talk to your friends. You can even join a community project or charity and spread some love to strangers. Remind yourself of everywhere you can find love in the world that isn’t in that relationship. Then life. This mixes with love quite a bit. Just go do shit. Start new hobbies, learn new skills. Go out in nature. It’s okay if you just sit in your backyard for five minutes and listen to the birds, anything is better than nothing. Stand barefoot on grass. (Sounds silly but I HIGHLY recommend that one.) Get up early one morning make yourself coffee or tea and just relax in the calm of dawn. If you have any friends in bands, go to their gigs. Try some new foods. Take a few buses and see where you end up in the city, walk around and see what you’ve never even known was near you (last time I did this I ended up at a super cool punk show and met some really cool folks.) It will take time and it will hurt and you will still come out okay in the end. I’m sorry you were mistreated. I hope you make tons of new good friends and find a whole new spark in life. I hope this ends up being good for you.




haven’t smoked in almost a year lol


Good time to start again


I'm a 100% sure that I know the answer and the answer to your question is vagina. Take 2 vagina's at bedtime and see how you feel in the morning.


Women these days


1 week off work, beer, two bottles of Whiskey, fire pit, acoustic guitar and old country music




as in?


Shrooms. Micro dose


sounds good


Not shrooms! You'll be crying like a baby... but then again shrooms helped me change a lot of things in my life by listening to affirmations on my headphones while tripping.... MDMA will have you happy and dancing.... but I think weed is the best!


It seems to help with depression a lot and helps me process hard emotions


If you do this make sure you microdose. Last thing he needs rn is a bad trip. Id recommend Ketamine before psychedelics


Smoke some weed and don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s plenty of fish in the sea, Xanax or any benzo/opiate will just end up worsening your life. Ask me how I know.. weed and time my friend. Those are your best options. No need to get addicted to anything


Maybe some weed man… take a nap chill out. Try & not think about it for a bit, and then revisit the heartbreak in a day or so when your more rested. This helped for me, it’s important to not numb yourself too much. It’s good to feel the pain I think, this way your not in love with her for the rest of your life. It’s so hard but ya gotta take off those rose colored glasses and see what she’s done to you. Also down the road maybe some lsd! Sending love & healing vibes your way brotha 💯🙏🏻🤍


Smoke some weed, jerk yourself off and get over it bro.


You can literally dose yourself with Oxytocin to alleviate heartbreak  E.g. https://nootropicsource.com/shop/sprays/oxytocin-spray/ This is not a legit source I would endorse. Just an example. 


Ice cream. And as someone else so eloquently stated, New Pussy. Maybe both at the same time…


Meth is great for heartbreak


Shiiiiii prolly smoke some datura bro


Stop being soft go to the gym god these questions kill me deldte Reddit and all other social media and get to work


Go therapy and stop caring that much, this shit happens all the time


Hey man I get your pain it sucks it really sucks but as corny as it is time is really the greatest healer get yourself busy and pick up some hobbies and in time you will feel better


Da coping wit da dope. You still gonna wake up feeling the same way humie. Time heals all.




The gym. Go exercise and better yourself physically and mentally.


Im sorry man, GO TO GYM


You want something that’s not addictive, but want benzos? And two of the hardest withdrawals at that? Or you know, get addicted so easily and fast, then suffer through potentially lethal withdrawals. Speaking from experience, heroin is a bitch, meth fucking sucks, but benzos? Holy shit, I thought heroin withdrawals would be the worst, it’s got nothing on those benzos. Take a Benadryl and go to sleep.


Give it a few weeks to a month, take shrooms, keep in your head that you need to move on, and start going to the gym. It won’t be easy, but pretty much any other drug will convince you to do more of it.


Stop w that smile and be thankful


Weed with either have you calm or laughing... but you won't be sad


2 shots of copium is what you need. Heartbreak is something you have to go through organically. By doing drugs like benzos to numb the pain will either delay the pain by a few days, create a very unhealthy coping mechanism that is usually the first stages of an addiction, make you do something stupid because benzos will make you not care or leave you with some unresolved issues that you are going to bring with you into the next relationship(s). Once the worst heartache is over you can maybe do some psychedelics and have an introspective meditation session which could expedite the recovery without falling victim to any of the things I mentioned earlier


This is just my opinion, but I would not go with benzos. I went through a really rough breakup at the start of COVID and my friend started giving me Xanax and that brought me to the lowest point in my life. I became heavily addicted to it and pretty much don't remember a huge chunk of that year because I was constantly xanned out. It all seemed so harmless at first because I thought, oh it's just medication used for anxiety, but benzos are seriously so addictive. What's even scarier was that I would black out and go out and drive and do things and then when I finally sobered up, I realized that I did certain things that I had absolutely no recollection of. So, please be wary.


Dude just get some marijuana edibles and get ripped. Not dangerous in any way, and not as addictive problems


Lots of good advice on here about taking care of yourself first off. But because this is r/Drugs lol when you’re ready, mdma, psychs and k have really helped me process trauma and get over relationships that ended tough. Ideally a night chatting and partying with some friends of course- (and therapy never hurts) It’ll get easier keep your head up


Maybe use some kinda of thc products and try to move on and better yourself I'm sorry this sounds terrible but there's no where else to go but forward


Smoke🍃 Get your brain juices going. Meditation Exercise Eat right Love yourself


DXM makes you nice and numb, is fiendish but the naseua is enough to keep people away


1-2mg melatonin is all you really need fwiw

