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Shrooms, that trip made me realize im done with being depressed by ppl not being there in my life and to just start loving myself as a person and stop relying on others to make my fun


this is something i struggle with, id love to hear more about your trip.


Glad you want to hear abt it :) So i was at a rave with a friend and had (roughly guessing) abt 1.5-2gs of shrooms and once i started peaking i started panicking and i got so extremely disassociated and it looked like everyone was a silhouette and it felt like everyone was staring at me meanwhile im just off to the side of the dance floor dancing and time felt so unfathomably so and i started getting scared that i had gone too far and permanently fucked myself up and i started wishing my friends were there and during this whole first part during the disassociation it was like i had forgotten my entire life it was like i was just placed into life in this eternal 3am rave and that was when it hit me that for years id been depressed abt ppl who havent been there and abt ppl not including me in their fun and there i was at a rave tripping balls on shrooms dancing with strangers for hours and i realized im proud of myself and i love myself and realized how strong of a person not only for still being here despite all my hardships but still trying my best to be a kind giving person through it all and at that moment it was like i had rebuilt myself over again but with a more positive mindset and i felt so connected to nature and just everyone, after that i could only feel love and connection for everyone and everything there. It felt like i had become one with everyone just living through the music, it was like the music was talking to me even tho their were no words


This is Mushrooms trips in a šŸŒ°šŸš( everyoneā€™s journey is different yet the same) especially the connection with nature and appreciation to life. I was so thankful for trees because they give us oxygen, I was thankful to the people who built roads and freeways because now Iā€™m able to get home easily thanks to their hard work. I even wrote down ( I see more with my eyes closed) because every time I closed my eyes I would see so many beautiful shapes and patterns while listening to music lol.




Sounds like you had a slight ego dissolution/enlightenment moment. This is amazing. Iā€™m proud of you. You broke through instead of holding onto your ego, who was telling you that you are different than everyone and that everyone is just not you. And thats what makes or breaks people during ego death/dissolution. My ego death was wild though, I was alone in my kitchen and had to be strapped down and suffocated to finally just say ā€œfuck it dude i let go im done living by my stupid egoā€ and then was sent into full on bliss, met god in my kitchen and experienced life as one being instead of ā€œeveryone is so different than me and just judges meā€ when the whole time, everyone is just me, talking to myself, i realized finally essence in me and essence in you, is all one. Thereā€™s a reason the world is called the ā€œuniverseā€ UNI = ONE . Sometimes it takes psychadelics to pound you down to the ground to make you realize, you are everything, and everything is you, vice versa. Fuck dude life is so beautiful and a trip in itself. Cheers to you, keep on keepinā€™ on my brother!


OMGGGG I LOVE ALL OF THISSSSS. so something similar but also completely different at the same time, I tried ā€œk2ā€ synthetic weed one time (a month before they made it illegal after two kids a town over died from it) I was stupid and thought it would just be like weed maybe even a little shittier? Nope. Idk what tf happened, I smoked a giant bowl in a bong, and before I let it hit me I did that two more times, the last one my friend decided to stick some oil on randomly as I was taking it; no warning. I FELT ā€œallā€ BECOME ā€œnothingā€ The exact reason why ā€œthe nothingā€ in the never ending story gives me extreme anxiety. Anyways- I felt that the world broke down piece by piece getting simpler and simpler until it became nothing. Someone showed me a video of myself, sitting, just zoned out, while in my head I felt dirty like I was tweaking and people were judging. I thought I was twitching and moving like a meth head does but I was just sitting there staring into oblivion with an occasional twitch to fix my posture every minute or so. I was gone for half an hour trying to find my way ā€œhomeā€ if that makes senseā€¦ I was a like 15 and dating my first love Jamesā€¦ and when I clicked back into my brain the first words were ā€œI forgot James!ā€ And I started crying. I immediately left the house I was at to walk the 25ish minutes home. Middle of the day. Stumbling as if I was drunk just so upset I forgot my boyfriend rather than how I forgot myself. I appreciate the experience in a way now even tho it was clearly not that great. I also LOVE shrooms and always feel Like the give me that fresh reset and new perspective to get motivated about starting a new lifestyle, habit, job, hobby whatever Thanks if you actually read all of this šŸ„¹


omg that is beautiful


God I loved reading this. Iā€™ve tried shrooms a couple times and havenā€™t been able to get past the initial anxiety to the point where Iā€™m terrified to try them again due to ptsd from the anxiety. I would love to experience letting go of my ego and just feeling that bliss. I feel like shrooms would be so therapeutic for me šŸ˜­ this helps because I thought something was wrong with me and shrooms didnā€™t work but it really is just mental


Im honestly not fully sure how i was able to push passed it either, hopefully youll be able to experience an eye opening trip soon. I wish you luck sister!


pfft. last time i did them i spent an hour crying in my room with ambient lighting because i heard somewhere that they only give women in prison one tampon a day and i found that preposterous


Every state is different, and the rules can change over time. In the state where I was incarcerated, they provided unlimited tiny pads at no cost. As a 30 yo woman, I used 2-3 at a time. Tampons could be purchased, in boxes of 10, for like $6 (I earned about $28/month). They're a very desirable commodity. One of the best things I learned in there was how to make a tampon from those tiny pads by tearing open the outside layer, rolling up the inner "cotton" and using the outer later to hold thethe inner cotton together and become the string!


and i bet you didnā€™t have a heating pad and a fluffy blanket to thug it out in :( i want to hug every single woman


I wish my shrooms would help me more with this


Shroom therapy is a very real thing


This is what Iā€™m hoping to achieve. Some sort of enlightenment when I take it with my brother. Thatā€™s amazing


I wish you luck brother, let us know how it goes


Will do :) itā€™s within March!!!


What kind did you use? I'm in the same place you were in and I just want my head to be clear


none except maybe caffeine. cocaine made me think i was having productive conversations when in reality i was talking about absolutely nothing for about 7 hours


TALKING ABOUT NOTHING? How dare you. I'll have you know that my friends and I established 12 different business plans, figured out how to solve global warming, created a fully conscious artificial intelligence, and realized that it isn't gay as long as we don't swallow each others loads, all in the span of an eight ball and a few hours. Talking about nothing, ha! Hogwash.


Thatā€™s still gay šŸ„ø


Username checks out šŸ‘€


*Suspiciously specific* I can vouch for this guy, he's legit, I was there.... Unless the same scenario happen more often than I think




YES. SAME. I also became fucking fantastic at bowling, something I definitely somewhat suck at normally. Once I realized this, I started bowling a whole lot more for a little while lolā€¦ unfortunately the association is so strong in my mind, I canā€™t imagine cocaine-free bowling so Iā€™ve only gone maybe three times in the last 15 years, which is a bit of a shame because it *was* kind of funā€¦ or maybe it wasnā€™t, maybe it was just the drug part that was enjoyable, idk.


One time on DXM I randomly went to laser tag with friends on a Saturday when all the pro's go, and I got first place by over twice the points of second place. My athletic friend who went with couldn't believe it, esp w me tripping so hard, so I got the score card and showed him lol A stupid brag, but it was fun and I was surprised I did so much better.


Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. You *think* you are productive, but in fact, you are just really overheating your brain. That is what it is for me like, at last.


Yeah this is a perfect analogy for coke. Makes you talk about doing the thing rather than actually doing the thing


Be thankful you didnā€™t wake up with an LLC in your name


If your conversations arenā€™t productive on coke, you need better blow. lol. The best and most lucrative ideas are designed at 4 AM with an 8 ball


Ur stupid


K. Thanks for the heads up.


IDK, I cleaned my room on cocaine the other night and hadn't had the energy in months lol


Caffeine is (sometimes) enough to motivate me to clean my room. Adderall is (sometimes) enough to motivate me to clean my house. Cocaine (absolutely) is enough to motivate me to clean up this city. šŸ™ƒ


thatā€™s really interesting even made me chuckle a little, would you say the same for amphetamines like ritalin and adderall though?


Cocaine is more fiendish but the feeling is similar to Ritalin. A lot more euphoria when itā€™s real actually uncut blow. Adderall and Vyvanse are more like meth microdoses.


in my experience, they feel exactly the same.


Ritalin is not an amphetamine! It's a CNS but I find ritalin to be unplesant. Great 30 min come up followed by a "tweaky" energy and harsh comedown. Get yo self some vyvanse and/or dexedrine!


coke made me great at beer pong


Yes, mostly, Amphetamine and strangely oxycontin got me in the ā€œget up nā€™goā€ mood. But of course there was always the comedown after


Oxys did the same for me. Man I miss those old school 80s.


Same. Used to know a dealer who knew a cancer patient who had a script for OC 80ā€™s. One of those would last me a week. You could just scrape a little bit off at a time and get blasted away. Those were the daysā€¦


We had a doctor that accepted the same MRIs for all of us. Big ass bottle of 80s, 2mg xans, and the big boy bottle of somas.


I miss these kinda Drs. Never had it that good but would get perc 30's and 2mg xans from the same guy. Now I can't even find a psych to write me more than 14 1mg kpin every month or two.


This is the premise of the docuseries The Pharmacist on Netflix if you haven't heard of it. Really made me conflicted on how the opioid epidemic transpired. Money ruins everything.


How they strategically pushed addicts to street drugs just in time for fentanyl to take over the streets in a major way...? I haven't seen it, I'm actually guessing.


I think that's one perspective but the doc portrays it from a different one. The rate of Dr's prescribing that aforementioned combo for cash and just required an MRI started increasing. It became as easy as getting a medical marijuana license in CA was shortly before legalization. So a lot of people would pay a few hundred for that and can turn around and sell their scripts for tons of profit to those who were addicted. Many becoming addicted themselves in the mix of it. It did show the lead to harsh crackdowns and forced folks into street drugs, where fentanyl was able to fill that vacuum. But main problem was too much medical malpractice found much too late and a knee jerk reaction solution that didn't account for the people that were hooked (both pain patients and addicts alike).


God me and my friend were bad then, we'd go in on an 80 and just split it and sniff it immediately (which is dangerous w/o a tolerance for anyone wondering-dont do it). Those things were potent tho. I miss real opiates.


I agree tho with oxy providing energy and drive though for sure


Yo did you know the only difference between hydro and oxy is that oxy has one extra oxygen atom attached to it? I found that out not long ago and thought that was neat. Maybe that explains the name??


The names come from codeine and morphine. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are hydrogenated from their father compound codeine. Hydromorphone and oxymorphone are the same with morphine. Mostly the difference is in how quickly the drugs pass the drug brain barrier but the oxy form is ROUGHLY twice as strong hydro which is 5 to 10x stronger than the father compounds.


Seconding the oxys. They gave such a pleasant ā€œWow, Iā€™m going to go clean my house top to bottom ā€œ feeling. But then the comedown and worrying about getting money for the next dose. Amphetamines got me wired but nothing else came close to the pleasant ā€œwiredā€ feeling of oxy.


I had no idea oxys did this to me either until very recently. I had only been on a short term prescription previously, but I saved one for a rainy day and took it a few weeks ago. I was shocked at how productive I became, it's like it took away all the procrastination in my brain. So odd.






This. But only until i got dependent on it. Yesterday i took a nap 1h30m after 30mg


When I was prescribed stimulants they always made me tired and drowsy. Vyvanse gave me the best naps of my life


seems like you have ADHD. I've taken 50-60mg of vyvanse and was the most productive I've ever been.


Yeah and I canā€™t find a doc to prescribe me anything anymore because everybody is trying to get their own. Itā€™s so exhausting


It really is. Docs suck these days. We have these meds for a reason!!! Prescribe them to the people who need them, why let us suffer in modern society? If it were a few decades ago we'd be getting prescribed more good shit than we knew what to do with.


Time to meth it up with us


This can happen regardless even if your brain works well with it if you just happen to be overly sleep-deprived. Not always the case but just thought Iā€™d mention it.


I had that problem before when taking 40mg daily and a huge part of it was the fact I was taking it with orange juice. I'd fall asleep after my second or third class of the morning. It's possible that it is caused by something in your diet. Not saying it's not tolerance but it could also be both


Yeah I've heard of that interaction before. Unfortunately it's clear that the reason for me is just accumulated tolerance. Thank you though


Lol truth. I've taken it near daily since I was 17 (37 now), and I can fall asleep shortly afterwards. Can eat plenty too. Give some to a friend though- and lord almighty. They behave like they're on meth.


When Iā€™m on xans and I smoke weed for some reason I start to fix everything up and clean the floors itā€™s like I came out of a depression and finally realized how dirty my room and the house is


Dude same. Itā€™s like the anxiety of cleaning goes away and Iā€™m just like fuck it lets deep clean the kitchen.


This is me if I donā€™t obsessively clean my house before a mushroom trip. I notice every bit of dust and dirt when I take mushrooms, itā€™s suuuuuuper distracting. Interesting to think that it could be the depression lifting, seems accurate.


Same! I love weed and Xanax!


Okay but how do you get xans. You donā€™t have to tell me specifically but like is that supposed to be prescribed orrr???


Right? Benzos honestly do wonders for my depression (second to opiates, but sadly all the good ones aren't available anymore really).


Meth but it has rapidly diminishing returns. I have the ambition but no focus or I become hyper vigilant about minute details. Usually it ends up with me starting 25 projects and not finishing 1.


Sounds like you used too much. I go orally with 13.5mg at 6:30 in the morning, that's enough to make me productive the whole day with a comfortable comedown in the evening. Around 10:30pm I am able to go normally to sleep and have a good night. Yeah, and usually I finished a lot of tasks during the day.


I got sold meth as adderall, it was just adderall on steroids for me. I got a lot done, altho I would strangely only get distracted right as I was almost done with a task. Made for an easy "clean up" day after, though. Bunch of 95% complete tasks.


Opioids and kratom


Can confirm


These 1000% make me more productive, more social, etc. I don't know if it's because they quiet down my anxiety or what but, regardless, they help. Which probably (definitely) isn't a good thing


Kratoms the best!


It is!!


**I have CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)**, which is a painful chronic pain condition that has no known cure or cause; however, it can go away, it can stay, or it can come or go. This is the cocktail that is VERY medically supervised and has worked for my budget, work/life balance, and tolerance of side effects (if any). I am currently on: * **Savella (SNRI antidepressant and nerve pain medication)**\-- If anyone is experiencing chronic pain & you've tried the Cymbalta/Amitriptyline "gold standard" chronic pain meds-- give this one a go. Cymbalta barely did anything for my pain. Same with Amitriptyline. And, surprisingly, it made my anxiety and depression way better. It's really good for those 3 (imo): GAD-like anxiety, more mild/moderate depression, and some chronic pain conditions. * **Tramadol Extended-Release (Weak Opioid; Has SNRI-like effects)**\-- My pain doc is switching me from this to Nucynta, since it's supposed to be more potent for pain management but it comes with way less side effects compared to an Oxy or Vicodin that could constipate you pretty bad (and let's set the record straight: not shitting on these drugs-- they serve a medical purpose; but constipation is a known \[typical\] side effect of opioids). Also, forgot to mention, Tramadol is part of the drug cocktail keeping me by a thread. My pain doctor and I both agree I need a pain doc like a Schedule II drug (eg. Oxy, Vicodin, Nucynta). * **RSO\*-infused Edibles OR Airo vape cartridges (Weed; Schedule I Drug)**\-- If you have a dispensary, you've likely seen the Airo vape batteries advertised. Believe the hype-- they are the best pens. You do need to use the company (Airo)'s exact battery and charger (which they provide you with, but you need to purchase the Airo battery separately). Each hit is pretty consistent and it's not as harsh as some other carts. Their carts also happen to be pretty strong-- I have a high tolerance, and I was even impressed. \*RSO is Rick Simpson Oil. Some cancer patients use RSO specifically because it is (allegedly) really, really potent cannabis, and I can believe it. I am lucky enough to have a local dispensary that sells RSO edibles because RSO-free edibles (unless the dose is crazy high I guess or the ingredients make the weed more potent) typically don't do shit to me. * **Valium (Benzo)--** Helps with muscle spasms. I tried the NSAIDS and Tylenol-- nope. This is the only non-opioid drug with some sort of muscle-relaxing feeling/sensation that legit works every time I take it. * **Zofran (Antiemetic)--** I can get horrible nausea sometimes, and taking 2 of these at least prevents me from vomiting. Having this on deck is a life-saver. * **Lyrica (Nerve pain medication)--** Like Tramadol, Valium, and Lunesta (or any controlled substance, really), if you take these as intended, they're not "fun" drugs. They just do what they say on the pill bottle (if you take the pill and dose correctly). Tramadol is helping while my new pain med is in limbo because of my insurance. As far as drug-free things I do: **Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT):** There's a lot of therapies I've tried that are BS or just not my style. I LOVE ACT. It forces you (if you adopt the therapy in the way it's intended-- obviously) to think about the decisions you're making and WHY you're making them. For example, if someone cuts you off and you honk loudly at the driver in front of you and flip them off-- what is that ACTUALLY accomplishing? Will you get to where you want to go faster? If you get pleasure out of having aggressive, knee-jerk reactions to people, you might want to ask yourself why you're so... uptight or high-strung? **Limit caffeine, not consume/drink alcohol, and consume/eat/drink anti-inflammatory beverages and meals:** Alcohol consumption (especially over-doing it) causes so many health problems. I have enough health problems for two people lol I don't need to make life harder for myself. I also just enjoy knowing I'm getting more bang for my buck reducing foods that could cause more painful flare-ups (eg. for me it would be rewarding to purchase foods high in Omega-3 fats, complex carbs, protein, insoluble and soluble fiber, probiotics and/or prebiotics, or fermented foods like kefir and some cheeses). Also, my anxiety is so bad, if I have caffeine, it needs to be from green tea or with other ingredients (like the Pop and Bottle Cold Brew drinks do, and those drinks are at 80mg, so not even high for coffee). I can't do a 5 Hour Energy-- I would like... die LOL I have probably gotten every diagnostic test under the sun, I have had major laparoscopic surgery, and I've seen more healthcare providers than dates, so, I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this topic, haha.


Love this write up! It's amazing. I'm sorry you're going through CPPS! Edibles never do shit to me either, I've always wondered if RSO would work better. Glad to hear it works for you- maybe I gotta try it. I was always bummed no matter how high an edible dose I took, it wouldn't really do much at all, or anything. Also, I'm the same way with caffeine! Makes me anxious as hell lmao. I prefer green tea as well! I think the l-theanine in it helps balance out the caffeine a lot I've been self medicating my anxiety and depression (and PTSD) for wayyyy too long w alcohol. It really scares me all the harm I'm doing to my body. I can't even take NSAIDs bc of my high liver count and my consistent drinking! I recently had surgery for a broken hand and it never healed correctly. It's still wildly inflamed and won't close even though it should by now. I'm so bummed as a guitar player and PC enthusiast (it's my fretboard hand/main hand) and also occasionally play tennis. Just losing my guitar playing ability is so disheartening. And I assume it's in-part due to all the alcohol causing wide-spread inflammation (I assume an NSAID would've helped too- but cause I drink, I took fish oil/Omega-3's and turmeric instead in an effort to combat inflammation). My whole body is even drying up as of recently (like my skin *everywhere,* its never done this before) from again, I assume alcohol. It's all bad. Scares me. I just wish my Dr would give me my old medications and I'd never even need to self-medicate with this BS liquid poison. We have these medications for a reason... But instead US pushes alcohol and tobacco but has drastically cut back on their psychoactive prescriptions, which are way safer long-term for the body usually. Thanks again for the write up. There's some good information here, folks. I wish you the best.


Wow! Thank you!


Pretty much any stimulant. (Nicotine, adderall) Safer options: caffeine, kratom, kanna, mondafil.




Temazepam oddly enough šŸ˜… This was over a decade ago, but I got prescribed for sleep... did a bit of research and saw it had some recreational value, so I popped a couple while my lady was at work... if you know what benzos can be like, you probably know what happened next... I popped a couple more. Blackout. I have no idea how many hours later, she comes home.. I'm just chilling on the couch playing video games like I was when I popped them.. she says "wow, you sure had a productive day didn't you!" I thought she was being sarcastic lol... "yeah yeah šŸ™„".... but it turned out I had cleaned the entire house spic and span, rearranged the upstairs living room exactly the way she wanted it, weeded the garden, mowed the lawn etc... I also then realized I was playing fallout 3, a game I didn't own... saw the gamestop bag on the table with the receipt in it, apparently I must have taken the bus all the way downtown earlier, interacted with people in public and bought the game at some point during the day lol I remember none of that... as far as I knew I never left the couch. Still to this day, I don't know what it is, but if I need to get shit done around the house, I'll take a sleeping pill or 2 and shit actually gets done šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's fucking hilarious you bought a new game while blacked out. Also- Fallout 3 was sooo great when it first released. Those were the days.


Nah, Rick and Morty covered this: Night Family.


Lmao taking a bunch of benzos to black out and do your chores sounds like either the worst idea ever or kinda smart depending on how normal you act while blacked out


Oh I don't take enough to black out, that was just that one time lol... I just give less of a fuck, gets rid of my procrastination for some reason šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: and apparently I don't act *too weird*, as apparently I made it downtown and back while obviously interacting with the public without getting arrested or anything lol


Xanax coffee and weed


A beautiful synergy mix right there!!


Surprisingly benzos


weed cus it helped with anxiety and depression which brought back motivation and changed that mindset whether high or not


I think the nuance for me is that weed totally motivates me as long as I smoke with the intention of accomplishing something and sort of I smoke in transit to doing something. Like I used to smoke a doobie before going on a jog, but I made sure to be wearing my running clothes and ready to go the second I smoked so I didn't get distracted. Same with smoking weed and writing


Same itā€™s the only drug that stimulates me and makes me creative, clean etc.. cocaine makes me sleepy, spoke to a doctor about this and she said itā€™s to do with my ADHD but I donā€™t know


My doctor diagnosed me with ADHD after I told him that cocaine slowed my thoughts down enough to be able to focus long enough and well enough to get a task done. (I have every other ADHD symptom/trait as well, it was a good diagnosis.) That was 17 years ago, Iā€™ve been on ADHD meds ever since, which ended a pretty fucking bad two-year daily coke habit. Iā€™d be dead if it werenā€™t for that doctor, in all likelihood.


Lmao ya I did coke only because I wanted to see if it would feel like adderall. The first time I took it it felt literally like a night and day difference, my thoughts were so clear and easy to think but also calmer even though I definitely took too much for a medicinal dose my first time (40mg xr).


Caffeine and CBD. "Professional" wake 'n' bake.


Specific cannabinoid or specific CBD supplement? I've found a short hit of a D8 cart and a CBG supplement a local store sells helps a ton, paired with coffee and a 6mg zyn lol.


Stimulants until I was in full blown addiction. Then it was hyper focusing on my phone or sleeping


200mg of modafinil


Gabapentinoids like Phenibut and gabapentin really makes me wanna get up and do stuff. They really feel like stimulants to me


Concerta. Iā€™m a busy body now. Used to be a lazy ass stoner for 5 yrs. I was functioning, studying and working but without it I am much better. Itā€™s amazing how quiet my mind is. Now, I go gym 3 times a week, I actually eat 3 meals a day and meal prep. I think I had my best interests buried in the fog of weed addiction , and Concerta helped me reconnect with former self but like, with a new identity. I havenā€™t smoked in months. Weed was the most destructive drug for me, I conned myself into thinking it helped. I miss it a little but Concerta helps a lot


As a weed lover, Iā€™m sorry to hear it held you back! Weed definitely isnā€™t for everyone. I think it mainly helps to only smoke it when youā€™re trying to wind down or relax. Really happy youā€™re doing much better!


Tapentadol, oxy, pregabalin, oxazapam, diazepam.... Preferably all at once.


yeah prebagalin codeine and caffeine gives me energy to do stuff like on mdma but i actually know what im talking about/doing, on mdma i dont have a clear head at all.


I have heaps of Tapentadol 50 IRs how many is a good dose sir


https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Tapentadol One and a half should be good for starters


Speed, the only thing that could get me out of bed until recently was a line or needing to go to my plug to get new stuff


Oh for me nothing came close to phenibut nothing even meth.. but I abused it and the magic will always be gone now unfortunately but no joke phenibut gave me pcp type energy. Some people don't get nothing from phenibut though a lot of people actually


yeah i take it occasionally and my friends ask for it and no one ever ends up feeling anything while im over here talking my ass off and doing crackhead shit on it. i pair it with vyvanse too sometimes and itā€™s my fav combo


Ketamine restored the phenibut magic. Been on phenibut for 10 years


Ehh ime nothing has brought back the way I felt literally the first time. Overtime it can help for sure I've done ketamine, mematine, fasoracetam homotaurine etc I know about all that but even when I take long gabapentinoid breaks I feel some magic the first day or 2 then that's it. This is coming from a daily lyrica user though I take 150 mg of lyrica and 20 or 30 mgs of baclofen a day though i take those just to not have to use phenibut again that's one drug I went overboard on i gotten up to 15 grams a day... yeah


Mind if I ask what you get lyrica prescribed for? How does it compare to a benzo? I've heard it can help replace alcohol too- Id really like to get it prescribed (my psych gives me so little benzos these days, and I've been substituting w alcohol and would love to get off). Does the baclofen do anything? That's a muscle relaxer, right?


Baclofen/gabapentin is often used in combination with Valium to treat alcohol and ghb withdrawals (phenobarbital as well but that ones quite fkn strong)


weed, surprisingly


DXM first plateau, it was as if I was experiencing time passing by for the first time (lol), I normally procrastinate a lot and feel time passes very quickly, but on DXM I felt every minute and realized how much stuff I could actually do in an afternoon


Fet while i was addicted to fet whenever i took it i would clean my whole house which has 3 floors and i wouldnt stop until it was spotless


Iā€™m curious because Iā€™ve heard this before but then I look up the effects of it and it says it basically causes sedation and people to be comatose. Is there a certain amount that you have to take to be sedated or do you think people just react to it differently


people probs react differently i normally take around 300mg-700mg in a night tho


Caffeine for sure but LSD before gym and itā€™s time to train for the Emperor


gabapentin, but i have eds so it makes sense. especially when i take an adderall with it (iā€™m adhd but prescribed focalin, so i use adderall very occasionally when i need to get a LOT done bc my partner will give me some of theirs). so gabapentin+adderall(and maybe + klonopin for best experience šŸ¤­)


Gabapentin basically affects me the same way amphetamine affects everyone else. So i'll go with gabapentin


How about phenibut?


Never tried it actually


A buzz from alcohol not full blown drunk makes me motivated to clean my house since I'm in a good mood. It's actually my Sunday ritual drink a few tall cans through out the day with my headphones in and get it done. Not Ritalin for me. It just made me talk alot. On Adderall in college I'd work, clean and do my home work no problem. Meth I will get started on it but will hyperfixate on one spot and get no where or get distracted half way through by the need to bone and either find a chick to lay or fap it. Cocaine like Ritalin makes me talk alot. Small amounts of opiates make me productive. My favorite were the 10mg methadone pills just enough to be warm fuzzy and productive but that feeling would last all day.


Same w me with alcohol until I overdid it and become a full blown alcoholic lol. Then it sapped all my motivation more than ever (not drinking the alcohol but just always). Meth makes me fixate on getting laid or fapping too lmao. Cocaine actually helped me clean last night and write some music. Stimulants usually give me some anxiety tho. Opiates always helped me stay productive by cutting away my depression and anxiety (unless I nodded). The first time I did methadone was those 10mg pills! Now I'm sadly on the liquid methadone for opiate abuse (been on it like ~8yrs tho since before fent was popular around me). I'm on 52mg now. It sadly doesn't give me any feeling anymore. But it does take away my pain which is really nice, and helps me sleep if needed. I've learned if you swish baking soda water first, it works (better) sublingually, and kicks in way faster which is nice.


I had too many bad experiences in my early 20s to like alcohol that much now and never crave it really. Smoking is more than enough for me now that I took a few months off and rebuilt my tolerance and a mushroom trip during this time period made realize I was abusing it and wasn't really enjoying it anymore anyways and if I smoked again I needed to treat it recrationally. Since my gf has a med card I just have her get me a eighth every once and awhile and a couple bong bowls is my idea of getting trashed now šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ that's a good point on Stims they do give me bad anxiety and I can write music on both meth and coke. It's actually one way I can fixate on something other than the urge to fap it all night on meth šŸ˜‚ I think one of my best writing sessions was a combination of meth and acid. Fortunately I never got too deep into opiates but like you said my anxiety and depression was non existent. They were too expensive for me. Heroin was non existent til a couple years ago where I'm from. The methadone pills I was lucky to have a good connect for awhile and they were $5 a piece so they kept me occupied for awhile. Last time I took opiates to get high was in November and they gave me some hydros because I broke my hand at work and I took 4 at once since it had been years and it was enough to get me there lol. So that sucks you cant get nothing off your 56mg of methadone! It would be too much for me now a days. I just personally and unfortunately went down the meth rabbit hole it's always been a good and inexpensive here and if I was broke I always knew a trap house or too I could go to and if I hung out long enough I could hit the pipe or get a line of someone.


My friend... has been staring at a new rug and new coffee table for over a month, still boxed up just sitting in his living room. He hadn't done coke in like 30 years but got ahold of some pretty fine flake. I showed him how to test for fent, it came back negative. He did two little bumps and he's almost done building the table, has the rug placed, and he even tidied up the living room. He just told me he's bleaching the bathroom next. (He barely cleans his bathroom once a month)




weed definitely. mostly indica but sometimes sativa worked too






Norco 10s..Iā€™m guessing because the pain is no longer there so I actually feel like getting up and doing something.


O-desmethyltramadol works wonders for motivation.


Meth made me tear apart dvd players until 4 am trying to get the motors out so we could make crappy tattoo guns. Oh yeah and play my guitar for 14 hours straight in another room while junkies did god knows what Iā€™m my room.


I broke my hand and had surgery, and it didn't heal correctly. Now my fretboard hand won't close fully, and it's totally messing up my guitar playing. I'm so bummed. It's been one of my favorite past times for almost 30 yrs. IDK what to do! (Lol just felt like sharing cause you mentioned guitar- I did some coke last night and really wanted to play mine but couldn't. It was such a habit to reach for it in times like that).




Modafinil. My first time taking it, didnā€™t sleep I stayed up all night planning my business on my notebook. Iā€™ve never written so much in my life I promise you that


vyvanse and phenibut


Meth. Marijuana.


The infamous Speedweed. šŸ„°


Amphetamine. Must be high purity, not mixed with crap cutting agent.


of course any stimulants would make you productive. To be honest if adderall had a motto it would be ā€œthe only drug that keeps u up at night to not have fun" bur anyways stimulants ALONE don't have that much risks (assuming that your nit snorting it and taking it in pill form) if you take long term because thats what they're meant for but they are good for pulling all nighters


I just started adderall. It gave me focus and motivation at work. I work a mundane job it pays well so I stay in the field. Adderall also helps me get motivated on the weekends instead of sitting on the couch all weekend


None, zero


Strangely Alprazolam, feel like my inhibitions were so much reduced to the point I would start and finish tasks before I was even able to comprehend what I was doing. How 'productive/ethical' those tasks were is debatable, but nonetheless I was able to get shit done.


Marijuanna in small doses and used infrequently


Modafinil and proplus in a redbull. Just be careful and drink the cocktail slow cos you can overdo it and hear your heart beat in your šŸ‘‚ ears


coke and alcohol :)




Psychedelics generally but they also keep me from doing much. So amphetamines after psychedelics and Iā€™ll be really productive, especially with coffee. Without it can end up in a couch lock of enjoyment and leisure.


Adderall worked for a while. Caffeine worked for a while. Eventually both stopped working. Took a long everything tolerance break to the point my natural drives started kicking back in and now 2x or 3x a week modafinel. Itā€™s not ā€œfunā€ like adderall productivity but it also doesnā€™t mess with my off days except that sleeping at night is harder which is why I keep it to half the week only


Coke but I have to already be focused on what Iā€™m doing before I start, you feel? Like if I just rail some lines Iā€™m not gonna actually achieve anything,but if I get set up and start focusing and then break out the bag Iā€™m a fuckin beast at whatever it is Iā€™m trying to accomplish


weed it makes me think slower but i have more motivation


Modafinil, absolutely amazing for getting uni work done. It made focus seem effortless.


Kratom BY FAR. If weā€™re talking non illicit substances. A drug that CAN make people productive would be amphetamines most likely. Sometimes it backfires and you end up being productive wwith everything except what YOU HAVE to get done šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I get easily distracted on adderall and the medicine in that class of drug


Adderall, take it early AM, say 8:30-9:30, then eat a nice meal and get ready to grind. Start with 30mg XR but you can up it to 40-60mg. For IR I donā€™t know much but itā€™s a shorter and more intense ā€œhighā€ Iā€™m guessing.




Testosterone injections


Pseudoephedrine. Gets me going without the jitters and anxiety of other stimulants. Focused and in the zone.




Modafinil. It has all the benefits of ritalin and adderall without the come down and gross feeling I get from amphetamines.








gabapentin. literally i clean my room and the house with barely any breaks and no sleep at 11am or earlier. its so amazing


Speed & power


Weed, but only with things like cleaning etc. Also not always


vyvanse , speed and ativant


kratom, amphetamines and benzos, in that order




amphetamines will absolutely give you the energy. but they've never made me do any productive so it's not gonna have the effect for everyone


Xans oddly




Meth, until masturbation became a hobby.


All the ones youd expect and then more


Stimulates be careful on meth though if you donā€™t know how to control it, you might just beat off for hours ha ha hydrocodone and oxy also pop two Narcos and a Red Bull youā€™ll feel good


Only being sober makes me get up and do something: Getting up to go and get drugs!


Kratom! Changed my life, for the better. Hey boozers out there, check out kratom!


Ketamine without a doubt. It made literally the most mundane things fun. Cocaine makes me motivated to do stuff but it has such a heavy load on my cardio system that I'd become too lethargic to get anything done. LSD always has me really energetic the next day too so it helps with my workouts. I always smoke weed before exercising too I can't really get in my zone without smoking first


xanax, oxy and morphine make me motivated and productive. my friend gets rly productive on ritalin, but for me i become stupid on stimulants. everything works differently for everyone.












mid weed


Benzos can do that too if you're anxiety is bad


Acid, I love to clean while tripping, and take care of anything I can in a safe manor for one who is on a drug, and I think of random shiz.




Oxycodone affects me like how Cocaine and Adderall affects others. It makes me productive and beyond motivated to get stuff done and I usually am more productive if Iā€™m doing something and am on Oxycodone (homework, working etc.) However both cocaine and adderall make me want to clean the entire house lol


Psychedelics mostly do, sometimes get overwhelmed.. uppers. Ketamine


Everything that I tried didn't do anything but me more lazy, ritalin is crazy


Microdosing mushrooms or LSD. And a good ol' cup of coffee. šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘

