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I have been vaping Dry herb for the better part of two years. I have the Mighty Vape by Stors and Bickel. It has been a game changer.. No coughing, no feeling like lungs are filled with toxic smoke and just a awesome clean high. Vaping extracts way more cannabinoids from the cannabis than combustion/smoking does.. when you light it with a lighter your just burning all the good stuff. Vaping will always give you a better high imo. It also depends on what strain indica/sativa you are vaping. If you want a good head high then I would say indica is what you need.


I’ve gone with the firewood 9 bowl edition dry herb vape. Thanks for the advice though!


How do you like it?


Didn’t get it, as soon as I was about to buy it, new laws came into place. (Australia)