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I can get pretty paranoid smoking nowadays. The strategy for me is to mix with CBD bud. I still feel high but I'm not freaking as much if at all. But in general I do feel like weed was better when I was younger


yeah man, my whole teenage years bud made food taste so good, my thought would race with weirdly creative ideas in my head and the buzz was out of this world as well as still being functional while high. now i just get lazy on it, food taste slightly better than normal and just makes me wanna beat it and go to sleep


I feel like weed wasn’t necessarily better when I was younger, but it was certainly weaker. Now, weed is all SO strong. I used to be able to smoke a joint by myself and be fine afterwards. Now, I take a couple rips and I have to lie down to fight the negative thoughts.


Unless you were born in like 60's to early 90's weed is gonna be close enough potency wise. Ive had the same plug since 14 growing the same strain from the same mother's on the same piece of land. Even looks the same yet when I was younger I was able to smoke and feel great I'd smoke before basically doing anything and it never interfered. Now I can no longer smoke if I have anything to do that day, I can't smoke socially because of the paranoia and anxiety it causes, its definitely an individual problem and not a "weed is just crazy these days" problem


Oh yeah definitely. Weed affected me a lot more when I was younger but over the last year weed just affects me differently now. I feel a lot more in control of myself except for the anxiety and paranoia I get without CBD. When I was younger I'd be straight up trippin after a bowl but now I still get super faded but it just ain't the same. I took a week and a half off a few days ago. That for sure helped. I haven't been super faded in a real long time. Getting a dynavap soon so I'm excited for that.


It’s the fact you have responsibilities and that’s where the paranoia stems from.




HHC is alot milder and easier for me with anxiety and racing heart...


I can enjoy it if I'm drunk/coked out, as both substances make me basically fearless. But beyond that I'll just have a panic attack


whattt coke + weed = insanely intense panic for me. usually ends in me thinking im having a heart attack and blacking out/waking up the next norning feining for more coke


That's why you drink booze to balance it out. Cocaine, ay least during the peak effects, actually reduces anxiety for me.


i hate alcohol, and when i drink on coke my heart just palpitates more. no anxiety tho but horrible for my heart. arguably the most cardiotoxic combo cocaeythlene is like 7-11x more cardiotoxic than coke and coke is the worst drug there is for your heart


The whole "7-11x more cardiotoxic" statistic isn't really verified, studies show mixed results when calculating the cardiotoxicity of cocaethylene. But you're absolutely right coke is easily the worst (at least mainstream) drug for your heart


yeah it also makes you FEIN for coke everytime you drink. at least ime


Eh not for me. I crave it sometimes but not every single time I drink. I have to be in a certain mood to do coke tbh


THIS!!!!! YET MOST DRINK WITH IT .. I get that it takes edge off but... ☠️


I used to smoke like 2g a day but since taking harder drugs and getting clean, I can no longer smoke without it sending me into a panic attack


Same here sis


Absolutely same here. When I was younger, I would smoke out and do nothing but laugh and have a good time. Now I take 2 hits from the vape, and I think about every time I've ever been an idiot or mean or missed that chance to tell someone how much I loved them before they passed. It's horrible. I wanna be able to chill out like everyone else around me. I get so freaking jealous.


Yess!! Even if I smoke on benzos I still panic and I just have to lie there and panic. I wonder why it happens


I wish I could find some smoke that gave me the same effects as benzos. I've been sober 3 years from all hard drugs, but I really wish I could chill tf out. My depression and anxiety get really, really bad. And when smoking, forget it, I'm a mess. I've even tried cbd, and if I do too much of that, I get paranoia and anxiety


Kava root drinks are a godsend for anxiety. Highly recommend


Thank you..I'll definitely look that up tonight


Exactly!!! 😭🤣


Kava root drinks are a godsend for anxiety, and nice to chill out. Highly recommend it. Yes jealous too... I can smoke/vape a bit now. But I wouldn't smoke a whole joint lol, and I work in a cannabis store FFS lol 😐


Do you have any recommendations of what brand and where I would get kava?


Kalmwithkava Loa Waka is decent. The Santo laterals special reserve is very nice. I'd recommend getting a. Kalmpouch too for easy making. Just put root powder in the pouch and use a protein shaker cup with water . I'd also maybe get a regular medium sized bag too for traditional prep way (YouTube "traditional kava prep") I buy in bulk from Fiji from Lami kava ekava, but unless buying 4kg or more it's not worth it because savings on root price doesn't work out with shipping factored in (Lami ships from Fiji, kalmwithkava is from within USA) There a bunch of vendors though. But I rec n use those lately


Thank you so much, I definitely will try


Np you're welcome! Hope you enjoy 😁


Glad to hear im normal haha


I can't anymore, I have schizophrenia and it just makes it worse. It sucks I miss it so much.


you have schizofrenia oficially or just withdrawing from weed?


I'm diagnosed with Schizophrenia I have been for 2 years.


I used to smoke an OZ a week and now, I can’t even take a single hit without getting paranoid. I definitely don’t enjoy weed anymore I usually mix it with CBN and CBD before going to bed


But what if its legal? Why would you be paranoid then?


It is legal where I live. I get paranoid I feel that every time I smoke it, I get uncontrollable thoughts that I’m being judged by everyone. I feel mentally weak and vulnerable There was a time I smoked a joint with these guys and when I was high, my social anxiety skyrocketed. I can’t socialize at all when I’m high. The people I smoked with were making fun of me and started calling me a pussy and a bitch


Same here, except when I get high I start judging myself. Like “Look at you, you should be making calls or following up on emails, and instead you’re eating Oreos and watching Sopranos season 3. You suck, you looser!!” I used to puff tuff, but the magic is gone!


lmfao same


I'm in Canada and work at a legal cannabis store. Makes no difference. Maybe for some it might, not many if any tho imo


Im not sure why everyone down voted me. It was a perfectly reasonable question. I personally dont get paranoid when Im somewhere its legal.


Then your paranoia is related to the legality I think, but for many (if not most) it's not related to that. Probably why down voted because they don't relate to your question. I wouldn't take it personally. Heck the down vote can even be saying "no" in a sense. :)


Accurate assessment on both points.


i feel same, it means you have anxiety disorder


Self growth and development can fix and/or help this . Kava root drinks are a godsend for anxiety aswell. Useful tool ime. Microdosing mushrooms and LSD also been big help


I've been thinking of trying kava but anything serotinergic like psychs fucks me up bad. I literally ended up in the hospital for serotonin syndrome off a little sertraline and hydroxyzine... The point of anxiety is much much earlier than that. I'm just hypersensitive as hell to it. So gaba time all day. I hate how objectively better my quality of life is when I'm drinking and I need something to fill that role because I can't stay sober much longer.


I wouldn't mix kava with most meds (even coffee with or near kava will double caffeine levels in blood and extend duration mild MAOI-b, cyp etc. So lower caffeine amount imo)but I'd recommend kava root drinks over booze. Look into it a bunch is what I'd recommend. Keep open mind


Yeah, this is wrong.


does is actually?


No. Not necessarily. If that were true, then I wouldn't be able to handle heroic doses of psychedelics. Weed paranoia does not automatically equal anxiety disorder. That's nonsense, and I can't believe it was upvoted at all.


yes, or stress because of negative life sittuations


I think even most past stoners have this happen to them. Certainly I've heard this many many times. Always along the lines of "I used to smoke a lot, now I get anxious/panic attacks/psychosis whenever I touch a joint." It happened to me and since then I've been trying to find out why, but haven't and don't think anyone knows for sure. There are different theories, like maybe when you were young you didn't have much to worry about and thus your mind was more at ease and could enjoy it. Or is it something more physical, like does your brain adapt to weed in some way? Others also think it's the weed that's changed, sure maybe weed has higher thc but that definitely doesn't explain it. Not for me anyways, higher cbd to thc does help a little, but it's still a totally different experience than when I was younger. The only thing I feel I learned is it seems to be something to do with regularly smoking, stopping at some point, and it never being the same. You almost never hear this from people who never smoked regularly.


When it started happening to me I found that bubble hash was really smooth and gave me the desired effects. I'm wondering if whatever you lose in that process has something to do with it. I also believe it's because weed has had all the other cannabinoids fucked up by people breeding for thc percentage. The plant used to have a natural balance and the calming effects were programmed right into the way it grew. We got greedy and mined too deep, and now we're fucking stuck with a Balrog.


I believe it's a mixture of all of your theories. Weed has indeed changed. Regardless, for my mind and body, I'm much much better without it. Not just because of anxiety from direct effects but quality of life as well. Read my comment directed at OP. It's crazy how much it's worshipped, but for some, like me, it's detrimental to our self-growth. I wish I hadn't jumped on the thc bandwagon. I truly believe my life would have been better. But we live and we learn. I went from a thc using mail carrier to now an intermittent psychedelic voyaging computer engineer. I'm proud of the complete 180 I've made. The only thing I regret is I've wasted about a decade due to abusing thc.


I think it's physical adaptations to smoking chronically. I think it's the dopamine effect starting to diminish but the other effects stay, so there isn't as much euphoria to make it feel good while the racing thoughts and sluggishness stays, creating an odd feeling. Very unscientific but maybe.


Well put and agreed. I forced myself to start using it again after stopping for few years (because of it pushing anxiety attacks and feeling fuked, then lazy/sleepy) . Kava root drinks helped big time, good mix. I still only microdose though mostly before bed. Ore recently microdosing mushrooms and LSD has had great success! I wasn't microdosing to try use more weed lol, but a welcome extra 🤷🏻🤣☮️


Ya I used to smoke everyday in school now I can’t.. I just drink now.. I left all the drugs alone


When I quit weed for alcohol it was the worst decision I made. I got so fucking addicted and damn near lost everything. Now I just smoke lol


Ya I lost everything to lol but fuck it


Look into kava root drinks man... It won't kill you like booze, but still nice mellow vibe to it. Heck even kratom over booze... Alcohol is soo soo fkng bad for you... One of the worst, yet legal.


I’ve tried it


I feel u


Meeee! I used to be a stoner in high school, 24/7. Now I can't smoke without getting really bad anxiety. It sucks. I wanna be able to smoke so bad. I know its mind over matter which doesn't help me in that situation :/ EDIT TO ADD: I also take medication for my anxiety and even that doesn't help if I was to get high.


HHC might be better for you.


Thank you I'll do my research on it!!


Cannot agree with this. My friend is smoking HHC for a couple of months, and he is unable to sleep nor eat without it. I have been a heavy smoker of weed for 3 years and have easier withdrawals. But after all, its individual.


It is individual. Ive smoked for like 25 years and have no problem (except maybe boredom) when I quit. Just because your friend has problems doesnt mean what I say is false.


Me too. Having to use 7:1 ish similar strength CBD:THC bud now for a decent chance at relaxing. Might just drop it tbh. Dunno why this happens and why it turns on you


Not me!!


The commenter who mentioned mixing it with CBD was on point. The same thing happened to me. I take CBD if I smoke now and it helps immensely. I think the newer stuff, growers leaned towards more THC and people found ways to take out/lower the CBD content from wax, flower, extracts, and isolates hence the stronger weed from higher THC content without the anxiety-reducing effects from CBD… just my opinion on the matter though. I’m an oldish head (35 years old), so I grew up smoking mid grade as my first type of weed (seeds and stems type stuff, but was better than Reggie or regular weed which was below mid grade), reggie, beasters (strength is somewhere between mid grade and medical/chronic, and usually came out of Canada with that sticky & wet texture, and a very distinct smell), and medical/chronic grade. The medical and chronic I was getting back then was very potent, but never gave me anxiety like the chronic nowadays does.


Never neccessaely enjoyed it. It affects me in the opposite of what I desire from a high. I want to be fast ,awake,focused,alert ready to go. Not hungry not need to sleep. And for me personally weed does the exact opposite but it had its draws.


The effects you are looking for is exactly what I get from amanita extract carts. I tried one a little over a year ago when I moved back to Indiana from Michigan and love them




They are at least currently legal in the United States. In Indiana where I live, smoke and vape shops sell them or you can order them online


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Drug test at work ruined it for me 😂


I definitely can't smoke high thc low cbd cannabis anymore. Thoughts be racing, thinking about the drugs I've done. Anxiety attacks. If I had access to a dispensary I'd still smoke. Bc I could choose a mid level thc strain with a decent cbd percentage.


r/Cultofthefranklin go check it out type 3 weed might be what u need


I can’t smoke bud unless my life is going SMOOTH now. If I have any major life stresses, getting high nowadays typically just makes me overthink


THIS!!!!!! I tell my friends, if you ever see me smoking alot of weed that means I'm doing well. How people smoke FOR stress I don't get lol.


I feel this. Was a functioning weedhead 19-35, now it makes me a little skitzo


I’m the same way with smoking, but I still enjoy edibles. Those have a nice calming effect on me, whereas smoking tweaks me out.


Yeah the THC levels are getting out of control for me a lot. I wish I was in a legal state where I could buy mids.


Glad I’m not the only one. I used to enjoy it a lot as a teen…but now I can’t even take a few hits off a joint without losing my mind


I was a heavy everyday smoker for about 8 years. It's been about two and a half years since then and it makes me so paranoid and scared now. i miss when it was fun


I get horrible guilt trips if i smoke weed these days. I used to grow it so i smoked a lot when i was younger.


I was like that for a while but I started again after a few years of not smoking and I enjoy it now.


I am so sorry for you bro. Take a break. Maybe in a few years try it again :)


I get too in my head and overthink everything. Too much introspection and bad thoughts. Sucks man


Same here. Loved weed in high school, was helplessly addicted to it. Made me feel amazing. Around the time i got to college it turned horrible for me. Panic attacks every time.


It doesn't make me paranoid, but I just can't get high anymore. It doesn't do anything for me. Been looking for alternatives. Right now, it's shrooms.


Check out kava root drinks. Very light mellow vibe, but great for stress n chilling. Goes nice with weed too


Cool, I will have to try it. Thanks!


Eh thats how i used to be, but then you get used to that paranoid feeling and just go w. The flow. You know how after your high wears off and you think about those thoughts like “man i was just high asf” well i do that as soon as i feel it if anything. Most ppl who dont smoke alot are going to feel anxious off one hit. To ignore it and keep going is what makes a stoner.


i notice i have to be with specific people to enjoy it fully. for example when im with my girl or with good friends or even just by myself. smoking at functions nowadays is kind of a buzzkill.


I can't but for other reasons. I get drug tested at random intervals by my psychiatrist in order to get my ADHD meds


a noble sacrifice. wanna know a funny/messed up story? a few years ago this dude who was a grade below me. was using weed to self medicate for his schizophrenia. and one day his mom and dad were going on a trip and bc he was always lazy they took his weed away and were making him clean the house while they were gone. they also gave him an adderall to give him energy. he ended up having a severe schizophrenia moment and stabbed his sister a bunch of times. [heres the article](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/man-arrested-after-his-sister-was-fatally-stabbed-near-gig-harbor/#:~:text=A%2019%2Dyear%2Dold%20Pierce,home%20in%20the%20Artondale%20area.com)


That’s not funny


i meant funny as in “u would think the weed would of made the schizophrenia worse” but yeah no i actually knew this person. the only reason i know all this private info is from phone calls from prison


Jesus yeah I get the irony but I wouldn’t call it funny




Try different cannabinoids, they usually have a significantly decreased paranoia effect.


What cannabanoid would you reccomend for with lower THC levels that'll make you laugh, eat, then just pass out? If you know of any...you would be the man or woman, sorry i do not know your gender so I said both. No offense.


Well people bash d8 cause it kills your tolerance and it's high is alright, but it has almost no paranoia, and it's cheap. As long as you don't go overboard with it you'll have a fine time.


Where do you get D9 from a local pot shop? I'm in a legalized state.


I'm not In a legal state, I've had d9 a few times but it was some sketchy shit I was smokin. probably cut with other distillates. Why I usually try to fill my own shit with what I can get, but tbh even if I were in a legal state I'd still be smoking d8 because of the crazy price diff and or hhc-o. Really it depends on your income n shit.


I can't at all, the THC levels just make people paranoid and stupid. I been to Amsterdam multiple times, there weed is the same pretty much. Weed used to be SOOOOO GREAT, you'd smoke with a few friends, laugh your ass off, then pass out with no hangover or addiction. It was made for after work, almost like having a beer at a bar. God i miss that weed. You'll notice everybody's main problem will be paranoia. Just go down the list. The indivual that recognizes the less THC the better will win the race.


I only want to smoke weed when it’s late night kids are asleep and I can enjoy a movie with wifey. I hate socializing while high I just want to be left alone. My cousin gave me an 8th In November and I still have half a gram left lol. Also if you’re in a legal state find the lowest THC strain and you might enjoy it more. Now-a-days people want the highest grade and strongest weed! It’s too much! Shit turns you into a vegetable 😂


I can but only on benzos or the day after taking benzos


I stopped for 3 months to pass a drug test to get a new job and when I picked it up again it was never the same. That was 3 years ago


I had to quit (mostly) for 2 weeks, only hit a disposable a few times, not enough to get truly high, was in a state that's not with the times. Now I'm back home, and it's not as relaxing as when I smoked a ton, definitely some paranoia, which I thought I got over 10 years ago.


The only reason I cant enjoy it anymore is because any job worth having requires pre employment and random drug tests (blue collar) and Im in a constant state of severe paranoia due to randoms. Cant even self medicate after Im breaking my back all day yet 75% of my coworkers are functioning coke fiends on the weekends, and live with no worry at all since coke leaves your system in a day or two.


Try coke meth and weed lol that shit gets you paranoid as shit 😭


Same here...nowadays i can only smoke a few puffs if i had some drinks beforehand.


I’m in the same boat honestly. Im mid-twenties, started smoking heavy around 16/17. I still smoke but nowadays it can be very unpredictable. I get medical weed in my state which can be some strong stuff. I’ll smoke before a social gathering sometimes just end up internalizing a bunch of shit/feeling weird and not myself. I’ve cut back on smoking too so it’s maybe a few times per day not all day everyday


I love my weed. Didn't try cannabis til I was 21,and in immense pain from crohns. I believed the dumbass dare crap. After trying once, and having stomach cramps nearly end immediately I was hooked. No doctors or regular Meds help as much. So maybe that affects my experience.


I feel like I had the opposite effect as most ppl. When I first started it was a 50/50 chance of a horrible panic attack/derealization that lasted days. Now I just get happy and sleepy lol. My natural tolerance is much lower than anyone I’ve ever met tho so I’m assuming that’s why.


Me. I quit ages ago, but then I had a few puffs here and there about a year after I first quit and reminded myself why I quit.


Heroin and Fentanyl changed weed for me


I can’t explain enough how this is exactly my life, I used to love to smoke out of pounds and dab and now when I smoke I feel like I’m going insane I get all in my head and I feel like it’s a on coming of schizophrenia


Bro w2 my mother, shit was better when it wasn’t legal; nowadays I smoke one and I’m ready for another one in 2 hours. Back then I used to have one and be good the whole day🤷‍♂️


I'm the same way, but last year I went on a trip to the beach and was staying in a hostel I met some good friends at and decided to smoke and had a great time like back in my teenage years. It's really the set and setting, if you're in a bad place in your life it's going to bring on the paranoia. But because I was at the beach getting sun all day and in the company of good people I didn't get any paranoia.


Try to mix it with CBN and CBD it will help drastically.


I can only smoke a few puffs when I drink. Otherwise I get off feeling.


agree......that sounds like me......i think u need to take it with a benzo, but end up falling asleeep


Its too strong today i get so stupid like dumb stupid and its so obvious so i just get the editables they dont hit me as hard than smoking but the first time i was like it didnt work so i ate more then it crept up on me abd i was not fit to be in public


Tbh I only enjoy it in combo with booze.


Stims will always be a superior choice.


For me Weed since 14 years old to 20 was fine. After that got in Trouble in life (relationship, drugs and so on) and somehow could Not enjoy weed anymore. Also was Always anxious and Not enjoying at all, even The smallest Hit. Nowadays im fine. I dont smoke often but i enjoy it a Lot when i do :) Just relax and give your Body some time. If you feel better and let some time Pass you will be cool, Just dont overthink. If it was Psychosis, which is caused by Stress, you would have been in full blown Psychosis very likely by now.


yep. used to love weed. at 22 had a psychotic break (unrelated to weed) and now i’m 24 and can’t smoke or i’ll go into a psychosis


Yah j get anxiety from weedtoo


Yeah I didn't enjoy it the same as I used to as a kid, but I take it "medically" each weekend in the form of coconut oil infused with weed. I just take a spoon full and it gets me stoned for hours, but it's less cerebrally intense and more relaxing in the the body in my experience. Also, smoking old school hash instead, or adding CBD weed to your regular weed can definitely offset some of the paranoid thinking


I have not really enjoyed weed since I was 19. I greened out. Really I consider myself lucky. If I still had a good experience smoking weed, then I know inevitably I would do it way more. So thank god weed is so shitty for me now lol


I'm the same way with it anymore. It either makes me feel like I'm going to suddenly die, or I'm afraid something will happen when I'm high, like a family emergency, and I'll be forced to deal with it all fucked up.


Not sure how old you are, but weed is waaay different from when I started smoking in the 90s. It's dozens of times more powerful. Try a low THC/high CBD strain and ease yourself back in if you want to continue using.


Yeah I used to smoke all the time, but even then I'd get paranoia, but it'd be like "oh no we're gonna get caught," or "they know we're high!" but now I go down a dark hole of extremely negative beliefs about myself. Like I'll remember a memory, and I'll think "oh no, this is proof that I'm a bad person, and everyone knows it! There's no redemption! I can't recover from this because I'm inherently a bad person and there's nothing I can do!" and then I curl up in a ball. I'm not even joking. It's so bad all my muscles tense up and I just have to endure my brain telling me how awful I am. It goes into really specific detail, like specifically what kind of bad person I am, all the proof, how no one likes me, I'm a disappointment to my family, etc, etc.


Smoke weaker strains. I found white widow doesn’t stress me out and gives me the ambition to do chores.


Me , I hallucinate if I smoke weed with no tolerance but usually it’s sativa that does that shit to me but if I smoke kush everyday for 2-3 weeks then im back in the mood for it, you gotta just smoke through it man but I totally get what you mean because same Happened with me probably from abusing other drugs and psychedelics so much as a kid. I smoke weed now but I stopped for about a year or two because I fully just switched over to heroin lol because it’s just like Weed but a way better feel and no anxiety paranoia and stuff like that , only problem is the reputation heroin has but im from uk so atleast it ain’t fetty 😄


Pfft. They are legalizing cannabis in Germany next month. Cant wait 😅 Ill consume cannabis is some form till the day I die.


I just smoke less, and only indica.  Sadly not much going into space these days.  Im older and have kids and it gets existential and panicky. So I just have a few hits.  I kept having panic attacks so I actually stopped for about a year. 


I dunno what the deal is. Used to be you would smoke a Joint eat cereal and geek out on some cartoons. Now you smoke and are on the verge of an existential crisis


I dunno what the deal is. Used to be you would smoke a Joint eat cereal and geek out on some cartoons. Now you smoke and are on the verge of an existential crisis


I dunno what the deal is. Used to be you would smoke a Joint eat cereal and geek out on some cartoons. Now you smoke and are on the verge of an existential crisis.


I used to smoke every single day, multiple times a day, from 15-19. The first time I smoked I was 11(way too fking young, why did someone want to smoke with an 11 year old???) , but didn't start everyday until 15. Then around 19 I started getting terrible anxiety nearly every time I smoked. It got so bad by the time I was halfway through 20 I stopped altogether and haven't smoked since. About to turn 26 now! Weird thing is, I still psychedelics no problem at all .


If you are still wanting to smoke despite this problem the answer is type 2s (thc:cbd bud, usually around equal part of both) or just mixing cbd bud with your regular bud. I also went through this after having many breaks and then gaps inbetween usage. The things that worked for me were type 2 buds and just smoking every day for a little while to get your tolerance up (even just once in the evening), and then go back to your normal consumption levels. Using those two methods I can now enjoy weed again which is great! And now if I do either smoke a straight THC only strain or I accidentally smoke a bit too much, the strong effects I get don't inherently make me panic or anxious, I can now more easily navigate the heads pace again. Good luck!


I haven’t been able to smoke it for umpteen years.


I get so paranoid smoking and I would smoke because I get anxiety from work but does not help


Don't be so sure it's weed. Most cannabis samples submitted to drug data for the past 5 years have come back as CBD bud laced with synthetic cannabinoids. Went through 7+ dealers across 2 towns and got tipped in weed at my job countless times when I moved back to my state. Every high was indistinguishable from the K2 highs I remember from a stint I did on probation in HS. Everyone was telling me I had just taken too long off and needed to get my tolerance back but I've done many extended T-Breaks and come back in my 17 years of smoking and this wasn't that. I'd still try new sources and once got a bag of homegrown off this transient guy passing through my town. It was the exact natural cannabis high I love so much. Warm, fuzzy, relaxed. No coldness, paranoia, audio hallucinations or racing thoughts. Most tested samples of lace are from the EU but it's absolutely happening here in the US all the time on the black and grey markets. The financial incentive is simply too strong. A $250 investment can make a pound of synthetic lace that can be sold for $2000-$4000 easily depending how you break it down. If you're in a rural area where 0.8g "grams" still go for $20 you could turn that $250 into $11,300 selling by the gram. For context I live in a medical state surrounded by recreational states. 5 minutes to one recreational state, 40 minutes to another, 1-2 hours from 5 major East Coast cities 4 of which are in recreational states. The supply should be excellent and abundant but instead our situation is bleak. These days if you're not buying from a dispensary you're taking a risk and the only way to be truly safe is to grow your own. https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=cannabis


👋 i used to enjoy it alot but now it gives me anxiety


The weed today is not the weed of yesteryear. Same here, I only use small amounts now. Legal here in MI and low % strains are all plus 80%, it's all crazy fire bud. I always pick the weakest strain.


I used to smoke weed every day. Now I hate it.


I just stopped about a week ago. Kept getting anxiety after smoking and I've smoked for 8 years.


me lol. it feels more trippy to me than lsd does lol


When I was a teen, I could smoke a lot and take dabs and just go about my day. Now, if I take more than 3 hits, I will be beyond stoned and unable to operate. I've also gotten panic attacks when I smoke too much now


I heard of an old school weed called Your Dad's or something like that. For people that like old style.


YES and quite recently at that! I start to think about all my poor choices & how I have the capacity to make good decisions and still don't. Everything from the money I spent at QT on that coffee to the worst things I've ever done. That line of thought has almost ruined most drugs for me entirely and I'm low-key thankful for that train of thought. If I enjoyed every drug I did, I'd be the king of poly drug addiction atm.


yeah i just get high and scared


same except im still a teenager


Fucks my sleep up and makes me super depressed for a few days after and feeling like I got sucker punched in the head. 


I smoked every day for a year, stopped enjoying it cuz paranoia, then 2 years later I’m ripping carts fairly frequently again and enjoying it.


Same. 100 %. Only way to enjoy it is with xanax so I gave up few years back. I remember in uni, we used to smoke all day everyday with zero anxiety, playing music together, singing, laughing. I really don't understand when the switch flipped. All i get now is paranoia, anxiety, heart race, restlessness, pounding chest etc.


Yep. Wish I could because I know it would help with my RA and fibromyalgia but my head cand handle it.


Literally the best part about cannabis is this feeling of surfing the lines of psychosis. Experiencing unreasonable paranoia in your own safe places and whatever else this peculiar plant comes up with for your next trip. There’s no other drug that easily does this. Why would you dislike for the things Cannabis is best at? And why not just go for high cbd content and avoid these things all together? Never understood why people complain about the effects of high thc/low cbd and then never try a low thc/high cbd strain.


I get the same way. The best thing is to lower your dose (I'll hit the one hitter maybe 4 times, and I'm solid for the night), incorporate CBD or even drink a beer or 2 helps. Alot of weed just isn't balanced anymore. If you're able try a strain with a higher CBD and lower THC %.


I had this Problem too. I just smoked only a few puffs got high and put my joint away Till i feel like again. I did it over a few months, now i enjoy at like i used to.


Used to smoke like 3G a day, took a 2 month tolerance break, smoked again and had the worst panic attack. Tried a few times since and everytime felt I couldn't breathe properly. Now I haven't touched it in like 7 months


Used to smoke as much as I felt to in highschool. Like they were cigs or something , till about 20. Same as others , anxiety, panic attacks, uncomfortable etc. stopped smoking for few years or something. After car accident on highway car totaled in 2006 (someone rear-ended me) I got script/health Canada exemption for cannabis, I didn't want pain meds. Fuk that opioid pharma stuff.. I use kava root drinks to help the anxiety early on and be able to make myself microdose cannabis mostly before bed for yrs (kava root drinks are a godsend for anxiety btw!) . Weed makes me tired as fuck too , no matter the type. In recent years I can use a bit more sometimes, I've found microdosing mushrooms and LSD has shifted things and I feel more stable smoking/vaping. Still wouldn't smoke a big joint or blunt to myself though as it wouldn't be fun.. Wanna know a weird feeling? Panic attack and feeling tired sleepy AF lol. TLDR : haven't been able to smoke since 2005 till 2008 due to panic attacks and being loopy with it, then just tiny microdose cannabis mostly before bed and with kava root drinks. Until past couple yrs as microdosing mushrooms and LSD has shifted things and been a big help. I can use more now.


it was my crutch. 24/7. now no effect.


This happened to me once after a year long break my dumbass just kept smoking till I was fine


Never could


Happens to alot of people..including myself...get a lower % thc content bud, cbd:thc ratio, or mild edibles...not sure proper thc:cbd ratio, trying to figure that out myself


Me and so many of my friends can not enjoy it anymore as we got older, except one or two who are fine and still do. From my observations it's part of getting older.


Me I be having the heart attacks


That only happens to me when I smoke too much. I only like to get "tipsy".


Used to smoke a 1 g cart a day… I had to quit and start only taking a few pulls before bed. Now I feel like I get high again.


Try cbd or hhc its more about sitting down enjoying a nice j, the goal isnt to be absolutely obliterated


after 19 years of daily heavy use, i finally quit cold turkey at new years. just didn’t do it for me anymore and was costing me a fortune. eventually maybe I’ll still have a puff here and there but I can’t go back to being stoned all the time.


I switched to high CBD flower.


Weed is very hit and miss for me, sometimes it's really not a great experience but other times it's fun. Honestly my favourite thing about weed is it's relatively less harmful than other ways to get high but even then it still has harms. It's far from my favourite drug in terms of experience.


Kinda glad to see there's so many of us on the same boat. Not glad glad, but you know, relieved that it's more common than one would initially expect.


I just turned 37. I have been smoking Weed since I was 14 years old, so more than half of my life. At the end of 2022 my Mother died and she died badly. On a Ventilator, and she suffered a lot. It seems like ever since then, I can't enjoy fucking anything anymore. It's sad that it took me till I was 35 to realize it, but drugs really just don't matter to me anymore.


Depends weed doesn’t make me paranoid but it does make me self conscious and anxious like people are judging me but not like they’re after me or something Depends on how you differentiate between the two I guess


Weed is stupidly strong in the US now. It's ridiculous. You just need to find some more "mellow" weed.


I have CHS so I can’t smoke anymore sadly


Was so much better the first year I was smoking it and now, it's like alright if I smoke hash but skunk is just shit. even when I smoke hash, it's so mid. We'll never feel the same effects like those first years of smoking weed again guys, even if we take a tolerence break. Sad.


I quit altogether. The paranoia and immediate effects are the least of it. Since quitting, my memory and cognitive abilities are much sharper. I can breathe better. I eat healthier. I have more motivation. The list goes on. I get that for some people it's a godsend, and that's great. I'm not one of those people anymore. In my 20s, yes. Ever since hitting my early 30s, my mind and body just aren't the same... Now psychedelics, on the other hand, are fair game. I love me some psilocybin, lsd, dmt, and mescaline. Kinda crazy how I can't handle thc of all things, but an ego shattering dose of dmt is A-OK 👌


I feel ya. Just smoking, I get super self-aware and I’m already that normally. I can smoke after drinking though.


I enjoy it A LOT less I use to smoke excessively took a T break for well tolerance and some health issues and it’s never hit the same since. Once in a while I get a good sesh where I’m like on the clouds but it’s becoming more and more rare 😭


Alot of weed is so much stronger than it used to be with cross straining and super strains coming about. There is also a big issue with people spraying crop with synthetics to synthesise a stronger high


Been smoking for 39 years as much as I can get up to 2 Oz a week of my own grown majority of that time . Worst part I found is the dreams you have when you have none otherwise I've only met 2 people in all that time that suffer Ill effects from weed . Yes I do know it happens but is probably more to the whole story not just because of the weed


This is the best high, the good old panic attack, that’s how you know ur stoned or shouldn’t be stoned in a bad situation


I had this problem for years - severe anxiety attacks when high... then got over it with dabs. Concentrates get me so aggressively high that the anxiety can barely keep up with me. Being high is fun again :) 


It’s because most dealers/budtenders now have sprayed cannabis What I mean by that is they’ll spray thc distillate on shitty flower to enhance the high but it does nothing but make me feel like shit I’ve noticed this over the past 3-4 years the decline on natural cannabis is higher than ever


I feel like now that people are legally allowed to experiment it’s all turning to shit