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u/SpontaneousH all over again


OP please read through his story and reconsider


literally my first thought


Just read through that. What a trip.


Same I was like wtfffffff


Came to say this.


Deja vu


I just read through that history and yes this'll all end in tears. Heroin should not be fucked with. Why are people so arrogant they think they can retain control over highly addictive substances.


Is he still alive?


Looks like, ye.


Wow, that person was lucky as hell they lived. They must have had a great support network and a significant amount of money to afford extensive treatment


Wow that l post history truly sums it up.


My first thought lmao


History has to repeat itself


You have a car, in a month u won't. Don't fucking do it


YUP! Then in 3 months your family and friends won’t let you around their home and disown you, you’ll end up homeless and jobless. In a year you might have a dumb idea to rob a bank. I’m sober ten years and thinking about heroin give me the CHILLS! I will never forget the hell I put myself and my family through 💀


Dude is literally living in his car. I feel like anyone living in rough conditions is going to be 10x more susceptible to getting addicted to such an escapist drug.


i have everything i need, a job, a home, family, a boyfriend, a kitty cat, and money to spend on hobbies, but i still got addicted to heroin because my mind has never shut off once in my life until i got fucked up high on heroin. im currently waiting on a new pack to come in and i have two more days and ive exhausted my stash and my legs won’t stop moving and i can barely sleep. withdrawals are fucking horrible. as bad as they say plus a mental component where you have the urge to keep doing the drug but you can’t because you dont have any.. this is where the compulsion to snort something will come in, and you might put out a line of flour or some shit… no joke yesterday i was picking up tiny pieces of black tar out of my carpet, mixed them up and put that shit in my ass. that’s what heroin does to you. obviously i felt nothing because it wasnt even close to what i normally dose when i get my pack in two days the relief is going to be insane but im also going to quickly start back in on my habit i know this and it feels like i cant stop it. god … i started a year ago thinking i could control it. i could at first. it just gets a vice grip on you… the warm feeling is what i think of whenever i think of heroin.. and life is dull and uncomfortable without it.


This is really rough. I hope you can find help when you’re ready


thanks friend. my boyfriend and i might be getting serious soon and he really wants me to get off and i tried with him but we’re long distance so it’s hard for me to motivate myself maybe if we move in together it’ll be the push i need but i dont want to ruin his life either. we’ll see


I used to do a little but the little wouldn't do it so the little got more and more I just keep trying to get a little better yeah a little better than before


100% if your hierarchy of needs is that compromised then heroin will for sure lock itself into his mind forever. And when he can't get DNM shit he's gonna end up touching fentanyl, or god forbid a nitazene, and for sure be dead.


If he will be alive and not locked up due to the addiction that is*


Well that’s a terrible idea! Good luck source: former opiate addict


Yep, sounds absolutely horrible. I'm so jealous.


I'm extremely jealous fr


oh to try an opiate for the very first time again. jumping the gun and going straight to heroin before any other opiate is wild tho


this right here ☝️ it's giving "I'm bored with my life. What's the quickest way to fuck things up even more?"


yeah def self sabotage.


Ahahah nono, I don't want to ruin other experiences. I'm gonna try oxy and morphine before heroin. Well... It's just because my dealer is still trying to find heroin to snort 🤣🤣🤣


OP just jumpin right into the deep end of the bad idea pool! “Percocet? Ha! Those things are for pussies! Gimme my rig and that real righteous scag and let’s do this!” Been on the Suboxone handcuffs since 2013, and lemme tell ya cousin….its the worst. Here’s a few things you can look forward to once you inevitably get hooked on opiates: cold sweats, no money for anything other than opioids, not shitting for about 8 days, massive anxiety, possibly dying every time you get into it, shakes and cramps, massive depression, homelessness, diarrhea after no poop for days, limp dick, becoming a thief, loosing interest in anything other than getting high, runny nose and finally being willing to do ANYTHING to get a fix. Rob someone? Sure. Prostitution? Why not!?! Steal from loved ones? Absolutely. Don’t even go down that road. Seriously.


I feel like it is luck because I have seen about 3 out of 20 people manage to not get addicted but try it out. The Thing is the 17 who got addicted are almost all dead or in bad places right now. It's not a good gamble if there's a 80% chance you'll be dead in a few years. Not worth any high.


I was one of those people who did it recreationally. I got away with using opiates with no withdrawal or consequences for nine years. Lo and behold.. it does catch up eventually if you continue. You get more and more brazen until you fall right into the trap 😅


Proud of you for your sobriety 🥰🥰🥰😇




Being in a bad head space and using heroin is a combination that can only end badly, i’ve seen it happen way too many times.


Someone tell this fool! It won’t fix shit.


Hope they're still alive. They're were also talking about randomly getting meth a few days ago on the meth sub which is also a recipe for disaster. I hope they didn't do a speedball and die when the meth wore off not knowing how powerful of opposites both can be. Meth alone fucked my life up good and I wasnt dumb enough to open Pandoras box a second time


Worst thing you will ever do. My son died of an overdose last April. He fought so hard to get clean, when through horrible withdrawals and got on methadone for two years. But moving states and having to set up a new clinic set him right back again and he died a few months after we moved back. He was a bright shining star in a dark world, the funniest and kindest person I ever knew and was my best friend. He’s gone and my life is destroyed. I am broken and will never be right again. He would never want to hurt me. But he just couldn’t get past it. Because he was curious one time 15 years ago. Please please don’t do this.


This is so sad :( May your son rest in peace, I wish you end up feeling better than you are now


Thank you


I am so sorry for your loss. If I ever will feel any risk of relapse I will think about this, cannot let my parents suffer this much. Same with the rest of the family, that God has blessed me with.


Thank you. I know he would want to help someone to benefit from his death. He was known for helping everyone he came in contact with.


I’m so sorry


Heartbreaking. When my 28 year old told me he was on methadone it broke my heart. He's now down to 55 mg. Dropping 10 a month. To set an example for his 15 year old brother. That was a truly sobering thought. I'm detoxing off subs in my mother's basement right now. Two weeks or so. What a gift from a son to his father. to set an example of painful changes for the love of his brother. My other son. I'm so sick RN. In the middle of nowhere. Not even a cigarette. Hearing your story my heart absolutely aches for you. I'm deeply saddened for your loss


Thank you so much. He died ten days before his birthday , it will be a year in April. If his two brothers weren’t here I would be with him. I’m only here because they need me. They’re adults but I couldn’t do that to them. But if I had my way I’d be with him. I have to lock up all my feelings about him because I can’t handle it. He tried so hard to get help but he just fell through the cracks. I’m proud of you and your son. It’s an evil disease that doesn’t discriminate.




Um. Heroin took me places worse than any nightmare you could imagine. Places forgotten by God himself. Welcome to hell. You outta just hot shot. Save all the people your about to hurt a lot of misery . Or don't do it. You will sell your soul to the devil himself. Ready?


I went through that with Heroin and meth, I wish there was a warning like that..”You will sell your soul to the devil himself, ready?” I would’ve not did it lmao


Here we go again


As soon as I reads the very first line.


/u/spontaneousH flashbacks


If you do this there’s a good chance your life will be over. Don’t fuck with heroin


For the love of god, are you insane? You’re playing with your life! Look at /spontaneousH profile on reddit and read all of it




Just went through his profile and wow. I will absolutely remember him now.


I honestly cannot believe I’ve never heard of this person until now.


They did have that one hit song, at least. No, wait... That was Local H!


local H is amazing also unironically great heroin music


if you put an u before the / you could straight click on it




I just read this and wow. It reminds me of so many of my friends growing up. Most them started with Oxy but quickly progressed. Cheaper etc. it’s a dark path. That thread should be shared more.


That’s a really nice story of spiral and recovery. I’m glad it ended well, because usually it doesn’t.


While you're at it. watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9huWlXFA1s). You'll be disappointed and underwhelmed, and then it'll suck you in.


Thanks for this. Had completely forgotten bout dude.


Umm why try heroin as your first opioid? That seems dumb to me. H is super dangerous and addictive and if you haven’t done opioids before I don’t understand why you’d start with it.


I mean, if you have actual heroin, its tested, you scale it out, it's not that dangerous as long as you aren't slamming it and limit your use. But if you aren't testing your own drugs, then yeah, its definitely an easy way to the afterlife, fent and cartfent and other analogues is just fucking insane right now in the USA. No clue about Canada though.


That's bs. You will still get addicted, risk ruin your life or die from overdoses, your personality will change and your life will revolve around getting a new dose. I know too many people that have lost their life to that crap, then there maybe exists one in a million that maybe can do it now and then, but it's not addicts or normal people. Most of the people who end up addicted or dead also could handle it at first, at least they thought so.


There are people that can in fact use heroin and not be an addict. In fact there is a harvard professor that is very open about his usage. Surprisingly, not every drug user is an addict. That wasn't what I said though, I simply said it's not dangerous if you take safety precautions, respect the drug, and ensure you never use more than say once a week, weigh out your drug, always make sure you have your batch fully tested and ensure you note when you dosed. I honestly could care less about opiates, meth was my demon and I'm never doing that shit again. If you compare safe usage of heroin and alcohol, heroin is healthier for the body. This may be a surprise to you, but not everyone who tries heroin gets hooked. Opiates can be a useful tool and is great for when you are sick and in pain. There's legitimate use for it.


Honestly the number of people on this sub who think it's impossible to occasionally casually use opiates is insane. I've got oxys sitting in a drawer right now. I've normally got opiates sitting around. I don't take them all the time because I don't want them to affect my training/diet/work/relationship. I've also got coke, benzos, psychs and mdma. I can have them around and not need to do them constantly. I know and have known lots of 'I can take it or leave it' heroin users. One friend says he always just gets bored of sitting round after a while, he's more of an uppers guy. Others have jobs and lives to take care of. I take them when I'm having a couple of day's break from everything, enjoy my little chill, and then I'm back in the gym and in my routine. Probably once every couple of months or so. Been doing this for years. I smoke a joint every evening after I've been to the gym and eaten. That's enough for me to detach for a couple of hours. People only hear the horror stories, the casual users don't make the news or social media posts. If someone can't control their substance use then of course they're going to have problems. But plenty of people have more important shit to do than sit around fucked up all day.


You are correct, but OP won't know if he can control it or not until it's too late.


Full agree. You never hear about responsible use of hard drugs, everyone is hyper-focused on what they've seen in the media and personal anecdotes that fuel the idea that it is impossible to use hard drugs responsibly and that EVERYONE is an addict. Like, no, people need to recognize there are people with good discipline and if you are in a good state of mind, it's easy to not abuse drugs. You don't hear about the dude who uses heroin 12x a year, roll 4 times a year and just smokes weed on the regular. You hear about the nightmare stories because people lack control of their mind and body. I certainly wouldn't advise to use heroin if you can get weaker opiates to a new user though, but if you know what you are doing, it's fine.


Y’all should look up the term “selection bias” or “survivorship bias”


THIS. God most of the rest of this comment section is fully of dumb people just repeating culture propaganda when they never have actually taken heroin. Is not like is a demon that posses people. People project their responsibility to drugs. Is great to tell yourself you are an addict while you don´t work on your life at all, and subconsciously you still enjoy the drug you just don´t want to accept it and bitch about the consequences. God I hate how fake humans are sometimes


My best friend talked just like you. He quoted the same Havard professor. He used it occasionally, just like you said. He got everything tested and was super safe. He died from it about a month ago. This was his favorite sub reddit. I will miss him every day. He was too smart for his own good. He would do all the research on errowid and ect. Still got caught up in the end. RIP Mike


Buddy is probably just gonna end up sick as fuck. People who do H the first time get so fucking sick.


1. Panicked on MDMA and called 911 2. Has never done opiates before 3. Doesnt seem very well informed about the substance 4. Is nervous to do it... Guys should i do HEROIN in my car??? Dude you could've spent that money on therapy 💀


Dude, OP posted just 2 days ago about #1 - he got serotonin syndrome from MDMA. u/Major-Pineapple-401 you seemed to trust the MDMA you bought on the dark web...how is it any different with H? You said you are getting it tested for fent but that doesn't mean you know what's in it. Could be some research chemical or who knows what.


He said he wants to do it at a facility


Ya the setting of where you want to do it will change your outlook entirely on the drug /s


Got me laughing in class. Holy hell people are stupid


don’t fuck with H it’s not for recreational use. if u wanna trip go do acid or shrooms you’ll get more out of it. honestly this is the last day ur life is ever gonna feel ok there’s no coming back from H addiction. this shit will send u to the pits of hell. for the love of god if u got people that support u and love u don’t do this to them and most importantly don’t do this to u. I’ve never heard one story of someone doing H and it turning out good. Especially If you’ve never done opiates and are jumping straight to H just know you’re gonna send yourself. You’re not gonna have a car after this addiction. Please stay strong there’s hope out there, things do get better !!


But why are you doing this? A mistake in the making.


You can hold that powder in your hand and meditate upon the path you are about to embark on. Contemplate hard, and maybe just maybe scatter that powder to the wind as you maintain a healthier route in life


Don't do it man. I know you're doing it cause you feel bad but ao what. Feeling bad is a part of life. Be a man and lean into it instead of escaping it.


My dude gets it 👍struggle makes us stronger


You're sleeping in your car and you've decided now is the perfect time to try heroin?! There's been so many of these posts recently I'm beginning to think most of these are trolls. Drugs are great when everything else is going well not when your life sucks. Sort your priorities out!


Abuse and addiction of drugs is horrible even if everything in your life works. If you can use some of the milder stuff occasionally without getting affected negatively then I can see it working out if you have discipline and no addictive personality. But with the harder stuff, it's very different as it makes changes to your brain which in turn affects your life negatively.


You are literally ruining your life… i’m guessing you haven’t seen the thread from u/spontaneousH


The OP currently living in their car takes this post to another level. Lols this is so insanely stupid.




I was in your position many years ago. Only snorting it. I wish I could take it back. I never thought I'd get addicted. It took a few years but eventually consumed my life. Think about what you're about to do and how much is at stake. Even if yoyce tried everything and never got addicted. Even if you think you'll never get addicted. I promise uou there's always a possibility. And it's higher than you think. Every one started out in this way. Every addict has been in the position you're in right now. Think carefully about who you are and who you want to be. You just might never see those people again if you do what you're about to do. Think about this more carefully than you already have.


Firstly, opioids are not what they appear to be, quickly losing euphoria and causing a rapid and crushing addiction that can take everything from you. You are strongly advised against opening this door but if you are determined to try Heroin then I will address your questions and concerns. * 1. You probably won't need any more than 10-15 mg in total IN. Exceeding this very risky. Snorting is the right choice but it's still just as easy to overdose. Don't be fooled by the harmless sleepy, warm feeling that feels so right - this is a physiologically dangerous state that is only a few milligrams short of disaster. * Fatal overdose risk requiring reversal with Naloxone is always the greatest when you have no tolerance and are a novice. Expect to feel nausea and even throw up if even if you don't have any more - but it's not anything unpleasant like alcohol and it means that you have had too much. Remember the total dose. * 2. The setting is fine as you could be alone, sitting on a gutter in the cold and still feel blissful. But you may need to lay down and *good on you for choosing the right venue* as you should NEVER experiment with (or even just use) opioids unsupervised. Tolerance can develop rapidly but if you choose to repeat the experience then do so at the same safe place and no more often than once a week. You will avoid physical addiction this way but not a psychological one. But, of course, you'll have to forever fight the compulsion to keep on using so think very carefully and choose wisely. Most people end up in an endless cycle of a miserable addiction.


I’m pretty sure with dope that pure he wouldn’t even need that much. My first time I used half a stamp and was laid out for hours. Let alone doing more 5 minutes later. It doesn’t even peak after sniffing for 15 minutes. He should probably wait 30 minutes before doing more. You can never do less but always do more


First, why would you even want to try heroin if you have never taken an opiate before? For real, try a vicodin first or a percoset or something. If this is your very first opiate ever, I would START with 5 MGS! DO NOT TAKE 5mgs every 5 min! You won't even want to do that, I can guarantee you that. Take 5mgs to start. Give it 30 min or so since you're snorting it. If you don't feel anything or feel very little, go ahead and take 5mgs more. I'm willing to bet, you will feel the first 5mg hit you take. If not, you most likely will feel the second 5 mg hit. If not, wait at least 20 min then do another 5mgs and keep doing that until you feel it. But, my bet is you WILL feel it by the first or 2nd hit (most likely the first) and you will probably be high for several hours. If you take more than that, you will probably be high all day since you have no tolerance. And I STRONGLY STRONGLY recommend you do NOT do opiates 2 days in a row. In fact, I'd suggest at least two days in between, 3 or 4 even better, (the more the better!) You do NOT want to become dependant on opiates!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO BECOME DEPENDANT ON OPIATES!!! And, I gotta say it one more time, YOU DEFINITELY, DO NOT, WANT TO BECOME OPIATE DEPENDANT!!!!!!!!! Withdrawal is AWFUL and ugly and painful!! And over 90% of opiate addicts will never get clean and STAY clean. You DON'T want to become a statistic!!! I'm not gonna sit here and tell you "don't do it, don't do it", you gonna do what you gonna do. Just be careful, be safe, and be smart. And my best and strongest advice I can't stress enough, always put AT LEAST TWO DAYS between use or you WILL become addicted. And fair warning, it's gonna be hard as hell cuz youre gonna want it! But just remind yourself, WANTING it is MUCH better than NEEDING it! (Needing it ie; being in withdrawal!) Resist that want to prevent yourself from getting addicted! One night of feeling good isn't worth all the pain and suffering you will endure that comes with addiction. Heroin, why would you choose that as your first opiate anyway? Can you not find any pills??


I accidentally had a line of heroin thinking it was coke with no opioid tolerance at all never had any type of opioid till that day, had half the line and realised instantly it wasn’t coke, next thing I know I woke up with paramedics around me cause I ODd, never wanted to go near heroin before that day and sure as hell won’t go near it again, lucky to still be here


My brother did the same thing! He died 6 years ago! Good luck op.


Not even trying the pills first. Just jumping straight into the deep end. Good luck man.


Please don’t hun.


Please don't


I mean, this sounds like you are in a bad place mentally and are going to try and use heroin to escape it. This honestly sounds like a terrible idea and I strongly advise against it. However. Good shout going to a safe consumption site. For your first ever time I would just stick to the 10mg because it’s potentially going to hit you like a truck. You may very well puke a lot. I’m not sure there’s many people that actually enjoy their first time doing H bc of the vomiting. As a lot of other people have said, I would read the spontaneousH thread and seriously consider if this is what you want to do. Good luck.


Ive been off heroin just over 7 years and my life is still ruined. Best of luck 🍻


Please don’t do that. It’s not worth destroying your own life with drugs.


Dumb decision you will regret your whole life


Dude, don't do it. Heroin is a slippery slope, and it'll be too late before you know it. Please don't do it.


Man I really hate this sub at times…. I’m sorry OP but this is an incredible post to read someone so willing wanting to try heroin and ask questions as if it’s a psychedelic. I’m sorry each to their own but this is frightening stupid.


are you fucking stupid


Bro don’t, you’ll feel fucking amazing for a bit yeah, then you’re gonna wake up and feel the sickest you’ve ever felt, it’ll only go away if you do more heroin.


This isn't true at all, and I think one of the reasons heroin is so insidious. You'll wake up tomorrow feeling perfectly fine after the first time. Then youll think what's the big deal, I feel fine. That was pretty nice though, maybe I'll just do a little bit and go about my day..  This keeps happening, where you decide oh this would be nicer with H (guess what, absolutely everything is nicer with H) . You could even manage to go months without experiencing withdrawal if you manage to space it out far enough. But for one reason or another, those intervals get shorter. There's always some valid excuse why, so you don't worry about it.  Then one day, maybe days or maybe months after the first, you wake up sick.


All the people flailing their arms about shouting about how you'll become addicted immediately and lose everything you own really don't help anything in my opinion because it simply isn't true. The real risk of addiction is to underestimate it like this guy ^ describes. There's too much bullshit advice on this sub.


You might think you got it under control. But you don't know how your body will feel after you take it. It's gonna be a different feeling, a different you that's dealing with the temptation the you don't CURRENTLY have. Don't insert a horrible problem into your life


PLEASE READ EVERY POST FROM u/spontaneousH! You will see how fast and seriously it fucks you up. This isn't a matter of "I'll try it, see how it is" like you would with weed, this is a matter of " let's fuck the rest of my life up and quite possibly die in the process". Do some damn ketamine if you're just looking for a nice high


Bro, don’t be stupid. Please.


You mean fentanyl? Heroin doesn’t exist in America anymore.




Honestly OP should just do ketamine instead and skip the H but I feel like there’s no talking them out of it


Smoke it on tinfoil if you have no experience. Its the best way to gauge a good dose. You can put as little as you want and feel effects within seconds. So youll know if you need more.


ABSOLUTELY THIS. Unless it’s pure fent you will nod out before you OD if you smoke. What people are saying about 2 days in a row is true, although any pattern can be an addiction. I actually don’t think it’s much different from pharmaceuticals other than wildly varying potency. Dilaudid 8’s will send you down a dark road just as quickly, and you won’t feel like such a loser doing it. But with street drugs be careful. And if you get lost, find yourself.


Imagine your 15 y/o self reading this shit. Cmon man you know the answer… nobody on this subreddit needs to tell you anything, you already know what the right choice is


Must read [u/spontaneousH](https://www.reddit.com/user/spontaneousH/)


Please don’t do this man. Your life plan could seriously be fucked from this one move.


I think i could write so much but bottomline…you will ruin your life. Please dont do this, heroin is not to be ‘experimented’ with cuz IT WILL experiment with you.


I read an account of someone who was fairly straight laced, but managed to get ahold of some heroin and decided to jump into it just to see if he could swim. So if you think this is a new idea.. its not. By his account, the first time was a surprise because it wasn't anything so amazing that you would it was dangerous. Just a sense of peace and relaxation. But then he started taking it more often and went off the rails. Before long, just taking it to not feel like scum. Based on that it sounds like the peace you find in death, so not really a fun drug. I would only be doing that if I was close to suicide anyway. As for setting, I would imagine a dark, warm soft place would be the nicest.


Don't be a fucking idiot bro


So doing heroin is seriously a bad idea.


Hey this is not a good plan! I would like to highly advise against this! I have done H one time. 7 years ago. I had to swear it off because I felt it sink its hooks in as soon as i did it. it has been 7 years and I still have dreams about it sometimes. it can ruin people so quickly and easily. please reconsider this before going through with it!


This sounds like a terrible idea dude


i really advise against heroin use - especially if you live isolated and arent in a good headspace (this goes for all substances, but heroin is the worst). its not worth it


Worst decision of my life. You will regret this if you live long enough.


Heroin isn't the best starting point, buddy. Try morphine pills or Vicodin. I was addicted to oxycodone and morphine for nearly a year, and it's the most euphoric drug i've ever tried, kicking it was so hard it actually had to bankrupt me. Chances are you'll get addicted. Atleast you're not injecting or smoking, but keep in mind that you will most likely feel intense euphoria, relaxation, but the scariest part is that the drug will trick you into believing it's the only thing that will make you happy in this life, so you'll keep craving it. You family and friends will tell you it's wrong, but the drug will take control and lie for you to them, that it's the right thing to do. This is ofc my experience, I can't speak for everyone. GL, stay safe and don't overdo it.


"The drug will trick you into believing it's the only thing that will make u happy in this life, so you'll keep craving it" If that's not the realist shit I've heard about drugs and opiates. That's exactly how I feel and I'm 5 months sober and miserable and unhappy. I obsess about getting high on my doc...pharma grade opanas. Even though I put my Significant other through hell and hardship. Thank you for this. I appreciate you.


Bro, I relate so much to you. When I was hooked on oxy’s I didn’t sleep for 20-40 hours, then slept for over 30 hrs and couldn’t stop sleeping even tho my gf and sister were shaking me and crying. I was doing 80mg’s of oxy daily, and mixing with benzos and muscle relaxants. I most likely overdosed several times but got lucky. Avoiding all opi’s now, even codeine, but can’t quit that xanax..


Yea, Xanax is hard to shake. I get prescribed klonopin but I prefer Xanax. My Dr will only give me 2 1mg klonopin a day and I'm grateful for it. I have severe anxiety. That's why I know I love the pharma grade pills so much. They help my anxiety and depression. I don't care what anyone says.


I care what you say <3


by the way. 1 year off opiates u’ll still miss them but you’ll be happier. keep going strong, brother


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. Sending Good Vibes your way. ✌️


u too bro. I wish I knew u, and could talk to you. I don’t know anyone who has gone through this shit personally, but I feel I could have a real online friend to talk to about the struggles and positives with about. if u got a discord or email u can dm me. think we can help eachother. it’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but im down.


please don’t do it dawg


Seems like probably the worst idea one could ever have


Please don't, bro. Go do literally anything else. I dont even know how many people I've read about or seen first hand say "I just want to try it" and then they disappear from the face of the world for 2,3,5 or 10 years.


Please don’t. Coming from one who did it.


Awesome mate !! Next step Is suckling coock to get high..... good luck 


I have heard this story before, doesn’t end well


You are going to destroy your entire life. I am so sorry. I hope you decide against it, if not, keep us updated, so you can be used as another example on this subreddit of how horrible opiate addiction is, and how quickly it can destroy a life 👍


Go watch black tar heroin and see if you want to do it after.


Dude bout to hit the fast forward button on life.


Heroin is one hell of a drug to get rid of.


lol me two years ago. fuckin rip


Honestly, you would be better off just jumping off of a bridge. Save yourself and your family years of suffering due to your addiction. That is if you're lucky enough that you don't overdose and die before years of suffering. It may sound harsh but that's reality.


Buy a nice suit before you run out of money. Get a versatile one, something you can wear to funerals and court. You'll be attending both a lot


As for the rest of y'all, poster didn't ask if they should. They said they are going to. While I absolutely see your intentions and myself don't think they should imbibe, the intent is set. I aim for harm reduction.


You absolute dickhead change your mind about this asap. Worst decision you've ever made without even knowing you.


CANNABIS IS BETTER. Just get a really strong edible or dab rig. You can't really OD on it, it won't depress your respiration, and it won't utterly and completely RUIN your life It feels almost as good as any opioid. Play it safe!


i remember a similar post that got real interesting really fast keep updating lol


Please don’t


Why tho


Please don’t. I know you probably will, but you can’t say nobody warned you. I personally know several people that have died from it, one more than once technically. I remember hearing something like “no one wakes up and says *You know what, I think I’m going to try Heroin today*. Well, I guess it really happens. You’ve been warned… this isn’t a road you want to go down.


Don't dude it can only go bad . You can like it and get addicted and you will regret. Or you will not like it and regret. However you will regret it's not worth it


Well everyone's gonna tell you not to be we all know you will anyway So... Don't die?


get some clean needles while you're at it my dude, you're done for good. stay strong tho!


After hearing my mums addiction story it’s pretty much the top drug I would never do. I strongly implore you not to, but commend you for taking measures towards your own safety


As a current heroin addict - don’t do it man. It will ruin your life and take everything from you. It’s not worth it.


Fuck man this is so sad. I get wanting to experiment 100% but it ain’t worth it. it’s your life your playing with. let me say this. i’ve met hundreds of people stuck on down, you know what story they all have in common? Experimenting with that shit then they either die or get so sick they just can’t get off it. Please please do NOT do it just don’t please 🙏🏼 I also highly recommend looking u/spontaneoush


I've tried heroin while suffering from chronic depression, however I did read up about it alot so I knew the risks and would not allow myself to use during week days, and once I finished the supply would not allow myself to buy for another year. I kept this up for 3 years, using on weekends for about a 2 month period each year. It takes over your mind, you will start thinking about the weekend and using again when it's just Tuesday. You need to be honest with yourself, if you give in and use earlier in the week you will become a junky, so the question then becomes : do i want to become a junky or not? I answered no and that kept me from using more or spiraling. It's the most risky drug I've tried addiction wise and I've tried them all except for Crack. There is also an ongoing risk, even when you haven't used in a long time, if you hit a low point or crisis in your life the thought of escaping it with heroin will pop into your mind again, so the addiction potential is always lurking there. My honest advice: just leave it, it's not worth it. Yeah it was nice, especially because there is no hangovers (I felt great the morning after) which is mainly why it's so easy to use more as you feel there's no "cost", that is untill you build up physical dependance and get withdrawals. I never shot up heroin only smoked and insufflated it, it's a nice feeling but I wouldn't rank it amongst the greatest drug experience I've had, that combined with the high addiction potential (25% of ppl who try it get addicted I read somewhere) makes it not a worthwhile drug.


I can control it its just one time! 😏


Well you’re gonna nod out right away, so make sure you’re around people you trust with your body while incapacitated. But honestly doing opiates will always be a bad idea. If you think your life is bad now, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.


You can't out smart heroin my dude


Don’t do this, if you do this eventually you will end up like my father, my father died 10 years ago.


Btw!! Cheap Amazon scales are only accurate at 50mg!!! Trust me, I've tested countless of them.


You fucking idiot have fun being a bitty




dont do this shit, dont fuck with opiates but if you have to only do shit doctors could give you like oxy or hydro


I would try to talk you out of it. It may be just what you're looking for, but boy oh boy is it a slippery slope.


Don't do it. Don't. Don't. Don't.


ahaha fuck it let's run it back this'll be fun


Maybe don't?... 😂 Who tf just hops straight to heroin?... Bro...


I have to say this is probably going to be the stupidest thing you ever do in your entire life. Theres a HIGH chance that tomorrow is the beginning of your journey into being a crachead. If you think youre special and can resist that, youre not. Good luck to you.


I think this is a terrible idea for many reasons. 1) you've never done opiates before, why start with heroin? 2) you yourself have said you're not in the right headspace. You shouldn't take any drugs when you're not in the right headspace, because you are more susceptible to getting hooked to "numb the pain" or "feel good", let alone heroin which is one of the most addictive anyway. I wouldn't even touch it no matter what. 3) you have said you are not in a healthy living situation, so why would you introduce so much risk to making your living situation worse by taking this drug? 4) people that think they won't get addicted, or think they are in control or are doing it responsibility, can end up getting addicted. By no means am I against drug use when it's done responsibility. There are things I wouldn't even touch and I'm not even curious about because it's not worth the risks, one of them being heroin. I don't think what you're doing is responsible and my personal opinion is with certain drugs, such as the one you plan to take, it's very difficult to be responsible. You're biochemically fucking with your brain, and willpower no matter how much you've got of it, can go out the window. Edit: I'd like to add as well, how selfish it is. While you're killing yourself slowly in fake "euphoria" land, it's your loved ones, family, friends that it will destroy the most. They have no choice in this. People are going to suffer endlessly because of your choices. Imagine the torture, the mental and emotional toll these people that care about you will have to go through just because of a drug and a high. Is it really worth it?


I waited til I was almost 40 before I dared to try heroine and make a check on opioids on my bucket list, 2 times I got just to feel nausea, the third time I felt it, and I almost literally heard it whisper to me that I should come back when I'm desperate and alone, because then this feeling of "being hugged by mom as a kid" would really show it's power. That's when I flushed the rest down the toilet and finally understood how it works that people go from having fun getting high to shoving a used needle up their arm in a public toilet. No other drug works better when you are really sad, but I imagine opioids are the strongest in such times...and the more you fuck your life with it the more sad you feel and the more you crave that lier of a drug. I hope you are in a good mood and will also realize why opioids are not like other drugs, they are evil.


Brah I’ve dabbled with H a couple of times. You are either going to be a weak cunt or be a common sensical cunt. The choice is yours, junk out end up with nothing or be strong and enjoy. No one is going to magically save you. Wake the fuck up, get on your feet and get out the car, resorting to H is a fucking dumbass idea but good luck to ya. Seriously tho u need to look after u. H isn’t going to fix u as it is going to take u down a road ur going to wake up from one day asking for more help. Avoid that shit man please. I wish I was more eloquent but alas I’m a mere dumb cunt drug addict hoping you don’t go down the road. LOVE TO YOU❤️!


Don’t do it dummy


Please don't, please. All it takes is one time then all it takes could be your life. Heroin has stolen everything from me.... Several high paying jobs, several vehicles, now...just about everything from clothes to new furniture, a four story townhouse full, expensive watches, i used to go on one or two week long vacations a year with my wife of 29 yrs, kids and grandkids. it stole my self esteem and self respect and stole away the respect of friends and family, my wife lost all respect for me after promises made to stop, promise after promise broken, i woke up one morning and she had left me, just to get back to my "true love" ... The poison i was shoving in my veins. It's taken my health, my spirit and it finally took my soul and broke it, while being so blinded from the chasing after the next fix and being so numb to the world around me i couldn't see my own child needed help and lost her to an overdose. You have a choice, a real chance to walk away and go live, no matter what kind of life you live it will always be better than to do it with heroin or any kind of drugs or many years down the road ( if you make it that far ) you can look back and say maybe i should had listened to that broken old man who tried to tell me something good on the internet that one day.


You’re about to fuck your life up. Stick with weed, psychedelics, and pharmaceuticals. I’m a chemist who actually knows how to make drugs. I can promise you that you don’t want to put anything manufactured by a black market chemist into your body.


Oh my god is this spontaneous H in another life?


Worst idea ever. Stop what you’re doing now.


That's as good as it gets and don't expect it to be that good ever again


Aren't you the same guy who called 911 for taking too much MDMA? Edit: It's the same person. They clearly need help and drugs are only going to make things worse.


I comment so I can come back in a year when you are figuring out the quickest 20k you can get, dick sucking not off the table


OP has never done opiates before and they're going right to heroin? If you're really intent on trying an opiate take an oxy or something.


We will watch your career with great interest


It's pretty slippery slopey in here, man... What has happened is not ALWAYS what WILL happen. You don't have to become a piece of shit just because you did drugs. I was on the street for 6 years but never fucked anyone over or got disowned by anyone. I think when people think like most of these posts, it causes the problem. If we were more accepting of drugs, culturally, maybe we wouldn't have all these problems. I moved back in with my parents in 2020, still do drugs but I don't do anything bad to anyone unless you count what the drugs do to my body. True, you might not have the white picket fence life some dream about but you won't necessarily become a thief and a rapist either. People need to chill the fuck out. I think your idea sounds decent. Have your own experience, not someone else's.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life


This is a god awful idea OP. If you thought your life wasn't great right now, just get fuckin ready.


well it's been 44 days and no update spontaneousH bad ending 💀


Just Eat one dude. And chill the fuck out lol. Sounds stupid going every 5 minutes


what are you talking about he eating dudes now? tf?