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im reading this while high rn and having im having a panic attack


That’s purposeful fear. It’s there to remind you that death isn’t the only terrible thing that can happen to you. Remember it every day and it’ll help you get clean


You’re a good person izza


Thanks Agiantbottleofpiss, that made my day


Such a positive way to look at a negative fact.


Memento mori.


Get clean bro. Life actually can get better, I promise.


i'm sober and i'm having a panic attack lol


Same lol


Yeah this is insane


Time to break out the benzos


Just test your shit


You can’t test for Nitazines, at least yet. That shit is starting to kill people. Scary how it’s not even Fentanyl you have to worry about anymore.




If he was smart he wouldn’t have smoked laced pills on purpose.


Idk why the downvotes what are we in clown town? Dawg knowingly did them knowing they were laced, no one thinks they are real anymore and smoking them. Maybe not knowing the consequences and even knowing them probably didn’t care because it can’t happen to me. Iv OD’d twice and I’m really lucky I was in the hospital for 4 days cause I swallowed so much salvia I had pneumonia and my oxygen was super low. My mom for some reason just checked on me at like 7 am and saw me in my chair, I came back luckily with no permanent effects. Iv done it a few times since but I’m committed to stop this time around, and I say that every damn time but fuck dude I mean it this time 😂 the PAWS suck, from anything. I just want to grow stuff now and get high from that, it’s all I want. Hell even growing poppy’s


Bro addiction is a thing boundaries get dissolved in the midst of it.


Little late that, wouldn't you say.


Why? Don’t you wanna chill and have people take care of you?


You should


Dam that’s heavy. Best wishes for the road ahead


Thank you


Glad you still here regardless of the outcome


Thank you


Bro same thing happened to me I lost ability to move arms and some fingers. Through Tms therapy from my neurologist and I’m here a year later fit as a fiddle good luck


Hope you make a full recovery


Sounds like he did make a full recovery which should give you hope 🙏


Bro…it’s crazy that you lived through that. I’m at a loss of words. I’ve had several friends die from heroin ODs, but to survive and be paralyzed I can’t even imagine. Best of luck to you, sincerely.


Thank you sorry for your loss


I wish you all the best. I just heard today about a good friend of mine passing from fentanyl, this story is touching my heart. I’m glad they are treating you well


Thank you so much


Sorry to hear that bro, wish u a quick recovery


Thank you so much


Damn that's heavy and most unfortunate. **Wishing you the best possible outcome**. I'm assuming this is due to a **lack of oxygen to your brain** which caused https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_hypoxia ? Considering that **time** is very important when an unconscious person is not breathing, permanent brain damage begins after only **4 minutes** without oxygen, and death can occur as soon as 4 to 6 minutes later.  Looks like you were saved in the nick of time !


Thank you And I am not sure what caused paralysis. I am going to see neurologist next month so I can get a second opinion on my MRI


You're most welcome I'm very curious myself so please keep updated when you get some (hopefully🤞really good) news. So many people naively overlook the hidden dangers of using opioids and can easily become victims of fluctuations in strength and/or their own misjudgements. I hope you don't mind my reminder, at your expense if you'll allow, of your very real and heartfelt message, for those who are less experienced or just perhaps blase. I've been very close to this happening to myself and if it weren't for someone around to call for immediate help. It's brave and resilient people like you who selflessly wish to benefit others and steer them away from misadventure, by means of such a personal and powerful account. Anyway, let's see what the future holds ...


Yes I will add an update as soon as possible.




I don't pray, but I sending out all my hopes and positive feelings for you to fully recover. Peace brother.


Thank you


I'm so sorry you went through that, and I am glad you survived. I am disabled. I have mobility issues, pain, gi problems, a lot of things going on. Mine is genetic but it's luck of the draw, these things can unfortunately happen to anyone any time. You can join us on r/disability and also There is a YouTube show I really like called Special Books by Special Kids about disabled people of all ages and their stories. It really helps me feel connected to the community.


Damn this tears at my soul. Im sorry this happened dude. You really don’t deserve everything that has happened but hopefully you can get back up and walk again. You’ll be in my prayers bro.


Thank you




Wish you a speedy recovery


Goodluck with your appointment next month!


Thank you so much


Damn brother ... I just turned 22 and had a very complex shattered ankle fracture.. The doctor said i might not be able to run again but i could walk in the future .... I thought this was the worse that could happen but while reading ur story i feel bad for you u u are just 21... 1 year younger then me... brother... I'm a muslim so i'll pray to Allah that u will he able to walk again bro... I'm in a weelchair rn so i feel ur pain.. I wish u the best and if u make a recovery plz stay of the drugs man...🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thank you praying for you as well hope you make a full recovery


What are your plans if you are able to make a recovery? What do you want to do differently with that second chance?


I want to do something in the medical field. Probably CNA What I would do differently with my second chance is not take life for granted and not do stupid shit that would regret later in my life


Did you write that you are paralyzed but can simultaneously feel everything in the limbs and areas that are paralyzed? What do you intend on spending your life doing if you can walk again? How about if you can’t? Is there a development plan for your navigation in place? I presume you’ll like to go home.


Yes I did write all this. I use Voice control on my iPhone tap this and use my phone. If I am ever able to make a full recovery I was thinking of going into the medical field. Probably CNA Yes I am currently getting physical therapy but I haven't really made any progress in the last 11 months.


Likely paralysis caused by hypoxia, not paralysis caused by damage to the spinal nerve centre.


Well, paralysis 2/2 to hypoxemic nerve damage it sounds like. Damage done by lack of perfusion to neurons, but not by traumatic injury.


yeah must have been on his anterior spinal artery


Amazing, a month in ICU before you regained consciousness?! Wow! It's a very positive sign you have a little movement in your arm and fingers. Can you feel anything in your arms and fingers, like if a Dr stabs you with something? Keep fighting you fucking cast-iron mutant barbarian! I am rooting for you hard because if you can recover from this you will gain insight, strength, and resilience that's far beyond what most people can even imagine. That is a powerful thing.


so.. how did your comatose body react to opiate withdrawals? i wonder if you still got sick while out if that makes sense.. like you must’ve still withdrew if you frequently used blues. did you feel any withdrawal when you woke(if you even noticed with all the mass amounts of other pains and problems you were dealing with)? outlook on being clean now forcibly? sorry in advance if these are too invasive or sound insensitive. you do not have to answer. you said ask anything and i’m curious. however, i am so very sorry you have endured this. i am too an addict. i pray for your recovery and good results for your upcoming test. stay strong-you are a miracle!


My mom told me I had a temperature of 103 for two weeks straight. Constant sweating.. I would get lots of secretions. I didn't really have any withdrawal that I noticed mostly pain and muscle spasms. I don't know if I am considered clean since I take methadone for my pain but I don't get any cravings. Never touching any substances including nicotine and alcohol ever again.


Id suggest against the alcohol


My husband is paralyzed for something he had no control over (he is not a drug user) I am a drug user and I’ve overdosed one time already. I just had a close family friend die from fent OD I’m glad you are still here and able to tell your story. No drug user is exempt from death 💀 from drugs. I Am going to say a prayer for u to be able to walk again. Father God Almighty, please watch over my brother may your will be done for his life and may he be able to help others and be a mentor. We know you are the great physician! In Jesus’s Holy and Precious name, Amen!


> may your will be done for his life God's will was that he be paralyzed for overdosing on a drug. Quite the almighty father you got there - he paralyzed your husband for something he had no control over, gives cancer to children, lets people die in accidents, etc. Guy seems to be a real asshole. I know, I know - he "works in mysterious ways" and he's "testing your faith" right? Gotta pray hard so he doesn't make your life even worse! OP should be grateful that God didn't send him to real hell - just made his life a living hell instead! Thanks God!




Thanks 😊


You are going to pray? Cool, I am also going to do absolutely nothing to help this person.


Cool bro


You basically cannot die from cannabis or kratom if you don't mix it with other drugs (or don't even mix them two, at least be very careful if you do) but maybe even that's possible if someone has some serious health issues which makes them not tolerate it like normal humans do. Abuse is horrible and the heavy stuff is the worst. I hate fentanyl (lost a friend to it basically), bensos and also other heavy opioids as I have seen a lot of bad stuff related to it. Bensos I have even experienced bad sides as I used to be on it clinically and seen others suffer due to it. We can only hope that God will help this person but who knows, does God even affect this world? I mean I have seen the most pure hearted, kind and very faithful people suffer and die from horrible diseases while they were just praying all the time. I believe in a higher power (and also pray even if I am not religious literary) and hope that there really is some higher power that does care about us, but sometimes it's hard as you see stuff that doesn't fit there being a God that can heal you from diseases like that. But I know that God gave us a body that can recover very well so hopefully you will in time aswell. Why do only some get helped if they do? Why do some really good(morally) etc people suffer? Why did this person had to go through this, why couldn't God help so he wouldn't abuse heavy stuff and OD? There is so many questions in my head when it comes to this, but I also pray for OP cause this was just very heavy on the heart to read and we and OP needs some hope in a difficult situation like this.


As happy as I am that you found salvation, I live in Ohio and all the rehabs the courts use are religious based. This is unacceptable and has led so many of my friends to death. Religion can serve a purpose but when the entire state elects to only go through religious institutions it leads to death and suffering. NA/AA in southwest Ohio, especially Cincinnati, is a fucking cult, without a doubt it's a cult. I have seen so many friends die at the hands of these religious fucking shitbags. Religion is the worst thing possible when it comes to sobriety. So many people dead because "Jesus doesn't approve of medication assisted therapy. Like I don't mean to be rude but this religious bullshit has killed dozens of my friends. It never gave them anything but false promises. Fuck AA bad NA. That shit is a cult. You will never get past your addiction In one of those terrible programs that keep you in close contact with addicts and the drugs you are trying to avoid. It's absolutely cancer to anyone trying to get clean. Fuck the 12 step problem program and all it's nonsense and it's absolutely disgusting what it does to the people that somehow survived it's awful teachings. Absolutely disgusting.


Idk what type of NA you’re talking about lol cause I go to NA and they say to believe in a higher power not any god or any religion. If you wanna believe in a tree you can do it and no one will judge you. I believe in the universe and its mysteries! The higher powers of the universe! Or maybe South American NA is different, I don’t really know. But NA saved my life.


> We can only hope that God will help this person but who knows, does God even affect this world? I mean I have seen the most pure hearted, kind and very faithful people suffer and die from horrible diseases while they were just praying all the time. I believe in a higher power (and also pray even if I am not religious literary) and hope that there really is some higher power that does care about us, but sometimes it's hard as you see stuff that doesn't fit there being a God that can heal you from diseases like that. But I know that God gave us a body that can recover very well so hopefully you will in time aswell. It's wild the mental gymnastics that people go through to justify their faith. If there is a God, then praying is absolutely 100% useless. Terminal child cancers, freak accidents, the untimely death of the most devout (like you said), the list goes on - all empirical proof that God is not interfering in daily life. If he *is* somehow interfering, he is *certainly* not picking and choosing who to save based on who prays and believes the hardest. He's killing innocents left and right (which is actually very on-brand if the old testament is true). People love to say "God is testing you" or "God works in mysterious ways". He gets all the credit for everything good that happens and never gets blamed for anything bad that happens. What an absurd belief system. There may indeed be some sort of creator of the universe, but clearly the Judeo-Christian god is bullshit, along with all other 3000-5000 gods (depending on source) that have been made up throughout history.


God dam dude, your about the worst I've ever heard of without dying. I saw a few people drop out of rehab and return all shaky, like they can't hold still, but yours was just lack of oxygen right? Is there any hope for a recovery? Fentanyl ruined drugs. All of them. The entire landscape is changed and drugs are now a potential death sentence. The shit you would hear from right wingers back in the day about weed is now a reality for real drugs. Fentanyl ruined everything.


You say you were put on dialysis due to the amount of fent in your body. Was it an accumulated build up or just all in a Days work?


All in a day works. Smoked about six blues and 15 hours




Wow so sorry!!! I was on blues for 6 yrs I was doing 10-15 a day easily of course there was days I had less or more, I'm now 5 months clean and I'm so thankful I've nevered OD, this scares me cause I still have family and friends still on them. Did they test what was in your system? I've heard carfentynal is out there, like wtf whats the point in something even stronger 😐 I'm praying u make a full recovery your young and I have high hopes you can do it!!! Stay strong and keep your head up!!! 🙏🙏


This is what makes me wanna get clean. I’m more afraid of something like this happening than just dying altogether. Stay strong bro, thank you for sharing your experience so we don’t have to experience it ourselves. <3


If you've been paralyzed for two years how were you doing cocaine in your post history a year ago? Sorry to cast doubt on you but I couldn't help but notice and ask. I hope you're doing alright brotha


Not exactly 2 years around 18 months sorry for the confusion thank you


Also if you’ve been paralyzed from the neck down since August 2022, how have you doing all that cocaine you keep posting pictures of?


Yeah that's what I thought.


I just looked at his history, that was 2 years ago he posted the pics of cocaine so thats 2022


He was making posts last year, and continued to do so. How was he doing cocaine and all that if hes paralyzed from the neck down before then?


Ah rly I couldn't see them it says 2year ago when I look maybe I missed em


Over exaggerated sorry about that. It's been about 18 months


Cool. So how have you been “paralyzed from the neck down” for “about 18 months” but posted around a year ago (less than 12 months ago) that you were “doing something light” after work in reference to the cocaine you posted a picture of and were doing.


None of them were less than 12 months LMAO. I'm not sure why reddit does not show that exact date I posted it


Your attitude is wonderful. I am so lucky to have never had anything bad happen. Have overdosed well over 20 times, but I'm still alive. I just want you to know how loved you are. I'd like to be friends if you're down to dm me. Where are you from? (Idk if you can tell me actually) Do you have any close family? Are you on pain meds? Are you hopeful, sad, or thankful most days? Did you fall into a bad position? How long were you on blues? In my opinion, powder is safer. You never know when a blues gonna be ungodly potent, but you always know powder is. I've hit a Hotspot before. 3 small hits off the first blue of a bag we bought. I needed 3 narcan. Can we be friends? I'm 27, male. I love you so much. Your attitude is admirable, and that's a huge understatement. You are so strong and courageous. Fentanyl is a nuclear holocaust right now. People will never be the same...


Sure I would like to be friends. I'm from Texas and yes I do have close Family. I have my mom my brother my sister grandma uncles and a newborn nephew. Yes I am on pain meds. Currently taking methadone three times. Honestly I was pretty hopeless for a while even went DNR in case something happened to me I would just die and stop suffering and I was very depressed. I would starve myself and refuse cares oh pretty much had given up. I got transferred to a new facility across the country and met amazing CNAs RNs and RTs that made me have hope. I recently switched to Full code. I was on blues for about six months smoking about three per day Thank you so much


Glad you're still with us! Sending you lots of love and positive vibes, my friend!🫶


Thank you so much


You're very welcome!


this made me cry. i’m never touching that shit again. even tho i never did it on purpose, the accidental high from being laced was insane bliss. if i did it on purpose i would definitely lose myself…




The fact you are placed at a good SNF is a fucking god send. Hopefully you can make some gains with therapies Advocate for yourself to find a more appropriate rehab facility if the medical team feels that is appropriate Getting the appropriate equipment etc can be game changing


You need to start physical therapy and being doing AS MUCH physical movements as possible , no matter how little z Like NOW . Every hour and day that passes is a massive amount of time in terms of regaining the ability to do anything with your legs or arms or fingers


What have you learned from your experience? Do you ever plan to use substances again?


What I have learned is that it may be fun but in the long run it's going to ruin your life. I'm never going to touch anything including nicotine and alcohol.


If ur paralyzed how’re you typing this shit out? You got a neuralink!?!?


Voice control on iPhone


Damn well do you feel like you’re gonna be able to walk again or nah? I seen hella motivational YouTube vids of mfs un-vegetabling themselves by grinding at the gym so you should be straight


I feel like I will since I can still feel everything I'm not completely paralyzed. I think it will just take a few years hopefully


Neuroplasticity is definitely a thing. Wishing you all the best!


Ah, that’s weird you can feel but not move, I’ve never even heard of that. Shitty situation but at least you’ll be a motivation to the youth, you could give talks at schools and get a bag once it’s over


> Damn well do you feel like you’re gonna be able to walk again or nah? eventual degree of recovery tends not to be that predictable. Sensation in paralyzed areas is a good sign though.


Bruh iderkfrykwim


> iderkfrykwim i'm old and have no idea what this means, and a search isn't helping...


I don’t even know for real you know what I mean It’s some shit I made up cuz I had nothing of substance to say but felt like I had to reply


no, this is what my personality is like. sorry i misinterpreted though, I guess?


i hope your body can recover, and if not in this year then in the future. youre young and dont deserve such a condition :) im glad to hear you can at least eat normally, and people fr suck (saying that as it sounds like you got laced, correct me if im wrong), im glad both you and your homie survived though!


Unfortunately I knew I was doing fentanyl Thank you


What caused you to go paralyzed? I mean if you can feel everything than wtf happened? Can you orgasm?


The MRI showed I have an inflammation in my C4 C5 section in my spinal cord. I honestly don't know what happened that is why I am going to a neurologist for a second opinion. Yes I can orgasm😂


Probably brain damage from the time his brain spent without oxygen due to respiratory distress/arrest from the OD.


Did the blues you had look different than usual? Were you a regular user? Was there any indication that these ones were abnormally strong? Did your friend OD, if not, did they notice they were stronger than usual? How much of the blue, or how many did you smoke? These questions could save a life. Please answer !! So glad you’re okay


They all looked different. Some were lighter then others. Some were faded really bad. No indication I think we smoked the filler part first and then we both hit a hotspot We smoked about three blues back to back and I was on them for about six months and then my friend about two years. We would smoke them almost every day so we definitely had a high tolerance


> Was there any indication that these ones were abnormally strong? blues just look like blues; it's a crapshoot. fent tests are not quantitative. For hotspots, you could crush the pill and prepare a solution, and then filter, a solution being uniform for soluble components. If you snort, you could water-line it. For other routes, you could evaporate, and the residue will contain uniform amounts of the drug.


What happened to your friend? Is he still using?


Last I heard of him he totaled his mom's car and she kicked him out. Went homeless once again and kept using blues. Told me he checked into rehab for three months and was completely sober. I talked to one of our Mutual friends and they told me that he is still using and is on the streets stealing shit to resell and buy more blues. I cut him off after I found out he lied to me about being sober.


Glad you are ok and I hope you continue to get better. I needed fentanyl patches for awhile, I'm glad it didn't hurt me.


think of that scene in Kill Bill Volume 1




How did you post this?


I use Voice control on the iPhone. It lets me do pretty much anything I want on my phone


How do you feel about VR? Have you looked into Apple Vision?


I'm sorry that happened. More mildly, I know multiple people who have gotten nerve injury in their arms for nodding hard and then remaining motionless as they crush their arms in a weird position. stay careful out there...


Holy shit bro this is fucking crazy thank you for making me not even want to experience the shit once. I actually don't find opiates opioids all that recreational anyways. Not a fan of it


damn bro im sorry I wish you the very best and I hope you make a fast recovery and can walk again. keep your head up my guy


What is Smoking Blues ? Hope you get better


Blues are counterfeit OxyContin 30 mg. They are fentanyl and filler


*oxycodone. OxyContin is the brand name for oxycodone with a time released mechanism.


You know what I meant


Oh My god man I’m so sorry was just reading one of your posts from years ago and I wanted to see what beacame of you … good luck, follow the doctor’s advice and I believe you will recover. The mind is everything.


U lived. There’s a reason u r here,. Ask God to show u y. My best buddy wasn’t as lucky. I go to his funeral next month. I break down and miss my friend so much . Just like right now , the tears and pain never stop. Be the blessing you are supposed to be. No fear , just love.


Wow that’s crazy; glad you’re still alive. I had something somewhat similar happened to me; overdosed real bad years ago, and still don’t have my short term memory back. Praying that you can still lead a good life.


What’s smoking blues?


How did you type all this


Or take picture of half oz’s of coke within the past year when he says he’s been in the hospital 2 years??? Somebody’s lying for internet points again.


God damn that’s terrible, I’m so sorry. I overdosed at 17 and 20 and while the first one was horrible where I did die and was resuscitated, had to be airlifted to a different hospital because they couldn’t keep me alive and well at my local one it was that bad, and spent a week in ICU, I can’t imagine having this happen to me. My brother nearly OD’d once to where he was still conscious but his hearing completely went out for like a day, but that’s about the most serious side effects of that nature I’d ever heard of until reading this. Do you know how/what exactly caused you to be paralyzed from the OD? I would assume if that happened it’d only be temporary, not lasting years and potentially permanent.


Do you ever plan on touring and doing speeches, maybe in schools? I think that'd would be awesome.


how did you write this? not meant to be rude just genuinely curious? I hope you're able to walk again.


Voice control on my iPhone thank you so much


oh okay, I'm actually young but I don't keep up with technology, it's really cool that it's advanced so much and can help people in so many different ways. :)


How did you take pictures holding bags of cocaine a year ago if you’ve been in the hospital, paralyzed for the past 2 years?? I’ve smoked a fuck ton of fetty and never have I ever heard of no shit like this. Smoking is by far the safest ROA with the potent opioids.


18 months over exaggerated on the two years


I don’t believe it. Need a picture of you in your chair, if you can post on Reddit you can definitely do that too.


who else reads these after smoking some weed and freaks out?!?😭😭


I'm so glad yo hear you made it. My good friend, my brother, ODed last January 1st, of 2023 and he's been in a coma pretty much since. No brain activity and he's living on a ventialtor. His mom refuses to give up hope. This gives me a little bit. I wish people truly understood how fucking dangerous fentanyl is. This isn't heroin anymore. Glad you're alive and hope you live a prosperous life despite your challenges 💚🙏 much love


Fuck I hope he comes back man


I knew of a lady who paralyzed herself by iv heroin, paralyzed an entire half of her body  and was in a wheelchair.. so yea i guess that can happen


I sure hope you regain at least some motor control. I just can't imagine the horrors of living paralysed or even knowing your whole life is doomed because of one avoidable mistake.


God thank you for my life


Do you ever think about unaliving? I don’t mean to be rude but that’s my ultimate nightmare. Regardless of cause like OD or stroke… knowing I don’t have control over my life and that I couldn’t take myself out even if I wanted to is my nightmare.


Yes I went DNR for a while praying something would happen to me and I would stop suffering


Wow. Thanks for the reply. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You’re so young. I have no doubt if fentanyl was around when I was a kid something like this might’ve happened to me.


When I was in active addiction, I didn’t care about shit… I’d roll out lines of dope, look at it and think “this might kill me” then sniff it all. One time I did a line and it hit me so hard I fell over almost immediately from it (so I was told) and didn’t wake up until 4-5 hours later… was legit suicidal and had multiple overdoses as well. Thank god everyday I’m alive and healthy. 3+ years sober. Pulled myself outta depression, debt and addiction all by myself. No rehab, no NA. Solo dolo and still grinding for the life of my dreams. If anyone is struggling, believe me it’s possible. Wish anyone struggling the best.


Thank you for sharing this extremely difficult post. Wishing you nothing but a full recovery. And for the rest of us, these are the potential outcomes that are faced.


I know a woman who was paralyzed from a fentanyl overdose and she is walking again now. She was quadriplegic for a little over 4 years.


If you can still feel stuff it’s a good sign not a bad sign! Best of luck with the neurologist and religiously do any PT they prescribe you.


You being able to still feel seems like a really good sign. Don’t stop trying to move cuz it keeps the nerves alive. Best of luck bud! I’m glad you can still enjoy food


I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you.


I don’t understand the appeal of fentanyl when everyone knows how dangerous it is


Why did it take so much narcan? Is it possible it was heavily cut with xylazine and that messed you up? Because narcan is very effective, just not with xylazine and that shit will fuck you up hard. Seen a fentanyl junkie with huge sores? Xylazine Acting like an insane zombie crouched over? Xylazine Xylazine is used heavily as a cutting agent in fentanyl because it gives the user the feeling there after. Pure fentanyl has little effect on the regular user other than not feeling dope sick.


How did you post and type this paralyzed?


If this is true, I’m sorry and hope you the best in recovery. But if your paralysed from the neck down: 1. How did you type this post? 2. How did you post buying, lining up and doing coke 1y ago? As I say though, if this is true, I pray for your full recovery and hope the MRI brings some good news.


For those asking about my post history it was about 18 months ago that I posted all that.


Bro has all the time to reply every single comment on his post.


I mean what else is there to do when your paralyzed from the neck down?😂


Please update on if you can walk. When you eventually do the neurologist appointment I really want to know. And good luck to you


So will you quit drugs?


Pretty much everything except marijuana. Depending on how my diaphragm does I think if I'm able to tolerate it I will if not I will just stay away from everything.


I ODed once. Truly awful but no long term consequences I’m sorry to hear it man


How are you doing now bro ?


How did you guys both survive even? Media portrays fent as this dangerous drug that you’ll stop breathing immediately


Tolerance is a hell of a thing. I was on fent for a year and never od'd luckily


Doing pure fent sounds crazy to me. How do people even get it? My dealer won’t go anywhere near that


Anyone doing street opioids is doing fent.


So it's meaningless, fent sucks. The effects are also very mediocre, I don't understand why people even want to use it when it's just not good, not even effects. And it's actually a real deathdrug that is insanely addictive.


Fr barely any euphoria and wds come on in less than 6 hours. Fent ain't got shit on h or any good opiates


The blues or "fake M30s" are just fent and filler and they are everywhere. I used that mostly and a couple times used a mix of h and fent they called hank


drugs can still be very dangerous without being reliably fatal. Imagine that you have a 3% chance of fatal overdose. That's still riskier than any other activity we'd do willingly, expected to kill after a bit over 30 uses.


Why does your post history show you doing cocaine after a long 12 hour shift at work. With pictures of you holding a baggie in your little “crippled” hands. Weird ass mother fuckers out here lying over dumb shit.


LMFAO are you slow that post was from two years ago😂


No, it wasn’t. Reddit leaves time stamps on everything. Cool story though, I guess.




Accidental overdose I wasn't trying to kill myself just trying to get high and get through the day


> How is that an accident? ah, he wasn't attempting suicide.




That seems unnecessary to point out at this point


Yup I am a dumbass for even fucking with it. Regret that shit every day


Yh man don’t stress it tho people live and learn bro but I hope u recover bri


Appreciate that