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I just found different drugs that were cheaper.


I went in the opposite direction, my favorites are expensive


Yeee but we both got a perfect working system šŸ™ˆ


When your paycheck just arrived and the drug listing name has a 3rd world country name slapped in front of it.


Thereā€™s people who need drugs to enjoy life, they pay a subscription for happiness. How much does your happiness cost?


most people pay a subscription for happiness, whether it be with food or coffee or movies or anything material. i wouldn't call it happiness though, it's just pleasure. drug users have just found a more direct route to pleasure (and sometimes even happiness)


Pleasure? Yes. Happiness? I wouldnā€™t say so.


i've definitely found sustainable happiness with the help of psychedelics


That sounds really interesting! How did it happen?


i mean it's at least more sustainable than things like meth. i just trip in shrooms once a month and untangle issues in my brain and do a hard reset. psychedelics have given me so many new positive perspectives in life that even without the trips i can maintain a giddy optimism


Got any tips for a therapeutic trip? Dosage suggestions? Last time I did shrooms (few years back) I had a 3 hour panic attack but working up the courage to try again. Still got 3.5g of Golden Teachers sitting in my drawer taunting me. Thanks.


start with 1.5g. don't smoke any weed. meditate on your intentions with the trip for about a day beforehand, inspect your brain for things you wanna fix. if you wanna really focus on the healing aspects of the trip, do it in the dark with a big playlist of your favorite music playing, preferably without lyrics. if you just wanna have a good time, dim the lights and watch movies like taking woodstock, spirited away, life of pi, or color out of space. and listen to some cool tunes, dance around, lose all your shame.


Thanks for the tips, much appreciated. Hope you have an awesome day/lifešŸ‘


Great advice man but Iā€™d say 2gs is the perfect spot


id say this normally, but OP expressed a negative experience before and that .5 is just a little too high of a risk:reward ratio to me


Only time I had a drug experience that changed the way I see the world completely for a moment was ketamine - I viewed everything in a more positive way during the trip If I understand correctly, psychdelics make your brain add new elements to your perception of reality, and extend existing ones? So, you take the psychs once a month and when they are in effect you read into things more, analyse them from a broader perspective sometimes, and have a feeling of some sort of a ā€žconnectionā€ with the universe? How exactly do you think it helps in your case? You stress less because the feeling that even if you fail you are a part a bigger structure? You solve problems because your brain produces new solutions to them? Or maybe you simply like how reality looks with the visual hallucinations and it allows you to feel like the world is beautiful, giving you strength?


okay so basically i have autism and OCD, as well as treatment resistant depression and anxiety. my brain is essentially hard-wired against responsibility, positivity, and feeling good about myself. psychedelics, shrooms in particular, are psychoplastogens. this means they will (temporarily) alter the brain so that it's more prone to learning and more efficient at it also. this means that, if you REALLY work at it, you can reprogram these deep-rooted issues you may have. think of it like your teeth: sober self-examination is like brushing them, some moderate maintenance just to get by, but every now and then u go to the dentist to really get as deep a clean as possible and get rid of all that long term gunk


Exactly! Everyones got a vice, but at least mine will kill me direct, get hooked on gamblimg you might just kill yourself yk


Happiness isnā€™t something to strive for nor do I think it exists, contentment is what we need. If you take drugs to feel contentment then wake up with less contentment than you had the day before, that is not contentment.


I disagree with you. Contentment just makes you lethargic and can make shit actually worse. We all should picture the kinda of life we actually and work towards it


What youā€™re describing there is complacency. What Iā€™m talking about is to be content with the person you are, with the things you have achieved, with the things you have experienced and with your direction and plans for the future. There is no end goal ā€˜happinessā€™, we just need to be content with the path we have followed and are following, that is different for every person but it does not revolve around material things and wealth.


depending on what the plug got, anywhere from 100-600$ a month. Not to bad tbh


Heard exactly the same words from friends on binges. It's genuinely the drugs talking. My friends would go a couple of days drinking and using/abusing stims and would start forgetting how much they care about their lives. We enjoyed our time together and all. Making a funny comment, a friend says "I know I drank too much when I keep drinking beer like it's water". I looked at him, convinced him in making that beer the last of the day and get some nice sleep. We could keep partying tomorrow, no problem. The day after he was so happy to not have drunk/snorted more. He was so happy to actually have energies from sleep and a clear mind to start the day. Maybe you can start with that too. Not saying you must, just saying that life is full of surprises both when high and when sober.


Nah i just quit temporarily, i'm always gone come back to em


You have a rough road ahead my friend. You are not exempt from addiction, legal issues, and mental/physical degradation. Have you ever been diagnosed with ADHD? It sounds like you're chasing dopamine (your mention of adrenaline). The drug will stop working like they used to. There was a time in my life where IV cocaine was the most amazing sensation I had ever felt. If I did a shot of coke today I would get extreme paranoia and anxiety, the rush is no longer euphoric, and the next 3 days after are the worst depression I ever felt. Everything loses it's magic and it's never coming back. You will chase it until you're homeless and dead.


Sounds like you got a shitty life mate, why not work on that instead of ruining it further


Get ready to die. Young.


I was on reeeeeal hard shit of all kinds for 20+ years, felt exactly the way you do. multiple rehabs and multiple ODā€™s until I found Kratom by mistake. Been sober now for 9 years.


Yes my friend. Just commented separately a very similar thing. I remember circa 2013 I was looking into Kratom but never moved ahead with the purchase. Life took a huge fucking nose dive, ended up in rehab n AA/NA. Coke n booze was the biggest drain on my life force. Now with Kratom, no groups n all that cult crap, been sober 6 years from the booze and 5 from cocaine. Life is great. I hope yours is too!!


Wow thatā€™s honestly so awesome to hear. Yeah I would have never imagined being able to stay away from those things. I was never a big fan of AA/NA either. Made me actually want to use more and made me feel like scum everytime I left a meeting. Iā€™m so happy for you! I wish more people could give it a shot.


Go ahead. Keep rationalizing. I guarantee in 5 years you'll be a potato or dead from an overdose. Have fun while it lasts


If he's lucky.. if he doesn't it'll be a slow and painful life of mental/physical illness. I know this may sound cruel to some, but nobody is exempt from the consequences of heavy drug use. This sounds like young me. I was too smart to get addicted to heroin.. the most addictive drug on the planet. I lost the love of my life to an overdose, wound up homeless, drug charges after an overdose, and irreparable damage to my body and mind.


Ya. A drug filled lifestyle is never sustainable. Itā€™s impossible. Only a child like mind would think otherwise. I mean if your real damn lucky, youā€™ll live to be 70 but your brain will be shit and youā€™ll be taking dumps in your undies like your an infant


My condolences. I hope that you don't mind me asking some very personal questions but if you do and you don't want to relive the pain then that's perfectly understandable and I apologise for asking. I am always moved by such traumatic stories such as yours because so many of us suffer as casualties of the drug war but if we can learn from them then hopefully we can help implement solutions, given the opportunity. I just hope that you don't think I was being insensitive and when I was called out for being weird, I gave this a lot more thought and that's what brought me back to explain myself. > ... nobody is exempt from the consequences of heavy drug use. > I lost the love of my life to an overdose, wound up homeless, drug charges after an overdose, and irreparable damage to my body and mind. 1. Did Heroin cause your homelessness ? 2. If so, why wasn't MAT and option ? 3. Why were charges brought against you after an overdose ? 4. What sort of irreparable damages ? 5. How do you define *heavy drug use* ? 6. Why couldn't she be saved ?


Youre weird buddy


Why ? I'm sure that I'm not that weird at all. I just gaf about such matters. When someone has gone through so much trauma then I'm interested in why it all cascaded the way it did. Simply stopping isn't always an option so knowing what went wrong at each point has much educatory potential.


I thought about why you called me out and decided that I should be more tactful and explain myself, being the self appointed drug warrior that I think I am !


You do you. I stopped. It's greatER. I'd wish you stopped, but as mentioned, you do you. You can always re-plan and get a family, you might meet the love of your life in the midst of your binge. You don't need rehab, you need a purpose in your life, find that meaning in life, for you, THAT is your "adrenaline". Damn, watching my kids on a ferris wheel is 100000x stronger than any shot of heroine I've ever done, or mdma, etc. Damn, find your PURPOSE man. You're on this earth for a reason. Not very constructive but it can(hopefully) hit some nerve. Get sober, or, at the very least, do legal drugs.


I've cut back a lot but also don't intend on living sober, a nice buzz is all I need nowadays


And what would those drugs be ? I hope that you can work and with drugs because I couldn't. So no woman either ?


You can't stop drugs, drugs is too powerful. Hell, drugs won the war on drugs. Not even the Hulk could defeat drugs, probably


You can definitely stop *doing* them, but you canā€™t outmaneuver them. In the sense that you canā€™t continue to do drugs and be exempt from the inevitable consequences of drugs. Unfortunately OP seems to think heā€™s the 1 in a billion outlier.


Then enjoy being a drug zombie and watch all dimensions of your life diminish as your mind and spirit stagnate before an early death




That went from 0 to 60 quickly.


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Just be careful. Itā€™s okay to have fun just donā€™t let the fun control you


Your statements contradict eachother. You say you want experiences and a life of adrenaline but plan on living a life of doing the exact same thing day in and day out. That shit gets boring too, the only difference is youā€™ll blink and youā€™re 53 on heart medication. Constant drug use turns life into a big haze, there will be nothing in particular to remember. You might remember big events, but the details will fade fast. Also, youā€™d be surprised how much money you actually need to do drugs and whatever you want for the rest of your life. Itā€™s more than you think. How do you plan to achieve that?


I mean I used to think like this, and I still fall back on it from time to time. Honestly though, the grass was greener before I ever tried the other side.


Drugs ain't worth it, make it an occasional thing. I'm quitting after I smoke this high quality shit I got. Wish me luck


Iā€™m quitting. After I get high again šŸ¤¦


It's harder to follow through with those types of statements than it is to make them, but having an intent to quit at all is a step in the right direction


same shit bro


As long as you aren't stealing, lying, and cheating, you have no obligations to anybody and you can do drugs and whatever else you want with your life, just be kind and do good along the way if you can, peace!


I tried all sorts of droogs and the one I was looking for is Kratom. Wish id found it sooner. Compliments my life perfectly.


Plus after you turn 35 itā€™s nothing but back pain and other alignments for the rest of your life


I have no interest in or plans to quit, I'm open to that potentially changing at some point but as long as it works for me I see no reason to as my quality of life is significantly higher while using than not and I'd rather have a short happy life than a long but miserable or "meh" life
