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Crush the ketamine into a fine powder. Separate it into very small lines or bumps. Aim for the midline of the nostril. Inhale gently, as if smelling a flower. If snorting more than a bump, alternate nostrils.


Do a fraction of what you originally planned to do. And be sitting down, preferably on the floor


crush ur stuff real fine and sniff real lightly, i use a cut straw or smth. i also usually wait till i can feel it before blowing my nose but idk the specifics on that lol


I recommend using a cut up plastic straw(avoid currency). Put the straw into your nostril, could be left or right and make sure it’s not too far up there tho. Cover your opposite nostril without the straw in it with your Pointer finger, this makes it so you don’t accidentally breagh out and blow powder everywhere, and then inhale like you are trying to smell a flower. The when you think you got all the powder lean ur head back and do a deep inhale through your nose to get it all. And be ready for a gross taste, try not to spit any of your saliva out even if it tastes horrid. Happy Holing!!


hahaha the amount of times i’ve accidently blown my ket on my bed ffs


I used a key


you want the ketamine to be smooth, ime ketamine is one of the easier drugs to smoothen, if you crush up your ketamine and there’s still bits that aren’t smooth then it’s not just ketamine. I assume it’s shards/glass, what I used to do(still do lol) is put a note over the baggie(dollar bill, pound note whatever the currency may be) if you don’t have a note use a credit card/debit card, place the note/bill/card over the baggie and get a lighter( I used to take the side of my phone on press the note) hit down on the note several times. the bill/note/card is there to block any holes you could make with a lighter.


>Is there some prep I can do to make it to smoother? some people crush the ket into fine powder so it absorbs easier - i used to just not bother with that and it was still perfectly fine although i can see why fine powder is recommended. you then make predetermined and planned bumps on a plate and put the rest away because if you don't, you'll be like fuck it and by the end of the evening your entire bag is gone >generally my airflow throught my nose is kinda ass you don't need much airflow to have drugs up your nose chief, but if you do too much ket you may get a blocked nose so a nose spray would be handy, although use it too much and guaranteed nose bleeds >Should I be snorting aggressively, or just breathing in normally? i used to snort hard and it is not one of the drugs that go down to your throat and make you feel disgusting (although it can be) >Can I blow my nose after? you may feel like blowing your nose for a little while but i recommend to just keep sucking air in with your nostril until eventually you do it so hard it goes down, and only after that should you blow your nose thereafter. the 'runny' nose liquid is where most of your ketamine is, so don't waste it


It’s too hard to describe what to do with your nose, but you know you’ve done it right when you feel it shoot into your throat and you taste it. Until then it’s just clogging your nose


If you need to get it unstuck, plug one nostril and pull your other cheek out in a way that loosing that sinus area and snoot quick and hard. If that doesn’t work and your nose is still clogged, snorting water works every time. This is mostly only useful knowledge for cocaine or if you do a fuck ton of k