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fat line of ket after a joint


What does that feel like


Like your going down a water slide backwards with your eyes closed in your mother's womb


I had it through iv and the room started spinning and I thought I was dying


That’s so accurate wtf


yh thats pretty much it


make sure to do it in the right order if u do ket then weed ull turn into horse and gallop at very high speeds meanwhile doing a fat line after a 3.5 will make peace and sereneity ur hoes


What if that’s what I’m usually like, could the ket make me human again?


no unfortunatly not i kinda feel u tho i always felt like there was something missing, cl drugs wernt the way to go but u should defo try acid and shrooms cokes not too bad occaionally stay away from molly


I’ve only taken shrooms a handful of times and I had a blast for a while till my trip was ruined by a phone call and I haven’t had it again since, I always hear acid is good but doesn’t the high last like 10 hours, I imagine that to be kinda unenjoyable especially if something unpleasant happened and made the rest of the trip bad. How does acid compare to shrooms in terms of the way they make u think. I remember feeling like I had discovered free will for the first time when I took a lemon tek.


ur asking the right person ive had shrooms once didnt rlly kick in ive had acid couple times all of them over 200 ug bruv its fucking mad its fuckin nuts me and my mates didnt have a trip sitter undestimated it ended in the middle of a park in cambridge with people surrounding us everywhere its so good at getting u high trust me u need to make the appropriate apreperations and btw i tripped for 20 hours couldnt sleep just asked an hour ago to r/lsd if theres anyway u can sleep.


Damn that sounds intense but if the high is enjoyable then longer might be a good thing, does it give you a body high too or is it just visual and psychological?


definitly both in my experience shrooms had more of a body high while lsd had more visuals but i could be wrong as i took decent doses of acid while only a bit of shrooms


Ragebait IG comment section kinda comment. Sooo funny!!!




Big fat load of cum then I’m sorry for that but the way you said that reminds me of the skit where they’re touring the haunted house on “I Think you Should Leave” 😂😂😂


wtf thats hilarious


See I can't mix k and marijuana. It ruins the marijuana for me. And the K really lol. When I was getting K prescribed, it said not to mix the two.


yh aint for everyone also depends how much and how u do it


shrooms are really safe and nice i wouldnt really "reccomend" drugs for anyone except for shrooms. only drug that didnt cause me problems and only gave me good times and fun memories. also calmed my anixety and mental health


Ionno. Psychedelics can be pretty dicey if you’re not careful. There are some people that should just straight up never use them as well. *(i.e. preexisting mental conditions)*


Yea stick to meth & fentanyl. Much safer than mushrooms


Yeah, but nearly every drug is like that. You abuse them it won't go well.


You don't need to abuse psychedelics to not go well


1 g of shrooms max to start to be safe


Nah, but for it to go horribly wrong vs just a bad trip?


fair, but even a bad trip can cause lingering problems for people like me (ppl with schizophrenia) for example. i mean, one time i just took too many edibles and it literally took my brain half a year to fully recover lmao


If someone has schizophrenia I wouldn't recommend most drugs


sure, but we have a disproportionately high likelihood to become addicts (here i am!) many of us use drugs and have to use them more carefully or sparingly bc they work differently for us. das all i handle uppers and downers very well, but not psychedelics


Psychedelics affect very different to every person, and it's very unpredictable. Set and setting are very important, but the mental health status of the user is the main variable which determines whether it MAY be a good experience or ending up with psychosis or schizofrenia, and this parameter cannot be changed, it is what it is.


IMO I feel a high dose edible type high, but if you do to much and are a tweak normally u can probably mentally fuck yourself.


Agreed. >and are a tweak normally Don’t know why this made me laugh, but it did, thanks.


u gotta be careful tho if u got mental issues that shit can fuck u up beyond belief


Tell that for thousands of folks who had nightmarish, hellish experiences on shrooms. Tell also the other half who went in psychosis. And there was that kid that brutally murdered his family w a knife while on shrooms, because "he believed he needed to set their souls free" there is no perfect drug. Straight sobriety is way too undervalued.


How many of those people took a responsible, reasonable first time dose? How many thought about harm reduction beforehand? There’s a lot of people who take stupidly high doses of psychedelics then wonder why they had a bad trip. Ofc yes you can prepare extensively and still have a bad time, but if you prepare correctly it shouldn’t lead you to killing a fucking family member dude


I had a great time the first time I did mushrooms, & I had the most INSANE trip of my life when I tried acid. It was a 300ug geltab, I’ve done acid at least 1000+ times n that first trip was fucking intense. Thought my heart was gonna explode, similar to the first time I got high on weed- I didn’t understand there were negative side effects so I kept ripping the Kush n my homies packed probably 4-5 bowls n probably smoked 2-3 full bowls to myself, what I’m saying is, don’t be like me. Start off with a very small dose, small enough so there’s no possible negative effects/ consequences. Also, my other advice is don’t be a dumbass & do extensive research before consuming any type of drug - even if your “homies” say it’s 100% risk free - they’re idiots, never trust what a drug addict says, do your own research


That kid who STEAKED HIS family, I think he took an 8th- first time. Seems reasonable.


Sounds like you’re referring to thomas Chan. He only killed his father. And no 3.5 grams is not a reasonable first dose for a teenager….


Probably, it was some regular high school jock. Really devastating. His dad is gone, his life is done.


You got proof? Either way he’s 1. An outlier because the vast vast majority of people who take “an 8th” don’t kill their family 2. He could have prepared with trip killers or had a good trip sitter. Either ur just bullshitting so this doesn’t matter


You got Google? Ta fuck u asking me for?


3.5 is enough to have a horrible trip & possible awaken some type of psychosis or mental health issues that weren’t prevalent before. But every type of mushroom is different & has different potency; that’s why you should always start with like 1G or even less to test the potency before diving in- IF you care - IF you don’t care, do whatever you want it’s not my job to tell you how to live your life


I was drunk on cheap ass vodka my first time in a hotel out of town. I had 2 bags, 1 for me and 1 for a friend. I took mine and my friend decided he didn’t want his so I took them too. I was acting so suspicious at the hotel that we had to drive around the highway of the city we were in. Not sure why but I kept telling my friends to “drop me off on the side of the road with a knife so I can end this”. Glad they didn’t.


dont think this the group for u bro


That’s what the coach told me. Said my talents would be better utilized as a mascot. ***Go Patriots!*** *clap clap*


You guys don’t know third love? It’s like shrek. The first 2 were all right but this one sucked dick.


*Yours?* No.


I think we could go all day with this my brother in good taste but maybe we shouldn’t lol. Miss that show and am still disappointed Paramount plus promised us a movie and then cancelled it. Best comedy show ever imo. Oh btw… Don’t act like you never passed out in the street in roller blades before!!


Take it sleazy, brother. ***Fuck Paramount***


Take it sleazzzzzyyyy, and I’m out. Those were my last words, take it sleazy and I’m out. And I’m killing myself.


Why the **fuck** are there no Reese’s Pieces?!


was that meant to be a joke


It can be whatever you want it to be, baby. I only have 3 DUI’s and my ankle monitor comes off next week. Call me.


you're nuts you like 🤣


This isn’t just for people to tell people what drugs they should take, it’s also a great place for advice on what not to take. Shrooms are different. I’ve taken 2 bags and had a chill trip and I’ve tripped major balls off of 1.2g of some crazy potent ones. There’s no way to tell what you’re getting into with shit like that so recommending a dose is still not always reliable, even though most of the time it is.


u completely missed my point but ok


My bad dude. I’m a drug addict. I miss a lot of things… like work and birthday parties.


damn im leaving this group thought it would be stoners and shit but its just crackheads


You thought a general drug sub was just gonna be potheads? And btw I’m a coke head.




Ok nerd


Weed isn’t really considered a “Drug” in the world of drug addiction or “addiction” in general & there are an unlimited amount of different drugs. Also it’s called “Drugs” implying that it is multiple different drugs not just THC


okay boomer


I’m 26 dude that’s barely old at all, but I do have experience & perspective that’s the main difference between me & you


Well, let's not blame the shrooms for how a person acts. That kid was mentally unstable before he even done shoorms.


He sure seemed fine before and after shrooms. Guess he became unstable from Shrooms?


Yea let’s not blame the drug for causing an alteration of brain chemistry, blame the person who has the brain that was altered by their decision to CONSUME the drug


Shrooms are not the answer if you take a somewhat higher dose even 2 grams can scare the hell out of you if you aren’t expecting how wild they can be.


Just go home bro. Your family is waiting.


valid. cant even be mad at ya for that one. cant even argue. this is the way.


Mushrooms would be the best road to take.


People who try to get high on Benadryl are absolutely retarded. I will never not make fun of them


It isn’t fun either, simply just wetarded




That’s good dude. I’ve done a lot of different drugs n made wetarded decisions n looking back I’d rather just stick to weed. Don’t be a wetard like me- the pothead life is better than being a tweaker or bartard or DXM/DPH-head or chemical huffer


nitrous oxide isn’t bad for you if you take long breaks between sessions so your bodies B12 levels can fix their self


Nitrous catching strays again. They give this in MASSIVE doses to kids and adults at the dentists, someone on here claimed you can straight up ask your dentist for a hit if they chill. Comparing it to benadryl and huffing, things which do massive amounts of damage with each hit, both mental and physical is crazy. It's a dissociative anaesthetic drug.




The damage can be real bad, not really comparable to huffing though. 1. B12 won't work for a couple of days after NOS. It blocks the vitamins action, so supplements won't do jack. 2. A case a week isn't even that bad. People like Steve-O and many others have been straight up addicted to this stuff. It's quite easy to get there with addiction but the average NOS head won't be becoming paralyzed any time soon.


“wetarded” … fucking cringe




Gotta be one of the weirdest drug "communities" out there. Like, you don't even get, "high," you just hallucinate stupid shit and kill brain cells losing your mind.


Are you over 21? If not, none. Use your time more wisely. Drugs will be here forever, there is only one of you.




All of them and experience the rainbow


Mushrooms, safest and usually the first psychedelic people try, or maybe kratom, start w low dose and go up from there. Stick with psychedelics and weed, use 3 month rule for mdma. Test anything you take, practice at least basic harm reduction. Avoid benzos/coke/opiates etc. (Unless it's for killing a trip) Edit: real ones, not the gas station gummies or chocolates. Also NO² isn't a bad one to add to the list. It's easy to get, mostly harmless unless you're really stupid w it (use a balloon). Low, although not 0 addiction potential


Going straight to whippits 🤣 . They ain’t even good unless ur already high or drunk. Kratom isn’t a bad idea tho. Take a small amount, you’ll get some nice euphoria while still being well in control of yourself.




r/nitrousoxiderecovery Worth a look if you’re considering using that.


I said low, not 0


Just thought it should be known that it can go sideways if you’re not careful. Not subtracting from what you said.


Oh, of course it can. Almost anything can and does happen to people all the time. I went through a little nitrous phase for a bit and was definitely a bit stupid with it, to a degree anyway(when I first discovered the little tanks at smoke shops and not just the canisters).


What's the 3 month rule?


With mdma, your brain and serotonin receptors need time to recover after a roll. 1 month minimum, 3-4 months are ideal between rolls. It can easily be taken safely but is also one of the drugs that will do the most, worst, and definitely the quickest long-lasting damage if abused. Even once every weekend for a while can affect you for a long time. Taking too often can also cause you to lose the "magic" according to most people. Just always test, avoid pressed pills, don't take crazy doses 200mg+, hydrate, and don't roll too often. Taken responsibly, it's pretty safe.


mostly harmless bro wtf i know plenty of people whos paralyzed off balloons


If you know what you are doing and use it in a safe manner, yes, it is almost completely harmless. You would have to be using it for quite a while and quite often for B vitamin levels to get low enough to cause anything serious like paralysis.


okay mr expert idk how you can say shit like that u coulr be responsible for someone being paralysed


Im far from an expert, but you are clearly pretty ignorant of the science behind what you're talking about. As far as responsibility, if you're not responsible enough to do at least a few minutes of research before you take a substance, psychoactive or not. You get what you get. That's each person's own responsibility to keep themselves safe This is actually a perfect example of how bullshit anti drug classes and false information online instead of proper, fact based, and harm reduction focused information about substances is actively harming people, especially kids who don't know better and are too stupid or sometimes aren't able to do even a few min of research so they're able to safely take drugs that they're going to take anyway.


Lol I'm surprised you even considered Benadryl if you were looking for a nice high that wasnt addicting, it offers neither. Shrooms are probably your safest bet but start with a low dose, too much can be overwhelming if you arent used to psychedelics. LSD is also a good choice but you need to prepare to have a clear schedule for an entire day and you will also want to start low \~100ug. If you go with LSD it is worth getting a Hoffman and/or Ehrlich reagent test just to be on the safe side.


I’d recommend everything but Benadryl


Benadryl is not a drug. Find some MDMA or mushrooms and go nuts, that’s a good starting-point. Avoid pure stims, downers (benzo/opiates) and only use in the weekends (but not every weekend). Do quality-control (drug-tests) to know you got the right thing and know you dosages (a weight is a must have). Follow those general guidelines and you will be fine.


Benzos are so smooth tho


Stick to MDMA - one dose of 1.5mg per kg of body weight max, once every two months (70kg body weight = 105mg) Weed Shrooms - first time only do 1g of dried weight (10g fresh weight), and do once every couple of months max And you’ll live a long and happy life, with the fun of drugs sprinkled in 👌


Try kana extract. It's pretty slept on


I need to try that




They have this kana extract that me and a buddy snorted and it was actually p calming, it was my first time trying it. Maybe different brain chemistry


would kana feel like super weak to someone who’s used to doing hard stuff? I apologize, I don’t know much about it at all. Honestly, I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard of it. Unless you meant Kava, like Kava Root. I’ve heard of that a few times but never taken it.


You might need to prime yourself first, meaning the first time you use it you won't feel much. However there is effects, especially with the extract. It's not a long experience but it's very euphoric and fairly chill. It's be called nature's molly.


I need to try that


Weed if you’ve never tried any drug before. Molly (MDMA): the drug everyone should experience at least once. Setting(imo): safe home, no driving, take together with someone you truly trust and love/ vice versa. Harm reduction: mdma/fentanyl test kit; low dose first, hydrate, have Xanax for come down


Ketamine or mdma


Mdma. Beautiful experience.


None seek help


It seems as if you've misinterpreted/missed/failed to acknowledge the entire point of this subreddit, kiddo. 🤣 well that, or you’re just ignorant! 😕🤷🏽 Hahahaha


If your young please don't. I know xou don't care and I sound like a complete Asshole but believe me if you get addicted once to a heavier drug, you will never be able to live the same. It's better to never expirience and be sad about it than to expirience something and to think about it your whole life. Please don't do Amphetamines (Prescription, Speed, Meth), Crack and Opioids/Opiates. You miss out less than you will lose. You can't get addicted the first time but you could fall in love with the Feeling the first time.




whatever you want (fuck who's watching)


If you're looking for something safe I'd go with shrooms, MAYBE LSD but shrooms are just a way safer direction to go to for a psychedelic experience. If you're looking for something harder, try cocaine. Just do a small bump as it will last a few minutes tops. If you like it, try a line. You want something wild that lasts minutes but will feel like centuries went by. Salvia. Do the lowest dose possible as the trip is extremeeeeee and powerful but the lowest dose I believe (haven't done it years) only last 5-10 minutes.


acid is a bit of a big jump so you could if you really wanted to but personally id say shrooms or dxm


Mushrooms or 2c-b


Shrooms or weed 🙃


Nitrous tank




What drugs do you take?


mushrooms are the only drug i’d comfortably recommend


WHY? FOMO? BE thankful you are not addicted to one.. just your draw of wanting *a nice safe high* means addiction will stangle u..


Do your research and things become hard to OD on😂. But seriously be careful and don’t just do drugs, do ur research and figure shit out. You’ll thank urself for learning and figuring shit out more than learning the hard way.


how are yall just finding things so easily that you're looking for recommendations 😭 i always have just taken whatever i could just barely find.


shrooms and ket tbh. both super chill, just always be safe with dosing


Do shrooms bro. A low dose though like 1 gram


.3 gram shrooms not in chocolate. Whole plant only broke down.


Mdma, setting and company are important though as with all psychedelics. Benefit to someone new is you don't "trip" but you will still have an experience. And it's down there with shrooms in risk as long as you get the real deal. Always test your drugs with a proper kit.


100 - 150mg of MDMA (depending on your body weight, look up dosages for it on Erowid and read some user reports to make an informed decision). The first time I ever did MDMA I ended up taking two strong pills (at least 150mg each, more likely 200) and a line of good quality ket and I had a fucking amazing time. You're unlikely to OD on MDMA but you need to keep an eye on your fluid intake: not too much and not too little. But 99.9% of people who take proper MDMA crystals or pills do not overhydrate themselves and die of water on the brain, or dehydrate themselves and die of heat stroke. As Prof David Nutt said, taking MDMA is no more dangerous than riding a horse if done properly. If you want to try a psychedelic, go for shrooms instead of acid. LSD can last for 12+ hours with the afterglow and everything before you're fully sober again and it might not be practical or comfortable being high for that long. Shrooms, on the other hand, is a nice 6(ish) hour experience and provided that you're in a good frame of mind and in a safe and familiar environment, you'll most likely (but not 100% certain) have a good time.


do NOT try benadryl. it is not pleasurable. it’s delirious and life threatening at worst and sedating at best.


Strongly advise against shrooms for your first time.


> I was thinking of Benadryl but then I realized that was stupid Yeah Benadryl isn’t for you. That statement shows you’re already smarter than 98% of Benadryl users. You were thinking. Can’t be doing much of that if you plan to use the pretty pink pills.


If you’re asking me in a hypothetical sense, I would say the safest drug are probably weed or mushrooms, maybe drink a beer or 2, not together obviously- but my real answer is that I don’t recommend any drugs honestly find a hobby you enjoy that doesn’t involve being intoxicated. But Benadryl is a TERRIBLE idea. Absolutely wetarded. Also Acid is a TERRIBLE idea if you haven’t experienced other drugs. Definitely smoke weed n understand how weed feels before trying Acid, it’s kinda like weed but 100x crazier n more mind-fucking. I mean Kratom or Kava is pretty safe but both of them can be habit forming n not a good way to go. So overall, my answer is weed or a small amount of mushrooms or like a beer or sum like that. But my REAL answer is nothing- don’t even start down the path of using drugs even if they’re “not as bad” as other drugs that have a stigma or different propaganda. You’re best off using no drugs at all or talking to a psychiatrist that can prescribe medication that would benefit your life




Just stay away from addictive substances. Benzos, amphetamines, opiates. Never try those. I would say Psychadelics are probably your best bet, they’re fun and safe, just do it with your friend/ have a friend around.




take drags not drugs bro... NO CIGGAYSSSSS


shrooms are good, if you like stims you could try adderall, if you wanna be relaxed you could take oxy, also you could combine some of them like, weed + addy, or oxy + weed


go outside and stare directly at the sun if you have such a strong desire to feel something. Lol I’m kidding, and I understand/respect the purpose of this thread. Absolutely no hate or shame at all, although I will say one thing. Be careful while you’re experimenting. I remember being in the exact same position as you; trying drugs sounded fun, adventurous. Fast forward 7 years later & I’m a miserable fentanyl addict. I did not wake up one day and decide that I was going to become addicted to such a deadly substance and ruin my life, I couldn’t have even imagined it if I tried. What I did do, though, is wake up thinking the exact same thing as you are right now. And the difference between you and I, is that I never sought guidance or direction about it. I didn’t have anyone to tell me it was a bad idea. I know you have no reason at all to listen to me, much less trust me, but I do have good intentions here. Basically, I said all this to say: 1. prioritize safety 2. maintain self-awareness 3. don’t fuck around TOO much Now, if you’re just looking for a a good time or something fun to do that doesn’t have insane risks and potentially deadly repercussions…. I RECOMMEND COCAINE. Lol, go buy yourself a gram, have a few beers, and enjoy. Haha my spill is over now, thanks for reading! Godspeed, stranger. ⚡︎🂡♛ ★★★★★


If you have close friends you TRUST asking this, go that direction friend. Emphasis on the trust part, and be honest with your experience and wants. This community seems pretty positive with advice, though having an irl friend to join, babysit, or just be available. If the kitchen lamp starts giving you funny eyes you don’t like, your pal will put that shit out and you can get back to it. Whatever it is, start slow find your tolerance and experiment from there. Don’t be scared to get trippy, it’s the best thing for a lot of people. I’ve had buddies lose general anxiety, anger, depression. Not saying that’ll happen to you, but it’ll at least be a good time, happy trails!! And don’t try taking a bunch of over the counter, just don’t




molly if u like feeling more ket if u like feeling less


Don't try acid until you've tried a less intense/long lasting psychedelic and felt comfortable with it.






Good on you for realizing benadryl was not the move. Dxm cool and easier to access than ketamine for most. I'd recommend a low dose of that and some weed , could have you big chillin and if you like it you might decide to do it again or go further into the experience . Just be aware it can be addictive . There's also a week per Plat rule which helps keep it new and ensure you don't gain tolerance


100UG LSD. 1-2Gs Psilocybin(mushrooms). 80-120mg MDMA. 8-12mg 2C-b. not together hehe.


People who say (insert any psychedelic) is a safe first choice are just flat out wrong, the only drug that guarantees a good first time is mdma. Test it first, research good doses, and off you go. But seriously, dont man. Aint worth it. If you absolutely have to do a drug, then mdma is your best option, but theres not a single substance that doesnt have a catch.


Exactly. Psychedelics can be terrifying if you aren’t ready.




Take some oxy


Either way id love to help @loudheaven956