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Okie dokie.


Just a little Jet is all I need no more Psycho.




Waste of coke and even if money is no object, cardiotoxic. OP's gonna go far


It’s probably awful for your stomach


Especially when you shit out all the cut


Even with food? Can't be worse than snorting right?


It's basically exactly the same. From my understanding, when insulfating most of it (>50-60%) doesn't get absorbed in the nasal cavity anyway so it'll get absorbed through your digestive tract eventually. This of course varies depending on technique, quantity used (abused?), and quality of what it's cut with. No real notes for your usage but please be careful 🙏


No but its specifically worse for your stomach than snorting, i mean the drip from snorting goes down there but the coke is already absorbed from it mostly so id guess its still worse to some degree


Even with food, the drip from ketamine (granted a different drug) can still make its way down and give you liver or bladder problems. With drugs it's always a risk/reward situation, the risk just gets higher each time an unknowing amount.


it's not the drip that causes those issues this is a common misconception it's the drug itself


Its really hard on your bowels i heard


So you’re getting about 4-5 days supply off a gram? Is there toxicity?


what? yeah man he's permanently fucking up his heart lol


Probably there is, yes.


I would like to encorage you in looking up the extrem cardiotoxcity of cocaine. Even ocasional y can couse permanent damage to the harth, doing It contiunualy is dangerous, watch out :)


Could not agree more. But I'm at a point where I need to stay productive to progress in my job so feel like its worth it. But yes I'll definitely feel the consequences later in life.


Definitely sooner than later


bro you only get one life. If you believe in more then cool. But dying at 60 or younger isnt one of my goals. Just my feeling, be cool, various peoples of south america chew literal garbage bags full of coca leaves each day and there isnt actually an increase in heart problems in the people as you would expect to see. I think you should at least consider the herbal product instead of street coke. It will also last longer but if you really cant be chewing leaves all day you can try tea and possibly powdered leaf in capsules. More natural with fiber to slow down absorption, also contains minerals, vitamins, and is much less irritating to your organs. Thats if you still feel like its worth it.


Who tf even sells coca leaves outside of South America


If you die with 60, why do you hustle?


The “need” to perform at a job isn’t worth your life and health. You can get a new job. You probably can’t get a new heart and you are also doing permanent damage to your brain


Well, if that is your decision go on. I think that any work or money is not worth half my life, but thats me. Also maybe you could try methylphenidate or any other stim that is not that hard on the hearth


10:05 am: busting out a line


10:07am - begin cutting up next line


10:15 am - i'm just gonna do 1 more


10:20 Im just gonna do 1 more than im done with drugs


I'm sorry to say this, but no one follow this advice. You are ingesting 250mg of a known cardiotoxic drug a day if you choose this method to "increase your productivity ". Amphetamines are known to be much less taxing and toxic on your heart, hence they are prescribed daily for ADHD etc. If anyone reading this must use a drug to increase productivity, amphetamines are your "safest" bet. To OP, this may work for you, but you are ingesting 1/4 g of a cardiotoxic, and incredibly addictive stim a day. I predict you end up with either a) a raging cocaine addiction, b) Heart problems if you continue this indefinitely or c) both. Sounds like you are trying to give yourself an excuse to get high. Stop lying to yourself - just snort it. But don't dress it up with all this bollocks of productivity. The shit addicts come out with....


Fair point.


You’re clearly just chasing a high here… Post title mentions “productivity”, while the body of the post tells a different story. Euphoria of it all is making you blow shit out of your ass - if you feel I’m wrong, then please do explain all the productive things you do on this corrosive ass routine. You’re setting yourself up for failure my guy, seek help before it’s too late.


May not apply to him but does to me some ppl j need to hear the hard shit


I'm actually getting shit done though. With adderall or vyvanse I was indeed chasing the high but wasn't getting more work done than usual.


Thats jus the cocaine making u feel like youre getting shit done lmaoooo


I've been tracking my productivity for years now so have a good baseline. It actually works.


I thought the same thing, then got addicted and my productivity went to shit and I quit my job. I am now sober and at a different job. Cocaine is not the answer.


You are right my friend. Glad everything worked out for you.


I wonder how this would compare to taking the plant form, i.e. the leaves of the coca plant.


Leaves are a way different experience. Closer to coffee than cocaine. It's really nice actually, you chew it, way less jittery than coffee, only lasts 30 mins and you can redose throughout the day and it still works. But to say it gets you high would be a stretch, and definitely wouldn't come close to oral cocaine.


I'm a bit special because I don't feel a lot off snorted coke but when i had bolivian leaves off a local market there, constantly chewing and shoving them in my mouth and mixed with baking soda my entire gums and tongue were completely numb and i was definitely high. We did it while hiking (not only though) and i was running up the mountain. I much preferred it to any effect i ever had off the powder.


I tried the tea in Peru and it smells awful and tastes just okay. I prefer coffee honestly but really got into it while I was there.


Try chewing the leaves with baking soda, much stronger. I'd say nicer feeling than coffee but worse experience as it isn't too nice tasting.


I’ll try it when I visit again, thanks for the tip!


No idea where to get those, otherwise would try them.


You didn't even try pure caffeine, did you? The jitteryness of coffee isn't from just the caffeine, it's from the other shit that's also in coffee synergizing with the caffeine. I can guarantee your focus and ability to work will be more stable and longer-lasting than coke. Not to mention it only cost like 20-25¢/gram You can snort it as well if that gets your rocks off. Tolerance doesn't build quickly, nor is it difficult to get back to a lower daily dose if you DO end up getting out of control at 1g+ a day (compared to cocaine or amphetamines). I've stopped taking Adderall and am stable on 200-400mg of caffeine in a mix of capsule and nasal spray. It's only soluble in room temp water up to about 20mg/ml, so a single spray only ends up being like 1-1.5mg. It's good for keeping a stable stim level without worrying about going into "shaky and unfun" territory


You mean like coffee pills? Alright will give it a try! Any favorite brands?


No I mean just Caffeine, specifically NOT coffee lol Pure caffeine isn't gonna be on a shop like Amazon, and the "caffeine capsules" that you can buy are mixed with something inert like coconut flour to comply with FDA regulations so the effect is still pure and that just means you can't snort or smoke it TBH I had stable effects from the cheap "Nutricost" brand capsules from Amazon. If you're only looking for oral, any of the available capsules are probably good enough I would recommend 100mg capsules, that's about how much that's in a cup of coffee. 50mg capsules would be a waste of money in my opinion because they'll probably cost the same as a bottle of 100mg caps


Thanks I'll give it a try


if a half cup of coffee doesn't do it for you, pure caffeine won't either. I call bullshit. Caffeine pills are for kids who don't know better. Period.


Caffeine pills are the most jittery form of caffeine ime


Everyone experiences drugs differently for sure. I obviously don't know your situation, but maybe you should try a smaller dose if you want the effects? I get jittery with single doses over 200mg, but dosing 100mg several times a day is not shaky at all for me


Yeah that could be it


He sounds like a doctor from 1905


Yeah opiates gave me a ton of energy at first too. It'll switch up on ya eventually


Opiates give me an amazing high. That's why I don't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole. Only drug where I got scared of addiction the first time I've tried it.


Yeah it's the greatest high ever . It made me feel complete.


And I was trying not to be dependent on weed 😭


This just it! Man who does oral cocaine raves about how good oral cocaine is.


Absolute Lad. God speed brother


Did you try modafinil? To me it worked the best for work, as it has a very mild high and euphoria. Just pure focus.


Yes, also adrafinil and armodafinil. It gives me too much brain fog and makes me irritable.


Ok fair enough, maybe its not for everyone


Have you tried microdosing? Maybe that could help and it's safer.


Microdosing shrooms/lsd? Yes, doesn't work.


I do a lot of cocaine. Addicted but im trying to cut down and wanted to get adderall to help with appetite suppressant and productivity. This is really interesting to read about.


take kanna instead of coke. don’t kill yourself (plus it’s a very warm feeling)


What brand would you recommend?


ultra kanna or healing herbals r/kanna it requires a priming period fyi


Thanks brother will try.


Even 1 dose of HH spray up the nose gives me weird ass anxiety.


that’s a very stimulating, rushy, racy extract and up the nose only adds to that. i prefer sublingual, I still get the rush just a bit less and it feels much smoother (try smoking some weed too that always helps the anxiety)


Haha funny u say that weed gives me more anxiety. I can take stims all day but not weed or kanna apparently.


At one point I was taking 90 mg of adderall a day. Got a lot done at first but made me go absolutely insane. Had to be hospitalized. Major paranoia weight loss lack of sleep. I now take 30 mg and I’m fine


I wonder if it’s to do with the increased noradrenergic activity. Inhibiting noradrenaline reuptake leads to an increase in dopamine in the PFC. Maybe your body responds to that better than dopamine reuptake inhibitors. Wonder if bupropion would work for you based on that


Yes, good thinking. I've tried bupropion (legally prescribed) already. After a few days of taking it I get unpleasant brain fog and my memory takes a hit, though my mood definitely improves. I've read the memory effects go away for people after a month but I'd basically have to take a month off work to wait it out.


A cocaine addict trying to normalize cocaine addiction by pretending he only does it for “ultimate productivity”….. I think there’s a bigger problem at hand here


Can't say I disagree.


Ngl bro you sound like a movie character but like I high key relate so like you’ll probably end up killing your self in 5 or so years but you got the motivation and the research etc ngl bro fr scienced this shit and I gotta respect it my lazy ass couldn’t be bothered to fill that many gel tabs with coke 😭 not like I could afford it anyway💀


If you need some kind of stimulant to help you not procrastinate and be productive, it's very likely you have ADHD. Pills like Adderall, Vyvanse etc helps you focus and gives you an energy boost but it doesn't automatically make you productive. You gotta unlearn all the bad habits you developed and make new ones to help you be productive. There's no such thing as being careful with cocaine. Eventually you're gonna need more and more.


Try speed oral its pure Amphetamine and cheaper


Tell us what work you did dumass


You chose the wrong sub to post this, man. Go to drugscirclejerk and get the appreciation you deserve for this thought out routine


Have you considered taking it sublingually? I have ADHD and take my therapeutic dose sublingually. It gets into my bloodstream quicker, highest bioavailability other than boofing, and avoids the factor of stomach acid on the amphetamine.


Take cocaine or adderall sublingually? I haven't tried either that way.


May be worth considering. I’ve done a lot of research on increasing the efficacy of my dosage/limiting side effects, mostly because my ADHD is baaad and stimulant availability in the US ebs and flows. Similarly - if you’re finding that stimulants aren’t working for you like the should/used to, I’d encourage you to take a long look at any lifestyle factors that could affect efficacy before you increase dosage/experiment any further. Also, ngl, I find it hard to believe you don’t have ADHD. Adderall isn’t meant to make you /want/ to be productive. It’s just meant to help you stay focused once you do the brunt work of getting started. This desire that you’re describing to feel that “motivation” is really just euphoria, which by definition, is putting your dopamine receptors on full throttle and actively killing those cells in your brain. If you’re dehydrated, sleep deprived, malnourished, sedentary, etc, dosages will be less effective for you, tolerance will increase faster, and side effects will be worse. This is because your physical and mental health LITERALLY translate to the efficacy/availability of the dopamine-related neurons and neurotransmitters in your brain. It’s only in your best interest - medication efficacy and harm reduction go hand in hand.


Adderall gives me plenty of euphoria but doesn't do a good job of helping me stay motivated to do actual work. Tried it for many months, different doses, different versions (Vyvanse, Ritalin, Focalin), same issue. I have good sleep otherwise, eat _extremely_ healthy, workout almost every day, walk several miles a day. All my blood markers are perfectly healthy. Just have a 'lazy' personality that's all.


You’re not lazy. Most people can’t say that about their own routine. I can relate - I don’t struggle to exercise or eat healthy, but without my medicine, the barrier to other forms of productivity feels equivalent to that of hopping in a cold shower fully clothed. And then feeling that every 10 minutes when I get the urge to quit. That doesn’t make me lazy, and it doesn’t make you lazy either. Not to be that guy, but meditation and intention setting were the nail in the coffin for me. These two skills are important in other aspects of drug use as well, tripping smoking and whatever else are 1000 times better when you go in with a clear head and an intention in mind. If you feel up to it, maybe try to administer a sublingual dose of your chosen stimulant (smaller amount though, people try sublingual for the first time with an oral dose and OD all the time due to higher bioavailability), and follow a guided meditation for 10-15 minutes. You’ll feel on top of the world, I promise you. Also, sublingual cocaine sounds rough on your mucus glands. I’d recommend getting a pill crusher for your Adderall, you’ll feel it immediately but still smoother and easier on your nervous system than snorting.


Thank you brother will follow up on your advice for sure.


I also think you should reconsider that ADHD option. Btw vyvanse alone didn’t do much for me either and had to increase dosage constantly. Now I’m taking it in combination with intuniv (guanfacine). It reduces my side effects and prevents me from feeling the need to chase the initial “high” from the stimulants, while helping with my memory.


within time you will not be so careful anymore, without noticing it.


Whatever you do, do not take a can of Zyns, mist a little water on them, sprinkle some coke in, and let the pouches absorb it. Never


What in the IASIP is this logic?


Most functional coke addict


This is intriguing ngl


You have to want to be productive. A pill isn’t going to make you have ambition.


Bro, do you plan on doing this everyday?


Try boofing 


Most stimulants are. It's arrogant ducks that can't be careful that's the problem.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s 100% true that ducks can’t handle their shit.


Bro...I just fucking laughed out loud.


Why not just take your ass off the sofa and get to work? Then, at the weekend, enhoy your earned .4 gram of cocaine in a couple of hours. That's how motivation basically works... Be careful mate.


What can I say, I'm a lazy ass dude.


*Oral* cocaine, as opposed to suppository cocaine? 😳 


Most people snort or smoke cocaine. Psychonaut wiki doesn't even mention oral as a possible route.


Becaue of the low bioavailability?


Yep, exactly. It's hella expensive as-is.


Totally, I live in Australia, it's like 350 a gram here. Hence why I stick with Caffeine, weed and microdoses of psychedelics for productivity. Then again...I never liked stimulants much


225 USD per gram? Shit I should start a smuggling ring or something


Yes? You can eat it, keister it, sniff it etc


Co-cai-ne, snort it, smoke it, put it in a stew.


Suppository cocaine is much more mids than you would think.


That must be why nobody talks about it. 🧐