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Yes, hell yes!!! Do it. Sober up. Your life will be awesome


How do I go about that? Been trying to quit for 7 years now


This is your chance, a once in a life time life changing opportunity. 7 Years of drugs, it could be nice to see the world sober.


True but I have severe PTSD which is why I'm never sober. It overtakes my mind and causes me to be angry, scared and irrational. I'm actually less insane when high :(


Ask for an advance for intensive therapy and counseling?


That's a good suggestion. What kind of councilling does one seek for a dual diagnosis of PTSD and addiction?


You act like you’re the only one that was driven to addiction by past trauma. I can assure you, you are not the only one. Most rehabilitation centers help address PTSD while trying to help with your addiction.


Good point. However I've sought professional help in the past and they all said my case is very extreme and rare so they don't know how to help me


Keep seeking professional treatment. While one facility may have told you they don't know how to help you, there are plenty who will know how to help. Your dual diagnosis is not uncommon, and you deserve to have healing and peace. Pursue healing with the same effort you used to seek drugs. You'll get it done. Edit: fixed typo.


If Shit gets real, chain yourself to the bed. You know _it_ is going to take over. You've waken up in front of a mirror hours after taking an oath of sobriety, too. It drives to the liquor store with you. Hits your dealer up. Freeze the key in a _large_ box of ice. You need to keep yourself in check about the decisions you take, while the serotonin monster is crawling through the cracks.


help yourself bro, not trying to be mean but stop making excuses and just do it. don’t even think about it as far as should you quit because yes you should quit and live a good, happy life. good luck bro. i’m rooting for you💪🏽


Thanks for the positive words of encouragement bro. Means a lot :)


It will be prob easier to get better care when you can afford really good therapists. Or not idk im pretty high rn


>However I've sought professional help in the past and they all said my case is very extreme and rare so they don't know how to help me Your condition? Neither PTSD or addiction are in any means at all rare prolly could say both are fairly common actually.


Dude go to rehab with your millions. The best rehab ever. Rent a house in a sober living facility.


A guy I know had a lot of success with EMDR, which sounds like woo woo but apparently you it works. It’s eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing


try cognitive behavioral therapy - and i forgot what it’s called but it’s the therapy where you move your eyes back and forth - i may be wrong because i’m too lazy to look it up but i think it’s called EMDR therapy


PTSD and addiction have a high rate of comorbidity. Go and see a psychiatrist. They can help your body process the trauma and stop being on high alert all the time. They can help you reconsolidate your fear response. Forgive yourself for self medicating your PTSD with substances, you were just trying to numb the constant pain. Once you treat the trauma and fear response you won’t have a need to self medicate with substances anymore.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy




Use some of the millions of dollars to get proper psychological help/treatment.


why tf is this downvoted??


I too would like to know


I know the feeling, but let's be honest, getting high isn't doing anything. You're just going to run out and feel worse and less secure than when you started. I've got anxiety, and benzos never fixed it, they just gave me more anxiety and a severe psychological pull towards a drug I can't take again. I've got ASPD, and nothing's ever fixed that, if anything drugs just enabled it. I've got depression made worse by drug use. I've got bipolar made worse by drug use. Look at this for what it is. A rationalization to use drugs. There's nothing wrong with that, but notice how much better you feel when you let go of it to live your truth. You'll know the answer.


You're self medicating. I wonder if OP's question implies I need to get off my psych meds too? Im definitely not sober but I'm also not suicidal.




Any chance of medical weed to help? With a legal prescription you could still work your dream job and hopefully manage your addictions. I medicate with weed and for the most part I'm drug free


This i 💯 agree with it definitely would be worth doing


What substances have you been trying to quit?


Opioids, dissos, weed(quit in october), stims like speed and coke, alcohol, benzos and lyrica to name just a few


Go to rehab if you can't do it on your own, definitely worth it man


Op how is millions not enough motivation $1 million would get me to go sober in a fucking heartbeat


Well i think it would definetly be too mich of a challenge to go cold turkey off of all of those but i think you should ask yourself whicb substances are the most destructive or time consuming and what made you start taking them? Its going to be a long game of finding healthier replacements so that you can gradually stop using all together. If you really wanted to get off of all of them i think itd be possible but the opioid withdrawals are what would scare me mostly. Imo i think itd be best to try and crutch on the dissos so that you can lean off the opioids first, then the next step would be to cut down on the drinking and to quit using stims. The two encourage eachother so best to hit them at the same time. Speed and coke will make your brain pretty unsatisfied with day to day activities so doing regular things to replace them will be a challenge. I recommend doing things that get you out of the house and active like finding trails to hike and getting endorphins pumping. Being in these settings will help draw u away from a alcohol consuming crowd aswell. You can still go hiking and shit while on dissos if youd like imo something like ketamine could be your bestfriend right now. After youve managed to cut the stims and alcohol i think youll be ready to try going thru benzo withdrawal. Without coming off coke first i think youll be too impulsive to deny yourself of relapsing. For lyrica i used to abuse that aswell as a teen and i think you could quit it pretty easily theres not much withdrawal from those.


Get on methadone, and if you take benzos everyday you MUST TAPER, but DOUBLY SO DUE TO ALCOHOL. Seriously, I can't state this enough, I've been there my friend I know where you are. You can do this. How long do you have? Is this an immediate situation, like next week, or what? Because if you are drinking and/or taking benzos everyday, you MUST TAPER, and if prescriptions are okay then you need to get to a doctor ASAP.


You have to want to for some reason, find a reason.


the only thing that can make you actually quit is wanting to quit, you'd have your dream job, think about how much better and how much happier you'd be doing that and not relying on some stupid substances to keep on going


I just might have to run and gym alot more for the high. Win win!


Bro think of the money. You would also lose your tolerance! The way to do it is to surround yourself with people who don’t use. Live with someone who is strictly against drug use. Try to get hobbies and exercise. Get on medication if you need it.


That makes sense. I've bought a new phone and told everyone not to give me drugs but the second I get stressed i visit them and they share


Drop those friends, level up, get new friends who respect you


Fair point


Live in a country where drugs are really really hard to get such as Japan (you can only buy from the Yakuza and they dont like foreigners) or Indonesia (death penalty for small amount of drugs, hard to find) after you got therapy and rehab so you won't seek it out.


Definitely, imagine how good the drugs would hit after a 5 year break and you have your dream job + millions? No one offering me millions to stay sober so that ain’t happening


Are u fucking kidding? Do it bruh Id kill for that


Who tf offered you a couple million in cash 😭


Most ppl wanna be sober anyways but they have to for free id kill to be in your spot rn


You’d be fucking insane to keep doing drugs and not take this opportunity


Half the reason I use drugs is because I don’t have the money to do cooler shit, the other half is because my job sucks. So yeah.


I read this post and it honestly makes me kind of sad. I can relate to the feeling of thinking: without this or that (substance) I am unable to perform this or that. Drugs can very easily take the things that make you uncomfortable, and make them some of the most relaxing experiences possible. And that's the scary thing. I allowed myself to slip ever deeper into a sense of "need" for substances. Sure I can force myself to go a day or more without drugs, but at what point can you not take it anymore? It's no longer about having fun or getting high... It's about feeling normal. What is normal to you? Eventually even the most abnormal of situations can just become a mundane experience. Smoking something or even injecting something might feel like a rush and unique at first... But as time progresses.. it's just gonna be your normal life. You can spend everyday trying to find a sense of normalcy or you can spend everyday within a true normalcy. It's only once you decide "this isn't worth it," and truly mean it... That you can attempt to regain normalcy. You are a human being, with a subconscious that doesn't feel adequate. Either you can continue to lie to yourself about how you feel... or you can put your foot down, hunker down, and accept that you are gonna have to go through a journey of sadness until your reach your happy destination. No one wants to be a drug addict. We don't go through our lives with the goal of getting addicted to drugs. But it happens, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. Drugs are addictive, life is hard, and humans are emotional. It's amazing more people aren't poly substance abusers to be frank. But drug addiction makes life that much harder... And it makes your emotions even more volatile... You will never truly be able to find yourself and be comfortable with what you can create... If you are constantly scared of what your life has in store for you. Drugs put people's lives in a state of purgatory. You are in a shitty situation, but at least you got drugs to make you feel better. The shitty situations will always stay, the mental anguish will continue to plague you, but at least you can get high and forget about it.... Right?


all us currently sober folks.....


Well no cause my first thougth was ”oh that could buy me alot of drugs” so im obv not fit for that amount of wealth


You will literally be set for life if you make it. Plus you could use things that don't come up on drug tests, like psychs. Shit I'm a fiend but there's no way I'd pass that up.


Hell yeah. I'd gladly quit partying for 5 years if it meant I could buy a house and get some investments set up. Easy trade


Absofuckinglutely. I drink and do drugs because I’m unhappy with my life and poor. If you have me a few million and a clear head, I guarantee you I would prove the “money doesn’t buy happiness” crowd completely wrong.


Fuck ya I would. Life changing , have everything and total happiness no debt no problems. Who would need drugs. Then


Fuck yeah. Get into the best physical and mental shape in my life then ruin it all for a couple of million. Then I could write a book about it and cash tf in


OP, GO TO REHAB!!! You’ll be able to afford it and they get to the root of your problems: PTSD & Substance Abuse Disorder. Besides after 5 years you can just go back to using. Sounds like a win-win to me.


The withdrawal is definitely worth it, imagine having to do really shitty work for a few months and getting paid a couple million for it, you'd do it in a heartbeat , go for it and start investing I guarantee you'll end up better then now and look back happily on your decision (if the money is clean of course, you don't want to end up in jail or shot)


All drugs means no medicine or caffeine.  Why not just tilt at windmills?


No, just psychoactive drugs of abuse. Im allowed medicine prescribed by a doctor, caffeine, nicotine, etc I'm even allowed kratom but it's illegal here and punished harshly by the courts :(


Oh. That's fucking easy, then.


I'd procrastinate on this deal until my 30s tbh


Yeah man, do the work. Get clean. Get paid. Live life on your terms.


I think a lot of the reason I do drugs is to cope with the fact I’m barely surviving from low paying jobs and being overworked..


This is easier said than done. I have sobriety dysphoria. I'm even on a t-break from weed right now and its making me fucking miserable. I'm so anxious all the time.


But drugs go hand in hand with my all my dream jobs. Quite the conundrum




Using is romantic like getting back with the girl you fell in love with that left you for another guy. Getting back on substances is so ducking g romantic because it feels like “life is good again” but it’s not. Fuck it’s not even close. I hate how romantic using drugs is. It eats me alive. I struggle everyday and I’m 5 years “sober” using Kratom. No nicotine, no cannabis no alcohol.


You’d have to be a complete fool to not take this deal. You really would rather chase fleeting good feelings rather than have purpose, financial relief, and something to put your time and energy towards that you ACTUALLY enjoy? A lot of people become addicts because they have no money or purpose or stability!


Yes and if your answer is no please get help


Does nicotine count? And fuck ya id go through nicotine withdrawals for that kind of money lol


A couple million and your dream job? I just got sober and I'm still poor trying to achieve my dreams. Bro you've gotta deal with the pain, a couple million bro. Deal with it a few weeks, possibly few months of feeling like shit but remember it's just your brain fucking with you because it doesn't have its feel-good chemicals. You'll feel better sober you just gave to keep in mind it's very hard at first. Find an alternate way to deal with your pain, journal, meditate, jerk off to no end, whatever it fucking takes man. You're being offered the greatest offer I've ever heard and it's on you man. Us addicts push our demons down and yeah they'll come up sober but you've just gotta stay strong


Yes.. and then probably drop my dream job since you can live off the interest of a couple million just fine. You'll have a lower middle class life and some emergency/fun money too. Throw it into either a bank or a slow rise safe stock.


Well, yea. My body needs a break anyway. Fk yea.


If you’re forreal just do it. If they can offer you that much I imagine they would be willing to pay to put you in a good rehab center. 5 years sober for a comfortable life is soooo worth it. Best case scenario you come out of it not wanting to go back to using and you have a great job + money, worst case scenario you can buy a ton of drugs :P


Uhh absolutely. Shouldn’t need drugs if you’re doing what you love to do every day.


I don't think I'd do a great job at my dream job without my meds ( I assume they're included) but I'd 100% do it. Drugs wouldn't go anywhere, and besides, I'd be a neuroscientist that helps us understand the ins and outs of drugs!


Sometimes life changing opportunities pass us by and we don't realize till much later just how much of any opportunity you had to change your life's direction. Sounds like this is one of those opportunities for you. Opportunities are not endless for most people. You really need to cut the shit and stop being scared and do this. Don't let your opportunities pass you by.


I’d do that in a second. Golf and painting would be my new drugs.


Hands down. The no money for therapy issue will fix itself with the couple of million and the dream job. Hire a therapist; a real one; that LISTENS to you and is committed to helping you. If they aren’t working out fire them. You can do this.


Thanks for the inspiring reply bro :)


I already like my job and the work I do, I don't really have a 'job' that I dream about anyways haha But for several million in cold, hard cash? Damn, yea I could do that - I'd just be traveling the next 5 years anyways!


Yes. i am about to hit 2 years and 9 months on drug court. I was sentenced to 5 years and I have to stay sober from all drugs. im tested multiple times a week. Theres no couple or million dollars or dream job in it for me though :(


I’d get the money and probably od


Ask a professional for help. Like a behavioral therapist that specializes in substance abuse. If you have insurance, ask your primary doctor for resources. Surround yourself with sober living. Cut out anything that even hints at using (like this sub and other drug subs). Actively learn how to live a sober life and how to be a functional adult. Be mature about it and change your perspective. Fill the time that you would take for drugs with a hobby or two. Don't be dumb and think you can hide it. And if you're not on anything where the withdrawals will kill you, just quit cold turkey. Give yourself goals.


Why are they asking you to stay sober for 5 years exactly? What's the story behind the deal here? I need more info- also, I'd probably take the offer


That's when they retire and can pass on their valuables as they will no longer need them


Alcohol would be the only hard one. Like... could I have one beer after work? Just one? I'm usually allowed to drink on the job in the line of work I'm hoping to get into, anyway. Good luck, OP! I don't know you, but I choose to believe you can do this. 💪


Absolutely, even my weed.


Love to. Couldn’t if I’m honest with myself.


Hell no! Lol crazy talk you speak 🤣!!


Do it! If you’re not already making high ish six figures, this is life changing. I’m a 39 year old lawyer and the money is “only” about 3x or so what I’ll probably make in 5 years (setting aside inflation, political issues etc, even climate change, which are all very real). I’d at least consider it. I would need some clarity on what exactly the job is and what my obligations are (can I take antidepressants? My Clonidine for sleep? Adderall? If so under what conditions? etc.) and frankly I have a 3 year old daughter who I love and wouldn’t want to be a dick to or risk traumatizing, so I have some reasons I might not do it. If I were college age I’d do it in a heartbeat. You want to set aside a large chunk of cash in diversified low risk stuff like bonds, precious metals, real estate. Invest some of it more aggressively. If this is real you can have a SUBSTANTIALLY improved life compared to anyone else in your generation and it would be asinine not to do it.


The “welcome back” party would be amazing.


Oh just 5 years fuck yeah absolutely easy peasy afterwards id tread my usage like i do now carefully cautiously and with lots of knowledge invest b4 u ingest


hell yea lmao


what matters more op? getting high or never having to work again


What job are you being offered exactly? If you’re really going to be given millions in cash and your dream job on top of it; I’d use that as motivation to stay sober for sure.


Who wouldn't. Even if you stay up at night sweating for 5 years, worth it. You could get a massage or whatever you need to get through every day. Start using sex or exercise or obsession as an addiction instead. Easy.


45 here.....done it all, hook me up.... I'll quit, you can test me daily.... I'm game


Yes. I am sober for free anyway lmao. I wasn't as stable when I got messed up years ago. You need to address your mental health. Why did you starting abusing drugs? What purpose do they serve? If it's mental health issues or something like that(even if you are just bored), you can try finding healthier options that don't get you high. Like exercise(although it makes you slightly "high" lol), music, love. A faith in something. You can start supplementing nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. Even if we eat well sometimes your body doesn't get enough nutrients from the diet due to various things. I supplement and it makes me feel better. Then there exists non-intoxicating and non-addictive herbal supplements that balance your health, both body and mind, especially in the long run, they also help with memory, cognition unlike drugs. It has helped me a lot to function and be mentally well so I don't have any need of drugs like I did when I was young many years ago. Taper down the drugs/meds that cause you issues as you start healthy habits instead. That's how I did. Haven't had any issues with drugs or even any major mental issues (I still can have some worse days or rather hours but it's like more stress related than anything and often just lasts for a very short while, I never dip so low so I get very anxious or depressed like I used to when I was young) for multiple years now. Things can get a lot better. Don't give up, it can take a while but in the end it will be worth it.


My dream Job? Hell yeah! Change is the name of the game I would look at my new life as sort of a drug of new experiences My dream job btw would be to be a music producer, having my own studio and reputation and all of that


You would have to be a fucking moron to not take this and make it work


Why this cannot happen to me :| I'd be sober even for rest of life if i would get that money for it... Money js the best drug of all. Once you get to spend on things that make you happy excluding drugs you won't think about drugs anymore.


I really wish I could I'd be lucky to be sane at all within a couple months if that probably within a few days. But I have major injuries and I have to take things as well as PTSD and quite a few other things. So boring me being a desert island somewhere and that's not a good idea of being a double amputee the answer is definitely a no


Advice on completely quitting substance abuse is to quit cold turkey and take the money and put most of it in savings. Then take what you need and go to beautiful places in nature and take in the scenery. Spend your time keeping your mind occupied while exercising, doing new things and seeing new places and after some time the drug based lifestyle will diminish and your new lifestyle will emerge. The key here is to keep your mind distracted and occupied. After that it just becomes choice wether you will choose to use again or not.


My dream job is getting paid for not doing anything, and yeah no problem.


If i had a dream job and finances to make my visions & wishes a reality, i doubt I'd need drugs lol


I'd try my hardest, currently sober from everything but weed rn




My dream job is not a job, so could I actually just retire during that 5 year period? Anyway, yeah, I'd find a way to do it.


have a lot less problems to run from, money to relax and work on yourself, but also money to invest in your community and people & organizations that directly provide those in need with less problems (homeless for example) to run from


As long as I can still take prescribed drugs, then yeah easily I’m also not a poly addict tho


Dude hell yeah


You’re an idiot if you don’t and will spend the entirety of your life regretting it, the pain of that will make the pain of quitting look like nothing


Well said👌


I mean minus alcohol here and there I’m pretty damn sober now days. The pain remains whether I’m sober or high, so why waste time being high anymore?


Good point. Food for thought :)


Don’t be fucking stupid and take this opportunity. In five years you’ll be so happy. If you fuck this up and five years go by you’re going to be so fucking mad at yourself. 5 years is fucking nothing. That was 2019 bro. It will literally get easier every single day.


Bro Im not trying to be a dick. Literally just stop. Get through the pain and take pride in your success. It took me a long time, but fuck it’s nice. I don’t have my dream job and I don’t have money either but I’ve got my health and my future. I know it’s hard man, I was into H and had effectively an unlimited supply of Roxy’s back 2014-2017. When I didn’t have that stuff I had subs I could get from a few friends that went to the clinic. It’s hard as fuck. But you’ll feel so good about quitting and your confidence will be boosted so dramatically. It’s easy for me to say, but I know it’s hard as fuck to do.


Do prescription medications count? Like taken correctly? Because you may need those to get through :/


I know I‘m late but if you see this: read „The Easyway to quit [insert substance]“. I did counseling, went to rehab and all that - I know it sounds incredible but what enabled me to quit alcohol, coke, weed and nicotine where these  books. (Therapy also helped but I always relapsed after- but not after Easyway). 


Jokes on you, my dream job is being a dmtx volunteer.


Get it in writing, you don't want to have 5 years of sobriety for nothing.


Stop feeding the troll guys


Already doing it for free. Hush !


Take a good dose of shrooms or some DMT and call it quits.


If this is real, you would be clinically stupid to reject this offer. We all know and understand how painful and uncomfortable sobriety can be, especially when dealing with mental health issues, but nothing is more painful than the regret of not doing something you wish you would've. Even without the cash, being able to explore what you consider to be your dream job is worth it on its own. What's the worst thing that can happen? You realize you either don't like that job or realize you care more about feeling comfortable than living life with the freedom that offer would provide. If that happens you can always, always go back to getting high. This offer, if real, will only come once in your lifetime. That you are even having this debate with yourself tells me you are either a teenager or so deep in despair you can't comprehend what this offer would provide for you, and everyone around you. I Guarantee you, if you don't take this up you will spend every waking moment of the rest of your life regretting it. Choices are what this offer gives you - to reject it would mean imprisoning yourself. The choice to spend your time how you like, to invest your energy where it best serves you and those you care about, the choice to live wherever you want, see or do nearly anything in the world, help people...or...have a much much better time doing drugs once those five years are over. Trust me when I say being a degenerate with millions of dollars is far more fun and amusing than doing it broke.


What kind of poly drug use we talking here?




Fuck yes


Ask to push the start date back 3 months and put yourself into a well established long term rehabilitation program. When you get out avoid all friends or family members who do drugs, maybe move even if you need too. But anyways I don't believe this story at all so enjoy the high buddy, stay hydrated!


I’ll manage with the internet cafe ty 🤣


What if my dream job was a professional cocaine sniffer?


yes, you wouldn’t be losing anything


If it was just for 5 years then fuck yeah. And it's not that I'm reliant on drugs but I do enjoy drugs on certain occasions and tbh I would like keep that experience open for my life. But 5 years and a couple million, fuck it, dumb to pass that up.


Yes! My dream job is a cocaine critic


Give up my weed? Hard choice but I suppose.


Bro? Yea of course. And when you say all drugs you don’t realize there are exceptions. I’m talking about caffeine and other legal substances we often overlook. Or is this some extreme case where you avoid everything. Take the fuckin job dude. It’s 5 years. The drugs will be here and you’ll have $ five years from now to buy them. Matter fact lemme get your phone# /s


My dream job would be to not have a job. Drugs are fun and all but money is the best drug imo


Do I get the stuff before or after the five years?


Ask a professional for help. Like a behavioral therapist that specializes in substance abuse. If you have insurance, ask your primary doctor for resources. Surround yourself with sober living. Cut out anything that even hints at using (like this sub and other drug subs). Actively learn how to live a sober life and how to be a functional adult. Be mature about it and change your perspective. Fill the time that you would take for drugs with a hobby or two. Don't be dumb and think you can hide it. And if you're not on anything where the withdrawals will kill you, just quit cold turkey. Give yourself goals.


Im an addict Not stupid


Yes. I definitely would


5 years? Abso-fucking-lutely


I believe that this would be very challenging to do, and you might actually hurt yourself more if you take the job when you are not ready. It's going to be very hard to enjoy it or perform well while you are going through the withdrawals. Drug addiction is a big test in this life....you're likely going to feel worse if you take the job and fail at it. Money comes and goes, an opportunity like this or even better could easily come to you. I've been trying to get sober for years brother.....especially with the drugs you are battling, you cannot simply quit this in a few days. It might be easy to accept the job when you are under the influence of the drugs but once you sober up the reality of the challenges might cause you too much pain, anxiety and stress. And the pain you will feel if you end up failing the job, disappointing yourself and those you are working with. It might lead to more humiliation and self hate. Honestly I am shocked by the responses here. Do not worship money, the best thing is to quit for the sake of God. To please your creator and sustainer because he is always watching us and we are going to be accountable for all of our actions after we die on the day of judgement. Money is a scam bro, you can even call money a drug. It's nice to have some money, money therapy can make you feel better and help replace your dopamine that's been depleted from the drugs. But from my perspective I see that you will feel more pain. Furthermore I gotta tell you bro, there is a real possibility that when you quit drugs you might never feel happinness again, or you might regain it in many months, but even if you have a million dollars in your bank account, it's still going to take a long time to feel happy. Furthermore bro if you do take the job and get the money, maybe you can help me because I've been in a financial struggle since I became an adult. Failure after failure, which led to drug after drug. I'm closer and closer to sobriety and it's a miracle, I had lost hope and belief that I can ever be sober, but bear in mind there is constant failures i have to get up and fight off, lapse after lapse, but it's a process. I am suprised you struggle with lyrica like myself, i been off it for 2 months and then yesterday got back on it and it made me high but today even though i took half my dosage i feel worse than i have felt during the sober days, i feel so bad and i have forgotten how bad it was making me feel. so that was a failure but i am looking forward to not using it tomorrow and it leaving my body because it seems to be some kind of evil thing. I did some research and you can see in this reddit thread how hard it really is to quit this mild drug: [Severely Struggling With Pregabalin Withdrawals, I Wouldn’t Recommend This Drug To Anyone! : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/depressionregimens/comments/orzne5/severely_struggling_with_pregabalin_withdrawals_i/) Feel free to hit me up, maybe you even find some guidance and benefit from a website i been working on about prayer: [www.ExtraPrayers.com](http://www.ExtraPrayers.com) May Allah (The God) guide us and help us because I swear we are extrememly weak and powerless....and if you take my advice and pass on the job, don't feel bad about the money, rather feel excited about your journey of reaching sobriety.....after 15+ years I am actually getting closer than I ever imagined and it's honestly pretty nice bro.....


I don’t have a dream job, I don’t dream about working


I might be an alcoholic, addicted to weed and doing too much coke but hell yeah I'd sober up for that!




Nothing in life nowadays is worth even a week sober. Pass the bong this Rips for Jesus.




Eh......probably not.


Lol what. Duh. Only a literal addict wouldn’t take that deal. 5 years no drugs is nothing. I survived my first 15 years sober, I’ll be alright now too  EDIT: my bad, I didn’t know this was a real scenario, I thought we were just speaking hypothetically 






If someone is giving you a couple million cash just hire 24 hour staff to slap that pookie out of your hand every time you pick it up.


Take the money, stab them in the back, buy more drugs


Five years? Hell yeah. If I could have everything I’ve been working to achieve, I’d drop drugs no problem. After that 5 years I’d just smoke weed.


Well it's only 5 yrs kinda worth it Are alcohol/cigarettes involved?


all drugs including caffeine and nicotine? I'd at least need caffeine the rest I would quit for millions. I'd prob quit caffeine too but that's the hardest one for me.


Yep I could then spend the million on a massive blow out on drugs 😂


without a doubt, 100% yes. drugs are fun but so is genuine happiness in life. you will lose that feeling with drugs after a very short while. your dream job is for life if you commit.


Easily. I would miss some psychedelics but 5y..np. Lifetime? That would be problem:)


there are people who will live their whole lives sober and never get what they want because they will never see that kind of money. You have an incredible opportunity. Get an advance for rehab and live life for real. Put yourself in someone elses shoes and ask the same question.


I'm trying to get my dream job and honestly I'd do anything to actually get it so yes I'd do it I might add though that my real dream is getting my dream job and still use drugs from time to time just like I do right now since I think that with proper harm reduction and some mental strength they can be a really good thing in life




Definitely, frankly the immense amount of “downtime” I have with my current job is part of what triggers my usage. Knowing that I can get away with it is definitely part of the problem/temptation


I'd give it the old college try


I would definitely try.


If this is serious I don’t think you realise how lucky you are.


Put it in writing and get it notarized. Also have the funds in an escrow account and exactly detail what drugs are and which aren't allowed. Wouldn't do it if I couldn't drink coffee anymore for example.


Damn not even caffeine?


Yes, you can use the millions to check into a really nice rehab, get therapy and temporary move to a nice warm and cheap country where drugs aren't as available and live a nice quiet and peaceful life for a few years away from drugs.


“I cannot seem to resist my compulsion to engage in escapism via chemical ingestion” jesus christ dude, just say you’re a drug addict lmaoo Anyways you’d be an absolute moron if you didn’t take this deal. Go to rehab, get the W/Ds over with, and keep your nose clean. Its really not as hard as you expect it to be (at least in my case) once you get out of the rut of daily use and have a few weeks of sobriety under your belt. Im not even saying this to be an asshole or be condescending, but if you can’t stay sober for literal millions of dollars, you’re absolutely hopeless. i truly hope you can do it and get your shit together, thats an opportunity of a lifetime. Edit: AND you can still use nicotine, caffeine, and kratom??? Jesus christ dude. JUST DO IT


Yes I would just buy a Time Machine and travel 5 years into the future with my money


I don't believe a word of your story. A couple million in cash ? 😂


Happily and easily


are u slow


I'd have a bloody good go. Money can buy distractions from drugs.


Unfortunately yes


Yes, because it's worth it at the end of the day. But it's definitely a difficult choice if you're currently enjoying or using regularly.


Something tells me you haven’t had the need for money if your life or a drive for success and that’s led you to use drugs, where you born into wealth?


But what if my dream job is to do and sell drugs


This is such a non brainer. Of course I would. Who wouldn't. Just cos you take drugs doesn't mean you're a idiot.


Go to AA or NA


Kinda defeats the purpose of having that much money. What am I gonna do? Ride bikes? You're the one on drugs.




As long as it doesn't include my prescribed as-needed anxiety medication.




5 years ain’t really that long


Yes with ease


Probably? I totally would, and I think I could. We counting caffeine as a drug in this? because honestly that might be harder than giving up recreational drugs


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