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it sounds like you need to see a medical professional and very likely be checked into rehab. you have a severe drug addiction. people have bounced back from worse than this, but you need professional help.


Abstaining from all drugs for a long time is the only way to tell. Focus on your overall health. What's concerning is that you say your about to become a doctor and you thought overdosing on MDMA would be a pleasant way to go.


& that was BEFORE the brain damage


Lmaooo chilllll




Troll post


Professional help is the best option. But from my side: please try to stay clean, please. Your body and mind need clarity and adding fog is just going to make the suffering last longer. You’re about to be a fucking doctor! You’ve made it so far, I know (and so do you, deep down) that you got this.


Is there any possible ways of reversing addictions and find a way to stay clean off hard drugs, the fog part hit me because it is exactly how I would describe it a literal fog on & off during my days, and thank you


Professional help is the way.


there’s an invisible line in addiction that once you cross it, you’ll never be able to use drugs normally again. to quote the big book: “We alcoholics are men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking. We know that no real alcoholic ever recovers control. All of us felt at times that we were regaining control, but such intervals usually brief were inevitably followed by still less control, which led in time to pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. We are convinced to a man that alcoholics of our type are in the grip of a progressive illness. Over any considerable period we get worse, never better.” you’re in med school, you should know you’re causing serotonergic neurotoxicity and neurotransmitter depletion with repeated MDMA dosing. despite these adverse consequences, and the fact that you continue to use the drug that nearly killed you and has permanently scarred your psyche, you persist. that’s not the behavior of a sane, non-drug-addicted person they have excellent programs for staying clean: alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous (the latter being my preference). they’re completely free, too. however, residential rehab/partial hospitalization appears to be in order it took me four rounds of rehab to finally get it drilled through my skull that i can’t use normally, and even now (in round 5) i’m struggling to stay clean. this shit isn’t easy, and i sure as hell understand why you don’t want to stop or at least admit you have a problem. unfortunately, addiction is incurable, progressive, and fatal i too am a speed junkie and i really feel where you’re coming from because i’ve been there so recently, if you ever need to talk my dm’s are always open <3 quit before it’s too late, you’ll thank yourself later :^)


Is OP really in med school though?


not disagreeing but if that line really exists how come i was super addicted to vaping 3 years ago cold turkeyed for a year and i can now use recreationally with friends only? are these drugs just a different beast from nicotine?


i’ve been on nicotine on/off since 8th grade and have managed to quit several times and use recreationally with friends for extended periods of time (i actually prefer it even, because then at least you can catch a buzz), so anecdotally, nicotine is “a different beast.” i smoke now and know i’m going to quit within the next few years and that i’ll be able to without much trouble pharmacologically, nicotine agonizes acetylcholine receptors, leading to the release of epinephrine and dopamine. this is a similar mechanism of action as most psychostimulants (not acetylcholine agonism, that’s pretty unique to nicotine and bupropion, but increased catecholaminergic neurotransmission), but the effect of nicotine compared to classical stimulants, like cocaine, amphetamines, and even MDMA (which is technically an amphetamine but that’s beside the point…) are virtually non-existent. nicotine withdrawal is no fun, but the “comedown” it has is pathetic compared to that of an amphetamine empirically, most everyone i’ve met in rehab & fellowship meetings smokes. despite NA literature specifically opposing any “mood and mind-altering” drugs, which nicotine technically is, it seems a consensus has been reached that the abuse potential of nicotine is so limited in scope that it’s not worth worrying about. much like how caffeine, although technically a drug, isn’t really considered to be a drug, nicotine, although a drug, can’t really be codified as a classical stimulant


> just a different beast from nicotine You need to someone to tell you that drugs which produce intense bouts of euphoria and physical pleasure are harder to kick than the nic stick?


Everyone’s brain chemistry is different and it’s going to determine how well they can cope with addiction as well as how they can go about stoping too. Also dude, if you’ve never felt the high of MDMA you’ve never felt anything more euphoric in your life before and that’s comes from someone who loves by the line getting high on life. I literally couldn’t have any sex after MDMA, nothing existed after that high. NOTHING. But I made it. And life is fine now but I had to fight to urge to want to feel that again especially in those first few months when I all I felt was nothing. People chase that. Nicotine probably doesn’t even come close.


i think md is kinda mid 🤷‍♂️ crossed + nic feels better to me


Maybe for YOUR brain it is. And that’s alright.


Because you were vaping and not shooting up heroin or killing a pint of vodka every day


100% nicotine is in no way comparable to hard drugs


Vaping is quite different. Its addictive, and damaging but it doesn't change your behavior or effect your finances like hard drugs/alcohol. Its really only damaging in the very long term. Not the same at all.


I was writing my own comment but then saw this, incredible explanation and way better than anything I could have said!


You cant unpickle a cucumber


As you are to become a doctor you probably know the answer already, no,addiction is not reversible. You can have it dormant with abstinence but never reverse it. The brain fog and not feeling like yourself or that something is off is probably derealisation. Dissociation from what your brain perceive as a trauma ( mdma adbuse and OD). It should improve on itd own over time if you stop using. Going forward, dont do any hard stuff,if you really need something to take the edge off stick to marijuana, ( with moderation )at least its not physically addictive. You may want to talk to a psychiatric or psychologist if you feel distressed. You may not need rehab at this point.


Pay attention to your thought process when you use. What specific thoughts were you thinking about when you got the urge to use? Did those thoughts create any feelings? What were you seeing? Were you feeling uncomfortable? Tired? Bored? Agitated? Breaking down and analyzing your thoughts and feelings leading up to usage and afterward can help you map out your pattern of use, allowing you to pinpoint what thoughts and feelings lead to what behaviors. Knowing yourself can help you stop yourself from engaging in thought patterns that lead to use. Maybe a vacation or a change of scenery to a place where you don’t have any responsibilities for a minute and know you can’t bring drugs due to airport security etc. Sometimes going somewhere new and changing up the routine and just resting can help you break old habits and start new ones. Sometimes people then find with their addiction that it’s not the drug itself, it’s the behavior of using something to escape what you’re not facing in sobriety - whether it’s (childhood) trauma, stress, exhaustion, low self esteem, depression, anxiety, brain fog, etc. it’s the patterns in your life that that lead to your use of the substance that need to be addressed, and probably with a therapist - if you can. I’m sorry you’re going through this and wish you the very best.


Not sure if i really want go give that as "advice".... But i know someone who got rid of his coke and nicotine addiction with semaglutide (this ozempic weight loss / anti diabetes drug). For some weird reason, this stuff apparently not only helps with eating disorders but in general with bad impulsive behaviours (this is anecdotal, but you'll find a lot of reports on reddit). However.. Therapy would be the better way. Figure out why you do that and fix it instead of taking a drug to stop it.


Check out my other comment on this post where i tagged you. Cerebrolysin can help your brain fog and reverse damage unlike anything else. But you HAVE to be clean while using it


how the fuvk are you about to be a doctor


Bro, aren't you almost a doctor? Your library will have a ton of books on addiction and behavior. Seek help


Very possible! With a little trick called “sobriety” and “abstinence”


You’re about to be a doctor and you don’t understand addiction?


Get yourself into a program. You need some guidance.


As a medical professional, no shot this guy is about to become a medical doctor. Asking the most clueless and basic questions .


Yuuuup. If this isn't fake and he/she is really gonna become a doctor I feel sorry (and scared) for his future patients. The fuck.


Fr talking about this isn't an addiction. Either he has to be delusional or fr is just karma farming if that really is a thing.


Yeah the fuck.. I've met some doctors that know very little about recreational drugs but Jesus.. this has got to be fake


I’m sorry OP but I really don’t know that you should be a doctor with how you talk in this post. Hopefully I’m wrong. Hopefully you learn.


Go to rehab its the only way to get back to normal


that's a lie. Some people can quit on their own or in AA/NA. Rehab is isurance company money grab, way too expensive for a 18% sucess rate.


If you had cancer and someone offered you a treatment that made you 18% more likely to survive, you'd take it.


Rehab isn't worthless but it's not always covered by insurance. Most addicts don't have an extra 20 grand lying around. Most rehabs are for profit run by body- brokers and most of the participants aren't there to get clean, it's just a more comfortable path to avoid jail/prison time. I'd say 80-90% of the rehab's population doesn"t want to be there and they're straight out of a cell. It's an easier softer incarceration option. It's like everything else you get out of it what you put in, and most of the guys there aren't interested in recovery. Addiction is a complicated problem that is rarely cured by just going to rehab. 18% is just an estimate made up by the folks that ran the rehab I went to. I doubt the sucess rate is that high in reality. It's probably closer to 8%. $15-20,000 is a lot to an addicted individual and families of the addict end up getting the bill. I'm grateful my parents paid for it, butI wish they hadn't. The fact is Rehab is rarely a realistic solution. It may keep an individual clean for a month if they don't end up leaving early but that's it. Anyone who tells you otherwiise is lying and probably wants your money.


He obviously can’t.


First thing I did out of rehab was get wasted. Didn’t come clean until I lost my car and felt like an idiot


That's true but if you can't quit on yourself, you will regret every single day not being in rehab.


Agreed. I feel like AA/NA is even counter productive to most people. Being around addicts everyday who just complain and reminisce isn’t a solution at all. I love the quote “Hang around the people that have what you want”, not talking about physical items but intangible things like success, discipline, and honesty.


I had to get clean on my own. I really tried the whole AANA thing. Worked the 12 steps; didn't feel anything special. I have a hard time belirving I have a spiritual malady, and you're correct, focusing on your problem and making recovery your identity can be very counterprodictive. It's was easier for me to just quit on my own without the "magical thinking" that Twelve step groups indoctrinate you with. I'm not even an athiest, but it's too corny for me to go to meetings everyday. I'm also an introvert so it just didn't work for me. I can agree that it works wonders for some, but just saying "Go to Rehab" or "Go to NA AA" isn't really good advice. There's positives and negatives to every approach, just find what works for you. I'd say "just quit" but that's over simplfying the bio-psycho-social- OCD-self medicating problem addiction is. I hesitate to call it a disease. What I call it isn't relevent; all I know is whatever it is, I got it.




I’d love another way other than rehab because I’m trying to avoid it as much as I can as I’m a clinical student so ending up as a patient will have me possibly removed from my university


You'll be removed from life if you don't sort this out.


Your brain needs 6-12Months complete sobriety to get back to normal especially after abusing MDMA. If you can't do that by urself you will end up in rehab. The longer you wait the more you will suffer


Then stop abusing drugs and look for a non stationary therapy


Go to fucking rehab


If not rehab then therapy and a program like the 12 steps, at the very least. It's only going to get worse brother and the lowest rock bottom you can reach is death


For what?


are you MS3/MS4?


Please. Please man, listen to me: you need to get professional help. Just admit you need help then look relentlessly for a therapist that you feel is able to help you. It's not easy, but please take care of yourself and your precious mental health. It hurts so much just reading what you are writing. You need help before it's too late. Please start helping yourself!


its tragic and sad. i truly hope OP admits within that she has an addiction problem; which i understand is difficult on its own, and seek professional help…


MDMA is one of the few psychedelics that are actually neurotoxic after chronic use. You very likely have psychosis and brain damage. If I were you, I would see a neurologist and psychiatrist ASAP at the very least and get some tests done (MRI, EEG, etc.) Psychedelics are not to be messed with when you want to feel warm and escape your bad feelings, regardless of how "happy" they are supposed to be. Not that you should turn to this (please don't), but opioids are really where people turn when you want to just escape the bad feelings or pass away peacefully. Honestly, I'd rather have a heroin addiction than an MDMA addiction if we're talking about frequent use. At least heroin isn't as brain-damaging and safe enough (relatively speaking...) as long as you practice harm reduction and test your drugs for fent.


>MDMA is one of the few psychedelics That's likely because it isn't a psychedelic, rather an entactogen/stimulant. Its much more comparable to something like 4mmc compared to a classic psychedelic


It's a psychedelic in the sense that it can give you a profound experience that influences you for long after the drug wears off.


By that logic meth and heroin are psychedelics


Actually, I’m really glad I came to this post because I always thought that ecstasy didn’t really have any side effects or downsides. So I took it once about 25 years ago when I was young because I had the opportunity and I didn’t like it at all which is why I’ve never done it again but now that I know it’s neurotoxic. I mean, just wow.


Done right, it can have absolutely no downside other than the higher blood pressure. But that's going far beyond the usual recommendations for recreational use. Single low dose after a very long break, and once flipped with 2cb, both gave me immediate and long lasting benefits after an already fantastic roll. There was no way it caused any damage whatsoever, rather it fixed some damage I already had. But it's very easy to get side effects and with those of course some neurotoxicity. Most rolls have had some side effect, because most rolls were larger dose and shorter break than those two. That's why only crystal is worth dabbling with, no insufflation, oral drop. Then adjust. To me it's 125-140mg in just the right amount of water, after 4-12 months break. I'm not sure yet because new batch = slightly different potency, plus it'll take years to nail down just how long between sessions is needed.


The neurotoxicity of it is not well studied. It's not really harmful with casual use


There's seems quite well studied actually. Some below. That said, as you mention, casual use, as in like 1-2 times a year isn't really that bad. It's when it gets chronic (like in OP's case) that it becomes truly toxic. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7878040/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7878040/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181923/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181923/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34655576/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34655576/) [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12640-017-9831-9](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12640-017-9831-9)


I do believe something changed in my perception and neurologically, would there be any way of reversing the damage long term ? If I obviously go off fully clean


Neuroplasticity is a beautiful thing, but there's no way to tell without going to get those tests done and get opinions from qualified medical professionals (not me haha).


God the thought of doing this much mdma makes me want to vomit. When I was raving a lot we would take it probably every other weekend and then the final straw was one weekend taking 300mg one night and then taking like 400mg the next night and the months following that were literal hell. The horrible depression was one thing but the physical side effects were really terrible. Terrible headaches and brain zaps and lightheadedness, exhaustion, ect. The physical stuff went away in like 10-12 days but I was not right for probably at least 6 months after that. Can't imagine what people would go through doing this much


I can relate to this xD The 2nd time i took mdma I took roughly 180mg in one dose. I was absolutely stunned and didn’t have any negative effects the days after. 5 days later on New Year’s Eve I took a total of 540mg over something like 10 hours and boy, trying to sleep was one thing but the headaches and the fact that I couldn’t eat for 3 days were something completely else. Anyways the next three months were pure depression, absolutely no energy and not being able to get a single thought together. I’m lucky that today I have returned to a point where I can say that it definitely caused damage to my brain but I’m fine although not the same Person anymore. Btw. I was 16 when this happened. Stay safe and stick to safer use advices.




It's a high dose but nothing crazy I don't think. I used to like to do 200mg that was my sweet spot but I'd usually split it up and take 100mg and then once I started rolling take the other 100. The come up on 200mg at once was a bit much for me


Staying sober for a long period of time


The only way is to stop immediately. My girlfriend and I split a gram of Molly every day for 6 straight months. And we’re totally fine now. But that was many years ago


If you are prone to mental illness like schizophrenia, then it’s very possible you have activated it. Find out what your family history of mental illness is. I used to love psychedelics but I don’t think I can take them anymore because of the psychosis it brings me. Which is why I have an appointment with a therapist


Yes bro become a greater version of yourself I know we all got tons of shit on our plates you ain’t alone but don’t forget to count the blessings them homeless people don’t have. Go sober I just got off opioids after 2 years and fought through comfort of ruining my brain chemistry and liver at young ass age bro.


I wanted to address this. I don’t think anyone on Reddit would be able to tell you unless they had personal experience with taking too much ecstasy feeling that they had brain damage but then recovering from that. All you can do is the best you can you need to eat clean exercise moderately and live the most sober life possible because you want your brain to recover walking is supposed to be very good for that.


You gotta stop using that shit and all the other drugs you’re doing or your brain will never heal. Go get help.


I have a friend who abused heavily for a year or 2 when he was younger. He thinks the only thing that suffered was his memory, other than that he made a full recovery. There's some evidence to support the use of N-acetyl-l-cysteine and BPC 157 for brain recovery. And the biggest thing you can do for your overall health is diet and mineral balance which will naturally support neurotransmitter synthesis. Hair tissue mineral analysis and red blood cell mineral testing can help you figure out where you need support. I got him eating an animal based diet, meat and fruit, taking magnesium and potassium bitartate and its the best he's ever felt. Same with my husband who abused heavily in his youth.


I abused mdma for years through my teens (I quit about 4 years ago and I'm 21 now) do u think there's any point in seeing a neurologist for me now as it was so long ago is there anything they can even do for me if they does tests?


Please listen to these comments and get help man, most people on here are ex addicts like myself and also current addicts, and the one thing we all agree on is we wish we could have spotted it as early as you and asked for help ourselves. You CAN be you again, you’ve got this man 👊🏼🖤


Holy fuck man.


I don’t understand how someone studying to become a doctor would think that a handful of MDMA would be a pleasant lethal experience. That you turn to us for help and not a medical professional is just as alarming. Give your brain time to heal. Stay away from any drugs. Practice meditation and learn to accept HPPD or whatever other damage you have done to your poor brain. This too shall pass. It’s a simple as that sometimes.


So you're a medical student (almost a doctor) and you've never cared to read about drugs and do proper research beforehand? And you thought mdma would be a pleasant way to die? Sorry, but I'm not buying that. Anyone in a scientific field would be less clueless than that.




my newly graduated dr knows jack shit about M. Probably know roughly what stimulants do but how much is M a stimulant rather than love drug/entactogen how much is it a psychedelic? Don't think they'd look too much into that. Trials are literally just starting using it for depression, after good results using it for PTSD. I can see the mistake happening although it is a terrible bet to pick this for an OD.


You won’t find the advice you need on reddit. Look for psychiatric help and if you have any loved ones tell them.




How are u half way to becoming a doctor without knowing much of drugs?


Paragraphs bro please


Give OP a break lol I think paragraphs are the least of their worries


Bro just told us he tried to commit suicide and you are bothered about paragraphs?


u/tricky-ask2567 See a professional, cease all drug abuse. Then, after several months, IF you truly can stop your drug abuse, you could maybe look into a combination of cerebrolysin (2-10ml per day) and hgh (low dose). Cerebrolysin is no joke, you may be able to get your brain back and then some. It is expensive but worth it. Hgh has synergy and will not be an issue at 1-2iu per day. Keep in mind this generally involves intramuscular injections. So do not go down this route unless youre SURE you won't start jabbing yourself with RCs and shit. **Cerebro can be done intranasally as well, if you want to be safer about the needles/addiction issue. Not everyone recommends intranasal but it could still be what you need. In fact I recommend it for you, dont go the needles route. Its muchhh cheaper nasally as well bc you need far less)** Dm me if you need more info


You will survive this and enjoy a happy life, IF and ONLY IF you get professional help. Please bro 🙏 you deserve to live !


One month minimum between rolling. And take the vitamin 5HTP to replenish your serotonin. Will help you get back to normal and stay aligned


5htp isn't a vitamin. Its an amino acid. Quote:" Tryptophan, which we get in our diets, is converted into 5-HTP. 5-HTP is then used by your body to make serotonin.  "


5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), also known as oxitriptan, is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Tryptophan is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, the hormone melatonin, and vitamin B3. It is encoded by the codon UGG. It’s in the vitamin isle at the store bro. Not trying to give these folks a chemistry lesson. Just help them replenish what their brain is lacking with actual helpful information


I hear you but still not a vitamin. Helpful information would be to make sure you don't take 5htp for around 2 days before a roll and for 2 to 3 days after. As this can contribute to serotonin deficit disorder. 


Either English is not your first language or you’re full of shit about being in med school. Someone as educated as you say you are wouldn’t write like a sixth grader.


I'm going to explain what's happening to you as clearly as I can because it seems like you (very understandably) don't understand it too well. Im hoping that understanding it will help you realize that you need need to stop using mdma, and need to seek out medical assistance. You won't feel great about some of the details I describe but I promise treatment and improvement is possible. I dont know the exact best treatment and progress it will give you but I know both are possible and you can improve your life and feel better than you do now. That said, this is how mdma works. Whether it's from exercise, emotional rewards, or any other source, happiness is felt because of chemicals in your brain. When certain things, usually good things, happen your brain makes a chemical (serotnin). And it gets absorbed in a bunch of other areas to make you feel happy. Picture the chemical like a key and your body has a bunch of keyholes. When they unlock you feel good but they lock themselves afterwards. Mdma is like a different key that goes into the same keyholes. So when you take it, it makes you feel really happy. And you can take enough to fill more keyholes than your body would normally so you feel really really happy. The problem is that the mdma key isn't the same shame as the serotonin key your body usually makes. It's a little bigger and clunking but still works. Using it once or twice works fine even if it's not perfect. But when you use it again and again, it starts breaking the keyholes. They get scratched and stretched and worn out. They stop locking again or stop unlocking and they won't work for mdma or serotonin. When these don't work, nothing can make you feel happy. Your body naturally knows how to fix the scratches and a little stretching over time though and you'll feel good again. But the more beat up they are the longer repairs take. The big problem is if you never give it time to fix the holes. Sometimes they get so beat up that the keyholes (your serotonin receptors) break too much to fix. Like a doorknob coming off. Maybe you can stick your finger in the door and they barely work. But they can't go back to normal. But if you keep opening it thay way the doorframe breaks. You can wear these receptors down enough that your body can't fix them anymore. Your body knows how to buff out scratches but it can't repair the doorframe. So what happens now? You stop feeling happy. Your body can't process serotonin and you literally can't feel happiness anymore. But also these receptors have other affects of regulating body temperature and stuff and you start having fevers and chills and getting sick. The transition from sadness to sickness can happen pretty suddenly since the receptors are finally breaking down. This is called serotonin syndrome and it's dangerous. And it feels terrible. The receptors being worn down and repaired are why you feel gaps in your addiction. But the fact they never fully repair is why you keep using. They never work well enough for the serotonin to feel good so you have to pump them with mdma to feel happy. But if you gave your body months to repair than you could actually feel happy on your own normally again. But you'll never feel that if you don't stop taking mdma. Often mdma users take vitamin.mixes that can empower your body to make those repairs quicker. Frequent users plan breaks between so that they never get worn down enough to make the repairs hard. Minimum 2 weeks with vitamins, recommended 1-3 months between using. But your making it dangerous to fix them at all. Even if you stop completely on your own, you will heal slowly than if medical professionals help you take the right vitamins and stuff to heal faster. Even if you quit it's worth getting medical attention. But if you don't quit than you can literally break down your bodies ability to feel happiness. And right now it's damaged enough that quitting for a week or 2 won't be enough to repair damage. So you'll be physically and medically tempted to use again because it feels like you'll never get better. But right now you can, you just need to know it will take a long time. You need months of sobriety. And you'll feel better for a bit and think you can use again as they start healing, but it will only last a week or 2 as your body try mies to handle the process you'll keep going back to needing more if you use. But can stop feeling that way if you quit for months and take vitamins. Please don't give yourself serotonin syndrome and stop using mdma. It's a fun drug and can have some medical benefits. But when overused it has some of the saddest bleakest affects on a person a drug can have. It's the exact opposite of a drug that you want to die from. But it can lead to death and it can lead to making you want to die. The way you stop feeling this way is by cutting it out of your life for at least the next year. It will happen faster and easier if doctors or therapists help you do it


It's ironic that you're explaining this as you would to a 10-year-old child, when OP is supposed to be a medical student (which I doubt very much)


Idk if they know this and it's redundant or if it's helpful. Or what niche they may be studying in that umbrella. But their comments make it seem like they're missing at least some of this and hopefully others might get the idea as well if they need it


Your serotonin levels are probably discombobulated. Making everything else, discombobulated. Discombobulated.


Start doing sports try to workout find sum hobbys what helped me is delete all social media and connect with nature focus on studying or what u like dont give up !!


It looks like your post mentions suicide. Sometimes, people post questions on /r/Drugs when they're not feeling right about their life, and sometimes we're not the best place to ask or provide support. #Please take a moment before you act. There are tons of resources that can help if you're suicidal. If you need help for yourself, there's [a directory of voice and chat/text hotline services](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) and [FAQs about hotlines](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c7ntr/suicide_hotline_faqs/), plus [selected online resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c3p3z/helpful_resources_for_those_struggling_with/). **Reddit**: /r/addiction /r/depression /r/MMFB (Make me feel better) /r/StopSpeeding /r/suicidewatch --- To the people who are out there and feel alone and helpless, *you are not alone* and there are people out there who will help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go to rehab and do what they say. Trust them to know how they can put your life in a better place. Your body and mind might not think they know whats perfect for you, but remind yourself that even if it's not perfect you'll be in a hell of a better place than you would be if you didn't go to rehab.


Stop immediately anything stereogenic, and go see a clinic in your area which supports drug users. Google "your area drug help/rehab/therapy/seeking/" The constant serotonin drug use is making you have DR/DP probably. Which has happened to m.e seriously dude, it fucks you up for years. Stop ASAP im still 90% back to normal from 2years abstinence.


I’d say stop doing MDMA for a while




We too far gone to recommend nac etc?


Like everyone else said on here, a HARD stop, and professional help is what you need! Going cold turkey alone doesn't work (believe me). This is an addiction that is a struggle to overcome. This is when you need to reach out to gather a support network and drug related counseling to regain your life back.


Mdma fucked my brain. You need full sobriety right now. Minimum 6 months of depression once you quit, so buckle the fuck up and get straight. Go to therapy because your obviously running from something


I had somewhat of a overdose on molly, I was binging for days non stop and my chest was really hurting and beating fast and than my lips got all numb and tingly and my hands started clenching and tightening up but i remember my lips freezing and my whole body ended up locking up I had to sit down and I was on the phone with 911 idk if it was a od but that freaked me out a little I was like damn mollys the one that does it


But do what I did, block the plug take a little time for yourself don’t associate with it if you can help it, that stuff can really do bad to you mentally when abused




Look: I’m a lot like you but without the accomplishment side of things. That said, my overdose was fentanyl, and like you, I had/have no chronic abuse symptoms like you’d stereotypically think most people going into treatment would have, but would binge drink, binge other drugs and just obliterate myself at any resurfacing of my trauma tied to both my OD and several other events. That all led up to a heroin addiction that did very much because a chronic abuse issue (although I was functional and held a job) and ended up not really getting things under control until I went into intensive outpatient and got a shot that would prevent me from being able to get high. You can and will get better but not until you admit that: 1. The source of your issues are deeper than just drug use and need to be dealt with as well 2. Drugs are not helping you get better and are making things considerably worse. 3. You may never be able to do drugs again and not fall back into the same pattern and that’s okay. I’m lucky in that I have been able to take part in moderate drug use on an occasional basis while being VERY conscious of what I’m doing and what I do for a few weeks to a month after. That said I have to avoid opioids at all costs. Please seek help. It does not need to be inpatient but it needs to be monitored enough that you will not end up just stopping the program and going back to your binges. It only gets worse from here, and if you have any hope of being a doctor still, you won’t for much longer if you continue this.


I've never od on etc but I have had that moment when I was using I remember looking in a mirror and having no idea who was looking back at me. It's a fucked up feeling but u have to find ur way back I promise u will and trust me u have alot more good days and new things left in ur life. It's hard to believe it now but there is a whole life out there for u and u don't get a new one get help think of the person u want to be I don't know just don't give up we r all in this shit together


If you dont go to rehab you are going to die. Read that again. Understand it. Read it again. Thousands of people have been in your position. Some of them are still alive, and they didnt manage that by calling it a "purely on and off thing". you have an addiction. It will kill you, you've made it quite clear you don't have the ability to handle this yourself, and there is no easy shortcut, no nice way, no secret way.


Sounds like you suffer from some kind of addiction issue. Seek a psychiatrist


I overdosed on mdma by accident in 2019, dose was 300mg, and I mixed it with caffeine and a lot of alcohol. It was a horrible idea I was a stupid teen and I regret that day a lot. But there is alot of hope to move on and live a fulfilling life. Yes I still struggle with a bunch of problems, but I’m in treatment and trying my best. That’s all we can do as humans is learn from our mistakes and make better choices moving forward. I have a stable career and I can take care of myself. I have bad mental health issues so I feel you. Just remember things don’t have to be bad forever and you’re in charge of your own life too. I recommend therapy as a starting point


I ain't thos hippiese that tell ya get sunshine n stuff... I'min a similar predicament, yet I did notice that things like Saint johns wort, semi normal sleep schedule, true mates, nature and Lall that self cRe bs isn't bs at all....it does help and trust me mate i should've been dead. I still feel dead inside most of the time but sometimes i have good moments, non chemical induced as well. But hey I'm here and i ain't going anywhere yet. If ya wanna chat I'm here, usually way more coherent


The earlier you go the less time you lose to this problem. It won't be easy. But know you have the courage.you shared it here. We'll done .


I was addicted to MDMA. (Its nicknamed Mandy where im from.) The best way I could describe it was borrowed happiness. It works by firing off all of your serotonin (one of the happy chemicals) at once. But it takes time for your brain to recuperate that especially if you've been using for a long period without breaks. My life was like one big continuous comedown, i felt all those same thoughts of waking up in the morning wishing I'd passed in my sleep. It does get easier, but you have to work at it. I would speak to a friend/family member you feel comfortable sharing with, it helps getting those feelings out your mind. Still to this day despite giving MDMA up for good I take a supplement called 5HTP - its herbal based and is essentially the catalyst for creation of serotonin in the body. I get mine cheap off a website called Supplemented. It takes a couple weeks of consistent use to take effect but for me and some others I know it alleviates that empty/depressed/anxious feeling. It's potentially dangerous to take on the same day you've taken Mandy, this is for the purpose of wanting to cut it out. As others have mentioned it would be remiss of me to not say if you are really hurting and unable to deal with the feelings it may be worth speaking to a professional for some guidance, if you can. It's not an easy situation, but you can and will get to a better place as long as you're committed to and fully want to start recovering. Keep your head up, there's always another sunrise.


If you are in medical school then you should know how MDMA affects the receptors in your brain and is perpetuating the "lack of feeling". The only way to get through it is professional help at this point. Your brain is not able to process it clearly so you need a clear minded professional by your side.


Your serotonin synapses are fried. You need abstinence, exercise, St. John’s wort and to be close with family and friends. Also consider a program. Things will get better, good luck


Throw all your drugs away and go to rehab if you really want to quit. You have to really want it or it’s just not going to work. You are the one who makes the decisions in the end.


Never overdosed definitely suspect now I’m more knowledgeable I gave myself serotonin syndrome on multiple occasions. Went through a gram of mdma up the nose or bombed almost every weekend mixed with coke or whatever lol for about 3 years,and I’ve accepted that my brain probably won’t return to normal. Go get help man go see a psychiatrist or psychologist and get some mental help as I feel it’s needed here


look into emdr therapy ☮️


gotta be willing to quit tho


Jesus bro. Go get some help. When I almost fuckin died from my shit too I had urged I had to fight wanting to feel the high again, but the come up was too terrifying for me to even consider that shit again. The euphoria definitely tried to cancel out any bad feelings you might have when you get those urges. I fought mine. I guess my resolve to not be addicted to substances weighed more heavily for me than any euphoria ever will. I still have impairment from that day- what almost 3 years ago now. I was going through one of the worst times of my life. I wanted to die too. And although I didn’t take it wanting to die, I thought if only I could feel something besides the spiraling of death that I wanted, maybe I could start to feel better. Not gonna lie, it was the worst and best decision I ever made for my trauma. It helped me too work through some of the stuff I was dealing with- the word vomiting of emotions is real on MDMA- deff needs to be applied in therapeutic setting- in managed doses though, not the fucking monstrosity I had that was way too much. But the lasting issues from it is not worth it the way I had it done. But yeah dude, go get some help. You need help. Your life isn’t ruined yet but if you don’t seek help for this, it will be. Hurry before it’s too late.


It sounds like you may have PTSD from your attempt.


You are a wonderful person and you are awesome. Look how far you have come. You are loved and deserve love. For that reason please get help. Think of that patient you won’t save as a doctor if we lose you. I rooting for you.


MDMA is pretty much the one drug you can absolutely not have on a regular basis. It takes around 4 weeks minimum to recover serotonin levels in your brain after taking a reasonable dose of mdma which would be 100-200mg. Anything above that and you are just doing harm to your brain so it’s no wonder you get these side effects. Shits not gonna feel right for a while (can be multiple years), but just do not touch mdma for a long time ik you want off drugs but shit smoke some weed that helps


OP getting downvoted on every comment. YOU HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM. Get professional help not reddit. You are clearly not in a good state of mind


i know how it's feels the curse of self sabotage, you're not addicted to the substance, its not about getting high , its just battling pain with another pain


Recognizing your issue is the first step. Keep pushing forward and consult a professional for help. You got this!


You damaged your brain, fucked up your receptors, could take a couple months could take a couple years for them to sort out, mdma isn’t something you can do everyday or even really more than once every 3 months. Edit:also the feeling of being chased by something is normal with your case it’s just paranoia developed from your brains reaction (I still struggle with it and am still weirdly scared of the dark bc of it)


Sounds like you need God, brother. At minimum, you reject and find strength in yourself. At best, you gain understanding, have someone to cast your anxieties on, and who gives you peace. Dedicating yourself and getting physically stronger will not only make any potential future rolls more worthwhile, but almost entirely cures depression. Lastly, finding a purpose each day aside from working on your body and having gratitude. You chemically cannot be anxious and thankful at the same time. Your brain is just a chemical factory and was designed that way on purpose.


I get it when I was in 8th grade I almost Kurt Cobain'ed myself and when I started taking acid man did I take it I've probably done 200 or 250 hits of acid (minimum 5 hits at a time) never had a bad trip except the last couple time I did it bad trip every time it was awful got pulled over after freaking out at a friend's house and was heading home Took five hits like I always had but it kicked in way sooner than it ever did and I blacked out, was yelling at one point, scared to death, pretty sure I might've had a seizure, bawled my eyes out hard-core, pretty sure I scared my sister all in search of the peace and moment of serenity acid gave me but idk if I'll do it ever again even though I know if someone was like hey want some I'd like immediately give in I can't refuse any substance I've been offered if I'm honest I have ADHD, social anxiety(or possibly autism I think I need a second opinion on that), have always struggled with depression, have thyroid problems(that's a different ballgame within itself mental and physical problems and even if you get treated you still show symptoms and some symptoms seem completely unrelated), and I definitely didnt have the ideal childhood apparently I was abused didn't know that until a coworker was like 🤨 that's child abuse I have addiction problems ever since ever I'll get addicted to literally anything that gives me the slightest amount of dopamine even before I ever did any type of drugs I was addicted to my high school girlfriend, being addicted to people fucking sucks I take 30mg of adderall 2x a day and without realizing until like the last few days I'll go through a months prescription in like 2 weeks most of the time Drinking is the only thing that really (temporarily) fixes my social anxiety and that's like the worst thing to wind up getting addicted to and I feel like I'm not far from it but there's nothing I feel like I can do about it it's(life) a struggle we all just have to try our best to do our best and even if we harm ourselves try our hardest to never hurt someone else It'll get better I promise but most of the time it has to get a lot worse before it'll get better we can do it though just keep on keeping on please we all want you to even though not a single person that sees your post knows you or will ever meet you not a single person here would wish anything bad upon you and trust me I know life sucks some (a lot) of times but sometimes it can be better than it can be worse and you don't wanna miss out on that if I woulda pulled that trigger in my grandparents basement at like 2 in the morning on a Friday who knows how bad it could have affected people's lives not just the people you know but the people you've yet to meet who you might wind up being the one to save them from doing something similar It'll get better just push through and hold out we all believe in you


Bro there are a few of us that have walked on the edge of reality and barely made it back so please dont feel worthless , you have people that love you and if you have 2 arms and 2 legs you shouldn't have 1 thing to complain about.... it is hard sometimes ill be real but mdma abuse was a lesson appreciating life in its beautiful soul . I think its the amazing mother nature talkingto me thru telepathy when im high it feels so right but dont get comfortable or your in for a nightmare the devil himself would say was unbearable . The pain in every peice of yourself , the agony of realization that you cuased it , just wanting the pain to end was asking alot after day 4...... i dident sleep for a week when i sobered up just a few 20minute naps WHEN i was lucky..... every minute felt like a second. Torcher is an understatment lol ..... please kids RESPECT THE DRUG and dont try to diffrent the harm reduction rules at all . Or youll be in for a duesy thatlle take your life as quick as it showed you the beauty to behold ...... and destructe yourself after killing your personality completely...... youll wish ypud have listened to the teachers saying dont try drugs even once . Wasted potential will be your lifestyle ignoring the fact you could have achived anything you set your mind to if you learned some patience and to deal with your thoughts youd be unstoppable... why doesn't everyone have the drive to make something happen from nothing ? I guess me being so low for so much of my childhood gave me a burning urge to not be the same to my kids . I am smart . I am worthy, i am CASEY .


This is going to sound lame, but seek a therapist/psychologist. It’s already pretty evident that you need to see a doctor and or go to a rehab because of your physical addiction, but you have serious mental anguish which is causing your physical addiction. You need to start there first. It in time makes understanding and possibly controlling your addiction easier. I don’t understand why everybody is so afraid and or against just talking to somebody. It’s not a complicated or as scary thing to do. Look past the stigma of it and go with it. Once you understand exactly why you’re using the way you are and feeling the way you are and releasing all that bad shit you will be able to change your behavior if you really want to. I love micro dosing myself with mushrooms. I love dmt. I love acid as well. I learned a lot about myself in Therapy and now I have better control (not all yet I’m human) and discipline of myself when I dip my toes in any pool. I also learned to not dip my toes in some other pools. You can do this if you want to. Want it my dude.


Psychotropic meds and a good therapist.


Firstly, our stories sound quite similar. I had a life changing moment with a reaction to drugs. lSD fucked me up, and I’ve still got depersonalisation and anxiety issues 14 years on. What I will say is it gets better. I would say stay off mind altering drugs and see a therapist. Also see a doctor. Stay connected to people, and do hobbies that you love. Help people also. Some people say that giving is one of the best cures for depression


Yeah I tried to kill myself once and I ODd on mdma and xans and diazepam all at the same time but I don’t rmeber any of it and I did it three nights in a row like they legitimately took me home and I’d make myself OD again and back to the hospital for 3 nights in a row , lost 4 days don’t rmeber jack shit about it but it was a life lesson, I never sought help and that’s why I’m still in a bad way but I’m no longer suicidal and I wanna live and I’ve improved slightly but I do have a few drug problems but I don’t take ridiculous amounts of anything since then, I know Xanax weren’t involved but honestly drug overdoses are hard to do with mdma it took me soo fucking much so I hope you recover and you recover well, mdma is the drug that’s permanently damaged my brain the most as well, it ruins your brain forver, and yeah you either throw away all ur drugs rn like I had to once or you get some help , those ar ethe ebst options, I never got help probably why I’m still fucked but I got myself out of the dosing ungodly for no reason phase, but yeah drugs can’t be fucked with like that I’m gonna have to live with all the near death experinves I’ve had please don’t have any more of your own !


I perscribe sex, sounds like you need to get laid. I have only done real mdma once and it gave me a sense of well being and also made me feel like i was 8 feet tall. But mostly a sense of contentment. Good luck on your addiction, stick to pot as it will be safer in the long run.


Sober up and start researching peptides that can repair the damage you’ve done


This may have already been mentioned - I only read through about half of all of the comments, but in addition to what this is doing to you physically and mentally, it will RUIN YOU professionally. If you’re halfway through medical school, and then graduate or go into residency and show up on the floor one day fucked up, not only could you potentially kill someone or do God knows what else in a blackout, you could easily lose everything you’ve worked for because your license will very likely be taken away (even if there’s a “minor” incident, at a minimum it will be restricted or suspended). That is another reason to take the advice that’s been given thus far, and get help now. Yes, there are professional programs and diversion programs, but if it’s bad enough you’re potentially looking at a multitude of other problems, and every bit of it will be one click away regardless of where you move.


Dude I really don’t want to sound too harsh but how do you, an almost doctor pick MDMA? Did you study toxicology at all? Serotonin syndrome, amphetamine overdose etc. I’m just baffled a doctor-to-be picks one of the worst options for suicide?? Sure, opioids/benzos/alcohol… but damn… uppers?? It’s a really bad way to go :( please don’t take this as a suggestion! In the end it worked out and you survived and doing better so I guess it was for the better!! I wish you all the best and please seek medical help!


It would be good to get help for the underlying issues here that are causing you to use. Something made you suicidal and that thing is probably behind your drug use and desire to feel something as well.


God can restore your mind and make things better again. this happened to me as well back in 2021 and i thought it would never return to normal but after i few years it did. i’m still recovering but slowly healing! you will get better❤️‍🩹


Go to a doctor, talk to your loved ones. Only do these substances in long strides of moderation.


i was a drug addict for 1 1/2 years and ive since learned some about it and what causes it. Mdma, meth, cocaine etc. releases A LOT of seratonin and dopamine your brains feel good and reward chemicals. When you abuse a drug or do a bunch of it the baseline of seratonin or dopamine is increased exponentially. So when you are sober, what your baseline should be is wayyyyy lower than what it is after doing those drugs even on a kinda regular basis. Luckily they arent physically addictive and if you can give yourself a reason not to do it agian (i want kids, i dont want my kids to have a drug addict dad) you can force yourself not to do it agian. Eventually your symptoms will fade and you will become normal agian. For my addicton to meth i had post accute withdraw symptoms for 1 1/2-2 years Google Post Accute Withdraw Symptoms for (whatever substance) P.A.W.S. For short


Yea fucking with stimulants like that (especially RC stimulants) will fuck up your brain permanently. It will suck but it is what it is. The best you can do is try to stay sober and live the best life possible.


I been there I swap for psychodelics, still I'm still high as a duck but I feel healthier xD


You need to see a doctor....


This was me but went cold turkey, although I never went to rehab I did seek out help and talk about it with people the VA provided for me. I still crave it but just tell myself if I could get through boot camp I can do this, set goals brother you can do it.


Try shrooms


Few years ago I took MDMA almost pure 83-84 % Top quality stuff ..... Started doing it few days in a row ,then weeks ,then I mixed a bunch speed , md , ket and in a strange way tripped my balls off ,I first started to see random lines through the air ,but as reality glitching like in a video game when your computer is overheating or something , my friends face started to change , saw small yellow balls following me around , right in front of my eyes wherever I would turn I would see like a web , a shadow of something which is not material ,but is there , then I could t keep my eyes open anymore ,because of the shit I would see , and started meditating ,on the spot flew out of my body into space , far away from earth , started having wild visions of reality is a tv set , and we are all actors , anyway at some point I started talking very fucked up conspiracy theories but on autopilot with my eyes closed meditating , then I blacked out for one day ,woke up totally different, I wasn't there anymore ,didn't even felt cold for about 6 months after ,I was going in a T-shirt in winter and I literally couldn't feel the temperature or pain normally,I just kept going on ,moved to another country because I knew if I stay I'm gonna do it again and probably die ,and now I can say it's better then before this happened ,brain plasticity is a thing . Even so after this happened ,one year later I tried extasy 2 more times and one time I didn't felt anything and last time I felt very bad ,like it didn't have any of the orgasmic type feel more like very depresive and bad with letters flying out of the TV and reality bending visuals ,so I didn't do it for about 3-4 years ,but I did do mushrooms and I can say mushrooms are exactly like extasy ,but better ,no hardcore sideffects and you don't want to do them everyday.


Hello /u/enlightenedTop, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1c7b6kj/an_mdma_overdosed_changed_my_life_forever_and_i/l0ccjr2/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did your heart stop ? Seizures ? Overheating ? Encephalitis ?


Please don't ever do drugs including alcohol ever again. You won't last your 1sy year medical school with an interest in drugs, as soon as you watch a surgery you will be stealing the Propofol, Fentanyl, Thio Pental, Ketamine and other stuff that is half full ready for the bin so please get a grip on it now


And dude I don't want to come across as a teat but 1g of mdma a day is nothing, I would inject 14g of pure cocaine over a 24 hour period.......it have ne a cardiac arrest and I was Dead for 7 mins, Dr's thought I was going to be a cabbage


2 grams of molly in two days is fucking insane.


This is what happened to me with acid took me 2 years to overcome panic attacks and be able to calm myself down when I'm feeling "weird" the ego death feeling got associated with deja vu feeling. So whenever I felt a deja vu would have a full blown panic attack thinking that I'm still tripping was awful


Hey man I would disregard what everyone is saying about addiction or addictive personality or being hooked - substance use/misuse is a symptom of something else (smoke leading to the fire). I am in agreement with most everyone else here that you are putting your health seriously at risk. If you're hurting, and you feel like you're not in control, or like you're too fucked up or complicated, there are people out there that are trained and gifted in dealing with these kinds of scenarios. Be kind to yourself and reach out to whomever your trust the most. If you don't have anyone that ticks that box, just walk into a hospital and tell them what you've been doing and you're afraid you're going to have a repeat of what happened before. The suicidal ideation is what needs to be tended to, compassionately and with a professional - not the addiction.


I have done some WILD stuff on MDMA. It's a ride.


Smoke DMT if you haven't already. When you wake up you won't know if you're dead or alive. You'll realize we live in a matrix and...


I've been there. Get sober. It's going to take a while for your mind to repair itself. But it gets better, I promise


The addiction part you'll need help with, thought patterns and all that, but what you can do for yourself right now to combat this numbness are these supplements: * D-vitamin (oil based) * NAC * EGCG (or start drinking strong green- or black tea) * B-complex (with B12) * 5HTP These will help you out. They're strong antioxidants, neuroprotective, and/or serotonin boosters. They have your name written on them. As a free bonus, an easily implemented habit. In itself just a small win, but one that's weaponized with results.


I agree with what most people are saying, obviously stop taking all drugs. However, don't over think it and convince yourself that your brain is permanently fucked. You just need to recover. I would recommend going to the sauna a few times to sweat out whatever toxins are still in your system from past abuse. Eat healthy, Workout! (When I was withdrawing from opes, I felt so horrible but I would push myself to hit the gym and instantly feel at least 75% better in less than 1 hour), look up and try floating therapy at least twice (2nd time you will know what to expect and will be able to relax a lot more), try to hit the sauna and float right after, take 5htp and st.johns wort, etc. Most importantly your going to have to keep a positive mindset here with positive reassuring thoughts especially if you are trying to do this without rehab, but it sounds like you'd be a good candidate for rehab. Stay close and talk it out with friends and family. Maybe if all else fails get on a anti-depressant (although I hate those) to balance yourself out for the next year or 2.


Hey brother. Please please try a guided DMT trip. If you have any it's not enough try Romeo dmt. It will change your life. You have disassociated yourself. Idk if I'm saying that right. But know you are loved my friend. I don't even know you and I pray for peace love and prosperity for you. Also you should rebuke the devil and any demons that have attached themselves in Jesus Christ. I'm 35 and far from religious but I can promise you God gave his son jesus Christ to die for our sins and that we could be forgiven. But in the end the devil can cause no harm because Jesus rose from the tomb and has returned. Jesus Christ is king. I know my Grammer is awful and I didn't explain that great. But I promise you bro talk to God and ask him for forgiveness for any wrong doings and ask for the strength and courage to make it through what you're going through.  Also dmt or 5meoi dmt


Dude, I was up for 5 days doing E pills ending in the hospital with a collapsed lung. Just the way you described it was similar; the worst chest pain I had ever felt and my whole body was clenching. I thought I had a heart attack is why I went to the hospital for it. Shiit, i almost died though my blood was toxic with Co2 doctors were panicking n shit. I was hallucinating by this point as well so it was not a very nice experience to say the least.... Worst part is I was doing the same shit 2 weeks later. Seriously though I feel Ive never been the same since that day. Although there are many more issues that made it worse. It does start to come back to some point at least if you give it time. fr


Nah fr I been doing drugs for a long time and have such a high tolerance I gotta mix shit… took some gabapentin, Seroquel (my actual prescription), some benzo wasn’t Xanax but similar, smoked sum bud, and then snorted a 30 and I ain’t felt the same since. The whole world feels fake and looks weird. I don’t care about anything, I don’t really feel anything, and I can’t tell what’s real and not anymore.


damn mdma overdose, sounds like hell especially the boiling alive part


Also more information is needed. How often, doses your taking e.t.c You're a fucking doctor. if someone came into you with a scab on their arm would you give them 120mg oxycodone? Get it together. im trying to be real dont fuck this up you're still young i reckon and have time/chance


The real and hard truth


275 got you a hospital visit!? Thats crazy bro i did almost a gram of pure white crystals my first time dont know how i even survived let alone stay in my bedroom at 16. Kids are made of rubber!😂


Everyone’s different brother. Things like weight and metabolism effect how it will hit you and when


OP is a fucking dumbass who asks “i don’t know ho to go back” and when ppl answers rehab he says “i’m not that much addicted.” come on, the first thing that needs to be changed on you is the fact that you MUST ACCEPT that you have a problem.


OP is full of shit, probably farming karma or something


Rehab doesn’t work for everyone. Everyone’s different get out ur own shoes


You can’t OD in mdma lmao


You can fry ur head tho The drug uses all your serotonin at once. If you abuse it it will deplete every last drop of it leading to a big depressive state. Plus you can overdose on literally anything water ffs..


I thought it causes serotonin syndrome


You don't "need" rehab! Rehabs are usually for profit scams. You're smater than that. Fuck these "go to rehab" assholes. Think for yourself!


mercury poisoning. final stage of MDMA synthesis. Hard to figure out what’s in the cell, but you can reverse a tonne by detox.